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About Me!
No relationships for me, I don’t think I’m physically capable to have my heart taken out again and then peed on and dropped in a jar of sulfuric acid, then ever so "gently" shoved back into my chest...On a lighter side, point is, I'm in all probability cooler then you and more intelligent, if you don’t concur that’s totally fine, that’s why its YOUR opinion, it's entirely fine in this day and age to be wrong. Besides, you almost certainly have been stung by a “jealousfish” at the beach and that’s the explanation for your detestable condition of hating, you need to eat a peanut butter and jealous sandwich cool whip and chill.. I am a freaking lunatic when it comes to partying and having fun. I love the outdoors and the indoors, I can be spontaneous or scheduling. I honestly don’t care what people think and I have NEVER followed the pack… the pack can lick my A**! You can follow me or just be a lunchbox because, well I pretty much rock. I
A Special Place
A Special Place I walk along a path through thick greenery and discover my special place. This place has not been touched by the hard hands of man. As you walk in, you see a breathtaking waterfall flowing into a crystal pond. The pond is surrounded by a stand of trees, as if they are sentries guarding to keep the horrors that man reaps on the environment from it. There is a huge rock perfect for diving from into the cool crystalline pool or you can lay across the flat top of it to enjoy the sun and beauty. As you look down from the rock you can see the fish swimming by peacefully. Wildflowers grow rampantly over the banks of the pond. The air is crisp and clean filled with the sweet scent of the wildflowers. If you are very quiet you may even get to see a deer or some other animal approach the pond for a drink. The quiet serenity of this place helps me to shake off the worries of my days and brings calmness into my mind. I visit this place several times a day when I sta
How Can I ?
My question is, how can I love someone so much... but let them cause me so much pain? Why is it that you can devote yourself 110% to someone, and they take advantage of it... and turn their back on you? How can one sit there and blame all their problems on you, but you've never done anything but be there when it matters most? Why make promises when you know you don't intend to keep them? Why say you love someone, when you know it isn't true? How can you walk away from someone when all they wanted was to be loved by you? How can you get so angry at someone when all they do is care about you? How can you dislike someone so much to make them hurt so bad? How can you look someone in the eyes and say they're the only person that matters, but when they need you the most you’re nowhere to be found? How can you say you love me, but then turn your back on me? My question is, how can I love someone so much... but let them cause me so much pain?
Hot Like Phyre!
I hope you are too... so with that i give ytou this! i make fubar id's for fubux and they are all custom and no two are alike unless you order on like someone elses! they will only cost you 15k 7,500 thats is and you get this small peice of me and if you want a glitter 1 they cost 30k 15k those are really exclusive!!! here are some examples if you want one send the money and i will get right your order to you as soon as i can!!! i also make blinkys And i make these for 40k 20k !!! Oh and last but not least! Just for this time i will put you in my hot like phyre folder if you buy one... if you havent seen it go check it out i usally on put friends in there and its getting really popular so if you want your pic in there buy an id and thats your spot!!! when you order tell me what you want and give me a general description
37 Things Thats Guys Dont Want Females To Know
1. Guys are more emotional then you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try. 2. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about. 3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile. 4. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him. 5. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonder ful-and-nice-you-are method. 6. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to. 7. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved. 8. Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think. 9. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll
Natural Disaster Darkened clouds, wind and rain. Left alone with all this pain. It’s winter here without you. Landslides always drag me down Trapped for days, will I be found ? I pray for skies of blue. Flooded plains within my head Tornadoes draw near, leave me for dead. I feel alone without you. Drought from tears I know not for I’ve cried for days, I cry no more. I’ve made mistakes, it’s true Hurricane waves pound on my shore I’m drowning on my bedroom floor. Will we never be together? This natural bridge from heart to heart Collapsed in shreds, fallen apart These seasons last forever.
Contest Rules
Did you want to be called the Sexy Girl On Fubar!! I would Like to start this ASAP. I need to know who would like to be in it. I will be taking sing up for this at fubar. Just send me a private message! Letting me know you want to be in it.
Latest Song
WHOA AMAZING HOW SOMEONE CAN JUS WRITE LYRIC'S TO UR LIFE AN THEY FIT SO WELL!! WRITTEN BY MY SISTER SHANNON-(SHE HAS THE TALENT NOT I) DEDICATED TO DJ IRISH PRINCE 7-20-09 TIME MEANS NOTHING You told me it would never happen again, you said our love was to strong, but here I am crying again. Was it worth it was it worth the cost to see my heart lying on the floor. You said she didn’t matter, you’ve said it all before you said it was a mistake, but mistakes just don’t happen and now my heart lies before you on floor. The words you spoke sounded so sincere, but talk is cheap. I should have known I should have listened to my heart when it said it would be broken again, was she worth all the fights was she worth all of my tears, and all the hurt I feel inside, was she even half of me, did she do for you what I can do for you. You spun me around and I hit the ground, lie after lie, I believed the words you put in my head. Time means nothing it doesn’t ease the pai
My Castle
I have a castle I have a castle on a mountain the walls are thick and strong skillfully carved from themountain itself no army has broken through no storm has blown it down there is only one gate in the wall strong and made of steel A king and queen once lived there a scorceress she was she sent many storms at the castle to try and break it down but now the castle appears dark and empty some say the King is still there they say he lives alone she is gone now and the storms to have faded in my castle is a room just a small room really lined with shelves this room once was bright and warm but now it lies dark and cold like the castle that it is in the shelves are not full of books but of bottles dusty and dark sealed up tight the bottles were once full filled with dreams and hopes but now they contain nothing except emptiness and pain dust from many years covers the floors a little trail of footprints are on the floor small footprints really
How American Are You?
You Passed the US Citizenship Test Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct! Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test?How patriotic are we anyway? Dare ya to take the test and post your results here. But onto my latest rant. You know I have always tried to be pretty much on the fence when it comes to politics. Confrontation has never been my bag. But I did vote in the last election... I would have bet my living soul that Bush would not win again. Good thing I didn't huh?! I have never been impressed with him. Repulican? Democrat? I really don't know what I am I just vote for the person I believe will try to come close to standing up for what I believe in and will represent the country well. I honestly believe that other countries view us as a joke now. Especially after Hurricane Katrina...I think whomever had a lot of free time on Paint Shop Pro said it best in these two pictures below...forgive my rudness because I really do care but this is just too funny not to sha
hay i love talkin to new ppl so add me on yahoo if u want or text me on my phone 15806950929 hope to hear from u
A Nice Thought
If I just lay here would you lay with me beneath the stars Could you hold me in your arms Wrap them all around me and kiss me on the cheek Will you sway me with beautiful words that make my knees go weak Would you chase the butterflies with me under the starry skies Would you tell me you love me and mean every word Will no secrets go untold Chasing butterflies and kissing my lips Dancing in the moonlight on top of a cliff Wishing upon these shooting stars is all I ever wanted to do Falling asleep to the music as I listen to you play those beautiful songs For this I’ve been wanting so long Chase the butterflies with me for the sake of time I could love you forever keep that in mind Please chase the butterflies with me Lay with me beneath the trees
Bikers Alley
Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics
Surgery Tomorrow
Hello everyone! I"m back home now. They had kept me over night, due to the extremely excruciating pain I was suffering.. I just want to thank all my fu friends for the support and care they have shown to me. I was in a pretty bad car accident in March 13th, and ended up crushing part of the bone that supports the right side of my right knee. I have to show up at the hospital at 6:15 AM, and will undergo a major operation, to repair my leg bone. Rods, screws, a bone graft or two, and possibly a plate will be needed to put everything back where it belongs... I can't thank you enough for the love you've shown, and the support, and care that you have given me. I look forward to getting back home, and back to all of you, my fu family and friends. Keep me in your thoughts, and prayers, that all goes well. Hugs, Crystal
My Kids
I guess I just feel like venting to fubar about my kids. I am a proud father of two girls My oldest daughter’s name is Khyanni and my youngest is Jazmine. I’m really happy I have two girls. I look at it as my opportunity to perfect the female race. If I raise them right they will think like a man and at the same time rid themselves of typical female craziness. You can laugh now but I’m serious. Khyanni is 8 years old this year and is my handicapped child. She is autistic and mentally retarded. I figure it’s all my fault because I told God on the day of her delivery that I could not handle a handicapped child. I even ask the nurse to count her fingers and toes twice to make sure they were all there. God had something else instore for me and I am grateful for the hard learned lesson. Khyanni is very smart even though she is diagnosed retarted. She didn’t learn to crawl until she was two, and didn’t learn to walk until she was five. But by the age of six she could program
ok...old habits die hard. history repeats itself. everyone knows this. im more confused than ever. things are kind of progressing with the old flame that i recently. but i dont know if i should let them. my heart is telling me one thing, but my head is telling me another. my heart says to go for it. but my head tells me that i cant set myself up to be hurt by him again. ive loved him for 7 yrs. but he's already broken my heart twice. i dont know if i could handle having it broken by him again. but my heart is telling me to follow that love. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s the thing... I met someone on here, but things ended up not working out between us. Then.... Recently I was involved with someone that didn't seem to realize that NO means NO!!! Before that...the guy i was with(that i had been friends with for 12 yrs prior to us FINALLY getting together) didn't know what a good thing he had until he became abusive and i l
Double Standard Loitering
I walked into a Speedway gas station to get a pack of smokes. There were 2 cops standing at the counter, and talking to the cashier. I guess they knew her. The cops looked back at me, stepped to the side, and one said to me...go ahead we're just loitering. I looked at the 2 cops and said...well loitering is illegal isn't it? :D They told me thanks for the laugh as I walked out.
Video Salute From Jokers
Random And Interesting
Saturday mail delivery in Canada was eliminated by Canada Post on February 1, 1969! In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes! There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo! Should there be a crash, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a precaution! Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second! The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card! There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos! There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants! Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500! The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad! Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating! Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult! One
Tribute To George Carlin
i know it may be fracked up but George Carlin has been the only person in my life to make me laugh no matter what was going on. RIP Georgey Boy Thanks for the years of Laughter
I filled out some blogs earlier, and some asked about ex's, and missing someone, so I gave my answer. No name of course, just a reference. Then I was on a music website, and I came across a song that reminded of my "soulmate", and past ex best friend. Listening to it gave me an overwhelming feeling of sadness. I do not know why. I think it is because at one time this person was my everything. The one person that you NEVER thought would exist out of your life. He did, and he did not have any regrets. It took me a long time to move on with my life. I became extremely self distructive. I promised myself I would never allow myself to get close to anyone ever again. Now, we all know that there are two sides to every story. I became a royal bitch to this ex soulmate of mine. Jealousy, anger, hate, love, every fucking emotion in the book was thrown out towards him. I could not deal with his sexuality choice. Basically because he chose to be gay, and well I am female, so yeah that pissed me of
My Insane Life
Moving To Texas
Amidst all the gloom and doom that is normal fodder for news media worldwide, I wonder if perhaps your readers might be interested in some GOOD news of a local nature. I arrived in San Marcos on July 3rd, Independence day from my long-time home of Jackson Mississippi. I have perused the San Marcos paper for the last 2 Sundays, and for any who think things are bad here I have an announcement to make. It’s a LOT worse elsewhere! The police blotter for this last week included a couple of car burglaries, a cat up a tree, and some disorderly conduct in an elevator. The Jackson newspaper doesn’t fool with such minor problems, their blotter usually has several murders (we were approaching 60 for the year thus far when I left) attempted murders, stabbings, shootings, assorted mayhem, and various armed robberies. My home had been broken into 3 times, my family had 2 cars stolen, and one car having much damage done in a botched attempt at stealing it. The wise did not
Girls' Night Out
The other night I was invited for a night with the girls. I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, "I promise". Well the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easy. Around 3am, a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly realising my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution (even when totally smashed) in order to escape a possible conflict with him. The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in and I told him "midnight". He didn't seem p****d off at all. "Phew, got away with that one! Then he said "we need a new cuckoo clock". When I asked him "why?"...he said, "well last night our clock cuckooed 3 times, then said "oh s**t!", cuckooed 4 more times,cleared its throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more and then tripped over the coffee table and far Mass!!!
~DJ MASS OF THE REAL RED DRAGON HAS AUTO 11'S UP AN RUNNING~ ~SO GO HIT HIS PAGE AN SHOW HIM LOTS OF FU LOVINS~ ~RATE/FAN/ADD/BLING HIM~ ~ALL LOVE IS RETURNED!!!!!!!!~ CLICK THE PIC BELOW TO GO AN GET YOUR AUTO 11 RATES..... THIS BULLETIN WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY TAINTEDRAGE~FU PRIESTESS~ (repost of original by 'Maharet ~Fu Wife & R/L G/F to DJ Mass~GM/DJ @ The Real Red Dragon Lounge' on '2008-11-04 00:19:35') (repost of original by 'DJ MARIUS/***DJ MASS/~Fu Hubby to DJ Maha' on '2008-11-04 00:20:35')
Thought It Was Cute
Put "yes" "maybe" or "no" and answer me back be honest!! Kiss me: Hug me: Date me: Get tipsy with me: Kill me: Love me: Hate me: Hold me: Lie to me: Hurt me: Sing with me: Dance with me: Grind with me: Touch me: Lick me: Fuck Me: Cuddle with me: Let me make a move on you: Make a move on me: Play with me: Watch a movie with me: Get me a B-day gift: Caress me: Let me borrow your car: Let me see you naked: Be there for me: Buy me a drink: Take a shower with me: Bring me around your friends: Give me a massage: Take me to the club: Go to sleep with me: Do me: Drink kool-aid with me: Look if i was naked: Take advantage of me: Let me take advantage of u: Hangout with me: Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: Hold hands with me: Do something incredibly sweet for me: Give me a lap dance: Tell me you love me: Let me call you: Get drunk with me: What would you do if you woke up next to me ? BORROWED FROM DRMAMI0031
My Dear Friends
THANK YOU FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND YOUR HELP!! I want to give a special Thank You to all of my friends who helped me Godmother tonight. This is a special thank you for all of my friends who are on my page faithfully every single day; rating, leaving me daily comments and keeping me shitfaced even when I’m not online, and also for the ones who were here to help me level tonight! In no special order are the people I most want and need to thank. I apologize in advance if I’ve missed anyone. Please PM me and I will happily add you to this bulletin. ~♥Windy♥~Member of Stiletto Girls~ ~*MȆäL §äÑÐý *~[Real Life]partner of ~*K¡ŋЮέÐ_§p¡®¡†™*~ Member of Rating Revolution DJ TOMICIDE~*~AngelHuggz's stalker & personal bootyguard of Bernsters & Jasmine~* Mini~Mike™ ▲►Ĵådəd Ôņə◄▼ Owned by 7up aka Lil One † Ma3 Ma3
The Anthony's Tragedy
O Why Is Everything So Hard
This Is Me
I AM SHE WHO CUTS DEEP SLICING MY PALE SKIN WIDE MEMORIES HITTING ME LIKE AN ANGRY TIDE I AM SHE WHO HATES ALL THAT HAVE WRONGED ME MAKING ME CRY HOW I WISH THEY WOULD DIE I AM SHE WHO SCREAMS BUT NOONE HEARS ME YELLING MY ANGER,STREAMING MY TEARS I AM SHE WHO ONCED LOVED NOW I FEEL NOTHING AT ALL NO LOVE OR LUST ALL ALONE IN THE DARK COVERED WITH DUST I AM SHE WHO WEEPS IN THE SILENCE OF THE NIGHT... Teardrops on the fire in a rush of onward storms Blackened flowers blossoming in a graveyard filled with stones And there's no one here to hold me or pull me from the pit And take these blackened tears that stain my cheeks so dark Water fills my eyes and masks the world from view And no one really sees this tumbling on down On and on and on Lead me far away from this place I've sat an hour too long While the trees decay around me And flowers bloom and frost Leave me here to rot and age With nature warped to black Or hold a hand behind you To catch
i try not to ask much of you, but now i would like some help leveling up. i just want to get to pimp level. that has been my dream since child hood*tears*. if you can do something for me, i would be greatful. thanks. - JER-BEAR
I'm A Bitch Are You?
I'm a Bitch, Are You? When I stand up for my beliefs, and myself they call me a bitch. When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts, or do things my own way, they call me a bitch. Being a bitch entails raising my children to be strong people who have a solid sense of personal and social responsibility, who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in and who love and respect themselves for the beautiful beings they are. Being a bitch means that I am free to be the wonderful creature that I am, with all my own intricacies, contradictions, quirks and beauty. Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me. When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak up against it, I am defined as a bitch. The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish.
Our Civil Rights
ok so im on the lazy side wont lie. its taken me to find something that matters to me to post a blog but here it is. all im asking is that u read the link an if u feel as i do join in the cause an give aid. thank u for ur time
I Was Tagged By My Sister :)
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. love the color blue 2. i have a thing for flames and wings 3. i find tattoos to be extremely sexy 4. im scared of letting someone love me 5. i am a textaholic 6. telling me about the girls you have been with is a complete turn off and will make me step away faster than anything 7. if i ever tell you "I Love You" you better cherish it for as long as you can because i mean it 8. i wear my heart on my sleeves sometimes so it dont take much to discourage me from saying or doing something 9. when i am pissed i tend to keep to myself for long periods of time 10. i am me Ryan Kristina John CJ Johnson Mik
Randomness In My Head
Focus on the color purple this week to bring you luck.
You never know what you can do until you have to. To see that everything and nothing matters, Only time can teach the truth. Stronger now then ever. Seeing things for the first time. Like a breath of cold, clean air, Things are not so clouded. Breaking through the fog. Learning to fail and move on, Stepping up when it is needed the most. Everything must evolve. Afraid of the future. The uncertainty of the unknown. No time to redo life. We must just learn to be stronger.
Amber Alert 3/15/ 2009
Promised Tomorrow
'Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.'
My Tonsilectomy!
So I went in to have my tonsils removed on 4/8.
Pain? Ever Had It?
born in to pain and hurt growing in pain and hurtliving in pain and hurt sleeping in pain and hurt waking in pain and hurt cuting in pain and hurt bleeding in pain and hurt crying in pain and hurt i know nothing other then pain and hurti use drugs to end the pain and hurt but all i get is pain and hurt is there nothing other then pain and hurt
Pot Could Save Poor Economy!
budget cure: Marijuana taxes?In this desperate economy, some argue that legalizing and taxing marijuana could plug multibillion-dollar holes in federal and state coffers.Rate this ArticleClick on one of the stars below to rate this article from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) LowThank you for rating.HighAverage rating: 4.34 from 10597 usersE-mail us your comments on this article View all top-rated articlesBy John Dyer, MSN MoneyDaniel Stein says the salvation of U.S. taxpayers could be marijuana. As Washington breaks the bank on Wall Street bailouts, President Barack Obama's stimulus package and other spend-now, pay-later measures, most observers agree that politicians will eventually need to increase revenue or cut spending to cover the federal government's debts. Stein believes Washington could begin to balance its books now if politicians would take a serious look at his industry. The owner of two retail outlets that he claims generate $1 million in revenue annually, Stein says he pays
A New Babylon
As i walk down the empty streets seeing all the ruins of an acient babylon and the rotting flesh of the bodies that scatter the entrance ways of homes, I start to think of the time I left the world to be in the arms of a loveing stranger. You held me so tight I couldnt breath. It was as if God himself was hugging his long forgotten son. I cold feel your lips on mine as we kissed in the rain of eternal bliss. I ran my fingers through your hair and placed my hand on the side of your face and as I looked into your eyes
Just got back into town from Spokane. Got to visit all my relatives and freinds. Also got to update my Fubar profile. Get to visit my son during the Stommish Water Festival.
I have had alot of free time on my hands here lately, and have had alot of time to think.
Pre-paid Legal 2
this is my wed site pls click on the link below
Business Long Distance
Ive Been Away
I want to see your face and hold you tightly to my chest,the one thought racing in my mind is that your better than the rest,you are unique, you make me smile, and i hope i return the favor,the momments I'd hoped to share with you are something i wish to savour,It may be selfish to go away and to need my time alone,but there are things about my life that hurt me deep down to the bone,I have a hard time dealing with issues when theyre so out of my control,and like others I do shut down when my mind becomes too full,I dont want you thinking il on the fact that im away,my feelings havent changed nor have the words i chose to say,I only ask that if im distant please dont think its you,cause the simple fact remains that im in love with you.
Lonely In Florida
Life goes up and down good and got to take what comes your way but it would be nice if something good would come once in a while seems just bad things have happenned here lately but everything happens for a reason just aint qiute figured it out yet.... but i guess in some way i had it commin but i aint never done nothin that bad...
Woman Do Not Go By The Standards
Where Are The Good Girls Gone
We seem to search in spots that were meant to be found by someone else. We try to make it work with the person that was never your type. we look for looks and to be honest the girls with the looks are the worst ones. They get cocky and get to thinking they can have anything they want. Not understanding all they need is one. I found mysef trying to change a hoe into a housewife and i thought i did it but it was all a lie. So tell me where have the good girls gone
Rolling Stone Cover
thanks to all that voted for lelia broussard for the first round.
Today's Rantings
OK, not the easiest job in the world, but a necessary one, no? Now, my parents divorced when I was 6. Mom brought us back to Jersey so she'd have family to help support us kids. (my brother was 3) My dad very quickly remarried, & without meeting us, my "stepmom" wanted us little kids to call her "Mom". Fortunately, my Mom said no, we were too young & it would be confusing. However, if, as we got older & developed a relationship with her, we decided to call her mom, that would be ok, but at 3 & 6 it was too confusing for us to call some strange woman "Mom". Needless to say, she never created a relationship with us, & instead interfeared in our relationship with our dad. So, I always said if I were in a position of being a stepmom, I would not do what that bitch did. Now I have never interfeared in my stepchildrens relationship with their dad. As a matter of fact, his son (who does NOT live with us) only comes over every other weekend, & I encourage them to spend time together to bond. I
An Afternoon With Her
her voice shook me from my reverie...i looked up to intense blue eyes staring back at me and for a moment i was lost in time "can i borrow you ketchup please?" i shook my head "oh yeah sure" and handed her the bottle and watched her walk away...who was that! ...i was dumb founded it had been a very long time since i had seen a woman of such beauty that didnt have a lack of poise or brian power...yet i didnt really know if she did but it was worth finding out and lucky for me she was sitting alone.
Friendship Week
Irish is default IP for lots of home high speed broadband modems. It is primarily utilised by Linksys although has been discovered utilized in several other home network products including these manufactured by Netgear and even Westell for starters.Useful Resource 19216811ip.comDespite the fact that stands out as the default ip for the majority of internet modems, this does not always has to be. A number of manufacturers set the default IP address to to be able to endorse a much more standard processing conditions and to make it simpler for new customers to setup their own networking systems fast and easy.Could only Linksys and also other modems work with the IP?Basically no, given that can be described as non-public IPv4 address, any type of personal pc, wireless router, switch, as well as other net product could be crafted to employ this specific IP. Nonetheless, it isn't often advised because there are lots of units which default
Breast Cancer
As the doc walked in I immediately knew...his expression said it all. No sugar coating here. I found out I had The Big C on
Squirting 101
Muchas personas estaban esperando con impaciencia la inauguraci
Muse Views
i have a real love / hate relationship with technology. i am old enough to remember black and white television, with three channels, and walter cronkite the most trusted man in america.
What The Heck
what the heck im i the only one not haveing trouble get to see photos
Black And White
BLACK AND WHITE "Please, Mark, we really need to work out tonight," pleaded Cindy! Mark looked at the two women and said, "You guys know the rules, the gym closes at ten sharp!" "Just for a little while," begged Jill?!? Mark, the manager of the Suburban Workout Gym, was about ready to begin his own workout when these two dingbats showed up just as he was closing up. "Oh well, come on in, I was just going to work out myself, and I could use a spotter," he said, giving in to their pleas! Both girls rushed past him and headed for the locker room to change, and Mark, shaking his head, locked the door and went back into the gym to start his workout. He was just finishing up his warm ups when the two women came out of the locker room. Looking them over, Mark had to admit that Cindy and Jill were two of the best conditioned ladies who used the facility, and they really did workout, unlike a lot of the other female members, who seemed to use the club as a social gathering spot rather than a
(This is priceless!) A teacher noticed that a little boy at the back of the class was squirming around, scratching his crotch, and not paying attention. She went back to find out what was going on. He was quite embarrassed and whispered that he had just recently been circumcised and he was quite itchy. The teacher told him to go down to the principal's office. He was to telephone his mother and ask her what he should do about it. He did it and returned to his class. Suddenly, there was a commotion at the back of the room She went back to investigate only to find him sitting at his desk with his penis hanging out. "I thought I told you to call your mom!" she said. "I did," he said, "And she told me that if I could stick it out till noon, she'd come and pick me up from school." KIDS; DON'T YOU JUST LOVE THEM??
R.i.p Dad
Best Condoms Ever!!!
new pics up, some sod's declaired 1 NSFW tho so their all in a NSFW folder... you realy HAVE to look!!!
Once U Go Black
I was a 40 year old woman with a very successful husband, Bob, and two girls, 18 and 16, when my saga started, and it has been going on for three years. I love my husband very much but at that time our sex life had been reduced to about once every two weeks or so. I love the closeness of our sex but I sure wished we did it more often. Then a very fortunate thing happened to change all that. I was driving in our town about ten miles from where I live and suddenly the car heated up and red lights came on. I was almost directly across the street from an auto parts store and so I stopped and entered the store. There were no customers but me and the person behind the counter was a tall, very big black man, who ask what he could do to help me. I told him my story and he was kind enough to go out to the car and look at my problem. He saw immediately what was wrong. The belt that cools the radiator came off. We went back inside the store so he could look for my belt in his store and discove
Tis The Season
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from To all my friends who I hold dear And all others who are on here Wishes for a Happy New Year One that's full of love and cheer!! Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from To all my friends and whoever else decides to read this LOL...some people like got rid of me when I took my lil vacay from here and now I can't message them or anything but still want to wish them, as well as everyone else, Happy Holidays....add me back if ya want to..Tonsa Hugs and Lotsa Luv to you all!!!! I hope everyone has a sweet Saturday..and an even sweeter Sunday (Christmas Eve)....Not sure how much I will be on the next couple of days so leaving this just in case...I want to wish you all the very Merriest Christmas...stay safe and have a joyous time!!! *Tonsa Hugs & Lotsa Luv*
Angel Of Sin
Define to me truth. It depends. On what if i may. On who your asking to define it. Please explain. One mans acceptance is another mans lie. Define a lie. Again it depends. On what. The person your asking. Well im asking you to define. But how do u know i'll tell the truth. You want the truth on what is a lie? Well....yes. Your a lie simply described. How do u figure? Because you are just my reflection in a mirror. But how do u know that? What if I am real and you the are the reflection? Then in truth we are both a lie.....
First Timer
i am so sick of men who think your playin with them but there playin with you! they should all die and sgo to hell and us woman should protest and all become lezbiams!!!!! so to anymen who are thinkin about tryin to get with me back the fuck up unless youw anna deal witha hard core bitch! You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth. Biting 100% Whips 83% Chains/Handcuffs 67% Bondage 67% Blind Folds 67% Blood 42%
The Adventures Of Drake Tauru
Circles February 2007 Our anti-hero is at the crossroads of his life. He has his destiny in the palm of his hands. One mis-calculation and everything he has worked for, will come down around him. Friends could be lost and lifes ruined. "Nothing happens without purpose." May 2002 Our hero is at the crossroads of his life. He has his destiny in the palm of his hands. One mis-calculation and everything he has worked for, will come down around him. He will take back his life or die trying. "Fear is the mind-killer"¹ Summer 1998 Our Villian is at the crossroads of his life. He has his destiny in the palm of his hands. One mis-calculation and everything he has worked for, will come down around him. But fate has something else in mind. Our villian has nothing to say because he only cares about himself. September 1992 Our anti-hero is at the crossroads of his life. He has his destiny in the palm of his hands. One mis-calculation and everyth

Please if you can help me out. I am in the best Scenery Picture Contest....It Ends Monday June 4th @ 7:00pm Eastern time Hugs and Love CLICK ON THE PIC TO COMMENT BOMB A Numb Heart Although there is love all around the heart feels half empty. The heart is still lonely; looking for what in life is going to fill the other half. The emptiness doesn’t even hurt anymore, it is just numb. The numbness is rejection, rejection of past years. Numb to the world, it is time to find what lies deep in the heart. This heart was never set free, free to live, free to beat, free to feel. This heart was always told it could not feel it had to be strong and not show emotion. It was always told that if it showed emotion it would be weak. Weakness was never acceptable. It is time this heart learns to look deep into it’s self and find that other half. Broken Soul It is not the pain of a broken heart any more but the pain of not feeling like you were good enough. The heart has heale
Me And Lifechoices
I am talking about the yen and yang of the BDSM lifestyle and how so many live it. When the life goes in a circles and they seem to attract more tit he circle that travel in a continue motion…round and around….. Where you have Masters find that special one but then moving on as soon as He finds fresh meat, another conquest. To be used then dropped as soon as He get bored with her. Sand she the submissive who is always seeking a better Master, who will drop her Master like a piece of dirt toilet paper. Simply because the new one is a smooth talker, might be His looks,,, His voice…. So these are the ones who travel in the yen and yang lanes of the BDSM lifestyle. Always circling around seek the better, fresher, toy for the week. They both travel down the road on a single lane, both seeking what they seek and never happy. There are some lucky one who have found some one to hold on to share there thoughts feeling and needs with. These are the one who travel the sam
I'm Thinking About Getting Off Cherrytap
I have decided that I will stay but I won't be on for a bit around the 26th of this month because that's when we are making the big move to Florida. I will be on here on and off until then. anyway take care everyone and have a great weekend. :D I have decided to stay on tap which is now fubar. I'm not going to be on much though because me and my baby are going through some rough times. Hopefully soon we will have it all took care of though. Love ya all. Hugs Trista The reason for my question is because I have not once rated anyone under a 10 and I have gave all my friends' stashes a thumbs up. I'm getting agravated and I can't help that because I am human. Any way from now on only people that I'm sure didn't give me anything but a 10 will get it in return.
Bull Shit
MR GOODLIFE@ CherryTAP Sometimes the truth is right in front of your face, and U just cant see it. Then one day, it knocks you the FUCK OUT ! I just got knocked the FUCK OUT ! ! ! :( The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I have lived in 2 homes my entire life :) (soon to be three, damn moving 2. Im the youngest of 4 children, oldest(only brother) is 50. 3. I was an auntie when I was 5 years old. 4. I love PARROTS :) 5. I write poetry, and songs. 6. I can be extremly emotional and sensitive. 7. I dont like most people, but the people I do care about I will walk to the end of the earth with :) 8. My family is the most important thing to me. Well and my feathered kids 9. This one time at band camp.... lol I love the color GREEN. 10. Im a JUNK FOOD JUNK
Dreams Of You
I thought we had something, forever and real, my heart belonged to only you, I tryed so hard to show you love true, no need to fight, the past can't be undone, I will always love you, need me I'm here, may never hold you, your smile I won't see, but want you to know, you'll always be in my heart, a deep part of me, remember the good times, let go of the bad, hope you can be happy, and find what you need, one thing I have, can't be taking away, a thought in the night, I'll be with you, in my dreams of you...
My Thoughts
I am so tired of people pretending to be a friend on here just to get points. honistly if thats all ya want say so, ill help ya out. just be honist. please i know that this is preety much a fun and games type of site but come on. i was thinking one day about how time seems to fly by and how short life really is. and how when we get cought up in our own stuff we miss the important things. I just found out a good friend of mine ended his life in feb this year and my heart brakes. I have learned that people come into our lives for a special reason and saome only for small amounts of time, but those of us who have been beaten, batered, cheated on, and used put up a wall and push people out of our lifes, and thats when we loose those that are real , that a true friends because were to focused on the whats if and the past we don't see whats in frount of us tell its too late. I am trying to live each day as if it were my lAST, tell those dear to me how much i care just in case im not h
Am I The Only One?
Are there no beautiful people on here besides myself???
MY PLEDGE I... not you, not we, not they, but I PLEDGE...I do personally, solemnly vow loyalty, my fidelity TO THE FLAG...blood-bought freedom, brave at heart OF THE UNITED STATES...our identity inside-out OF AMERICA...our identity outside-in AND TO THE REPUBLIC...constitutional right FOR WHICH IT STANDS...impartial in judgment ONE NATION...says it all UNDER in America's heritage & future INDIVISIBLE...uncommon devotion, together, whole WITH LIBERTY...springs from the heart AND that which keeps liberty pure FOR ALL...for the innocence, the old men who hold their medals, the old women who wipe the tears of the young who go off to war, for the sick and weak as well as the strong, for the uncertain and the courageous.
I Don't Need This Shit.
I was gone for a while tonight and then I came back to the PC to find this lovely message in my shout box.. Read from the bottom up.. E.The Frea...: BITCH STFU AND GET LOST I JUST DONT GO AROUND CURSING PEOPLE OUT THIS WAS ALONG TIME COMIGN I GOT SICK OF UR STUPID ASS IGGING ME ->E.The Frea...: well yay for you and Momma Murray. I work 12hr shifts.. I leave this on.. and I certainly don\'t need to come home to your foul mouth when I do sit down at the computer. You wanna talk about disrespect? E.The Frea...: The is the first time u have ever responded to a shout from mewhen I curse u out and I am erik damn murray thats who the fuck I am ->E.The Frea...: When I am here, I respond. Who are you to know when I\'m sitting here and when I\'m not? E.The Frea...: u never respond when i send u shouts and when u have been away and come back u never respond to my text anyway so it doesnt matter ->E.The Frea...: what is your problem.. my away message clearly states that I was AWA
Having A Blast
Hey everyone I have been having a blast here, today I went and took my test for truck driving and then I got my permit and then I had my first experience in driving and it is not easy double clutching is not fun but I learned how to do it today and then I had to downshift too. And guess what else I didn't hit any curves. ROFLMAO I have two more weeks her and then I am going to be on the road for about eight months with this company that I am with. I just wanted to touch base with everyone.
Rough Draft ,fubar Marriage Annoncement
Kingdom Of Wolves Deanna ,FTW Lost Goth Lakota Princess + I, Jeff ,Lord Wolf,Will do a Fubar Marriage. There is still much Preperation but we would like for this to take place on Monday.SpiritWolf will Officiate.,This Glorious Affair. DJSeleneCorleone ™QnofUnderworld&DJWolfe-LDC/FW2Bounty/KOW/CatwomanJLM/KOPE/FSFM SpiritWolf will Officiate this Glorious Affair Kingdom Of Wolves Deanna ,FTW Lost Goth Lakota Princess + I, Jeff ,Lord Wolf,Will do a Fubar Marriage. There is still much Preperation but we would like for this to take place on Monday.SpiritWolf will Officiate.,This Glorious Affair.
Who Can Do This?
how could someone possibly do this?!heartless.these are innocent animals. they cant help it. yeah, maybe fight back..but really..all its gonna do is make things could they do this?!
The Price Of Love
Why must you hate me so. You say you love me and yet you look away. I knew I've changed, at leaston th eoutsidee. Inside I'm still the same at least I try to be. Isn't that why you fell in love with me, isn't that what you said? Still you feel that you need other women. I've examined what they are, to see what I don't have. Everything is what I need to look the way you want. To be sexy again, I think, (yes), I'd pay the price. I would do it for you, to look at me again. To have you love me and long for me the way you would. To hold me and not flinch or shrink away. I would pay the price to hear you say "I love you" and know for sure it's true. I would give the rest of me to be ALL that you would need. To have you love me the way we were, I would pay the price they ask. For you I would do this and more, to feel your love again. For you I would pay the price they ask for love
Poems I Like
I try to phone, But I can't speak. I know that I'm strong, but I feel weak. I try not to fall, But no matter what I do. I can't help myself, From falling in love with you. Everyday I've tried to block your memory, To protect me from the pain. Pretend I never knew you, And never heard your name. But these walls I've built aren't strong enough. And though I fight my tears in vain. My feelings still come creeping through, And hurt me just the same. A saddened soul, A lonely walk and suddenly it appears. Gently falling, A friendly liquid. Is it rain, or is it tears. Thoughts of you, Caress my heart. My soul begins to shout. To live your dreams and know your love, Is what life's all about. To feel you touch or taste your lips, To hold you once again. Will surely bring me sunshine, Instead of all this rain.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that is as good as they are going to feel all day" ~ Frank Sinatra "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." ~ Benjamin Franklin "Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame.... Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and al of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this win, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."" ~ Jack Handy "When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading." ~ Henny Youngman

Here it is seven years later and all seems to have forgotten. The country is in disarray and we are again divided as a people. How fast a little time can change a person. After the attack we couldn't wait to retalliate, now we can't wait to end it all. Our passiveness was the reason over 3,000 died that day. We again are being led into a passive mode and will be open for another sucker punch by cowards who will never confront you face to face , but as street punk or gang banger would, to your back or a drive by. This years election will decide not only who will run the goverment , but who will run your and your childrens life , including their safety. Make sure you do your part as an American. We do not want what those 3,000 innocent lives paid to go in vain. Very important info..... Google has implemented a new feature which enables you to type a telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and you will be given the person's name and address. If you then hit Map you will
Did I like retard another to it send retard a like this reading time sweet your took you since. (Now, read it backwards) LOL
Thanks To All..
To all you who had so many wonderful things to say and sent so many wonderful gifts, I can never thank all of you enough. I will try to thank each of you individually but that will take a while, training for a new job and I've been crazy busy! Again I am so glad you are my friends!
well to all my friends ,i want to share this with you.up till the year of 2002 i never done a drug in my life.2002 i was introduced to a drug that i think almost destroyed me.i am not proud of it nor do i hide it."CRACK COCAINE"i was arrested and imprisoned over out and took care of my mama,she made me promise not to use as long as i took care of her,and i kept that promise,then she passed march 17th was not long after that that i relapsed,back at it again,aug 2006 i left ohio because i could no longer deal with my life .i knew i was headed for hell,so i packed up only my clothes and moved to georgia.i just celebrated 1 year clean time on aug has been a long haulbut i have such good friends on the net.and i have a reason to stay clean.i want you all to keep me in your thoughts and prayers as i continue to travel my road to recovery. thank you and may god bless and keep you all .Anna
When My Mind Speaks!
Thinking about the meaning of my life, I found that I'm one of those persons, Who born to love, but die for it too. I thought, I want some 'pretty' love with bubbles in the air and flowers in my hair? But fast a voice in my head replied; "No!, You don't"... I asked 'Why?' And she said; 'Because your world isn't 'pretty', Isn't normal because isn't still...' While I was so confused, after hearing that answer that voice started to speak again... 'Look deeply inside yourself, why You want to be like me?, why You want to be blind, and walk without know where you are going?...' And I said; 'I can't answer..., I don't know who you are...' 'Don't You? I'm who you were, I'm who you miss, but You have to know that I'll never let you turn into me...' 'Is time to change, don't be afraid, hug your fears and love them as you love your enemies...' 'Run away and never g
After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, "I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you." The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my mother, who had been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my 3 children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. "What's wrong, are you well?" She asked. My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. "I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you," I responded, Just the two of us." She thought about it for a moment, and then said, "I would like that very much." That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited
Drunk Dialing!
Rules for Drunk Dialing 1. Only drunk dial when you are drunk. Everything else is false advertisement. 2. It is okay to call someone 27 times in one night. If you don't remember it, it didn't happen. 3. If you are going to drunk dial a family member, say something nice. Ex. "Mom I'm in McDonald's and they're playing our song. I love you" 4. Dirty talk while drunk dialing is always preferred. Who doesn't want to hear your best raspy, phone sex voice at 3 in the A.M. asking to you to bend them over something. 5. Voicemails are always better. This way your friend can let their friends have fun at your expense for days, even weeks to come. 6. Drunk texting is alright... If you are prepared to read what you wrote the next day when you are sober. 7. It is definitely a good idea to call all of your exes and remind them that you were the best lover they've ever had and everything they know, they learned from you. This way you can sleep well at night. 8. You can also call this same ex a
Check This Out.
Two nuns are ordered to paint a room in the convent, and the last instruction of the Mother Superior is that they must not get even a drop of paint on their habits. After conferring about this for a while, the two nuns decide to lock the door of the room, strip off their habits, and paint in the nude. In the middle of the project, there comes a knock at the door. "Who is it?" calls one of the nuns. "Blind man," replies a voice from the other side of the door. The two nuns look at each other and shrug, and, deciding that no harm can come from letting a blind man into the room, they open the door. "Nice boobs," says the man, "Where do you want these blinds?" "Elizabeth Edwards is speaking out again. She says the problem with her husband’s fund raising campaign is she can’t make him black, and she can’t make him a woman. That’s the same problem with Michael Jackson’s people."
The Blue Lounge!!
HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO OWN ANY OF THESE SEXY BLUE LOUNGE STAFF AND MEMBERS FOR A MONTH!THE AUCTION ENDS AT 11PM CST SUNDAY JAN 20TH Shane aka 'DJ Lost Saint - #2 @ The Original Blue Lounge@ fubar ¢¾DjSexyBiootch¢¾BARBI'S HOMIE 4-LIFE -I.B.I.C.-EvilAngelButtBuddie-CrazyA$$Sis2Meg-@ fubar BJ Barbi~Greeter @ The Blue Lounge AKA SIS TO BLAIRMARE~DJ SEXYBIOOTCH'S HOMIE~CALIGUMBO'S PORNSTAR@ fubar Blairmare Fu-Sis to BJ Barbie Fu-lover to Rev Tom worshiper of DG@ fubar Rev Tom [Co-Owner Slapps Happy Hour] Thizz iz What it iz@ fubar 'DJ Gem~Bar Manager@The Blue Lounge~FU-GF 2 My Hot Mama ~Crazy A$$ Sis 2
I know this is most likely a waste of time, but to those of you who do read it, thanx. I wanted to say thank you to all the "real" people out there. My faith in mankind has been lost, but you are pulling it back. Just wanted to say thanks. You know if you are or not.
Female Only
you see i will start by kissing your neack softly then move down your shoulder why i pull your shirt over your head then i will start to kiss your chest while i reach around your back and undo your bra then i will rub my tounge on your perky nippels while i slide my hand to you waist and pull off your pants then i will slide my tounge down your bell to your waist as i go across your panties i will give a warm blow on your clit as my tounge rubs your inner thigh while i pull your panties down then slide my tounge back up your inner thigh slowly moving between your legs as my tounge touches your clit my fingers slide slowly inside you going fast and deeper at every thrust then i slide my big hard cock slowly inside that tight little wet hole slowly and deep i will go pushing and pulling very slow then speeding up as you start to tingle making sure i slide just right hitting the g-spot just right making you scream all so high till you scream the highest scream cause you just got the bigg
I am sorry that I can never be good enough. I am sorry things can be so tough. I am sorry that I cant be your only one. I am sorry that I cant be done. I am sorry you cant see this pain. I am sorry I didnt kiss you in the rain. I am sorry I live another day. I am sorry that I feel this way. I am sorry you cant need me so. I am sorry you cant let us grow. I am sorry for the way I act. I am sorry for my impact. Im sorry that my beating heart is so small. Im sorry that Im not sorry, not even a little, not even at all.
Life Suxs
I am just tired of B.S. Life just suxs. Nothing seems to be going right since October. Frickin depressing as heck. Oh well, I will get off my soap box now!
Fu-luv Bomb Squad
FEEL THE LOVE AND JOIN FU LUV BOMB SQUAD! WE WANT YOU!!! TO JOIN US PLEASE SEND A MESSAGE TO THE OWNER, THEN YOU HAVE TO FAN, RATE AND ADD ALL CURRENT MEMBERS!!! YOU WILL BE ADDED ONCE THIS IS CONFIRMED. KISSES TO ALL AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!! RULES ARE BASIC AND WILL BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDED. 1. No Drama Allowed! 2. All must fan, rate and add ALL members. **New Prospects send a note when u add stating Fu Luv Bomb Squad. 3. Must add owner and main page to family. 4. Become member ouf our Lounge (Purrfect Sin). 5. Officers will decide on who to bomb. 6. Any member not actively involved in helping others will be removed from team and will receive no help in any contest or giveaway. 7. Blog will be updated as new members join. Please Check on Owners page daily and repost the new blog onto your profile. 8. A blog will be updated daily , with the member that is currently in a contest. Members MUST read to keep updated. 9.Must be a member of the Squad for
So,I'll be moving back to Massachusetts finally.We'll be flying out Tuesday morning.I'm so excited to get back to where all my family and friends are and familar surroundings.I won't be on much,between settling in and starting back to work I'll be very busy and tired.I'll talk to ya'll when I get the chance...
My Lifestyle
I mentioned the word Duckstock at an event this weekend. I was trying my best to explain it. The issue is not many people understand BDSM. Most people are extremely closed minded, so BDSM is a subject that you try not to go into. However; in this case I mentioned some clue words (like being tied up and leather) He immediately knew what I talking about. But, in many cases I mention those "clue" words and just get looked at with a blank look. How do I explain BDSM to people?? I hate to say I should be ashamed of my lifestyle (I'm not) however; where do I draw the line of being proud of it? Why is it I seem to always have to explain my lifestyle? It's simple. I dabble in BDSM. I dabble is swinging. I dabble in this and that. My life isn't governed by any of my "playtime" hobbies. People that are deep into BDSM wonder we I don't do it more. Contrary to the "norms" that automatically call you a freak, because you dabble in other "non-christian" approve sex. WTF?? Am I alone
Quotes And Topics
Some say that the best thing to do in life is to keep walking forward keep pushing threw. When you find a wall break it down with a sledge and keep on moving.eventually the walls will keep getting smaller and smaller till there no longer there. Well unfortunatly for me my wall keep getting bigger and bigger and i cant seem to break them. I have been finding myself wondering is there any mark i could leave on this earth for the betterment of those i love and trust. I fear the answer is no. to those who know me I'm a Hero to those who Love me I'm a brother Son Nephew Father And Lover. But what will my mark be on this earth. I have held the hearts of others only to lose them in the chaos that my life is leading me threw. I've held the lives of others in my hands only to fail at saving them. I've hurt those who seem to be unhurtable by actions i have done. So again I ask What mark will i leave. One of Love, One of Trust, One of a Hero, Or that of Someone who has done no everlasting greater
Fubar Levels, Pts, And Unlocks
fubar Levels: Levels, Points, and Unlocks: Levels Points Unlock... 0 Freshmeat 0 Up to 50 photos 1 Newfu 250 Being known as Meat =) 2 Fu-ling 500 Set your own online status 3 Grasshopper 1,000 Vote on a MUMM 4 Chill Fu 2,000 Post HTML comments 5 Fu-Fighter 4,000 Create your own MUMMs 6 Twisted Fu 6,500 Rip a photo 7 Wasted Fu 9,000 Up to 70 photos 8 Psycho 14,000 Up to 750 profile ratings 9 Freak 25,000 Up to 6000 friends 10 Friend of fubar 35,000 Create your own lounge 11 Barfly 50,000 Up to 110 photos 12 Regular 75,000 Up to 10,000 friends 13 Bad Fu 100,000 Up to 140 photos 14 Minion 135,000 Up to 25 family members 15 Idol 170,000 Up to 5 MUMMs a day 16 Fu-gee 210,000 Up to 175 photos 17 Pimp 250,000 Up to 1000 photo ratings 18 Assassin 300,000 Up to 1000 prof ratings 19 Ninja 350,000 Up to 225 photos 20 Rock Star 425
My Boo
There was a time When I was so broken hearted Love wasn't much of a friend of mine The tables have turned, yeah 'Cause me and them ways have parted That kind of love was the killin' kind Listen, all I want is someone I can't resist I know all I need to know by the way that I got kissed I was cryin' when I met you Now I'm tryin' to forget you Love it sweet misery I was cryin' just to get you Now I'm dyin' 'cause I let you Do what you do down on me Now there's not even breathin' room Between pleasure and pain Yeah you cry when we're makin' love Must be one and the same It's down on me Yeah I got to tell you one thing It's been on my mind Girl, I gotta say We're partners in crime You got that certain something What you give to me Takes my breath away Now the word out on the street Is the devil's in your kiss If our love goes up in flames It's a fire I can't resist I was cryin' when I met you Now I'm tryin' to forget you Your love is sweet misery I was cryi
Horton Hears The Who's
Omfg!!!! Horton Hears the Who's is a must see for kids and grown up kids. It was an awesome movie. It was hilarious through out most of the movie. A very good plot too. Its starts out as a cartoon for an elephant trying to save the who's which he is trying to save them through out the whole show. If you really listen to the words too you can tell that it is a battle against good and evil, or nonreligious people and religious people. Through out the movie you had one person trying to persuade that "If you can't see, feel or hear something it doesn't exsist." Which is the way a lot of nonreligious people try to rationalize not being religious. Where as the elephant, who was played by Jim Carey, was trying to prove that even though you can't see, touch or hear it doesn't mean that others can't. He was not only trying to save the Who's, but to send the message that people have a right to believe in what they want and no one should put them down for it. Also, you can almo
My Master
What it means to me. A Beautiful Piece of leather or silver (depends on the situation) adorns my neck. Placed by your hands. It is as scared as my wedding ring. This is my symbol and of our devotion to each other. My devotion to you. I was on my knees when you placed it on my neck my favorite place to adore you. I love to kneel before you. I am yours, Owned. I give you my trust to do as you please. I will obey you always. The Touch... Wrap your arms around me and say my sweet name. Long for me, touch my body it is a passage to my soul. Look into my eyes they can tell you everything I feel. Press your body against me let me feel your want. Enter into me slowly inch by sweet inch. Arching my body to receive you but you make me wait. Slowly, slowly , slowly, driving me insane…… I love the way I feel when you touch me. The way you Dominate me. The way you make me squirm. The goose bumps that run down my body with your touch, your words, your breath on my neck. You make
Haters Need Loving Too
Lets show him some sweet and friendly loving cuz he was really disrespectful towards me and the great people who already bid on me Bry_Black_Rose FUowner to Bella@ fubar here is the convo read bottom up: Bry_Black_...: ur the one being disrespectful and im not lil, so let me tell u somethin if u would rather be the slave to some perverted freak then go right ahead, but u have seriously lost ur chance and the best offer and the best master u will ever have ->Bry_Black_...: i dont need no disrespectful lil guys btter stuck with offers from nice ladies ->Bry_Black_...: thank u i wish u a great day Bry_Black_...: bullfuckinshit, uthis is ur loss bc u r too fuckin chicken to drop out of these stupid lame ass auctions that r fuckin worth less to even be in just to hear the best offer u will ever get ->Bry_Black_...: nope its not i never loose n life i always won the war! Bry_Black_...: actually** Bry_Black_...: actuall its ur loss ->Bry_Black_...: u told u what i can
Okay so most of the people in my world know that I am going into the hospital Thursday July 31 to have a hysterecomy, granted there are a few that do not. I hate to say this but sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't just live with the pain I am dealing with until menopause hits. I have been seeing doctors for years, yes YEARS over the problems that my monthly vistor brings, I have been given one bullshit reason after another as to what is causing the monthly bitch to be so damn bitchy, the doctors had my history, including my family history. I honestly sounded like a broken record with each new doctor telling them, 'both of my grandmothers had hysterectomies at relatively young ages, I do not know why and my mother had endometriosis and went through menopause at 38.' Did they ever once decide that they should look into this? HELL NO! What I have been told: ~Stress ~Two Children too close together (how about the fact that I have had this problem before I even had children???)
Some famous final words from some famous dying people: "Thomas Jefferson...still survives..." - John Adams, US President, d. July 4, 1826 "This is the last of earth! I am content." - John Quincy Adams, US President, d. February 21, 1848 "Why not? It belongs to him." - Charlie Chaplin, actor - in reply to the priest at his deathbed who said, "May the Lord have mercy on your soul." "Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me." - Chris Farley, actor/comedian "Waiting are they? Waiting are they? Well...let 'em wait." - Ethan Allen, American Revolutionary general, d. 1789 "Am I dying or is this my birthday?" - Lady Nancy Astor, d. 1964 "Nothing, but death." - Jane Austen, writer, d. July 18, 1817 Codeine . . . bourbon. - Tallulah Bankhead, actress, d. December 12, 1968 How were the receipts today at Madison Square Garden? - P. T. Barnum, entrepreneur, d. 1891 I can't sleep. - James M. Barrie, author, d. 1937 Is everybody
Faded Heart
Each day my heart fades a little more, Cause I don't have you to hold, touch or love. My heart breaks each time I have to let you go. Each day my heart fades a little more, For the one I love doesn't love me, Just a simple request of your heart. Each day my heart fades a little more, You aren't there like you used to be, For me to talk, laugh and cry with. Each day my heart fades a little more, It has been used and cast aside so eaily, Becoming more and more bruised along the way. Each day my heart fades a little more, Till one day there won't be anythng left of what used to be a loving heart, All because you tore it apart. Each day my heart faded a little, Now there is no heart to fade any more
Thoughts That Flow
Today I peeped, searched, and read. Today I learned the bitter truth. The culmination of my doubts and fears. Simple black ink stared back at me. A letter, ungiven, yet plainly addressed. Folded and hidden from view. Somehow I was drawn to it, like a moth to a flame. Unaware that I would get burned, yet I feel like my skin is flaking off. Lies were exposed, infidelities revealed. The words cutting like a knife, deep and true. Your words will leave a scar, thick and puckering. I won't forget, someday I may forgive. Emotions stirred, feelings revealed. I've left a scar of my own, for you to see and remember. -------------------------------------------------- This was written over a year ago. I am long since past the circumstances that sprouted such feelings. (This was written a while ago. Thought I'd share it). ---------------------------------------------------- A million thoughts unspoken clutter my mind, warping my perspective. Endless seas of desi
If I Could Love You
*~* Cyber Love ? Can You ? * Would You ? * Could You ? * Wouldn't It Be Hard Tho ? With Someone You Have Never Seen 0r Touched ? Ive Been Thinking And I Suppose * If You Have feelings For That Person So Passionate That Your Heart Skips A Beat When You See Them Come On Line ? And You Just About Melt At The Sound Of Their Voice ? * The Strange And Confusing Feelings That Stir Inside You * Hanging On To Their Every Word * Hoping That What Their Saying To You Is Coming From Their Heart * Not Just Words Full Of Bullshit That They Tell Every One * * The What Is Happening To Me Thoughts * Are These Feelings Real ? Am I Totally Insane ? Wondering If They Feel The Same Way ? Then In An Instant Their Gone * You Think ! Come Back Don't Leave Me Like This* * And Your Left With A Longing To Touch* To Be Able To Reach Out And Gently Stroke Their Face * To Feel The Warmth Of Their Breath On Your Skin * Their Body Next To Yours * To Feel Their Heart Beat * To Be Face To Fa
Working Days Now
Just dropping all a line. I am now on days working 7 am to 7 pm.. grrrrrrr Long hours. But It will have to do for now. Hope all is well and see you guys when I get online. Long hours makes Karma a dull person. Work, eat, sleep. That is about the just of it. Love to all... Karma Tall guy.. so nice to see you back!!!!!!!!!!
Warning there a scene that make u cry believe me i warning who ever watchs part 7 it will make u cry.Put words what guy does to baby to save his own ass. part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6
Halloween Bully
Halloween in 7th Circle Of Hell lets get Hot Do you know how Hot Hell is Click the Pic to find out Click on the Pumpkin below to enter
Out Of Sheer
out of sheer boredom when i am taking shit I come on fubar. this place is full of angry people!
My First Auction
Come check her out, she is AWESOME F/R/A her ♥~BRATT~♥FuOwned by Wastntime:)@ fubar Come check me out in my latest Auction and place your bids, If you cant bid atleast give me a pic rate.
i just writing to get stuff off my mind , i have alot of stress in my life right now, i some times dont know if i can keep on going, but i know i have to. i dont talk to anyone, i hold everything that happens inside and i know one day its going to be bad thing for everyone, cause i will just blow up and well thats a bad thing. but i dont know if i can go on after all thats going on is over if it turns out for the worst, it will kill me to much and so i and hoping that it will turn out great, i guess i will have to wait and see. all i know life can suck so much. and thank god for having family, that is helping me......
The Scars Of Truth!!!
As time and time goes by, you realize that everything will be alright…You realized that what you had was not really yours, and realize that what you had let go wasn’t worth keeping in the first place…..By going through things in your life you learn from your mistakes…. Somethings, I can truly say that I went through because I wanted to even though people warned me…I wanted to play with the fire, knowing good in well that I would get burned and scarred. That’s right I’m scarred…Scarred from the hurtful, past relationships. Scarred from learning, and admitting to the Truth on my own. The Truth Will Set You Free and Now from being all scarred up I can say that my wounds have healed and I am Truly Free. Knowing and Telling the Truth is something that everyone can not handle but for me that’s what I live for….Truth….Truth….Truth… People may not want to own up to the truth but its better to tell the truth to a person then live a life full of lies. Lies don’t o
Sinfully Seductive Promoting Tags
Hugs were invented to let people know you love them without saying a word. Nine times out of ten, when you extend your arms to someone, they will step in, because basically they need precisely what you need. A meaningful hug is truly like a handshake from the heart.
Fubar Experiences
I never really felt moved to write a blog before, but my experiences of the past week have left me reeling and sad.
Lisa's List
how do you navigate this dam place ??????
First Blog
Ok so today is Monday, May 4th, 2009.
What Happened To All The Nice Guys?
I found this from someone who posted this on craigslist and I reworded the bitter verbiage but it is something to think about for both men and women..... What Happened to All the Nice Guys?
New Here
I'm brand new to this website, so it will take me a while before I get the hang of it. But as soon as I can I will be updating my photo and everything else on here. Now, time to explore some more. So it's been a while since I've Blogged anything, for that matter it's been a while since I was on this website. But here I am. I'm currently in Iraq. I've only been here 2 weeks now. It's not too bad here. Plenty to do, good food, and a nice set up for my living arrangments. Plus I'm getting paid good too. LOL. Of course if you're reading this and you're in the military, you know what I'm talking about. Looks like I'll be here till June. So for now this is home. To be honest, it's not too different from Oklahoma. LOL. That is where my home station is. I went through 5 states and 5 countries in 4 days to get here. Wierd, I know. I couldn't wait to get here from all the traveling. Well I think I'll end on that note for now. Happy New Year everyone.
I am sorry, I fell off my mental stabilty platform. The death of a family member has pushed me over the edge. And also my inability to have a normal relationship with a female, now I am not talking about my SG friends because you all have been nice to me, except one or two, I am talking about a real relationship, my IQ prevents me from having the communication skills to talk to a woman in the real world. I am a Physicist/Thermographer in real life, I never had time to acquire normal skill for interefacing with the opposite sex. Not that I have tried, a ruined married and two screwed-up sons, is my legacy to that fact. So, please forgive me for some of my blogs. I can do so much when it comes to science and physics or mathematics. When I list myself as a quantum calculator, I mean it, my brain is not arrayed in the manor as normal people, I can calculator particle delay rates and thermodynamic coefficients of difference elemental materials in it, but I can’t spell normal five lett
About Me (scroll Down To Read :))
Name: Sonia Birthday: March 24 Birthplace: El Paso Current Location: El Paso Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Red right now. lol Height: 5'6 or 5'7 Right Handed or Left Handed: Lefty Your Heritage: Latina "MEXICANA" The Shoes You Wore Today: Sneakers Kswiss Your Weakness: Partying!! Your Fears: CLOWNS! Your Perfect Pizza: Mmmm Hawaiin!!
Poetry By Me
Our Music Player
Whats up Fuland need drinks and blings here hell ya
Motorcycle Insurance Quotes
Motorcycle Insurance Quotes Cheap Motorcycle Insurance
Review About Website Domain Registration
Domain is a most crucial part for any size of business which is been launched on Internet a Domain works on the same principle as resident address, We use resident address to locate or find a person in the city, Domains are used on the same role to find a particular website on the world wide web. But the domain not only plays a role of locating or finding a website in world wide web but also plays a role of naming and branding a company,As this has made domain selecting a hard task. hence having a good register domain name is intended by every businessman.There are some things that will help in selecting a good domain is try to have your domain under three words,short but not too short,Avoid using hyphens or numbers in the domain,do not use any old or inactive domain names, do not use popular domain with spell mistake this may cause problems in future. and Name the domain related to your business nature,Try to add a keyword in your domain,IF you have any old names of your business avoi
Testing with everyone taking about
Vip's,unlimited Bonus's, And Bonus Resets
Just a lil FYI.... This is for those of you that have VIP status.... on days that we have UNLIMITED 11's you will be using YOUR 11's after midnight. The bonus actually changes at midnight (as per the support lounge) but we do not see the change until early afternoon the following day here on Fu. So in all actuallity we have less than 12 hours on the unlimited 11 bonus. You will be able to rate 11's until the reset but you are taking the chance of winding up will 0 11's after the reset.
Prayers And Well Wishes
Unmitigated Greed & Quitting "the Game"
I only need 11 more LE bling... Let's see and do the math! 11 * 12 = A TOTAL FUCKING RIPOFF! Until and only IF they come out with LE bling that is 5 cr or PREFERABLY LESS, I WON'T BUY NOR TRADE FOR IT... And the sets that have been coming out are absolutely STUPID... I would be ASHAMED to have them on my profile!!! Ha ha ha ha...
So I sent my ex-husband an email requesting the child support for February and he responded. "Will take care of it i the next couple of days.
Santosh's Blog
New York City: It's a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing before a shoe store on Broadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold. A lady approached the boy and said, "My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?" "I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes," was the boy's reply. The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with a towel. By this time the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, "No doubt, my little fellow, you feel
Men And Cards
a woman once said a man is like a deck of playing need...a heart to love him...a diamond to marry him....a club to smash his fucking head in...and...a spade to bury the bastard
Loving Someone In Iraq
I miss you very much and think about you everyday. The holidays will be hard without you here, but you will never leave my heart.... /">NewPlaylist(1).wpl" autostart="true" loop="true" height="25" width="145"> I never thought I would be writing something like this. Not in my lifetime. my son is in Iraq and will be gone for 6 months, I understand why he is there and believe it or not I support him 101%. Today I recieved photos from him that were just truely unbeleavable. He has seen things in his 2 yrs that he has been serving that I could only imagine or see on t.v. It pains me to know that he is going through this for "US". I don't mean just the U.S.A. I look at the conditions over there from these photos and thank God and our men and women who are there that we don't live like that. To all those Soldiers there who need our prayers and our support, may there never be someone as hateful in this country t
A drunk man in an Oldsmobile They said had run the light That caused the six-car pileup On 109 that night. When broken bodies lay about "And blood was everywhere," "The sirens screamed out eulogies," For death was in the air. "A mother, trapped inside her car," Was heard above the noise; Her plaintive plea near split the air: "Oh, God, please spare my boys!" She fought to loose her pinned hands; "She struggled to get free," But mangled metal held her fast In grim captivity. Her frightened eyes then focused "On where the back seat once had been," But all she saw was broken glass and Two children's seats crushed in. Her twins were nowhere to be seen; "She did not hear them cry, " "And then she prayed they'd been thrown free, " "Oh, God, don't let them die! " Then firemen came and cut her loose, " "But when they searched the back, " "They found therein no little boys, " But the seat belts were intact.
go! anyway i think hes a suspect.. not that i got something against gay people not at all! but i think he likes me too much... check out his page and let me know ( no homo)
A New Year
I'm sorry that i bought you roses to tell you that i like you I'm sorry That I was raised with respect not to sleep with you when you were drunk I'm sorry That my body's not ripped enough to "satisfy" your wants I'm sorry that I open your car door, and pull out your chair like I was raised I'm sorry That I'm not cute enough to be "your guy" I'm sorry That I am actually nice; not an asshole I'm sorry I don't have a huge bank account to buy you expensive things I'm sorry I like to spend quality nights at home cuddling with you, instead of at a club I'm sorry I would rather make love to you then just f**k you like some random guy. I'm sorry That I am always the one you need to talk to, but never good enough to date I'm sorry That I always held your hair back when you threw up,and didn't get mad at you for puking in my car, but when we went out you went home with another guy I'm sorry That I am there to pick you up at 4am when your
Tree Of Despair
Tree of Despair The Tree of Despair hangs over me Its enveloping branches choke the life out of me It feeds on death to renew itself Its only hope is to lead the innocent into damnation The death of innocent souls keeps it alive So many souls have passed this way And met their doom Led astray by the grim surroundings They found many ways to kill themselves Hundreds of bodies hang from the branches And the leaves are blood red They fall to the ground And turn black Adding to the sense of despondency All those filled with shame Head this way Your end awaits you Welcome to the Wood of Death And the Tree of Despair In this land of dead souls The Dark Lord surveys all His blood red eyes dismiss all hope And twinkle wickedly at the dreadful scene Only evil can thrive in his Dark Kingdom Each night he counts the victims Who hang from the Tree of Despair I give you fair warning Do not trespass there
Never Again!
My hearts in pain it hurts so much, To know i'll never again feel his touch. never again feel his gentle lips on mine, never again see him look so fine. never again feel his breath on my neck, never again smile when my life is a wreck. never again look deep into his eyes, never again say our playful goodbyes. never again hold in mine his hand, never again be taken to this magical land. never again know what true love feels like, never again have our feelings alike. never again have him to hold, never again know how to be bold. never again have his arms around me, never again know what true happiness can be.
Reality's Doubt
Reality’s doubt I can’t figure out Just how I feel What is fantasy And what is real Dancing on my tiptoes Waltzing through the clouds Playing in the language of love Never feeling the doubts Should I feel like this I really do not know I have got so much love inside Now it needs to make a show But love is just a memory For the hopelessness I feel That’s where I’m really at That’s when reality becomes real. Written by: J.R.A.F 1992
Some Ppl Are Just Fucking Nuts
Cell Phones In Restaurants
Is it just me, or does any one else out there get really ticked when you are eating out and the person in the booth behind you either makes or receives a cell call? You are stuck there listening to them gab on. And why do they HAVE TO TALK SO LOUD ON THE PHONE!!!! uuuGGGHHH. Cell phones should be illegal in certain public places (ie)diners, movie theaters.
okay so a guy is near the end of his senior year in high school. Unfortunately, he still has to share a room with his younger brother who is only 9 years old. One night, he decides to bring his girlfriend home for a little fun. They have bunk beds and the guy notices that his little brother is already asleep on the lower bunk, so he and his girlfriend climb up to the top bunk. As you might expect things start to heat up. The guy remembers that his little brother is sleeping below so he tells his girlfriend to whisper "lettuce" if she wants it harder and "tomato" if she wants a new position. Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!!!! She screams!!!! Lettuce!!! Tomato!!! Whoa!!! PULL IT OUT!!! PULL IT OUT NOW!!!! I can't get pregnant! Then the little brother shouts up, "Hey, would you guys stop making sandwiches up there! You're getting mayonnaise all over my face!
* Allowance *
********************************************************************************************* * acceptance * ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* * Surrender * ********************************************************************************************* The energy of Surrender helps you focus on your heart and your feelings. Surrender is necessary to let go of old patterns that prevent you from opening up your heart. Surrender makes your fear vanish. ********************************************************************************************* * Allowance * ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* Focussed
I'm In A Contest!
Riddel 2
only one color but not one size stuck at the bottom yet easily flies present in sun but not in rain doing no harm and feeling no pain
A Real Man
What a "Real Man" is...? 1. A REAL MAN respects his friends and family first and foremost in his life. 2. A REAL MAN raises his kids - not JUST out-of-pocket, either. He's a daddy, not a father, to his kids. 3. A REAL MAN supports and challenges his woman to develop herself, so she can achieve whatever she wants in life. 4. A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first, and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN. 5. A REAL MAN doesn't kiss and tell or need his ego stroked by bragging. 6. A REAL MAN notices your hair & nails that you've had cut or done recently. 7. A REAL MAN calls you beautiful and gorgeous... not just hot, sexy, fine as fuck or fine as hell. (Fine as fuck, how thoughtful and sweet of guys! LOL!) 8. A REAL MAN calls you back no matter HOW BUSY OR TIRED HE IS, because he knows he means a lot to you. 9. A REAL MAN looks past what he's heard about you or what his friends think of you. He makes hi
Not What I Left Behind
i find that thangs are diffrent and im not even home yet. i hate talking to people online or the phone. every day fells the same and i try to better my self but feels as if im falling to do so , over and over agine. I read the news to stay up on shit at home and i find all is in a downward spin. then being here my friends are die for people who dont even care any more. all was great when the war started, but now everyonr is board with the idea. then you guys say you your with the troops but your not into the war, that is the dumbest shit i have ever heard, if theres no wars theres no us. IF you guys really cared about us and for are lives you would be here, putting your ass on the line every day. some of you dont get this its 24/7 here when were up and when where sleepin. well i guess im just going on about shit sorry
Married Men
i recently came into a situation with so called "single" man that has turned out disasterous. this man professed love for me and was even intending to move in and start a real relationship. i recently receieved a call from his "wife". she has threatened to come kick my ass an cause problems for me. i stopped talking to him a long time ago yet his wifey still calls and threatens me. if yu shout me i will give you his name so you might avoid the same situation.i hint he is from tenn.please let all the women on here know
Sports Shit
i don't know maybe its my nonchalant attitude towards most everything but im pretty sick of the steroids talk in baseball. i guess my underlying feeling is it happened, the players know it, the coaches know it, the owners it, the commisioner knows it,and we the fans know it. but my god can we please move on. steroids were used in the past by top tier major leaguers. barry bonds mark mcgwire roger clemens andy petite among others. problem is that was the past. you cant put an asterisk around this whole era of baseball because that would damage the perceptions of players with outstanding numbers of this era that have not been implicated such as alex rodriguez derek jeter randy johnson curt schilling among others. plus i think what no one seems to bring up is although steroids are illegal by law when not received for medicinal purpose, steroid usage in the major league was not illegal or better stated swept under the rug by the higher ups in the league. morally, sure taking ster
Birthday Wishes
To all that wished me a Happy BirthdaySexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Check This Out
As Time Goes By
ok so alot of ppl wonder where the hell iv been. I live in a small town and there is a shortage of work and nothing to do. for the past 3 months iv been stuck at my parents place in the country. iv been planning to leave it as soon as possible, alot of shit has happened since i moved back. Now im an optimist in the making and i believe that we have highs and lows and eventually universal energies realign themselves and things get better, which is whats happening..i used to work as a security guard for 2 years, so instead of looking for a better job i just stuck it for 3 months to get my unemployment insurance back n now that i finally have it, im moving on up...5 fucking years of stalling to make my dreams come tru..well nomore fucking around..i mean my dream career is explosive demolition or pyrotechnics. yes im still surprized i havent blown myself away yet *knocks on wood* the only prob i have with the dream is finding the job that does it and will train...iv found THE job site but
Sooooo Bored!!!
wow..don't think i've ever been this bored! not even at work. so i was wondering..why is it so effing hard to find a DECENT man in this effin state!? why cant i find a man that will treat me right..who wont use me nor lie to me nor play me like im some retard?!?!?! *and yes motherfucker i KNOW u lied to me many upon many of times!! u know who u r!* UGH!!! not saying i'm looking here but for god sakes, isnt there a normal, decent, loving, kind hearted, non using guy out there???? im not a bad person and do NOT deserve to be used and abused like that. ugh!! :(
Failure Or Not
A SOLDIER'S PRAYER Look God: I have never spoken to You, But now, I want to say, "How do You do?" You see God, they told me You did not exist; And like a fool, I believed all of this. Last night from a shell hole I saw Your sky; I figured right then they had told me a lie. Had I taken the time to see the things You made, I would know they weren't calling a spade a spade. I wonder, God, if You would shake my hand; Somehow, I feel that You will understand. Strange, I had to come to this hellish place Before I had time to see Your face. Well, I guess there isn't much more to say, But I sure am glad, God, I met You today. I guess the zero hour will soon be here, But I am not afraid since I know You are near. The signal - well, God, I will have to go; I love you lots, this I want you to know. Looks like this will be a horrible fight; Who knows, I may come to your house tonight. Though I wasn't friendly with you before, I wonder, God, if you would wa
In 1 human life it has a change that could be for good or bad........ no 1 knows. In my life i have and still is going through different changes, I mean there is that saying life would always have challenges......I have been through alot so far and over comin another. from wat i have been through so far the challenges only get harder and it makes me become stronger, either on ur own or with a loved 1. when chellanges did arise i used to turn to drinking or runnin from it, but not now i would just have to stick it dayum that aint me but hey. well this is my boring blog................. just things to say that thought could be helped........... any input is appreciated thank u
please comment me and rate me all comments and rates put together make the total score thats the pic link thanks love you all
I got so many things going on in my mind.. i sometimes wonder myself if I got ADD. Maybe thats why my son has it. Nah, I am not that bad. lol. Days like today though I could almost think it. I got these thoughts of.. is the bus gonna come today,,did they cancel school? The roads are I didn't listen for school closings. Thinking about my grandma who passed away last yr..2 days after Christmas. Today is her birthday. Thinking I have to go to her grave to put a grave pillow on it,,that we made last weekend. Thinking about having to go to work..and missing my oldest sons Christmas program. Wondering who deleted me as there crush.. I think I know but hes denying it. (not you leo) Thinking about that someone special.. Wondering if my birds got a cold..hes been sneezing like. Thinking about the candy bar in the freezer thats calling my name. Thinking, that today I get to wear my new UGG boots I bought off ebay last year. They are awesome! Just a few things going on in my h
My Sexy Names
- LilithaTalaV Arukoto's Sexy Acronym - Lis for...LecherousIis for...IrresistibleLis for...LecherousIis for...IntenseTis for...TitillatingHis for...HotAis for...ArousingTis for...TitillatingAis for...AttractiveLis for...LibidinousAis for...AlluringVis for...Voluptuous is for...Ais for...AppetizingRis for...RousingUis for...UnchasteKis for...KinkyOis for...ObsceneTis for...TumescentOis for...Overwhelming The Sexy Acronym Generator
Abusive Relationships
To start this off i have been in an abusive relationship. If you are in one of these relationship,get out now. Physical abuse is not the only abuse there is. There are emotional, physcological and others as well. If you are going thru any of these seek help and get yourself and your kids out, if there are any involved. All states have abuse shelters you and your kids can go to, to get out of it. It is not healthy for you or your kids to stay in it. Think of it this way would you want your kids to grow-up like the abusive spouse, if the answer is no, definitely get out. If anyone that happens to be reading this needs someone to talk to holler at me. If not on my page i will always be in rednecks bar, come hollar at me in there and i will come talk to you. I will try to help all i can to avoid anyone else from goin thru this.
Ok, let's get one thing straight, if you posted naked pics of yourself up here, you obviously want people to see them. Why then do you post them and put on the folder don't even ask and act pissed when people do, who's the fuckin pervert here, the ones wanting to see you're tits, or you for posting pics of them in the first fucking place. And furthermore, what's with posting nudes of yourself when you know damn well that you have some brokedown old nasty ass titties and a big beer gut? And guys, why are you posting pics of your dicks on here? If you're cock was really that big you would be in porn not yanking one off too it, stop stealing pics and saying its yours. Point is if you didn't want anyone to see your naked shit, you wouldn't be posting them on the net, and just because I wanna see you naked doesn't mean I wanna be your fan.
Never Neverland
I am a promoter for Dangerous Women of Wrestling and I just started a few months ago just want to prove to them I have what it takes to work for them Dangerous Women of Wrestling are Finalizing video production dates for their First national Pay Per View for Cable, Satellite and Digital Tv providers debuting later this year. More Info coming!!
VIRGO - The Perfectionist Dominant ( Aug 23 - Sept 22) Conservative in relationships. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic. SCORPIO - The Intense One (Oct 23 - Nov 21) Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long Relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional. LIBRA - The Harmonizer ( Sept 23 - Oct 22) Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own uniqueness & creativity Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible. ARIES - The Daredevil ( Mar 21 -
I Got Suckered!!!
Cuz I was Suckered Into This.... Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.) I Totally Love Monsters Inc. O n Cars the movie.. =0) 2.) I Dunn Wanna Grow Up - Immma Toyz R Us Kid. 3.) Absolutely LOVE Blue Berries. 4.) I use to write poems,don't anymore..=((3 have been published) 5.) Really Drunk People irritate me for some reason.. 6.) Wish I wasn't so self Conscience. 7.) Pink Floyd By Far is Way Better Then AC/DC.(Neener Neener YOTD For Suckerin' Me into This) 8.) General Tso's Wiff Pork Fried Rice is my Fav. 9.) I can Grill Ma A$$ Off. 10.) I LOVE Mountain Dew!!! Tagg Ur it Fowkerz HA! HA! HA!=0): DJ Kraz
Nascar Winners
ToDays Winner Of The Daytona Race - There Was No Winner In The Daytona Pool - Next Weeks Pool Will Start At 60,000 Fubux Plus Next Race Entries - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DJ JAY STINKEYERADIO DJ BYTCH 'S ~CT Husband enforcer Total Chaos FOUNDER FU CHERRIE BOMBERS@ fubar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sweet ¢¾ Judy@ fubar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DJ Dave ~DJ stinkeye radio~@ fubar
Gas Prices!
Yep it is time.... Man I swear can gas prices get any higher!? I know I should not be asking that but geez! But I think I know why.... I am a medical biller for those of you who did not know that but I do alot of calling to Insurance companies and third party payors to find out where my doctors dog gone money is. It is a daily game of idiots back and forth everyday...grueling I know but it pays the bills. I run an aging report every week and call on claims that have not been paid yet. I had one today that was suppose to be paid by the Royal Embassy of Saudia Arbia here in Washington DC. I call...ring ring and this recorded voice comes on the I'm used to this...but not in fucking arabic! So I wait...finally in English! I am prompted to enter "1" on my keypad I do so....ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring get the picture...finally someone picks up and says "HOLD PLEASE" and I'm placed on hold for 20 min...okay first of all you don't do that in
Me I am bitter this I already know... I am paranoid, Yet put on a good show. I am vein even though I hate what I see.. I am waiting to be loved, yet needing to be set free. I am one in a million, yet still second rate... I am in denial refusing to accept my fate. I am in seclusion yet there are no doors.. I am in control yet picking pieces of me off the floor. I am the rain on your parade and the rainbow when its over... I am the unluckiest girl you ever met, but still your four leaf clover. I am a train wreck and this to you will soon reveal.. I am an empty vessel unaware of what I am with no ability to feel Dilemmas,..Cause and Effect Hold on to me,..dont look away too fast, Hang on with all of your might, for we were never meant to last. Look deep into my eyes and remember how they once shone for you, Now bloodshot and tearstained, now longing for something true. We had a beautiful thing I wont keep it all in, it was all worth whil
Lyrics Of My Feelings
"Sweet Lady" Sweet lady would you be my sweet love for a lifetime I'll be there when you need me just call and receive me Now any other day I would play it cool But I can't now cause I want you See I'm hooked on how you flex your style and I wanna talk for a little while I never really seen your type but I must admit that I kinda like so maybe if you have the time we could talk about you being my Sweet lady would you be my sweet love for a lifetime I'll be there when you need me just call and receive me Sweet lady would you be my sweet love for a lifetime I'll be there when you need me just call and receive me Now on the regular I would waste time but I don't want to cuz you're so damn fine and I heard that you were taken but that don't have to stop you from makin late night phone calls on the telephone about your fantasies and ways to get it on when you need me I will be there for you my sweet lady Sweet lady would you be my sweet love for a
Prayers For My Baby!
Earlier today my baby boy Hunter had what appeared to be a siezure and stopped breathing on our way home from the park. I was able to do CPR and restore breathing before paramedics arrived. He was rushed to the nearby hospital where they did a CT scan and some blood work which all came back ok. He will have to see a neurologist this week for an EEG to check for epileptic activity. Today was truely one of the worst days I've ever had and hope to never have again! Please pray for my precious lil man and keep him in your thoughts. He is so younge and normally such a happily lil guy and this episode was absolutely horrible for everyone. Again I just ask that you keep him in your thoughts and prayers during all this...thanks so much! Kim
Time Pass By
1. AGE DOESN'T MATTER UNLESS YOU ARE CHEESE 2. KEEP YOUR HEART A LITTLE SOFTER THAN YOUR HEAD 3. LOOK AT LIFE THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD NOT THE REARVIEW MIRROR 4. HAPPINESS IS THE JOURNEY.. NOT THE DESTINATION 5. THE KEY TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS IS TO HAVE A DREAM 6. LIFE IS WHAT HAPPENS WHILE YOU ARE MAKING OTHER PLANS 7. IF YOU WANT THE RAINBOW YOU MUST PUT UP WITH RAIN how can you call the one you love a slut ? when she knows she not. how can you blam her for things she never did? when its all lies.... how can you call her a bitch? when she knows she not. how can you tear out the heart of the one you love? she knows she been there for you.. how can the one you love be so mean to you? for all you done for them. its so hard to love sameone this days when they listin to nothing but lies about you? how can that happen???? AS THE CLOCK TICKS BY ITS MINUTES AS MINUTES PASS ON INTO A DAY STOP. LOOK AROUND. HEAR WHAT I'VE G
American Idol
this guy.. or david cook.. are my choices for American idol winner.. in case u care. lol
Great News
I just wanted all of my friends in fubar to know that I am single again. My friend Nataliya from the Ukraine was just out for money and a free ticket to the U.S. so I am looking for that one woman that can be true to me. If any of you know somebody out there that knows how to be faithful and honest in a relationship please let me know who she is. I would love to meat her. I just recieved an E-mail from my friend in the Ukraine. I have been talkint to her over the internet for a little over a month and in her e-mail today she told me that she has fallen for me. She also said that she wants to come visit me for a week or two in the very neer feuture. I am so nervous and exsited at the same time. If things go right I will be changing my profile and the rest of you ladies will just have to settle for being friends with me. I have been looking for someone to share my life with for a long time now and I had to find somebody that lives half the way around the world but I think that I may have
The Troops
come check out the new lounge angels & devils play house thanks love to have u there
The Past...
Can you imagine how it is, to want to be neither inside or outside... to want to be no where and disappear? In two years time, my scar became pale and shiny and I had no memory... That is the way it is with a wound. The wound begins to close in on itself, to protect what is hurting so much. And once it is closed, you no longer see what is underneath, what started the pain. After a while I didn’t think it was a terrible life, no, not really. After a while I hurt so much that I didn’t feel any difference. A person has very strange thoughts when it seems that life is about to end. And I want to tell you this: We are lost, you and I, unseen and not seeing, unheard and not hearing, unknown by others. But now that I am old, moving every year closer to the end of my life, I also feel closer to the beginning. And I remember everything that happened that day because it has happened many times in my life. The same innocence, trust and restlessness; the wonder, fear and lo
Wtf Is This? :o
This is the crazy plastic fetish guy. Excuse me while I go and scrub down my shout box with bleach. Bottom to top =] ->fetishist ...: Yeah, well it ain't happen on my page but good luck fetishist ...: it would be a great help for me cause i wanna try to become fubars most known fetishist. ->fetishist ...: Ummm, why would I wanna do that? fetishist ...: Would be cool if you d publish some of my nsfw pics in an extra folder on your fubar homepage
Jus Sum Random Thoughts
wat do u do when uve been hurt so much u dont know love from hate? when it seems the worlds walk out on u? when the one u cud turn to.. turned on u? its hard to hold ur head up high! it seems i have no one i can trust.. no one to talk to... but i kno i have myself and thats all i need right? if that all i need then y do i cry on the inside at night? why do i still feel so much pain from the past? but in the end id rather it be me then sum1 else becus no one deserves this pain that i feel!! alot of ppl in this situation wud say better u than me but i say better me than u.. ************************************** i kno this probably dont make much sense but its jus sumn i needed to write down and get off my chest.. so if u read it thanx if not o well!
This Life...........
Upon the stairway of despair, Complete with broken love affairs And promises that never came, But faded with a touch of shame, A pretty girl with golden hair And innocence so sadly rare, Strove to keep her head above A way of life devoid of love. Feeling pinned against Life's wall, She chanced upon a robot tall And said, "Please come and share with me Whatever Fate has deemed to be. I'm through with love, done with chances Spirit crushed by past romances, Just be a friend in word and deed. That's all that I shall ever need." "There's not too much from me to learn," Remarked the robot, in return. "Emotions do not form a part of my cold, solid-steel heart. Whatever maker fashioned me Did not permit my circuitry Responsiveness to love or pain - You're thoughts for me would be in vain." "No matter", spoke the maid. "No more Do I wish passion to explore. Be someone I can come home to When my exhausting day is through. Count yourself a well-worn shoe - A fr
I want to know if there is snyone out there that can draw me a pic of Papa Smurf with a ball cap on and with his arms up showing his muscles. I want it for a tattoo for my dad. Please let me know if this can be done. AND if it can be done. let me know if u will do it. please. and when ur done with it. upload it and i will rip it or email it to me please.
4th Of July Party
Join Me and some of my clostest friends for the most erotic 4th of July Weekend event ever to hit Boston, “THE HUNT FOR OUR INDEPENDECE,” Saturday, July 5, 2008, 10 PM-5 AM, Boston, Masachusetts. Boston will never be the same! Forget about the 4th of July fireworks; and get ready to experience a night of unbeleivable fun and extreme emotions! Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to explore your most erotic fantasies with some of sexiest people from all over Boston? This invitation-only event will be held at a private venue, only disclosed to guests who have made reservations. More importantly, further instructions and directions to the venue location will be emailed to you immediately after we receive your RSVP. Please be advised that reservations are on a first-come first-served basis. In order to keep our events as exclusive and intimate as possible, we only invite a select group of handsome men and beautiful ladies. So don't wait, reserve your space for this event today!
Fubar Animal Lovers Club
FUBAR'S ANIMAL LOVERS CLUB no matter what kind of pet or pets you love, this club is for you. you can meet friends all over fubar you share the same interest in loving an animal. no matter if it's domestic,wild or whatever. we all love pets and we should get together and form a bond a strong one. there are so many animals getting killed all over the world, it's so sad to see this happen. so come on people join this club and fight for the ones who can't talk and or fight for themselves. these poor animals don't deserve what they are getting. ---NO DRAMA IN THIS CLUB--- please rate add everyone including myself and send me a pm once your finished and i will add you to the club please in the subject line put something related to this club. it will help me get you faster...please dont just say hi, because then i have to open it and it's much faster to see the train/club you want to join and i can click your pic get your link and save a few ste
David'z Blog
2-Day Started Off Like Any Other Day. Me Wakin Up Yawnin Gettin Out Of Bed & On Tha Computer 2 Check My E-Mail Check My Myspace & Fubar Pagez & Then Downloadin Sum Songz. My Adventure In My Excitin Yet Small World Containz My Wife My 3 Dogz & 4 Catz. I Live day 2 Day Like It'z My Last. my Life iz Up & Down Sumtimez Happy Sumtimez Sad & Sumtimez Borin Crappy & Dull. I Have A Wife That I Love Very Much She Iz Tha Best Thang That Haz Ever Happend 2 My Life. Me & My Wife Did Not Go 2 Our Friend Mary & Johnny'z House 2 Hand Out 2-Night Cuz Johnny Workz 4 The Clean Air Bus & He Got Home At 8:00pm Came Home & Then Went 2 Bed. So That Iz Why We Did Not Go Over 2 Our Friendz Mary & Johnny'z. We Go Over There 2 Hang Out Get Away Frum Our House & To Enjoy There Great Company. I have Known Mary 4 Like 5 Yearz Now. Cuz Me & Mary We Go Way Back Back In Tha Dayz Back I Tell Ya. Mary'z Boyfriend Johnny I Have Know Him 4 Like 10 Monthz Or So. Anywayz Mary & Johnny Are Cool Peoplez. 2-Day Wuz Actually P
Time 4 A Change
I am making a few changes on here..first off.. I am no longer soul searcher. I changed it do to fact.. i only made that id up for my excrush. I no longer want anything to do with the idiot..or his therefore I am now wicked. LOL. I have also made my profile accessible only to friends at the moment..Because I feel lately like i have had spies checking me out. Alot of ids..that become N/A. Not sure how long I will have it that way.. anyways, it will not affect you if you are reading this.. just a quick note.. was taking a little break . Still am some but will be back a little.
Tats Are For Idiots?
Below is the article, The Morning Call is the local paper from here (Allentown, PA) The authors email and phone number are at the bottom. I think we should all let him know how we feel, since he did SUCH a good job researching the article he wrote. Disfigured skin points where culture is going You can tell where a culture is headed by examining whom its members seek to emulate. Just a few centuries ago, there was a culture still mired in the Stone Age, with no written language, no science, no math, no architecture, no nothing requiring thought Its members had not even managed to invent the wheel. That culture's only contribution to the world was the decorative ''tatu. '' In most other parts of the ancient world, tattoos were disfigurements usedonly to identify criminals or slaves. Now that Polynesians can read, use wheels, count and appreciate musical instruments other than drums, they've advanced to a point where most of them have abandoned tattoos. As one culture ascends, it seems,
Are there men that are truly honest? No lies, no tall tales, overstatements of their lives? Men that want only that one true woman who would give you the world and beyond? blog blog blog
Shadow Bomber Family
♥Çhåøtï¢ ¶®îñçë$$♥ Fu Married 2 ŠûnšhïnëPrìnçêšš Owned By Bratt,DjSuperman~Shadow Bomber@ fubar ♥~BRATT~♥@ fubar ☼ŠûnšhïnëPrìnçêšš™☼@ fubar DJ SuperMan~FU Husband To Kisa&hearts ~C/O Planet X~Fu Owner Of Chaotic Princess@ fubar KEN AKA WOLF OF THE NIGHT (SHADOW BOMBER)@ fubar tjattherock~shadow~bombing family member@ fubar ♦♦Queen♦♦Dylon's Divas Mafia♦♦shadow bombers♦♦@ fubar ☆Šhädòw Bòmbèr☆♠Mémbër õf Łhè Råłìñg Rèvôlütïòñ♠ FU OWNED BY WINDY@ fubar ŽGÎRL**☆♠Mémbër õf Łhè Råłìñg Rèvôlütïòñ♠**CLUB UNITED & SHADOW BOMBER@ fubar ~~SassyMysticDawn~~Member of The Shadow Bombers~~@ fubar $eX!
Myspace Text | Myspace Tweaks
Free Comments and Graphics MySpace Text | MySpace Tweaks MySpace Text | MySpace Tweaks
Dating And The Woas It Seems To Bring
I hate to say it but, I believe that I am permanently doomed to failure when it comes to the dating world. I do not seem to find much luck when it comes to dating or meeting ladies. I work too dang much to have time to meet any first of all, and when I do end up finding time to go out with someone, they seem to decide within two weeks time every time to either just stop talking to me, or give me some sort of excuse or what ever. They each have told me they want a nice guy which I feel I am, and I show my kindness, and two weeks of trying to show that, and I noticed many of them run right back to the jerks of the area. Oh well, their loss is what I say. I feel that any of these women could have had a lot if they gave me a chance. I do not feel the need to try to look anymore. If it is meant to be, whom ever it is will have to come find me. I am giving up on the chase, I do not want to do that mess anymore. I will just continue to spend my money on myself, and be happy with my own person
A Great Woman
This is FARSCAPECAT!! She is an amazing woman and friend!!! She does alot for all her friends on here!! If she is not already on your friends list.... Well shame on you!!! SHE SHOULD BE!!!! So go Fan, Rate, and Add her NOW!!! You won't be sorry and she WILL return the love!!! She has Auto 11's on right now so go spank her HARD!! Lets see if we can get her a little closer to Disciple!!! She totally deserves it!!! {{This will take you right to her pics}} Go show her how much she is loved!!! ***Thanks*** This Bully brought to you with lotsa love By: JΛmîξ £¥Ññ R/L G/F of Jãkξ Owned By SirRickster Owner of Rock N Roll Chick@ fubar Jãkξ Thξ §Ñåkξ R/L B/F of JΛmîξ~Owner of HippyChick~Owned by Carolvision@ fubar
Fucking Done
Im so sick of people in this world. Poeple like playing with my feelings im so pissed off now im at the the end where i dont give a shit about life or love anymore. So if u read this and u say u r a ture friend maybe u can change my mind about life and love.
Shadow Bombers Enough Is Enough
(UPDATE AS OF 22/27/08) Animations - Animated Graphics for Myspace, Hi5, OrkutMyspace Comments, Hi5 & Friendster graphics: WE HAVE TOLD YOU AND SINC THE SARCASIM HAS GOT BAD,ANOTHER MEMBER HAS BEEN LET GO TODAY. WE HAVE FRIENDS OUTSIDE OF THE FAMILY BOMBING IN GIVEAWAYS MORE THAN OUR FAMILY MEMBERS. AND THEY DON'T COUNT HOW MANY THEY DO, THEY JUST HELP. SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE????? Animations - Animated Graphics for Myspace, Hi5, OrkutMyspace Comments, Hi5 & Friendster graphics: U need all need to attempt to do some bombing each day or atleast everyother day or u will b cut from family.Getting tired of talking about it.Unless u tell Bratt or Chaotic of extra circumstances no more will be tolerated. We shoulda had most of these giveways more than halfway done. If u could put atleast 50 on each a day.(((But that don't mean to count every comment, we want serious bombers, if you have to count comments then you don't wann
Mistys Life
well life has been ok for me i guess. i had twin boys on july 26,2009. been playing my favoriate game on here, made soldier, ive made some really good friends here and just love fubar and fumafia lol. the boys, Draegan and Lucian are doing great, they are walking and talking now, i live in colorado springs right now, just trying to do my best as a mother and friend. Love ya guys well i just got out of the hospital today to find out i got a hiernia and might have 2 have sergiry but thats ok. in my 3rd week of college and am doing well i got an a on my midterms still single and looking 4 that someone in my life maybe soon i will find him well i am 14 weeks pregnant with twins. lucky me!. i have no clue how i am gonna do it but it will get done. um lets see got a new apartment, still going to college, um thats about it. love ya'll
A Tribute...
I meant to do this last week but I got distracted. Anyway....exactly one week ago rock music (well, all music actually) lost one of the greatest drummers ever to pick up the sticks. Mitch Mitchell was recruited by Jimi Hendrix to join the power-trio known as The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Noel Redding joined as the bassist. Mitchell was Hendrix's most important collaborator. They fed off each other on stage, off stage and in the studio. He is regarded as the pioneer of the fusion drumming style. What made him so great? There are many reasons, however the most important reason was this - he could actually keep up with Jimi Hendrix. On some songs - Voodoo Child(Slight Return), I Don't Live Today, Manic Depression, Spanish Castle Magic, and others - he outshined Hendrix. Do you have any idea how hard that is? It's arguably the closest thing to impossible you can get. Yet, he did it. And he made it look relatively easy. Nevertheless, he is still vastly underrated and unde
You Can Only Type ONE Word. Not as easy as you might think. Now copy and paste into your blog and tag 5 ppl to do the same. Leave a comment to let us know you have done it, AND LEAVE THEM A COMMENT TO LET THEM KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN TAGGED. It's really hard to only use one-word answers! 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? not 3. Your hair? black 4. Your mother? bitch 5. Your father? pussy 6. Your favorite thing? kids 7. Your dream last night? nightmare 8. Your favorite drink? Tequila 9. Your dream/goal? Live 10. The room you're in? Livingroom 11. Music? alternative 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy 14. Where were you last night? Sleeping 15. What you're not? Whore 16. Muffins? BannanaNut 17. One of your wish list items? Money 18. Where you grew up? Florida 19. The last thing you did? Sex 20. What are you wearing? Pajamas 21. TV? off 22. Your pets? None 23. Your computer? Love 24. Your life? Sucks 25. Your mood? Sick
Fake B!tches
Emotional Color Chart
My blood bleeds red, red like my anger, and my face is red when my blood boils, but often times that red anger leads to blue sadness, blue sadness that turns days into bleary dark murkiness shades of black an grey an abysmal yellows that sicken the eyes. Then we have the green, green like the night that lacks color the street with only a small light, everything bathed in a murky green with shadows that remain unseen, the dangers of life not yet known, the dangers of becoming green with envy of others, being consumed with things that are not yours whether it be material or your status in life. Try not to be concerned with things you can't control, like the variables of life that can't be predicted, do not be consumed in the red anger because it leads to the blue sadness. Hazy days and dark lonely nights will consume your happiness, an eater of color till everything is all black, a empty hole, no color equals no emotion at all, just depression, not caring about tomorrow or if to
A Mystery
I live through my dark existence only to bask in your warmth your eyes that shine like stars your smile that brightens even my sad existence I envy the wind that touches your body the person that kisses your lips I long to touch you to hold you in my arms but I cannot for your heart does not belong to me so, I can only love you from afar your friendship means more to me than anything this world provides but like an angel you touched my heart in a way that I've never felt before because I've never known what love is until the day i met you I know that we are only friends but my heart wishes it to be more so I will still hope and dream that one day I can feel your lips pressed to mine to hold you in my arms and say, "I love you" I want to be your companion and walk hand in hand, your strength enveloping mine. Autumn leaves falling, scuffing feet and laughter, sharing nights, not finished by the dark. I want to be your confidant as you pen your dee
hi to all my great friends Ty one more time for all the help yu gave me to be Oracle, i love yu all i will be at holydays home for two weeks so i will be back the 2nd of march, lot of yu know that i have no internet there god bless yu all, i will miss yu miz
Confidence Is A True Friend & See Ya Soon
My Life & My Mama
As a child i came from a suddled family. I was tha 3rd child of tha family out of 6 and i was a little crooket then others in my family. When i was in jr high school i was hanging with some friends and we used to do some of everything that kids do. I started hanging out in tha streets and i became a little tougher and rougher. I didn't think like i should and i was forced into this gang and i was jumped by 5 guys and one of them i knoched out . I had it in my mind that i was not going to fall for nothing i was one of the ones that wasn't going to take no shit from nobody. It had stated to interfear with my school and i used to get into trouble and alot of times sent home. I knew that my mama didn't like it and i thought well thats just the way it is. I got myself together and i lifted weights and i got into sports. My p.e. teacher was tha coach of out football team and he said sun your pretty strong. In tha 9th grade i benched 180 pounds and i made tha football team. I was a very fast
Tattoo Parties...
Im going to start booking local and out of state tattoo parties this month. If this is something you are interested in, please fu-mail me, and I will get back to you with rates and times Im available to come tattoo you. Thanks Mikey Knuckles
Just For Me
Guess who is getting wild DJ Wild SugarDumpling is getting wild @ Double Trouble Click on any Pic to cause some double trouble with us Partners with check it out
Ok Ok
ok, so a while back i posted a mumm on if i should do porn or not. the answer was 100% yes i should, soooooooooo guess what? I'm gonna do porn! lol I'll be dong live web cam stuff with a friend as well as film. yea yea before ya'llsay anything, my fu wifey already knows. so those of you who think they can go running and snitch me out, HA SUKA! the jokes on you, cuzz i hide nothing from her! If ya'll wanna know where we can be seen just ask an i might tell. Happy humping everyone!
Own Enigma
Hit this chic up.... this is where the auction is: If you cant bid..could you please rate my pic there?
I Don't Get It
If the bouncers and admin have a problem with something a fubar user does it seems logical that they would let that person know right before or right after they do stuff like ban you from commenting on mumms or if they're going to delete someone's account maybe they could send them an email message to the email address that person created thier account from letting them know why. I still don't know what I did to lose my commenting powers in the mumms maybe if I did I could make a point not to do whatever it is I did wrong
I walk to the edge again, Searching for the truth Taken by the memories Of all that I've been through If I could hear your voice, I know that I would be okay I know that I've been wrong, But I'm begging you to stay Won't you stay? Will you be here or will I be alone? Will I be scared? You'll teach me how to be strong If I fall down, will you help me carry on? I cannot do this alone I wish that I could turn back time, Just to have one more chance To be the man I need to be I pray you'll understand If I could hear your voice, I know that I would be okay I know that I've been wrong, But I'm begging you to stay Won't you stay? Will you be here or will I be alone? Will I be scared? You'll teach me how to be strong If I fall down, will you help me carry on? I cannot do this alone I need your hand to help me Through this time again Nothing compares to how I feel When I look at you You never know, you never know tomorrow You never know, you never know tomorrow Don
The Rants And Raves Of Sane Psycho.
Southern Nights
About Me
Lezzas Prayer
May all my ups and downs in life be between the bed sheets only
So I got a christmas party on wendsday and i cant find a date. This really sucks.
This Is Cool
It's a boy Richard Anthony Wolanin III born at 9:30am on the 18th of December 7lb 7oz Just sending out a big hello to all my friends, family, and fans. Just wanted to try this out and figured I'd use this to say hello to everyone!!!!!
Family & Friends
Family/Friends Never understood why it went this way, but if you havent noticed, family will screw you faster than friends. And I thought family was supposed to always be there for ya. Just a thought that I thought of.
Poems And Stuff
As kids we may not have seen eye to eye, But its still so hard to say goodbye, Talking on the phone and visiting were never enough, telling you goodbye Was still very tough, We may have had some years, But because you are not here, the memories do not help stop the tears. When I heard your voice and you were so sad, I couldn't help but get so very mad, But when I heard your giggle or laugh, I just had to smile, even if its by half, I just wanted to make sure you know, that no matter what life has to throw, You meant so much to me, if I may be bold, more than you could have ever been told, for you are and were the BEST sister and the BEST friend, to that there is never an end, So I wanted you to know and feel the love, I am sending on the wings of your two Angels above, I wanted you to feel their kisses in the breeze, I will stive to remeber and know that life is to be seized, even if its day by day, As you my dear sister will know my love is there to stay. By Angel Meadows 04/22/05 De
A Child Is Born
silently patiently waiting for the day a child shall arise from our own flesh and blood this world isnt a place for a child to be we hope that we make it the best it can be life is a challange time is short our lives will have changed with a stroke of the clock a child is an angel sent from heaven above please love it always with endless love i hope that my child will respect me i hope its love is true i wish that my child will be better than me my life has been meaningless until you arrived i see in your eyes that you belong to me my heart is a glad as a tide in the sea blah lol

Stop by and vote for me in the BBW contest. You have unlimited votes, so leave as many comments as you can. Click on the pic below to vote. Happy Holidays, Hugs, and Cherry kisses! Pass this along to your friends/fans and help me out. Thanx! Come and vote for me and my adorable lil dog Chewy. Contest runs til Tuesday at midnight. You have unlimited votes. Click on the pic below to vote. Hugs and Cherry kisses!
Misc Rants
babyJustFo...: hi G33K1N73HP1NK: hello babyJustFo...: hi im bored wanna have fun? G33K1N73HP1NK: oh yah I like fun G33K1N73HP1NK: what like internet solitaire? babyJustFo...: LIKE CYBER G33K1N73HP1NK: I dont know that game babyJustFo...: wana know bout that?? G33K1N73HP1NK: yah what is it? G33K1N73HP1NK: is it like those people that are half human and half robot?? G33K1N73HP1NK: are those your pics? babyJustFo...: hell yhwe babyJustFo...: add me on yahoo my name is G33K1N73HP1NK: I dont have yahoo, can we just chat here? babyJustFo...: how can you see me then?? G33K1N73HP1NK: Why do I need to see you? babyJustFo...: to show you what fun is G33K1N73HP1NK: are you going to draw me a diagram? babyJustFo...: so i guess you wont gonna see it G33K1N73HP1NK: I asked you to draw a diagram of cyborg fun G33K1N73HP1NK: I want fun but Im not sure why I need to sign up for yahoo to have fun... babyJustFo...: coz its much easier there G33K1N73HP1NK: easier for w
Well its been like ages since i posted a blog. But since it is New Years Eve, the last day of 2007, i thought Id say alittle something. My year was pretty good, but I had my up and downs too. My childern are also growing up way to fast, another year to they get older. Which i wish they would stay little the rest of there lives but i guess that will never happen, lol. I hope the next year will be much better and my life go on. Happy New Year Everyone. I hope the year 2008 is much better for my husband and I. So my New Year wishes are to have a better relationship with my husband and be a family. Hope your Year 2008 is the best too! Faith Hill Cry Just sitting at home thinking of someone!!!
Ohhhh Boy
Well today is the day of my surgery. It has finally set in that my babies will be gone forever!!!! I know that they are in a much better place than this terrible inconsiderate world but I wish they here with me. Even though we never met and I've seen them twice through the ultrasound I still love them with all my heart they are and will always be my babies. I'm planning to get tattoos to remember them but I know that this is one ordeal i will NEVER in my life forget. R.I.P my lil jellybeans March 11th 2007- May 7th 2007 So everyone im pregnant FINALLY i will be 2 months in like 2 weeks. And for everyone who knows that Nick and I were having some serious relationship problems we are staying together hopefully it all works out we will be a year in may ohh and the estimated due date for the baby is Nov 23 so yea mine and nicks one yr wedding annivesry is coming up fast a year in may!! the other day he looks at me an says "you need to start planning our renewl" i was like ohhh shi
Babe Are U Mine?
I found a way to make extra cash in my spare time. You can check it out and try it for yourself. You gotta repost this as,"babe r u mine?" The 1st person to message u saying " urs." ... will be ur CherryTap Sweetheart... u'd be suprised at just who wants to be urs...u have 2 do this even if you are taken or, are you just Chicken!!!!
We give We take Everyday it makes No difference why We live For life We die No tomorrow No lies, only sorrow I’m scared for tomorrow No chance to remember No chance to forget What’s the point We die For life We try Always horror I live in horror Always horror I don’t sleep No one to trust Take a life For survival No body stops No body care No time Still in horror no time For sorrow No time till tomorrow I remember the horrors Just no chance to forgive No time to forget One day to sleep Before the last night I get I’m supposed to remember All I do is forget The lives that I took Give my life for tomorrow No tomorrow Only sorrow My life is horror The world feels like it's storming and everyone is ignoring !peace! all my life was warning for every single morning with life sets a new gap and trying hard feels like a trap peace is impossible with dictators that talk all crap time has struck us way too soon
Giving Up Nick...
Today is gonna be the hardest day I've had in a very long time. Because today I have to say goodbye to my best friend. The one who has been there as my constant and most devoted companion for the past 3 years, who licks away my tears, talks to me incessantly (about what im not sure), who makes me laugh, greets me when i leave even for 15 mins like I have been gone for 10 years, cuddles with me in bed, doesnt care if im fat, or have makeup on, or generally look like shit. The one who somehow knows when i dont feel well or when im sad and stays close to my side like a shadow of myself. The one and only being in the world that I know truly loves me for who I am and doesnt ask for anything more than to be fed, and play fetch with a stick and have his ass scratched on a regular basis. As I sit here in tears, pondering my life over the past year and how difficult some of the things were, the surgeries, the problem solving, the one constant that has been with me through all my troubles
Carmen@ CherryTAP Carmen@ CherryTAP
My Brother Mmc(sw/aw) Jeff Hiser
MMC(SW/AW) Jeff Hiser, left, and MMCM(SW) Allan Lowe show off the gifts they received one day after saving the life of a Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard worker. Photo by MCC Aaron Strickland PCU Bush senior enlisted rescue shipyard worker By MCC Aaron Strickland NEWPORT NEWS — A master chief petty officer and chief petty officer assigned to the reactor department of Pre-Commissioning Unit George H. W. Bush saved the life of a Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard worker, April 23, by performing cardio pulmonary resuscitation. MMCM(SW) Allan Lowe and MMC(SW/AW) Jeff Hiser saw the worker a moment after he collapsed at the brow of PCU Bush at 7:20 a.m. “He was already down,” Lowe said. “I looked at Chief Hiser and asked him if he could perform CPR?” Hiser reported on board PCU Bush in January after three years duty teaching firefighting for the Navy, which includes knowing how to perform CPR. “(Lowe) and I were trying to get his attention,”
Stupid But Important To Me!
ok, so this is one of those blogs where if you don't actually know me you're going to wonder by the end whats wrong with me... ok, basically for the first time in a really long time I'm feeling...unpretty...sounds stupid but this is not good at all. I taught myself a long time ago not to be self consious about other women...I've always known I'm not the prettiest, but I was still pretty damn hot...but all the sudden I'm finding myself jealous of the girl phil's watching on the TV when usually I'm checking the girl out too, or jealous of the stack of porn sitting next the the computer (and I LOVE porn!). I know its not just all in my head, my two best features suddenly aren't looking so hot...I recently lost weight (not on purpose) and it all seemed to come out of my ass and my boobs. This wouldn't be a problem for most girls, they all think there ass is too big...but I was proud of my ass and the way it looked in my I can't get those jeans to stay on my ass... I feel lik
Guys And Girls In Uniform
As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support "Red Fridays." Last week I was in Atlanta, Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camos. As they began heading to their gate, everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red-blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I though
Witchs Charge
SPELLCRAFT is the art or ability to cast or work spells, also known as "work". "To Work" is also known as performing "magick", which is spelled with a "K" on the end to differentiate this kind of magick from prestidigitation, or sleight of hand performed by stage magicians. Spellcraft uses the vibrations of natural things around you plus your own vibrations to accomplish a desired goal. Colors, herbs, incense, etc, all have vibrations that affect the universe. This has been proven by the physicists of our modern age, but was known to the ancient magicians already. Before resorting to magic, however, you must do everything you can on the practical level first! Magic never excludes you from your own participation. If you light a black candle to lose weight, for example, and then contimue to eat ice crean fudge sundaes, your spell is NOT going to work! This may seem like commonsense, but I have repeatedly heard people complain that their spell did not work, and they did absolutely n
Mexican Oysters
A big Texan stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Mexico . While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He asked the waiter, "What is that you just served?" The waiter replied, "Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull's testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!" The cowboy said, "What the heck, bring me an order." The waiter replied, "I am so sorry senor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy." The next morning, the cowboy returned, placed his order, and that evening was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, inspecting his platter, he called to the waiter and said, "These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller t
How I Came Up With The Name Oguardianshaven
How I came up with the Name OguardiansHaven, Well year's ago I met this girl who was way off in the drug world and I took her under my wing took care of her when she was on a down slope, giving her a safe place to sleep with worry of being raped while she slept. In doing that I meet many more girl's that I did the same for. Well when I went on-line I need a screen name and there were three or four girl-friend's here and I asked them what would be a good name for me. They all said Guardian Angel, well of course that was taken already so I started trying variations and came up with Oguardian, then a little bit later when I started my on-line Biz I added Haven. So thats how OguardiansHaven became.Most of the girl's I took in are doing great!,Clean, married with kid's, being responsible adult's now.Not to mention they are true loyal friend's that will do almost anything I ask of them without question!. I have earned that trust from them.
Things I Write
From the dark of the night I hear, Your call as you draw near. I open the window and await, The arrival of my dark mate. Yours is the beauty of the night, I'm just a moth trapped by your light. I want you as my dark knight, and for that I gladly sacrifice my life. Into my neck your fangs you sink, And of my blood you deeply drink, As you take what you need to live, Your own blood to me you freely give. When the last human in me does expire, and into darkness I am born Vampire. Children of the night we'll be, You, My love and me. With hunger for the blood we need, Together we will hunt and feed. For our own selfish sake, The life's of innocents we must take. And when in Tomb from daylight we do hide, I will lie contented at your side. and with a shroud used as a cover, I'll lay down with my DARK LOVER. All is lost in this lonely world. All I have is a vague memory of what we were, Together we chanted the soft lullabies To our weary victims Wand
She Needs Serious Help
I want to return the favor..if any of you all can spare some comments for her that would be great...she helped me in my contest even though she was friends with another contestant..that makes her great in my book... Click the Pic and help if you can..:)
I Miss You Daddy
My Minds Chatter
This geek chick realizes she really wants a special someone! :( I wants my squishy to keep me warm at night! (Yes, a Finding Nemo reference.) I guess I am just use to being single that it doesn’t really faze me anymore. Sure, there are the moments that I wish I had someone special to cling to, late nights when I wish I had the warmth of my loves arms to keep me safe through the darkest hours and their soft soothing voice telling me “everything is going to be alright”; on days when I feel that the world could just collapse below my feet. I have had my share of assholes. One that even left me both physically and emotionally scared. I can just never find the middle with any guy; an even balance. Of course you are want to spend time with the person you care about. Yet, you can’t spend 24/7 with them. There has to be room for your own interest and friends. It’s how you keep the spice in a relationship. I always end up with people that spend too much time with me or the on
WooHoo! I made Number 1! Wow..I have goose bumps...giggling..I want to thank you all for showing so much love..I know it won't last, but at least I got there once..YAY!!..Tee hee You guys ROCK!!!
does anyone read blogs? let me know
Worked To Death!!!
Hey all my fu friends I wanted to let you know I'm not trying to Ignore everyone But I am a sales associate now !!!! To all of you who dont know I'm working 6 days a week and trying to kep in touch with everyone and Reality!!!! But to all of you I still have Luv and will try to say hello on my day off!!!!
Doooo Whaaa?!?!?!
Let others know a little more about yourself, repost this as your name followed by "ology." MOUTHOLOGY Q. What is your salad dressing of choice? A. Red Wine vinegarette Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? A. YUK!!!YUK!! Q. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? A: Bravo! Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? A.15 % Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? A. crawfish(unless someone else is around-you know who you are!!LOL) Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice? A. extra cheese and bar-b-que chicken!Yum! Q. What do you like to put on your toast? A. strawberry jam TECHNOLOGY Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer? A. A beach Q. How many televisions are in your house? A. 3 BIOLOGY Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed? A. right Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? A. do two children count?? Q. When was the last time you had a cavity? A. about
2007 World Series
The Boston Red Sox are the 2007 World Series Champions. However I would just like to take my hat off to the 2007 National League Champions The Colorado Rockies. The made it difficult for us. They were there for good reasons. They won 21 out of 22 games. The swept the divisional and national league games. So Let's go Red Sox nation, AS we celebrate our second title, let's tip out hats to the Rockies!
I hope everyone who has a Halloween in there part of the world to have a great, safe halloween. Happy Halloween everyone.
Hey everyone got just little under 9,000 to go before I level! I would love any help I can get!
New Yrs And Poems
This poem Is about and for Shazzy and Courtney 2 very best friends.They are there through thick and thin. Best friends Best friends through the end,your loved and kindness never ends.For support you are second to none,for you two never stopped till the end Is done. Truly devoted to each other well being and happiness.Never giving up even when life Is at It's darkest your light shines through bringing your feel of warmth to cleared away the mist.For true friends are worth their weight In gold,for they will never let you down.And they will never lose their value to you as the yrs passes by.So hold your friends close to your heart and never let them down,for without friends you are truly lost to the world.
The Best Advice I Can Give Myself Or Anyone Else.
I was recently cleaning out a box and found an old song book that I had removed from an abandoned house when I was about 14 and really never payed much attention to it. I found it in a box and opened it up to find some very interesting lyrics to older songs some of which I knew others which I never had heard of. This song book belonged to the lady who was a school teacher and had lived in this house for a long time. When the flood of 1993 came through she went off and left the house and all the contents. With the song book I took an old box camera, a deck of cards, and her diary. Yeah I know shallow to take her diary but she was never coming back there she had already passed away. So back to the song book, I opened it last night for about the 3rd or 4th time since I have had it and noticed in the front of the book and the first few pages some simple quotes and food for thoughts I guess she had put in there to make her laugh or think, who knows but I feel like these need to be shared.
Walk It Out
Walk It Out Heeeyy... Now Walk It Out(Now Walk It Out) Now Walk It Out(Now Walk It Out) Now Walk It Out(Now Walk It Out) Now Walk It Out West Side Walk It Out(West Side Walk It Out) South Side Walk It Out(South Side Walk It Out) East Side Walk It Out(East Side Walk It Out) North Side Walk It Out(North Side Walk It Out, Ayyeeeee!) Now Walk It Out(Now Walk It Out) Now Walk It Out(Now Walk It Out) Now Walk It Out(Now Walk It Out) Now Walk It Out West Side Walk It Out(West Side Walk It Out) South Side Walk It Out(South Side Walk It Out) East Side Walk It Out(East Side Walk It Out) North Side Walk It Out(North Side Walk It Out) [Verse 1:] Now Hit The Dance Floor Hey Bend Yo Back Low She Do It With No Hands Now Stop, Pop, And Roll A smoking bubba hoe Yea they in trouble hoe I Like The Way She Move A Undercover Hoe Now Everybody Leanin I Make The Crowd Rock Now Gone And Walk It Out I See They On My Jock She Want That Bubb
Own Me..
so yay n big thanx to slave princess:)... im in an auction to be fu-owned for a month... so to make this easier...follow this link and chk it out... :) click the pic:p
Playing Tag
Here is the link to an amber alert case..about a missing 12 year old girl from the Charlottesville, Va area.. I happened to come across it here, on fubar and really felt compelled to post a link to this alert.. I pray the she and others like her are found and reunited with their families safely.. Amen
Have fallen ill today being at home went out yesterday cooling down having arrived at Be at home lying in drinking the wine nearby net ~ ~ ~ over the bed top ~ Feel fault-like regards I am looking for a warm embrace I am looking for a tall on the shoulder I find a sense of humor, humorous friend I find people are you? If you said to me please contact Hi all, I am very pleased, just to recognize here so many new friends. Thank you for the gift. Where is everyone? Usual has been participating in party? Have fun gatherings? Tell me some interesting things in party
I Rule My Own World!
Well, in case you didn't read my profile all the way through, this is my NEW fu-profile. An ex of mine changed the password to my old profile and, since he's being a total child about it, I just started a new one. And, no I can't just do password recovery. He changed my yahoo and hotmail passwords as well. All because I wouldn't f*ck him anymore....... So, here I am again.........back and better than ever!!! Stephanie I've discovered through the course of my online travels that no one believes I'm sweet and innocent. Not that I'm over naughty all the time...but I'd like to think I'm somewhat good when I want be.....That's not to say I have a naughty side.....I am addicted to sex....can't get enough.....but outside of the bedroom so to speak, I'm not what most of the men I've met online think I am...... Thanks to all my friends on here who are helping me re-build my profile. I love you know who you are.
She embraces it The only love she'll ever truly know The only love to never let her go Never hurt her Never betray her She holds it so tenderly in her fingers Careful not to let it slip away Its her sweet serenity It loves her as much as she loves it She can't let it go It's her only hope she grasps its tighter Letting its love sink into her LIght begins to fade Its just her and her love She falls into an empty space Embracing it tighter She feels it all drift away Before she goes she whispers "My only true love is death its self." ok so yea my dad wants to bring sum chick from africa to the us and im really against it but he wont listen to me i still live with him and i think its should be part of my decision to even tho its his money i jus think its a really big mistake....any one have any advice as to what i can do to show him shes jus lookin for a sugar daddy?
Wiccan Handfasting Ceremony Priestess speaks: Welcome, friends, as we gather to celebrate the marriage of Bride and Groom. Divine One, I ask thee to bless this couple, their love, and their marriage as long as they shall live in love together. May they each enjoy a healthy life filled with joy, love, stability and fertility. Turns to the East: Blessed be by the element of air. May you be blessed with communication, intellectual growth, and wisdom. Turns to the South: Blessed be by the element of fire. May you be blessed with harmony, vitality, creativity, and passion. Turns to the West: Blessed be by the element of water. May you be blessed with friendship, intuition, caring, understanding, and love. Turns to the North: Blessed be by the element of earth. May you be blessed with tenderness, happiness, compassion, and sensuality. Faces all: In all the eons, the long slow climb of evolution has no greater culmination than the union of people in
Friends For Life!
That's right this woman has been my best friend for 25 yrs! We've been through good times and some really bad times together, honestly can say I dont know what I would do without her! So stop by and show her just how awesome Fubar is and show her some luv!!!!!!! sunshine_stars@ fubar
My Midget
Our Trip
Just wanted to let everyone know we had a good time at Six Flags. It was hot and I kept having to pour water on myself but, it was worth it. Here are some pictures since I can't upload anymore.
Horny Hikers (erotica By Sondra)
Horny Hikers by Babs aka Sondra Dina was napping in the tent while Ron was out for a walk along one of the nature trails along the edge of the mountain they were camping on. They had had a rough night as the temperature had taken a sudden drop and they couldn’t get warm. The sun had warmed the area quite nicely, not too hot nor too cool, so a hike was in order. They had gotten up early and built a fire to warm up by. It was now mid afternoon and Ron was enjoying a little free time while Dina rested. As she lay sleeping in the tent, fully naked, Ron had met up with some other hikers along the trail and struck up a conversation, making friends quickly with them before heading back to his and Dina’s campsite. He hoped Dina was still sleeping and having sweet, sexy dreams. Dina was doing just that when Ron arrived back at camp. He unzipped the tent flap slowly, wishing to not wake Dina, and crawled inside next to her. He had stripped off his clothes before entering the ten
A Real Man
Please apply if you have the qualities... A Real Man holds high ethical ideals without compromise. A Real Man is emotionally balanced. He should be able to laugh and cry as he damn well please, and not give a shit what other people think of him. A Real Man can be laughed -AT- as well as laughed -WITH- and not feel insulted, demeaned, or belittled. Words don't breat bones! A Real Man shares his feelings with those he cares for. A Real Man has grace under pressure and does not panic in a crisis. A Real Man is responsible for his actions and inactions. A Real Man takes on the burden of responsibility for those who -cannot- shoulder a responsibility themselves *providing* he is asked to and agrees. A Real Man marries for life. A Real Man surrenders his marriage gracefully if it does not work. A Real Man loves and honors his spouse above all else. A Real Man honors and respects *ALL* women, be she Queen or harlot. A Real Man is sexually and emotionally responsive to
Our Pimpout By Jamie Lynn
This Loving Couple Needs to get Leveled!! Wouldn't it be great if they could Godfather as a couple?? They are really great people!! They are always helping out their friends!! Now it is their turn!!! Lets see if they can become Godfathers Together!!! Go show them LOTSA Love!!! Rate their Pics & Stash, Bling them..... Whatever ya can, just go smother them with a LOT of love!! Lets see if we can get them closer to Godfather!! Miss Kitty Kat R/L G/F To Mr Typhoon(Shadow Leveler n Fu BadGirl) I LOVE U BABY 4-LIFE@ fubar MR. TYPHOON.R/L B/F TO MISS KITTY KAT..SHE HOLDS MY HEART FOREVER..I LOVE U BABE (SHADOW LEVELER)@ fubar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This pimpout brought to you With Lotsa Love by: Jamie Lynn ~{Proudly Owned By Jake The Snake}~{Yeahmons Angels}~{Shadowlevelers}~{Fu Bad Girl}@ fubar (repost of original by 'Jamie Lynn ~{Proudly Owned By
October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is breast cancer awareness month. Early detection can save lives. When breast cancer is found early, the 5-year survival rate is 98%, which is why there are over 2 million breast cancer survivors today. Whether you are 20 or 80, you need an early-detection plan. Do those monthly self check exams!
Three buddies decided to take their wives on vacation for a week in Las Vegas. The week flew by and they all had a great time. After they returned home and the men went back to work, they sat around at break and discussed their vacation. The first guy says, "I don't think I'll ever do that again! Ever since we got back, my wife flings her arms and hollers, '7 come 11' all night and I haven't had a wink of sleep!" The second guy says, "I know what you mean. My wife played blackjack the whole time we were there and she slaps the bed all night and hollers, 'Hit me light or hit me hard!' and I haven't had a wink of sleep either!" The third guy says, "You guys think you have it bad! My wife played the slots the whole time we were there and I wake up each morning with a sore dick and an ass full of quarters."
Just Stuff
For the last 2 years, my youngest son has asked me why his Aunt Jenny (my sister) doesn't like me. Without wanting to get into it too much, I just said that Aunt Jenny wasn't a very nice or forgiving person. Today he gave me an answer...Aunt Jenny doesn't like me because I don't go to church. I was SO mad!! My ex husband was NEVER interested in religion when we were together and in fact told me that anyone who went to church was a hypocrite. But since cheating on me, lying to my family, myself and my friends, destroying our family and then marrying the whore he cheated with, he is going to church. And not just a normal church, one of these giant God Cults that boast 10 services over 2 days and tens of thousands of members. My brother in law goes to this church and he has my sister brainwashed. Apparently now they are trying to brainwash my children as well. I don't know whose idea it was for them to go to church. (at first my brother in law was very upset with my ex husband f
First French Prophet ?
hi to all I will activate auto 11 bling today 11/23 at 9:00 am futime, ty to all who will come help me, i am trying to be the first french prophet on fubar. sum random blings will be given !!! i wish yu all a blessed day hugzzzz !!!!
darkness consumes a slowly weakened soul breathing in aching whole the tainted glass shatters turns to shards on the cold wooden floor still your tears fall how can you feel when all is gone? what you've said what you've done slowly fading into darkness you have forgotten all that was right none remember you as light ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I Really Dont Use This.
I really dont use this. So find me on myspace or send me a message. I think using this is pretty weird, but that's just me. I'm always on myspace/facebook as to this. Thanks for reading! Hooah!
Valentines Day Auction
Wanna Own a Naughty Girl? ♥ I am in an auction...Come by, bid on me and be my next Owner!! ♥ All you have to do is click on the pic link below....
Today around 5 pm my mom attempted suicide. She called crying saying over and over again that she just wanted me to know how much she loved me. I rushed over to find her babbling incoherently and she was barely conscious. As my friend and I rushed her to the hospital her breathing was becoming more shallow. At the hospital all I could do was sit there with this helpless, sick, scared feeling in the pit of my stomach as they stuck tubes down her nose and throat, put her on a respirator and pump her stomach. I was scared out of my mind that I was going to lose my mom. And then the last thing she said to me in the car before she went unconscious started playing in my head over and over again. "Please don't be mad at me" Mad? At her? That hadn't even crossed my mind. Mad at the person who made her feel so worthless that she didn't want to live anymore, of course. I am so mad at him I would rip his fucking dick off and feed it to him if I could. But back to the point, I hadn't been mad at
It's That Time
you know it's the stupidest thing in the world that St. Patties is not a national holidday. It's the only day that everyon becomes/wants to be irish and yet the man can't see that. I mean chicago die's* there river green and it's not a holiday. i myself took today and 2marrow off (antisapating a hangover) just to celebrate this day amongest days... Support the cause make St Patties a holiday!
Make Up/ Skin Care Help...
Ohhh If I Had A Hot Dog!!
It is starting to get a little hazy for me, but I will try to recall the night *dum dum dummmmm* of the HOT DOG!!!!!
I'm in my first auction please help me out starts may 31 ends June 6th
How Do I Make Him Be A Dad!
To All The Girls I Loved Before
I want to thank all the woman that I have come to know and love on Fubar... You are my pack, my loved ones... There is something to be said about a bunch of woman who will do anything for each other and stick together.. I love you all! Note; Seamus is included in the group.. don't ask how but he is.... Thank you for all your help going for spotlight and leveling me.. Note most of you don't know that I have a "do" list and your names are all on it.. Wicked ps: if you would like ot be added to said list just comment below.... woman only need to apply
Bad Habits
I have a HORRIBLE habit of biting my nails... I do it when Im nervous, when Im stressed, hell I do it without even realizing Im doing it... and I really dont know how to stop... it kinda sucks reallyI've tried putting stuff on my nails that tastes bad but I still bite them... I've tried fake nails but they do no good... I dont bite those but they ruin the real nails underneathany suggestionsfor something that might help me not do this anymore... I would REALLY like to have some nice pretty nails lol
Fork Myself!
Once again, I'm amazed I've survived serious injury this long! For those of you completely oblivious to my routine, self-destructive daily antics, let's just say I'm not the most graceful gauze pad in the first aid box. I seem to lack even the most rudimentary coordination for simple everyday activities. Like the other day, for example… It was an average, ordinary, routine day…started innocently enough, as do they all. I was washing dishes while glancing at the television, a bit of "Home Ec" multitasking if you will. This would definitely not be a problem for most people, but for "Butterfingers Mc Stumbleoften", strange things were bound to happen. I was routinely cleaning, washing, and setting aside dishes, completely oblivious to my impending kitchen cataclysm. My attention must have strayed for a moment, distracted by a random beer commercial with scantily clad boobies or a series of shiny moving objects…I seem have the attention span of a Wal-Mart hamster in a bat
and to add a couple more things that i forgot to add in my first blog. that certain someone that told me my lounges were all failures also used to tell me that i'm a lame ass rock dj lol. well right now he does have one of the most popular metal lounges on fu but i am far from a rock dj. i'm a 200% metal dj and have been since i opened my very first lounge. so Aaron aka Jesus666 Owner of Excito Diabolus if you read either one of my blogs you can choke on that pole that you have embedded up your ass.
Todays laws are changing in many states on marijuana and for the better, This organization has been around for many years and has grown in size substantially. Its members range from the average everyday citizen like you or I, to politicians in our government believe it or not! If you have ever been charged, convicted or hasseled in any way shape or form because you happen to like to use marijuana or even if you dont use but see no harm in it being used by your fellow citizen, maybe if you support it for its medical purposes or simply like the taste, Please take the time to stop by thier site and see what they are about! You might very well find yourself a little or a lot smarter on this subject and even change your previous opinion about or
Personal Ads
The REAL Meaning of Personal Ads FIRST THE ADS FROM WOMEN 40-ish.................. 48 Adventurer.............. Has had more partners than you ever will Athletic................ Flat-chested Average looking......... Ugly Beautiful............... Pathological liar Contagious Smile........ Bring your penicillin Educated................ College dropout Emotionally Secure...... Medicated Feminist................ Fat; ball buster Free spirit............. Substance user Friendship first........ Trying to live down reputation as slut Fun..................... Annoying Gentle.................. Comatose Good Listener........... Borderline Autistic New-Age................. All body hair, all the time Old-fashioned........... Lights out, missionary position only Open-minded............. Desperate Outgoing................ Loud Passionate.............. Loud Poet.................... Depressive Schzophrenic Professional............ Real Witch Redhead................. Shops the Cl
This Is A Blog
if u aint with me ur aganst me,so who u withhhh...
Evergreen College
Personal support worker program
The Most Functional English Word
70sgurl Peace Blog!
Tiny is my 6 Mon. old kitten and unfortunately we can not keep her due to the landlord. She is a very lovable and playful kitten. We are asking 10$ for her to insure she goes to a good home. She will come with food, litter, litter box, and collar. She doesn't have papers BC the person we got her from said she "couldn't" find them. she still has her claws and inst neutered. She is good with kids and other animals. Please HELP Tiny!!!If interested please email me
Pretty As Can Be
The Blue Waffle Infection Clarified - For Everybody Who Is Worried
Though it hasn't at this point been distinguished inside of the profession of medicine, the actual blue waffle disease is currently achieving hype mainly for its uncommon term: blue waffles disease. The particular blue waffle disease is not clinically well-accepted in the medicine. Yet, regardless of this surprisingly inadequate attention, there are numerous readily available information regarding this STD, therefore, its occurrence must not be instantly turned down. This issue is categorized under sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and it is extremely tricky to determine. Typically the health problem may infect both equally female and male, even though it is alleged for being typical in females as the female's vaginal area and urethra are those quite easily affected from this illness.Insights on how someone gets infected by this kind of disease still is cloudy, but quite often, food intake, very low capacity to resist anxiety, no exercise, and also other related varieties of health
~the Art Of Letting Go~
Sooner or later, everyone you know will disappoint you in some way. They'll say something or fail to say something that will hurt you. And they'll do something or fail to do something that will anger you. It's inevitable. Unfortunately, you make things worse when you stew over someone's words and deeds. When you dwell on a rude remark or an insensitive action madeby another person, you're headed for deeper problems. In fact, the more you dwell on these things, the more bitter you'll get. You'll find your joy, peace and happiness slipping away. And you'll find your productivity slowing down as you spend more and more time thinking about the slight or telling others about it. Eventually, if you don't stop doing it, you'll even get sick. So what should you do the next time someone betrays you? TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR FEELINGS. Even though the other person may be at fault, even though the other person wronged you, you are still responsible for your own fee
My Book
HOWHow were you ever able to love me?Was it all just a lie? How could you lie to me like that?Because you never cared?How could I tell you "loved me"You never showed a sign of loveHow could I cry over you?Because I actually loved youHow could I make you love meCHANGE EVERTHING ABOUT YOURSELFHow can I Live Life With Out You? I Died On the longest night I Died The First time you made me cry I Died When you told me you hate me I DiedWhen I couldn't Have You I Died After you told me I don't Deserve to live I Died When my Make Up wore offI Died When you removed me from my Box I Died When I Was Locked Away I Died And You Will Never Care Sometimes I WishSometimes I Wish Upon a Star But my wish still never come trueSometimes I Wish I had a hand to holdBut my hand is always emptySometimes I Wish my life got betterBut it gets worse Sometimes I Wish I was Deadbut I still wake the next daySometimes I Wish that you could forget mebut I always find a way of crawling back into your lifeSometimes I
Life In The 2000's
This was originally a bulletin I posted, but since it will probably be obscured by all the many "Red letter reposts" and such, I decided to also enter it as a blog message... Actually, this bulletin has nothing to do with seems though that it's one of the few ways to have anyone to view your bulletins nowadays. That, and I guess being a "red letter" member. Which, btw....EASE UP GUYS....So many reposts and hundreds of posts every day....often by the same ones....and maybe take the time to actually READ someone's bulletins now and then...we just might have something to say. So the other day, a friend was telling me how he completely turned his life around. "Yep", he said, "I managed to turn a complete 360." Well, I'm not one to piss on this guy's little accomplishment here, but if he did a complete 360... uh... wouldn't he be right back where he started? Perhaps he did a 180. Hopefully it was more than a 45... Anyway, ever hear someone talk about something that
I Need Help
ok well he's going and there's no stopping him no matter how badly my heart is saying "be selfish you stupid bitch" i cant and wont do it.....i still havnt slept.....over 48 hrs now and well i got to take a 2 hour nap basicly......anywho....well like i said he's going i dont know when but i wont worry about it im gonna focus on getting a job I WONT MOVE BACK HOME AGAIN! i have to this on my own by myself just me and my kids no boys no men no males johnny thinks im going to have a new guy as soon as he's gone......and well i hate to tell him he's wrong no matter if he believes it or not but still......i know what johnny wanting though...thinking that.....he wants me to move on with my life and find someone new and well.......i wont have time for that im making time for me and my kids thats it......the only time i have is going for mommy and work and school too if im lucky!.....but anyways the point is im tired and i wish i could sleep i cant and im scared my body will s
Honey's Blogs
what cusswords really mean!!!!!!!!! you must read all the way through! NO CHEATING! mom calls the husband a 'bastard' and then the dad calls the wife a "bitch" and billy goes to his mom and says "mom what's a bitch and a bastard?" and the mom says "well, a bitch is a lady and a bastard is a gentlemen" and then later billy goes outside and listens to his neighbors, and hears "Put your penis in my vagina!" So Billy goes to his mom and says "mom whats a penis and vagina?" His moms says "Well Billy, a penis is a hat and a vagina is a coat" and then later billy sees his dad shaving and cuts himself and says "shit" and billy said "Dad, whats shit" And then his dad says "Well billy, shit is a type of Shaving cream " and then billy goes to see his mom cutting the turkey and his mom cuts her finger and says "fuck!" and then billy says to his mom "Mom whats fuck?" "Well billy fuck is a way of cutting the turkey" and Then later th
Incredible Inventions
I just got my "big Christmas present" - a 55 gallon aquarium and stand and all the goodies that go inside of it. So I get to spend a week setting it up and cycling it so all the good bacteria gets in place and then in a week I will fill it with probably 8-10 African Cichlids - beautiful fish. Anyone else have some really nice aquariums? I have 3 10-gallon tanks now that are "Molly tanks", but I wanted to go pure freshwater with the "big aquarium". OMG - just have tried some of these and they are so incredibly delicious. I highly recommend them to anyone! I'm currently eating the Dark Chocolate ones ("With a Smooth Filling") which is more chocolate I guess. Dark Chocolate is 100x better than plain milk chocolate and now we find out, in moderation, it's good for you - so, it's a win/win situation! So, buy your honey some of these for their Christmas stocking. They will surely thank you for them! They're very romantic too, so sure to be a good after dinner treat! PS:
* 3, 2, 1, Contact ! *
The Garbage Man
THE GARBAGE MAN Nancy watched through her kitchen window as the big trash compactor moved down the street towards her house. She lived in the last house on the block, and since it was a dead end street, the driver always backed into her driveway so he could turn his rig around and make his exit. It was hot out to day, and even though it was only ten in the morning, the thermometer in the window showed eighty five degrees. The truck was now only one house away and Nancy stared intently as the garbage man jumped out of the driver's seat and hefted a fifty five gallon barrel like it was a pillow and dumped the contents into the compactor! She crossed and uncrossed her legs while admiring a light layer of sweat shining on his black chest and arms, so when he pulled into her driveway and dumped her container, she opened the back door and yelled out, "Say, it's awful hot out today, how about some iced tea!?!" He finished emptying her barrel, glanced at his watch, and replied, "
Arkania's Musings
fornicates™@ CherryTAP Especially the LOTR one at the bottom; watch it, its HILARIOUS Wé§T-ÇöħT BùG@ CherryTAP
Additional About Me And Maybe A Quiz Or
You scored as XIX: The Sun. This is the happiest card in the deck. It is full of joy and optimism, everything is right with the world. We are as innocent children playing in the fields without care. The Sun brings success, well-being and happiness in all spheres - material, emotional, spiritual -wherever our desires lay.When this card appears in a Tarot spread it indicates success, joy and happiness. Obstacles will be overcome, goals achieved.When badly aspected, it can indicate a stagnation through over-indulgence, too much of a good thing. XIX: The Sun94%XIII: Death81%VI: The Lovers63%XI: Justice63%III - The Empress56%XVI: The Tower56%X - Wheel of Fortune56%0 - The Fool56%II - The High Priestess56%I - Magician
Random Shit
my cousin ray on the other had thinks killing a deer with a rifle is magic in the forest. heres ray after the big kill: Hell, it was 4 in the mornin, twenty-two degrees outside. Course, you weren't there... pussy. i'm in a camouflaged deer blind with grease paint on my face. i've got deer urine on my boots-i'm not sure why. i got a thirtysix-ought-six with a twelve-power scope and a bullet that'll travel twenty-two hundred feet per second. when that deer looked up and licked sucker i'd hung from the danged oak tree, i caught him right above the eye... Yea, well i hit one with a van going 55 miles an hour with the headlights on and the horn blowing. whoo, thats an elusive little creature. if you ever miss one, it's 'cause the bullets moving too fast. slow the bullet down to 55 miles an hour and put som headlights an a little horn on it. the deer will actually jump infront of the bullet!
1. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of sh*t. 2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. 3. How about never? Is never good for you? 4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public. 5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way. 6. Who lit the fuse on your tampon? 7. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message. 8. I don't work here. I'm a consultant. 9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying. 10. Ahhhh. I see the f*ck-up fairy has visited us again. 11. I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid. 12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers. 13. I have plenty of talent and vision; I just don't give a sh*t. 14. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth. 15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you. 16.
You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth.Biting100%Bondage92%Whips83%Blood67%Blind Folds42%Chains/Handcuffs33%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
New Girl In Town
hello i'm new it town and looking to meet ppl , and new adventures you know there are warnings about not using drugs because obviously some are addictive and not continuing the use can be painful and sickening the with drawls ........but you remember that first hi that feeling of uforia and you chase after it trying diffrent stronger drugs but its never quite the same ........but how do you stop do you break this insane cycle ? i wish it was as simple just lock myself away in some hospital and take it step by step but see love doesnt work that way you run from it you avoid and and bamb its back in your face and that feeling you thought you'd never feel wow that rush that hi that oh crap i'm hooked i'm scared but i have to have more all is good and then you get it laced with some bad shit and your on a bad trip from hell how the hel do i get off this ride? i think i'm going to be sick and then the chills and the pain and you find yourself on the floor again .....
Pass It On
My name is Sarah I am but three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see, I must be stupid, I must be bad, What else could have made My daddy so mad? I wish I were better, I wish I weren't ugly, Then maybe my Mommy Would still want to hug me. I can't speak at all, I can't do a wrong Or else I'm locked up All the day long. When I awake I'm all alone The house is dark My folks aren't home. When my Mommy does come I'll try and be nice, So maybe I'll get just One whipping tonight. Don't make a sound! I just heard a car My daddy is back From Charlie's Bar. I hear him curse My name he calls I press myself Against the wall. I try and hide From his evil eyes I'm so afraid now I'm starting to cry. He finds me weeping He shouts ugly words, He says its my fault That he suffers at work. He slaps me and hits me And yells at me more, I finally get free And I run for the door. He's already locked it And I start to bawl, He takes me and throw
Looking For A Cherry Girl
I just like to give a shout out to all the Plus Size beauties on CT much love goes out to all of you. I wanted to add you as a friend but i didnt have enough time to click on you profile before the paged loaded to another page can you please add me as friend.
The Love Of Strangers
Reality Chick is Married@ CherryTAP thanks chick for making my day alot better i love the blanket baby john does to
Hi all, I have a 9 yr old boy who is starting to really frustrate me here lately. He isn't acting like himself and i am wondering if there is something going on at school. A couple of years ago, when he was in the 1st grade he had a boy that was really bullying him, and instead of telling us or the teacher, or anyone else, he let all his anger build until one day the boy threw playdough at his head and hit him. My son turned around and stuck a sharpened pencil in the boy's hand. We have talked about this and he nows tells us when something is wrong at school or he tells the teacher/ principal. Here lately he seems distracted, more worried about small things then actually doing what he needs to be doing, like home work, making sure i check it all and sign his book, giving me important paperwork, etc..... He is a very good boy, and i know that it is nearing the end of school, and he is tired and ready for a break and fun, but for right now he needs to concentrate on school and completing
Rate Me
hurry everyone. rate my pictures and add me.don't forget the comments. RATE MY PHOTOS,FAN ME AND ADD ME...I'M A REAL NICE GUY....
So....yeah I went to the icp show lastnight(for free)I'v seen em a few times,but it was effing nuts!After my shower I still could smell grape faygo all over me....and a got a black eye.Good show...My next show will be tool.Well thats all I have to say....have a goodday!!! I dont understand why music is blamed for everything.Not just any music underground music.Come on now you guys can come up with something better than that lie.Theres always an excuse for someones actions.We never blame the person doin wrong.It's because of the music,or mom&dad.....or the poor kid didn't have money.FUCK THAT....The VT shootings were fucked up...I agree,but still that guy did what he did for his own reason,and if you wanna believe the reason was music your just as fucked as he is.Trust me if im pushed to my max and am still being pushed im not goin to hesitate im goin to come out fuckin shootin too.I dont give a fuck just like alot of other people.Just because I dont give a fuck does not mean music did
Prayer( Writtn By Dmx)
HAPPY MOMMYS DAY TO ALL THE MOMS ON CT....MOMS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PPL ON THIS EARTH AND WITHOUT YOU WE ALL WOULD BE VOID(LITERALY)I LOVE YOU MOMS AND MAY THIS DAY AND ALL BE BLESSED FOR YOU!!!!! TO ME EVERYDAY SHOULD BE MOTHERS DAY(STUN1)Free Comments, Codes & Layouts "Prayer (Skit)" I come to you hungry and tired you give me food and let me sleep I come to you weak you give me strength and that's deep you call me a sheep and lead me to green pastures only asking that I keep the focus in-between the chapters You give me the word and only ask that I interpret And give me the eyes that I may recognize the serpent You know I ain't perfect,but you'd like me to try Unlike the devil who just wants me to lie till I die Lord why is it that,I go through so much pain All I saw was black,all I felt was rain I come to you because its you who knows you showed me that everything was black because my eyes were closed You gave me the light and let me bask in your glory S
lets have some fun
A Love Story
A Love Story I will seek and find you . . .. I shall take you to bed and have my way with you . I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you. And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days. All my love, The Flu Now, get your mind out of the gutter and go get your flu shot (BETTER LATE THAN NEVER) "YOU CAN CLOSE YOUR EYES TO THINGS YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE, BUT YOU CAN'T CLOSE YOUR HEART, TO THE THINGS YOU DON'T WANT TO FEEL"
Soul Mate when we are alive are hearts are happy . my heart glows with love. showing you the love i have to give. wanting you to hold it close in side. calling out to find your love for it. wanting nothing but your love. hopeing and dreaming your my soul mate. can the loveless heart love again. a love so sweet all for one person. the one person that deserver my love. i want you to be that person. i belive in my heart you are. can my dreams come true. with your love all mine.
New Song
Hi All Just to let you know I uploaded a new song to my profile, it was recorded at at Charity Gig I did last summer. Enjoy!
Have I made friends with you but not become a fan? If so let me know coz I become a fan of all my friends and I think I missed a couple, sorry. xxx
Gun Control, Watch It Before History Repeats Itself!
Whether you agree or not, it's an interesting lesson in history. Something to think about... ----------------------------- In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. ------------------------------ In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. ------------------------------ . ------------------------------ China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. ------------------------------ Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. ------------------------------ Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christi
Hollow Victory
Love And Life
I believe that it is the single most important thing in all of creation. An emotion that eclipses all others, one that drains and yet at the same time fills ones soul with such happiness. I helps you to feel secure, special and gives you a sense of acceptance that allows you to accomplish such wonderful things. Love defines us yet does not control us. It is the ultimate act and expression of trust in another human being. It is truth and honesty. it is the celebration of sharing yourself and your life with another. It is giving everything you are and only taking that which is freely given in return. Love is not demanding or demeaning. Love hurts but is never hurtful. It is such a wonderful concept. Is it not? The problem is everyone sees love as something different We, in my opinion, are all born with an ideal picture of love. Then as we begin to grow every person we interact with effects our perception of love. Our parents abuse or ignore us. Our brothers a
Contest Question
Ok I have a very close and dear friend that is gonna run a contest. Its gonna be a pimping gift give away. He wants to know what does alot of people think about the amount of comments required. Was gonna do a mum. But I have seen people trashing mumms for contest questions. So thats why the blog. For those who have run contests or been in one what do you think is a good amount of comments to do the contest.
Don't You Wish You Knew What I Was Thinkin..
I stand here and think about alot of things,its hard to figure out what I am thinkin.... BlackPlanet.comby: whatblackmenth1nk
This girl is tha bomb....she is a real sweetheart and one of the best friends to have!! She is only 10,000 away from leveling and needs your help. Please go hit her page hard. She has stash and lots of pics to rate!! She will return the love and you will just love her!!! ÄRÌÈL ÄÐÐÌÇŦÈÐ ĦÈĦßÈR ÖҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ*Engaged to my Sexy LOCO*@ fubar Put on the corner by one of her closest friends: ~§ugähhh~ĦÈĦßÈR õҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ..... CLUB F.A.R~@ fubar
whats up everyone go leave me a voice comment on my page now dayummit quit playing leave me some love that means no more fubar for a while i m really gonna miss yall so leave me love and keep in touch on my myspace/slug30054 well leave love peeps
Please Make This Beautiful Sweet Caring Girl Smile Go Show Her Page Some Love Rate It Fan Her Add Her Luv Her. You Never Know You Play Enough And You May JUst Make This Nice Girl Naughty. All You Have To Do Is Click My Picture And Make Me Moan Cali Rain If You Click Me I May Turn NaughtyAm I Naughty Or Nice SHOW HER SOME LOVE SHE IS GREAT ♥NooKie♥@ fubar
Bedroom Golf *taken From Wild Horse With His Permission*
1. Each player shall furnish his own equipment. Normally one club and two balls. 2. Play on a course must be approved by the owner of the hole. 3. Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the CLUB in the hole and keep the balls out. 4. For most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft. Course owners are permitted to check shaft stiffness before play begins. 5. Course owners reserve the right to restrict shaft length so not to damage the hole(s). 6. The object of the game is to take as many strokes as necessary until the course owner is satisfied that the play is complete. Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to play the course again. 7. It is considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arrival at the course. The experienced player will take time to admire the entire course with special attention to the well-formed bunkers. 8. Players are cautioned not to mention other courses they have played or are currentl
Make Her The Next Godfather
I have in my hands two boxes, Which God gave me to hold. He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box, And all your joys in the gold." I heeded His words, and in the two boxes, Both my joys and sorrows I stored, But though the gold became heavier each day, The black was as light as before. With curiosity, I opened the black, I wanted to find out why, And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole, Which my sorrows had fallen out by. I showed the hole to God, and mused, "I wonder where my sorrows could be!" He smiled a gentle smile and said, "My child, they're all here with me.." I asked God, why He gave me the boxes, Why the gold and the black with the hole? "My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings, The black is for you to let go." We should consider all of our friends a blessing. Wild would really like to level up. she has a lot of pics and stash for you to rate. Go rate, fan and add her. She only has 1,175,532 point to go
It's Wondrous What A Hug Can Do.
It's wondrous what a hug can do. A hug can cheer you when you're blue. A hug can say, "I love You so" Or maybe, "I hate to see you go." A hug is "Welcome back again," And "Great to see you! Where've you been?" A hug can soothe a small child's pain, And bring a rainbow after rain. The hug, there's just no doubt about it--- We scarcely could survive without it! A hug delights and warms and charms, It must be why God Gave us arms. Hugs are great for fathers and mothers, Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers; And chances are your favorite aunts Love them more than potted plants. Kittens crave them, puppies love them; Heads of states are not above them. A hug can break the language barrier, And make travel so much merrier. No need to fret about your store of 'em; The more you give, the more there is of em. So stretch those arms without delay And give someone a hug today!!!! A No Reason Hug ! Hugs are very special things Everyone knows it's true There sim
Your It
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.- Believing in Dreams 2.- FootBall Is A Passion--EAGLES-WHOT WHOT 3.- I drink Coffee 24/7 4.- Love the Color Red 5.- Love making People Happy 6.- love to smile 7.-Love to Work For what I want and Usually always get it-lol 8.-My best friends from Fubar who i love to death~~~Becky, Misty, Phil, JM 9.- When I smoke i get to Giggly-which can be SEXY 10.- JM You are Just Like a Star to ME I will Tag People at a later Date
April 1st
just checking back after a year or two away, seeing whos here and whats going on
Anyone Kayak?
hey! i'm looking for people who like to grab some beers and a tent for an over night trip on the water. bring a cooler and a kayak!!!!
Happy Hour
Wanted to let all my friends know that right before my HH started tonight my son took his little dog for a walk, a pit bull jumped a fence and attached them, my son ran but the pit bull ripped the little dog from my son, out of his collar and off the leash. My son is ok and was not hurt physically at all, emotionally he is wrecked. His little dog, we found him, he is alive and going to be ok, we took him to an animal hospital. he has bite marks and is banged up really bad, nothing broke, the puppy will be ok, both the kid and the dog were very lucky. some people may get mad at me for this but all pit bulls are dangerous and should be taken care of. this scared me to death, i could have lost my child tonight because someone "didnt think their pit was a bad dog", yea the guy is in big trouble the dog is gonna be put down. everyone just pray for my son's emotional state. i will return all luv given during my hh please be patient may take me a few days to get it done. as most now know afte
Romper Room
Loving you Missing you Seeing you inside my head And I become calm again The music is playing softly As my heart is pounding You kiss me You love me And somehow I know you do These feelings are growing It's something I can't deny. You some how understand me When nobody else will Take a second glance. Some how you move me And sooth me And speak straight to my heart.
Hey you See me? Pictures crazy All the world I've seen before me passing by I've got nothing to gain, to lose All the world I've seen before me passing by You don't care about how I feel I don't feel it any more Anymore Hey you, are me Not so pretty All the world I've seen before me passing by Silent my voice I've got no choice All the world I've seen before me passing by You don't care about how I feel I don't feel it anymore I don't see Anymore I don't hear Anymore I don't speak Anymore I don't feel Hey you See me? Pictures crazy All the world I've seen before me passing by I've got nothing to gain to lose All the world I've seen before me passing by You don't care about how I feel I don't feel it anymore I don't sleep Anymore I don't eat Anymore I don't live Anymore I don't feel
When I stand up for Myself and my beliefs, They call me a Bitch. When I stand up for Those I love, They call me a Bitch. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts Or do things my own way, they call me a Bitch. Being a bitch Means I won't Compromise what's In my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me. When I refuse to Tolerate injustice and Speak against it, I am Defined as a Bitch. The same thing happens when I take time for Myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish. It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be. I am outspoken, Opinionated and determined. I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that! So try to stomp on me, Try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed. An
Im A Fu-orphan
Need Help With Pc
If anyone can help...I had a trojan.vundo in my systems32 folder...I couldnt get it out..finally tonight my pc screen went blue...said it shut down because of a problem...the problem is this I says UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME I tried to put my dell operating system cd back in to start over...but nothing happens... Is there anything I can do????
Firefighter Richard Kear of the Polk Township Volunteer Fire Department died in the line of duty after the engine he was driving went off the side of the road and overturned while enroute to a fire. The firefighter who was in the Officer's Seat performed first aid until Richard could be air lifted to a hospital. Please keep his family in your prayers.
Southern Gals
'Yes, sir.' 'Why, no, Billy!' Southern women have a distinct way with fond expressions : 'Y'all come back!' 'Well, bless your heart.' 'Drop by when you can.' 'How's your Momma?' Southern women know their summer weather report: Humidity Humidity Humidity Southern women know their vacation spots: The beach The rivuh The crick Southern women know the joys of June, July, and August: Colorful hi-heel sandals Strapless sun dresses Iced sweet tea with mint Southern women know everybody's first name: Honey Darlin' Shugah Southern women know the movies that speak to their hearts: Fried Green Tomatoes Driving Miss Daisy Steel Magnolias Gone With The Wind Southern women know their religions: Baptist Methodist Football Southern women know their country breakfasts: Red-eye gravy Grits Eggs Country ham Mouth-watering homemade biscuits with momma's homemade jelly Southern women know their cities dripping w
I've been a bad, bad girl I've been careless with a delicate man And it's a sad, sad world When a girl will break a boy just because she can Don't you tell me to deny it I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins I've come to you 'cause I need guidance to be true And I just don't know where I can begin What I need is a good defense 'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal And I need to be redeemed To the one I've sinned against Because he's all I ever knew of love Heaven help me for the way I am Save me from these evil deeds before I get them done I know tomorrow brings the consequence at hand But I keep living this day like the next will never come Oh help me but don't tell me to deny it I've got to cleanse myself of all these lies 'till I'm good enough for him I've got a lot to lose and I'm bettin' high so I'm begging you Before it ends just tell me where to begin What I need is a good defense 'Cause I'm feeling like a criminal And I need to be redeem
Red Head Quotes...lmao Thanks Andi *hugs Ya*
"Redheads are too numerous to be ignored, too rare to be accepted." Grant McCracken "I love being a redhead. It's a rare thing, so I think there's a bond between redheads." Laura Prepon "Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead." -Lucille Ball "You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is."-Anne in Anne of Green Gables "Blondes are noticed but redheads are never forgotten." "Nobody who has known a redhead can say that redheads are tame. Even shy redheads have a burning spark of adventure inside them. Opinionated, hotheaded, logical, loyal, friendly, reserved, whatever the redheads' personality, you can bet they'll have SCADS of it!" -Review of The Redhead Encyclopedia "All throughout history, from Reuben to Robbins, redheads have been recognized as a rare breed. Blondes may have more fun, brunettes may be brainier, but when it comes down to raw ene
Thoughts & Memories
Arlene Beckham Joura what can I say? The passing of you was a very sad day. You are gone & not in pain. Still the tears flow like rain. Forget you never, always love. Now our protector from above. Your touch, your smell, your gentle kiss. Your singing will be greatly missed. No more yoddles or burnt popcorn. Everything about you we will mourn. A mother, a grandmother, a mor-mor you are. Now to that list our shiny bright star. Love and miss you!! RIP... 2.2.10 muah!!!
I Am A Bad American
YES, I'M A BAD AMERICAN I Am the Liberal-Progressives Worst Nightmare. I am an American. I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some Liberal governmental functionary be it Democratic or Republican! I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way! I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes you a smart American. I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything. I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, do it in English. I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to. My heroes are John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and whoever canceled Jerry Springer. I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time watching or arguing about it. I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! So, shut up already. I believe if you don't like the way things are here, go back
The Finger
I've noticed a lot of the women in here have a pic flipping the finger what is up with that? I know the V thing..I watch female football and most are gay or bi..which dont bother me in the least but the finger stuff I dont get let me know thanks
Big Boi And Dre Present... So Fresh, So Clean Chorus: Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean (So fresh and so clean clean) Don't you think I'm so sexy I'm dresses so fresh so clean (So fresh and so clean clean) Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean (So fresh and so clean clean) I love when you stare at me I'm dressed so fresh so clean (So fresh and so clean clean) (Big Boi) Sir Luscious got gator belts and patty melts and Monte Carlo's And El Dorado's I'm waking up out of my slumber feeling like Ralo So follow it's your time at the Apollo Minus the Kiki Shepard what about a ho in a leopard-print Teddy Pender-grass cooler than Freddie Jackson Sippin a milkshake in a snowstorm Left my throat warm in the dorm room at the AU We do hey you And might do some cake too But you must have me mistaken with them statements that you make Cause Chorus (Andre 3000) Canary yellow seven house of business on display My
Don't Get Mad Get Even
Own Me
Update After 24 hrs here I have to rethink this just a lttle bit..You will get to buy me as described below and gain access. However if someone comes along and doubles your price they will then get to own me. Anyone who gets to buy me will get access for a minimun of 1 month even if I am purchased from you. Now what are you waiting for its only fubucks baby haha Now that I am past level 10 I can be owned..Well let me rephrase that.. I will allow someone to purchase the rights to have their name as my owner. What ownership brings: Unlimited access to all my family only pictures. Your name on my page (Not added to mine) Or will it say April Go Sexy Princess of the dark side fu owned by... Not gonna happen. I have checked around and from what I see the going price will be 2 million fubucks for me. However you will send me the 2 million and then I will allow you to buy me for 1 fubuck..Why let fu have them all back when you can just give it all to your Mistress? Hows does tha
Fuck This Shit!!
How man times do I have to change Now my life is tormented and strange Nothing is clear or ever will be I fear I gave her everything I had Yet it's my fault she is mad You want to hear how I feel She won't listen only peel She sits in her nest Requesting I be honest Yet she can't be honest with me All I desire is to be free Hide behind my mask I call life I do's paired us husband and wife I can't find my direction Words are her weapon It must be my destiny to live in misery I will continue to fade away Until I am dark, dull and gray She wants me to change again forget all the pain Please give me a chance with a hidden evil glance So I must change for you All so you can screw With the man I once was But never again because She can't change herself So I put my heart on a self She will never have it It sits there bleeding and split How do you bring back something that is dead? After all that has been said It forced me to
25 Things About Me
1. I have been lost at times where I dont know what direction i am heading...happen to be in one of those times right now. 2. One of my greatest friends is Ellen...I really truely believe she was sent to me to help me get through school..she is an awesome woman. 3.My 3 boys are my world . I would do anything for them. I miss my oldest boy like you would not believe. 4. ok some stuff you might not know about me ...i played football in middle school....i also played on the boys baseball team...I played a mean game of vollyball... and could play the violin like a pro...*sigh* wish i had one now I miss playing the violin. 5.The last year i have woke up on a lot of things i had put blinders on for. School helped me open my eyes to alot of them. Alvarez and Lisa was two of the greatest in my healing seeing them open up made me feel like I could open up and not be judged. 6.I am addicted to this online thing...all I have to say about that.... 7.i have major dreams and hope to realize them som
Lap By Lap:phoenix
8:45 p.m. -- GREEN FLAG: Mark Martin and Kyle Busch get the Subway Fresh Fit 500 under way from Phoenix International Raceway. Lap 1 -- Mark Martin pulls ahead to lead the first lap as Kyle and Kurt Busch fall in line. Lap 5 -- Several battles have broken out in two-wide racing, beginning with Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Greg Biffle for 14th. Lap 10 -- David Reutimann has the fastest lap this time by. He runs in seventh. Lap 15 -- Mark Martin continues to lead and has the fastest car on the track this lap. Lap 17 -- Kurt Busch passes Kyle Busch for second place. Lap 20 -- Kyle Busch has fallen back to fifth position. Lap 23 -- David Reutimann moves around Kyle Busch for fifth position. Busch is complaining of a tight race car. Lap 26 -- Tony Stewart is on Jeff Gordon's tail in a developing battle for third place. Both drivers began the race with loose cars as part of their strategies. Lap 30 -- Regan Smith is hanging inside the top 10 in 10th after starting the race in nin
Our hands parted ways, So slow go the days. What transpired between us, Has crushed me like a bus.
Angel On My Screen
Thursday, April 10, 2008
No More !!!!!!
From Ny To Texas. A X-country Fubar Adventure!
well... it's in the early stages of planning, but sometime in December or January I am going to be heading out.. Leaving NY. Will I be back? Dont know... There's a lot of time between now and then and things may change. At this time I know this, there is little left for me in NY/NJ anymore. I have some friends sure but thats about it. Not much besides the kids to hold me here so the options have to expand at this point. So sometime in Mid December/January I'll be packing up and heading south west.. I will be attending the wedding of a friend in the Houston Texas area and stopping to visit friends along the way. Once I get to Texas that might be as far as I go , or maybe it'll be the halfway point to somewhere else. I have learned a lot here on Fubar, I met the woman I thought I loved, I found out that she had lied to me from the beginning of our relationship and that she only waited 5 months to start cheating on me. I thought it was the last great love of my life... Boy...Was I ever
Look To The Sky
Look to the sky what do you see Is it how it is ment to be The lightning flashs then it all goes black The moment is gone can't get it back There is nothing out there but empty space No clues no answers not even a trace If you chose to wish upon a open sky It makes no differenc when you die You can't take with you what doesn't exist So why does my love fo you still persist Like hollowed out eyes upon a empty face The Visions are gone without a trace
The Love Letter
....Been thinking of a lot lately. Mostly about my bad marriage and thinking if a persons soulmate really exsists..Below is a love letter that every woman should get at least once from her husband or special someone in their life >My dearest I long to be with you for as long as the moon shall shine in the sky. As long as the rays of sun shall fall on a new day. All I dream of is waking to your beautiful eyes every morning. You are the air I breathe, the light that fills me with joy.
Real Bitches
1. A simple bitch will take u where u need to go.2. A Real Bitch throws u the keys & says it needs gas.3. A simple bitch will tell u not 2 fight, iit aint worth it.4. A Real Bitch will say beat her ass!5. A simple bitch wonders who ur new man is.6. A Real Bitch knows that mutha fuckers 1st name, last name, his bday, where he lives, who hes related 2, wat kinda car he drives, where he works, how many babies mamas he has, & how many bitches he's tlkn 2.7. A simple bitch will let another bitch know she can back the fuck up or get knocked the fuck out.8. A Real Bitch will just knock her the fuck out!9. A simple bitch tells u when shes had enuf 2 drink.10. A Real Bitch tells u we need another shot, we bout 2 get fucked up.11. A simple bitch reads this & realizes Shes a simple bitch & deletes it.-A Real Bitch passes this 2 her Real Bitches without thinkin..
I'll Be ( Original )
I guess if he doesnt feel this way about you, I dont no?
The Hh 2010
Ok well if you couldn't tell by my pics, I work at one of the local seasonal haunted houses. This is my 18th year working in them. We have done so many odd things just to get a scare, but it is the scare that counts most.
Fumafia Help

Weird Al Of The Wicked
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Why I'm Sick All The Time
ok for those who don't know aout me.I have chronic pancreatitis had it for 6 yrs now.I i live on pain pills n is in pain 24/7 some days are better than others.My insides feel like they are on fire n i can't eat or drink anything for a week so i'm in the hospital alot.When my pancreas acts up i'm diabetic usually don't find out until its to late n i'm in the hospital.Because of the paancreatitis it caused me to have hypercalcium which means calcium was being taken out of my bones n put in my blood,b/c of that it caused me to have osteoporosis
Newest Updates
Second national flag: "The Stainless Banner" (1863–1865) During the solicitation for a second Confederate national flag, there were many different types of designs that were proposed, nearly all making use of the
an angel watchs over me every minute of every day she sees me for who i am she portects me from harm she shows me the way the path of righteouness with my dignity intact she whispers in my ear i know i can hear her i wish she would show herself who is it a friend, a loved one angel's are all around us alive and deceased to see an angel when it appears is a great feat so when your angel is protecting you remember she is there to guide you follow listen respect live your life with an angel by yourside sorry cant spell too well lol
Happy Veterans Day
I am a Dissabled American Veteran... in a wheelchair... the VA has said since i am not 100% dissabled they will not get me a wheelchair lift for my van... i am 90% dissabled anyone have any ideas on how to help get an internal lift for my van... i presently have to rely on others to help get me in and out of the van which means i can't go places alone... i make too much to get help from others... please help a veteran.... drop me a messege on here please.... sorry to ask I Hope all the other Veterans are having a wonderful day... we need to stick together... whether you are a stateside veteran or one who has faught for our country remember we are one. I am a Dissabled American Veteran whom was injured stateside... non combat but am in a wheelchair... remember people even tho a veteran didn't go to war we are all veterans. thanks Joe
Have had alot of stuff going on in life so haven't been around for awhile.. I hope everyone is well and sure miss my friends will be popping in a bit later Hugs to all. D So this is my first winter in Ok. and boy am I a lucky girl or what!!! We had an ice storm that left us without electric for 4 days!! Trees were crumbling like crazy and I hear that it hasn't been this bad in at least 10 years!! I sure picked a fine time to leave Cali. Then we get things up and working again and IT SNOWS!!! I am glad I bought a coat!! any way Merry X MAS and all that jazz!
Merry Christmas From A Friend Of Mine
**This is from a friend of mine and I couldnt agree more...Just take some time and read it. OK, Strap up and get ready, cause I am highly PISSED about the way America is turning it's back on what it was founded on. It is, "Merry Christmas"!!!!!! Not, "Happy Holidays"!!!!!! What the fuck is wrong with everybody? If saying Merry Christmas, or hearing it OFFENDS you, then LEAVE My Beautiful Country that I love so much and have made sacrifices for to keep it FREE!!! I am a combat veteran of Desert Storm. I have shed my blod for the right to keep, "In God We Trust" on our money! I have watched friends die in combat, that died so that we may have the freedoms of speach, religion, the right to bare arms, and to keep the Pledge of Allegence as it is! Thousands of our Service men and women have been displaced away from their families and loved ones throughout the years and put their life on the line every day. They do this because they believe that we Americans live in
Alone For New Years
i just wanted to tell everybody that evan tho christmas is around the corner and thats awsome but new years is what this blog is all about one of the best day of the year will go to waste again for me cause for the past 4 years i had no one to be with on that day no freinds to chilll with no beer to cheer me up evan more nothing and its sad and pathetic it hurts thinking about i dont no about the rest of yall but new years is a new begening for all and a ending for others but what im saying is would anybody like to hang out on new years with me i dont have no one to chill with af forgt it this is dumbe anyway this burns me up im tired of people around the world takeing advantage of the us calling us pussy's personaly if you likes this country being a weak then fine but i do not want to see the american people be put to shame because congressman wont give us the dam break we need to actually kick ass over in iraq and afghanistan if we can just forget about human rights and blow them al
Cat Collins
happy new year to all my frends and family have fun tonight , be safe hey just sending out a shout out to tell every one merry christmas and a happy new year and that is said with alot of love..... cat
J's Blogs
Updated info- Call of duty I'm just moving some of the info off my page to this blog. I'll try to add more sometime in the future and maybe a few of the stories of my life out there. I'll probably be back out again in a few months but for now enjoying Europe life. ************ Dec 07 Hey all Thanks for helping me out on this site. I'm starting to like it and I'll probably add more pics and more about me when I can. I won't have much time to play on it though since heading out to the sandbox again. I'll be leaving soon maybe so if you don't hear from me then I'm probably busy out there for the next few months. Hope I can use internet and log in to say hi every now and then. *******1 Feb 07************************** I've been in Iraq now for almost a month. Nights are still real cold but days are getting almost too warm for me. 5 more months of fun in the sand and sun for me. Motars, gunfire and helicoptors usualy keep me up most of the night but its entertainment and th
i got a puppy..... but i cant keep her bc of my lease.... anyone near my area want her? she's extremely affectionate. she a mix, her father was a collie and her mother a heiler[spelling?]. please please please. she's fucking adorable. DO I GET PLAYED SO EASY??!?!?!?!!?!?! im not a whore. or ugly. so why do they lead me on.......only to... hruruijiujfrijkfrhsdjsadjweoruhfklds FUCK! im so ........fustrated....confused.....hurt. i hate this. THIS is why i trust NO one. soooooooo.... the ball just dropped..... and i watched it...i actually stayed up. my midnite kiss was fabulous. i held him in my arms, and he stared into my eyes even though his nose was a little cold and somewhat wet. [dont ask] he's still my number one man. i love him to death and i know he loves me too arent you jealous?
Tupac(changes)">"> 2Pac Changes
My Daughter's Back...
Well...My daughter's out of jail....I guess for good behavior....what good behavior? She doesnt have a GOOD BEHAVIOR bone in her body. And I know whoever may read this might say: "Oh what an uncaring, insensitive, unloving mother this is....Truth be dont know me and surely dont know what kind of hell I have been through with her...From the time she was 6 on up to life and my familys' life have been torture....Oh sure there were some good times...but its really sad when the bad times outweighs the good..... Dont get me wrong...I love her as I do my other children...but for my sanity I have to distance myself away from her....Or try to at least....And the bad part of it is...she doesnt want to change because she doesnt feel like she has the's the other people around her that has the problem...they need to change to suit her and her needs....She can be the sweetest and most loving person you could ever meet....would give you the shirt off her back if ne
Help End The Problem!
Get your own glitter and more at I owe it all to this motivational comment..... Pantyshotz: JUST LIKE SWEETS SHE IS GOING TO HAVE TO TRY REAL HARD TO OUT VOTE ME HA
Tattoo Contest... Hit Me Up!
its amazing staring out the window that nobody ever notices me times have passed along the street suddenly you hear the scream screams of life thats passing by day after day i am alive never noticed never cared what will happen after there i see the time has flown on by destiny is flying high watching carefully another day run away throwing cares away after life has passed me by another watcher is sitting there watching me as i once did life develops into a spell save me once and let me free afterall my life is me amazing how things will never change everything always and will stay the same amazing isnt it
One of my favorite songs of all time; so much so that I often wish I would have written it. Besides Izzy Stradlin's great rhythm guitar and Slash's magnificent guitar solo, there are so many profound words in this song, about the past, present, and future; the good and bad aspects of love and relationships; life in general; and what it all comes down in the very end. Dust N' Bones (Stradlin/Slash/McKagan) He lost his mind today He left it out back on the highway On '65 She loved him yesterday Yesterday's over, I said okay That's all right. Time moves on that's the way We live in hope to see the next day That's all right. Sometimes these things they are so easy Sometimes these things they are so cold Sometimes these things just seem to rip you right in two Oh no man don't let 'em get to you She loved him yesterday He laid her sister, she said okay And that's all right. Buried her things today Way back out deep behind the driveway And that's all right.