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My Lounge
any one who wants to visit and or subscribe to my lounge your more than welcome. you can chat or listen to music if the music u like is not there let me know and i'll try to get it. hope to see u all there. the link is thank you (thunder) I think we should have a cutest dog award go to my pics under my pug lilo folder vote,rate and comment the pics tell me what you think. bye for now arthur (thunder) HowManyOfMe.comThere are:66people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name? full name first and last
This Is My World Part 1
Well there is this girl that i was with for a long time. WE had a lot of good times but we had a falling out. WE broke up and became friends though. My problem is that I love her so much and she knows it. She loves me too though so that is good. Everytime i talk to her my heart feels like it is beating 1000000 times a second. But then there are times where my feels like it is being ripped out through my chest by something that is invisible to me. Right now we are in a place that is very good to me. I like that very much. She still means the world to me and i hope she knows that. Some people might not like that but they are going to have to deal with it. Sorry to them but hey, I am in love. I hope that they understand that and just want me to be happy with my descisions. But hey, if that girls reads this know that I love u very much and i miss u very much. And to those who might not approve please just say to urselves that he is trying to be happy the way he wants to. I l
The end of love, the start of pain The blood from my heart that now aches, stains With the thought of your image, the thought of you care Devoted to another, whilst my spirit is bare Where am I to go, where is my hope now Am I no longer important like our dedicated vows You promised to always be there, and love me no matter what But it seems you’ve moved on, loved another and forgot The breakdown of our relationship, the break of my poor heart You punctured it with your cruel ways; you stabbed it with a dart You took away my faith, my dreams, I now have nothing left My happiness has disappeared; a brutal act of theft You promised to always be there, but now it all depends On if you’ve found another love and when my heartache ends
New Game !
Body: Okay guys and girls.... this should be a blast... I want to see how many people I can get to play. The name of the game says it all. All you have to do is. Take the name of a movie and replace one of the words with "Orgasm". Don't forget to put your name on it - then I can see who my friends are. NO REPEATS!Just comments! Kimber --- ORGASMS with Wolves Shelia -- Waking up in Orgasm Donna***** Sleeping with the Orgasm Rene ---------Million Dollar Orgasm Hoodafuk---Charlie and the Orgasm factory nikki----ORGASM BALL Billie-------American Orgasm Ray--------Orgasm Dynamite Ress-------Orgasms in the Hood Nichole-----The Neverending Orgasm Ana ---- 101 Orgasms Kathy --- The Little Orgasm Ami ------ Gone with the Orgasm Meg ------ Men in Orgasm Alex ---- Sleeping Orgasm Levi----- How To Lose A Guy In Ten Orgasms Sarah--The Perfect Orgasm Nick-----The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Orgasm Kristina----Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Orgasm Thom----A Few Good Orgasms Am
I close my eyes and softly sigh.. letting a slow smile spread across my lips as I picture myself lying on my side next to you, facing you, my eyes seeking yours. I pause for a moment, smiling.. taking in the wonderful sight of you, with me. I can only wonder how I got so lucky. My heart flutters, skips a beat and then does a flip as you smile back at me. I reach my hand out, resting it on your chest, feeling your heartbeat under my palm. Your hands cross over, gripping my hips, pulling me in closer to you. Purring softly as I feel my body melt next to yours. Wiggling my hips against yours, managing to slip my leg in between your thighs. Curling up against you, my head tucked under your chin, my legs entwined with yours, a content sigh filling the air. Whimpering softly as your fingers caress my neck, gently gripping my throat, lifting my face up to yours. Your lips brushing across mine ever so softly, sending shivers down my spine. Your fingers grip a little harder, a slight gasp escap
Elektrokandy's Ramblings
Woot. They put blogs on here. Nice. This is interesting. I never keep up with blogs, but what the hell. figured I'd post atleast one entry.
Sparkys Blog
Did you ever say something that you could crawl into a hole? Here are the testimonials of a few people who did... 1. I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow And asked loudly, "How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?" I turned around and walked out and never went back. My husband didn't say a word... he knew better. 2. I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls. I was unhappy with the women's type I had been using. After browsing for several minutes, I was approached by one of the good-looking gentlemen who works at the store. He asked if he could help me. Without thinking, I looked at him and said, "I think I like playing with men's balls." 3. My sister and I were at the mall and passed by a store that sold a variety of candy and nuts. As we were looking at the display case, the boy behind the counter asked if we needed any help. I replied, "No, I'm just looking at your nuts." My sister started to laugh hysteri
Thinking About ???
How can the last time we were together really be the last? It was too quick.. I didn’t know it was the last time. I was too rushed to be the last time. I didn’t have time to savor every inch of you… it just can’t be the last time…. I want you so badly I can taste you on my lips. Speak my name and I’ll come running, enslaved by your power, but you don’t even see how I want you, need you, love you. All I am is a good lay to you. Oh how I long for you to tell me you want me, like you want her. What do I have to do to make you want me like you want her? Should I fuck all your friends like she does and lie to you tell you I’m out with girlfriends. Call you an asshole and bitch about you on myspace. Tell all my friends that you suck and I hate you. Will that make you want me? I hate that I can’t have you the way I want you and I hate that you have made me so weak. Like a fool I sit here hoping that you will call again…. And if you do I know it will just be for se
You scored as WereWolf. WereWolf: Craving rare Meat, feeling caged, aggitated by being around people. Unable to control one's anger or temper. The person will give off symptoms of the shift. They will seem more hostile, blood thirsty, aggitated. They may even growl, bare their teeth or other animal like tendencies. In rare cases, some will physically change. Facial hair will grow thicker or darker, nails will become longer, canine's will seem longer. Embrace your wild side, for you are The Misunderstood WereWolf.WereWolf75%Faerie67%Angel59%Dragon59%Demon50%Mermaid33%What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)created with
A Little About Me
My Friends And Family....military Way Of Life
Well for any of u who really care what i do and don't get upset with the decisions that i make for me and my daughter....people want me to stay here in the area that i am in but at the same time this town and area up here just sux.....there is nothin really here and to be honest i don't want my daughter growin up what if i wanna better my life don't be negative about least i have plans! Another thing i have noticed is my male friends think that there is more too the friendship then what is there...they insist on talkin to me 5-10 times a day it feels like and if i don't let them know every minute of the day what i am doin they get pissed off and act childish...or get mad when im chillin wit my other guy friends and accuse me of messin wit them when for one half of my male friends have gf's hello im not a homewrecker....well too all of you out there that do this too me news flsh ur not my man so grow the hell up and act ur damn age!!!! To my family and friends th
Questions !
Body: 22 RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONS Body: OKAY YOU OPENED IT.. NOW YOU HAVE TO DO IT .. AND BE HONEST! 1) Single, Taken? 2) Are you happy with where you are? 3) When you meet the right person, did you fall fast? 4) Have you ever had your heart broken? 5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok? 6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? 7) Have you talked about marriage with another person? 8) Do you want children? 9) How many? 10) Would you consider adoption? 11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think is a cool way to let you know? 12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? 13) Do you want someone you cant have? 14)Do you believe love at first sight exists? 15) Do you believe in celebrating anniverseries? 16) Do you believe that you can change someone? 17) If you could get married anywhere, where would it be? 18) Do you have feelings for someon
#1 State you live in #2 Fav vacation Spot #3 Who's your lost cherry sweetheart? #4 Celebrity crush? #5 If you could live anywhere in the World where would that be? Just some random questions i am bored feel free to ask me too :D so yeah its like 1:30am on a thursday night i am bored out my mind so what do i do? sit on my computer and bitch about being bored lol I think i really need a hobby or better yet a g.f. any live in the chicago land area? haha more then likely not i always fall the girls that live like 10 million miles away or the ones that are unobtainable go me and my shitty luck. So all that is besides the point, and honestly i may not even have a point i am just rambling to pass the time and more then likely no one will read this if they do cool if not oh well i wasted like 5 mins of my life doing aboslutly nothing lol
You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.Mermaid75%Dragon75%Faerie75%Angel75%WereWolf50%Demon0%What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)created with
I Am:
You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?Passion100%Mysterious83%Diamond Eyes83%Eyes full of Pain42%What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)created with You scored as A Slave To BDSM. Admit it, you like being tied up and being told you've been very naughty. You like teasing your partner and making them squirm, and not letting them be able to do anything about it. Some people think what you do is sick and disgusting, but you know it's all in good fun.A Slave To BDSM88%Sex God78%A Romantic43%Vi
I had my first ROTC training exercise this last weekend. We spent the whole weekend doing land navigation. Me and my partner had to find eight points in the day time and we had five hours to do so. We found seven out of eight but got one of them wrong. We came back with seven min to spair!! Then after dinner I got in a new group and we did night navigation. I got stuck with an idiot that wouldnt listen to anything i said so we only found three of our five points. One of which was wrong. We got to sleep at eleven thirty and i had to wake up at four for half hour fireguard. The next day we did training exercises to give the third years a chance to run a squad through an exercise. It was a blast and i cant wait till we have the next one!
Come Check This Out !!!
~*~Tag ~*~ Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! here they are.. 1.When I'm thinking real hard I chew on my bottom lip 2.Before I go to bed at night I kiss my kids, and my cats goodnight 3. Whenever i go out to sit on my porch for coffee...I have to re-arrange all the furniture and sweep the porch 4. I always sleep facing the door 5. I cry when I really get mad. 6. Whenever I miss miss someone in my family/ or/ friends I light a white candle Now, I tag: Mistress Butterfly,I want too see you,Mrs Desrae, Moose, Naughty Nat, Iwanna...Have fun all ;P What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question
Just One Of Those Days
You ever have one of those days where everything starts off great and then all of a sutton it just goes to shit?????
Zee's Canadian Blog!
Having lots of fun on LC, but having trouble finding other Canucks on here. Not a complaint, but it's sometimes nice to talk to someone who understands the movie 'Men With Brooms' or the symbolism of the beaver (ummm...the animal, not the body part...though we might have a unique take on the beaver as a body part...).
Chrissy For Sale Only 25 Cents
i am for sale...if u want me buy me a plane ticket.......i can do anything and everything you want me to
Tips About Realationships
5 Mistakes That Make Women "Flake Out" >If you'd like to see video clips of all of my different programs, and read the story of how I learned to attract women, then check THIS out: ***DATING QUESTION FROM READER*** I will try to keep this short, but if you don't read it all, just refer to the question at the bottom regarding the question. Okay, I have read through all of your newsletters ever since I signed up for the service & purchased your E-Books. On a Tuesday I am out with a friend & we bump into his ex & her roommate. Both girls are 9's (pushing 10's). I immediately go to work! She's wearing a turtle neck sweater (I see a weak spot) so I start calling her "Tippy the Turtle" all night. She acts all defensive about it, but keeps laughing & asking me WHY, WHY, WHY do you keep calling me that?...So I just keep pouring it on. I bust on her humorously every chance I get. Within 2 hours, she's leaning on me, s
Bro And Bro Hos
They are everywhere today, and if you have ever felt the bile in your stomach rise while in the presence of them, you are not alone. Western "Civilization" is sliding back down the evolutionary ladder as scores of mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, peckerwoods fill the public with cat-piss cologne, backward baseball caps, flip flops, puka shell necklaces, matching jock haircuts, pedophile facial hair and sunglasses only a seven-year-old could wear with a straight face. Bros ruin everything they touch. They are deeply racist, yet vulture-ize black culture with attempts to be "down", while living as far from any ghetto as humanly possible. It's because they seek danger, or the illusion of it. Through their economic power, Bros are able to affect every aspect of the media and popular culture -- in a larger sense, our entire waking environment. A member of the Bro subgroup always loves music made by artists that can tap into their own inner tough guy or rebel, and their kind funnels mon
My First 100 Guns
Blow Up Doll
Hey All
Hey all, I went to CMT on Tour Saturday night with my mom. Trace Adkins, Billy Currington and Jason Aldean performed. We had 5TH ROW TICKETS! We were close enough to where you could see them sweat. My mom got to touch Billy's hand. She freaked out and was so excited. She even said she wasn't going to wash that hand ever again. It was awesome! I think it was one of the best concerts I've been to. I also have pictures, which I will put up once I level up and can add some more. Right now I am at my limit. So I will add pictures as soon as I can. Enjoy your night everyone!! I LOVE YOU BABY! ASHLEIGH A is for Artistic S is for Shy H is for Helpful L is for Lively E is for Energetic I is for Important G is for Gifted H is for Hilarious What Does Your Name Mean? H
My Poetry
A Sadistic laugh A Slap A painful cry A tickle A wanton moan Wrists tied above your head Feet spread wide apart Sharp nails digging into soft flesh Teethe sinking into a meaty thigh Hot breathe on the nape of your neck A stinging smack on a supple ass A Sadistic laugh A Slap A painful cry A tickle A wanton moan The sting of My cane The swoosh of My paddle Whispering demands in your ear A wanton moan A slap A pain filled cry A sadistic laugh Handful of hair The feel of a sharp knife running across your skin Nipples in clamps A flogger across your back And then….. you fall to the floor in bliss… Contrary Goddess...... Heartless Compassionate Loving cruel Dominant submissive Sadistic pain slut Tough vulnerable Fierce timid Giving selfish Humble vain A Contrary Goddess in deed ....... I am: A poet A painter A writer A priestess A Goddess A lover A fighter A wife A friend A FemDom A spiritual m
Surveys For All
The porno of Jill's life will be called ... "Life of a sex addict" 'What will the porno of your life be called?' at What Piercing Are You?
College Update
I have my mid-terms this week so I will upgrade about that later in the quarter. RHE ATCH 104 M01 FINANCIAL ACCT PROCEDURES 4.00 M W 09:10A 11:00A A&S ECON 103 H02 PRINCIPLES OF MICROECON 4.00 M W 05:30P 07:20P RETAKE HHS PED 183 I01 KARATE II 1.00 F 05:10P 07:00P PED 183 I01 NOTE: ISSUES IN AMERICAN POL 4.00 Tu Th 01:10P 03:00P A&S SPAN 212 M01 INTERMEDIATE SPAN 4.00 Tu Th 05:10P 07:00P My classes for this quarter are: Spanish 111 BMT 110 Business Communications 2 Alergbia 102 Karate 1
Well since I haven't update our relationship for awhile, I think I better....Well we made a big Thanksgiving Dinner for my family...past out some Christmas gifts that night. We have put up our Christmas tree and did the outside of our house in the past month. We went to watch Saw 3 last month. Now, that scarid the Piss out of me...Mike loved it. At the first of December (last weekend) we took the kids to watch Santa Clause 3...which Jacob feel alseep and kyle would not stay still. I thought that movie was better than the first 2....when that comes out on DVD we are going to buy all of them for the kids. Next week we are going to take the bus around town to see Christmas lights. Now that will be a pretty site to view. I am looking forward to that... Well I will update more after Christmas or New year's later all Love ya's Here this Monday Mike and I will be together for 6 mons we are going to treat ourselves to a Dinner at Damon's restraunt. As you may know that Mike and I
Rate My Pics
Check out my pics and comment. if you notice i have a spot designated for my biggest fans but i ran out of picture space. So comment and help get my cherry level up to 10.
Porn Blopers
Myspace Codes Myspace Codes
Funny Clips Lmol
Get video codes at Bolt. Bottle of Merlot... A gentleman asked a waiter to take a bottle of Merlot to an attractive woman. The waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, "This isfrom the gentleman seated over there," indicating the sender. She regarded the wine coolly for a second, not looking at the man, and decided to send a reply note to the man. The waiter, who was lingering for a response, took the note from her and conveyed it to the gentleman. The note read: "For me to accept this bottle, you need to have a Mercedes in your garage, a million dollars in the bank, and 7 inches in your pants." After reading the note, the man decided to compose one of his own in return. He folded the note, handed it to the waiter and instructed him to return this to the woman. It read: "For your information, I have a Ferrari Maranello, a BMW Z8, a Mercedes CL600 and a Porsche Turbo in my garage. There is over twenty million dol
I'm Feelin Mushy
I'm not really sure why I am tonight but I just wanted to let y'all know that I luv you guys. Each of you for different reasons but the reasons are still there. SOOOO, thank y'all for makin my world a little brighter.
Chalk One Up For The Old Guy
An older, white haired man walked into a jewellery store one Friday evening with a beautiful young gal at his side. He told the jeweller he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend. The jeweller looked through his stock and brought out a $5,000 ring and showed it to him. The old man said, "I don't think you understand, I want something very special." At that statement, the jeweller went to his special stock and brought another ring over. "Here's a stunning ring at only $40,000," the jeweller said. The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement. The old man seeing this said, "We'll take it." The jeweller asked how payment would be made and the old man stated, "By check and I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds. I'll pick the ring Monday afternoon," he said. Monday morning, a very teed-off jeweller phoned the old man. "There's no money in that a
Gahh!!!! 137 Points To Go?!?!?
HOW do you have 137 points to go?!?!? I don't get it. Where on this damn site is an explanation of what rates what points? Anyone?
After having about 4 hours of sleep last night, I started thinking about somethings... How do you really know when you find the right person for you? How do you know what you want and who you want to be with? I came to the conclusion that when you find the right person, when you look into their eyes you see their fear's, happiness and sadness. But if you look deeper you can see their soul. But if you look into their heart you can find their hope's, dream's and other things. I don't know if it's just me and I don't care, I know that not everyone has found that special someone that they can share everything with. I just hope and I pray that maybe one day I will. I want to find that one person that will love me for who I am and not what I look like or how smart I am, just love me for me. It may not be soon but I hope I will find that one person or maybe he will find me.... Girl Facts: When you break a girls heart, she still feels it when you run into eachother 3 years la
Angel From Your Nightmare
An Anagram as you all know is a word or phrase made by transposing or rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. The following are exceptionally clever. When you re-arrange the letters: Dormtory ~ Dirty Room Evangelist ~ Evils Agent Desperation ~ A rope ends it The morse code ~ Here come Dots Slot machines ~ Cash lost in 'em Animosity ~ Is no amity Mother-in-law ~ Woman Hitler Semolina ~ Is no meal the public art galleries ~ Large picture halls i bet And for the grand finale: PRESIDENT CLINTON OF THE USA It can be re-arranged with no letters left over, and using each leter only once into: TO COPULATE HE FINDS INTERNS roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour Kissing Is A Habit Fucking Is A Game Guys Get All The Pleasure Girls Get All The Pain 10 Minutes Of Pleasure 9 Months Of Pain 3 Days In The Hospital A Baby Without A Name The Baby Is A Bastard The Mother Is A Whore
A Little About Me
you know how when a someone gets a stereo or a digital camera or any kind of toy and they play with it and it breaks, they usually send it bakc to get fix. once fixed this element either goes back to the owner or its sent for resale as refurbished... well thats how i feel .... i feel like a used stereo that was aparently fixed but that deep inside knows that its been broken and that there is nothing or no one who will make it whole again..... Somewhere there's someone, who dreams about your smile, and finds in your presence, that life is worth while, so when you are lonely, remember it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you! so yeah i was thinking today and i came to realize im always the friend and never the girlfriend... aparently im good enough to hang out with and to even have sex with but not good enough to have a relationship with... i mean im not bad looking, im not a bad person, im actually a good person and a lot to offer, but aparently not good enough for some p
How Honest Am I?
Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker? A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again. Q. What's a mixed feeling? A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car. Q What's the height of conceit? A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name. Q. What's the definition of macho? A. Jogging home from your vasectomy. Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex? A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick! Q.Why is divorce so expensive? A. Because it's worth it! Q. What is a Yankee? A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? A. They both like a tight seal. Q. What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common?!
Sweet Candy Apple Dapplings...
2007-08-13 07:41:47 #63 of 63 A few years back I studied to be a minister to one of the big denominations (I won’t mention which one) However, I will say when I discovered they made their man made doctrine their primary source of their religion… I got out. I feel you should not be led spiritually by man but by God. A situation came up where this organized religion stated that something was not in the Bible. It was in the Bible. They said but the Bible did not speak against the sin in question. However, the Bible did say that anyone committing that particular sin should be stoned to death. Now, is that not plainly speaking against something? Their rebuttal was that it is NOT spoken against in their doctrine and that was their final word. Half of the church walked out with me on that day. It was sad. My advice to anyone who has questions about God, religion or the Bible is to open the Bible up!!! You have the same tools as any member of clergy. Many of the religions have
Interestin Facts Lmao J/p
br/>Karma Sutra PositionYour Karma Sutra Position isThe ElephantLying on her side, facing away, the fawn-eyed girl offers him her buttocks and he penetrates the house of loveGet Your Karma Sutra Position at What is your Japanese name? Aki: unisex name meaning "autumn;bright"Take this quiz! Quizilla |
My Life And Me
well today i slept til 4 pm lmao, something havent done in soo long. but yea it was cool. played some tibia, some halo, watch some tv. relaxed for once. gonna be goin to surgery with my mom next week cuz i know she scard. by the way i hate my life!!!! everything about it. beh why cant i be beautiful like other girls. i hate me.
Lessons In Life
There are times when words arent enough feelings cant always be put into words; because they are inadequate and often escape us sometimes, there are only feelings. There are times when all you need is a look; a silent, wordless connection between souls an understanding that needs no translation a natural, knowing stare that says everything. There are times when all you need is a touch; nothing spoken - just the gesture of reaching out touching, silently transferring your energy conveying something that comes from within There are times when all you need is acceptance to know that you are valued as you are that any changes you make only enhance you more as you discover yourself. There are times when all you need is love no conditions or demands, only simplicity. to know that for no reason at all another chooses you over all others. There are times when all you ever wanted, was to be completed by another person. There are times when you need all of these t
My Poetry
A Fool In Love Have you ever been afraid of feeling more than you should? Or more than you believed or conceived that you could... It's the little things in life that help you touch the sky Living moment to moment... too many loves gone by The past built a sea around me of "could have been" sorrows Filled with empty "I love you"s and "I'll call you tomorrow"s Then the sound of solitude becomes a cry for help... have been a hermit crab too many times in my life!!! My heart is hopeful that THIS time, it's all true and THIS time it will be beautiful, gentle, and smooth and THIS time I've found my best friend, my soul mate and lover. So please, ...come to me in silence and when the time comes for us to be in the eye of a storm... Lay with me in a whisper, and listen to the warmth There has never been a smile in my memory that came as easily, nor was as meant from my heart and soul ... as this one ... as when you're with me in peacefulness ... Serenity ...No fi
Fuckin Sweet Ass Concerts
this is my list of distruction that shall commence this week. so many shows, so little time. September 19 - Nonpoint, Silent Civilian, ANKLA, Stand Alone. (masquarade)* (silent civilian cancelled, rescheduled later in the month.) September 25 - Unearth, Terror,Bleading Through, Through The Eyes Of The Dead. ( Masquarade) September 26 - Bullet For My Valentine (masquarade) September 29- Silent Civilian, ANKLA (Frontline in Mariatta) October 2 - Fuckin TRIVIUM, w/ the sword and protest the hero (masquarade) October 5 - Lamb Of God, Opeth (masquarade) October 6 - Soulfly, Full Blown Chaos, Scars of Tomorow (masquarade) October 7 - Mastadon (masquarade) October 24 - Mushroomhead, SOiL, The Autum Offering, Brand New Sin (masquarade) November 1 - Soilwork, Darkest Hour (masquarade) December 5 - Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus. (masquarade) HELL YEA MOTHER FUCKERS. Ill see yall in the pit
Gothic Poems
A dragon flew out of his cave, and killed a corpulent knave. He ate the fat man in four bites, then said, "Oh, that didn't taste right." The dragon sat by his cave wall, and wished he had Pepto Bismal. "Unforgiven" And the sky, it burns like fire My world it comes apart You're up there now, just laughing, Laughing 'Cause you ripped out my heart Slowly I am giving in My heart is black as coal You've left me cold and empty You've destroyed my very soul So now I stand here screaming My mind is lost to rage My only wish For death to come So I can turn that page. "These Thoughts" So many thoughts that run through my head, so many of them that had me wishing i were dead. You came to me so fast, but now your gone and in the past. I loved you so much that it kills to live, so many days i wish it were you to have lived. When i think about those days we were together, our love was strong and could be held on forever. Was i
Way Cool
If the past is coming back ot stare you in the face you have two options run or face it, So I am facing it you want to look at me fine, you want to talk to me then talk but do something, dont hide behind a screen name Well Happy New Year to everyone, One of my new years resolutions is to try and keep in touch on line a bit more. Or at least up date my pages/blogs more regularily. So how was everyones Christmas and New Years, I would love to hear about it. I had a great Christmas and New Years. My grams is going strong and doing really good so that was nice for Christmas. New Years I was at a big to do, and had a really good time. So I guess you can say I am starting the year off right. So if you feel like it go ahead, leave me a message and let me know about your holidays. This is awesome, now lc has blogs. I guess I really will have to come on line more often and update huh, LOL. Just too cool, Well I have to go get the kids, you all stay cool, happy, and free
Managment Issues
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am." The man below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude." "You must be an engineer," said the balloonist. "I am," replied the man, "How did you know?" "Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip." The man below responded, "You must be in Management." "I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you're going.You have risen to where you are due t
Gothic Love Poems
When, my fingers searching, I whisper in your ear it doesn't mean what last night it meant: the pressure of the skies demanded a venting; tonight I need to go it slow. Slide my fingers along the fur of your stomach chills, saliva cooled. That taut canyon of muscle channels my tongue to damper ravines. Could you lick and kiss me yes-- this is the sensation. Here is my gasp. We have become of eachother one; this fluid is our snowmelt. By Jason Paul Fox I'm smothered by a memory tonight, entangled in your finger's phantom touch, the filgreed chills of your delicious bite, trapped in the comfort of your drunken clutch-- for what your ardent kiss meant yesterday seems so clear it stings like shards of glass that slash my eyes to hear your echoes say "what is now, what was then, this must pass." If lost, these words are simpler than they seem; simply listen to the echo when they pass: they say I want to haunt your every dream-- it says "dream on, y
What Body Part Are You Attracted To???
You scored as Penis. You are attracted to the: penis. You are a penis man/woman.Penis100%Abs/Stomach83%Boobs67%Face42%Butt33%What Body Part Are You Attracted To?(pics)created with
Just Some Stuff......
The second day of Dia de la Muerte. NOV 2 is All Souls Day, yesterday was All Saints Day. Though we should daily pray for the dead in Purgatory, above all for our ancestors, today is especially set aside for hanging that "unfailing lamp before the sepulchres of our dead" There is a Mexican saying that we die three deaths: the first when our bodies die, the second when our bodies are lowered into the earth out of sight, and the third when our loved ones forget us. kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one. In first grade your idea of a good friend was the person who went to the bathroom with you and held your hand as you walked through the scary halls. In second grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you stand up to the class bully. In third grade your idea of a good friend was the person who shared their lunch with you when you forgot yours on the
When you walk out the door Stop, Did I tell them that i love them Did I kiss them bye Did I hug them Driving down the road my cell rings, Mr. so and so we have some bad news, my heart is ripped outta my chest................ Sept. 17th, I'll never forget!!!!! To that someone, remember me please....... She really suprises me Today.........So damn hot..........
hey my lost cherry family i am just letting every one know my birthday is in 4 days yea i will be 19 hey to all my frinds and the special one ouyt their you know who you are sexy momma i am looking for more friends if you think i am good enoughf to pout on your friends list add me i am all ways looking for a new ones but their is only one sexy lady for me and if you dont know who it is thats to bad couse she dose hey sexy mommy
Don't Laugh Your Boss Might Be Watching
NBA OR NFL? 36have been accused of spousal abuse7have been arrested for fraud19have b een accused of writing bad checks 117have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
If You Are Offended, Dont Read
OK, recently i have joined another chat type site. Now normally things on these sites don't really bother me. But the constant bitching about FAKES are getting really old. Ok people there are going to be fake people on every single site you are on. I'm pretty damn sure there are fake people on this site. You never know, the guy/girl you talk to everyday, with tons of sexy pictures of themselves, could very well be fake. It's not that hard to go to another site and find pictures of people and save them to your computer. Come on people, grow the fuck up and quit bitching about them.. If you think they are fake then either ignore them or report them to someone who owns the damn site. Secondly, I am so tired of these whiny people who bitch because someone was mean to them...ON THE FUCKING INTERNET!!!! wtf is the point of bitching about. There are these cute little buttons that either say Ignore or Block. Now I know this take an extra click of the mouse to hit those little button
Chad, It would be difficult for me to be any more miserable right now, I feel like the worst person ever. First, let me start by saying that I am truly truly sorry, and I hate myself for hurting you. Of all the people in the whole entire world, you were honestly the last personthat I would ever want to wrong in any way. There is no excuse at all for anything that happened, so I won't even try other than to say all of us had WAY too much to drink, and I did a stupid thing. I can handle you being pissed at me, I absolutely deserve it, I can even handle the ugly words that were exchanged between us, what I can't handle is thinking that you see me as a different person. It is weird, I feel like I just went through a horrible break up or something. The world looked funny yesterday, I couldn't crack a smile if you paid me, there are songs I can't listen to, and I just ! feel beyond crushed. Idon't know if you meant everything you said to me, and I am hoping that you didn't. I know that
Teddy had it so right! Not Kennedy, but Roosevelt! Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907. "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." One of my sons serves in the military. He is still stateside, here in California. He called me yesterday t
About Me
Well the first part i told you all what i like and dislike right well here is more about me.. hmmm lets see, ok here we go, things I like to eat, I am too pickie at food and their are some things I do like and I do dislike.. I love to make a scrap book of a Celebrity or Celebrities, but try to do it on my own time.. I like to read romance books (Because of this my sister Amber got me into the books so be thanking her lol) I do like to play a playstation my brothers when he comes over.. I love to watch movies.. There are so many kinds of movies I can't put them on here on this blog but someday I will try to put it on the blogs so you all would know me better in time.. I love to post lyrics of different artist and mostly I do like different kind of music as you all know that.. I like to watch tv sometimes if there is a really good show coming on or movie.. What I do don't like is that people making fun of other people like me or my online family I think that is really
Onefrombills' Blogs
Go to my page and fill out my buddy map A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring. He replies: "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you She answers, "My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive." "Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me" She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic." The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!" "OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley." The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying. "My dear child," says the nun,
New Member
Hey ALl this is my First Blog On here I am new to this as of Sept if ya like leave me some comments or whatever...
I don't know. It's not something I've ever done before yet I've heard the term "on-line dating" several times. I like this man I've met on here; he is funny and has amused and entertained me immensely. Someone I think I would like to know better. He makes me laugh and smile, he flatters me and makes me shy. I enjoy his company. It surprised me when he opened his heart to me. I really did not expect it at all. It was a "WOW!" to me. I feel like a school girl on her first date, all excited. He was honest and expressed his apprehensions about my leaving LC because I was getting bored and never getting to talk to me or getting to know me. I had a dream about him that I did not want to admit to having. It further amazed me when he admitted to having a dream about me. I didn't even tell him that I had a dream about him. He told me his dream and it was pleasantly surprising to learn that our dreams were very much similar. We spent the night talking, very open and I think ho
I feel I've spent my life looking for a woman that will be able to surprise me day after day. Most women are fairly predictable. The more they try to hide their feelings, or their lack of, the easier it is to see right through them. I have found one, and only one, that is truly unpredictable. Unfortunately, that has also been a problem. I'm never sure what she is thinking or even how she feels about me. There are times when I think we share the same feelings for each other, then there are times when I feel like she doesn't want anything to do with me. I often find myself staring at her, just wondering what she is thinking. I've tried asking her, but her response is always the same, "nothing." I wish she would share more of herself with me, but I'm sure she wishes the same from me. It is, however, refreshing to have found someone that has yet to become boring to me. After nearly five months, I still enjoy every second of her company. She is as mesmerizing as moonlight on the water. She
Get Code | Create Your Own! Filling your tub with warm water and adding bubbles light your candles Set them along side of your tub. Dim your bathroom lights and slip into your full bubble bathed tub. MMMMMMM Take your soap and lather it up your hands wash your arms Your first arm and wash slowly and your second arm slowly. Then slowly wash your face and neck and then caress y our breasts with the soap and wash your stomach and your waist , Then wash your legs slowly and enjoy the r

Your Eyes Should Be Violet Your eyes reflect: Mystery and allure What's hidden behind your eyes: A quiet passion What Color Should Your Eyes Be? Your Relationship Will Last... A Long Time! Your guy is ideal, as close to Mr. Perfect as he could be If you took this quiz, you may be doubting that... Don't! No guy is perfect but yours comes really close You guys will last for many years, as long as you appreciate him! How Long Will Your Relationship Last? Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl You're the girl that everyone is trying to figure out. Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it! What's Your Reputation?
My Charity Events!!!
Today was a great day. The girls were out of school and we decided to head out and try to raise money for the foundation. The girls each had lines to say and practiced all last night. The response was great!! People were so surprised that they knew so much about the foundation, and the way they spoke about it was far beyond their years!!! I am so proud of them...just had to make a note of it...Take care and thanks for reading!! Echo Hey this is for mainly my friends from the Tri-State area...Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Most know that I do charity work for a local non profit organization out of Cinci. Next month, on the 10th of November, the 6th anual Dance for the Heart of It, dinner and dance is being held at The Syndicate. This is a great time to get dressed up and have a wonderful time!!! The money goes for a great cause and includes dinner, drinks, live entertainment by Soul Pocket, and auctions!!! For more information please check out the web site at,
hello everyone how are you just wanted to say ty for all the ratings
For A Friend
For A Friend A soldier lying dying Another youthful waste Dying in a strange land Surrounded by your foe All the people left behind To mourn your passing on Marching forward To join God's Army Up in the heavenly sky So to my brave soldier I leave you with this prayer May the Lord take your soul And bless it on its way And bless the soul of all whose died Fighting in the name of peace. Dedicated to a faceless Friend I never met, but many a great moment we shared. Dave Emmerson
I am on a site called Cybersocieties and there are about 5 people who I want to fucking bann right now on there. They are in a group I am in and fucking moaning about not being officers anymore lol I want to bann them but owner of the group is not online Grrrr God There are so many adults online that act like kids.. Grrrr Anyone got a shot gun lol I was meant to having my twin girls over this weekend but my ex has decided to take them out for the weekend. Grrrr They live with their dad and step mum and I don't get to see them in the week. I only get to see them at the weekend, now I have got to wait until next weekend :( He knows we have no insurance on our car so we can't use it he is just being a wanker. I need a big hug now and lots of vodka. Why is it some people act like they are 5 years old and in school. Fucking grow up and get a life.
Stuff By Me
I had this posted earlier, but realized it was in the wrong blog, so I had to delete and move it. Sorry if you have already read and commented on it. I did post another one right before this one though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You walk up behind me as I finish loading the washer. You place a kiss on the side of my neck and slide your arms around my waist. A shiver runs through me as you place kisses down along my neck to my shoulders. I can feel myself getting wet. You slide your arms up and cup my breasts in your hands. I raise my hands up over my head and reach back and cup the back of your head. I lean back into you, molding my form to yours as you squeeze my breasts in your hands and run my hard nipples between your fingers. I can feel myself getting wetter as you ignite the flames higher with your hot breath on my neck. I can feel the hardness of your cock against my ass through our clothes. I am totally captivated and amazed at how quickly and easily you c
Some Of My Favorite Poems(written By Me)
there was an angel in my dreams last night walking towards me slow he said "i'm here to protect you" i told him , "this i know" he told me he would always be there i responded "i know that to" the closer the angel came to me the more he looked like you he asked me if i only had one wish what would it be i said "to keep my angel for eternity" he responded " you are a strong and beautiful woman, destined for great things" "do you think you will sick around when things get hard and what you desire seems out of reach?" "undoutabley" i answered "my love is true , there is no other for me and i will go to undefined lenghths and overcome all obstacles , the past is proof" as i started to wake the angels image started to fade i grabbed his face and kissed his lips and had these words to say i love you , will never give up on you , and will never do you wrong even when i seem out of reach i'm never
Bull Shit
so me my mom and my sister was at my parents house cleaning and talking when we heard this loud sound on the roof like some one stomping(right above the kitchen where my sister was) and it runs.... yes runs across the roof to where me and my mom was!!!!! ok the wind strong out tonight yes i agree but the ladder that was up against the house never moved if the wind was strong enough to move something around to make that sound the ladder would not still be up!! even still we tryed to make ourselfs think thats all it was.....till it happend one more time like 2 hours later and it was shorter steps but still just as loud and it once again stopped right over our heads!!! oh yeah talk about freaked!!!and nothing was on the roof before that!! trust me my mom was up there earlier and my sis boyfriend was up there yesterday working!! ok so i found out that someone i called friend stole my dog!!!! i dont know what to do last time i was there she wasnt so i dont know if he has her anymore or wher
1. How old are you? 2. What is your sexual orientation? 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex? 4. Have you ever received oral sex? 5. How many sexual partners have you had? 6. What is your pubic hair style? 7. What is your choice of underwear style? 8. Have you ever had anal sex? 9. What is your favorite position? 10. How often do you masturbate? 11. Have you ever kissed a girl? 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl? 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos? 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once? 15. Have you watched porn? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area? 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex? 18. Spit or swallow? 19. Have you ever had an orgasm? 20. Do you own any sex toys? If you think i'm hoot rate my pix an leave me a comment If u woke up 1 morning and saw me in ur bed what
Favorite Poems And Lyrics
Why would you lie to me? After all that we've been through, After the love I gave you, I just need you to trust me Bridge: How could i trust you how do I move on When all you do is tell your lies, your killin me inside. Why would I take you back so many sleepless nights we had a good thing but you threw it all away Verse 1: They said you dont know what you got until its all gone I wish I never had to sit down and write this song But baby girl, if I coulf turn back the hands of time if I could press rewind, live it one more time I wouldnt do the things i did, I take back what I said, I never break a promise if you take me back again. Everyone deserves a second chance and this is it, so reach inside your heart and be compassionate girl, did you forget the way we use to love each other, the way you told me that you could never love another damn, its like im beggin you to stay alive, I love you girl and I need you by my side Choru
You Scored as You are a Vampiric Elf!Congratulations my friend! You are a Vampyric Elf. Your kind are few and far between! Your hobbies include drinking the blood of innocent victims or just draining it and mixing it with herbs and spices. You were once one of the noblest of white magic creatures but you turned against those who you loved, most likely because of lost love, and turn yourself into their greatest fear to punish them all! You are a Vampiric Elf! 92% Fallen Angel 83%
Funny Stuff
What men would do if they had a vagina for a day: 10. Immediately go shopping for zucchini and cucumbers. 09. Squat over a hand-held mirror for an hour and a half. 08. See if they could finally do the splits. 07. See if it's truly possible to launch a ping-pong ball 20 feet. 06. Cross their legs without rearranging their crotch. 05. Get picked up in a bar in less than 10 minutes ... BEFORE closing time. 04. Have consecutive multiple orgasms and still be ready for more without sleeping first. 03. Go to the gynecologist for a pelvic exam and ask to have it recorded on video. 02. Sit on the edge of the bed and pray for breasts too. 01. Finally find that damned G-spot. What women would do if they had a penis for a day: 10. Get ahead faster in corporate America. 09. Get a blowjob. 08. Find out what is so fascinating about beating the meat. 07. Pee standing up while talking to other men at a urinal. 06. Determine WHY you can't hit the bowl
Full Name: Vickie Lynn Hogan Birthdate: November 28, 1967 death: Feb. 8, 2007 Birth Place: Houston, Texas, USA Height: 5' 11" Career Start: The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) AA Ranking: #9 most searched Celeb Eight Resolutions to Enhance Your Career By Jaclyne Badal The Wall Street Journal Online Careers are easy to neglect. If the paychecks keep coming and the boss is tolerable, most people get into a routine and direct their attention elsewhere. While that's an adequate way to put bread on the table, it probably won't win you any big raises or promotions. So, whether you're hoping to stay at your current employer or thinking you'll move to another firm at some point, here are eight job resolutions to help you jumpstart your career in 2007. • Create a board of advisers: Find two or three people you admire, and take each one to lunch a few times this year, says Dale Winston, chief executive of recruiting firm Battalia Winston International. Loo
Feeling Very Sick!!!
HAVE A GREAT BUT SAFE NEW YEARS!! Hope u all r having a great day.SorRy i havent been on that much ive been sick.Ive got to have surgery Monday Ill try to be on more as soon as i get back to my self thanks for the comment yall.BIG WARM HUG TO ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!
Slightly Swizztid
How many ppl really know u? This is just my opinion, but I think it depends on how well u really know ur self. Most ppl are multi feasted, but only put forth bits and pieces of there self. Well here's a few pieces of me. I have a huge I don't have a fuck additude. I apply this tude to most I say most everything in my life. I'm not normal and probably not even stable. The thing is. I fuckin like who I am. I'm kinda harsh and have become in thees later years, cold. The things I really care about I care about passionately. I cry when children are hurt, but have np walking out on someone who's fucked over me. I don't wast time. If I could have anything it would me more time........
Dear Love
Since the day God brought you into my world I realized that you are the biggest blessing brought to me, You’ve shown me so much love that sometimes when I think about it its too hard to believe. To hard to grasp, Hard to believe that I’ve found you at last. Never have I been treated the way you treat me, Never have I had someone who makes me feel so indescribably, Feeling like I’m floating on “Cloud 9” living a perfect dream. You make me feel like I’m what completes you, Like I’m the reason for the life you live and things you do. You make me feel like an angel God sent form above that has done nothing but grace you with my presence. In the process you captured my heart, mind, body, and soul turning my life completely around, You took me to the heavens lifting my spirits and life from the ground. We fuss and fight and make-up with kisses and hugs, We are the strongest ever, we got that unbreakable love. Love is the word so many have pla
As long as my dreams are always of you As long as a couple means only two As long as forever contains me and you I'm thinking of you... As long as the moon shines in your eyes As long as faith will never die As long as there's love between you and I I'm thinking of you... As long as our eyes meet in burning flame As long as trust means 'no one's to blame' As long as the hurt ends in no shame I'm thinking of you... As long as we survive as a pair As long as I know that you'll always care As long as love remains true and fair I'm thinnking of you... As long as the calm follows the storm As long as the need becomes well-worn As long as I'm safe and left untorn I'm thinking of you... As long as your love keeps me from harm As long as we're together, I'll always be warm As long as I stay wrapped in your arms I'm thinking of you... if a kiss was a raindrop... I'd send you showers. If hugs were a second... I'd send you hours. If smiles
Enter If You Dare
I know I posted this in a bulliten but I decided that this would be a better place for it .. - Working at night, you hear a vacuum cleaner down the hallway from you. You don't think about it and continue. Eventually, when you finish, you move to the elevator. You push the down button. You hear footsteps behind you. The door opens. You step in as the person steps in with you. You push the ground floor. The person pushes a floor below you, but not the ground. You notice that the person's hands are callused and slightly gnarled. Soon enough, the elevator stops. You glance at the floor number as the doors open and the person slips out. You blink to make sure you're seeing the number right. 13. "See you soon," the person says, using your name, as the door closes. You look at the panel of floor buttons. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15....13 isn't listed. You can't stop shivering. - Taking up a pen to sign a document, you find that the ink is red. The pen is a black ink pen, at least it was yeste
My Thoughts
why is it when you find something all your emotiones come out. I just found a letter my mom had wrote me five years ago. It brought out all the pain and sadness I still have with her not being here anymore.....Its been two years october6 and its still hard, there are so many things that I wish I could have said to her...I wish her and I both werent so hard headed because there for awhile we hardly talked at all because of somethings that happened in my life...Now I kick myself in the ass because instead of being hard headed I could have spent more time talking to her and spending time with her...Now I never will.Me and her was so much alike that we butted heads alot over stuff.even growing up I gave her hell and I regret it so much....Then I get so mad at God because he took her away from me. She was still very young and had alot left to live for.she was only 47 and died because of kidney fauler do to diabtes...If I could just hear her voice again or get a hug from her again. I would d
My friend has a new site, and he needs some help, so if you are feeling generous, come sign up, and check it out! Copy and paste the following link: You are charming. You are very bright, and able to completely express yourself verbally. You have a lot of charisma and people are naturally attracted to you. 'What is your seduction style?' at Aquarius You are very random, changing moods everyday. You are very genuine, and you like to do a lot sexually. When you find something that you like, you like it a lot and want your lover to like it too. Ideally you like to find a partner who is as into sex as you are. You want a lover who is just as independent as you are and you like an equal amount of give and take in the sack. Sex matches: Aries, Gemini, Libra Take this quiz at
Mexican Jokes
Why can't mexicans be firemen? They can't tell the difference between jose and hose b ----- How do you stop a Mexican tank? Shoot the guy pushing it. ----- Why are Mexicans so short? They all live in basement apartments. ----- How Do You Starve A Mexican? Put Their Food Stamps In Their Work Boots. ----- What do you call 100 mexicans working on a roof? Chingos ----- Juan,carlos,and antonio all jump off a cliff to see who will hit the ground first. who wins? Society. ----- What do you call mexican basketball? Juan on Juan. ----- Did you hear about the winner of the mexican beauty contest? Me neither. ----- What do you get when you cross a mexican with an octopuss? I don't know but it could pick lettuce good. ----- Why don't mexicans bbq? The beans fall through the little holes. ----- What are the first 3 words in every mexican cookbook? steal a chicken ----- Did you hear about that one mexican that went to
Black Jokes
Q: Two black guys decide to jump off a building; who lands first? A: Who cares? Q: A black guy and his black girlfriend are in a car. Who's driving? A: The cop! Q: Why are black peoples nostrils so big? A: Because that's what God held them by when he was painting them. Q: What do you get if you search for babboon in dictionary? A: You get a picture of Robert Mugabe. Q: What is black, purple,and yellow? A: A black person goin to church. Q: How do they make roads in South Africa? A: They make the black people lay down and have every other one smile. Q: What do you call a black guy who goes to college? A: A Basketball player. Q: How can you tell a black person is lying? A: His lips are moving. Q: Why are there more black folk then Indians? A: Because we haven't played Cowboys and Black folk yet! Q: How do you break up the "Million Man March"? A: Fly overhead with helicopters and drop job applications. Q: Why did the black man wea
Aggie Jokes
There were three Aggies huddled around each other at a local bar. All of a sudden, they jumped up and yelled, "Yeah, 45! 45!" The bartender goes down to them and asks, "45? What are you guys so excited about?" One of the Aggies speaks up: "We just finished a jigsaw puzzle. The box said 2 to 3 years, and we did it in 45 days!" What is the difference between an Aggie and a carp? One is a bottom feeding scum sucker and the other is a fish. Did you hear about the Aggie terrorist who tried to blow up the Longhorn team bus. He burned his lip on the tailpipe. How many Aggies does it take to screw in a light bulb? One, but he gets 3 hours credit. What is the difference between the Aggies and Rice Crispies? Rice Crispies know what to do in a bowl. Where was O.J. hiding right before the famous white Bronco Chase? On the A&M campus, because that's the last place you'll find a football player.
Writings From Other Lc Friends!!
The Eagle and The Bear The eagle's strength to compare that of the bear this is how they fair the bear can rip apart anything standing there yet the eagle can fly through the air the mighty physical strength of the bear must stay on the ground in a limited area around yet the eagle's strength of us do share it's in every heart and on something's we wear it shows the strength of the eagle for all to share the eagle and the bear. David J. Pipkin When I was young and deep in sin my heart received no light within, I found no peace, no joy, no rest, I had no love or true happiness. My sister died, foretold I cried, how could this happen to me,-oh GOD! now I'm left here alone to die without a partner to lye by. My eyes were blind though I could see, I refused to face reality, I had a mind tricked to believe this spiritual life wasn't meant for me. My dayz were long my nights were cold, I knew that I would soon grow old. As I looked at my life I cou
The Reverends Blog
Try this in Mexico >> >> If you are ready for the adventure of a >> lifetime, TRY THIS: >> >> Enter Mexico illegally. Never mind >> immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any >> of that nonsense. >> >> Once there, demand that the local government >> provide free medical care for you and your entire >> family. >> >> Demand bilingual nurses and doctors. >> >> Demand free bilingual local government >> forms, bulletins, etc. >> Procreate abundantly.Deflect any criticism >> of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive >> behavior with, "It is a cultural USA thing. You >> would not understand, pal." >> >> Keep your American identity strong. Fly Old >> Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in >> your front window or on your car bumper. >> >> Speak only English at home and in public and >> insist that your children do likewise. >> >> Demand classe
What I Like
In and out Faster oh faster In and out Harder baby harder In and out Slurp slurp Yummy oh so yummy In and out Push it deeper and deeper Oh yes yes Do it to me In and Out No sweeter motion the you pushing In and out **Written with thoughts of a speical friend** I desire your touch your feel of your tongue running down my neck to know your soft touch to sense your body next to mine yes this is the pleasure I seek. My wish would to give you as much pleasure as possible just because you deserve it. My touch my lust my passion. Legs wrap around your shoulders tighten at the right times loosing when the time is need. I moan feeling oh so good. All I can think of is how good you are making me feel. in your mouth dripping wet tastes so good moaning and turning up the heat god I am so close all you need to do is shove into me once and I will explode. Minutes from having true ecstasy the kind I know only you can give me. All of the sudden I feel you sliding i
Briannas Thoughts
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Hi Im Brianna and Im a full time phone sex operator. I am on this site as a way to not always be on the job
How Things Change
Sorry, this is not a sex story. More of a rant. I have come to the conclusion that with all of the technology provided to us we have become less personal. Sometimes it seems that the normal courtesy of even saying bye is lost in the world of instant messaging and email. If you were on the phone or talking to someone in person, would you just walk off and leave? Would you not say bye? If someone walks up to you would you just ignore them like you aren’t there? How did we become so impersonal? No wonder our kids today don’t have any verbal communication skills or an idea how to act in a group of people. They are sitting behind a computer or a phone text messaging. Personally I miss the days of a proper conversation. It is sad to see such a wonderful trait lost in this technology world.
hey friend my mom started selling avon so im asking a favor plz check out her site click the banner and it will take u there so plz check it out dennis -- [noun]:An oral sex master 'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
My Type Of Day
You Are Sunrise You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. What Time Of Day Are You?
Weather Gurl
You Are Lightning Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You?
Janet The Magic Butterfly
Flying high in the sky, without a care in the world, Janet the magical butterfly soared up and down. Looking and hoping for someone to play with. Up and down, round and round she flew, looking into all the gardens as she flew. Then out in front of her she saw Madison and Florencia playing in their back garden. Swooping down she landed on the rose bush at the back of the garden. "Hello Madison and Florencia", she said, "Do you fancy playing a game with me?" "Who said that?" wondered Florencia Madison just looked puzzled, as he heard the voice as well. "It's me I'm Janet, down on the rose bush at the bottom of the garden. Both Girls looked at each other and ran the whole length of the garden, stopping smartly beside the roses. "Hello" said the Girls excitedly, "We didn't know butterflies could talk and how did you know our names". By now the Girls were giggling away to themselves. "I'm a magical butterfly, who goes around to play with children and maybe even
It is so peaceful On my island of Dreams Wide open spaces Vivid Blue Skies Pure Yellow sands Warm Blue Waters That go on and on for miles Birds singing in the trees The gentle sound of Water Playing upon the shore The feel of the sun Warm upon your face Gentle winds blowing To keep your body cool Close your eyes And leave your cares behind And welcome to my Island The island of my dreams Dave Emmerson
My Flirting Techniques
You are a Romantic Realist Okay, so you fall in the middle. You know that love isn't like a greeting card... Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings. You are the best of both worlds Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious. Almost any guy can find balance with you. Are You a Romantic or Realistic? Your Passion is Pink! You're the type of woman that would never get described as passionate... Oh but you can be passionate at times - you just don't let it show. Your passion most shows through in your sweet and optimistic attitude. And chances are, most people are very passionate about you! What Color is Your Passion? You Are a Sensitive Kisser For you, kissing is a way to connect And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy It may take you a while to kiss someone... But when you do, it's total fireworks What's Your Kissing Style?
Fun Quizs To Take
You scored as Jigsaw. You are Jigsaw. You dont enjoy killing people at all. You instead love to see how far people will go to live. However if it ends in a bloody death, you still sleep with a smile on your face. You are intelligent, and know how to outwit just about anyone. And that spells bad news for anyone who falls into your games of death and torture.Jigsaw70%Hannibal Lecter65%Pinhead65%Captain Spaulding60%Michael Myers60%Jason Voorhees50%Freddy Krueger45%Leatherface35%Candyman20%Buffalo Bill15%Whic
Silly Lil Mama..
The first time we talked there was something about you…. As we talked on the phone you had my full attention hoping you would say those words… The next day when I got to hang out with you was more than I ever expected… When I looked into your eyes I knew there was nowhere else I wanted to be…. Lying in your arms I realized that I might never get the chance to feel this way again.. So I decided that if being with you and hangout with you was a risk then I was willing to take it… After I left hat night so many thoughts ran through my mind.. I wondered if you were feeling exactly the same way I was…? I wanted to know what it was that was going on inside your head….I was hoping that what I was feeling was more than just butterflies in my tummy… I spent the whole night/ nights thinking what would happen next… I realized that nothing was like I ever expected it to be.. Once I figured out what was truly going on inside my heart.. There were

Did you know this about me? Like your really gonna read them all (55) Current mood: geeky ..1. What attracts me to a man first is his hands and arms ..2 I like to laugh and will bust out laughing even when Im alone ..3 My fav color is purple then black ..4 I love butter flys and lady bugs ..5 I suck at spelling ..6 I suck at math ..7 I love the food and bev bussiness ..8 Im dislexic ..9 I hate drama and drama like ppl ..10 I hate it when ppl ask for my advice and then dont listen to it.... ..11 I hate it when ppl stay some where were their unhappy and bitch about it ..12 I get alone better with men than women ..13 I dont get along with my parents and we dont talk any more ..14 My cat hates men and will bite you ..15 My daughter is my best friend ..16 I would rather take a bath than a shower ..17 Im a wine drinker ..18 Im not a clean freak but im not a slob ..19 I sleep naked ..20 I need a cuddle pillow to sleep and my corne
Spasticus Chaoticus
I'm 30 and I have no my teeth. I like stuff. You can probably see what music I like, that's what this is about isn't it? ...the music? Want to know more? Ask...REALLY! I'm DYING to spill my guts, and make a bloody mess! But who will lick it up?! FUCK! I love, I hate, My left nipple is pierced. I like food, but I don't have any 'cause I spend all my money on music. So I'm skinny. It's a sad state of affairs really. I'm starving to death right by my turntable. Never sleeping...must flip, Laughing, licking my teeth, rocking back and fourth, and flipping records. Even if I wanted to sell them for food, I'm too weak to carry them now. Oblivion is waiting!...It won't be long now!...Mabe I'll try 'an eat that Tenpole Tudor 7" "Love & Food"... My cat Barfed up a pile of pot leaves...Ha! Mabe that'll teach her. Every fukkin' morning it's the same thing! What am I supposed to do? When I wake up with a morning wood, and I have to take a huge piss? Nobody thought of that when t
What I'm Worth
Your Life Is Worth... $820,500 How Much Is Your Life Worth?
Holy shit...I havent been on in a lonngggg ass time... and i havent added any pics in a while... but! ill get on that soon... anywho thats about it K so...Hi everyone lol This would be my first blog on here... As of now im still kinda trying to figure out this whole site..and so far I have to admit, Im confused =S but there is alot of stuff to do here. If anyone wants to give me some site pointers haha that'd be great, Tell me some of your favorite features of the site too and i'll check em out... Im gunna try and post new pictures pretty often so, check it out =P Thats about it for now...I'll try to update things as much as possible too. TTYL, Sammie
My Life Number
Your Life Path Number is 5 Your purpose in life is to life freely and collect experiences. You love life - new adventures, new people, new ideas. You are very curious, and you crave novelty in all forms. You tend to make friends easily, and you enjoy the company of all types of people. In love, you are fun and even a bit intoxicating. But you won't stick around for long. You are impulsive and spontaneous - which sometimes leads you to do things you regret. Sometimes you can be overindulgent with food, sex, or drugs. You have many talents, so many that you are often scattered and unfocused. What Is Your Life Path Number?
More Irish Than I Hoped
Doubling up on this one, because I like it, and it belongs here, especially: You're 50% Irish You're probably less Irish than you think you are... But you're still more Irish than most. How Irish Are You?
Me In The Future
If You Were Born in 2893... Your Name Would Be: Aoi Hana And You Would Be: Telepathic If You Were Born in 2893
Happy Again!!
To all of My friends, Im writing this blog to inform everyone that im going to take a break from Yahoo , Lost Cherry and Myspace. As most of you know Ive recently got back together with my Ex girlfriend and Im going to give 100% of my attention to making this work this time. Im happy and hope everyone is happy for me. I'll check in from time to time to let ya know im still alive. Take Care Bruce
How People See Me
People Envy Your Compassion You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain. People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them. What Do People Envy About You?
Officer Sees 'perfect Storm' Brewing In Military's Mental Health Care System
By Allison Batdorff, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Friday, September 22, 2006 YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan Gaps in care combined with the stress of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are creating a perfect storm within the U.S. military mental health system, according to a Navy commander who spoke at Yokosuka Naval Base on Wednesday. Quick to say that his opinions are unofficial the product of his 24-year military career and not the U.S. Navy or Department of Defense Cmdr. Mark Russell gave a well-attended lecture called Broken Promises: The Unspoken Truth of Mental Health Care in the DOD during the final day of the Multinational Medical Conference. Russell, a child psychologist and director of Educational and Development Intervention Services for bases across Japan, painted a picture of unmet needs and unrecognized opportunity stemming from the global war on terrorism. We are in a crisis situation, Russell said. And it's going to get worse. We're making progress but
I'm New To This
OKay i have a question? Why do guy's talk so much shit sayin im SINGLE and there really not sayin i like you and i don't have a gurlfriend and all kind's of bullshit and good well they know they do they just don't wanna be a man about it and be like yes i have a gurl..But no they like tha drama damn im just thinkin about turnin Les I swear guys are to much drama they lie ,cheat,there not honset about anythin..I mean i know we lie too but damn!! Im really thinkin about tryin to be les for awhile.. Have you ever gave all you had too your boyfriend or Gurlfriend? Well i did and he fucking broke my heart not only one time but twice!! I don't understand i though he was the right one..But i guess he proved me wrong!!So why do i even try we i get in a relationshi?WHy? i guess cause im a sweet person and guys take over and wanna break a sweet person's heart like mine..IM out
N.c. Kinky Cpl.
NC KINKY COUPLE@ LostCherry We are a cpl. looking for other clp. or singles to play with!
One, two, Dustin's coming for you! Three, four, better not lock your door! Five, six, Better give me a kiss! Seven, eight, better stay up late! Nine, ten, you'll never sleep again! or the original One, two, Freddy's coming for you! Three, four, better lock your door! Five, six, grab your crucifix! Seven, eight, better stay up late! Nine, ten, you'll never sleep again!

Life In General
......fall arrives at three after midnight tonight. This is a good but bad things i like fall to a point the world is beautiful. The colors are so awsome and clothes are easily found and there is always enough material to cover what I need covered. other than that I have changed my major. I am offically an English major. YIKES!! I also have a graduation date (sorta) I will be done spring 08 then its time to get a real job!! Well I think thats it for now just wanted to update all those who care! Enjoy life!
About Life
NAIL IN THE FENCE > > > > Make sure you read all the way down to the last > sentence. > > > > (Most importantly the last sentence) > > > > There once was a little boy who had a bad > > > > temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails > > > > and told him that every time he lost his > > > > temper, he must hammer a nail into the back > > > > of the fence. The first day the boy had > > > > driven 37 nails into the fence Over the next > > next few weeks, as he learned to control his > > > anger, the number of nails hammered daily > > > > gradually dwindled down. He discovered > > > > it was easier to hold his temper than to > > > > drive those nails into the fence. > > > > Finally the day came when the boy didn't > > > > lose his temper at all. He told his father > > > > about it and the fat
I setted up new myspace for deaf/hoh only ...add me at ..because I'm confused about hear ppls alway write many bulletin and you would add me and I can see ur new bulletin in myspace for deaf/hoh only.. Tam HELLO FRIENDS AND FAMILY, WOULD U LIKE TO JOIN NEW LINK HERE Please u add me at I will set up my new group create for 7 days:) Tam Welcome to my new lounge as Deaf lostcherry's chatroom you see my owner's name tmddeaf.
Im Sorry
I'm sorry That I'm not enough of a slut to sleep with you on a first date I'm sorry That my ass isn't big enough to "satisfy" your needs I'm sorry that I'm not anorexic and skinny enough for you to see my ribs I'm sorry That I'm not pretty enough to be "your girl" I'm sorry That I'm not a Playboy model so I can't act like a porn star for you I'm sorry I don't have a dream body that turns you on But most of all I'm sorry That you can't accept me for who I am
Reflecting On My Life.
Most days I go through with this numbness. Its like that calm errieness before a storm. Once in a while, my thoughts that I try so hard to keep on other things, the T.V., the computer, slip through to places I avoid. No one likes to afflict pain on themselves of this magnitude so I dont feel so guilty when I purposely avoid it. But try as I may, my mind roams. He ran his tricycle down the stairs. Ended up with 6 stitches. I think of all the times I hid the cleaning supplys, covered electrical outlets so he would be safe. And the time he got in a fight while protected someone even smaller than himself from bullys at school. He came home suspended with a bruised and bloody face so I took him for icecream and told him he'd done the right thing. Sitting in the operating room waiting area. Praying his surgery would go well. It did. These were my rights! They were my privileges. Well there are no more skinned knees. There are nightmares of a black car pulling up...the men clad in Army dress
Politics And Events, Some Not Current
You did know it was domestic violence awareness month this month as well as breast cancer awareness month I assume... Good idea to track Arizona Bill HB 2625 I think (or if it's passed, their other house's equivalent? Need to look into that more closely) which would allow Arizona employers to fire or otherwise penalize employees for using birth control (possibly female employees only) unless they have certain kinds of medical reasons, if I understand.
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Buried at PhotoCasket.comBuried at
This Racism That Is Going On
Kim's Life
well here i am again, dealing with the same old shit just different well Cbelsey played her games last night. her team came in 5th. Which was ok, they could of came in a better rank if they were not so tired, there last game started at 10pm. thats kinda late for 5th graders playing volleyball. I am proud they did so good, Maybe next year will be better. I feel sry for her, she was so upset they lost the the last set. Shes been going through alot, her dad does not live with us, and she talked to him friday night and it was her birthday. She turned 11. He never told her happy birthday, she got off the phone and told me about it and she ran upstairs to cry. As usual i made it ok, i guess. I told her, that her dad has alot going on, and he remembers but it just slipped his mind. I am getting really tired of making up excuses for Benny (her dad). I called him up and gave him a piece of my mind. Told him to step up and be a dad and remmeber the little things in her life or s
Military Thank You Blogs
Military Thank You Blog have Been Moved Because of a lot of Problems with my First Cherry Tap page, I had to create a New one. Please click on the Correct LINK Below to check out one of the SUB- BLOGS And Since this Blogs is starting Over, I need help getting it back on the TOP BLOGS on Cherry TAP. Allied Forces on CherryTap Military Family Members on CherryTap Military Spouses on CherryTap Military Support Pages on Cherry Tap The Next Group of US Service Men & Women on CherryTap US Air Force on CherryTap US US Army #1 of 2 on CherryTap US Army #2 of 2 on CherryTap US Coast Guard on CherryTap US Marines on CherryTap US Navy on CherryTap Veterans on CherryTap Please don't send any new PRIVATE MESSAGES TO THIS ACCOUNT. Thanks, David Air Force Veteran 1986-1995 WolfEagle1499™ Can you please visit & rate this BLOG: Our baby (on and loss)(
Illegal Immigrants I cross ocean, poor and broke, Take bus, see employment folk. Nice man treat me good in there, Say I need go see Welfare. Welfare say, "You come no more, We send cash right to your door." Welfare checks, they make you wealthy, Medicaid it keep you healthy! By and by, Got plenty money, Thanks to you, TAXPAYER dummy. Write to friends in motherland, Tell them 'come, fast as you can' They come in turbans and Ford trucks, I buy big house with welfare bucks. They come here, we live together, More welfare checks, it gets better! Fourteen families, they moving in, But neighbor's patience wearing thin. Finally, white guy moves away, . I buy his house, and then I say, "Find more aliens for house to rent." In my yard I put a tent. Send for family they j
Hotchick 3
well i am finally married. went to jamicia last christmas and it was a blast.....then went to las vagas for the honeymoon and that was alot of fun....won alot of money and came home and a bought a 4 bedroom house and we are loving it. i know i have no been on in a real long time but i am back now.also had a little scare thought i had breast cancer but i am fine ....i will be back later have new pics if anyone wants to look ...the pics are in a new album call me and family. WELL THE REASON WHY I HAVE NOT BEEN ON IN ALONG TIME IS CAUSE I HAVE BEEN ILL WITH NO FEELING IN MY HAND AND LEGS AND I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH THAT. AND IT IS REAL HARD TO TYPE WITH ONE HAND. I WANTED TO LET EVERYONE KNOW I WILL BE BACK I JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN. I DO MISS ALOT OF U AND SORRY I HAVE BEEN HERE EARLIER TELLING U ALL THIS. HOTCHICK 3 AKA JODI sorry that i have not been on lately here the weather has been warming up and i have not been on the comupter lately. been enjoying the nice weather. i
Funny Pics
Screen Name Of Kermit
A few people who know me have heard the story about my screen name and why I have it. I did not pick the nick out, it was given to me. A girl I knew in High School that was nice to me first called me Kermit. I looked like a cute frog so she said. See, I didn't fit into any set crowd and I had friends in every group though I was picked on a few bullies. The name caught on and people I didn't even know started calling me Kermit. I helped this girl out in school with her projects so she would get a good grade. We flirted and I think we made out once in the tool room of metal shop. I wanted to know more about her but I was afraid of coming off too strong. I didn't want to pry but this girl was special to me. I hesitated for a moment but it was too late. During that Christmas break she killed herself. I could have asked her about her past but I was too afraid. My inaction lead indirectly to her death. I tried to bury all emotion inside but when people called me Kermit it onl
Well my dad was able to get off of work to come and see me the 19 of next month. But still keep your fingers crossed becuz he has jury duty the day before he comes to see me. The last two times they didnt need him. So please pray that they dont need him or that the trial doesnt go into the next day. Thanks for everyone's support.
Helloo Everyone
Wow I've been feeling so ill every night and everything else in symtpoms if i am then ill have my baby around sky's birthday... i kinda hope not since im not ready but having a another one would be fun! They're not not more. I hate when I want to see pics of someone and they're albums are locked so I changed mine. Yay I'm getting my hair done on Saturday. Something different for sure since I'm always opened on trying new things. I'm not going to mention what I'm getting done but it will be a tad different.
Love Poems And Other Outrageous Nonsense
I MET SOMEONE TODAY I met someone today... in a world filled with unhappiness and pain... I met someone today... who took away all the storm clouds and rain... I met someone today... Just when I thought I would have noone by my side... to help me up when I fall... and journey with me thru life's difficult ride... I met someone today... who showed me I was wrong... in thinking I would go thru life singing the loneliness song... I met someone today... and I want to tell them without a doubt... that my love is unconditional... and their love I cannot do without... YOUR TOUCH Your touch is always soothing when I've had a hard day When I'm sad and depressed Or when things dont go my way Your touch is always warm on a cold winters night When the world's dead and frozen Your touch gives the world new meaning and makes everything alright
In My Dreams
To My Dearest One, As I lay here tonight I wonder where you could be. I hope you are doing well Wherever you might be. As where to you are, It is not here with me. I lay here and wonder Who you are and where you have been. I wonder at when I may be able to see you again. I know it will be soon For as I lay here to sleep, I know that you will be there There as always in My Dreams
Love Poems And Other Outrageous Nonsense3
CAN YOU? Can you tell me you love me... Can you tell me its true... Can you tell me all the things... I want to hear from you... Can you tell me Im the only one... that makes you scream out loud... Can you tell me I can be so proud... Can you tell me you will stay until the end of time... thru snow...sleet...and hail...rain or shine... Can you tell me that I will always have your heart... and never will be the day that we will part... CAN YOU?
Friends With Benefits... Help Please!
well things didn't go good, lets just say that avoidance is an issue that no amount of talking can fix, and while it is a shame I didn't think it would end like this. I've never regretted anything and now I'm just left searching for what it was I was supposed to learn from him. maybe it really is that you should know where your going with someone. oh I don't know, I just wish I could have atleast said goodbye in person. I feel like such a horrible person I know that his dying is not my fault, I know that us not talking is not my fault, but I still feel horrible I wish he wouldn't have done this or atleast had an explanation as to why he disregarded my wishes I never asked him to take care of me and I wish he never had that I really should have paid attention too 54. Always make sure you know what kind of stuff your getting into before making out with a guy whether it's a one time deal or not .... ok So I had a purely sexual relationship with this guy for about 5 months now,
Funny Videos
Welcome To My World
Drowning deep in my sea of loathing Broken your servant I kneel It seems what's left of my human side Is slowly changing in me Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You've woken up the demon in me Get up, come on get down with the sickness Open up your hate, and let it flow into me You mother get up You fucker get up Madness is the gift, that has been given to me I can see inside you, the sickness is rising Don't try to deny what you feel It seems that all that was good has died And is decaying in me It seems you're having some trouble In dealing with these changes Living with these changes (oh no) The world is a scary place Now that you've woken up the demon in me (And when I dream) No mommy, don't do it again Don't do it again I'll be a good boy I'll be a good boy, I promise No mommy don't hit me Why did you have to hit me like that Why did you have to be such a bitch
I Wanna Know Which Pic Of Mine Is Your Fav??
Let me know what picture u think would be number 1 in my pics just bored right now ..and just wanna try this out lol love u all :P
guess i'm a freak. lol, sorry, peoples--- i LOVE sex hey!!! this is who i am. i am a nice person. i am overly sarcastic at times. i am a restaurant manager. i love being in control of things there. i am chronically depressed. i really don't know why, but it is there. ummmm, i have a housefull of kids. i never finish cleaning or doing laundry, lol. i am always in a hurry. i cry a lot. i need a new car. i wish i was younger, skinnier, prettier, lol, ya know!!! oh- and richer, gotta be richer. i am always waiting for a child support payment that is supposedly in the mail. nust have gotten lost ---i'll send it out again when i get the check back----ya right. ok. hmmmm- i love lost cherry. i have met so many fun people here. i wanna be a toys r us kid!!!! lol- i think i need to step away from the drink! whoever reads this--- have a great night!!! luv you guys. you rock You scored as Hot. You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you.Hot94%Soft81%Wet75%V
Brian, You make me soooooo very happy you are the GREATEST thing thats could of EVER happened to me, I love you soooo very much && I cant wait til you come home so I cant spend forever in your arms
How To Finish Life As A Orgasm
I think the life cycle is all backwards You should start out dead and get it out of the way. Then, you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy; go collect your pension, then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.You work 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.You drink alcohol, you party, you're generally promiscuous and you get ready for High School.You go to primary school, you become a kid , you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a baby, and then... You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions; central heating, room service on tap, larger quarters everyday, and then, you finish off as an orgasm. I rest my case
Hello everyony! I'm sorry it took so long for me to start this blog. I've been quite busy these past few months trying to get my site back up! As of last Thursday, it was done! (YEAH!) Now I can spend time doing the things I love most! Emailing, chatting, blogging, etc. (My first cam tomorrow! :) )I'll be checking in with news about me and what is happening in my little corner of the world! Until then....XOXOX!
Wanting To Intoduce Myself......
I was born a male but I feel like a woman trapped in a males body. I am madly in-love with my wife. So I guess you can say I am a lesbian. I do crossdress and I own at least 15 pairs of pumps. I also want to start horomones and grow my own set of breast. My wife treats me very well over my sistuation considers she is Bi-sexual. as well as I am Bi-sexual Not towards males But Shemales and Transsexuals. But I promise my wife that We will keep her pleasure toy (package)LOL I want to work on making myself look more like a female. My wife has been my best friend for 18 years but just got married this Valentines day.(2006) I don't want to be looked at as a bad person. Just be treated like a human being. please look at my profile and pic but please don't send me nasty comments. There is nothing scary about them.
The Noises In My Head!
Ok...I have had it with life!!! Why is it that as soon as things start to even out and go well in my life thaht the rug once again is pulled out from beneath me. Finally I get my finances straightened out...Not rich by any means, but I wasn't in the red in my checking acct. LOL Until yesterday... Car needed unexpected repairs...and checks missed and all sorts of shit and...UGH... I may need to start prostituting myself...but dont think I would get much. Well... It's official. I am now 38 years old. Whoopie... As I write this entry it is just after 2pm. So far my day has been good. I went to see my daughter cheer at the pop warner football game. Which in and of itself is adorable because the cheerleaders are 6 & 7 yrs old and the players look like 5 yr olds with big bulky helmets and pads... very funny in a cute way. During this game however I was playing chase my son all over the park. This is when I discovered what being 38 ACTUALLY means... It means DONT RUN.
Violent Jz Response
2006-09-19 23:26:29 this is my question & his answer but im waiting for physical confirmation from! mcl ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Violent J Date: Sep 19, 2006 5:48 PM yooo juggalo that kid is my cousin branden i used his email because he never actually made that email he made it up so he gave me the name and i set that bitch up alright just so you understand homie well im out i got some business to take care of so peace. -Violent J ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: J & Shaggyz Bar & Grill & Home 4 Wayward Gurlz Date: Sep 19, 2006 4:19 PM yo ninja, the email on the bottom brings up sum kid!!! better double chek & repost!!! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Violent J Date: Sep 16, 2006 3:10 PM hey ya'll im hosting a contest entitled "Juggalettes Gone Wicked" and i was wondering if you would be intrested in p
Tom's Blog
I hate when dudes creep my page. Not all dudes though... I have seen a few dudes who seem to be alright but then there are those dudes who look and gawk like I'm QUEER which obviously I'm not. If you've looked at my pics you can see that I'm quite heterosexual. I have 2 beautiful daughters and most of... well all of my friends are ladies, all but one. And that one is a good friend of mine. So if you're looking to get something out of me.... FUCK OFF. I have nothing against gays but I'm not so please just stop CREEPIN' my page.
Mi Vida Loca
I am so sick of ppl that are supposed to love me crap on me. Everything is a double standard around here and I am sick of it! And the sad thing is that I have confronted him and he tries to tell me I am just being jealous! No I am not! He acts all stupid in front of women right in front of me... especially pretty skinny ones. EXAMPLE: We went to a New Kids on The Block concert on October 11th. The New Kids have a song out now called Single. Well he was yelling through the crowd of mostly women, "Ladies, I'm single" over and over again. So I just walked away from him. When I found him he was in a corner pouting...When I went over to him he got all peed off and told me that I needed to chill out and stop being so jealous. I told him that I wasn't jealous that if he wanted to be "single" then so be it because I was a big girl and could go and enjoy the concert all by myself. Well that scene drug on for about 3 days afterwards. SO now we have planned to go out to a club to go d
Pic Of The Day
The Heart Truth
What Is The Heart Truth? Leading Causes of Death for American Women (2002): Heart Disease 356,000; Stroke 100,000; Lung Cancer 68,000; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 64,000; Breast Cancer 42,000 Every woman needs to know about heart disease. The Heart Truth is that heart disease is the #1 killer of American women. In fact, one in three women dies of heart disease. But heart disease can also lead to disability and a significantly decreased quality of life. Unfortunately, most women don't know The Heart Truth. Only 20 percent of women identify heart disease as the greatest health problem facing women today. The Heart Truth is that women don't take their risk of heart disease seriously—or personally. Women often fail to make the connection between risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and their own chance of developing heart disease. The centerpiece of The Heart Truth is the Red Dress, which was introduced as the national symbol for wom
i'm only a llittle over 3000 points to go to level up help me out friends
Sexy Life ?
I would like to get this message when I call a business > number!! >> >> >> >> GOOD MORNING, >> WELCOME TO THE >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. >> Press "1" for English. >> Press "2" to disconnect until you Learn to speak English Pisces"> /> You have an awesome imagination, and often put it to use for sexual purposes. You are very romantic and don't hook-up with random people very often. Because sex to you is about showing your love, you are incredibly romantic in bed, and very giving. You tend be in a serious relationship more often then not. Sex matches: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio Yep! I passed it on... .. I am sorry but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. No where did they sing it in Italian, J
Oh Its Late
man i busted ass all week to get my apartment clean and ready for government inspection..if your curious ask... everything smells all nice and hands are dry as hell from bleach and for some reason the ajax stained my tub blue...hummm????kinda makes me worry...i'm tired i feel like its like 4am but its only 10:20pm...i skipped work and class today because ...various reasons..but i'm prolly in trouble with work..oh well i'm sure they were just fine without me..i'm kinda extra anyway...and totally replaceable...but i'm sweaty tired and mostly hungry...someone order me a can do that shit online now...its pretty rad...some guys send flowers to their gals..i say send my ass a pizza...4REAL!!! lol ha ha ha ha hahahahahaha have a nice day/night/whatev i'm tired i'm a big wuss i usually go to bed at like ummm 9 10 @ the l8est....due to school and work and home and is crazy-busy...but newayz i suck i'm boring...nothing cool to chat about...just bullshittin...gosh
Bands like ICP: Twiztid, Tech N9ne, Anybody Killa, Esham, Scarface, Cypress hill, Blaze ya dead homies, The Monoxides, Zug Izland, Body Count, Bloodhound Gang, Jumpsteady, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Kotton Mouth Kings, Wu Tang Clan, Fun Lovin Criminals. Ok if your into dirty jokes, and such i got some people you probly heard of but i still love them anyways so pic a CD up or look for them on t.v. and watch. Dane Cook (my favorite), Rodney Carrington(Country singer that likes to be a prev), Bob and Tom. (they're an Off brand but i hope you like and find the time to check them out.) Here is some more things to post for music thought i would get bunch of my stuff out of the way and since i am very hyper i feel like typing. Well for rap i am not that skilled on knowing much on it but i have for forgotten and unknown talent from many Rappers so here are some i like. Scarface, Tupac, Biggy, T.I., Ludacris, Swollen Members, Jay-z, Mc frontalot, Mc Hawking, Public Enemy, Kotton Mouth Kings. Just
For My Beloved Jesse James
I Believe I believe- that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. I believe- that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I believe- that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. I believe- that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. I believe- that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I believe-that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them. I believe-that you can keep going, long after you can't. I believe- that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. I believe-that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I believe- that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when
Its wednesday morning, and I cant wait for Friday morning to get here. Im leaving this weekend to see my Buckeyes take on Penn State in Happy Valley aka State College Pa saturday night at 8pm. Im so pumped up for the road trip, I take a year ly road trip to a big ten away game for ohio state and I always have a blast. Then next Saturday Im going to the Ohio State game in the Horseshoe to see them take on Wisconsin, Im so pumped up!! I really hate dating. Even when i wasnt looking to date, i meet a girl and just by accident we start dating. WE are having a blast, getting along great, the first date ends in a kiss. we go on a few more including me taking her to an ohio state football game, we had alot of fun that day. we kissed quite a few times, im happy as can be, we made plans to go out this week, and on my birthday(a week from tomorrow). Well this week she bails on going out to dinner because she working overtime and i work 3rd shift. Just a few minutes ago, she texts me and
Just Rambling
Why is it everytime i start to like a seems i get pushed aside for another damn bitch...I know i am not the greatest looking person on the face of the earth...or have that barbie doll figure...but hey i do have a heart and soul.. All this bitching about the name change...It don't matter to me what its called cuz its still the same place. The bitching needs to stop...The more people bitch...Baby Jesus might just say hell with it and close it down or maybe start charging us for it...So stop and think before u startin bitching about something. So he changed the name of the site...its his rite to do it You scored as Average. You are an Average in the sexual arena. In better words: Bland. You are like a robot and follow the norm in moral standards. Count yourself lucky if you have sex at all. Lubricate those joints and get out there and live a little, try new stuff.Average50%A WUSS !!40%Very Kinky10%A Sicko0%How sexual are youcreated with
Kammi's Blog
You gave me your heart and I'll keep it secure, Locked inside of mine for all times for sure. I can't tell the future what will or what may, But I promise to you that forever I'll stay. I'll be by your side through thick and through thin, Whenever you need me I'll hold you within. To be without is a thing of the past, Our two hearts combined forever will last. Together we'll be throughout the rest of this life, I'd be so honored if you'd be my wife. To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, I'll be your one and only adorer.This I promise from the depths of my soul,That we have all eternity to grow. ALEAST 5 PEOPLE IN THE WORLD LOVE YOU SO MUCH THEY WOULD DIE FOR YOU,AT LEAST 15 IN THIS WORLD LOVE YOU IN SOME WAY.THE ONLY REASON ANYONE WOULD EVER HATE YOU,IS BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE JUST LIKE YOU.A SMILE FROM YOU,CAN BRING HAPPINESS TO ANYONE,EVEN IF THEY DON'T LIKE YOU.EVERYNIGHT SOMEONE THINKS ABOUT YOU BEFORE THEY GO TO SLEEP.YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO SOMEONE.WITHOUT YOU
Poems That I Wrote
Rate my poem, Go here EVELYN Such an angel, Oh so sweet, Sitting at the Savior's feet. Smiling, laughing, no more pain. Skipping amongst the flowers Where Jesus reigns. And Jesus walking beside her, returning her smile, said: My little one, it'll be awhile. I know, Lord, she smiled, but soon there will be, Mommy, Daddy, My Brothers and Me! Sherrie Lowary Copyright ©2006 Sherrie Lowary You have been there for me forever We have been there for each other through Thick and thin We have been each others shoulder more than We can count The days have passed we have not forgotten The days we have got to know each other As time gives us a chance to understand Each other Not feeling as if we belong together Feeling just as friends Sherrie S Lowary Copyright ©2006 Sherrie S Lowary
Come Check This Out..
I challenge everyone who reads this to copy the blog's questions, post them into your own blog entry, and then answer them. With your OWN answers. Don't just copy and paste the whiole thing - I'll laugh at you! :-P 1. Does anyone know your password to your profile? - yes 2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds? [AKA McDeath] - Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal, no mustard and no veggies with a lemonade 3. Are you an emotional person? - Yeah i'm a female duh. 4. Do you like your name? - it's alright 5. Do you believe in love at first sight? - Yeah i think so 6. Ever felt jealous of your friend? - nah 7. What was the last thing you did? - this survey 8. Who is right next to you? - No one 9. Who was the last person you ate with? - my boyfriend Nick last night 10. What song are you listening to right now? - nothing it's pretty quiet 11. How's the weather right now? - it's pretty chilly out there 12. Last person who called you toda
Song/lyrics That Make A Fucking Difference To Me Right Now.
I went to your house Walked up the stairs I opened your door without ringing a bell I walked down the hall Into your room Where I could smell you And I Shouldn't be here Without Permission Shouldn't be here Would you forgive me love If I danced in your shower Would you forgive me love If I laid in your bed Would you forgive me love If I stay all afternoon oh... I took off my clothes Put on your robe Went through your drawers and I found your cologne Went down to the den Found your CD's And I played your Johnny And I Shouldn't stay long You might be home soon I Shouldn't stay long Would you forgive me love If I danced in your shower Would you forgive me love If I laid in your bed Would you forgive me love If I stay all afternoon oh... I burned your incense I ran a bath I noticed a letter that sat on your desk It said hello love I love you so love Meet me at midnight And no It wasn't my writing I better go soon It wasn't my writing So f
Poems That Were Written By Friends For Me
Last night in my dreams i saw you, you came to me. I looked into your eyes and held you in my arms. We shared a passionate kiss, I whispered in your ear, how much I loved you, Wish it wasn't only a dream. Touch a woman's mind, you get her interest. Touch her heart, you get her love. But touch her soul, you get passion beyond your wildest dreams. Once you have touched all three, you have found your soulmate for eternity. The most beautiful things in life, can not be seen or touched. They must be felt with the HEART I'D LIKE TO BE THE SORT OF FRIEND THAT YOU HAVE BEEN TO ME; I'D LIKE TO BE THE HELP THAT YOU'VE BEEN ALWAYS GLAD TO BE; I'D LIKE TO MEAN AS MUCH TO YOU EACH MINUTE OF THE DAY AS YOU HAVE MEANT, OLD FRIEND OF MINE TO ME ALONG THE WAY. I'D LIKE TO DO THE BIG THINGS AND THE SPLENDID THINGS FOR YOU, TO BRUSH THE GRAY FROM OUT YOUR SKIES AND LEAVE THEM ONLY BLUE; I'D LIKE TO SAY THE KINDLY THINGS THAT I SO OFTEN HAVE HEARD, AND FEEL THA
Ok this is my little Gothic side. I love Vampire, Werewolves, and monster movies. so here are some wicked Movies i find great. Queen of the damned (already said it but yes), Underworld(1 and 2), Van Helsing, Interview with a Vampire, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corps bride, Sleep Hallow, The Crow, Lord of the rings, and Harry Potter. Most of these movies are books as well and i have to say read the books first before the movies. The Usual Suspect, Pulp Fiction, Boondock saints, Queen of the damned, and Interview with a Vampire. These are recommand for 16 and up i think you would enjoy them they're Action movies in a good way so rent them and try them out.
Poems And Riddles By Yours Trully...
Is coming. this isn't a finatical proclamation. No, just insanity's ties digging claws through broken bones while suckin the life out of my soul. Bruised, battered......we struggle along this ant farm existance. I bleed. I hurt. But who doesn't?? Why should my situation take any more exceptance or notice than anyone else??? Dont answer, for my path already has. Babble to the unknowing. On the contrary, those who bleed alike, pain unite.......your vein blows WITH MIGHT!!!!!!!! There ya go K, :o) So don't take pity, we'll spit it back........don't come near as i turn black. Go alone, go quite, go away......from this cold. Dizzy D Endless puzzles, and riddles alike; hand me the bottle, let's open the mic To all the lost spirits, who're blind to the light; the path is still present, and you have the right Begin a new day, and smile with the sun; don't be so down, let's go have so fun You might live forever, or die with the night; let's all brace this message with courage
The Continuum
Subject: Be Careful Because of recent abductions in daylight hours, refresh you of these things to do in an emergency situation... This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, everyone you know. After reading these 9 crucial tips, forward them to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in. 1) Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do! 2) Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans. If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION! 3) If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won't see you, but everybody else will. Th
Wifes Turn
My wife, let's call her Wendy, had been having fantasies about a friend of ours for almost a year. She told me all about them and we had played out some of them during our love making. The more we talked about him the more turned on she and I would get. One evening she told me that, let's call him Mark, had called and said he was coming over to borrow something and wanted to see what we had planned for the weekend, but she didn't know what time it would be. Wendy had just gotten out of the shower and had put on a short terry cloth robe and laid out on the couch to relax. Wendy told me, "I'm going to lay here and pretend I'm asleep while you guys talk." I told her, "Ok. So you want to show off a little huh?" "Yep." Was all she said. Mark knocked on the door. "Hey." I whispered. "Everyone is sleeping so come on in and have a seat." I said, as I pointed to the end of the couch where Wendy was playing possum. We both looked over at the couch. Wendy was laying out with one leg off t
Ice Cream
While shopping in our favorite gourmet store, we stopped by the ice cream section. She stood with the freezer open, taking forever to make up her mind. "Should I get Chubby Hubby or English Toffee Crunch?" she asked. "Just make up your mind," I replied, irritated at the wait. We stood for another few minutes, freezer door open, while she made up her mind. I wandered off, and when I got back, I saw her in the freezer case, still trying to make up her mind. What I really noticed was that her suit jacket had fallen open, and her nipples were poking through her lacy bra and sheer blouse. As she bent over, I lost sight of her nipples, but her skirt rode up, exposing the top of her stockings. The sight of her in her suit, the contrast of the black lace stocking tops against her pale skin, knowing her nipples were hard, was too much for me. I walked over while she was bent over and ran my hand up her skirt and massaged her pussy. She jumped, then relaxed when she realized it was
No Name For This Story
Several years ago, I was deeply in love with a woman. We had been together for about 6 months. She chose to end our relationship, and return to her ex-husband. The details aren't important, but basically, she chose financial security, and having her young son full-time, over me. I was heartbroken. I truly thought I had found the woman I was going to grow old with. We seemed perfect together. We had a great sex life; both the quantity, and the quality. She had had a lot more sexual partners than me. So I was surprised that she genuinely was happy with me as a partner. I really feel like we were on the same page, to use a sports analogy, when it came to making love. I spiraled into a depression after she left. She wasn't handling it a lot better, and would occasionally call me. One night my phone rang. "Bill, this is Kelli", she said. I could feel the butterflies rising. She went on to tell me that she would be in town for a wedding. Because of her situation, I didn't really
Bubble Bath
It was getting late and you knew I had to work tonight. Earlier we had made plans for a romantic dinner, a walk on the beach. The moon was going to be full tonight and you always loved the way it shimmered over the ocean like sparkles dancing on the swells. But most of all you were looking forward to candle light, wine and a warm bubble bath. "Of all nights he has to work late" you muttered to yourself as you put the dishes away. "Well at least I can enjoy a bubble bath" as you filled the tub with bubbles and hot water. Locking up the office I anxiously unlocked my Porsche, got in and headed home. I thought to myself "I'll surprise her with flowers" I felt wonderful about finishing work early and knew how much she was looking forward to tonight. As I drove up I turned the lights off and parked the car, grabbed the roses and quietly entered the house. I had been thinking about her all day and wanted to surprise her with the flowers, so I softly opened the bathroom door. She was be
The Origin Of The Princess Of Darkness
Mystique’s legend begins in the 10th century. I was stripped of my innocence through my father’s betrayal and the separation from my brother. I could not see how I was of any use to anyone. A pious young woman in search of hope, but instead I was damned. I had roamed this land in search for someone to look up to. Someone to take this hideous pain from me, and in my search I had come to a wall. All hope was lost for that moment. My tunnel was full of darkness and there was no chance of me ever coming to be. Until this woman step forth to give me a chance at life in this offer has taken a diabolical twice as she gave me a chance to discover her true origin. Her name was Ophelia Bell. She offered that I learn what her very exist was all about. And in this light this is when I accepted her embracement. This is when I stepped fourth as a True Toreador. Ophelia taught me grace and pose and of course the art of the Rose. Beautiful in all that we do. By day and by night we walk t
Demented Angel Angel engulfed in shadows, robbed of flight, grounded, she voids herself of light. walking in the darkness, she witnesses time curse the damned. tears of blood trickle but never find the ground. she weeps for the weary that sorrow has shown her. whispering on the night breeze, fear not as I have feared. plunge not for darkness escapes no one. cry with me, for I have seen the blackness in your soul. I know that which you seek to hide from those easily decieved. I am the angel of the damned, but once like you. oh how I desire the dawn and fear eternity in this place. written by S.L.Ghanem copyright 09/26/05 I Can. As life passes me by, I can can almost see my mistakes before they are made. I can see love when it passes me by. I can feel the rain on my face, hear the thunder in the distance and know that I am so small in the wonder of it all. I can hear beauty in a melody that captivates me. I can cry because I know, that I will ma
Would It Put You Off?
if you were to meet a girl and later find out she had a child would it put you off going out with her?
Instructions To Life !
1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. 3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. 4. When you say, "I love you", mean it.; 5. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye. 6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. 7. Believe in love at first sight. 8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much. 9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely. 10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. 11. Don't judge people by their relatives. 12. Talk slowly, but think quickly. 13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?" 14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 15. Say "bless you" w
Men And Women
Top 10 things a man would do if he woke up in the morning with a Vagina: 10. Immediately go shopping for zucchini and cucumbers. 9. Squat over a hand mirror for an hour and a half. 8. See if they could finally do a split. 7. Cross their legs without rearranging their crotch. 6. Get picked up in a bar in less that 10 minutes 5. Have consecutive multiple orgasms and still be ready for more without sleeping first. 4. Go to the gyno and ask to have the examination recorded on video. 3. Sit on the edge of the bed and pray for breasts, too. 2. Actually catch a buzz off 1 wine cooler. And the .. 1 thing a man would do is: 1. Finally find that damn G-spot. Top 10 things a woman would do if she woke up in the morning with a penis: 10. Get ahead faster in corporate America. 9. Rub one out for the joy and relief. 8. Get a bj. 7. Pee standing up while talking to other men at the urinal. 6. Determine why you can't hit the bowl consistently. 5
V.i.p. Lounge
This blog is designated for friend's and family member's to gain better contact, hence the not very trust worthy shout box and slow manuevering of LC when leaving comments. Feel free to leave your message(s) here, and I will return any that are left. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!! Much Love, Carole
Mass Khaos Online
Kill you just to watch you die Make you laugh just to feel you cry Tell me what I did and I'll stay 'Till honour is repaired then I'm on my way Can't explain to you how I feel, Can't even tell if I'm real All I can do is cry for you to stay As you take my reality and walk away. Swollen Black eyed, busted lips, Cracked teeth and a broken nose; Destroy my face, Steal my idenity, It doesn't make it right but it explains my love of the fight. Prayers I'm two years old again, and scared of the dark: It's eternity vast and full, and increadably stark. I pull the blankets up over my head, but the rational adult kicks in and I uncover my face instead: 'They can see me even if I can't see them, and it's no good to be caught unaware'. Then the synical snaps: 'Nor to waste my breath 'cause I'd choke on a prayer'
Changing My Nic Name
Yes it is true i am going to be a daddy in jan me and my girlfriend are very happy about it. now the only thing i dont like is that i have to leave the only family i have (the carnavil) she dont think i can support her and the baby out on the road. i made over 100 grand this year and we are movin to mass, on friday. just wanted to let all my peeps know what as been going on withme "IN MEMORY OF A GOOD FATHER" MINE HE WAS IN THE NAVY FOR 24 YRS AND WE LIVED ALL OVER THE WORLD.. HE WAS A GOOD MAN HAD SOME HARD TIMES DID SOME DUMB SHIT BUT DSTILL LOVED HIS FAMILY... HE WAS THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEEDED HIM ... HE WAS THERE FOR ME DURING THE WHOLE 14 YS I WAS IN PRISON (YES I SAID PRISON) NEVER LETTIN ME DOWN NEVER PUTTIN ME DOWN FOR WHAT I DID TO GET IN THERE.... HE WAS A LOVING FATHER AND HUSBAND HIM AND HIS NEW WIFE WERE MARRIED FOR 19 YRS AND SHE IS LIKE A SECOND MOM TO ME ( I LOVE YOU DIXIE) SHE HAS PUT UP WITH A LOT OF BULL SHIT FROM ME AND HIM AND NEVER LEFT OUR SID
I Want To Be Like....
An officer of the law: fighting for justice A photographer: Seeing beauty in all aspects of life, and finding a way to preserve that beauty, if only for a short time. An artist: Having the ability and imagination to create moving and beautiful work A writer: Having a mind open enough to imagine life as someone, or soemthing else, and being able to manipulate words to create or recreate detailed events. A teacher: Passing on what knowledge I may hold, and impsiring others, patience, and understanding A nurse: Kind and caring, nurturing, and there when I'm needed. An ambulance driver: Brave and quick to respond, while keeping as safe as possible. An actress: Being able to entertain without fear, for the most part at least, and to have the ability to accurately portray different lifestyles if/when required An austronaut: Brave and able to see life from a completely different perspective. A comedian: For having an open mind enough to find humor in almos
Ok all each and every one of you were great when my mom was sick and now I am asking for prayers again. My family is having a tough time this year, and not only is the mortgage hard to meet but paying the electric and gas are a real challenge as well. On top of the financial, last June I found out my 7 year old has a form of autisim, and that has been a huge adjustment for the whole family. I don't want things for me, but would all of you please keep your hearts open for my kids, so that they will have a great holiday even though my is so broke she cant buy a gift at all. Thank you friends, I love you all. tink WOW, the loss of a deep seeded love can really be harder to deal with than I remember. So to all of my LC friends, can I have a hug and maybe a kind word? I met my Dom on line, fell totaly in love with him and after almost 5 months realized that I ended up wanting more than he did from our relationship. I told him how I felt and in a totaly adult manne
My Life
When Tthey arrive in the house He stops her just inside....."Take the skirt off now".....she does as she says.....quivering with anticipation.....He turns her and puts the blindfold on......He swats her ass....she stumbles from the swat ........But also because she must stop herself from cumming....she loves it when He does that and she cums instantly when she is in this shape....He grabs her and steadies her....He just laughs and grazes His teeth across her neck.........she shivers......He leads her to the bedroom.....He had already had the candles burning and the music playing....between that and the blindfold her senses started whirling......she always lost things in that situation.......He lay her on the bed gently.....feather kissing her as He did so.....Every once in awhile flicking His tongue over her.....He spreag her legs and arms and firmly tied her..........running His nails and hands over her as He did so.....He decided to take the vibe off and took the butt plug out....He
Just My Blog Hehehehe
I've Learned you told me to let it happen you said don't be afraid i told you i'd try my best and i said that i was scared... to let someone hold my hand to let someone love me to let someone into the dark for me to fall in love for me to put trust in you for me to do this for me you told me to let it happen you said don't be afraid i told you i'd try my best and i have accomplished some things... i can open my heart to love i can get pass the inertia i can depend on you to make me happy i can show the skeletons in my closet i can believe that you still love me i can turn the light on in the dark you taught me to let it happen you taught me to not be afraid i've learned how to try my best and i've learned that it was all worth it Sleep Blissful darkness, Claim my soul, Carry me in your arms, Take away my pain, Take away my wearyness, Take me away, Blissful darkness, Take pity on me, Don't leave me he
okay i never wrote in this one before didnt even know they had so but anyways iam not going to write much cause iam not feeling my best today.. but humm yeah thats about all.. lol.. much love amanda
My Heart Aches , And I Dnt Know Why
Please does anyone know the true feeling of love . And when you say to some one u love them , why do they go all silent ? And can u love in more than one way ? It's so confusing ...... I know im in love , But it's hard to say why xxx Why does my heart feel so low , When all around me is a warming glow. When im all alone so sad and blue. All day long i think of you . Wonering where you are and what u do , wondering if your just as blue. But no your not , cos ive just forgot, its me that is down , as i sit here and frown . Wondering how am i to turn my life around... Do i say Yes or do i say No ... i just don't know which way to go. My lifes a mess i must confess, but i just do my best. Even though i feel so low, i just feel your warming glow, and know u love me so . xxxx
Batchylds Bitchings
What is so freaking hard about reading profiles ..absorbing whats said and respecting it ? i dont mean ppl persay on this site, but i am meaning it towards other sites im on.When someone says respect the fact i have a bf who i'm happy and in love with why can't ppl get it ? it's not that hard for fucks sake to respect the sanctity of that relationship. Why is there a need to flirt.. be cyber sexually suggestive even in the slightest and use pet names? If i wanted you to call me by cutesy pet names i wouldn't of created a screen name or told you my real name,RIGHT?.Ugh,argghh, blarhhhhhhhhhh ok im done ranting now the ppl on lc you have not done this .sadly i cant say it about some other sites im currently on .lol maybe those ppl should learn from ppl here lol Batchyld i have a habit of reading friends and families blogs .but well i got 1 question for you blog entrants ..if you mark it private and you dont want anyone to read it why take time and energy to write i
You Deserve A Lift
Hello again, Just after my posting the teen victory, I began developing internet lagging. Guess the world was waking up, while I was trying to vent and sleep. Who knows? So, still unable to fall to sleep thought Id give those remedies a try. The warm bath, the warm glass of milk(not good when you're lactose intolerant), but nothing seemed to work. My mind began of thinking who do I have to thank for these beautiful rambunctious teens of mine; besides God of course. AHHHH yes, it occurs to me the biological father, the ex husband(that married the bimbo he cheated on me with is and now married too). So just after 5 am and knowing it is his day off, thought Id call and say thank you. However, it was just the one ring which meant or was a code in he knows all too well. I just had to say thank you though............for how boring would my life be without such teens, and this calmness set in of how delighted it is being a mother. (By far a perfect or great mom) Just know I w
My View On Friends
Friendship is a special gift given to us all.The smile of a friend is sunlight on a cloudy day,and every smile given to a friend is returned. A friend is one whom you can talk to, and listen to, without judging. A friend doesn't ignore your faults but accepts them as part of you. A friend is a shoulder to lean on when you need support, A pat on the back when you do well, and a sympathetic ear when you fail. A friend is a person you can laugh with about everything, you can cry with without shame, and whom you trust completely.
Who Are We Really
Well here it go's why do i add people, For thoughs who think i'm a perv an thoughs who think I'm here just to look at naked pic's. I dont care i enjoy looking at women I love the way they look an the way they talk so if you see me looking at your pics it a copliment, If i wontr to look at a real life naked women i would look at the women i have she has bigger boobs then most an yes i'm married just going through shit with her thats no ones business an if you are a true friend you will find out. damb all you women that bitchj about men looking at your pics an you never write them or talk to themm or talk to them what the fuck damb i just going nuts so thats it well its wedesday an well last niabout 10 pm my little granson Nicholas was born his heart stopped an he was green,witch means he had an infection but after 12 hours he is so full of umspa (means he is one powerfull young man) he is at 100% an is doing fine he has a dick for a dad but his mom is my second angel an ahe is doi
my son was born on 9-22-06 at 6:18am he waghts 9lbs 6oz and 21ins long. hie name is raymur jacob sickelsmith jr.
Xxx Stories
It was the weekend and all three of them sat curled up watching porn, although the acting sucked balls, the action made all three of them horny. They'd talked about a threesome before and never really followed through with it, but Rick intended to change that, he'd dreamed of having Stefanie and Celeste at once for as long as he can remember. All three of them grew up together. He scooted a little closer to Stefanie and began to lightly stroke her bare upper thigh; his eyes never left the movie. Stefanie jerked slightly at his sudden touch, but quickly relaxed, wanting this to happen. Celeste saw the movement, decided she was going to join in and began to pull up Stefanie's long T-shirt. Before Stephanie could protest, her shirt was up and over her head, revealing her hard nipples and flat tummy. She sat there in between Rick and Celeste naked for a moment, and then quickly turned her attention to Celeste. She began to unbutton the front of Celeste's pajama front, revealing her large b
New Here
Dont know how to get around in here yet but I got all day to figure it out. Its raining here in Philadelphia and just found this place. Have a nice day everyone.
Hello, I'm Bored
This is why grand canyons should not reproduce. *yawn* I hate where I'm at and I wish there was a magic fix for it. I try to be happy but my heart breaks. No, there's nobody's ass to kick over it. It isn't any one person that breaks my heart -- its just the world. I will check in at a later date. I really love it here in texas but i wonder if i just love it so much because i can run away from my life back at home. i don't really want to go back even to finish school./ i'd just like to have everything i own packed and shipped here to me. i love it here. i love my life here...I love my friends here and for the first time, I feel like people love I don't have to be anybody but myself, and I like that. Screw Mississippi. Too many bad memories there.
I have nothing to say! I just seen everyone else do it so here it is lol
My Daughter Kayla!
I took my daughter kayla to cdrc in eugene. what fun..LOL.. For those of you that don't knoe kayla is a special needs child! She has mental delays they call them mental retarded. but I totally disagree. ADHD AND NOW ODD..LOL. the appointment went well. They are setting up a ton of new appointments. like a cat scan, ekg, cromison x test, sleep test, speech specialst (another trip to eugene.LOL). gentics testing in portland.. and som many more i can't even think straight, Kayla is having surgery on wenesday. so please say prayers. Thanks for reading this. I'll tell everyone more laters.!!!!!
Well looks like I am the fool again. I thought we had a deal, if there was someone else we were interested in we'd tell the other person. Well I guess I missed it. I hope it works for you, and I also hope that we can still talk and be friends. You're never alone, I'm always near, When your troubled, down or blue. All you have to do is call me, I'm always here for you. It doesn't matter where I'm at, It doesn't matter when. When you need someone to talk to, I'm here to be your friend. If you need someone to hold your hand, or a hug to say I care. If you need a shoulder to cry on, for you I will be there. So never think you are a burden, when the weight gets to be to much. You might find if look hard enough, a good friend could be the right touch. You're never alone, I'm always here, through the good times and the bad. I'm always here to be your friend, I don't like to see you sad
Just the other night at a hometown football game My wife and i ran into my old high school flame And as I introduced them the past came back to me And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be She was the one that I'd wanted for all times And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine And if he'd only grant me this wish I wished back then I'd never ask for anything again (chorus) Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers Remember when your talkin to the man upstairs That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. She wasn't quite the angel that i remembered in my dreams And i could tell that time had changed me In her eyes to it seemed We tried to talk about the old days There wasn't much we could recall I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all. And as she walked away and i looked at my wife And then and there I thanked the good Lord For the gif
The People, United, Cannot Be Defeated
For the last 30+ years, rich and powerful enemies of We The People have used Orwellian speech to convince hard-working Americans to vote against their own best interests. We have been drifting toward oligarchy ever since. We are on the brink right now.The folks behind Air America Radio have said, "Enough!" Maybe there's still time.The people united cannot be defeated. Air America Radio Definition: Plutocracy Domain: Politics/SociologyContext: The corruption of democracy, sources of political corruption, class conflict, corporations and politics, the mass media and politics The term "plutocracy" is formally defined as government by the wealthy, and is also sometimes used to refer to a wealthy class that controls a government, often from behind the scenes. More generally, a plutocracy is any form of government in which the wealthy exercise the preponderance of political power, whether directly or indirectly. Plutocracy may also have social and cultura
Mysyically Addicted World Tour
This table has a background image 1. Must Fan, Rate, and Friend all staff and members of the tour. (if you are already friends and have rated anyone. Just send them a shout saying you are taking the tour. 2. When you are done with the staff and members, you must go into Mystically Addicted Lounge and become a member and meet all the staff. 3. Once you have done that. You will be added to the Lounge List so people can add, fan and friend you also. 4. We are doing this for people to help level and meet new people, It wouldn't be fair if you didn't follow the rules. 5. Having fun is most important. So enjoy meeting new people and besure to check out the Mystically Addicted Lounge, Drinks will be serverd at anytime. 6. IF with in a week a person as not responded to your request please make sure you get back with me and i either talk with them or remove them .. where here to make many good friends ..... Texashubby-tech_&_lounge_designer@ fubar Gµññý_§ Øwñè®
All Hallows Eve
Halloween Horoscope for Taurus For you, halloween is about looking your best - even if it costs a fortune. You don't mind a little sweet stuff either, as long as it's high quality chocolate. Costume suggestions: An elegant princess / prince. Or a high class vampire. Signature Halloween candy: Truffles What's Your Halloween Horoscope?
Just Surveys...
Q1) A - Age you lost your virginity? NO COMMENT :) Q2) B - Birthday? 1/18/79 Q3) C - Dream Car? 745 BMW Q4) D - Dad's Name? LATCHMON Q5) E - Easiest person to make you laugh? TY-BO Q6) F - Food you eat the most? CURRY CHICKEN/RICE AND BEANS Q7) G - Any encounters with ghosts? SPIRITS YES, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS GHOST PEOPLE! Q8) H - Happy? CONTENT Q9) I - Interesting fact people don't know about you? I'M A BIT MORBID AT TIMES Q10) J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on? Drunk or sober? YES Q11) K - Kissing with eyes open or closed? BOTH Q12) L - Last time you did something "bad"? IF I TOLD YOU I'D HAVE TO KILL YOU NOW WOULDN'T I.. Q13) M - Most memorable moment you can think of in a moment? GRADUATING HIGHSCHOOL Q14) N - Nickname? KAY-KAY Q15) O - Are you organized? I HAVE OCD MAN! Q16) P - Person you last talked to on the phone? DON'T MEMBA Q17) Q - Last quote you heard? "WHAT DO
Bowling Today
We love Flavor of Love. And yes we know what time it is!! :P Anyways. The quote is "We chunked up the rest of the night." What the hell does that mean? What the hell is this ghetto woman talking about? Quote for the day: "Silly putty in my hands" Thanks for help Shelly :) We bowled and had fun. My partner was awesome. Picked up almost everything and got strikes. lol As for me, well I had fun. And the dads on my lanes loved teasing me. lol All in all not too bad. Of course my partner wanted to bowl for us both when I couldn't stop laughing from all the heckling. lol Then he wanted to replace me. lol Then he said I usually bowl better than that. lol Thank God its for charity. lol Gotta love Nephews. lol I have great ones. we bowled at least a 160 every game. fun fun. That is all. lol My nephew signed us up for a bowling tournament today. Bowling for charity to help fund children who cant afford to bowl in a league. Positive reason to bowl, but my
Seasons...they Are A Changing
You Belong in Fall Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times... You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you What Season Are You?
My White Knight
Forrest is in a sexist mens contest by badassbitch74.......go by and rate his him some love and attention.. Sorry could not find the link, but there is a bullentin with his pic that will lead straight to the page..... Look for my or sissy's pic....Thanks all and I will return the favor, (those who know me, know I will) hehe.. love to all M."Lady Tina Please click on the link below to vote for My white knight in a contest.....Come on Girls, lets show him some love..... Thanks His M"Lady Tina You scored as The Lovers. The Lovers card is about harmony and most in important love and forgiveness. The Lovers is also about not giving into tempteation and waiting for true love to come your way. It can mean that you had been hurt but have healed yourself and can finally realize love is out there somewhere. You value a good relationship and base it on love not sex. Don't give up on love.The Lovers100%The World100%Judgement85%The Empress and The Emperor80%Justice75%
Always Thought I Belonged To
You Should Rule Saturn Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye. You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature. And like Saturn, to really be able to understand you, someone delve beyond your appearance. You are not an easy person to befriend. However, once you enter a friendship, you'll be a friend for life. You think slowly but deeply. You only gain great understanding after a situation has past. What Planet Should You Rule?
Look At All The Pretty Flowers...
You Are a Blue Flower A blue flower tends to represent peace, openness, and balance. At times, you are very delicate like a cornflower. And at other times, you are wise like an iris. And more than you wish, you're a little cold, like a blue hydrangea. What Color Flower Are You?
And They Say "diamonds" Are A Gurls Best Friend....ha!
Your Birth Month is May Unique and creative, you seek your own path in life. You love change and are able to adapt to any situation. Your soul reflects: Sweetness, joy, and a complete life. Your gemstone: Emerald Your flower: Lily of the Valley Your colors: Yellow, red, and green What Does Your Birth Month Mean?
jason (baby daddy) just called after 2 months to ask how the baby is doing.... i cant take that shit he doesn't hard as he "try's" to act like it. i need to vent big time!!!!! now he doesn't want to see him because i won't let his g/f be there. what to do what to do!!!
It's "elemental"...
You Are 88% Intuitive Your intuition is so spot on it's scary! You can learn a lot about people and situations, simply by listening to your gut. And you've even wondered if you can predict the future at times. Just be sure not to always listen to your intuition... someday it could be wrong! How Intuitive Are You? Your Element Is Water A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep. Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily. You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others. You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. What's Your Element? Your Aura is Blue Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. A
The Burglar
THE BURGLAR Pete Tyler knew he was asking for trouble when he slid open the unlocked window. But without a moment’s hesitation slipped inside of the unoccupied house. Only two weeks out of prison and here he was back prowling homes in search of jewelry, money, or anything else of value that he could be hidden under his coat. Like the old pro he was he immediately rifled through an unlocked jewelry case only to find that it only contained cheap costume settings that were practically worthless! After tossing the case away in disgust he made his way to the den and made short work of the desk and adjoining file cabinet. “Dammit,” he said under his breath, “a guy can’t even make a dishonest buck anymore robbing houses.” He was just about ready to sneak out the back door when all of a sudden, and much to his surprise, the door swung open and a cute little red haired woman of about twenty eight barged into the kitchen carry several bags of groceries! It was too late to run, and
My House.
This is my house, in Asfordby. It has been owened by 5 people. There was this famouse captin, that went to war. The first world war, Daglish was his name. anyway his grand farther had this house built along with stables, all a long the street. that was nearlly 345 years ago. then when his grandad died, he left this house to his son, Captin dagleish the 1st. Captin dagleish used this house untill, he had a house built on a field, now called dagleish way. they named the street after him because, his house was the first one there. at the time he built his house he gave this house to the squier of Asfordby. His name was Fredrick Alistair Bell, he resided her with his wife & one son. Allso called Fredrick Alistair Bell, Alistair's dad died, his mum moved to where Alistair (his son) resided, next door to this house. And I moved in 1981-2.
About Me Update
Hey All nothing here really just wanted all to know... Yes, I am still single which isnt a bad thing lol ... I liek it that way for now.. Also for the guys or girls that view my pics I am totally straight lol... I've had a few questions bout which way I go and thats GUYS & that is all... I have a best friend and shes the best.. But that is all she is.. Is a Friend... ::: I do have a job by the way I work at Bonanza which I actually enjoy..Trying to save up to get a car and get out on my own... But that's pretty much it for now.. ~` Still single and enjoyin every moment of it `~ My name is Jessica I'm now 20 1 yr closer to 21 YES!!! I live in delaware...Nothing Special there I'm Single And thats how I wanna be... Just wanna have fun and thats it... I take shit to seriously so It's time to slow it down and lossen up... So, What have I been doing?? Partyin on the weekends.. I love just hanging out wit my peeps chillin and havin fun... I'm not looking for a relati
I'm Here
Get your own map and more at
Hey...i Try To Be At Least...
You Are A Good Friend You're always willing to listen Or lend a shoulder to cry on You're there through thick and thin Many people consider you their "best friend"! What Kind of Friend Are You?
Internet Lessons
The first thing Bill saw as he walked in the kitchen door was a spike-heeled shoe in the middle of the stairs to the living room. Dropping his briefcase and keys on the counter, he walked farther into the room and spied the other shoe at the top of the stairs. Wondering why his neat-freak girlfriend had left behind what - for her - could be considered a mess, he ignored his rumbling stomach and started up the stairs. In the living room, he found a red silk blouse hanging off the back of his Laz-E-Boy, and then a pair of sheer black pantyhose trailing down the stairs that led up to the bedroom. Intrigued, he followed the "trail", discovering a black skirt on the landing and a lacy bra hanging off the bedroom doorknob. From the bedroom came the faint scent of patchouli. The shades were drawn, the bed was piled with pillows, and there were several candles lit and scattered about the room. The bathroom door was shut. A bottle of wine and glasses sat on the nightstand. Puzzle
You Didnt Have To Tell Me What I Already
You are suave. You are attractive both psyically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire. 'What is your seduction style?' at
Shhhh...this Is For The Grown And Sexy Only!
Imaginative, erotic, passionate You prefer to have one partner and to try everything with them. You have an enormous sexual appetite, and you often create sexy scenarios to play out with your significant other. Take this quiz at
Same Old Shit...
Same old shit, different website. I already have a problem with this website as its exactly the same as the shit like faceparty and other sites of that nature : Blokes like to think they can pick up on them. And its fcuking worked, my stupid ex picked up her latest b/f on faceparty. I cudnt fucking believe she picked a perv over me yet again. Why oh why can't something bad happen to her that might just make her see that she should get back with me, eh? She's fucking stupid :)
Just A Bad Day
The Wiccan Rede : The Wiccan Rede comes in many shapes and sizes, from the long poetic version to the short eight word version which is the one which I have chosen to use here, it goes: An it harm none, do as thou wilt. This eight word statement comes down to this: Harm None. It may sound easy, but is indeed very debatable. Many people ask about how far reaching this law actually is, and I will attempt to answer that here by comparing it to the ten commandments of the Christian faith. The ten commandments go as follows: a.. Thou shall have no other gods before me b.. Thou shall not take my name in vain c.. Thou shall remember the Sabbat and keep it holy d.. Thou shall honor thy father and mother e.. Thou shall not kill f.. Thou shall not commit adultery g.. Thou shall not steal h.. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor i.. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house j.. Thou shall not covet
I rate all profiles I visit. I read the whole profile and not just the pics. I do enjoy the pics and I rate them also. I leave comments on most. I hope everyone will do the same for all the profiles they visit. Thanks for your support and enjoy.
I'm A Sexual Genius
You have a sexual IQ of 157 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Ok i am a Huge roleplay fan just cause i grew up to it. (i know i'm a nerd) but anyways just thought i'd through out some Roleplay games that i've Played and liked. i have to say them first cause they're the ones that got me into roleplay games and thats Square soft (at the time they were called that now they're square enix). Here are some games Square has Created. Final fantasy 3 i give props to that game cause thats the game that got me into them. Final fantasy 7(best game i have to say they made and thats just me), Final Fantasy 9 and 10 are some great games as well so check them out, Also Dragon quests is a fun game as well. Other roleplay games that are awesome are Magna Carta (i liked it), Castlevania is another grat group of roleplay games but fair warning...the first games of theirs can be a real pain in the ass to play. but try them. Ephemeral Fantasia is a lost treasure kind of game no one really knows of it but fair warning its messed up and kind of poorly made but fun. Atel
Why I'll Be Going To Jail
Steven will go to jail for ... Setting your underwear on fire 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
I Am Judgement
You scored as Judgement. Judgement is finally seeing the wirld and not allowing things such as fear and bad influnces slow you down. They in Judgement are ready to be judged because they have lived thier lives as best they could.Judgement100%The World90%The Magician90%The Devil80%The High Priestess75%Justice75%The Empress and The Emperor70%The Fool65%The Lovers55%The Hanged Man40%The Hierophant
My Life In The Moonlight
Everyone has dual natures, whether it Saccarin sweet and fuzzy, or dark and deadly. Everyone has a personal facade, a mask that they wear. I know I have a splendid array of masks that I wear daily... Sad, Happy, Depressed, Inspired... its all the same. What is different for everyone is the timing. When we choose to wear the masks and how we choose to wear them is what makes us unique. Hell we all know that we aren't going to get out of life alive... the question is... how much fun are we going to have along the way.. Will death really be worth the road trip to get there? Will this life be memorable or miserable enough to be etched into my soul for the next life? A ramble... More to come I suppose... Farewell to Fantasy Yesterday… White patent Mary Jane’s, Shuffle ever so slightly, Closer, to moss covered stones. She clutches a precious penny, Securely, in her little hand, Her eyes squeezed shut… Upon soft, silent lips, A fevered prayer…
Just wanted to let everyone know going to be gone for a few. Flying to LA 5am tomorrow and then driving back.. Not sure how long will be gone.. Have a great week and keep licking those cherries. kisses Jo
Crockpot Canadian Bacon Soup 1 16-oz pkg dried lentils, sorted and rinsed 2 (14 1/2 ozs. each) cans ready-to-serve vegetable broth 1 6-oz pkg sliced Canadian-style bacon, coarsely chopped 2 medium carrots, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1 medium potato, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1 medium onion, chopped 1 medium stalk celery, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 4 cups water 1 tsp dried thyme leaves 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Mix all ingredients in 3 1/2- to 6-quart slow cooker. Cover and cook on Low heat setting for 8-9 hours or High for 3-5 hours or until lentils are tender. Stir well before serving. Serves 8. OK THIS IS A NO BRAINER IF YOU LIKE CARROTS. INSTEAD OF BOILING THEM IN WATER UNTIL TENDER, BOIL THEM IN BEER. THEN STRAIN AND POUR MELTED BUTTER OVER THEM AND SPRINKLE WITH DILL WEED.............OMG THIS IS REALLY GOOD. U CAN USE BABY CARROTS OR SLICE YOUR OWN Egg Lemon Soup (Ovalemono Soup) Ingredients: 4 qts. Chicken broth 2 C. Rice 8
The days are long and hard they drag on and on I long to see your smiling face to hear you laugh to see you stomp up the stairs to hear that door slam to hear the funny jokes you tell I miss you my son......... I dont understand why are you a pawn in a game? or just loved that much am I selfish to want you home? or would I just be giving up? I do all I can though sometimes not enough I miss you my son........... I am prepared for the worst but hope for the best its been a very long month not knowing not understanding but praying everyday longing to say welcome home my son..............
What Is My Life Rated?
My life is rated NC-17!Your life is rated NC-17!What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale)Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes
I'm Coke
You are What Rejected Crayon Are You? You Are Coke A true original and classic, you represent the best of everything you can offer. Just the right amount of sweet, just the right amount of energy... you're the life of the party. Your best soda match: Mountain Dew Stay away from:Dr Pepper What Kind of Soda Are You?
Mommy Dearest
Your Mommy Is Madonna What You Call Her: Big Mama What people say about yo momma: Yo momma so stupid she noticed a sign reading 'Wet Floor' she just did! Who's Your Mommy?
Cock Contest
looking for contestants, for my next contest give me ideas of what kind of prize u think u should get this will be a comment bomb contest ok guys send me the link to ur sexy cocks!
Chocolate Loving
Chocolate Loving Bill sat at the security desk and passed the evening watching the customer service representatives leave for the day. Of the 200 women that worked there, few had escaped his sex fantasies. At 7:30 everyone was gone. He read the newspaper until 8:15 when the phone rang. "Security, Bill speaking." "It's Mae, Sugar," she said with a faint southern accent. "Everyone else is gone. Why don't you be sure to lock the front door, then come on back here to escort me to my car." "Where are you?" he asked. Her big sexy voice was really what got him hot. Mae was a big black woman with a big ass, big tits, a big smile and a big laugh. She was always throwing little sexual innuendoes in as she made small talk, but nothing had ever come of it. Bill got hard just hearing her voice on the phone. He fantasized about her thick juicy lips on his, her warm, electric hands caressing his body. He knew that he was oozing pre-cum already. "I'm in the executive conference room all the
Id come to you in your dreams To be beside you once again To hold you again in my arms To kiss you tender lips to feel you body close to mine to touch like lovers touch Long tender passionate kisses that lead to more and more Bodies intertwined searching searching for joy once more Tender searching soft touching two bodies becoming one Sounds of passion fills the room gentle moans and sighs building to a climax our bodies locked together floating once again to heaven Lovers once again Dave Emmerson
What If I Never Hold U
"°What if I never hold you, or kiss your lips again? I beg don't leave me I never want to leave you and our memories if we can make it threw this as friends we can conquer the world together as i think about you still giveing me butterfly's as you are my shiny star you are my light at the end of this dark tunnel
Breaking Points
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving. In French......Je me sens que seul........... Je me sens que seul et moi esperez que quelqu' um m'aime vraiment pour qui je suis et pas ce qui ai obtenu je. J'espere qu'un de toi prendra le temps de me connaitre pour qui je suis. "Someday this war's gonna end. That would be just fine with the boys out in the desert. They weren't looking for anything more than a way home. Trouble is, I've been back there, and I knew that it just didn't exist anymore.
Just wanted to "Hello" to all you fine ass HOT SEXY ladies of LC that have dropped by! I DO Love fast cars and FASTER Women!! Drop by and say "HI" cuz you know...."A Hard Mikes Is Good To Find" !!
Quizzes Are Fun!
You scored as Darkness. Darkness! Silent, mysterious and contemplating, you keep to yourself, and maybe a best friend. You are sometimes shunned and sometimes adored. It really depends. you will fight if you have to, but dont take much pleasure in it. You may feel alone, but its really that you just push everyone else away... Darkness67%Wind50%Fire33%Light33%Earth17%What Element Lies within you?(PICS)created with You scored as Submissive. You are a submissive! You like to be the weaker, more helpless one, rather than the dominant one. It excites you to be told or forced what to do, although you may not know why. You may think it's wrong, having fantasies of being raped or beaten, but it's what makes you happy that's important, and having that special someone who will be your dominatrix ;)Submissive100%Playful
Hi all~~ Here it is a quiet week-end and I actually have time alone. But what do I do, I watch movies, sit here on the computer. I look forward in times like this but now that it is here I hate it. I miss my *BEST FRIEND* - *SISSY*.. I am so post to enjoy relaxation but I can tell Ia m not a person to have this much free time and alone time. Becasue it makes me think and is very depressing. Sissy come home...............................!!!! Miss you ..
Will Be Back
kk folks i have to go for a while ...but i will be back asap ...till then keep addin and commentin ..and to those peeps that already got me added ty for ur kind comments ....smiles ..till im back tc and kisses
Indie Flick
The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times. Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness! Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
What Movie Genre Are You
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh. You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum. Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
My Dating Score
Your Dating Purity Score: 30% You are an experienced dater. You've dated around enough to know what you want in a relationship. And you've got the dating skills to get exactly what you want! Dating Purity Test
Men Are Like
Men are like.... 1. Men are like .....Laxatives ..... They irritate the shit out of you. 2. Men are like .......Bananas ...... The older they get, the less firm they are. 3. Men are like ......Weather ..... Nothing can be done to change them. 4. Men are like .....Blenders .... You need one, but you're not quite sure why. 5. Men are like .....Chocolate Bars .. Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips. 6. Men are like ..Commercials ...... You can't believe a word they say. 7. Men are like ..Department Stores .... Their clothes are always 1/2 off. 8. Men are like .........Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature. 9. Men are like ....Mascara ..... They usually run at the first sign of emotion. 10. Men are like ......Popcorn ..... They satisfy you, but only for a little while. 11. Men are like ..... Snowstorms .. You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last. 12. Men are like .....Lava Lamps .. Fun to look
My Bumper Sticker
Your Bumper Sticker Should Be Squirrel - it's what's for supper What Bumper Sticker Should Be On Your Car?
What The Heck
what the heck im i the only one not haveing trouble get to see photos
my sister in law been kicking my ass for a long time for once i like to get her back so if you help me i will help you vote for green at thank you what a soul without a heart, A baby without a name The world without pain, do i dare open my eyes scared to know what i will see. Do i dare walk when i cant run alway. do i try when i know there no way i will win. how do i face people when i cant face myself. when dreams feel so real you dont know if your dreaming.the lights are on but its dark. how do i face the world when the world cant face me. do i stay here or do i try to leave . do i ask to know that noone there. am i alone or dose anyone hear me. if its dark out is it night when there is no tomorrow. am i scared or i run how can i know i just lay here waiting for it all to end do i dare say what on my mind is it so hard to know . is it so hard to be me. i try to stay happy i try to be me but can i win can i push on knowing pain waits for me what a heart with out soul . a nam
Picture Thief
THANKS HELLSGATES1LOVE I dont know about you all but I'm personally sick and tired of people not asking if they can rip your pics before they do and then try to post them as their OWN!!! OH YES I AM PISSED.Some LCers are lazy fuckin people...we take the time to get and make these pics our own...and even ask the owners if we may have a copy of them...and LAZY ASSHOLES just come along and take them at liberty...does this look like a free for all???!!! NO i think not.I for one know that if a certyain lil LCer named niki jacks one more pic i will cause some serious issue here...Hey maybe we should post a new contest for the laziest jerk in LC...or maybe biggest picture theif...!STOP and ASK people DAM most of us usually say no problem.Have some respect!!!!! If any of my friends agree with this blog please recopy and paste to your own blog and sendto your friends. **************************************** I'm guilty! It was my first day and i didnt know! lol I stole a tat pic from my
Stuff And Stuff And More Stuff In And Around My Life
i came across old photos, shared with me by a friend. that night dreams of him raped me, over and again. his cursed giftedness enveloped me, his hidden secrets spread cross'd my thighs, and just as quick as sunrise, the cold sunlight kissed me, and left me alone again. What shame it is To long for a touch that might never be felt a gaze which may never be shared breaths that might never mingle from lovers about to kiss what time is wasted on such thoughts wondering what unspoken words were never uttered dreaming about the passionate embraces that could have been but how irresistible such daydreams can be the passion dreams the hopes the haunted wonderings what could have been if. I am alone...not completely alone. I am with someone who I love, yet I feel all alone. I love him like a father, or brother....i love him as an indentured servant comes to love her master. I care for him, yet my heart...that part of spirit that loves, passions, desires, far aw
Support Our Troops
Was tagged by Jo tay Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves and states this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged,list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's Fun! 1) I hate to be late for anything 2)I hate Going places where there is alot of people 3)Like to watch to shows about ghost even thou I'm not a beleiver 4)I was a virgin till I was 27 5)Jodie is the only woman I have slept with 6)i like to eat raw potatoes I tag these people mickeylover Explicit-angel Absinthe Twizted ladywolf Shelly-belly Military Rules for Non-Military Personnel Current mood: grateful Dear Civilians, We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation have many civilians up in arms. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance: 1) The next time you see an adult tal
Never Alone !
Come sit beside me my friend. I have a special place just for you and me.Tell me your troubles and I'll tell you mine . I'll hold your hand till the pain stops Hold you close till the hurt goes away .Lean on me my friend I'll give you strength to endure.Let your tears flow onto my shoulder . Together we'll work it out You are not alone I am here for you I know the path is filled with stones If you fall I'll pick you up When you don't know which way to turn Call on me and I will help. The two of us can handle it all . The magic of friendship is a special thing A bond that the two of us share .Together we'll work it out . You are not alone I am here for you So come sit beside me my friend .In this our special place of friendship . The place we share our dreams and sorrows. Where we can be together in our hearts And just hold each other till we feel better You dry my tears and I'll dry yours .Together we'll work it out . You are not alone I am
I was just wondering why all the good poeple get screwed and all the assholes get what they want. If u try then u get smacked in the face and if u sit on your ass u get everything. I will never give up, I am not a quiter. I want all the poeple on my friends list to give me their input on this please. Am I the only one that gets screwed?? Holla at your girl and let me know. why do bitchest think they have to show their asses or their boobs to get friends. get a new hobby. I am tired of seeing boobs and asses. u r more important than that. holla if u relate.
I Like You
Well, I am sitting here typing this new blog since I have started a new life in Dodge City, Kansas. Yup that is right I have my own place now. I am enjoying the privacy and the quiet time. Don't get me wrong I still love the people over in Great Bend but it was time for a change. I also have a great man in my life. I just can't wait until May when we can be together forever. He has even asked me to marry him and I happily said yes. Robert,I love you with all my heart and soul. I know we will have a great life together. Now to all the people who like to talk smack on me....they can talk smack all the want true friends know me for who I am and they accept me for who I am. So for all the people who talk smack take it elsewhere cuz I don't want to hear it. And to my true friends if you talk smack on me behind my back you can just hit the road too. If you say you are my friend then be my friend and don't talk smack behind my back. Well I am closing this for now. I wi
Bored Stiff
This is to let all my friends and fans know that every comment has helped me reaasure myself that I'm doing things right. Thanks to all my cherries. MUAHHH.
Jennifer's Blog!
Hey! The reason I haven't been getting on alot lately is because I just got a job, finally! I'm soooo happy now! I haven't worked in a long time. I'm glad to be back in there! My job is so easy too. I actually get up wanting to go to work, believe that?!? So anyway that's why I haven't been on alot! I will however be on on my days off! I also wanted to say thanks to everyone that has been helping me lately! Talk to you later!
Harry is getting along in years and though he still can go hiking and backpacking, he finds that he is unable to perform sexually. He finally goes to his doctor who tries a few things, but nothing seems to work. So the doctor refers him to an American Indian medicine man. The medicine man says, "I can cure this." With that said, he throws a white powder in a flame, and there is a flash with billowing blue smoke. Then he says, "This is powerful healing but you can only use it once year. All you have to do is say '123,' and it shall rise for as long as you wish!" The guy then asks, "What happens when it's over, and I don't want to continue?" The medicine man replies: "All you or your partner has to say is 1234, and it will go down. But be warned, It will not work again for another year! " Harry rushes home, anxious to try out his new powers with the powder. That night he is ready to surprise his wife. He showers, shaves, and puts on his most exotic shaving l
WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and A black lace bra. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... One friend who Always makes her Laugh... And one Who lets her cry... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A good piece of furniture not previously owned by Anyone else in her family... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE Eight matching plates, Wine glasses with stems, And a recipe for a meal that will Make her guests feel honored. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A feeling of control over Her destiny... EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... How to fall in love Without losing herself... EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... HOW TO QUIT A JOB AND CONFRONT A FRIEND WITHOUT RUINING THE FRIENDSHIP... EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... When to try harder ... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... That she can't change The length of her calves, The width of her hips, or The nature of her parents... EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... That her childhood May not have been Perf
A Poem...
Every time that I look back, I can see your pretty face Knowing all that lies between us is lots of empty space But I turn around, as we continue on our separate ways This was all a dream I hope to forget about one day There wasn't any hurt, I never saw a bigger smile The happiness was one I hadn't felt in quite awhile It was us against the world, as the stress began to pile Thoughts in my head of walking down the aisle Then you chose to relive a past that you once knew The lies became much greater, and the distance grew One day all of your wishes seemed to come true If only you realized, my dream was to be with you You lost that sparkle that I once saw in your eyes You torture your own heart and don't even know why You ignore your problems and hope they'll all pass by Every night I lay in my bed, I can still hear you cry Now you sit still, not a place that you wanted to be Take a look back, tell me what it is that you see I smile cause I'm strong, and I'll al
Repost This
You stay up for 16 hoursHe stays up for days on end.You take a warm shower to help you wake up.He goes days or weeks without running water.You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.You complain about how hot it is.He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.He doesn't get to eat today.Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.He wears
BEGGING FOR A PUSH A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the rain, is asking for a push. "Not a chance!," says the husband, "it's 3 o'clock in the morning!!" He slams the door and returns to bed. "Who was that?" asked the wife. "Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers. "So, did you help him?" she asks. "No, I did not, it's 3 o'clock in the morning, and it's pouring down rain!" "Well mister, you certainly have a short memory'" says his wife. "Don't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped push us off the highway?" "I think you should help him, and you should also be ashamed of yourself." The husband reluctantly does as he is told, he gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain. He calls out in the dark, "Hello! Are you still there?" "Yes" comes back the answer.
Power Of A Man
Do you qualify to be the man I need you to be? Will you be able to recognize the things you need to see? Will you be able to understand, that I'm a good woman and in my life I need a good man? Do you qualify? Do you qualify to fertilize my unproduced seeds? Can you fulfill, as I can, all of our needs? Can you put me in my place if you see I am slippin'? Can you talk to me, wholeheartedly? Not constantly trippin?? Do you qualify? Do you qualify to be called all mine? Can you leave the other women and temptations behind? Can you come to me with your problems and not wait until it's too late? Can you stand up and admit if you made a mistake? Do you qualify? Do you qualify to be the honest ebony man I would want you to be? Would you be able to look me in my eyes and admit your feelings to me? Could you take me in your arms and make love to me all night long? Can you be sensitive and still be strong? Do you qualify? Do you qualify to be my friend as w
If Could Happen It Will
Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee. Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner. Law of Probability: The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act. Law of the Telephone: If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal. Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire. Variation Law: If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now (works every time). Law of the Bath: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings. Law of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. Law of the Result: When you try to prove to som
Different Things
Duane The Dog Chapman Most Recent Role: Himself on Dog the Bounty Hunter Alias Name(s): Duane Chapman, Dog Gender: Male Birthplace: Denver, Colorado Birthday: 2-1-1953 Birth Name: Duane Lee Chapman Raised in Denver, Colorado Dog is the oldest of four children born to Wesley and Barbara Chapman. His father was a welder with the Navy. His mother was a minister with the First Assembly of God. Duane grew up tough and poor and dropped out of school in the ninth grade. Chapman subsequently joined a motorcycle gang. Dog was arrested 18 times for armed robbery. In 1977, Chapman was sentenced to five years of hard labor and served two of those years before being paroled in 1979. Before his sentencing, Chapman had married and fathered at least one child. His wife, at the time, had filed for divorce while Chapman was in prison. Because of this fact, Chapman owed money for child support. The judge in charge of handling the child support case asked Chapman to catch a fugitive for
History In The Making
This isn't going to work out. I can't have two that won't do at all. I know I just created you but there have been shorter relationships. It's not you, it's me. Can we still be friends?
Game Talk
alright if you havent been around the new GTA IV is on PS3 and Xbox 360 the main chracter is Niko Belic he comes to america to live the American dream which his cousin says he has his own business and many wives when in reality he is only a taxi driver.So the main character (aka you) is lied to so now you start off and do whatever you can to live your american dream and the location is back in Liberty City the namare as follows modeled on four of New York's five boroughs and part of suburban New Jersey. Each section has been renamed--Brooklyn is now Broker, for example--as have the iconic city's various landmarks. As shown in the trailer, the MetLife Building is now the GetaLife Building, and the Statue of Liberty is now called the Statue of Happiness.So now that your filled in what do you think of this and it is said that this is smaller then San Andreas. A make sho yall pre order ya Scarface game and MK Armagaden damn i seen the vids of them and they look nice so check out the Mk vi
Miss Diamond
RATE FRANKSTER69ER HE COOL NEED SOME RATES Frankster69er@ CherryTAP go to frankster69 page
My Friends
Hey everybody, Do like I do. I play like an all-star, I party like A rock star, And I make love like A porn star. But I Do It Safe. Just wanted to say Happy Holidays to all my friends, fans, and family. You all have shown me A great deal of love and respect, and I try to show each and every one of you the same. So, keep rocking and remember I am your friend and here to help anyway I can. Merry Christmas, and A safe New Years. Christ is what Christmas is all about, But so many people leave hin out. They rush and they scurry here and there, not giving the time for others to share. Though he most important is left out, Christ, is what Christmas is all about. Merry Christmas Everyone!
We are awakened by your phone ringing. It's a text message from Lucy, saying she can't make it today, but would like to in the future. You slide back into my arms. You look and feel so sexy, my cock is already standing to attention and pressed into the small of your back. My arms are crossed over your chest, my hands cupping and gently squeezing your gorgeous firm breasts. I start kissing the back of your neck and your left hand reaches behind you to grab for my cock. You squeeze the thick shaft hard. I roll you over slightly so that I can kiss your mouth properly. My tongue penetrates your lips as we start to lick and suck each others mouths. I squeeze your tits harder as your little hand slowly starts to wank me up and down. Gently I bite your bottom lip, breaking away from our kiss. I lick down over your chin and leave a thin trail of saliva down your neck and cleavage. Much to your disappointment my dick pulls out of your hand as I change position, kneeling over you. I whispe
Book Im Writting
Mmmmmmmmm.....Very hot..I say as I watch you take my cock and stick it between your big beautiful tits. As my cock slides between your tits I look over across the room and see two vibes lying on an end table. I then get up and tell you to get on the couch and get on all fours. I walk over to the table and pick them up and say...Mmmmmmmm...looks like your wanting to be a naughty little slut tonight. I walk back over to you and smack your ass good and hard....and then smack that sweet wet hot tight pussy as your moaning with your mouth open staring at my cock. I rub my hand over your ass and smack her again and ask...are you my hot sexy slut..and smack your sweet round ass again...OML YESSSSSSSSSS you scream..I am your slut....What do you want me to do to you I ask...As I smack your pussy good and hard. Fuck me scream..fuck all my holes at once.....pleaseeeeeee.....I put my cock in your mouth and slowly fuck it while you moan and wait for me to fuck that sweet tight ass and y
Amazing Video Of The Day How it should have ended.
I think it's funny how...the toughest criminals and thugs and whatever... when they're on their death bed... you know like the day before they fry in the electric chair... all of a sudden they want to get religious. I heard that 9 out of 10 inmates on death row are all ultra religious. That's because they know they're about to die. That they are about the meet whatever's after death. It's funny...nobody wants to turn to god till it's too late. Till it's time for you to fuckin' die *****THE CREATION OF A PUSSY***** Seven wise men with knowledge so fine, created a pussy to their design. First was a butcher, with smart wit, using a knife, he gave it a slit, Second was a carpenter, strong and bold, with a hammer and chisel, he gave it a hole, Third was a tailor, tall and thin, by using red velvet, then lined it within, Fourth was a hunter, short and stout, with a piece of fox fur, he lined it without, Fifth was a fisherman, nasty as hell
Nascar = Hick
Nascar is not only for hicks! Now at one point (back in the 1968) that was true, but not anymore. I'm really tired of people calling me a hick just because I like Nascar. Nascar has elevated itself through the years. Did you know that their are an estimated 75 million fans of the sport? Companies such as Pfizer, Office Depot, Cingular, Nextel and Home Depot (my personal fav) have figured this out. In the 2005 Daytona 500 alone, DuPont was estimated to receive $9.4 million in exposure, second only to the Nike's $10.8 million value at the masters. If television networks are willing to write a check for, oh, say, $600 million a year, there must be more than a few people watching .Now, can you honestly say that all of those people are hicks? Think about all the sports in America: golf, hockey, baseball, soccer, swimming, diving, skating, college sports, rodeo and many more- yet only the NFL commands a bigger audience than Nextel Cup. Racing is more than a bunch of nondescript car
An elegant dessert with a layer of blackberries nestled under a warm custard blanket Cooking Technique:Boil-Simmer Prep Time:20 Cooking Time:20-30 minutes Yield:8 servings (3/4 cup each) Ingredients 1 pound fresh or thawed frozen blackberries, divided 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1-3/4 cups non-alcoholic sparkling white wine, divided 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 cup (8 ounces) Egg Beaters® Egg Product Reddi-wip® Fat Free Dairy Whipped Topping, (optional) fresh mint leaves, (optional) Directions 1. Divide 1-1/4 cups blackberries evenly among 8 (10-ounce) wine glasses. Press remaining blackberries through sieve. Discard seeds; set juice aside. 2. Mix cornstarch and 1/4 cup wine in small bowl; set aside. Pour remaining 1-1/2 cups wine into medium saucepan; bring to boil over medium-high heat. Stir in maple syrup, vanilla, almond extract and the cornstarch
Come to me Come to me when you’re lost And I will hold your hand As our lips together Fireworks are grand If you need a shoulder to lean on Mine is always here Don’t think I won’t be there Because I’ll will always care If you need someone to turn to And no one is around You know where I’ll be found Don’t even be afraid To shed on me some tears Will conquer them together All our hopes and fears Need your Love I’ll never feel your touch again, But I’ll come back Your love was like a sting to my heart I’ve got to get you back in my life Because that’s all I’ve been living for I lie to myself every night Nothing I say can make you go away It kills me being without you I need you more everyday Alone in my bed I don’t feel you next to me I’d change everything to have you again Nothing seems right anymore I can’t fool anyone My heart has a mind of its own I can’t believe how I’m coming apart. When I Think Of
certain death certain sleep certain lies that make me weep chains and scars tears and bars unimaginative weaving of a peaceful perfect dream falls away from all that it really seems choak and cry weave and die take a chance on a single false lie pour out to me you bitter words make all fake emotion come in great floods wash it away the dark stains of blood dont wish to hard for another great flood blood and more call me a whore you can always see who really wants more more than this more than that more than something you draw from a hat fill my cup grin at my loss watch your back for she is the boss sleepless night delightful fright close your eyes and make a wish dream of now ask me how take this burden into eternal bliss cast your coin place the bet dream of night and never frett one more step one more scream oh please wake me from this endless dream dream a lie secretly
Poetry... By Me
They hit us hard, We hit are knees harder. They took the two from us, We took two from them. They made us cry, We made them cry harder. They will take and take, but they will never take my freedom away from me. Copyrighted from Fire by gas. Sex by marriage. Blood by pain. Sleep by work. Hate by hater. Love by hearts. Hidden feelings by open dreams. Fights by liars. Copyrighted from I think about what has happend to us. One nation that is divide by misguidens and mistrust. How can we fight a good fight with hate. How can we betray the laws of the world and spill blood. Do you think about us, one nation divided by mistrust. Copyrighted from
Pimp Name
Your Pimp Name Is... Princess Pump What's Your Pimp Name?
Funny Things
1-Skin signs tell all 2-Sick people don't bitch 3-Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a bad thing. 4-About %70 of the battery patients more than likely deserved it. 5-The more equipment you see on a EMT's belt, the newer they are. 6-There is no rule six, insert your own. 7-When dealing with patients, supervisors, or citizens, if it felt good saying it, it was the wrong thing to say. 8-All bleeding, seizures, falls will stop....eventually. 9-All people will eventually die, no matter what you do. 10-If the child is quiet, be scared. You find humor in other people's stupidity... You believe that 90% of people are a poor excuse for protoplasm... Discussing dismemberment over a gourmet meal seems perfectly normal to you... You get an almost irresistible urge to stand and wolf your food even in the nicest restaurants... You believe a good tape job will fix anything... You have the bladder capacity
First One
I guess i need to post something... ask me a question.. i might answer!!
Your Aura is Blue Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor What Color Is Your Aura?
My Thoughts
i has one of those rare moments were I sit back and think about were my life is going and were it has been. Me and my wife have had some good and bad times. Most of the bad were because i didn't use my head and only thought about me. No matter what i do i know that she will be by my side. Ido not give her the credit and recignition she deserves. Sure i buy here things but that does nothing for the emotional side i never seem to tell her that i love her as much as i should. She puts up with me and my carefree attitude more than she should. I never have been the besst at expressing my feelings.. This is the a problem that i am trying to work on i'm afraid that one day i will screw up big time and she will not be by my side. There are few things in this world that scare me that bad. I hope see looks at this and understands what i am the feelings i am trying to express. I love you!!!!!!!! I know i may not show it the way you want in my actions but i show it the way I know how wi
Take the quiz: What does your birth month reveal about you?AugustLoves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless.Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends .Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Take the quiz: ARE YOU A BITCHSWEETIE PIEYOU ARE SOO SWEET ARE YOU AN ANGEL IT SEEMS THAT WAY WELL KEEP IT UP PEOPLE LOVE YOU!!!Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Take the quiz: WHAT ROCK BAND R U?? (COOL PICS)KORNHEAVY METALER!! KORN KICK ASS!! THERE A GREAT BAND AND
Fuel For Bloggers
trying to see what the new blog section is like...
My Husband
I was sittin in the yard today with my kids and watchin my lil boy walk through the yard and play with his sisters and it made me realize how much of my life I missed out on having a child so young and getting married. I love my life dont get me wrong its just amazing how quick things pass you by before you even know that they have. My lil boy it seems as if just yesterday he was born now he's walking and talking. My middle daughter is such a grown lil lady now that I hate the fact that before I know it and blink my eyes I will be sending her and her sister off to highschool. I hate that they have to grow up so fast. My lil man turned one on saturday and man he is truckin in the house so fast now and dont stay out of nothing. I cant believe that it feels just like yesterday when he was born. Dude since I came onto this site I have been honest with every guy I talk to that I'm married and its gonna stay that way I have no desire to leave my husband and I hardly talk to guys if
Best Song For Lost Friend
Finally found our song.........Was a long time ago, Damn!!!!!!!!!!!Music Video Codes - MySpace Layouts
My Babii Went to jail last night && I am soOo Upset I miss him like crazyy!!! I hope he gets out soon:(( Love, Sheana
I Love Him
Myspace Layouts am i over reacting??? from one heart to another love is shared, from one soul to another life ever after is born by Michael S. Merrill Do you think he loves me?? I have claimed to love a couple of guys this past couple of years just to end up heart broken cause they didnt love me the same as I loved them. Mike has told me over and over again how much he loves me and I love him like I have loved no other. Im happy when Im with him and miserable being so far away from him. All i can say is he is the one i want to spend my days and nights with for all of time and eternity.
Black And White
BLACK AND WHITE "Please, Mark, we really need to work out tonight," pleaded Cindy! Mark looked at the two women and said, "You guys know the rules, the gym closes at ten sharp!" "Just for a little while," begged Jill?!? Mark, the manager of the Suburban Workout Gym, was about ready to begin his own workout when these two dingbats showed up just as he was closing up. "Oh well, come on in, I was just going to work out myself, and I could use a spotter," he said, giving in to their pleas! Both girls rushed past him and headed for the locker room to change, and Mark, shaking his head, locked the door and went back into the gym to start his workout. He was just finishing up his warm ups when the two women came out of the locker room. Looking them over, Mark had to admit that Cindy and Jill were two of the best conditioned ladies who used the facility, and they really did workout, unlike a lot of the other female members, who seemed to use the club as a social gathering spot rather than a
This Is So Me
Your Rising Sign is Libra A total charmer, it's hard for people to say no to you. Irresistable and attractive, you have no shortage of love interests. Totally competitive, you tend to thrive in stressful enviroments. A peaceful soul, you avoid conflict at almost all costs. Sometimes you try too hard to please those around you. But you have a great inner strength that helps you bounce back easily. What's Your Rising Sign? Him I can't reveal his name, For he's not truly mine. And no one can ever know My feelings inside. He came to me without warning, Touching my very soul. And leaving me wanting, Yearning for him more. Our hearts are connected, Yet separated...apart. Bound by a love Found once in a lifetime, Separated by reality. Our destiny...Our hearts. Lisa Diane Burns A Heart A heart should be so kind As a friend of mine Timeless As a beat of the drum silent as flutters of the butterfly's wings A heart should be so motionless As
Truth That Set Us Free
so after 5 months of her leading me on. calling me telling me that she misses me that she needs me so on, ect... i've found out that she has been with a friend of mine, when i went to question the situation this is what she said" its hard to explain" i dont get that just tell me the truth i trusted you an you flushed it away. now there is a small army that is really pissed off i call them my friends an family, the people who watched my self destruction for five months of deppression an undying loyalty to a person that everyone thought loved me. i'm over it now but i just never understood why i have noluck will i did for 3 1/2 years. i loved her took care of her, took care of her brothers, her mom. everyone i helped them i bleed for them i defended them i supported them. but most importantly i loved them. the one thing about this whole situation is that action will be taken an i have no say over any of it, i dont want anyhting done of course i wanted to beat this
Women Getting With Jerks
Kiki Anniston Reveals: “The "Secret Reason" Why Women Are Attracted To Jerks, Players and Just Plain Dangerously Wrong Guys.” An open letter to single women frustrated with dating the wrong guys... Hey Girlfriend, Can I ask you something personal? Be honest... Have you ever dated the type of guy that left you constantly waiting by the phone with an uneasy sick feeling in the pit of your stomach? Or a guy who made you feel bad about yourself, but for some reason you couldn’t leave him? (Of course, that same guy, at times, also made you feel like you were the only person on this planet - you know, that “hot-cold” type). And have you ever walked into a club and found yourself so attracted to one particular guy, you felt like you were in a trance and literally couldn't stop making eyes with him? If you answered yes to any of the above, it may be a sign that you’re susceptible to a certain “dangerous personality type” that psychiatrists have a SCARY so
Caveman Software
Various Musings, Etc.
Wednesday is the interview. I had to do this pre-screening test over the phone, and I got every stinking question right! As a matter of fact, the recruiter kept saying "wow!" after my answers. Good sign. I suck at being interviewed, though. Hence the nervousness... Nervousness... Is that a word?? LOL Send some positive energy my way. Don't offer prayers... I'm an athiest! Just some good ol positive energy will be fine! Ahhh... The life of having school-age kids... They bring home germs! We've all been sick over the past week. I have had hardly any sleep, but yet, I can't seem to get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time. I suppose it has to do with the fact that I'm a bit nervous. I applied for a job last week and I got a call late friday afternoon (but wasn't around to answer... DOH!) for an interview. This job is really a good one. Pays $12.50 an hour, and it's doing tech support, which I've been doing for years. If I can get my dad to learn how to use a compu
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it) If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Now that's more like it!) The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet. (O.M.G.!) A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (In my next life, I want to be a pig) A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy.) (I'm still not over the pig.) Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour (Don't try this at home,maybe at work) The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. ("Honey, I'm home. What the...?!") The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes.
Gotta Love Random Im's
I just had fun with a random IM...... Him: hey gorgeous Me: howdy hoo Him: whatcha doing Me: playing online him: oh got toys Me: yup i gots lots Him: superb :D wanna share what you're doing with me Me: well barbie is smacking ken right now:/ Him: wtf who? Me: barbie you dumbo like barbie doll:/ Him: i mean the other toys babe Me: oooh i got a train set:D is that what you mean? Him: Um whats your asl? Me: whats a asl? Him: Your age? Me: Oh im 12:D Him: omfg you're kidding me right? Me: no:/ would you like to talk to my daD:/ Him: Him has now logged out your session has ended.
Most Powerful Word
THE TREE FOR THE CROSS by Colin Moffett I stood in the forest growing so strong From all of my companions I was numbered among They picked me out as the rough barked tree To crucify the Saviour of men on the hard wood of me I felt each blow as they cut me down Then pared of the branches of my leaf topped crown And used one of them, the limbs of my loss To nail it to my trunk and form me as a cross They brought Jesus out with His thorn crowned head The wounds of His body were dripping blood red And they tossed me over His shoulder to carry me along But they had abused Him so much He was no longer strong He could not carry me but I carried His frame For He was fixed to my trunk and they pinned on me His name As they nailed His hands and feet I felt that I could Feel His pain, for each nail through Him also pierced into my wood Secured to my timber, they lifted us both high And they stood back to mock and watch Jesus die In the long dreadful hours so solemn
Hey I have blogs on myspace. I LOVE LOST CHERRY! But prefer myspace blogs idk why. I am a attention whore so I would love for you to come check them out! My page is COMMENT ME and let me know what you think I have some cute ones up!
A Journey A journey of the mind, the body, of the soul, A means of discovery, to find yourself, For a road shall be present but with several paths, Choose your path without fear of mistake. A journey of the mind is to be thoughtful, A means to enlighten your self, To be knowledgeable and careful, Yet to be free to walk by your own strength. A journey of the body is to be strong, A means of building yourself in strength, To be broken down and rebuilt from within, A way to become the force behind your thought. A journey of the soul is to find peace, A means to become one with yourself, For you to become the bearer of your person, To carry your emotions for all of yourself. It is a journey of your equal, A search to find your companion, A desire to be complete, to have your heart filled, This journey is to become all that you wish for. This journey is like the stars, For solitude may wear on the patient as well, Like the shooting star you make your final journey,
Curmudgeon Housekeeping
Moving this here to make the profile easier to read You're a Guardian! You're known among your friends as a pillar ofstrength-- and to you that is the highestcompliment you could get from them. You spendyour life helping others by watching out forthem. Sometimes you might get taken forgranted for all you do, but if someone needsyou, they can count on you to be there. What type of person are you? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla interpretive *~ What kind of dreamer are you? ~* brought to you by Quizilla Dark magician. You love the dark because of it'sbeauty and just the life that no-one else sees.Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn'tmean you're not friendly! Please rate ^^ What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla FROZEN QUEEN/ KING You dont want love to come through to you. You likeit the way you are. To be unreachable, no needto show feelings. Hiding everything inside you.You are already used to it. You say yourselfthat yo
My Children
Electronic Voting Machines Can't Be Trusted
Printer Friendly URL: Back to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -- Will The Next Election Be Hacked? Will The Next Election Be Hacked? Fresh disasters at the polls -- and new evidence from an industry insider -- prove that electronic voting machines can't be trusted ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. Posted Sep 21, 2006 1:23 PM >>Post your thoughts about the threats to fair voting, in the National Affairs blog. Plus, read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s "Was the 2004 Election Stolen?" -- his report on Republican methods for keeping more than 350,000 Ohio voters from casting ballots or having their votes counted. The debacle of the 2000 presidential election made it all too apparent to most Americans that our electoral system is broken. And private-sector entrepreneurs were quick to offer a fix: Touch-screen voting machines, promised the industry and its lobbyists, would make voti
theres this reporter and she is doin an expose on mad cow disease. the reporter goes over to a local cattle farm to talk to the farmer and find out what he thinks is the cause of mad cow disease. reporter: so sir could u give me an insight as to what u believe in your opinion causes mad cow disease? farmer: well i can tell ya that we milk our cows once a day. reporter: i suppose thats an interesting fact, but seriously could u tell ma what causes mad cow disease? Farmer: i can also tell u that we let the bulls fuck the cows once a month. reporter: once again interesting enough but how does that answer my question? farmer: well miss if i played with your tits twice a day and only fucked u once a month wouldnt u be mad too
Product Of My Mind....
Grab some tissues before you read any further! THIS ONE IS FOR EVERY WOMAN WHO LOVES A MILITARY MAN!! Maybe we all need a reminder... and maybe some of us have never stopped to consider... Its been three months since she has hugged her boyfriend. Only a handful of letters, and a picture by her bed to remind her that she hasn't dreamed him up... That he is indeed really her prince charming. Each day she goes to class, goes to work, and comes home exhausted... yet still sits down to write him a nightly letter. She sits in those bleachers... scanning the straight lines for his face. She longs to reach out and touch him, but she knows that she must somehow wait... She sees out of the corner of her eye his mom watching her, and for the millionth time she wishes she could explain how much it meant to her to see this herself, to show him she supports his choice... and to somehow show his family she isn't trying to intrude or take their place... In Georgia, this girl crawls
What Celebrity I Look Like
What The Hell Does This Mean?
Hum...its Time
You is such a fucked up thing.....its odd how you think that you find someone that is just great for you and for some ODD reason, it just doesn't work out....I tell my friends that I got thru men as often as I do underwear, but I just don't get it! Maybe I'm alittle too picky when it comes to what I want, but is there really anything wrong with that? Hell, marriage one sucked and I didn't want any of that every again....One of the last guys I dated, things were okay for a few weeks..then it was all over....there wasn't any time for me to say..oh my gosh..what happened..NOR did I want too..he was outta my life and YES...I was on to the next guy....Hum..just seems that maybe I've had things alittle fucked up in my mind...but good news for me..I think I'm all straight on it..and its time to settle down.....WOOHOO! Go me! lets see just how long that really lasts and see if I can find a guy that can truely make me HAPPY! Ready or I come! MUAH! Well, life i
For The Love Of Blog
just blogging about my life thus far.. Well... In the last yr I've managed to go from doing nothing with nothing to doing nothing with a CNA. I went into Job Corps. in Clearfield, Utah. I went there because I had nothing to do and needed something to get me going. I was in the "I don't want to do anything" mode of my life. So I went and signed up for Job Corps though" Well this will give me something to do...and hey I can stay out of trouble at the same time" so I went. I got there Dec. 5, 3:42 pm(yeah i know... why remember the time?) it was pretty sunny out..and chilly. I got into the dorm i was going to stay in few the next 6-7 wks. I go through the 6-7 wks of intro to classes. Then move dorms to a slightly better one. I go into Culinary until I can get the required things for getting into Health Occ. I go through another 5-6 wks of classes in a high school lvl setting and get my GED(SCORE! GED! What I needed) Now I'm in Health Occ. and loving it. Well I'll save the rest fo
Dumb Shit
i want to thank you all for welcoming me you are all great hugs and kisses
Whats Up To Everyone
hey im new and i just want to see whats going on with everyone and to met somenew people
Dark Times Writing
I find that I have nothing left to hide behind, made to feel everything from the past few months when I don't want to feel anything. I'm alone. Feeling like I have no one, and honestly, I did it to myself. Just another self distructive year. Just me pushing away everyone. Like always. And no one can last, no one ever lasts. I make sure of that. I hide everything that is real and show people what I'm not. Show them thier worst fears. It must be believable, because they always leave. The only ones that are ever left are the ones that truely know me, and I just ignore them. I hope that if I push enough, if I have no one left, then maybe I can disappear and no one will notice. No one will care. I just want to I don't have to feel so I don't have to feel this pain anymore... The world is confusing, boys and girls can both be stupid, and karma is a bitch. I'm letting go of everything and in a sense, though unintentional, everyone. I once relied
A Male Blonde Joke
Don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. You want me, Come find me. Make up your mind. Should I let you fall? Lose it all? So maybe you can remember yourself. Can't keep believing, We're only deceiving ourselves . And I'm sick of the lie, And you're too late. Don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. You want me, Come find me. Make up your mind. Couldn't take the blame. Sick with shame. Must be exhausting to lose your own game. Selfishly hated, No wonder you're jaded. You can't play the victim this time, And you're too late. Don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. You want me, Come find me. Make up your mind. You never call me when you're sober. You only want it cause it's over, It's over. How could I have burned paradise? How could I - you were never mine. So don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. Don't lie to me, Just get your things. I've made up
She sits alone in a dark corner. Her invisible chains hold her. Her tears burn her flesh like acid. She holds on to what once was. She is slowly slipping away. She is losing hope of holding on much longer. Her tears fall like rain. She crumbles to the floor. The pain is hidden The tears are cried His memory Will never leave my side Today is the day of my surgery. 12:40CST i will be under the scalpel. i would greatly appreciate any and all good thoughts sent this way! *huge hugs*
Guess What?
Okay so heres the thing...I'm fallen really hard for this guy that I like and all my friends plus my mom and dad likes him but I'm not exactly sure if he likes me the same way I like him... As much as I hate to say it since we ain't been together long but I Love him and I'm not sure if I should tell him or wait till he says it first....Help I'm confused...What should I do? Guess what this Tuesday is my birthday. WOW i'm finally 19....I can't believe i've made it this long. Send me birthday comments so i know that atleast someone cares.
ARNDTS - Janis V. Arndts, 73, of Albion, passed away at her home on September 6, 2008, after a lengthy illness. Born in Albion, MI, on August 26, 1935, to Howard and Murtice Dean, she was a lifetime resident of Sheridan Township, graduated from Albion High School in 1954 and attended Jackson Community College. She married Chris Arndts in August, 1959. After she was married, she devoted herself to making a home and raising her three sons. Following her husband’s death in 1983, she earned a Realtor license and worked with Siefert Realty in Albion. She had great affection for Sheridan Township and enjoyed an active and lengthy service as the Clerk, Deputy Clerk and member of the Planning Commission, retiring late in 2007. She used her formidable negotiating skills in 1991 to help enact Public Act 425, an agreement with the city of Albion to ensure no annexation for Sheridan Township. In 1991 she also helped begin negotiations between Albion and Sheridan Township pertaining to shar
Poems ( Some I Wrote Some I Like)
Here is a poem that i found that i really like. So i thought i would share. I know most military wives like myself know its the truth and its hard for us all I am a strong and loving wife With a husband who had to go There are times i am terrified In away most never know I bite my lip and force a smile As I watch my husband Pack My heart my break But I am proud My husbands got your back
My News
I have a favour to ask ... It only takes a minute.... Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "fund free mammograms" for free (pink window in the middle). This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know. AGAIN , PLEASE TELL 10 FRIENDS TO TELL 10 TODAY This means so much to me as my aunt recently found out she had this and has undergone two ops to remove the lump and is now doing medical trials on a new treatment to prevent it returning. Luv ya all xxx Sadly on Thursday 28th September 2006 @ 4pm an hou
SPIN THE B0TTLE The rules are that you post this and wait for someone to send you a message...(TO MY INBOX - NOT in a bulletin please!)... telling you what they would do with you. Then repost this with the subject "SPIN THE B0TTLE" 1. A KISS ON THE CHEEK 2. JUST A PECK ON THE LIPS 3. A L0T OF POPPING KISSING 4. I WOULD KISS YOU ON THE LIPS 5. I WOULD MAKE OUT WITH YOU 6. i will bang u 7. I WOULD TRY TO FUCK YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! 8. I WOULD HAVE SEX WITH YOU ALL NIGHT LONG If you do not repost this you will have bad relationships for the rest of your life!!! Don't Be Scared To Tell Them The Truth And Dont Be Joking!!!!! hi im in ny at the min.its great here.been up empire state building even though scared of to central park,times square shopping which is cool.going up to buffalo tomorrow then on to chicago. So lets play the Shag or Pass! game. The rules are simple... if you want to Shag the person who posts this, send them
Wet Radio
Check out some free preview clips from WET TV! Go to WET TV and have a look. I am producing a new TV show and looking for a hot female between 21-30 years of age to co-host an adult topic TV show. You must be in Las Vegas, comfortable discussing adult topics, have a good clear speaking voice and comfortable in front of a camera. Please contact me here if interested. XOXO, Mikki Elegant Angel starlets Flower Tucci and Tiana Lynn are heading to Las Vegas where they will host a signing at 5 p.m. on Saturday at the Whips and Chains Car Show at the Sin Gentlemen’s Club, 3525 West Russell Road. “I love getting out there with Flower,” said Lynn. “She’s really a great girl who loves to meet the fans and have a lot of fun.” Known as Elegant Angel’s squirt princess for her work in the Supersquirt and Cum Rain Cum Shine series, Lynn will be joined by squirt girl Tucci at the event’s after party at the club where they will serve as official trophy girls for the wet t-shirt co
This is just a long rant to get things out! I am feeling the need today to just let things flow. I want to be a lover, but some how I don't know the rules to that game and end up being to giving and then feeling like the doormat. Which is not good and yes I know there are things that I can do, but right now I am not in the space to do anything but be pissed off. That is what this whole blog is really about being pissed off. Wondering if I am being pissed off to often and need to consult the gang and see what I am doing wrong, cause surely I am either doing something that I should stop doing so this doesn't happen, or else I am not doing something that I should get a handle on. For starters I think I will start off by smacking a few people upside the head. Might get some attention even if it is negative. Basically I don't know what I am writing about so it is all good, I don't do well with public blogs. Maybe I need to write my feelings down in private Alright, just want
HAPPY EASTER TO ALL My Gift To You > by Lonely Shadow > > I live through my dark existence > only to bask in your beauty > your eyes that shine like sapphires > your smile that brightens even my sad existence > I envy the wind that runs through your hair > that touches your lips > I long to touch you > to hold you in my arms but I cannot > for your heart belongs to another > so, I can only love you from afar > your friendship means more to me > than anything this world provides > but like an angel you touched my heart > in a way that I've never felt before > cause I've never known what love is until this day > I know that we are only friends > but my heart wishes it to be more > so I will still hope and dream > that one day I can feel your lips pressed to mine > to hold you in my arms and say, "I love you" Courtesy of Just one day away
Just The Shit
My first blog. Oh my. One of the major things that everyone looks at. Well I'm not going to sit here and babble over a lost love, or some random celebrity "I wish I could fuck." That's not the purpse of any blog. In my opinion, I rather see a creative writting. I don't want to hear you bitch... I don't want to hear how wonderful your life is. I could care less. So here..a creative writting. A song I wrote like..2 years ago? Eh, jsut something to fill the void. [chorus] Wisk me away to Hollywood. Before my dreams are shattered. I know we did all we could. Next time we'll do better. Dont keep pushing this away You know it's here to stay These dreams and insights are all we have Left of a ruined memory that we once created The words you gave me has destroyed all hope And now all we can do is wipe the slate clean and start our new lives. [chorus] Night time and day break Are the only things we have to look forward to Scream to the heavens like it's all we know i
Bitch Of A Boss
Our First
Stolen Moment
During Her Visits
Poison Ivy
Your cruel device Your blood, like ice One look could kill My pain, your thrill I want to love you but I better not touch (Don't touch) I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much) I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison You're poison running through my veins You're poison, I don't want to break these chains Your mouth, so hot Your web, I'm caught Your skin, so wet Black lace on sweat I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (And pins) I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin (Deep in) I want to kiss you but your lips are venomous poison You're poison running through my veins You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains Poison One look could kill My pain, your thrill I want to love you but I better not touch (Don't touch) I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop I want to kiss you bu
Copyright ME assholes! 2006 ---------------- The patience gone, Absence too long. But the charade, The face was held tight. Can't see eyes through, Should have known. Can't hear words true, Silence grown. Spit the lies, I'll be ignorant, You be full of shit. I'd never know, Never allow it to settle. I know how the game goes, I've seen the players change. I've seen the lid blown off, I know what's underneath. Hollowed yourself out. Fill it up with anything, Anything that feels right. For just a few minutes, Just for tonight. Stir the pot, Just one more time. Keep truth transparent. Sleeping rock bottom. Lies breathe easy, Your words are thick, Hard to take in. I might choke, To know it all. A necessary trial, A separation of body from mind. One may kill the other, Leave the split behind. I know how the game goes, I've seen the players change. I've seen the lid blown off, I know what's underneath. Hollowed yourself out. Fill it up with any
The Return
hey every one. im try to get people to make mods for me. i had one done and love it. i don have the time are the stuff to make it. if you can please make one fore me. you can be as artistice as you want. like turn me in to something that looks cool. thanks you check out the video on my page. i had more pic on my page be sure to hit me up and leave some love let me know what you think
Introduction, Too Me
Entry for November 04, 2006 Out of the darkness, I rise. I hear the tinkle of chains, feel the weight of them on my body. Why? What's happened? Eyes still closed; I scent them. The sweet smell of women, not one but many. I hear they're whispers; I know they're scents, these are my friends. But why the chains? I smell the iron bars......chains & bars? Oh god what have I done? WHISPERS again, I hear them.....he's so cold....why do we have to keep him like this....what are we going to do too calm his RAGE? Rage?...but I'm not angry.....what are they talking about?.....I peer through my eyelids, I see three of them kneeled beyond my cage, several pacing just beyond my sight, in the background. One kneeling says"I trust him" "I'm going to try" she stands, her robe falls open, I see her body...glistening white in the night.......I feel my blood fire, and then I know what there fear is......I've gone to long without the taste of a woman. I can smell they're heat, they're moist
RIC-LO-X's label GREEN TOOTH ENT. CLICK THE IMAGE My boys Grave Plott are getting ready to drop there BRAND NEW album entitled "The Plott thickens". Read the flyer & also Click on the image. This album features Tech N9ne, Bigg Krizz Kaliko, Splice 1, Brotha Lynch & more Our Strange brother Tech N9ne is getting ready to drop HIS brand new long awaited album entitled "Everready: The Religion". This Album features guests such as E-40 & more. Click on the album cover. "When There's No More Room In Hell Volume I" Featuring RIC-LO-X, GRAVE PLOTT, WOLFPAC, Vanilla Ice, Playaz Lounge Crew, Q-Strange, Scum and many more. Click the image. CLICK HERE FOR MY GROUP A.I.D.S. TRACKS WITH KILLA C & LIQUID ASSASSIN Click on this & check out my boy VOICEOVER's myspace page a message from ric-lo-x ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Ric-Lo-X Date: Sep 23, 2006 8:25 AM Sexy Girls needed for Tech N9ne Video Shoot!: So Tech N9ne
What A Kiss Means!!!
*Kiss on the stomach-----"lets do it" *Kiss on the Forehead ----"i hope we're together forever" *Kiss on the Ear ---"I'm horny" *Kiss on the Cheek ---"We're friends" *Kiss on the Hand ---"I adore you" *Kiss on the Neck ---"we belong together" *Kiss on the Shoulder ---"I want you" *Kiss on the Lips ---"I love you" OR "I want you" What the gesture means... *Holding Hands ---"we definitely love each other" *Slap on the Butt ---"That's mine" *Holding on tight ---"i don't want to let go" *Looking into each other's Eyes ---"i just plain love you" *Playing with Hair ---"Tell me you love me" *Arms around the Waist ---"I love you too much to let go" *Laughing while Kissing ---"I am completely Comfortable with you" --Advice-- * Dont ask for a kiss, take one. *If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love. --Requirements-- *Post this again after reading!! If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now and can't get them out of your
A teacher was wrapping up class, and started talking about tomorrow's final exam. He said there would be no excuses for not showing up tomorrow, barring a dire medical condition or an immediate family member's death. One smart ass, male student said, "What about extreme sexual exhaustion?", and the whole classroom burst into laughter. After the laughter had subsided, the teacher glared at the student, and said, "Not an excuse, you can use your other hand to write." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ A man walks onto an airplane and takes his seat. He looks up and notices the most beautiful woman he has ever seen boarding the plane. He is nervous, and soon realizes that she is walking down the aisle toward him. When she takes the seat right next to him, he is anxious to begin a conversation. He asks, "Where are you flying to today?" She responds, "To the Annual Nymphomaniac Convention in Chica
How Dare You ... How dare you look at me the way you do, with wide, gleaming eyes filled with wantoness and shadowed dark with subtle beckoning. How dare you move the way you do, all smooth muscle and taut sinew. How dare you lure my senses, smelling of sweet earth, rain and cloves. How dare you make me hunger, with bitten, bruised lips, placing the taste of your need into my mouth. How dare you bind and gird yourself with metal and leather, making soft unyeilding flesh swell and strain within it's confines. How dare you offer yourself to me, like a jewel laid upon a velvet cloth, the radiant essence of your loins, spilling forth like treasure from it's coffers. How dare you think that I control you, take you, possess you. When it is you who overpowers me, wielding your body like a weapon, weakening me and in your final stroke bringing me to my knees. falling into the swirling abyss that is desire overtaken and overcome, all reality falling away fingers stretch
Intro To Me
am twenty three years old living in Dallas, Texas. I’m currently working in the music education industry. Everyday I sit in front of a computer and process orders and assign credit limits to school districts worldwide–boring stuff...Anyway, Im an ex-college drop out that is working in education? Kinda out of norm, but yeah. I’ve lived most of my life in Okinawa, Japan, and I’ve met some of the best/worst people who have made big impacts on my life. Its hard to imagine that in such a small island, I would learn about my whole life before I’ve lived it. I’ve formed lifelong friendships, and experienced so much more, than most ordinary people in a lifetime. I was a military brat, so my step father practically dragged me all around the world before I turned sixteen. Partying and drugs were heavy influences while growing up, I was labeled a “kandy-kid” before i could even buy ciggarettes, but now I’m all grown up and I’ve learned to make wiser choices and become a better
OK so I am still out of town as I went to see Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers with The Strokes opening for them. Let me tell all of you that missed it you missed one hell of a show not but 5 songs in Petty introduced all the Heart Breakers and one Honorary Heart Breaker none other than Stevie Nicks who litteraly whiped the over frenzied crowd right over the top. Nothing more awsome than going to see a band this good and then getting the added treat of a srar cappable of her own headlining shows singing duets and backup for the rest of the show. I'll tell you all more tomorrow when I get home.
Just Trin Something
This post is for a person... you know who you are. Just wanted to remind them of something that my grandma told me: Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take... But by the moments that take your breath away. So get the hell over it already! You're just having a moment! Love ya! Hi all. I'm sick, it sucks. I haven't decided, but I either have a cold... or there's a horrible demon living in my head perched on my brain and burrowing into my sinuses. I'm leaning towards the demon. But in other news... Mall trip tomorrow! Yay! That totally Sucks!! But I promised my little sister I'd take her... so I'm gonna take her. Being nice sucks! Anyway... A recap: I'm sick and life sucks right now. Later!
I'm A Mommy!!
I have a baby growing in me and that is a gift. The man I still love is still part of me just in a bigger way then he thinks. He has to suffer right now because of the life growing in me. I had to give him up to save the gift he helped to give me...I was getting closer to lossing it with ever bit of stress I gained so I lost all the things putting my heart so close to stoping. So if you read this My King know that by doing what you did you saved the life of you baby and mine I am just sorry it was at the price of your love .... Love you I am going to be a mommy and i can't wait!!! This is the best day of my life. Baby Doll
Get Stoned Video - Hinder lyricsHinder Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by Lips Of An Angel Video - Hinder lyricsHinder Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by
Dare (2)By Gorillaz
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuckidy Fuck Fuck
Silent Lucidity Video - Queensryche lyricsQueensryche Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by I'm American Video - Queensryche lyricsQueensryche Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by
Ashlie*s Blog
ok fo anyone that has me on myspace sorry if u*ve sen this like 3 times now but this is just too good to pass up! it*s so awesome... 6 minute video on the evolution of dance! Your Emoticon is Sad You're feeling a tad depressed right now. It will likely pass soon, but for now, you need some major cheering up! What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now? i*ve been listening to this song non stop for the past day and a half...i can really relate to it lately. i*ve been told alot lately that i*m really sheltered. i*m starting to see it more lately. i don*t let people in...i never have. and the one person i did let in...well...i fucked that up somehow i manage to screw things up alot... weither it*s by my hand or someone elses, everytime i get something amazingly good, something takes it away from me. it*s been that way my whole life... it doesn*t feel like it*s changing at all the older i get the worse it happens... this last thing is the big
A teenage girl about 17 had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each share their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alle
Get's Me Through Video - Ozzy Osbourne lyricsOzzy Osbourne Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by Perry Mason Video - Ozzy Osbourne lyricsOzzy Osbourne Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by See You On The Other Side Video - Ozzy Osbourne lyrics
I love the subtle way he lets me know he wants to fuck The way he turns to me and has that look somewhere behind his eyes What color are they again? I never remember any of the details that seem to mean so much. The way your voice sounds when you're hding somehting from me. How sweet does it sound? Bitter and angry. Just as it should when you hang up the phone after an apolgetic silence. When you call back crying and wondering why. But crying to yourself and not asking any questions. More silence and supressed sobs. Does he know? You don' t think so. And he doesn't care. Why do you stay? The thought of leaving isn't that bad.You could be happy without anyone, couldn't you?You wouldn't go completely mad, not too soon. Why do you stay? His touchis enough to change your mind. It has before.Do I love him? I'd like to think I do. But sometimes its hard to tell. Do I love him today? More than yesterday. Will I love him tomorrow?
2004 Mustang Gt
Today was a day of sorrow, Today I was going to commit suicide. I could feel the cold metal barrel on my head. As I pulled back the trigger, All I could hear was the pin slamming. Out of nowhere I saw my friends, my family and my life flash before my eyes. And now I wish i did not do it. But now it's too late. Now all I can hear from the heavens above is... ashes to ashes and dust to dust. This one was written by my brother. I keep having this horrible nightmare, and it seems to never stop. Someone told me that you had shot yourself, and you had died from the injurys. I couldn't believe it was true, You would never do that, But you had done it. I went to your viewing on Thursday. The line was so long, So many people wanted to see you. I finally had my turn to see you... I walked up to the casket, Not knowing what to say or do, So I just stood there staring at you. You looked like an angel. They had your hair spiked, just the way you liked it. You were
i just wanted to thank everyone who has showed me nothin but helps when im still kinda new here and still cant figure this stuff out but im learnin so keep it real and ill get it lol ok im new to this site and i already have a headache lol the emails just keep coming and i have no idea what im doin on here but im hoping to figure it out and not have to spend a fortune on aleve ha ha thanks for all the love everyone and i promise i will get to all that have showed me love
Men Suck
Well all I have to say is that I am beginning to lean towards on hating men....All they seem to want now a days is sex..I just recently got back in touch with one of my ex's...I saw him for the first time in 2 yrs last weekend and he was so excited to see me...Then when I left and went back home he totally ignored me...I dont even know what the deal is...Did I do something? Did I say something? He completely blew me off...And tonight he text messaged me and told me to leave him alone...I dont even know what I did...He has completely changed within the past 2 yrs...Oh well...Now I can move on with my life... I've never written a love song That didn't end in tears. Maybe you'll rewrite my love song If you can replace my fears. I need your patience and guidance And all your lovin' and more. When thunder rolls through my life Will you be able to weather the storm? There's so much I would give ya, baby If I'd only let myself. There's this well of emotions I feel I mus
Answering machine message 145 Hi. This is John. If you are the phone company, I already sent the money. If you are my parents, please send money. If you are my financial aid institution, you didn't lend me enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me money. If you are a female, don't worry, I have plenty of money. Hey everyone I got the job ... I start in the morning... I am sooo happy!!!!!! The job is the TA in Cottondale, AL . LOL I am going to working around the big trucks don't that figure! So all my trucker friends on here... if you break down in Tuscaloosa and have to have your truck fixed at the TA ... please don't holler at the girl behind the counter! Whoo.. hoo! OK I am pissed.... so if you are having a good day dont read this!! I lost another friend today.. ripped him a new one. Turns out all I am to him was a game. And the funny part was he didn't even win it. I am so sick of this shit this is why I don't talk to men. Every one of them eventual
An Insert Of A Story I Am Writing.
Cynthia had never done this before. She had second thoughts. Rob was the only man she had been with it. Then she remembered how she felt at lunch. Fuck it. I need some action and Chris is hot. Chris was looking for some action. He spanned the room, when he saw a pair of sexy legs in a skirt. Licking his lips and ordering a drink, Chris walked over to sexy legs. Cynthia turned when she felt a tap on the shoulder. Chris immediately noticed her large breasts. Damn what he could do with that. He noticed her face and smiled. Oh hell yes. It is Cynthia. He has wanted that piece of ass for a long time. Cynthia decided to be aggressive tonight. She asked Chris to dance. They were getting hot and heavy on the dance floor. Their bodies molded together and sweating, Cynthia could feel his cock getting hard. She was grinding against him and turned her ass to him. Rubbing her ass all up on his crotch, she takes his hands and places them on her thighs. He decides to slide his hand under her skir
I Luv Reese's Cups!!
Tarot Card
You scored as XIII: Death. Death is probably the most well known Tarot card - and also the most misunderstood. Most Tarot novices would consider Death to be a bad card, especially given its connection with the number thirteen. In fact this card rarely indicates literal death.Without "death" there can be no change, only eventual stagnation. The "death" of the child allows for the "birth" of the adult. This change is not always easy. The appearance of Death in a Tarot reading can indicate pain and short term loss, however it also represents hope for a new future.XIII: Death100%XI: Justice88%II - The High Priestess75%0 - The Fool75%X - Wheel of Fortune75%I - Magician69%VIII - Strength69%XIX: The Sun69%IV - The Emperor69%XVI: The Tower
Leukemia Walk - I Really Need Your Help...please!!!!
Please Help Me Save Lives Light The Night Walk is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's nationwide evening Walk to build awareness of blood cancers and raise funds for cures. Walkers carry illuminated balloons-white for survivors and red for supporters - to celebrate and commemorate lives touched by cancer. Funds raised by participants support the Society's mission: cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. I'm participating in the walk on September 30th in honor of all individuals who are battling blood cancer especially Nicholas Kakolires, who lost his battle with this disease on March 4, 2006 at 9 years old. This walk is very near and dear to my heart. I knew Nicholas for many years of his short life. I am asking you to help me raise funds to help fight Leukemia so little boys and girls like Nicholas don't have to go through what he did. Please make a donation to support my participati
In Side Dixie's Head (look Out Lol)
well I took a Job as a care taker for a older lady who can't walk and a nanny to her lil 2 year old girl that she is trying to get cousty of well was that a big mistake the 2 year old was really mean she didn't wanna listen she fault me when I would punish her and put brusies on me she would tell me no or laugh in my face I haven't ever had a child treat me that way I just got to my ropes end really quick and told em I was done , finished , that was it , it was over no more and I QUITE I tell you what I was a nervus reack no amount of money could make me stay there don't get me rong the lady and her husband are good ppl but that child man I caouldn't handle that no way a 2 year old is running my life and I have to be up her ass 24/7 Then last nite and today I got some really bad news My aunt has cancer i already knew this but it has spread to her lungs her kendneys are starting to fail and she is on oxgeon and marfine for the pain and they don't look for her to make it 2 more we
Single And Loving It
Ibc - Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Ladies I wanted to post this as soon as I got the e-mail my sister sent to me. Since so many lives are affected by Cancer everyday (my family included) please be aware of this form of breast cancer. Tell your friends and men tell your wives, girlfriends, mothers because they may not be aware of its existence until it is to late to treat. Please watch the video and be aware that this isn't a joke. You will be surprised at the age range of those who have lost the battle to IBC. Take care and be aware! Hugs, ~Nadya~
Women of Fire, Love of desire, to share her warmth, no longer alone. There stands Speaks to Stone People. Beautiful morning these two will be joined forever and foever. In the eyes of the Mountain Peaks, her Dad speaks amongst the Earth People. Meta Tantay - Walk in Beauty and Peace
Web Modeling Return???
I know that are some who think web modeling is a disgusting and wrong thing to do. For those to have a problem with it then this blog message is not for you to read. I am trying to determine if I will be returning to web modeling. I wish I was lucky enough to do regular modeling but unless you are miss tiny it isn't going to happen. Most plus size models are even smaller then the average BBW. So I want to know what the public thinks. Should I return to web modeling? Would you like to see me back up my web site? If so I want to hear some suggestions as to what kind of photos my fans would like to see? I can't guarantee I will use every section but, if it interests me I will do my best to provide. So everyone I want to hear from you! Big Hugs & Euro Kisses, ~Nadya~
Why when you need a photographer can you never find a professional one that isn't going to charge you an arm and a leg? Since I recently moved I have been contemplating good places to shoot and if I should consider getting someone to shoot my photos for me. Any thoughts? I love to shoot photos myself and like taking my own photos but, sometimes it is just nice to get someone else to do it. ~Nadya~
Web Designers
Hey everyone I was wondering if there are any web designers out there that can give me some advice and help. I want to get my site back up in the future but, right now I don't know if that is going to happen without some help. Any thoughts? ~Nadya~
Thinking About Dancing
Hey where are all my Massachusetts BBWS? I had posted earlier in my blog about wanting to take Dance lessons. Well I would love to go to dance class with another BBW or even see about getting an all BBW dance class together. So hit me up if you live in Massachusetts close enough to travel to Boston for the class. Who says Big Girls Shouldn't Dance!!! Hugs, ~Nadya~ So have you ever thought about taking dance classes? I use to take jazz classes when I was younger but, being the only Big girl in the class didn't make it easy. Also when you have a teach interested more in what she looked like in the mirror then her students made a big difference for me to. Anyways lately I have been thinking about going back and taking classes not only to learn something fun but, for a good source of exercise. Anyone got any suggestions about what a fun class to take is? Hugs, ~Nadya~
Massachusetts Bbws- Lets Dance!
Hey where are all my Massachusetts BBWS? I had posted earlier in my blog about wanting to take Dance lessons. Well I would love to go to dance class with another BBW or even see about getting an all BBW dance class together. So hit me up if you live in Massachusetts close enough to travel to Boston for the class. Who says Big Girls Shouldn't Dance!!! Hugs, ~Nadya~
Love ...
Songs I've Written...
The tender water falls upon your face You cry your tears of hardened pain The crow flies at a slower pace And it's all cause of a simple rain {chorus} You have the power to slow time down But the entire world doesn't know it You want to get to the time faster Which brings us that much closer to death I see you stand by the side of the river The bright sun glistens on the murky water Still I see your reflection shiver No more black cloud hanging over your head I watch the sweat bead roll down your cheek You turn your head from bad ideas Your spirit flows through the peaceful wind And washes away all the pain and sorrow {chorus} The gentle snow falls upon your tongue It's perfect form slowly melts away And all the children ask their mom to stay But we must leave, it's time to die {chorus} Let me know what you think... Feedback is GREATLY appreciated Locked Up(Part I) Locked in a c
Hey everyone come check this out website out it is and add me as a friend our tell me you are thier and i well add you as my friend anyone has aim hit me back Hello to let everyone know today is my birthday Sorry i havent not been on but the baby was in the hospital she just got out today so we where thier for turkey day also she is doing better i hope she is my pround and joy and then my grandamama had past away we had to go out of town for that she past away on nov 11 and then baby got sick
hmmmmm well this is a good subject to start with isnt it......but I dont do blogs ha ha
Music Videos
Old school thrash metal at it's finest... Final ProductI VoyagerEnemies of RealityNext In LineBelieve In Nothing
Lol ok so im a little lost on this site, HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP -=falls over and rubs her temples=- Weeeeeeee bedtime for bonzo, thanks to KevinW and his wife for GETTING ME ADDICTED to something else lol. Now i wont be able to sleep ever again....
Ramon's Blog
im sorry to all i use to talk to if you still get on here send me a messege let me know your still here so i can keep talking to ya and i will try to be back on here as long as i can plz leave comments on my videos i put them up for viewing and commenting so plz comment on my videos i woudl greatly appriciate it thanx Daddy's Poem Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow. Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home. Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone. But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home. But the little girl went to school eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees a dad who never calls. There were daddies along th
Just Me - If You Don't Like It Then Go On To Someone Else
A simple bitch will take you where you need to go. *A real bitch throws you her keys and says it needs gas in it! A simple bitch will tell you not to fight, it aint worth it. *A real bitch will say beat her ass and look at the crowd and say "NOBODY BETTER jump in". A simple bitch will let another bitch know she can back the fuck up or get knocked the fuck out. *A real bitch will just knock her the fuck out!!! A simple bitch tells you, she's had enough to drink. *A real bitch tells you we need another shot, we bout to get fucked up! A simple bitch goes to the club with you and sits down. *A real bitch goes to the club with you and says lets show these simple bitches how we do it. A simple bitch wonders who your new man is. *A real bitch know that mutha fucka's first name, last name , his birthday, where he lives, who he's related to, what kinda car he drive's, where he works, how many babies mama's he has, and how many bitches he is talking to right now!!! A simple bit
My Rants
a midnight sudden twilight... fell down beyond the ovean beach.. im reaching farther than i ever have befoere. leavingall who broke upon the shore. yea i may be some sort of carzy we may be some sort of crazybut i swear on everythign and morethat together we make the sound of pulling heaven down.. but u brought the rains romantic pour. i said together we make the sound of pulling heaven down. thankyou for bring this rains romantic pour.thankyou The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and its National Cemetery Administration prohibit graphics on government-furnished headstones or markers other than those they have approved as "emblems of belief." More than 30 such emblems are allowed on gravestones and makers in veterans cemeteries, from the Christian cross to the Buddhist wheel of righteousness. A symbol exists for atheists too. bullet 1. Latin Cross - Christian; generic. bullet 2. Wheel of Righteousness - Buddhist. bullet 3. Star of David - Jewish. bullet Other: Shown on the
i lay a wake and wonder at night what the price of all of our petty perceptions are love so often misunderstood and forgotten in the hurricane that is life the word that leaves dreams shattered on the rocks and hearts torn to peaces but if you have found true love real love then you holdd more treasure and power then any other person i have ever known and for that i am jealous of you in a way i am not sure you can comprehend i hope and pray for you and your love and pray that in this world of cruelty you make it and the light you carry with you i hope you make it shine as bright as the brightest stars what is it we do in the world around us what are we creating in our life?? and why is it we cant we just lett go of our iner hiding places? do people want to be found by tehr sor do we live i shells hiding from the light of who we are what is the truest weapon we have in our fight against the shadows of our souls? is it not truth in and of itself
Poem~ My Five Senses && You!!!!
Some Late Night Stuff
well its about 2 in the moarning, and i can't sleep. I'm board as fuck and i'm looking for anyone to talk to. Well a short story short i decided to write my first blog. I did it out of boardum and to see if anyone would read the blogs on my page if i made one so hear it is my first blog. I bet it sucked.
You are suave. You are attractive both psyically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire. 'What is your seduction style?' at Please HELP me SAVE 900 WOLVES : Sign the petition at this link PLEASE Spread the Word, Tell your contacts Friends, Families... HELP ME SAVE 900 WOLVES ONE SIGNATURE = ONE WOLF SAVED !!!HELP ME STOP THE MASSACRE!!! Idaho and Wyoming lawmakers are planning to slaughter hundreds of wolves if the federal plan to remove federal protections for Northern Rockies wolves goes forward. As many as 2 out of 3 wolves in Wyoming could be targetted with unlimited killing in some areas of the state. In Idaho, the state’s offic
Good Thing
I love Metal. I love Concerts. Please I want to go now. I think everyone should love Meshuggah. Wait I don't think, I know. Damnit. I get to see the famous Massive Attack in Chicago this Tuesday~~ YEAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm telling ya that is a once in a lifetime show.
helo to all i just wanted to say thanks for the love you have shown my page
Los & Lettes
damn guys this chik rox!!! she spends soooooo much of her time helping others!!! luv her as much as you can but dont forget, shes my cyberfiance!! lol mmfwcl4LYF KCFairies@ LostCherry mizz maddrox here is de one that brought me 2 de cherry!!! show her all de luv she can handle!!! mmfwcl KumstainTheJuggalette it takes a fam 2 make a fam!!! we're only as strong as our weakest link!!! we all need 2 work together to help our weak links & you are the kinda ninja that makes our fam a fam!!! mmfwcl4LYF === 'TWIZTID RHINO' spewed forth the following at '2006-09-25 00:56:52'.. > > thanx dawg. it's juggalos like u that help me keep going...mmfwcl4lyf...i mean it u the shit > > > === 'slingbob777' spewed forth the following at '2006-09-25 00:45:48'.. > > > > u fukin rok ninja!!! > > === 'TWIZTID RHINO' spewed forth the following at '2006-09-25 00:37:51'.. > > > > > > i've met alot of kewl people on lc. thanx fo the experience...i'm fukin hooked now...mmfwcl
Abit About Me
1. Ever punch someone in the face? YES 2. How old are you? 34 3. Are you single or taken? Taken (Married) 4. Eat with your hands or utensils? Depends what i'm eating 5. Do you dream at night? Sometimes 6. Ever seen a corpse? No Don't want too either 7. Have you ever wished someone dead? No 8. Do You Like Bush? No HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ... 9. Whats your philosophy on life? and death? Live it the best way you can. Not sure about death 10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know about it, what would it be? not sure what to say there lol 11. Do you trust the police? NO 12. Do you like country music? Yes Country music i love plus all sorts of other music i hate rap,jazz 13. What is your fondest memory of me? Not sure we havent talked much plus i have been sick 14. If you could change anything about yourself would you? My Tummy and Ass 15. Would you date me? No Just wanna be friends 16. What do y
Really Sucks
she died of a heart attack 1/14/08 between 6:30 and 8:30 tx passed away this morning between 6:00 and 8:30 the cause of death is unknown I left Austin in 01 after having to file bankrupcy to try and save my grandmothers house after she died.I still couldn't afford to keep up the mortgage on it so i sold it quickly payed off the bankrupcy and we left Austin moved to the Killeen area where houses where cheaper to buy. Bought a house there that turned out had so many problems,rat infestation, a leak we didn't know about till to late then find out the pipes n the house had some major problem and no plumper in town would touch them,then mold the bad kind toxic mold so we just had to walk away from the house. e had flat out payed cash for it and lost everything. We came back to Austin and had to move in with my then mother n law who is a bitch and made my life miserable daily,even would bad mouth me to my kids but my kids alays stood up for me. Out of the blue one night late she
Busy As Can Be
Hey my peeps...just thought I would let you guys know that I haven't forgotten about you guys. I have just been really busy. Between work and things I have been doing at home to get our place fixed up to get it ready to sell, I have been putting about 15 hours in a day. And believe you me the only thing on my mind at the end of the day is a hot shower and the bed. So anyhow don't think I have forgotten you guys cause I haven't. Well looking at the time its about that time again to get ready for work,...I just have one request. At least stop by and say Hi!!! I will say Hi back adventually. Well gotta go! Take Care...
Your Linguistic Profile: 45% General American English 20% Dixie 20% Yankee 5% Midwestern 5% Upper Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak? Advanced You scored 92% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 86% Advanced, and 60% Expert! You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score. Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it! For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age
well as u all no, my love life usually sux! but now its betta! i am so happy with my dude right now! i thought that this would never work, but i jus finally gave in. I am sooo happy that i did! i do not what i would do without him! he makes me complete! he keeps me with a smile on my face. he is sooooooo sweet! when im with him i fel so great, it is just him and me! i am so frakn happy i cant stop smiling! yah i no in my pics i may smile a lot, but thats juss not me!I frown adn grin but u rarely see me smile! i flirt i have fun but nothing makes me more happy than to be in his arms! He makes me wanna rall in love with him, which i think i truly have!I am trying to hold myself back, but it is so hard with this guy! i give into him so easily and taht is juss not me, but i gueese he brings out the best in me! i juss saw his B-e-a utiful face, and i am countig down time till i get to hold him in my arms once again! i am sooooo happy! smiles *chas*
My Greatest Fear Is...sept.25, 2006
PART ONE: Today's entry 9:26am Monday Sept. 25, 2006 Most people I talk to tell me that they have no fears of any kind other than the normal "fear of water, or fear of fire, or fear of being smothered" that type of stuff. I think that everyone has some type of fear of that physical aspect of dying that way. I know I have a fear of Snakes, especially boas or pythons that are big enough to eat someone like me for lunch. But those are just your normal everyday fears that basically are like the boogyman, you can usually get over them as you get older, or not as the case may be. It all depends on the person and their state of mind. Some of those fears never go away. For me the snake one will never go away, but that isn't my greatest fear. My greatest fear is, not knowing my greatest fear. Or rather not knowing what that greatest fear actually is. Even though I have an idea that something is not what is seems in the back of my mind, I always manage to push it to the furthes