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A Good Friday For All My Friends
Here's hoping you all had a better Friday than mine! Between the doctor, the pharmacy and the school I took a beating today. It's a long story that hasn't played all the way out yet, so I won't bore you. Anyway, everyone take care and have fun and I'll be back sometime this weekend.
Which Dragon Are You?
your dragon self (stunning pics and detailed results) You Are A Red Dragon, and, sorry to say, but this is bad! You are capricious, umpridictable, and greedy. You would travel very long distances to enlarge your treasure, and you would remember evry little coin and artifact in your loot. You live in caverns in hight moutains and consider anythings over 100km around your nest as your propriety. You hate humans and attack them as soon as they get in your sight. You will destroy and plunder the villages located on your territory and order the sacrifice of a virgin . You are are very fierce and cruel, but if a human gets to gain your trust(and if you didn't roast him before), you will be the best ally possible. You don't use a lot of magic, you are very smart and you breath fire.stone: rubyquote:"I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry" from Maxine Waters,you co
Beth's Blog
Yesterday was an amazing day. I don't know how else to describe it but... it was something I'll never forget. I was supposed to work the overnight shift on the 13th... but I got "iced" in at J's place. (Oh darn!!! lol) So, at midnight, I got to fall asleep in J's bed... and sleep curled up with him all night long. I awoke to him crawling up behind me whispering "happy valentine's day baby" in my ear. How wonderful! We spent the day together just doing the usual things... that's a treasure for us as our time is usually limited. We'd already exchanged our Valentine's gifts (J's notorious for wanting to do things early!! lol) and I was heading home to my children. He asked if he could take me out for dinner and I of course accepted. When he picked me up, his eyes sparkled and he said "I have a surprise for you." He could hardly contain himself and that made me 10 times more excited. Even though we were still driving along in the car... he couldn't wait!! He asked me to
i am lonely all over i hate >< men!!! (not really ilove men) but errrr they can really piss a girl off!
Al One. One Subculture On Group
Where has this raver chick gone? What is this behavior? Do you remember the gabber? Sorted basslines Spawn of disco Synthesizer sounds Speedcore Where has this raver chick gone? What is this Behavior? Tell me do you remember the GABBER! The credo of the rave culture The old skool The jaded The candykid The junglist All one One subculture One group One assemblage So tell me Where has this raver chick gone and what is this behavior
20 Things Girls Want Guys To Know!!!
Thoughts Of The Kitty-katt
Hmm.. Ya know I hate how I always seem to get myself in over my head. AND! I can never help it. It seems like anymore its out of control before it even begins haha! Curse me and my heart!
Just A Laugh
Ok here goes, I am asking my friends to help me to get to the next level. I only have 751 points to get there. I will return the favor, just ask. Thanks This elderly lady went to the doctor for a check-up. Everything checked out fine. The old lady pulled the doctor to the side and said, "Doctor, I haven't had sex for years now and I was wondering how I can increase my husband's sex drive." The doctor smiled and said, "Have you tried to give him Viagra?" The lady frowned. "Doctor, I can't even get him to take aspirin when he has a headache," she claimed. "Well," the doctor continued, "Let me suggest something. Crush the Viagra into a powder. When you are giving him coffee, stir it into the coffee and serve it. He won't notice a thing." The old lady was delighted. She left the doctor's office quickly. Weeks later the old lady returned. She was frowning and the doctor asked her what was wrong. She shook her head. "How did it go?" the doctor asked. "T
Lonliness- Can You Answer This?
Posted by another but so true to my feelings!! Breaking up with the person you love is a hard thing to do. Wether its just a few weeks or maybe years or maybe even just a few months. The tears have a tendency to fall like a river which flows freely. You feel like you have cried your last tear and you know deep inside that ya havent. The memories that you and I have shared will never be earsed but preserved between us forever. Memories that no one person could replace. We will not love one another like we use to, but as each day that passes I pray that we get back together As the days wear on I pray that we can look past our differences but as those days go by I lose that hope that we will be able to. Love is like an ice cube, it melts because it's to hot to handle or as a broken heart would do. A broken heart that just melts away, waiting to be repaired A broken heart that cries out to be mended but we both know in our heart that isn't going to happen. Though just rememb
I gave all the love my heart possessed, all the spirit my soul held dear. Asked for nothing in return and was given wicked betrayal to worthless tears. I trusted as no other could. Believed and hoped as Angels would. Crushed is my soul and torn is my heart for you deemed fit to tear us apart. The agony you wrought makes you smile but know without a doubt in your pitiful denial. My hatred and sorrow will not kill me yet, it will fuel my desires for you deserve what you get. A day will come when karma unfolds and I will watch as the story is told. My hand will not be reaching for you as it always has before. You've forfeited that courtesy for my ardor you ignored. My love and compassion are no longer yours. I have none left for your ignorant course. Your life you have chosen through all the lies and deceit. Now wallow in your emotionless misery and live it complete. A bed of roses I gave a bed of nails you made. I hope you enjoy the cold lonesome for your damag
April 12,2007
To all in my Familly,Friends,fans,etc.My comp not running well today.The amount of Cookies,History an the Crap that the CT installs on Computers these days,is unreal.Everyones Comments will have to wait.I must defrag an other Diagnostic Stuff. I'm not fealing to good right now.Pounding Headache,actually had it all night.An the Cat disrupting my Sleep didn't help either. Big Day today for PiperXylon,an Excellent member of my Familly.She has enterd herself in the Mothers Day Blast Giveaway.She's a very Sweet Gal,as all my Familly is.I hope,us as a whole can give her this Victory she so Deserves. But some of us being in Contest know.It's not always the Best or the Prettiest,cutest,kindest that Wins these things.It's the people whom have many Friends,or cash to pay for Blasts to help them win.So us as a Whole have our work cut out for us this afternoon.At the start of this Contest.I will be trying my Damnest to stay under the Radar of the Constant Barrage of Insults Directed at me
All Me Every Day
hey sweetie Im trying to win this contest so could you please go here and comment my pic thank you just click the picture just go there and comment my pic thank you!
And my backpack has jets, I bounty hunt for Jabba the Hut to finance my 'vette. I wanna see some of these ladies on here giving me access to their private pics.
Murphys Lesser Know Laws!
Murphy's Lesser Known Laws 1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 2. He who laughs last, thinks slowest. 3. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 4. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. 5. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool. 6. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong. 7. If you lined up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them, five or six at a time.... on a hill....on a the fog. 8. If the shoe fits, get another one just like it. 9. The things that come to those who wait will be the things left by those who got there first. 10. Give a man a fish a d he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer. 11. A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Nsfw Pics Are Reposted
I had to repost some of my NSFW pics becausse one was not marked and I was turned in, so in return I lost all the comments and ratings on them so if u would please go repost ur comments i would greaty appreciate it, thanks and have a good one!!!!!
A Date With A Giant...
A Date with a Giant Pen!sAdd to My Profile | More Videos
You are The Devil Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition. Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because
It's easy to start judging yourself by the world's standards, but it's ultimately unsatisfying -- like eating a whole bunch of cookies and then wondering why your body feels so lousy. Set your own rules and play by them.
The Photograph
Right now I believe I'm being tested. So are you. Is it right that a government can send our friends and family to some God forsaken hell hole but I can't write the word fuck in a newspaper editorial to be seen. I'm not saying the word in a context to which a child might see it, and if they do just so happen to see this word they should know what it is and respect it. Not just let it loose in a flurry of obscenity. Words are undefinable that way, and they're just not that effective. You see, we're human beings, and we've been put here for a reason. Some are to undermined the capacity of thought for other people. You're being told to shut up and you are. Good monkey. Now, go buy something and say to yourself, "The United States is a land of freedom." I've also heard the phrase, speaking of freedom, "Freedom isn't free." Well, if it isn't free, it isn't freedom now is it? Don Imus, don't really know the man, lost his job over his use of the phrase "nappy-headed hos" that was directed t
From The Mind Of A Broken Heart
The last few months have been really rough on me. I hate where I live, and the Person that I'm living with, & really not by choice, but for the simple fact I have no where else to go. I do everything around here that I would rather be doing the person that I'm actually In Love with. You would figure that the longer that I'm away from My Love the less I would Love him, but that's not the case. If anything I Love him even more. I miss the Touch of his hand on my skin, the feel of his Lips on mine, I miss looking into his Eyes & getting lost for hours. I miss being able to breath. What gets me the most is my 3 year old son. He misses his Daddy so much. Everyday when he has one of his play phone he talks to him all day. Every night when he goes to bed he swispers in my ear I Love Daddy. Now tell me that's not Heartbreaking. How do you tell a 3 year that he can't have the Daddy that he wants, because the Father that he has wants to be totally selfish, & only think about his Happiness??
How Time Has Passed
So what good things do we have planned for the holidays coming up ?? Cannot belive I am facing 50 on thursday ... Don't know where a lot of the years have gone .. Know I don't feel like people say 50 should ...
How A 7yr Old Descips Sex
You scored as Drow, You are a Drow, a very ancient breed of elf. They major in magicks. They very dark and mysterious and never trust anyone. Very shady, lonesome people. Lighten up and go to a party. You might meet someone special there... ^.~Drow100% Elf100% Faerie100% Goddess100% Wolf100% Vampyre92% Shadow Spirit83% Sorceress75% Dragon58% Zombie25% What ancient breed are you?created with !!!!!this is hi
So, I'm surfing through google, and I find a yahoo 360 page with my pix on it, which would be fine had the page been MINE.....which it isn't. I dunno what to do!!!! They have semi recent pix of me. This is a screen shot I took.........I have no idea who it could be. I have no idea why they would impersonate me. I mean there's nothing on the profile, but I didn't put these pix up. And I have no idea who the friends are, except that amazon lady is very familiar, I found her on Cherry Tap as well as a couple other people I know on Cherry Tap through her friends list. I dunno what to do, I already reported it. I'm waiting for a response. Because of this my profile is now private. This person updated the yahoo 360 profile on April 14, 2007. So I dunno.....what I do know is it's not me that posted that page.
I was just wondering if anyone enjoyed,celibrated,or observed 420!!!If anyone likes 420 in any shape or form hit me up!!! Thanks.
Every Now And Then
Every now and then, the light in a stranger's eyes pulls at the outer threads of my mind with a familiar tug... and I wonder... Every now and then, an unexpected, kind word from a complete stranger lifts a layer of sadness from my heart... and I wonder... Every now and then, a warm smile from a passerby, penetrates my soul... and I wonder... Every now and then, a kind gesture by a stranger restores my faith in the goodness of the human spirit... and I wonder... Every now and then, a chance encounter with a store clerk, a waiter or waitress, a construction worker, a crossing guard, a bus driver, a parking lot attendant, a mail carrier, a volunteer, a repair person, a ticket taker, a hotdog vendor, a stranger in any number of forms, shapes and sizes, has all the markings of the handprint of God... and I wonder... Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 NIV
Rating Same Sex
can you plez drop by and rate my pic and the sf thugs team plez and thank you just click on pic ok i click the "i`m bored" button alot i rate alot of pics, but why do i get the odd ass hole ask me if i`m gay? just cause you rate some ones pic does it mean i wana bend them over and plow them lol
Yea I'm A Proud Cajun
The Ten Commandments in Cajun... (Keeps it REAL Simple) 1. God is number one... and das' All. 2. Don't pray to nuttin' or nobody... jus' God. 3. Don't cuss nobody... 'specially da Good Lord. 4. When it be Sunday... pass yo'self by God's House. 5. Yo mama an' yo daddy dun did it all... lissen to dem. 6. Killin' duck an' fish, das' OK... people - No! 7. God done give you a wife... sleep wit' jus' her. 8. Don't take nobody's boat... or nuttin' else. 9. Don't go wantin' somebody's stuff. 10. Stop lyin'... yo tongue gonna fall out yo mouf!
20 Years Ago!
I have been reminiscing today about the good old days! Actually twenty years ago today I met my first foreign friend in the flesh. Her name was Minna Puurtinen, from Finland and I had been her penfriend for nearly a year. It was also my first foreign trip abroad on my own without any family. I stayed with her and her parents just out side of the Finnish capital of Helsinki. She is special in my memory as she was also my first girlfriend. Over the next eighteen months we managed to spend about ten weeks together. Not long really and nowhere long enough to have a proper relationship. Neither of us would commit to moving to either country full time. My shyness at the time did not help matters and we eventually decided to call it a day. We stayed in touch by mail for about another six months, we have never been in contact since. I guess the moral of this is that if anyone is going to attempt a similar long distance relationship then you must be prepared to make some kind of comm
Blog 1
Tag !
So the point of this game is to post a blog about ten weird habits/random facts about yourself, and then "tag" ten people who, then, have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. You have to tag them in your blog and then post a comment on their page saying that you tagged them. No tag-backs are allowed! 1. I dont like feet . including my own. 2. I have a fear of Deep Water,and drowning 3. I have been married twice , still married to the 2nd one 4. I have a birthmark on my Privet part. 5. I have 2 tattooes one just because some once told me i couldnt . 6. I love nature and animals of all kinds for those of you who got the joke 7. Ihave never been arrested ever ! 8. I shave my pubic hair off cant stand to have it. 9. I met my husband on the internet 5 years ago. 10. I think child molester's should be killed for the crime of mudering a childs inocents. killed because I was molested when I was 5. I'm tagging a few people!
Feeling It Comeing
we've had a short summer, here in montana. its not quite over, yet, but i can feel it. the nights are getting longer, colder, the days cooling off. and my heart waits, almost impatently, for the first gentle falling of snow. yearning for the muffled quiet and slow pace it will bring. a repreive from fathers demanding schedual. oh, goddess, bring it closer!
Thinking In Words
I want the kind of love where he will take me up to the local water tower and spray paint our names in a big heart facing the town. I want to go on picnics in the winter just so we can kkep each otehr warm. I want a man that resepcts that im not perfect but can come close at times. I want to know that when im gonna throw up because i drank too much that he will be there holding my hair up and talking me though it. I want to wake up next to someone that will look at me at my lowest and tell me that i am beauitful. I want to shiver just when i think about him becuase im so excited to see him. I want him to take risks with me. Go skydiving, cliff jumping. I want a guy that will talk to me at any time of the day. I want a complicated man. Im not so sure he exists, but you can always dream right? Erin To all the guys that ever treated a girl with disrespect, hear what that girl has to say. I may have good looks , doesn't mean you have to reassure me all the time that i am "sexy".
Pick your birthday month and read it, then repost with whatever you are... JANUARY = SHYNESS Fun to be with. Loves to try new things. Boy/girls LOVE you. You are very hott. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily
Football! Go Jags!
WOW! I just found out that My Jacksonville Jaguars Released Byron Leftwhich. David Garrard has been out performing him and Del Rio says felt that Leftwhich was lying to him about his injuries. That is just dumb. OF COURSE he was lying about how bad they were. That was evident by his play after returning last season. Why would he say, no coach I think I need to sit on the bench and lose my starting position to the guy who has been doing a wonderful job while I'm out. Leftwhich's contract is up the end of this year anyway and he has already stated that he would be leaving Jacksonville. I am only a little bitter than I have an unopened Leftwhich Jersey never to be worn now. I guess it can go next to the Brunell Jersey soon to be followed with Garrard. :) Only jersey I am proud of at the moment is Jimmy Smith. Prior to this event I was concered that Jacksonville's quarterback problem was going to hinder us during the season (that's right I said US, because I am obsessed like th
From No Where !!!!
from in my shadow i can see the world and in my shadow i am alone but then i feel it the slow caress of a hand upon my face the gentle clawing of my soul the darkness closes in around us and at the moment of heaven she is gone!!!! all that is left is the smell of her upon me and the flashing moments in my head haunting me like the voice in my head we are all one winged angel alone we fall together we fly !!! zombi
Have you ever wanted to be in a bomber family that rates their family members stuff???? Are you a helpful person when it comes to a bomber family??? I'm starting my own bomber family, I'm tired of being in a family that doesn't help it' s members. If your tired of the same join my new family Farenheight Bombers RULES FOR FAMILY 1. Must rate all family members stuff. Weather it be all at once or a bit at a time. 2. Must add/fan all family members 3. Must add founder to family 4. Must read founders blogs for contest updates. Please also comment if you can or can't help on the contest at the present time. 5. must join farenheight lounge our headquarters. I'm taking serious members only. If you join and I see that you aren't keeping up with the family I will remove you immediately. We are gonna be a bomber family, who will be helping family members and friends.
holla fubarians how you all doing on this fine day I was thincking to my self as people do theres not enough britsh on this site and more to the point me fellow welsh people I havent met one yet any way never mind who you are come n add me become a fan and a friend and I'll return tha favour laters come n rate my ugly ass hahahhaah
New And Exciting Night
My Wife last night found some Bandanna's while we where going through boxes. She thought it would be interesting if she blindfolded her self, before making love. We have done that a couple times before, so I wanted something new. So I started to kiss behind her neck while she was on her knees feeling her up, and took off her blindfold. She thought it was unfair that I took it off of her and I did not put mine on. I started to kiss behind her neck some more and moved her hands behind her back. With the Bandanna she used to Blindfold her self with, I tied her hands behind her back. And with my Blindfold, I tie her feet together. I moved and Grind with her body as she moaned even more, while I was kissing and bitting all over her body. Never was she more turned on. She bends over, arching her back and Glaring at me. I teased her for a while at first. Raking her back. Then Penetration. That Night, She moaned more then she has ever before during our whole time together. I guess being ti
What Each Kiss Means.....
Kiss on the stomach; I'm ready. -Kiss on the Forehead; I hope we're together forever. -Kiss on the Ear; You're my everything. -Kiss on the Cheek; We're friends. -Kiss on the Hand; I adore you. -Kiss on the Neck; We belong together. -Kiss on the Shoulder; I want you. -Kiss on the Lips; I love you. ____________________________________________________ What the gesture means... -Holding Hands; We definitely like each other. -Slap on the Butt; That's mine. -Holding on tight; I don't want to let go. -Looking into each other's Eyes; I just plain like you. -Playing with Hair; Tell me you love me. -Arms around the Waist; I like you too much to let go. -Laughing while Kissing; I am completely comfortable with you. ____________________________________________________ -----Advice; Don't ask for a kiss, take one. If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love.
Power Of Prayer
This morning I was woken by my best friend, calling about a man we both worked with. He has Stage IV cancer and he underwent surgery to remove his tumor yesterday. Overnight he had to MIs and is in a coma. He is not expected to make it. His cancer was detected late...only a couple of months ago. He is a good man with a good family. And I cried, and I prayed. Just now I read about a sweet little baby girl named Breanna, who passed away today. Her mother and grandmother are both members of Fubar and I reposted the bulletin requesting support for the family. I have never known a child that I've lost so I can't fully grasp the pain that Breanna's mom and grandmom are going through. But I do feel their pain, and I prayed. My mother called me this afternoon to announce that her divorce from my mentally, emotionally and physically abusive stepfather was finalized. She called to celebrate the end of an era of pain, self-doubt, and dispair. We shared, and I prayed. That prayer was in
Fake Profiles.
Hi there well here we are the second yr on this site who ever dreamed up the name fubar had to be drunk or stoned lol lol because when you search for this you can only pick it up by way of going threw cherry tap of course and I think we all agree cherry tap was better the name was better the site it self was better this 1 has way to many probs our profiles half the time are a mess some of us like me have lost out music and whats even worse is that some idiot marks some of our pix NSFW why and for what when you can see a guy at 3am in the morning with a fake default pic of him naked and his stuff stickin straight up in the air like hes been on viagra for 24 hours. lol lol I have noticed im sure you have too there has been alot more men on the site of later and some of them are posting fake profiles with girl pix for a default pic you can tell easy by the profile pic or even the lil pic box he has because theres only 1 pic and most of the time its some pretty girl and the rest of the
What I Would Give
What would I give your hand to clasp, Your tiny face to see, To hear you tiny giggle, to see your smiling face As the days that used to be. But some sweet day we'll meet again, Beyond the toil and strife, and clasp each other's hand once more In Heaven, that happy place
Check My Designs Out On Zazzle!
What Is Up????
OK SO THE ULTIMATE QUESTION IS HERE....WHAT IS UP WITH THESE GUYS? I MEAN SERIOUSLY ARE THERE NO REAL MEN OUT THERE THAT WANNA TALK OR DO THEY ALL JUST MAKE THEIR OWN PRESUMPTIONS ABOUT US WOMEN WHEN THEY TALK TO US? AND ISNT THERE ANYTHING CALLED A REAL DATE ANYMORE? OR IS IT JUST FUCKING NOW ADAYS? I MEAN I DONT THINK IM THAT OLD BUT DAMN HAVE THINGS CHANGED THAT MUCH? AND WHY IS IT A MAN DOESNT ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT ANYTHING THEY JUST BACK AWAY? I DONT KNOW MEN ARE MORE CONFUSING THEN WOMEN I THINK IN MY OWN DAMN OPINION. ANY COMMENTS ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING CALLED A MAN AND WHAT IS UP WITH YOU GUYS LET ME KNOW. 1. There is always someone else. no matter how good they are or make you feel, someone somwhere can do just as good or better. doesnt mean they're better for you though. 2. Nobody really wants you like that until someone else has you / Nobody really wants them until you have them 3. It's not about finding the right person, its about finding the person with th
The car pulled out onto the lonely stretch of I-54. The government had abandoned that slab of road along time ago. Now only desperate people and truckers used that route. There had been seven murders in the last two weeks on that road alone. Marek peered out through the windshield. "This will cut our time in half baby. I promise, we're safe." The Buick Century proceeded down the offramp and onto the road. Not a single soul was around. Marek and Laura had been traveling for days. They secretly hoped to elope in Vegas where Laura's mom couldn't reach them. She being all but 18 and Marek a rebellious 24 year old. The two of them knew it was love, but Laura's mom felt differently. The car proceeded without a hitch for about twenty minutes. The radio was playing a lonesome Hank Williams song and the hum of the tires against the road and lolled both into a comfortable haze. "Just think, a few more hours, and we will be Mr. and Mrs. Marek Tobins. No one can touch us t
A Friend....
Every single time I think of you my teardrops fall like rain...... Every time I close my eyes I see your face in pain then i think "Am I the one to blame?". I know its hard on you to see me go but I love and miss more than you would ever know. Although I did not go to far I sometimes wish I was still there where you are. 300 miles is a long long way but mom I will be visiting on Thanksgiving Day. You are my life, my friend, my MOTHER and to replace you there could be NO other. Although I know we are miles apart, I still carry you with me deep in my heart. Please dont forget that you are the best each night you lay your head down to rest! Mom I Love You & Miss You Love Your Daughter, Leslie A friend is someone you should never let go, carry them with you through rain, sleet and snow. Hold tightly to that feeling of knowing someone cares and keep in your heart that they'll always be there! Dedicated to Michelle aka: shatteredtiger friend of 11 yrs
The Parrot
Watch Out A burglar broke into a home and was looking around. He heard a soft voice say, "Jesus is watching you". Thinking it was just his imagination, he continued his search. Again the voice said "Jesus is watching you, Jesus is watching you ". He turned his flashlight around and saw a parrot in a cage. He asked the parrot if he was the one talking and the parrot said, "yes." He asked the parrot what its name was and the parrot said, "Moses." The burglar asked, "what kind of people would name a parrot Moses?" The parrot said, "the same kind of people who would name their pit bull Jesus".
Let's Chat!
And I must say it is addictive :) I went to sleep at 4am last night because I was glued to my computer :) Hi I really like this place, it's a friend of mine who forced me to discover it :) But I'm happy because I love to chat with people online! And this place looks really exciting! By the way you can reach me on AIM, my name is : cherry85pj I hope I am going to meet new friends here, let's have some fun together.
Contest For Promoting The Beer Bar Lounge!
Another promotion contest using fu-bucks this time! $100,000 a good amount and money will build as the lounge comes alive! This is a great lounge great music with no staff and so on to help make it into the best lounge on FUBAR! Send everyone to the lounge and have them subscribe and then leave a message at the bottom of the lounge! All these have to be followed to be tracked! Lets get this going! $100,000 fu-bucks at stake!! 12/12- 12-16 now til sunday at midnight eastern time! This is to help build The Beer Bar Lounge! The way it will work is between now and 12/9 sunday, whoever can send the most joined members into The Beer Bar Lounge will win. The way it will be tracked is that the members you have join will have to send me a profile comment telling me they joined the lounge and who brought them into the lounge! This way it is trackable to everyone so they know where they stand in the contest! I will verify they are members! Winner will recieve A blast, and 4 tick
Hello From A Litlle Wicca
Oh my my first exciting..... I am lookig forward to celerbating Yule this year. It will my first Wiccan celebration..however it calls for going Sky clad (naked) and I am not exactly sure I want express myself to nature, naturally. lol. Not to mention it is getting pretty darn cold outside. I surely do not want frostbite on my.............toes :) Blessed be and I will let you know how it turns out
Burning Desire
Beating hearts race, Undulating in Rhythmic unison; Needing to impart the Inescapable embrace. Nearer and nearer; Grasping in Darkened silence. Each gentle touch Seems dearer and dearer; In love, so tenderly, Repeating Eternally.
You are one sick person if you dont repost this i feel for you if this doesnt touch you because this is just wrong. read this. its disgusting Walking in my nighty; rubbing my eyes My fathers sitting on the sofa with his friend He pats the seat in the middle; i sit Shivering so cold; a quilt he lends "Jessy you love me dont you" a smile Their breathe spirts weep "Daddy you know i do; what is it?" He smiles at his friend; his hand creeps His friend takes my hand; looks me in the eyes Daddys creeping up my nightie; cold hands I try to pull his hand away; grip is strong! They look at one another; nod; something planned I feel my palms sweat; Daddys under my knickers "Daddy im going to bed! Night" Pulling again But there grip is to strong for weak me I look at both; and ask, who are these men? His fingers going up me; pulling away His friend leans forward; a kiss? Why? His toungue moving mine; my eyes squint Lean back and away; "Why are you doing this?" No
My Son Needs Help To Level
My Son wants to level and only has about 4200 to go.... I know there are Levelers out there that can help do this.... Here is the link to his page.. streetracer@ fubar
sorry people i dont have a pic on my profile yet dont have a digital camera
" I Need To Thank All For Bombing My Contest "
Dating 10 Commandments
10 Commandments for Dating – for Men 1 ) Thou shalt think quality, not quantity! It is best to take your time and focus on finding the right women for you, not on dating as many hotties as you possibly can. Your membership will be much more valuable to you if you use it to find your life partner, rather than to facilitate rabid serial dating. Word about that will spread, and women will not want to date you. 2 ) Thou shalt call a lady within 48 hours on a weekday or 72 hours on a weekend or holiday once you get her number. The sooner, the better, as she'll be expecting your call. If you don't connect on the first try, be sure to leave her one or more telephone numbers at which she can reach you. If you don't hear back from her within 48 hours on a week day, or 72 hours on a weekend. Never ask a woman out on a first date via e-mail. Remember women are auditory and fall in love "through their ears." A woman will bond with you more quickly if she can hear your voice.
T.l.c. (tender Lovin' Codependency)
This is a repost of my blog from 1/10/08. These are my original lyrics, slightly revised... T.L.C. (Tender Lovin' Codependency) I'm picking up the jagged little pieces you leave behind Every time you shatter, get broken and battered Yeah, it's a down and dirty job but I really don't mind 'Cause it's the only only thing that really seems to matter Now I don't want to find someone better, baby Just for you to be your very best With the shit you put me through it seems like lately You're really putting me to the test But I like it, baby 'Cause my heart just seems to seek The wounded and the weak, The damaged and the damned The failures and the fools, The breakers of the rules, The unfortunate man Fixin' you ain't fixin' me But it's what I live and breathe to do Forget my own pain, cause this is more than I can handle So how 'bout if I feel yours for you? I hope you appreciate all that I do Just where would you be without me? No one could ever love you
Please Help
I do not want condolences about this situation, I am posting this bulletin with a link that includes pictures of the man who murdered my 3 month old son in hopes that maybe someone has seen him somewhere....anywhere....please take the time to go to the link and watch the news video which includes a description of the car he was driving and his picture...If anyone knows anything at all, please dont contact 409-771-7488 please repost the hell out of this so as many people as possible can see this. thank you everyone this includes the news report video this includes a picture of the man who murdered my baby,2933,326785,00.html
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I'm shorter than everyone I know my age or older 2. I have OCD 3. I hate sea food and chinese food! It will make me throw up! 4. I'm blind in my right eye 5. I have lock jaw 6. I can bitch about everything! 7. I have to have the air bag disabled in my car bc I'm so short 8. I sing ALL the time even though I cant sing 9. I'm spoiled to the core 10. I cant lay flat on my back bc my butt is too big The people I've Tagged: 1. cejay203 2. Tcash 3. Jimmy Swagga 4. Alchemist 5. H2
My First Contest (please Join)
I'm Having A New Contest! Wanna join? You could win a 30 Day V.I.P. All you have to do is be the first person to get 25,000 comments in 2 weeks. Also I will be giving away a 3 Day Blast to the person that can get the most rates on their contest picture and the person who gets the second most rates will get 250,000 Fu Bucks. Now for the Rules. 1. No NSFW Pics 2. No Fighting or bashing other contestants. 3. Keep It Clean & Fun 4. Bombing Is Allowed and Encouraged. 5. If there is a problem with Fubar. The contest will end and no winner will be awarded. 6. For grand prize winnings you must achieve 25,000 comments in the time limit of the contest. 7. Contest will start on Feb.19 @ 9:00 A.M.Central Time and will end on Mar. 04 @ 9:00 A.M. Central Time. I will be accepting Entrants till Feb.19 at 11:00 P.M. Central Time Mark Murderous ♥ ((Fu Owned By Jeniwren, Mafia Princess, & I Am A Fukin Princess))@ fubar (repost of original by 'Mark Murderous ♥ ((Fu
Taken Too Soon
Bill "Butch" Rigg 11/22/71 ~ 3/10/90 March 10,1990 one on the most important people in my life passed away. He was taken from us way to soon by a hit and run driver. I know some may say get over it already. But my last words to my brother were "I hate you." When in fact I didn't know that Hate was such a horrible word and would haunt me for the rest of my life. I had made a promise to my brother 2 weeks before he was taken from us To this day I have honored that promise and that was to not do drugs. This is the way that I have made peace with myself for the horrible words I said to him. The following songs are those that bring memories of my brother flooding back to me everytime I hear them. Listen to them don't listen to them, I just ask you one thing tell those that are close to you that you love them everyday. Because my bro introduced me to the Beastie Boys and this is one song that well he loved!!! Boys II Men ~Its so hard to say Goodbye to Yesterday ~
Product Launch Formula 2 Affiliate Click Here To Read A Product Launch Formula 2 Review As a Product Launch Formula 2 Affiliate you get to show others wonderful and real case studies of people who used the system to make some real good money. The first one is with Neil Stafford, who’s niche is teaching parents how to teach their kids to play soccer better at Their launch did almost $10,000.00 selling a low-priced instructional DVD. Chuck Smith did a product launch for a low-priced product in the “quilting” niche - it did approximately $3000.00, and then he followed that up almost immediately with another $4,000.00 launch. Kyle Battis did a launch of a $10 per month membership site in the “personal fitness” niche. The launch generated a continuity income of $15,000.00 per MONTH. product launch formula, product launch formula 2, product launch formula 2 review, product launch formula 2 download, product launch formula 2 affiliate, produ
Help me i have been signed up for fubar for about 3 months and im at a level 3 please help me level up thanks
~her Paradise~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Her Paradise~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring me to her paradise a feeling of within, naked to her loving eyes caressing me with sin I long to feel her softest kiss upon my dampened skin Bring me to her paradise, and let our bodies meet the trickle of the rain outside would shower us with heat, I wish to be her fantasy and make our love complete Peace.
Cum Out N Play
what is fubar all about making friends or sex
Pearly Gates
So anyone that knows me from "that other site" knows that I love to blog about serious stuff. Mother Nature and the Earth, Demons and such...But since this is my first blog on "the cool" site I thought I would start out with a joke... So here it goes!. Dolly Parton and Queen Elizabeth both die on the same day and go up to the Pearly Gates. St. Peter was standing there ready to greet them. St. Peter informs them that Heaven is filled up for the day and there is room for only one more person. He tells them that whoever can prove they are the most worthy can enter Heaven and the other would have to go to Hell. So Dolly starts thinking about this...."What can I do to prove I am more worthy of entering Heaven than this wonderful old woman that has ruled lands and did sooo much good while she was on Earth"? She ponders on this for a few minutes and comes up with an idea...She rips open her shirt and shows those huge tits that everyone has been wanting to see for many years.... "Wow"
Poem About Depression
depression leaves me down it leaves me feeling lost friends they leave my side and left me feeling crossed time just takes it's toll the dark times take a hold sitting near gods flame feeling only cold looking at the sky then glancing to the floor then asking God this question what is this life for telling of a place that light won't show the way begging god to take me then begging him to stay writing words of rage inside the soul I tell lost inside the life lonely in my shell standing just to fall again sinking in depression telling in my rhymes the thoughts of my confession
Stupid People
Now some people are really stupid!!!! Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die. This is so priceless, and so easy to see happening, customer service being what it is today. A lady died this past January, and Citibank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance had been $0.00, now somewhere around $60.00. A family member placed a call to Citibank. Here is the exchange: Family Member: 'I am calling to tell you she died in January.' Citibank: 'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.' Family Member: 'Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.' Citibank: 'Since it is two months past due, it already has been.' Family Member: So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?' Citibank: 'Either report her account to frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!' Family Member
A Little About Me
Well what can i say......Im 29 i live in chatham illinois,(springfield area). I have 2 kids from 2 previous relationships, who do not live with me. I love to party, fire it up and bottoms up! I also love pit bulls, as u can see on my myspace ( ).I am all about the pain, so i love my peircings and my tattoos. I play plenty pf ps3, and i love music. I listen to everything cept country, thats hit is garbage. If you guys like rock music and comedy, check and, the disasterradio.ent has a cam chatroom where u can chat and listen, and of course find me most of the time.I dont take too much shit from ppl, so some call me an asshole or a dickhead, but i feel im very easy to get along with. If you want to know anything else, just ask. Im a pretty open person
Tools * 1 piece of paper: large enough for you to print the full name of your enemy * A refrigerator: 1 ice-cube tray or small plastic bottle Instructions The following spell is to freeze the negativity sent by an enemy. It is an ancient spell that is very potent. If you cast it you can rest assured you will certainly stop the antics of your enemy, Without Harming Them! This spell can be cast at any time and during any phase of the moon. Step 1: Print the name of your enemy on paper. If you don't know your enemy's name, just print: ”ALL MY ENEMIES” Step 2: Place paper in ice-cube tray. Step 3: Fill ice-cube tray with water. Place in the freezer compartment of refrigerator. As you place the tray in freezer repeat this verse: “Stay there and freeze for as long as I please”. Step 4: Leave name in ice until danger is past. Do not allow ice to thaw.
Poetry Contest!
Dear Poet, Do you have a passion fro writing poetry? Do you feel that your poem is worth the ten thousand dollar prize? Then I urge you to follow this link and start your way to winning ten thousand dollars. Sincerely, Charlotte McFarland Poetry Ambassador
i found out i was on my bday...what a present huh? thats when everything got fucked up... everything was fine until i got this way now everyone fucking hates me... i told my bro in FL n he actually asked me if i did this to prove a point and said that i cant take care of myself so how could i take care of a kid...that basically proved to me that i cant tell anyone now...i dont even wanna think about what my mom would say... and the dude im with says he loves me but shows me so much hate every single day... im getting sick and tired of his ''temper tantrums'' or whatever, its like dude u wake up everyday at noon if not later, bitch n moan, tell me to get the fuck outta ur house every other day, and u dont plan on getting a job...and might go to jail next monday... wow i love being treated worse than a piece of shit.....not. ive had fuck buddies treat me better than this...and im prego on top of all the BS so i hurt, im sad, depressed, rarely happy, and supposed to be miserable everyday
To My Sweet Juliet
here's to my juliet i feel no regret for all the times we spent in this abyys called the world ---- and here's to my father jesus christ don't even bother to apologize for all of the atrocities to me and mine... ----- so with the happy dagger lodged within her perfect breast the poison in my little vial will put my feelings to the test ------ and so i raise my head up high and i let out my tortured battle cry your romeo will not survive here's to my sweet suicide ------ hello my friend adeu again i murder myself tonight so with your blade held high salute this twisted lullaby ----------
My Midget
Who Wants To Own Me
hey i seen several people are hosting a auction on thier pages so im gonna do it this way a lil defferent. Place your BIDS ON ME HERE!! The highest will get to own me for a month ill offer all my 11s to your pics owned by you in my name pimp you out on my profile and in my blogs and i will add you to my family all of this for one month if the bid gets high enough i will add some more to this Also i am BI so Men & Women Place your Bids Now Place what you will bid in a comment on this blog ty
About Our Babydolls
We are looking for some of the BEST women on FUBAR!Someone that is willing to go on cam and have fun,nothing dirty unless thats what you want. All our lovely Babydoll's will be protected by the best security there is. If you are interested in become a babydoll or Security @ either lounge please click the banner above and send me an email. We are lookin for lots and the 1st 10 sign up's(BABYDOLLS ONLY) will recieve a 25k-50k sign on BONUS!Hope to see you soonMANAGEMENT AT:WOLFPACK LOUNGE && BODY HEAT!
Our Government At Work...
This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries regarding a pond on his property. It was sent by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality, State of Pennsylvania. This guy's response is hilarious, but read The State's letter before you get to the response letter. State of Pennsylvania's letter to Mr. DeVries: SUBJECT: DEQ File No.97-59-0023; T11N; R10W, Sec 20; Lycoming County Dear Mr. DeVries: It has come to the attention of the Department of Environmental Quality that there has been recent unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel of property. You have been certified as the legal landowner and/or contractor who did the following unauthorized activity: Construction and maintenance of two wood debris dams across the outlet stream of Spring Pond. A permit must be issued prior to the start of this type of activity. A review of the Department's files shows that no permits have been issued Therefore, the Depar
Broken Wings
No Prayer For Me Angels in humility before man Put here by His hand Ever watching, ever crying Wailing well unto those upon high Is there a prayer for me? Stumbling thru darkness, cutting myself upon stones of life Knowing it to be all a lie Unto the Lords they cry O how they cry But Angels in humility are known by all for their crimes O God, as am I No prayer for me, I dwell for naught And upon deaf ears, do they cry For in darkness there dwells a pit Covering the abyss with more lies. For in His eyes we have all died.
I have just come back from my holiday to Britiande, Portugal. It was fantastic its a small town in northen portugal, deep in the mountains. There are lots of bars to visit, and a shop there with a beautiful girl helping her parents in their shop. I will upload pictures of the area tomorrow but right now I am heading to bed.
Fubar's Diamond Girls Club
Fubar's Diamond Girls this is for both male and female rate atleast 50 of these pictures, you can rate all if you like then r/f/a all members then send a PM marked Diamond Girls to TotallyHugeObsessedMCFanatic4life Owner: ~TotallyHugeObsessedMariahCareyFanatic4Life~@ fubar Co-Owner VolfiremaninPa L.U.V. Club Co-Founder, Honorable Society of Wolves Family Member@ fubar Manager: DJ_Irish_Prince D.S.C. 4 Life@ fubar Girls: ?JEN?@ fubar
I Just Love To Be Nude!
I received an email a couple of days ago from a lady (name withheld upon request) and after a few conversations she said it's ok for me to post this. She is in North Bay (god....alot of horny ladies in North Bay...maybe I should move....but then it's only an hours drive for me...I'll go there in a heartbeat for sexual fun). This lady is planning an all girls weekend and she wants it to be exciting and fun. She and her friends have seen my pics on NN and have read my blog entries. They thought they'd message me and ask if I would be up to what they have discussed. Here's their plan............ They want me to come up on a Friday (date to be determined) and be their entertainment for the weekend. She wants to shave me everywhere except my head and "landing strip" and my arms (my request since I wear short sleeve shirts at work). For the daytime I will be clothed and serve as their waiter, but after dinner she and her friends want me naked and true to my other cfnm blog entry on
Who Am I
Well to start with i am here in mobile al. but i came from upstate N.Y. i was a cop for 6 1/2 yrs and also a seabee in the navy reserves. i served in desert storm where i came back without so much as a paper cut and got shot on the job at home. (if i like you i'll show you the scares) i retired in ny and lead a life of a ship yard supervisor now (knowones shoots at me here) i am into differtent things (oh ya did i mention my spelling sucks) i am 42 but my brain thinks its 25 just wish the body could keep up but if you want to know anything ask BUT i don't blow smoke if you don't want to know then don't ask!!!!
Casablanca Is Gone
Bogey has fled the site. Of all the gin joints in all the world I had to walk into the one with the obviously highest number of faked profiles by "studs" and "sluts". The irony is a true young woman hit me up and I am willing to break my rules of adult fun with online site members as a birthday gift...and as confusing as this site is, she will probably never get my message and just like in the movie I'll spend the night with a coctail, black jazz piano player and as I don't do men the dark night will have another friend so let down by sites like this I will just let the bottle drink me for the night. As time goes by....................... Giving away love has become usual for me.
It starts with the simplest thought of you. Like the wings of a bird that thought sends my mind into the sky drifting between the clouds. I look up and a picture of your smile is imprinted in my mind. You free me from the stresses of reality. When I think of you I am no longer a part of this world. My passion for you is the greatest high. Your love is my drug. I am dreaming. Floating deep in nothingness no restrictions or rules or boundaries to hold us back. The only thing that is, is what we want to be. Everyday I close my eyes and let my mind paint the perfect picture of love. I meet you everyday in this perfect place, for this perfect love. When it is done, I open my eyes not to disappointment but to another day of hope to see you again.
Pimpou For Star
Can You Wait
Can you wait for a solider ! Whatever happened to ' If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all' Shouldn't this apply even more so for military wives. Can civilian people even begin to understand how it is . You can't just walk in to the other room to vent at your husband. You can't pick up the phone and call them. You have miles between you and it will be months before you can have the comfort of their touch. Why would you pick on someone like that? Why would you kick someone when the are already down? What happened to being nice. Not setting out just to hurt someones feelings. It makes me so sick to see people causing trouble for these families. They are going through enough! Let them be! Leave them alone! Find another hobby. Don't hurt people just because you can. That does not make them less of a person but it does make you. You should feel ashamed of your self to kick these people while there down. It is not right and they have have people wh
About Skull
i'm funny,night owl nice,tooooo nice sometimes,i have to stop letting people take advantage of me.thats the price i pay for being too nice to female friends says i'm good with children,but i don't have any of my ex got pregnant nine months before july first,i was planning on moving to p.a. til called me,told me she was i stayed in jamestown til aubrey was born,july first,11 pounds,2 and a half broke my heart when she said aubrey wasn't my little angel.after aubrey and i had a connection with each other,she would always fall asleep on my now i'm very patient about starting a more falling in love to have it thrown back in my face.i'm also protective of women,cuz i don't like a so called man who puts his hands on a woman or hit a woman.thats why some of my female friends call me when they think their man is going to hit them.other than that i'm a fun guy to hang with.
If Tomorrow Never Comes
please come join us at rawkmyworld....... where all the fun is... it is a great room we just need ppl to join us and make it even more fun
Where Am I ?
i am hardly on here. i am used to Myspace and yahoo. if you wanna get up with me or get to know me better the best place to go is myspace. my page is
I Love Toys
I have been into adult toys for around 10 years now. I have always enjoyed making sex better. I used to have a male ego issue about adult toys, but come to find out it is the best thing that has happened to me. I would suggest everyone enhance their sex lifes it has saved my marriage. I have recently opened a adult store online and I really enjoy the fact that I am making someones sex life better! I just wanted to pass on that you should try it if you already don't. Enjoy, and thanks for reading! ipleasureyou.
You Are Not Allowed To Use My Answers!!!
YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE MY ANSWERS!!!Your first answer....quickly! Forward to your friends and don't forget to send it back to me. Remember, you can't use the same answers as the person who sent it to you.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Name two things you use in the shower: Touch Myself ;)
Ppl Piss Me Off!!!
I got on today and checked my messages..from someone who dont know me, and whom i've never talked to before wrote this to me!!
Guitar Lesson
Guitar Lesson
Stamps Collecting
I am kind, honest, understanding, generous, down to earth, open-minded, simple. I like to do anything with someone special. I understand that making a relationship always takes time and it usually starts from a friend relationship. stamps collecting sports memorabilia topical postcards old currency thematic stamps
This is a test (from me and to myself) to see how well I know myself. Obviously I know my name. (I choose not to tell you my real name though) :) I know my age. (though I could be lying about that too ^_^) I know where I live. (Okay I definitely lied there lol, pick one out of my photo albums... ^_^) I know that I hate school, but some things are fun like the electives. Its hard though. Criminal Justice for example, is hard but interesting. Im on my last year of english but it suckssss. I'm stuck on math and may have to do some credits at Adult School to finish up my math credits in an easier way. I wanted to do a blood drive but I don't know where to look for people who are interested in helping. I get headaches alot. I smoke ... and I drink alot. I have as much fun as I can. I take whatever opportunity sounds good to me, if it seems like a once in a lifetime chance, or taking whatever I can get. Bad things have happened to me... but lets not go there. I try to focus on the good, bu
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Top 10 Questions On Obama's Afghanistan Strategies
President Barack Obama will announce his new Afghanistan policy tonight at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York.
Holiday Ethics Guidence
My Big Brother
Thoughts And Rambles Of Txrose
Are You Kinky
Wax play is the topic for this week ,have any questions on the how to and why for please ask... Has anyone ever asked you the question ?
Lets Us Remember All That Loss Their Lives
They All Have a Job 24/7 To Protect And Serve And Sacrifice So Much ... But That Is What They All Have Chosen To Do.
How To Make Your Own Skin?
The first time it happened I was flabbergasted. I could not "like" anymore, and liking is one of the main goals here in my opinion. Curious to know what it was, I asked it on my profile. Not long after asked it I got an answwer, there is a maximum to "liking"per day. That maximimum is a 1000 likes. Yes, if I am informed well, 1 thousand likings a day. Tonight it happened to me for the third time this week. I think I need to see my Fysiotherapist this week for my arm LOL. Has anyone have the same experience of hitting the maximum rate? Today I got blocked by a member here. Normally I first Like and rate before I polish. Last evening I came home and had a profile comment letting me know that someone was insulted by polishing without rating and liking. I wanted to apologize, but could not cause I was blocked. In some opinions you are not allowed to make mistakes. You get blocked. It says more about the person who hit the block button than about me. I don't envy them. I wish them a nice ti
A Die'n Breed (we The Nice Guys)
I Love This Site!
This site makes me gasm!! Go here and take a look at something else thats awesome! Clicky!
A Passion Inside.....
You say Im a nympho , a sexual freak , a i ahve sexual craves that are so unique . You know I can do everything great , when you hit that spot you know its not fake . The sound of my moans , make you wild , like a kid in the candy store, an untamiable child . You know you love it and want some more , you know you crave it its something to adore . The way it drips when it gets so wet , light the candles , the mood is set . The motion of my body is so insane the way my words get in ya brain . Let me give you all my affectin , let me feel ya true man erection . You r bady is so warm , so soft , so sweet , , put my back on the wall , lift me off my feet . Well in due time you will see what I meam but a this moment I will wait for my fantasy ..... Along the walls of my heart I feel , a passion thats so hard to explain . Its an urge that just cant fade away . you can see it in my eyes what I am thinking , you can tell my body just what I want to do . This passion is more than the sexual enco
Gotta Love It..
F U@ CherryTAP
My Boy
My Contests
New Contest I am in: Just click on the picture below to go to page and bid/rate. 6. ~*Angel Eyes~* Up for offer Added to family for a month Put owned by ____ for 1 month Top friend for 3 months 1 personal salute(sfw) Pimpout bulletin once a week for a month Added to page for 1 month All Pics, Blogs And Stash Rated My Yahoo ID ( If The Person Doesnt already Have It ) If bid includes 7 day blast or 30 day blast or Vip Membership 10 personal comments a day 3 personal salutes 1 almost nsfw salute slave to you for 2 months Crush of you For A month Personal access to My Webcam For A Month (As a added bonus- a fu marriage, fu slave or fu master to it depending on there preference. I can be Sub or Dom. And a personal visit to them if they are single if the guy or gal is local or wants to be friends I can throw in a personal number after 1 month of chat Thanks for showing the love. Angel Eyes This will be my first official con
The Vampiric Origin Of Alexziq
LOL, the subject's a little missleading but the statement is accurate. Ive stated before that "Alexziq" is a letter play on my last name "Aleksich" taken from the Slavic "Aleksic". The Origin of name Aleksic in Serbian actually means "Son of Alexander", and that refers to Alexander the Great of course. To those that dont know the true history of the origin of the vampir, Ill fill you in. The Vampir legend was started by people of the Orthodox Christian faith and the Serb peasants of the land in what is now known as Serbia, and Romania. The Orthodox church looked up to Alexander as a great hero who defended the Church and fought the Muslim armies. Time passed and so did Alexander but the Sultan, and Muslims forces continued to fight their way through Serbia, and Romania to Greece. A great defender of the Church arose known as " Vlad Tepech". Vlad and the Romanian, and Serbian nations, along with the Orthodox church formed "the Order of the Dragon" a knighthood of soldiers loyal to
Survey- Project For Marketing
Survey 1) What would you do if all privacy were suddenly gone? 2) If a camera could see anyone anytime, and it was invisible to the naked eye, would you watch? 3) If you could watch anyone anywhere, even yourself, without them knowing you were all the way at home, who would it be? 4) a) How often would you watch anyone at any given time, anywhere across the world, including yourself, and they wouldn’t know you were watching? b) Someone in the past under the same circumstances, how often would you view them? 5) What if there was a way to see what someone did so lying would be impossible? 6) How would you feel if someone watched you when you breed, eat, sleep, but you wouldn’t know they were there? 7) If Religion were proven to be a myth, an old story, would you want to believe it? 8) Would you want to know what your ancestors did in the past? 9) Would you watch your past again and again if you could? 10) If we could inhabit another planet, without endanger
After stumbling out of a bar, I started to cross the street at the cross walk because I am such a grade A citizen. As I take one foot off the curb, I hear this sound of tires grinding across the payment. I turn to look over my shoulder and I see this silver lancer coming right at me, but it’s not the vehicle laying rubber on the pavement. Frozen like a deer in headlights, I try frantically to get out of way. As the lancer gets closer I can see the person driving, it looks like she is practicing her “Rocker” squint in the rear view mirror. As her shrunken head hanging from the rear view mirror sways back in forth, she realizes that she is going to hit me, she slams on her brakes and swerves to try and avoid me. But it’s too late… she slams into me and I go flying… her car finally comes to a complete stop 20 yards past me, then I see the reverse lights come on and she starts to backup. As I am feeling relieved that she actually stopped, she runs me over again. Now I
Why Is It??
Why is it that when you find someone you really care about n wanna be with it never seems to work?? Why is it that everyone else finds true love n when i think it comes to me it really isnt?? I dont know what else to do anymore...i wanna love someone i want someone to love me! I just want to take care of someone n be with that one special girl for the rest of my life...Ever sence i met my ex i thought it was true love but then shit happened n i didnt know anymore...I had a good thing for me n i fucked it up! I dont wanna be alone anymore i wanna feel loved i wanna love someone...i just dont know what to do or think anymore! Im depressed n always cry myself to sleep at night bcuz im alone n have no one to talk too. i just want to give up on everything, on life, on love...i just dont know!
Another Joke. :-)
Offend Everyone, some old, some new *What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball? * * ** * *Juan on Juan * * ** * *What is a Yankee? * * ** * *The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. * * ** ** ** * *What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover ? * * ** * *The position of the dirt bag * * ** * *Why is divorce so expensive? * * ** * *Because it's worth it. * * ** * *What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over? * * ** * *Doughnuts * * ** * *Why is air a lot like sex? * * ** * *Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any. * * ** * *What do you call a smart blonde? * * ** * *A golden retriever. * * ** ** ** * *What do attorneys use for birth control? * * ** * *Their personalities. * * ** * *What's the difference between a girlfriend and wife? * * ** * *10 years and 45 lb
2 Blogs From Elsewhere
Home | Blogs The Fussy Lonely Aries 1-2-07 Once upon a Time,I was on these Socializeing sites to meet a new soulmate.An if I wasn't so damn perticular,I would have.Actually I did,but I wasn't ready yet.I wasn't ready to let go of the past.As my ex couldn't find anybody,who new what he was doing.After 5 months of being kicked to the curb,she re-enterd my Life as my Lover only.An it was damn good.But now close to 7 months of Abstinence,I feel I am ready.But unfortunately I'm still Fussy.An all past relationships were based on great sex.As I've Matured these last 7 months,sex is nolonger that important,as it once was.I still preffer petite an thin,for mind boggling orgasmic delight.But I will settle for other than I preffer.For great Sexual Compatability,u should be a Sagittarius,Aquarius,Gemini or another Aries.For companionship maybe the same. _________________________________________________ The Past Few Months First of Sept.06.Labor Day weekend.Went Camping with my e
The Best Hair Stylist
i know is right here on cherry tap she is good at want she does she did my hair cuts a many of times and made me look good i wish i had the talent she has. And the money to put her in her own shop cause she works so hard and deserve's her own bussiness so once i hit the lottery i will do everything i can to make this happen for this specail someone. just wanted to say keep up the hard work and i hope you will like what i wrote.
* Beautiful Nature Of Compassion *
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." -- Albert Einstein
Wow! Thanks For All The Comments And Messages! I Need A Little Time To Figure It All Out, But I Will Reply Soon! Again Thanks!
Well, I've only been on this site for a couple of hours and still looking around. Everyone has been so sweet and wonderful. Please give me a little time and I'll get it all figured out! Thanks and please feel free to comment, etc.
Stupid People Getting Hurt
Stupid Ass PeopleAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Sorry to all my friends and fans I have neglected. I will be back on Cherry Tap soon. Miss you all .
To All Tracys
hello im just looking to just see how many tracys are on here so i am adding every single tracy who will accept.guy or girl it doesnt matter i just want tracys so if your a tracy please add me thanks that is if you put me as a fan ill do that same
Nothing Special
So I'm new here on CT. I have had an account for awhile but i just got busy and forgot about it. :-p But i'm back and i want to meet cool people. People that share interests with me and music stuff i can talk to them about. I'm pretty easy to get along with so don't be afraid to chat with meh!
My First Contest
click on the pic and leave lots of comments
Need Lots Of Comments/fans
i made this video...its about pete man...and thats who most of the pics are watch it to the last second PLEEZE...its got like the end titles and stuff and it took a LONG time to it a good one...comment me and tell me if you like it or not...and i might make another one if you guys think its good or gonna put it on my mumms laters, celeste Hey guys...first blog entry here...and I need your help...i need as MANY fans/comments as stop by my page and comment me and then become my ttygl...LATERS, Celeste
Life In A Prayer
In This writing I will try to focus on the thoughts and feelings provoked by those who are single moms. As a child, I remember the struggles of my own mother, her nights alone, and her tears, many of which were put there by us unknowingly. I have met many wonderful people who I consider my friends though this medium. Many are or have been single mothers. For you I have the most respect. Your challenges are many and the only rewards you may see are in the eyes of your children. My heart goes out to all of you. So in an effort to touch you and let you know that you are not placed here upon this earth to only struggle, I reach out to you. You are the true angels of this world and you show us here on earth a little piece of heaven. My hands reach out to my keys tonight as I write................. Life In A Prayer Hands come together On bended knee Fingers couple Knuckles almost white The pressures of today come together With unspoken words To a higher powe
Good & Evil Mere Concepts Of Morality!!!
OK, this concept came to me as I was reading different things on-line, both on CT and other places. We have things in our society that is counted as illegal, or against the limitations set down by whatever religious bonds you may have placed yourself in. Yet how does that justify labeling it wrong, or right? We have laws that are still on the books in some states that say its illegal for me or anyone to practice witchcraft. I think it would take a severely anti-pagan official to attempt making any arrest or fines based on this old law. Yet we also have laws guiding the use of substances. It seems perfectly OK that solid or liquid drugs, chemically altered materials, and filled with "may cause" warnings can be legal. Yet such things as marijuana, shrums, or even peyote are made illegal. Thus we have the War On Drugs telling us these things naturally made are just as bad and illegal as these other drugs such as meth, E, heroin, and the such. A case could be made for both sid
Contest Now Open
/"> The Altament DJ contest is now open. So come and vote for you favorite DJ, in hopes they will win. There will be a top male DJ and a top female DJ. So make your votes count. Contest ends at the end of the month at midnight central standard time. font size="8">CONGRATS TO THOSE THAT WERE NOMINATED. AND GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL. HERE ARE ALL THE OTHER CONTESTANS THAT ARE ENTERED AS WELL. GOOD LUCK TO ALL.
Explain This To Me?
JustanotherIdguy: "Never let someone be your priorty, while allowing yourself to be thier option" Ok... Valentine's day just passed and hopefully it is time for people to get back to being normal again. Why is it, on Feb 14th, people get all mushy and goo goo eyed over someone? I would think that if you really loved someone it would be every day you were all mushy and goo goo eyed? But then again, I am not sure what love is in the first place, I think it is just a gimmick to sell lots of candy and flowers for when you really piss that someone off, or it is their birthday, or VDay, and let't not forget the most important gift giving day of the year.. Christmas. Ya know.. I am sick of the commercial holidays, and would like to have someone in my life that just being around them was a gift, every time I was around them. Someone to enjoy and laugh with.. and walk thru life with. I guess that is an awful lot to ask for in this commercialized society. I can't seem to find that partne
The Story
So, I have a story that wants to be written. I don't care if you like it, it's just there and needs to come out. The story is about a girl, and I guess she needs a name... I think I'll name her Melanie. Melanie celebrated her 13th birthday... she had no idea that this would be her last year of childlike innocence. I give her the gift of thirteen... that year wasn't too bad and was almost boring. A silly family party, with a silly cake, and silly presents. It was summer, and that's where her story begins. Melanie spent her first 13 years alone. Not quite literally, but where it counted (inside) she was always alone. The perfect child... As a baby she never cried. She never got into trouble. She was almost invisible... quiet and shy, being the middle child suited her. She spent her 13th year in the shadow of her older sister, the same way she always had. She did the same boring things she'd done since infancy, a few weeks with this relative, a few with that, until her summer final
You get comfort from talking to a friend, but the answers come from within you. Lord He left me Oh my lord why With a broken heart When my heart was full of love That what my heart felt Til now my Lord The pain, just won't disappear My heart won't love again My heart is bleeding My heart is crying Oh my lord why My heart is dying There no more love Inside, the beat stop My heart has turn into a stone The light of my heart Can't you see my Lord The light of my heart faded away Rainy days and cold nights, These are days I need you to hold me tight in your arms, Hold me close and keep me warm, Tell me I'm your good luck charm, Look me in my eyes and tell me I'm the one for you , Tell me I'm your every wish come true, Lay me down very gently, Then make love to me essentially, Caress my body from head to toe not missing a spot, Lets play around like connect the dots, Lets make each other hot till our body heat rise like a rolle
Weeee I Pushed The Button!
I totally fucking forgot I even had this! So to those that have sent me messages I say sorry! I had A.D.D. for like um 7 months?!
hey my bday was ok i spent it in the hospital with way to much alcohol in my system sucked but it was ok other then that i am so freaking bored there is not much to do..i am just watching and on ct looking for new friends and people to talk to so hit me up and make me unbored
Your Daily Dose Of Reality!!!
I heard a news report, about this idiot, that was showing off his new onstar feature to a buddy.thinking he had disconnected he began to tell his buddy about a recent cocaine purchase he had made,and apparently was showing his buddy the goodies.the operator at onstar listened in and then called the police and told them where this guy was at.well imagine his suprise when the police showed up,searched and found his shit,and then told him that onstar,a service he pays for had called the police on him. to all you ppl i told about onstar when it first came out...TOLD YOU FUKKRS....BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING IN WAYS YOU NEVER SUSPECT!!!! so before getting your onstar feature in that new gm car or truck..or sending in your next payment...they know where your at and can hear you without you being aware...pass this along THIS HAS BEEN YOUR DAILY DOSE OF REALITY!!!
I dont want anyone to think tha ti am ignoring them because i havent been online as much as i first was BUT my schooling is taking up so much of it that i barely have time for myself. I will get on here as much as i can and send out comments and stuff when i have a free moment but form the looks of it, it wont be for a few weeks before i can be on here all the time
What You Get For Hosting A Party
1. $3 for every party that is booked with sales of $250+ (You will recieve the credit after the party holds) 2. $2 for every outside order you get 3. $1 for every person who orders at your party 4. 10% of all the party totals 5. $10 for every recruit from your guest list (You will recieve the credit after their kit is shipped out) 6. Free Basic Instinct or a bag of goodies ($26)
New Pics
i put some new privite pic on my page for mf friends and none of them looked at them and comented :{
Survey Says
You Are 60% Texas At first, you seem Texan... but just because a chicken has wings don't mean it can fly. How Texas Are You?
Thanks All
want to thank everyone for being so nice and showin so much love. i think all my freinds are the best.. thanks again I am back to makeing dog tags. If you would like one please send me your info in a private message to the link below. In you private message I need you to include the color you would like your dogtags to be(jungle,desert,snow,pink,purple, or blue),the name you want on them(up to 16 letters depending on spaces),your cherrytap id number, and your blood type if you would like for it to be on there. To see an example of what they look like check out my things made by me folder. If you are reading this could you please repost it for me when you are done. Thanks. MISSBITCH~~~mommy of 2~~~member of the Wolf Pack Family @ fubar
My Porn Name
More Fun Quizzes at
Bundle's Blog
A pretty bloggy thing!! Ooooh!! I am in DIRE need of a cuddle people... so any cuddles offered are greatly recieved!!!
Please Read This Poem And Repost A Poem That Gives You Goosebumps
A drunk man in an Oldsmobile They said had run the light That caused the six-car pileup On 109 that night. When broken bodies lay about "And blood was everywhere," ! "The sirens screamed out eulogies," For death was in the air. "A mother, trapped inside her car," Was heard above the noise; Her plaintive plea near split the air: "Oh, God, please spare my boys!" She fought to loose her pinned hands; "She struggled to get free," ! ! But mangled metal held her fast In grim captivity. Her frightened eyes then focused "On where the
Dark Cloud Radio

Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: your Naughty! wild thing! You were born to be bad. Naughty by nature, you've tried everything at least once and aren't afraid to get your hands - or the rest of you - dirty when opportunity knocks. Whether that means plotting for advancement at work or toying with somebody's affections, you're willing to break the rules. As long as you're having a laugh and getting ahead, anything goes. And it is fun to defy convention every once in a while, but you're walking a bit of a tightrope. Every so often, try listening to that little angel on your shoulder who keeps saying "no!" - it's okay to be nice sometimes. In the meantime, keep being bad and enjoy yourself. Just don't throw caution entirely to the wind. Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! Are you Naughty or nice
Dust In The Wind
what will you leave behind? who's heart have you touched? how many children did you feed? how many hurts have you healed? do the ones you love know that you do? time passes, things change, if you care show it now, tomorrow may never come, we are all just here for a season, in the end we are each just, Dust In The Wind
My 3 Js
What's the three Js? That's not the question. The question is who are my 3 Js. They are 3 women, 3 women I fell for. Why am I putting this on myspace? I just don't know. Those of you who really know me will know who they are. Jay #1: I met her 13 years ago, on Feb. 11, 1994. She is a good girl that i just couldn't trust. I just don't know what to say about her. All I can say is that, I'm not with her today is because I've failed to prove that I'm not the person that I use to be. It's my fault. I put her though hell. I want her to know that I'm sorry, and that I love her and always will. I just rather never deal with her again.(not ready for a relationship but 2 weeks after, you're in one) Jay #2: I met her a little more then 4 years ago in Dec. 2002. She is also a good girl that won't trust me. I messed up on her also. I should have treated her like the queen she is. I took her for granted and lost another good woman. I'm not with her today because I've failed
My First Time
Ok here it goes this is the first time I have done one of these and I'm at work so I'm very So 2 days ago my children were at the local swimming pool in their father's home town because they are there for a visit with him and I get a call. Its the swimming pool my son being the hyper little 8 year old boy that he is has tried to do a flip off the diving boards and has split his head wide open. They don't know where his father is. I get to the pool and get him to the er and then in walks dear ole dad. You can bet I was furious at this point. I had to calm myself and pay attention to what was being done with my son so I said to him "Not right now!! We will talk about it later". Dont get me wrong I truely believe accidents happen and kids will be kids however he should have left our daughter means to be able to get in touch with him if he wasnt going to be there with them.
Umm Yeah
For those who don't know, and for those who forgot, and not to mention people who couldn't give a shit its coming up on that time of year again... My birthday... Yeah I know it's a little early but I figure I get the ball rolling now. Now usually I really couldn't give a shit just give me a spot at the bar, and some free booze and I’m happier than a pig in shit. But this year I’m turning 30. Yup 30... So after some deep debate with some friends over a few cold ones.. More like hey asshole you gonna get off your ass and do something for your birthday or what? Usually I would try to wait until the last minute or push it off on my family or girlfriend, but this year is different.. well I’m single for one and second my family basically told me to go fuck myself so I’m doing this solo... so I’m taking this opportunity for all those who read my bulletins and go onto my myspace page (yes I have a tracker and I know your there) to ask for your help... I need some suggestions on wher
The Man
"pitbull"...breed Info....
Pit Bull Breed Info "It is true that Pit Bulls grab and hold on. But what they most often grab and refuse to let go of is your heart, not your arm." -Vicki Hearne Note: Throughout discussions of the Pit Bull breed, you will notice two words repeated over and over again: Responsible Ownership . With media hysteria and BSL looming closer every day, we good owners, find ourselves endlessly having to defend our breed. Every bad story and headline damage our dogs even further. Irresponsible and ignorant owners have done almost as much damage to these dogs as dogfighters have. The Pit Bull is an exceptional breed that requires exceptional dedication and ownership.This page may seem to paint a grim picture of Pit Bull ownership, but the breed's very survival depends on new owners knowing what they are getting into, and ALL owners being responsible and protecting the breed's reputation. "What did I get myself into?" Pit Bull Breed Info By: Susan Thompson Edited version
Spike The Service Dog
Dave and Spike Spike is my service dog and significant other of 12 years. I have been a quadriplegic for 12 years and Spike was given to me right after my accident. Actually Spike was the property of a, not very reputable, breeder and was going the be raised and trained for a, not legal, activity. Then Spike became a trading commodity in an illegal substance transaction and when all was said and done Spike inherited me and I inherited Spike. Spike learned basic obedience through a couple of years of Shutzhund training and he picked up most of his service training by just growing up with me. We are still living in a nursing facility and Spike has become a part of the facility. Over the past year he has gained about 8 pounds. Residents and staff keep dog cookies in their rooms and as we go down the hall he has to visit everybody. The Pit is sure a mean and vicious animal :-) Update - 15 December 2000: I just said goodbye to my Spike... I just got off the p
Sorry Mommy And Daddy....
Date: Aug 2, 2007 7:37 AM Subject: sorry mommy and daddy Body: i didn't mean to turn the channel to a differant channel. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY. i didn't mean to spill my milk at dinner last night. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY. i didn't mean to play with my dolls that long. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY. i didn't mean to trip over your shoes in the middle of the floor. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY. i didn't mean to be a mistake.. why can't i eat? SORRY MOMMY && DADDY. i didn't mean to pee in my pants yesterday. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY. i didn't mean to cry when my bath water was too hot. 1,504,000 CHILDREN GET ABUSED BY THEIR GAURDIANS. IT'S NOT RIGHT. THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO SUFFER. IF YOU THINK CHILD ABUSE IS WRONG YOU CAN HELP BY RE-POSTING. *****YOU HAVE TO PRESS REPLY SO YOU CAN COPY CODE & REPOST.
Having A Bad Day, Read This
One Wish...
1 Wish If I could have one wish... I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that fealing with anyone other then you.
Being A Emt
Lights Are Flashing, Sirens Are Wailing My Adrenaline Starts Pumping, My Heart Starts Thumping I Can Only Pray God Will Give Me The Strength To Go To Such Great Length I Hope I Am Trained For What This Call Could Be, After All I'm Just An EMT And Just When I Think I've Saw It All, I Have Some Of My Biggest Falls Like The Baby That Was Born Only To Die Moments Later. I Witnessed The 14 Year Old Mother Mourn Like The 102 Year Old Man In Cardiac Arrest, Did CPR Like Practicing For A Test He Was Down Too Long, Did It For His Wife Who Thought It Wasn't His Time To Go Why Am I Doing This? Surely Not Because Of The Bad I Witness I Can Make A Difference, A Change In Someone's Life, But Their Has To Be An Exchange You Can't Save Them All When God's Angels Get A Call They Have To Go, Everyone Has A Time You Know As Long As You Do All You Can And Realize Your Not A Miracle Man
Stand Still Look Pretty
Cigaretts Got my headlights shinning. Down an old dirt road. Smoke my cigaretts. I should quit i know. The Radio's playing Old country songs Someone's leaving, Someone's cheating. On and on. 'Cause someday maybe Someone will love me like i need. And someday I won't have to prove 'Cause somebody will see All my worth but untill then I'll do just fine with my own. With my Cigaretts. And this old dirt road. See I left another. Good man tonight. I wonder if he'll miss me Lord knows i tried. But I think that maybe The thing that i did wrng Was put up with his bullshit For way too long. I ain't going to sleep. I ain't going to dream. About the things i used to need I ain't going to cry. Or live in lies I'm just going to drive Stand Still, Look Pretty I want to paint my face. And pretend i am someone else. Sometimes i get so fed up. I don't even want to look at myself. But people have problems that are worse then mine. I don't want yo
Demand This Artist To Come To Your City
Oh She Accepted The Challenge
Ok everyone here it kerry has accepted the challenge that if we get 40 ppl in the lounge she will do some moanin on air so get ya asses in here and help us embarress this girl. ON AIR NOW DJ TEASE !!! OH SHE ACCEPTED THE CHALLENGE Ok everyone here it kerry has accepted the challenge that if we get 40 ppl in the lounge she will do some moanin on air so get ya asses in here and help us embarress this girl. ON AIR NOW DJ TEASE !!!
♥who Wants To ?♥
Fire My Words ............................................. COME ON DONT BE AFRAID LETS SEE WHO HAS THE MOST ORIGNAL IDEAS ??....ILL PLAY Texture My Words MAYBE WE CAN EVEN THING OF A PRIZE ..? .................................................. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES SO FAR..YOU DO ME ILL DO U. ..................................................... Firework My Words TO PLAY NEXT ?????? ABOVE IS MERELY EXAMPLES OF IDEAS NOT WAT U HAVE TO DO ! ANY KIND OF PERSONAL SALUTE !!! JUST SAY HI TO ME ON PAPER? LIKE FUBAR SALUTES ?? YOU CAN WEAR A SPACE SUITE DONT HAVE TO SHOW NO SKIN !!! WRITE MY NAME ON UR HAND ???? JUST ANY KIND OF SALUTE TO ME ?????/WHAT IS SO BAD ? ABOUT THAT ????? I DONT GET IT ???? ILL RETURN THE LOVE ?////////// Laser My Words
This Will Make You Laugh
Rain Made This For Me Thanks Rain
Mommy's Heart And Soul My dear sweet baby Mommy and daddy love you with all our heart Even though we never got to see or meet you Mommy and daddy was so happy to have you coming into our life You where growing inside of mommy Until one sad lonely day Mommy and daddy was told You was gone to another place It made mommy and daddy sad and cry Always remember my precious baby Mommy and daddy will love you until the day we die We miss you little one and will forever One day my love I will be able to hold you in my arms for the first time.. I will never let you go I love you my sweet baby With all my heart and soul Your mommy's and daddy's little angel forever My heart, my love, my world and my soul will always be with my baby.
Lame Ass People
Amanda_Hug_and_Kiss: please dont send me mass messages its really annoyin adam: hold on! ill delete ur lame ass in a minute! everybody else thinks its funny! adam: Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections? You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?? Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? Amanda_Hug_and_Kiss: dude it makes my comp lag adam: aaqight i found it! im
Kittylucious Is A Huge Fake
I have created this account simply to support my friend Chelsea who has had her photos and idenity stolen by KittyluScious. This person is a thief and has been pretending to be a dear friend of mine. I urge anyone who is her friend (if it really even is a girl) to please block her and not view her photos. If you want to get to know the real Chelsea her website is So you also know, for those of you that may have been hoodwinked by Kittylucious, Chelsea is a very happily married woman. This is a sick individual who has not only stolen photos from a professional model but has also taken the time to edit out all of her watermarks (for real that is kind of nuts to dedicate that much time to it) this person is also stalking her on other sites like This person even doctored a photo to change the sign in it¤t=05040305copy.jpg When the real Ch
It Is So True!
1. WHY DO MEN BECOME SMARTER DURING SEX? (because they are plugged into a genius) 2. WHY DON'T WOMEN BLINK DURING SEX? (they don't have enough time) 3. WHY DOES IT TAKE 1 MILLION SPERM TO FERTILIZE ONE EGG? (they don't stop to ask directions) 4. WHY DO MEN SNORE WHEN THEY LIE ON THEIR BACKS? (because their balls fall over their butt-hole and they vapor lock) 5. WHY WERE MEN GIVEN LARGER BRAINS THAN DOGS? (so they won't hump women's legs at cocktails parties) 6. WHY DID GOD MAKE MEN BEFORE WOMEN? (you need a rough draft before you make a final copy) 7. HOW MANY MEN DOES IT TAKE TO PUT A TOILET SEAT DOWN? (don't know - it never happened) 8. WHY DID GOD PUT MEN ON EARTH? (because a vibrator can't mow the lawn)
Dont Try It
if i catch you in my family albums at any point, you WILL be fucking blocked immediately. don't fucking do it and show some fucking respect until this bullshit is over. are we clear? edited to add, i AM checking the recently viewed list, so not rating will NOT fucking save you.
Im Jazzysexymo im new to the game but one thing i can say is that if you take a look at my pictures you men will love them
Just Dave
Hya All, the 1 October, I will go to the concert of the police (sting and company) to Torino, in the North Italia, and therefore for me will not be possible to connect on the net for at least 3 days. The concert will be the 2 October evening, but i need to drive for 800 miles because I live in the South Italy, and it is mean that i will sleep there someday. If anyone of you is going at the concert, please let me know, would be nice to meet someone from fubar. let me find your luv at my return, it will be really apprecciate :-) see ya all
Bubba from Alabama! Bubba meets the girl of his dreams, his first cousin Emmy Lou. He takes her out for a special dinner, and shows her a good time at the Redneck Carnival at Diggerland. The next day they spend together and Bubba shows off his water skiing skills. Later that night, he romances her under special mood lighting. A week or so later, Bubba realizes this relationship is getting serious. He makes reservations for a Valentine's Day dinner. Emmy Lou was so impressed with his thoughtfulness, they had a special Friday night date at the Soap & Suds Laundromat ! A month later he proposes to Emmy Lou, and he buys her a really purdy engagement ring. On the day of their wedding, he tells her how much he loves her just before the ceremony. Then they're off to their Honeymoon Suite, where they open their wedding gifts. Their favorites ? Hers was the Chandelier, His was the New BBQ
Druggie Ex
Ok so I'm kinda pissed off. I used to meet guys on line and they never worked out. So about 6 months ago I get introduced to a guy who is friends with my neighbors. He was definitely a hottie...all american looks, blonde hair blue eyes nice electrician. So, after a couple of months of flirting around we decide hey lets try this dating thing. And we did. Of course we had to deal with his schedule. His company sends him out of town a lot. But he always called me...every night. But things started to change. The first was when he cancelled our date because he was stoned. I knew he drank and smoked pot. Back in the day he did hard core stuff but he cleaned himself up with the exception of pot. Even that he didn't do all the time though. So anyway, he knew I didn't like him smoking pot and he would chose to get high and cancel dates with me. Ok so now my family throws me a surprise 40th birthday party. He's supposed to bring me. He had to work late but he promises me(af
Portuguese Song
Search Video Codes At
LOL Everywhere I go, they follow me! It's like a never ending cycle! Oh well, show's how much I'm admired. :^D I guess they just dont realize that there's a little monitor on this website where I can see whom is looking at my page and what not. Wow...I feel admired. YAY! I'm a rolemodel now! -giggles-
So Much Fun
Went to my nephews first wrestling match last night I had so much fun. If anyone in missouri illinois are is interested in a fun time let me know the next match is dec 1. We had such a good time. thanks susie
Help Me When A Vip Or Blast!
heres the link bomb as much as you can please! I have been sick and in the hospital for the past 3 weeks. I'm still very sick and dont spend much time online.I also have a very young son to take care of.along with family drama to deal with. I was told I would be removed from the family due to not bombing. I wrote sleezy back and let him know what was going on. and he went ahead and removed me. I think it's a bunch of bs. I know some of you are able to be on here everyday bombing. but i have a life outside the internet. when i have the time to bomb I do what I can. I had alot of fun doing it,took my mind off things. but if im going to be removed because things in my life took a turn for the worse and i was unable to spend the time online. then this isnt a family at all, its a bunch of selfish assholes. I'm happy to be removed from the fubombers cause this family SUCKS!
Holy Shit!!
So I went to the grocery store today. This is usually an easy task to perform, assuming you are a normal person. You get there, get the groceries you need, pay for it, then leave. I, however, am not normal. I got there at a decent time, about 5pm, maybe closer to 6, I'm not exactly sure. I was probably doing about 45mph when I drove into the front door of the building (don't worry, no one was hurt). Immediatly I dove out of the windshield and shards of glass riddled the skin of all the curious bastards surrounding my car. You know what they say, "curiousity shoots pieces of glass at cats". Anyways, I ran straight across the store, and I did it pretty fast. I wasn't looking at my watch, so I'm not sure how fast I was going, but parts of my clothes had started on fire. I could have easily doused the flames with an ice spell or something, but I didn't want to waste my mana, so I just took all my clothes off. I was just where I wanted to be, though, in the aisle with all the kitchen ute
The 10 Commandments
The 10 commandments 01. The two should never irritate themselves at the same time, this means preventing the explosion. Qto more the situation is complicated, but the calm is needed. 02. Never shout with one another, unless the home is catching fire. Who has good arguments need not scream and the more someone shouts, less is heard. 03. If anyone should win let the discussion is the other. Losing a discussion can be an act of intelligence and love. 04. If it is inevitable criticize, do so but with love. The other side needs to understand what is said, aims to add, not divide. 05. Never play in the face of the other mistakes of the past. The person is always greater than their mistakes. And nobody likes to be characterized by their defects. 06. Be displicente with anyone, least with his cônjugue. In the life of two all can and should be important. The happiness was born of small things. 07. Never sleep without having reached an agreement. If it does not, the pr
My Crazy Night
Saturday was a blast until I left barfly and went to search for my car. Forgot where I parked and when I finally found where it was--it had been towed. I was too happy from the nights events to have this let me down. So I started walking towards the Impound lot--miles away...and asked some woman for directions. She couldn't really tell me and so said to hop in--so I was cold out. Drove me to the impound lot and left. So, I'm at the impound lot and was told that they were closed. Oh great-now what do I do? My ride just dropped me off and left, I'm in Minneapolis and need to get back home to Shakopee. Crap!! So thinking that my Step-Bro had just left a little b4 me I figured I'd try and call him to stay the night so I could get my car in the morning right? Wrong---lost my phone too... Now I have no ones number anymore--so if you want me to have it---send it to me. So I get to use their phone and she had said to call my steo bro and I was like--yeah...I lost
Back To Me
People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how real love is, but that's bullshit, Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. Peolple are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain. Cueshe - Back To Me
What's On The Menu?
I come home from work on a Friday night, happy that it is a weekend and looking forward to having a weekend alone with you. You greet me at the door with a warm hug and kiss. As I stroke your face and arms in my hands, I can feel my slit grow hot and wet from your touch. You pull back and guide me to the bathroom. "Take a shower and put this on for me." I look on the bathroom counter at see that you have bought me a corset that leaves the breast exposed, beside it is a pair of black stocking and a pair of high heel shoes. I look at you and smile a naughty smile and you chuckle. You give me a peck on the lips. "I'm going to make dinner. Come into the kitchen when you are done." And you leave me alone in the bathroom. I turn the shower on and undress. My nipples are hard thinking about what you might have in store for me. I take care in preparing myself for you. After shaving my legs and pussy smooth. I put on lotion and blow dry my hair. I put the corset on and then the panty hose then
I Need To Clear One Thing Up Please
Allana Kay-lynn Norton
Rest in Peace Allana Kay - Lynn Norton 11 * 5 * 04 - 08 * 25 * 07 God called one of his little Angels home to Heaven. Lil Miss Lala always lived her life to the fulliest. She will be deeply missed, but never forgotten. Her memory in everyone's heart. A little piece of everyone who knew her died today, She captured the love of everyone who came in her path. She will always be loved an remembered, as a sweet little Angel with The Golden Threads. Please pray for the family, and everyone greeving for the loss of little Lala Bean.
I Moved!
I moved back to Worcester this past week and its great to be living back in the city!
Real Friends
Why do people profess to be your friend but then turn around and stab you in the back... Is it because they are jealous or is it that they are so miserable in their own lives that they want everyone around them miserable as well?.... And what is so bad is when THEY are badmouthing someone to you that you care about... then turn around and LIE to THAT person and tell them that YOU are the one bad-mouthing... That is not friendship... That is being petty and childish... If 2 people are having trouble, let THEM work it out.. don't go trying to cause trouble.. I hate people like that... I just want to have a good time in life and find TRUE friends.. ANYONE that has a problem with what I am saying mean that THAT person has something to feel guilty about... TO those of you that are trully my friend.. You will know who you are.. to the rest.. GET A LIFE AND QUIT TRYING TO CAUSE TROUBLE IN MINE!!!
Salute The Soldiers
If you read this, you will forward it on. You just won't be able to stop yourself. The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired,tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than washhis father's, but he has never collected unemployment either. He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away. He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and a 155mm howitzer. He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk. H
Where I Live
The newest Jones County ripoff is here: The property reassessment. As inflation has increased 19 percent since 2000, my taxes have risen 78 percent since last year with no improvements. With the housing industry in a tailspin, how can this increase be justified? I went through most of the appeal process. First to the tax commissioner (automatic rejection), next the board of appeals (big waste of time). The next step is a jury trial before the Jones County Superior Court. Well, I don't have a lot of confidence that I could get a fair trial in a county where almost everyone knows someone working for local government, the school system, has kids in school or somehow has their finger in the tax pie. Everyone I've dealt with so far is on the county's payroll. Why would they want my taxes lowered? I thought counties weren't allowed to reap windfalls due to reassessment. Well, $176 million sounds like a windfall to me. Yeah, they tossed a couple of crumbs (less than 2 mills). Am I the o
Hey Baby, I Wanted To Know One Thing...
My Montage 1/29/08
~funny Things To Do To Get Back At People
Sing along at the opera. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme. Holler random numbers while someone is counting. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sex" Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think." Declare your apartment an independent nation, and sue your neighbors upstairs for "violating your airspace." Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a "real hoot." Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations, and see if people play along to avoid the appearance of ignorance. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy." Wear a special hip holster for your remote control. Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears. Give a play-by-play account of a persons every action in a nas
Cigarettes And Tampons
A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up & down the aisles. The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him. He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife. She directs him down the correct aisle. A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter. She says, confused, 'Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife? He answers, 'You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the store to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo-ooo--oo-ooo much cheaper. So, I figure if I have to roll my own .......... so does she.
"ATTITUDE... The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearances, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is your attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react. And so it is with you, we are in charge of our attitudes."
What Is Nsfw?
what is nsfw. I have heard so many people try to tell me what nsfw means. But never the same thing. if any one can show me what it means that would be great. I will give love and rate/add/fan and show lotsa love to you if you could. much abiged
Whats With People?!
So, I have been out of town for the past three days. I didn't bring my laptop because I was not going to have net access. I get back last night, log in and get this nasty message "you added me, but no replies to messages, too bad you didnt read my username and profile, way too funny." Then the asshole blocks me. Um...I do have a life outside of Fubar (amazing, yes I know) and I respond to everyone eventually. So, BITE ME DIP SHIT, get a life. Yes I know, this guy was obviously not worth my time in the first place, but sometimes a girl just has to vent!
To Women From Men
You should know....Thanks Steff : ) If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differ
"second Best....." And Too Much Reminiscing.....
The song "second best" by Pedro the Lion....i've been listening to this song way too much the last week. The first time i heard this song was after a night of partying because of a recent dissapointment in a guy (what's new about that eh?) *sighs* anyways if you want, you should definitely check out the song....I should be adding it to my stash soon..... so please read the lyrics, they hit home to me, especially being cheated on before.... "The impact, the aftershave, the european cigarettes The taxi, the alcohol that lingers on your breath The lipstick, the street lamp, the woolen overcoat The front desk, you tell yourself, it isn't over yet Second best, oh second best I can learn to live with this Plus I really need a rest After all what's wrong with second best What's wrong with second best The motel, the distances, cave into kisses cold and wet Familiar exchanges, like needle pulling thread The empty movements that once were so inspired Desperate attempts t
Poems I Sent To My Ex
ok i am going to tell you what i think about when i paint my bikes. well when i first started painting my bikes my girl friend just broke up with me so i was very sad and thinking of how i wanted to paint her on the tank of my bike. or even maybe the hood of the convertible. as many people know me in real life they know that for 1 i don't paint that good and for 2 i never painted her on my bikes or my car. i get people asking me to use my air brush and paint flames and things on there helmets or bikes and i really dont mind doing it but i want to learn how to do roses. now when i paint tho i still think of her and what she ment to me but that will always hurt so i try to think about only my paint when im painting but you never know what is going to pop in your mind . heres a few poems i sent my ex but of course she didn't come back to me so its what i get for making some. i guess feel free to give them to your girls cuz they didn't work for mine good luck guys. ~first one~ Wish I
Yeah, I should start doing guitar video lessons for FUBUCKS. just uh, yeah, tell me what kind of stuff you want to learn, style, improv, techniques, stuff like that. yay.
The Mayonasie Jar And 2 Cups Of Coffee
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.' The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into t
Celtic Tree Zodiac
What tree did you fall from? The following is based on Celtic Tree Lore and Celtic Astrology. Find your birthday, and then find your tree. You may be surprised at how accurately you’re described. * Dec 23 to Jan 01 - Apple Tree * Jan 01 to Jan 11 - Fir Tree * Jan 12 to Jan 24 - Elm Tree * Jan 25 to Feb 03 - Cypress Tree * Feb 04 to Feb 08 - Poplar Tree * Feb 09 to Feb 18 - Cedar Tree * Feb 19 to Feb 28 - Pine Tree * Mar 01 to Mar 10 - Weeping Willow Tree * Mar 11 to Mar 20 - Lime Tree * Mar 21 - Oak Tree * Mar 22 to Mar 31 - Hazelnut Tree * Apr 01 to Apr 10 - Rowan Tree * Apr 11 to Apr 20 - Maple Tree * Apr 21 to Apr 30 - Walnut Tree * May 01 to May 14 - Poplar Tree * May 15 to May 24 - Chestnut Tree * May 25 to Jun 03 - Ash Tree * Jun 04 to Jun 13 - Hornbeam Tree * Jun 14 to Jun 23 - Fig Tree * Jun 24 - Birch Tree * Jun 25 to Jul 04 - Apple Tree * Jul 05 to Jul 14 - Fir Tree * Jul 15 to Jul 25 - Elm Tree
Hellz Bomberz
As most of you may have noticed Spirit Levelers isn't here any more.We have regrouped and started a whole new bombing family,hopefully it will work out alot better for everybody involved. I know when looking for a bombing family, you look towards one with family loyalty.With the family I'm going to start,there will be loyalty,as well as respect from your brothers/sisters..Most important, support when you need it! It won't be like anything you've seen, on this site or any other.. What I'm proposing to do is accept members on a bike club rule system. You must prove your loyalty to become a member of this family.However you will not be asked to do more then show your willingness to bomb/level as needed, and prove that you can be a trusted and loyal member of this family... Their will be a probation period upon joining,The probation would start from the beginning..Earning your patch along the way.. the amount of time it takes to earn your full patch depends on how active you
My Jobs
sooooo ive got a job interview tomorrow downtown! super excited!!1 everyone wish me luck o and buy me a drank im not even buzzzed need to be super drunk for the interview lol!!!
So usually I am not one for posting blogs but fuck it. I'm in a weird emo mood ( call it what you will) and im feeling a little shitty at the moment. SO maybe i'll whine for a while and i dont care about punctuation or spelling i just dont want to be bothered with it. Im not going to sit here and and say my childhood sucked or that its this one or that ones fault because in the end i am my own person and i make my own choices although i will admit some people have influenced them lol. anyway i have had a lot of time to think about a lot of things and I was thinking back to when i was 16 and nieve.. i was in my first "real" relationship fell in love for the first time blah blah bah and i remembered how i sat up late one night and planned my whole life how i wanted to be married by the time i was 24 have kids the house the whole nine yards and it was a very nice dream funny how things dont work the way you want them to lost my virginity at 18, had a kid when i was 19 im 27 now l
Instructions..... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 6 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "you're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.... 1. I have cheated death more times then I care to count 2. I had a heart attack almost 2 years ago 3. I love to cook 4. I have met more famous people then I can remember. (Got drunk with Garth Brooks) 5. I collect music. 6. I watch sports (All Colorado Teams) 7. I always wear My glasses 8. I am poor too Windy don't feel so bad 9. I am addicted to fubar Too 10. last, but not least, I enjoy giving long back rubs..any volunteers? haha I tagged Sweetest Cherry Pie, Broken Angel, Darlin Dee, Lifes a Beach, Proud Mommy of 2 and Wyorose
Meet My Owner!
Meet my owner... Ponyboy0827 He's the greatest Show him some Love!!!
Wizard Tattoo
I am looking for a wizard tattoo.Anyone have a good one and want to help?
I'm Godmother
I so know I am going to miss someone so I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart who have helped me today It was overwhelming seeing everyone coming to my page and I was trying to return rates at the same time. I dont want to miss anyone and hurt their feelings so I am doing this bulletin to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart.. Nay-Nay Owned by & R/L Anna Mae & CG of Ace Of Spades@ fubar (repost of original by 'Nay-Nay Owned by & R/L Anna Mae & CG of Ace Of Spades' on '2008-07-29 18:39:59') (repost of original by '¢¼Ace Of Spades¢¼ Owner & R/L Ike & CM of Nay Nay' on '2008-07-29 22:53:25')
Working Out
This Blog is basicly for me..Yes I know you are all tired of reading my blogs....OH WELL lol. I lost 150 lbs (almost) a few years ago. (yes I know u heard it before too) I also have gained about 30 back recenly. Thanks to these damn Seizures and the meds for the siezures. This has got me totally down and depressed. I quit going to gym 3 months ago that didn't help my weight. Well starting today. My little one started school (poor teachers). So all 3 are in school now. I got off mt lazy butt with the permission from my Dr. and went to the gym today. So as of today I am back to the gym working out.. Starting very slow> I don't want to push it and have a siezure but I went...Yeah me!!!! I am like I child I know I need encouragement and pats on the back. I plan on going everyday. I am even going to try one of those classes tomorrow. I never did any before was always scared to try. I am afraid I can't keep up but will try. Wish me luck and If you are interested I will let you know my progre
The Human Body
Chaotic Is Looking For A New Play Toy For A Month=)
OK,we did it again, i guess we get bored easy, giveaways with NO time limit for we have lives out side of here and NO hurry. so if ya all get a minute or 2 and want to pop in on one or all of us you are welcome too HUGGZZZ ALL AND THANK YOU ALL FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE!!!=) ============ OK,♦♦Queen♦♦ needs 50,000 rates/comments to receive a 150 credit bling pack... !!=) ================ OK,♥ Çhåøtï¢ ¶®îñçë$$ ♥ needs 50,000 rate/comments to receive a 150 credit bling pack !!=) ================== OK, ♥~Bratt~♥ needs 50,000 rate/comments to receive a 150 credit bling pack !!=) THANK YOU ALL FOR HAVING PATIENCE WITH US HYPER ONES... LOVE YA ALL.
Sinful Actions (repost of original by '
I'm so tired of fighting over the ex-factor. My ex & I spent a little over a year together (4 months of it fun, the rest, miserable). And it has taken since last October for me to be able to talk to him, without being filled with hate. And for me that's a rather big deal...but the best part is knowing that we were never right for each other, & that the past is irrelevant. This goes not only for my ex... but for others ex's as well. Some people need to be left in the past forever. While I understand some circumstances are different...Some things that people have done/said are unforgiveable, & should they ever be so lucky as to have my forgiveness, I will do my best to forget them & my best to never forget just how wrong they truly did me. I would honestly never wish bad things upon them, but I certainly will not wish them well. I recently just enrolled in a Medical Records/Coding course online. I think this is one of the best decisions I have made in regards to a career in a really
7 Kinds Of Sex
Results of recent research shows that there are 7 kinds of sex. The 1st kind of sex is called: Smurf Sex.. *This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone, and you both have sex until you are blue in the face. The 2nd kind of sex is called: Kitchen Sex. *This is when you have been with your partner for a short time, and you are so needy you will have sex anywhere, even in the kitchen. The 3rd kind of sex is called: Bedroom Sex. *This is when you have been with your partner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine, and you usually have sex only in your bedroom. The 4th kind of sex is called: Hallway Sex *This is when you have been with your partner for too long. When you pass each other in the hallway you both say 'screw you.' The5th kind of sex is called: Religious Sex. *Which means you get Nun in the morning, Nun in the afternoon and Nun at night. (Very Popular) The 6th kind is called Courtroom Sex. *This is when you cannot stand your wife any more. S
Tamara's Blog
Once again we are apon a new year and I am still alone. hmmm life sucks but a new day comes and goes. Dear Friends, I so believe in what you are doing and I would like to help you create ongoing funding for your organization. The first thing you need to know is that My Power Mall is completely FRE*E. With that in mind – while being brief, let me start at the beginning… Your first thought of course is, who is My Power Mall & Together We Can Change The World, Inc.? In order to answer that question I have to start with a story. In August 2001, our Founder, Ginny Dye, had a vision of utilizing the power of the Internet to change the world. In the almost 6 years since that vision has resulted in Together We Can Change The World, Inc. – the parent company to Shop For Charity Day, Together We Can Change The World Day, Together We Can Change The World Publishing, and now our newest division – My Power Mall! Instead of forming a non-profit organization to vie for al
Wall Of Shame...
Not Sure
Election 2008
I'm pretty sure Iron Maiden wrote a song back in the day for yesterdays poll results... White man came across the sea He brought us pain and misery He killed our tribes, he killed our creed He took our game for his own need We fought him hard we fought him well Out on the plains we gave him hell But many came too much for cree Oh will we ever be set free? Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes Galloping hard on the plains Chasing the redskins back to their holes Fighting them at their own game Murder for freedom a stab in the back Women and children and cowards attack Run to the hills run for your lives Run to the hills run for your lives Soldier blue on the barren wastes Hunting and killing their game Raping the women and wasting the men The only good indians are tame Selling them whisky and taking their gold Enslaving the young and destroying the old Run to the hills run for your lives (repeat to end)
Happy Feet Train
You know the routine. Rate/Fan and Add each of the following people listed below. Please DO NOT just accept the persons friend request...visit their page, rate and fan them back and leave them a comment. When you have rated everyone...message Ðü§† M€ Þîñk to be added to the list. Rate my Penguins Folder to get your personalized tag. Those already dancing... ~Ðü§† M€ Þîñk ~Owned By Dirty Old Man~Club F.A.R ~ The Lollipop Gurlz ~SBG SixtyNineMunch FuOwned by DebiCakes~CLUB UNITED~ ♊aGEM4life♊ {Shadow Leveler}Owner Of The Life-Savers Family ~ FUOwned by jade&jaksonsmom GnbRebel Head Thumper At Sweetwater's &Owned by Princess Beakers&Co Manager Of The Zodiac Bomb Silverpixi~Club United~LollipopGurlz~BCC~ FSC~Owner of Miss Crys {Please read my profile}@ fubar §ŵ† Çĥ®®¥ þî€*Owned by Harleyrider70 & Playinhard*Mrs English*DJ@Immortal@ fubar
Texas T Saloon
Join Us In TEXAS T SALOON for a toe tappin heel kickn good time Meet our STAFF: Outsider Carlie Cin Shy Swade Madison Bristol RedMs Red FIREMAN Click the banner below to come hang out in Texas T Saloon. Join Us In TEXAS T SALOON for a toe tappin heel kickn good time Meet our STAFF: Outsider Carlie Cin
Wackos Of Craigslist
(This was posted in the other folder and didn't know how to move it.. so i reposted. sorry) This link won't be around for long i'm sure.. So below is the actual comment on craigslist. Don't read if off-taste fetishes bother you (and I didn't go looking for this, someone shared it with me! LOL) - - - v v v I would like to pay a woman for the honor of smelling her butthole. just let me stick my face in your ass and sniff your asshole for a few minutes. i am willing to pay 500 bucks for this. if you are willing to let me smell a fart as well, DEFINIETLY message me because i would be willing to pay even more for that.
Child Abuse
this is about every little soul in the world who have to suffer the beatings of their parents. why do we not accept but close our eyes on child abuse, it's a treterous thing that can happen to a child. they are all innocent and fragile they are the best of things that can happen to you why send a fist in their lovely angel faces and give them a black eye and hide those wonderful hazel brown eyes stained blue with tears? who in their right mind would do that? well i know i wouldn't!! and god be there when i catch a grown person take out their feelings on a child's body because i'm not sure i would leave him or her be because do they leave their child be...NO!!!! so why should we? open your eyes to what happens to those wonderful gifts god gave us, you probably don't see it but maybe the little girl or little boy that lives on top of you or across the street is getting a beating that might have him or her left for dead when their parent is done with them. don't let this slip by b
I'm Here
My Reason For Life Again
Just a quick holla out to all my friends and fam on fubar, hope everyones enjoyin their day and had a decent weekend1 Peace , J hola at me if ur around muahzzzz ok my stupid dumbass aol account wont open so i cant verify my email which = me dumbass im sooo sorr i see them all it just wont let me reply and i did it last nite (well this am). HELP yall seem so nice too.. hugs & Peace, J im not iggin anyone at all pls know that. Ok i am soooo new here a friend told me about it and i just happened to be restless and thought i would check it out. So bear with me please and if you can help a sister out id appreciate it. Peace & Luv
Hello Everyone
I'm new on fubar and wanted to say hello to everyone. Any questions for me just ask.
Party Animal
i'm a party animal and love life, come and join me, lol
What's Next?
River Flows
"River flows"
Horses. I own 2 now and have 2 trainers work'n 4 me. If you like horses, lets chat..........Sue
Pimpin Aint Eazy
bein a single mother of 2 beautiful babies u best b-leave pimpin aint eazy! i love my babies they my life. my girl april dawn is my best friend as well as my cuzin. her baby is my baby. u mess wit her u mess wit me so bitches best step off. i love life and live it 1 day at a time the way u should! im ready 2 start a life wit sum 1 4 da rest of my life if i find him hells yea if not im goin keep on keepin on. peace out 4 now! :P
I am currently selling Dreadfalls and if you're interested. I have pics of an unfinished example of what the individual dreads look like in my default picture album. Let me know if you're interested and I'll give price estimates depending on what you want.
Going Home
Memorial Day 2009
Troops in Iraq, Afghanistan honor their fallen Buzz Up Send Email IM
Soulmate, Wat Is?
Hi Sexi, Just because I am the newbie doesnt mean I dont like a little naughty fun!!! I hope to have some good conversations with you all ;) wink wink. I will continue to keep posting photos for all you die If you cant get enough of my photos...I will tell you a little secret on how to find LOTS more of me. Hugs and kisses....on all your fun parts!
Iran's Sham Election
Last Friday's Iranian presidential election yielded a result thatshould surprise few who understand the regime's true nature: hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner, by a landslide.Many Iranians had supported Mir Hossain Mousavi, whose foreign policy largely resembled Ahmadinejad's, albeit with less confrontational rhetoric. The apparent competition between incumbent Ahmadinejad and three other candidates led many foreign observers to believe that Iran's election would actually reflect the will of the voters.
Im Freaking Lost
Just trying to meet people and have no clue wtf im doing right now! lol Hit me up im just a normal person maybe:)
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The Unspoken Lobby That Controls The Real Estate Market.
Deb's R/l Luvs On Fubar
Fumafia Nursery
Whooo Hoo!!!
So I hit my 1st 1,0000 friends...YAY! I've meet some cool people along the way and look forward to making new friends in the future!
Touristlink helps you discover new attractions based on ratings from like minded travelers. Join now and start sharing your favorite places. Meet Traveling Companions : Share tips and reviews of the best hotels, attractions and restaurants. Find the most interesting places and great local deals. Let your friends help you avoid the tourist traps. Find Local Tour Guides : Meet local tour guides and get their help planning and customizing your trip. Ask them questions and see reviews from other members.
The Feeling
One day two friends went walking together, and one said "your my best friend i can tell you anything".the second friend said "sure"."You know all my life i've been looking for the perfect mate"
This Is A Real Thing Ppl Are Doing And You Can End Up Paying For It. Check It Out
The FBI has issued a warning to all computers users.Please protect yourself and your computer by checking the three links below.,2817,2401227,00.aspabove is info page.this one below is the removal process
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Cakes are your all time favorites, whenever you plan up to celebrate something. A mouthful treat where taste and delicacy gives you the win-win combination all the way, you look at cakes, your Mr. dependable in all occasions and festivals. The celebration mantra just goes bersake with the tasty delights, and you’ll be happy to answer the tempting invitations that the fluffy and cream rich cakes are giving you.Making the celebration a rocking one was never so say, and enables you to result that with the cake genre. It’s the home for cakes that you can define as.
And into asylum, like a great black engine roaring to eternity, ravaging the already benighted landscape in it's savage molevolent pressence. And within the leagons of the truly damn; Insanty, sheer and stark, and once in human form now torn and gutted by eons of glutted indulgence. Their bloodlust flecking the oily walls, living the shreiks of victoms insnared, hanged, drawn, and quartered by the serpent's squalled wrythings,
My Fu Wishlist
I Know Id Like to get 1000 likes without running an ability bling. I'd Love to be able to get 1000 fans and 1000 friends. Eventually get the 10k like acheivement. I'd le bling just cant afford to by it formyself because takes a lot to run ability bling. Id love to win a HH in fu lottery. I love to chat with friends and family more then playing the fu game and helping others get their acheivements on fu. I dont care much for the fu Divorce and would love to be fu Married but just cant afford to run ability blings or buy blings all time. I'll never me most like or most crushed or top 100 lifetime member. Im not materialistic and more a from the heart kind of person. I dont want my heart broken or the fu drama bs and mind games. xoxoxo Wolfie
Hey all, Just a question for me...why are you so confusing? I have been causally dating two guys and they both seem to think that I will drop everything and make plans with them the day they want to hang out with me. I don't think that is fair and then if I do want to make plans that day or am not busy that day and agree...I may not hear from them for days. A lot of guys seem to think girls are the confusing ones and I admit that I can be sometimes, but I just don't get the crap these guys are pulling with me. And that is the end of my rant. I joined this site in hopes of re-uniting with somebody I used to know named Josh Shineflew so hopefully he isn't as confusing as these other two haha.
Free Seo Tool
The amusing aspect of development of a website is including up the material. The not-so-fun but simple as essential aspect is called SEO marketing. 80 to 90 percent of individuals find your website by using a search engines look for motor. Google solely can account for 70% of traffic to some sites. After including up the material, it is essential to demonstrate a SEO routine that admits the use of on the internet SEO resources. Basically on the internet SEO resources are free. These resources manage your website's performance in the search engines and offer you details you require to modify your website for optimal search engines look for exhaust. Some of the basic free SEO resources, like those got on, assure keyword and key phrase density, look for phrases suggestion for your pages, manage your place in several search engines, and say you your weblink building on the internet. A concise overview of each device ruminates its requirement in SEO maintenance. Selecting the
Out Of The Comfort Zone.
I haven't been on this site for a very long time so I figured today was as good as any to do it. It's been an interesting few months to say the least. First off, I am proud to announce that me and my brook are packing up and skipping town at the end of June for new adventures. Not just for vacation but we are moving. Thanks to King Obama and the crown jestures who have been elected into office my out of pocket health care costs will go up unless we take steps to prevent it. Meaning we have to move near a military base. Which is totally fine by me. I've been wanting to move from my current location since I got here. Why not move to a location that meets the requirements that is by salty water and white sands? So yes ladies and gents there you have it. We are off to live the dream, brave tropical storms and hurricanes, and have a damn good time doing while doing it! For those of you who are jealous don't be. All you have to do is say FUCK IT and take the leap. If you don't like it (
A Favorite Quote
"If you do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got. While what I got had it's perks, I'm Looking for something different now."
Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, "Never take candy from strangers." And then they dressed me up and said, "Go beg for it." I didn’t know what to do! I’d knock on people’s doors and go, "Trick or treat." "No thank you.....
Main Server
Click to Play
Robe De Mariée
robe de mari
How did my life get to be this much of a mess? He was the first everything to me and it imploded it twice and nearly destroyed me in the process. Why did it take almost 18 and 19 years for him to finally figure things out and hit rock bottom? How can he say that he thinks he loves me? It's one way or the other and right now, I really don't care. He put me thru so much hell and here he is trying to make ammends for what he did to me. This isn't high school anymore and all of the memories are coming back to haunt me and it is taking it's toll. All of those memories were supposed to be dead and buried but here he is, bringing out all of them and not sure if it's killing me again or if it's making me stronger. I am not the push over that I once was and he is not liking it too much. He was the hot guy in school and thought I was out of his league but in the end I was his pawn and his embarrassment and I am not about to go down that road again. I want honesty from him and that is all that I
Don't eat pre-packaaged spinach. It is bad. that is all.
I'd Rather Be Your Friend
I see your soft dark skin, And you make me shiver within. How I long to touch you, And tell you all the things I want to do. I want to lie next to you in bed, And tell you all thoughts in my head. I can see the passion in your eyes, And I know you want to tell me goodbye. I want you to look deep into my eyes; The fire is burning and it will not hide. I thought I'd let you know how I feel. Yes, believe me it's real. But a broken heart would never mend; So, all in all; I'd rather be your friend. Lisa Flores 5-11-97
Morganna's Wicked Little Thoughts
Im Sorry
I'm sorry That I'm not enough of a slut to sleep with you on a first date I'm sorry That my ass isn't big enough to "satisfy" your needs I'm sorry that I'm not anorexic and skinny enough for you to see my ribs I'm sorry That I'm not pretty enough to be "your girl" I'm sorry That I'm not a Playboy model so I can't act like a porn star for you I'm sorry I don't have a dream body that turns you on But most of all I'm sorry That you can't accept me for who I am
My Fam Map!!!
sign my shizzle if ya want!!! it'll b fun 2 fill it up!!! mcl
OMG im like so hyper right now. AND i think i am a little drunk Haha. =]
Fret A Little For Me
This is my first day in the land of lost cherries and I would like learn all there is about this site, it looks like fun. So ELLO, nice to meet ya (if I forget to say that later). Stay cool, God bless (I can still say that right?) Until we chat again (stolen fraze from a friend) Fret Elloooooooo is anybody there??
Well I don't normally blog on any sites because I have never seen much point in it, but when I get bored I do blog sometimes just for the hell of it. My uncle and my boyfriend just left so I am sitting here by myself. My uncle had to go to work and my boyfriend has school tomorrow. Blah! I can't wait till I finally get back to work but I still have 2 months left on my medical leave and it's killing me because I am so use to working. Well I think I am getting off here and heading to bed for the night. MMFWCL4L
WMD? Music is the WMC, weapon of mass construction. So practice, practice, practice your art all the way to the Smithsonian levels baby!! Art is what makes us!! Ask not what art can do for you, but what you can do for art!!!! Real art, not some corporate-fake ass flash-in-the pan kind of shit. Art that conveys all human emotions. the good ones, the bad ones, and the ugly ones!!! Supporting art is also part of how it grows, so if you don't make art, support it and you'll be apart of the art too!!! Just some art-thoughts ya'll! >>>>>>C-Money Word>Sound>Power!!!
Fallen Comrade
One of the worse tasks was patrolling the borders between Northern & Southern Ireland. Since the beginnings of the troubles a lot of minor roads running between the north and south were closed by blowing craters in the road, this was to reduce the flow of traffic coming into the north. Anybody coming in from the South, then had to enter via a control point where their vehicles could be searched if they were suspect. The IRA used to go out on a night time using diggers and refill the holes if they need to get supplies into the south. The duties of the patrol was to check on these craters to make sure they hadn’t been filled in again. The patrol always set of at dark and maybe had a 5 mile patch to patrol. Apart from the danger of been ambushed, there was always dangers of hidden claymore mines planted along the route. An eight man patrol set out one evening in late November te cold wind biting into them as they slowly made their way along the border. Each step was taken carefully l
Tag Game
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves and states this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged,list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's Fun! 1) I am a perfectionist. 2) I hate feet! lol 3) I will not leave the house without some makeup on my face or without my hair fixed. Will put a baseball cap on before I will go out with messy hair! 4) I cannot stand for my socks to be twisted on my feet. 5) I have been known to eat Cool Whip right out of the bowl! (LOVE THAT STUFF) lol 6) I can't stand the smell of beer breath. I am going to tag: ~Sexy Tiger~ m44europe Shadowfire Critter411 The Impaler T
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 My personality disorders Disorder Rating Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Moderate Borderline: Low Histrionic: High Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate -- Personality Disorder Test -- -- Personality Disorder Information -- 7:35 PM - 4 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Sunday, May 07, 2006 People that piss me off too Current mood: Pissed Off Category: Pissed Off Romance and Relationships Something that really gets me is that I will always listen to a "friend" that is having a problem with something or is troubled even taking their calls at times when I have alot going on in my life. But when I am feeling down and bothered by things then it seems like these same people desert me and that their problems are way too important that they can't give me a minute of their time. Something else that gets me is people here on myspace that think th
Please Copy And Send
One Sentence is Enough to Break a Heart……One Second is Enough to Fall in Love……and One Misunderstanding is Sufficient to Break Friendship. Friendship is the Rainbow Between to Hearts. Sharing 7 Characters First i like u, then i loved u, Now i'm afraid to lose u, If you dont send this to everyone on ur list, u will lose the person you love. sorry i dont wanna lose the person i love...................................................................................................if i dont get this back i guess your not my friend. if u have a lot of love 4 someone... copy and send this 2 ur whole buddy 5 min. ur true love
For U Lilbit
Lets Clean Up Cherrytap
THIS IS AN ADULT SITE FOR USERS 18 AND OVER.BUT THERE ARE RULES TO EVERYTHING WE DO IN LIFE.AT WORK YOU HAVE RULES,AT SCHOOL YOU HAVE RULES,AT HOME YOU HAVE RULES,IN SOCIETY YOU HAVE RULES(LAWS),EVERYWHERE YOU GO THERE ARE RULES.SO WHY IS IT SO HARD TO OBEY THE RULES ON A WEBSITE THAT AFTER ALL IS OFFERED TO YOU FOR FREE? IF YOU HAD TO PAY FOR THE SITE,WOULD YOU OBEY THE RULES THEN?OR WOULD YOU STILL REBELL AGAINST THE RULES? THINK ABOUT IT!!! IF THERE IS ANY GARBAGE YOU COME ACROSS TAKE IT HERE: SCRAPPER@ CherryTAP Terms of Use Agreement Updated August 23, 2006 is a social networking service that allows members to create unique personal profiles online in order to find and communicate with old and new friends. The service is operated by, (""). By using the Website (the "Website") you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use (this "Agreement"), whether or not you register as a member ("Member"). If you wis
Application ;p
naughty application Body: 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 19. Anal yes/no? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will u have sex with a stranger for me?(with pics) 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Merry Christmas
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.... And a Happy New Year. Don't get too drunk over th holidays...
Im Learning...
Title caught your attention didn't it? Pervert! Just kidding...So I was reading the paper today...the Kansas City Star to be exact...have you heard about Sally Lieber, a California Democrat, trying to pass legislation to make California the first state to make any hitting of a toddler or baby a crime? The newspaper said that Lieber is considering making the violation a misdemeanor, punishable by as much as a year in jail or a fine of $1000. I'm sorry but that's just asininie! First off, if I had kids, (which it just so happens I don't want kids but that's beside the point) I would not want or need a damned politician to tell me how to raise/discipline them. Worry about raising your own children, not everyone else's. Secondly, if my kid's being a little pain in the ass, they're getting smacked. My cousin's and my brother and I were little shitheads and I KNOW that every last one of us has received a good smack on the ass, probably multiple times, and we've all turned out just fine,
Behind these eyes a child cries. Behind these eyes a mother weeps. Behind these eyes terror reigns. Behind these eyes I look, mirror in myself, what do I see but a man apart. The lifelessness is all that remains. A piece of a whole. Destructive in nature and plague to the world. I walk along but to no avail. I see the world through clouded hate. Why does it have to be this way? A silent scream goes unheard. Requiem of a dream, no one cares. These eyes see red, and nothing clear. These shattered remains, a man apart is dead! That's my hand at poetry. Not saying it's good, not saying it's bad. It's just my own words
I finally made the double digits. Thankyou everyone.
BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD as balls ... otherwise i wouldnt b on here .. ha
New Pics
Yeah, so new pics posted, alot of them. Check em out and comment! Hope everyone is having a good week! PEACE!
Ghosts Of The Past
Ghosts of my past Current mood: sad I went to the movies tonight. I had no idea that the movie was going to bring back so many bad memories…memories I stuffed deep inside of me. It was Alpha Dog and it was ok until near the end. The boy was 15 and they hit him in the head with a shovel, and then killed him. Instantly, all my emotions resurfaced. I sat there and cried. I even thought about running out of the theater. I cried the whole way home. All I could think about was Randy, and his last moments, before and during him being beat with the baseball bat. Did he know? What were his thoughts? Or did it just happen so fast that in an instant, he was gone? I have been so strong for so long now. I have gone about like it doesn't exist. I'm fine on Holidays, on his birthday, and even on the anniversary of his death. When I was in PA I went to the grave, and I was fine again. In NC I took my niece to where he was killed. She had never been, and she wanted to go. I was fine. She cri
Fucked Up
yea im really bad at relationships...when i say bad i mean real bad. There was this girl that i ment and fell for to quick i think. i thought we had something great but as always...i think i fucked it up big time. I just wish that it worked out this time...i really do love this girl like no other but sometimes i wonder if its gonna really work....I really hope it does. But i dunno if she wants it like i want it...and i thinks shes really not happy wit me after reading her blogs on here. Well im out peace
Why Is It
Why is it that you fall in love with the most impossilbe people. I mean I was with this guy for 5 years and now its over but I still have some feelings for him. And most of them are hateful but I cant help thinking that sence he told me recently the he wants to marry me to do it. Am I realy dumb for that???
Time & Time Again....???
So the single life just plain out SUCKS and im getting so sick and tired of all the drama and childish games that these so called men have to completly fed up...i duno what else to do or who to turn to anymore...all i really want it EVERYTHING and i guess thats too much to ask huh...???? why is that?????????
My First Blog Woohoo Blah Blah Blah Lol
i have been asked by a few people now why i dont blog.. i got thinking im not realy sure anyone will want to know what im thinking and if they know what im thinking i may freak them out a bit LOL. im not to serious about alot of things, i dont care what people say or may think of me. either your gonna like me or your not. its simple.. im starting to do the mumm thing and its alot of fun, i am learning some cool stuff and some stuff well i wish i hadnt learned. the mumms are like a seperate world. so many different people. like theres one that just seems to hate it here but cant help to stay and make rude comments, she seems mad at life and i can apperciate that. then theres the fun loving one that just finds good in everything. if you hand her a lemon she will make a cake, pie and a drink to boost. then the guys! you got the jerky one that just says the dumbest things why because some of the mumms deserve just that. the insightful guy that seems to have positive imput,then
Impure Thoughts
‘IMPURE THOUGHTS' My eyes shall never lie upon your sweet adoring face, and my hand will never caress the length of your body nor discover the taunt skin of your awaiting chest. Through out this unmerciful night, I shall breathe a little harder, with only the thought of you lying next to me. My pulse quickening. I become excited as the thoughts of you blaze rampantly through my body. I will suffer from this agony, because of the freedom I have found in your word’s embrace. You alone will stand out in my anguished, lonely memory. I have been rescued, from all the intensity you’ve lavished upon me. You… yes, you are my Champion. My warrior poet of the heaven’s. No mortal man could take your place, in that spot of my tortured soul that you have claimed as your own. I shall walk into this languishing night, searching for you. For I feel your presence in the darkness calling my name; surrounding my longing heart. And I will writhe in pain. My body and mind in turmoil, for t
I just wanted to say thanks to all those ppl that have added me and especially those few that have talked to me and i mean actually talked to me LOL who would have thought you could make friends from a site like this. So thanks to all and really thanks to those few that know its for them. so Peace to all and peace and love to those that know its to them
This Pleasure Of Mine
This Pleasure Of Mine To what do I owe this pleasure of mine Which stands alone in frozen time Nerves on end, they bend like steel Exhausting gasps, could this be real The tender touch of moistened lips The gentle sway of curvy hips Like oceans waves of thunderous roar Bodies crash , still wanting more Her beauty impailed on phallic pleasure Feelings intense, too much to measure Lust unchained by rise and fall Holding to some, yet wanting all Faster we travel through passion’s quest Paced by the fall of rising breasts Closer, yet closer, the end is near Quivering flesh, the sounds I hear Collapse to me, a soul so fine Tis what do I owe, this pleasure of mine
Ti Amo Cc
To have To hold To feel your touch This is all I ask Is this too much? To feel your thoughts Is all I can do Waiting for the day I can be with you My heart it longs My eyes they weep Can't wait till I meet you To sweep you off your feet The phone, the cam, the text It's never enough I am sorry if showing you my love Is way too much Wanting to hold you To be in your life Wishing that someday I can call you my wife Love like this comes around Only once in a life For this I can't give up I must begin to fight. He is not worthy of having you I might not be either But this I must say Ti amo Or in english I love you
Go Do This Please! go there! and comment bomb the hell out of it.. PLEASE. i will send you gifts ok?? [if you give over 75.] PLEASE. =]] thanks. ive left 1000. which is my limit for the day. =[[
10 Roses
When we come to the edge of the light we know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, of this we can be sure .. Either God will provide something solid to stand on or .... We will be taught to fly. 10 Roses for You. You are receiving these roses because you are a special person! Each rose symbolizes a special wish from me to you. One Rose for Long Friendship One Rose for Unconditional Love One Rose For Financial Wealth One for Everlasting Happiness One for Success One for Knowledge One for Beauty, inner and outer One for Family One for Honesty And the last one for a long and healthy life Send this to all your friends expecting nothing in return but just know you told someone today how you feel about them. It is better to give then recieve Have a great day *smiles*
Simple But Very Useful Beauty Tips.....
DONT THINK ITS JUST ' HAIR' - IT ADDS TO UR BEAUTY- TAKE CARE OF IT. DAMAGED, DRY HAIR: A nourishing conditioner for dry or damaged hair, which can be used for all hair types: Separate the white of an egg from the yolk, whip it to a peak. Add 1 Tbsp. water to the yolk and blend until the mixture is creamy. Then mix the white and yolk together. Wet your hair with warm water, remove the excess moisture, and apply the mixture to your scalp with your fingertips. Massage gently until the froth is worked into your scalp, and then rinse the hair with cool water. Keep applying the mixture until it is used up and then rinsed until all of the egg is washed away. DANDRUFF:Pour distilled white vinegar onto the hair, as close to the scalp as you can manage; massage into the scalp; and allow to dry for several minutes before washing as usual. Repeat daily until the dandruff disappears, usually within a few days. HAIR LIGHTENER:To lighten hair, use 1/4 cup chopped fresh rhubarb to 2 cups boiling

Leo Since you are such an attention craver, you are into wearing the sexiest clothes and going straight for the sexiest person in the room. You like secure people who are genuine and have a good fashion sense. In bed, you like to get all of the attention, so you need a partner who can worship you for the hottie that you are. You like to dance and strip for your partner and you enjoy buying the sexiest lingere for yourself. Sex matches: Aries, Sagittarius, Libra Take this quiz at
A Poem I Wrote....
To wake up next to you every morning would be pure bliss, to feel your hand all over my body and your warm sensual kiss. To be able to see you smile and look into your eyes every day, would be like the sun shining brightly and chasing all the clouds away. To be there when you've had a hard day at work, to be able to sooth your body and take away all the hurt. To explore eachothers bodies, and travel to realms never known, instead of picking up the phone and hearing the dial tone. To be with you every day. winter, spring, and fall, to do more then just daydream while looking at your picturs on the wall. This is only the beginning of what I want for me and you, can you make these things a reality or will they never come true?
If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you follow I shall crumble to the ground like dust and my soul will wither and blow away in the storm of time. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run... for if you come towards me I will weep tears of oceans and flood the lost souls of all time. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you catch me I will have to face you and come undone and the seams that hold me together will be tattered pieces of my heart. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow,please let me run...for if you touch me I will remember all the pain and make me realize that I have not forgiven you at all.... So please just let me runaway.... *Perhaps the pain of the past can hurt you in the sands of tomorrow...and can make a clear day pass with storms of the soul* ((And not a day goes by that I dont think of you.......damn you))
New Contest I'm Holding
I am wanting to host a Favorite Tattoo contest. I want to start it on Sunday, April 8th, and run it through the following Sunday, April 15th. If you or anybody you know has a kick ass tattoo. Send me a PM with a link to the tat pic you want to use. There will be a first, second and third place winner. Winners are chosen by # of comments if there should be a tie, then ratings will be added to the score. Self comment bombing will be allowed, and as always please be courtious to others, any one who is caught being unfriendly to another contestant will be disqualified from the contest. Thanks everybody I hope to have a wonderful contest!!
A Friend Of Mine
Information Sites
I'll Love You Untill Life Ends
Ill love you until life ends by Chastity No matter how many times i try I think about u and i cry ill always wish to be your boo i hope u want to be mine too i think about you every day and ill miss u in every way i hope that we will still friends Cause ill love you until life ends.
~simply Me
If you take the time to walk the path of my soul, swim the raging ocean of my heart, and climb the looming walls of my mind, you may get a glimpse of me. Standing way out there in the distance with a puzzled look on my face, wondering how you managed to get so far, when so few have even bothered trying. Long, slow, agonizing strides will bring you to me. Look into my eyes. See what I have seen. Life...Love...Death. Listen to my voice and note that it's not just me you hear, but everyone who has touched me in my life. Don't judge me, just listen. Hear the sorrow, but don't dismiss the love. Touch my flesh, and feel how warm, soft and giving I can be, despite the cold gust you may have experienced when you first approached me. Look into my eyes again. Do you see me now? If you so choose, you may turn around, and take those long, slow, agonizing steps back down the path you previously traveled. You will have touched me, as I will have touched you. ~Jess~
4 Me Only
Who Isbigguy Spanky?
Who isbigguyspanky? spanky is the name of my cat of 11 years that died last year in march2006 of Renal failure. spanky still lives in my heart and alwayswill, he was such a great friend. the pic of the cat hugging a budwieser wearing a harley t shirt looks remarkablly like my spanky. i raised him from an 8week old kitten 11 years ago.i still love him and miss him dearly.every greytabby i see on animal planet animal rescue makes my hearthurt again but i'll adopt another littlebuddy sometime soon.spanky got his name from me when i first got him from a friend he was raised around puppies until i adopted friend said he loved milkbone dogbisquits and sure enough she put one in his mouth at 8 weeks old and he crunched it into submission with his little spikes. there are many other stories i can tell of him. ho he loved eating vegetables. my bmt from subway subs fell prey to him more than once he would wait for me to come home from work at the kitchen door tothe garage.and loved burr
Dare You To Try And Get There
Do you know the saying Love means never having to say your sorry...well too me it that is Bull shit cause if you truly love someone you don't what to see them hurt so you always tell them you are sorry if you said or did something totally stupid.... I want someone to want to share my life with me...which means..that is they don't like country music and i want to go see Keith Urban they will go because that is what I want to do...And visa a vera. I am so sick of the people who are all about what about me me me....Well to make a relationship work takes two and it won't ever work if all you are worried about is yourself... Do you agree? Or is this why I am still single? Deborah's Secret Garden... .. DEBORAH She'll let you in her house If you come knocking late at night She'll let you in her mouth If the words you say are right She'll let you deep inside There's a secret garden she hides She'll let you in her car You go driv
You have a sexual IQ of 131 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Eating Pussy Like A Pro!
Eat Pussy Like A Pro!!! What woman doesn't love to be expertly eaten out? Oral sex done right can take your partner to new heights of pleasure, but done wrong it can be an ordeal for both of you. Munching rug should be no great mystery. These tips will introduce you to some of the basics of cunnilingus and help you go down like a pro. Don't forget to come up for air! 1. What's that smell? While some folks prefer their poontang to be on the gamey side, for many people, fear of a funky odor or taste is the chief barrier to going down on a woman. All women do have a distinctive scent and flavor, and for some would-be cunning linguists, these may be an acquired taste. However, if your partner is clean and in good health, her taste and smell should not be unpleasant or overwhelming. If you have concerns about her hygiene, the most tactful approach is to suggest a shared shower or bath before sex. If after a good soaping, her pussy still smells like something crawled up it and died
Strange Facts
Saturday mail delivery in Canada was eliminated by Canada Post on February 1, 1969! In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes! There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo! Should there be a crash, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a precaution! Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second! The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card! There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos! There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants! Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500! The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad! Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating! Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult! One
Life And Its Issues
...... Okay, SO!! hows life people? i always ask becuase no one ever ask's me lol.. anyways. i just wanted to put this out on a blog becuase no one ever reads my bullitons and no one has ever heard of what im writing. its just life i guess ya know? so if u read then thanks.. ure awesome :D No title............................................ What do yo udo when you have so many decisions in life to make? Do you take the chance one by one hoping that you made the right choice? Or do you let life itself take its time on working everything out for itself? Everything is ment to happen for a reason right? so why do we have t o go though all the pain and suffering? to teach us something? how long will it take and what will we get out of it? its like work... you do it for money and experiance. so life sux and we are forced to live it. but we must not let it bring us down. ugh! in other terms. why me? why any of us? seriously though. I m
Snot .. Lol
Free Video Hosting
100% Pure Naughti Extract
I just entered my first contest on CT! i need ur support!!!! comment bomb please! *muah* K, a lot of u been askin me what my ink means: plum blossoms - they flower in the winter time, usually surrounded by snow. represents strength & perseverence. "SIX VI ONE" - my momma got diagnosed wit cancer last year.. she's now struggling wit chemo treatment. she's my whole world n wanted to get something dat'd remind me of her ability to stay calm and strong in da face of all dese problems... and to remember to love n respect my ma cuz she raised me all by herself n shit. my mom's the sixth child in her family and her bdai's on june 1st. there! now yall kno wut it's all about =P Why are guys so dumb when it comes to hickey placement? they just HAVE to leave their mark in the most visible spot on ur neck/chest. like... OBVIOUSLY it's gon be seen there! cuz it's in the middle of june, friggin 32 degrees outside n i aint gon be coverin myself up in no turtle neck in this boili
4 Sale!!!
I'm selling a 12" infinity Sub in a box with a Kicker amp. if anyones interested in buying please let me know. i'm not setting a price just yet but i am accepting offers. please email me have pics if you wanna see
Philosophy For A Happier Life
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! Li
Poem- Soul Mates
You are my soul mate All love and no hate. Who needs friends When you have love with no end. You bring me to a new place Out deep in outer space. I can see no lies When I look into your eyes. It’s great that I have you I’ll do as you want me to. As long as you say you love me I’ll do what it takes to make you happy. Tell me our love will never end You are my lover, my only friend. The others don’t believe That I’m not being deceived. They say you are using me I don’t see how that could be. I know you didn’t mean it When you said I’m not worth shit. If sex will make everything right I’ll make love to you every night. As long as you say you love me I’ll do what it takes to make you happy. I’m sorry I made you angry Do you still love me? I promise I won’t do it again You’re my soul mate, my only friend. I know that it’s my fault I’ll try harder not to make you shout. I’ll just pretend that you didn’t hit me And didn’t
My Birthday!!!
Woo Hoo! My birthday is Thursday..that's all, just excited :)
Gay Jesus
Funny: Gay Jesus will surviveUploaded by pmppm
All The Dsc Members
sorry that i havent been sendin back comments to the ones that have been commentin me ..but as soon as i can i will comment u back ..thank u all how have been leaving me comments and also to the new DsC.i will fan u and rate u when i can sorry if dont get to u for a while
Ok I'll Ask
Ok I have got to take a chance on looking stupid here, but being new to this I justta ask. What in the green grass of nature are we supposed to do, with all these points we aquire? I have them and don't know what to do with them. Someone wanna answer this for me? You can bet I would appreciate it. Thank You
Could It Be
Could it be that we weren't meant to be That you have a soul mate and it's just not me Could it be be that we met and the wrong time wrong place That it was too early and we both needed space Could it be that neither of us were ready My heart was in it but you would have to behead me You kiss was deadly plus I could learn a lot from you Could it be the rebound just went to far off the rim and it wasn't me it was him who caught you It could probably something I never thought of I lied didn't tell you the whole truth at the same time cupid was bussing of the roof Hit you he caught your eye When it hit me wasn't no surprise Could it be that I guided you to his arms Could it be him that will be loving all life long And my place will be your friend then I will settle for that Could it be a dream turned nightmare actual fact twisted twilight zone Whatever it is it could be or should be it won't Could it be I don't cross your mind you know that I don't
My Bday....
im turnin 21 on the 23rd of this month and i cant wait, i dont no why because ive done everything turnin 21 means u can do... im such a retard!!
Great Pleasures
Sweet Caroline Neil Diamond Where it began, I can't begin to know when But then I know it's growing strong Oh, wasn't the spring, whooo And spring became the summer Who'd believe you'd come along Hands, touching hands, reaching out Touching me, touching you Oh, sweet Caroline Good times never seem so good I've been inclined to believe it never would And now I, I look at the night, whooo And it don't seem so lonely We fill it up with only two, oh And when I hurt Hurting runs off my shoulder How can I hurt when holding you Oh, one, touching one, reaching out Touching me, touching you Oh, sweet Caroline Good times never seem so good Oh I've been inclined to believe it never would Ohhh, sweet Caroline, good times never seem so good
My Best Friend
Kacey- I wish there was something that i could say or do to make you hate me a little less. i dont know what else to do, so i am writing you a letter to try and close the wounds that i have from you not wanting to be my friend, my best friend, anymore. For the last 6-8 years that i have known you, you have always been there to either listen to my problems or to be someone that would belp brighten my day. Sure there has been a lot of tme where we didnt talk, but thats because our lives have been busy and took a different path. But in the last 5-6 months something happened where we were able to resume our friendship, like it had never gone away. I enjoyed everything we ever did; whether it was the drive-ins, dinner and a movie with the girls, r even just coming up to your house just to be with you. All of the time i spent with you was the greatest time of my life. until last saturday. I have never heard ou get that mad and yell that loud at me. You had your valid reasons to be upset and
Songs I Like
[Montell] I called you on the phone To see if you was at home alone Somethin' just ain't right Tell me, where were you last night? You were supposed to be with me And I paged your ass around 10:33 You didn't even call me back Now tell me, baby, what up wit that? Now you told me you need A man like me from the streets Remember when I was tossin' That ass on 4th and Slawson You said I was everything you want And now all the condoms that I bought I gotta box 'em up for the next one Cuz you just wanna flex and have your fun, baby [Coolio] You wanna play those games Thought you was dealin' wit a flea But you're dealin' wit a G You better recognize the C, double O, L I'm down wit Montell (how you livin' homie?) I'm livin' kinda swell I thought you was the one, yeah I thought you was my baby Now I see through your games And I know you're tryin' to play me So you can put your pumps on and get your rump on Cuz your hump ain't that strong Well, you can have my L
Come join me for an afternoon of great music :)
What All Guys Need To Know
ARE YOU WILLING TO: This means you better do it. FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use "fine" to describe how a woman looks. This will cause you to have one of "those" arguments. FIVE MINUTES: This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade. NOTHING: This means "something" and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and will end with the word "Fine". GO AHEAD (With Raised Eyebrows): This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the word "Fine". GO AHEAD (Normal Eyebrows): This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care". You will get a "Raised E
Mixed Feelings!
I have been having a lot of mixed feelings lately. Mainly when I think about my 19 year old daughter in NY expecting her first child. She isn't much older than I was when I had her. Funny thing was I had finished HS and was married to her father when I had her. She is still in HS and is only living with her boyfriend/soon to be husband. Part of me HATES not being there for her right now. Part of me is GLAD I am not there. Part of me is MAD at her for not waiting to have a baby. Part of me is EXCITED about the new baby. AND A REALLY BIG PART of me Is HAVING MIXED FEELINGS!!! It wasn't that long ago that my honorary 1st grand child passed away. He was only 3 months old and his parents lived with me. I have a onesie in my closet that I can't help but cry when I pull it out... it says "Grandma Magnet". I wasn't thrilled when I found out my daughter was pregnant and my friends tried to make light of it by telling everyone that Ronin was my grandson... to get me used to the idea o
Which One?
i am going to enlist for the military, but where should i go? Ary or Air Force?
Gods Perfect Creation
While I'm stuck wonderin if this could be true, This man, could he really be my ever lasting Boo. He's just a friend but yet always on my mind, I dont want to lose him for a man like this is hard to find.. To keep a smile on my face all i have to do is say his name, He's God's Perfect Creation, for whome belongs in the Hall Of Fame.. The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, > I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. > My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, > My daughter beside me, angelic in rest. > Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, > Transforming the yard to a winter delight. > The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, > Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. > My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, > Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep. > In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, > So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream. > The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, > But I opened my ey
At Night
At Night At night At night I lay and think of you hoping my wishes and dreams come true At night I wonder can this be the end is this all that's left At night I wish we could go to the way things were At night I lay and cry about the things that happened and how it all ended At night I lay and think of us, I mean you and I At night I realize there's no more us At night I dream of us together again At night I wish for us to be together again But in the morning I realize it was all At Night
New Photos
Come and check out my new photos I took. Went to the Indian Mounds on Saturday. Also, went and checked out the Old VA Hospital (very haunted). Would love to see what you think of them.
You Peace
Your peace Peace is within you. There are other places to look for it. It happens from your understanding, Of your willingness to accept and Learn from the moment that you arrive. Where to find your heart, inevitably find peace. She is in the place where everything is reflected in you in balance, harmony and innocence. Your peace depends on your attention, inside of you, so it stretches you out, giving a new dimension to your reality where you manage to clear, through it, which seems obscure, undo the knots where everything seems tangle, without output. It gives a chance for peace, your peace, And you see that life colore to what seems gray, bringing love where there feel hatred, Which brings abundance think there misery, which brings warmth think there cold, loneliness. The life often does not seem to be easy, There are moments where giving all, to simply cry, for our apparent inability to harmonize size chaos we created, but I say to you: demand for thy peac
Man's Strength
The strength of a man isn't in how many women he's loved. It's in whether he can be true to the ONE woman he's trying to love. The strength of a man isn't seen in the width of his shoulders. It's seen in the width of his arms that encircle and protect you. The strength of a man isn't in the deep tone of his voice. It is in the gentle words he whispers. The strength of a man isn't in the words he speaks. It's in how he keeps his word. The strength of a man isn't in how hard he hits. It's in how tender he touches. The strength of a man isn't in the weight he can lift. It's in the burdens he can carry. The strength of a man isn't in the hair on his chest. It's in his heart that lies within his chest.
The Feline
Miacis, the primitive ancestor of cats, was a small, tree-living creature of the late Eocene period, some 45 to 50 million years ago. oenician cargo ships are thought to have brought the first domesticated cats to Europe in about 900 BC. The first true cats came into existence about 12 million years ago and were the Proailurus. The ancient Egyptians were the first to tame the cat (in about 3000 BC), and used them to control pests. Statues of cats were placed outside the house to protect the inhabitants and to ward off evil spirits. This showed scientists that the cat had become an integral part of the ancient Egyptian family life. Also, in ancient Egypt, Cats were not only protected by almost every occupant of Egypt, but also by the law. So extreme infact was the devoutness of the Egyptian culture to the cat, that if a human killed a feline, either intentionally or unintentionally, that human was sentenced to death. Laws were set that also forbid the exportation of cats, though more
Like To Do It
How could a relaxing evening with a steamy bubble bath, soft romantic music, the warm glow of candlelight, the taste of fine wine, and the scent and softness of rose petals get any better? If you were here to share it with. I'd like to slowly peel off your jeans, your shirt, your underclothes, loving and kissing every inch of flesh I expose, and working my way up to your neck, your ear lobes, your lips. Then I'd sensuously work my way back down to where you're hot and throbbing, urgently cooling the heat with my tongue-- only to build yet another fire that can only be extinguished when our bodies meld into one.
Welcome To My World
You thought it was just another fairy tale; You thought it was just a dream, just wait the best has yet to come; the clock is ticking so hear me well. My purpose in this drab little world will soon arrive, let's just see if you'll survive. Dampened earth tainted in a carpet of sanguine dreams, oh how I loved to hear you scream, writhing that delicate flesh beneath me, all that's left now is your useless head. Come to me, my child of sin. Welcome to my world.
A Difficult Realationship
.We go through this world,like we really do live as The Matrix.We are tied to tubes that feeds us.WE live as society wants us to,and exspect us to,and the greatest fear is that life support is unplugged and we really have to learn how to live on our on.We have to make the decisions,of how we live,breath and die.WE know death is no getting out of it,But,it is the in between we are unable to comprehend.WE have a husband trying to make ends meet,and a wife searching for that feeling of belonging somewheres anywheres.WE have a son that is,trying live up to exspectation of his parents,and a daughter who needs anybody,somebody to hear her cry.We live in an age of time that what we want is the only thing that is important,and to hell with anyone else.WE feed off the emotions of others to fit our desires,and yet dont see if we would give that inch and stop taking that mile,life would be more as it is suppose to be.WE expect our spouses to bring home the bacon,cook it up and feed it to us,Men
Weeding The Garden Of Friends
My closest friends already know the problems I have been having with someone marking my "not bad stuff" as NSFW. It so happens, that they have started marking in folders that are set to be viewable by friends and family only. So that means I have an enemy within. I have already cleared out my friends list once, and that helped for awhile. Now, I must weed some more friends out to try and rid myself of the culprit. First of all, even if the pictures were bad pictures, (wich they usually are not) I don't want an adult friend on my list that is that easily offended anyway. Now, since I don't know exactly who is doing it, some of you are going to be caught in the crossfire. If you are not the one that did it, and you get deleted or blocked, than my apologies in advance. Even if I end up having no one but my real life family memebers, I will keep removing friends till the bogus nsfw flagger stops. If it comes right down to it, I will remove all of my pictures. It don't matter t
I Believe In Personal Liberty! Don't You?
LIBERTARIAN!!! The fiscal conservatism (Good for the economy), and strong support of the Military (The only REAL purpose and need of a central Federal Government) of the Republicans, without their moral judgements and meddling in peoples personal lives (although I disagree on their position on an unborn childs right to survive). With none of the Democrats SOCIALISTIC propogation of the "Welfare State", society controlling, and self destructive "Hate America first" BULLSHIT! AND THEY BELIEVE IN LEGALIZING THE HERBAGE!!! It's TIME for a VIABLE THIRD CHOICE!!!
Somethin For The Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!
Babies Flingin' Their Poopie Diapers!!
Ya know.... I like to consider myself a decent person... not perfect... but just the same.. pretty much a good guy.... So I decide to build up some points and rate a few pics... and WOW!!! First JoJo slams me for downgrading her pics average (and frankly I didn't see anything that said I had to rate her 10 minimum and geeze to be honest... she ain't no friggin 10) and then next thing you know I rate this chick named SerenitY a couple of 8's and even a 9 and she comes back and rates every one of my pics a 1 What kind of deluded babies does this site allow in to slam honest opinions????? Didn't realize I had logged on to I am sure I will post more on this later...
Stupid People!!!
I came to this site to fill in time, I do a lot of mumms and notice the same thing... If it's supposed to be "Make Up My Mind" then why the hell are y'all posting stupid shit like "what should i wash first? my face or my ass?" Hasn't anyone got anything better to do that ask stupid questions?
Nascar Races
02/16/08 Camping World 300 presented by Chevrolet Daytona International Speedway ESPN2/12 p.m. MRN/1:15 p.m. Tickets Travel 02/23/08 Stater Bros. 300 California Speedway ESPN2/7 p.m. MRN/7:30 p.m. Tickets Travel 03/01/08 Sam's Town 300 Las Vegas Motor Speedway ESPN2/4 p.m. PRN/4:30 p.m. Tickets 03/08/08 Nicorette 300 Atlanta Motor Speedway ESPN2/1:30 p.m. PRN/2 p.m. Tickets 03/15/08 Sharpie Mini 300 Bristol Motor Speedway ABC/2 p.m. PRN/2:30 p.m. 03/22/08 Pepsi 300 Nashville Superspeedway ESPN/2:30 p.m. MRN/3 p.m. Tickets 04/05/08 O'Reilly 300 Texas Motor Speedway ESPN2/2:30 p.m. PRN/3 p.m. Tickets 04/11/08 Bashas' Supermarkets 200 Phoenix International Raceway ESPN2/9:30 p.m. MRN/9:45 p.m. Tickets Travel 04/20/08 Mexico 200 Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez ESPN/1:30 p.m. MRN/2 p.m. 04/26/08 Aaron's 312 Talladega Superspeedway ABC/2:30 p.m. MRN/3 p.m. Tickets Travel 05/02/08 NASCAR Nationwide 250 Richmond International Raceway ESPN2/7 p.m. MRN/
One Million Signature Campaign
ONE MILLION SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE KILLING OF WOLVES IN ALASKA Alaska’s wolves are now subject to being killed by gunners from airplanes and by hunters who locate wolves by airplane and then land and shoot them. Approximately 1,700 wolves have been killed annually in Alaska out of a total population of 8,000-11,000 wolves. This killing will drastically increase now that the governor has approved aerial wolf hunting. We the undersigned, insist that the government of Alaska: • Listen to the people of Alaska who have voted twice to stop same-day aerial wolf hunting. • Reverse the ruling allowing aerial and land-and shoot hunting of wolves. • Listen to professional independent biologists who say the level of killing is unnecessary and damaging to the ecosystem. • Give a reassessment of the entire concept of killing wolves, including it’s impact on pack social structure, predator-prey relationships and population dynamics. Date Signature Pr
Lookin Gooooooood
The First Time
Cool Stuff and go to FUN STUFF
My mom..*ROXY* is in a fubux giveaway hosted by Painter...Please help her get as many fubux as possible...plz click on the pic..rate and leave as many comments as possible..tyvm.....and don't forget to stop by the host..*Painter* and show him some love too.. y'all very much..
Life Lesson
DONKEY LIFE'S LESSON One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his
Sorry everyone!! Some of these songs are on here for a joke. They all loaded as one I guess~ DAMN!!
Baby Boo!
The person in the link below is one of the biggest scam artist on here. she will cry a river saying she will delete her self b/c no one rates her pics at all. Guys only want to rate her NSFW pics of her. If that was the case then take them off. DUHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well every single week i would go to her page and rate her SFW pics. never once would i ask to see the other pics at all. cause i could care less about them. When i was going to rate her pics this week i found out i was blocked for no reason at all. i have no idea y either. So i asked someone else that i know that was her friend and this person was blocked too. This person would do the same and go a step further. This person would buy the person in the link below 3 bling packs, 7 day blast and 150 on her auction. What did this person get out of it? Well really nothing. He basically got kicked to the curb like a piece of shit. As well he was blocked too. So just a far warring to everyone on here. beware of pe
Big Contest
THIS IS GOING TO BE AN CONTEST FOR THE MOST LOVEABLE!!! Do you think you are the most loveable? This contest will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Want a Happy Hour 1st one to 65k comments wins one Want a 30 day blast or 3 month VIP 2nd one to 65k comments wins one Want a 7 day blast and bling pack or 1 month VIP and bling pack 3rd one to 30k comments wins one. COMMENTS COUNT 1, RATES COUNT AS 5 COMMENTS The contest will open Saturday May 10 at 10am pst, noon cst and will run til Saturday June 7 10am pst, noon cst. If you want to enter send me a private message not a shout with a link to the picture you want to use asap. 50k fubucks to repost and sticky This auction is brought to you by inkman876 aka rick FU SLAVE TO (ENCHANED MISTRESS PJ COUNTRY)@ fubar
The Bloody Blog
Now Available for Pre-Order! Who Wants Some of Wrath's Sloppy Seconds? Who wouldn't? Each year at the World Horror Convention, the most anticipated event is the Gross-Out Contest, where authors stand up in front of everyone and deliver some of the most disturbing, gut-wrenching tales anyone has ever heard. Wrath James White's stories are among the best of them. Now, we present his stories for the first time in print - uncut. Here are his four stories from previous years, as well as his entry for the 2008 WHC. But there's more! We have a bonus story that is "one of the most grotesque and horrific murder/rape/revenge stories I have ever written." Mark McLaughlin provided the cover art in addition to a hilarious introduction. Approximately 35 pages 6 X 9 Chapbook
Where's The .....
a beef eater I supose.But me,I like to eat P#ssy myself.
To All My Fubar Friends!
I wanted to let all my friends on fubar that I love you all and I appreciate all the love and support that I received from you all while I was going through the death of my father. Wanted to let you all that you are in my thoughts daily.
New Bombing Family In Town ...never Like B4
I know when looking for a bombing family, you look towards one with family loyalty.With the family I'm going to start,there will be loyalty,as well as respect from your brothers/sisters..Most important, support when you need it! It won't be like anything you've seen, on this site or any other.. What I'm proposing to do is accept members on a bike club rule system. You must prove your loyalty to become a member of this family.However you will not be asked to do more then show your willingness to bomb/level as needed, and prove that you can be a trusted and loyal member of this family..As such a probationary period(prospecting)will be necessary. Club patchs will be given out as loyalty to the family as shown..Any questions speak to a club officer..President, Vice President, Sgt.@Arms& Security, or Secretary..This is proving to be one of the greatest family's on Fu,Join us now! If you have what it takes you'll have an full patch like this one! ¶PÃIЙT€Я™
Just Silly Me
I have no problem with being fat."Said a young girl" As the young girls mother looked up from a sigh she said, "Little one its not you I worry about; its others that can not see that". The little girl sat there with a stare of confusion. Out of the blue she looked at her mother and said, "Do explain why mother, you are worried of what others think?". The mother and the daughter continued on in this conversation for some time that day. The little girl always wondered why it was that her mother worried about her every move. Her mother worried about her weight, hair, and the clothes she wore. As the girl got older she found out just what her mother was so worried for. She realized her own mother gave all she had to make sure this little girl never did with out. She realized just how cruel the world could be if you don't have all the fancy things. As the girl became a lady she seen more and more of what people thinks you should be. She only wanted to be herself not the girl her mother h
F-Stop - this controls the size of the opening (or aperture) in the camera. The lower the F-Stop, the wider the aperture is open. For lower F-Stops, more light comes into the camera, for higher F-Stops, less light comes in. The F-Stop also affects depth of field, which makes the background blurry in close up shots of flowers. Lower F-Stops have less depth of field, so only part of the picture will be in focus. Higher F-Stops have greater depth of field, so nearly the entire picture will be in focus. Read more about depth of field here: Depth of Field Shutter speed - this controls how long the shutter is open to allow the camera to capture light. The longer the shutter is open, the more light enters the camera. And of course, the less time the shutter is open, the less light enters the camera. F-Stop and Shutter speed combine to determine how much light comes into the camera when you click the "doohickey" to take a picture. This is referred to as exposure. Photos witho
Rob 2 U@ fubar
Me And Iraq
mannn iraq its hella differnt from here and i am sick tired of it here and i just cant wait back home and start a new life away from the military shit duhhhhh oh yea and my girl dumbed me cuz i am there WTF i think she's supporting the troops pretty well hahahah any question i am ready to answer
Fu Luv Bomb Squad
Welcome to my first blog. Please visit my friends at Sunset Cafe Lounge. Bring your friends with you and join the great party. Sunset Cafe Lounge Now Sunset Cafe Lounge has joined forces with Fu Luv Bomb Squad, join up with them also. Fu Luv Bomb Squad Louisiana alligators are known to roam in springtime when they search for mates, but a Golden Meadow woman was mystified to find one parked on her doorstep. Belinda Donaldson got a call Thursday morning from a neighbor who warned her to stay inside because an 11-foot alligator was lounging on her front stoop. She looked out the window and there it was, just outside her door...."
Untill Shes Eighteen
Please Rate My Pic
Come get me ;p lol need rates too luv Zoeyy xxx I need your rate to win fubucks and a bling pack lol help a girl out :-D you can bid for me to if you like here is the link luv Zoeyy
Donations Needed
Donations Needed The Bad Wolfy is about to be a Species in Danger of Extinction..... Yeah, The Bad Wolfy needs a lots of FUBUCKS DONATIONS!!! He Wanna Get His 1st Spotlight and He needs all the help he Can get!! I'm going to give you his link!!! The Bad Wolfy~~Fu-Owned By Anna & Miss BeBe@ fubar I don't gonna ask for much just go over and help every Fu-Bucks Donations are well received!!!
Just The Same...
It is now 0221 (for those that dont understand Military time that is 2:21am) and beings there is nothing on TV, I popped in what is now my favorite movie after Full Metal Jacket, "The Guardian." Call me stupid, call me lame, but this movie gets me motivated (or as we say in the Corps, gets me hard!!). Before I saw this movie, I thought what everone else thought... The Coast Guard are a bunch of PU__IES!!! Before I go any further, I shall admit that this perceotion is HELLA far from the truth. Im sure glad this is a blog for two reasons. The first is because Im part of the most eliete crew in the United States and this is the Marines. Now, I dont say this because of rivalry, but as ANY service member will tell you, the first that is called for most any conflict is the Marines. Ok, now let me um.... well, I guess promote the Coast Guard (which my Marine Corps brothers and sisters would KICK MY ASS for.), but with watching this movie, I see that these guys (and gals) are NOT pussies!
34 Reasons To Have Sex
34 Reasons to Have Sex Sex and Health: Do the nasty. Knock boots. Bump uglies. Shag. Schtupp. Boff. Boink. For every silly nickname we use for sex, there's a totally legit reason why you should be having more of it. To prove our point, we've pulled together a comprehensive list of the mind-boggling benefits of hitting the sheets. From boosting your immune system to releasing aggression, here are the many ways it pays to play dirty. Shag your guy's ticker into shape. According to a study at Queens University in Belfast, men who have sex three or more times a week can cut their risk of heart attack in half. According to that same study, regular romps will also halve your man's chances of suffering a stroke. Work off that Rice Krispies Treat without hitting the treadmill. One 30-minute roll in the hay burns about 200 calories. Curb irritability. "Tactile stimulation soothes nerves," says Evelyn Resh, M.P.H., certified nurse midwife and director of health services at
Own My Happy Azz!
Own Ozzfanatic2!! Just Click the Pic to Place your Bid! Don't forget to show much love to the Hostess - SilverPixi Music provided by Blue Cat Radio
Needs less than 10k comments for his Bling. Please stop by & help it out, he's a sweety:) Thanks
1. Teaching math In 1958 A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit? 2. Teaching math In 1968 A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit? 3. Teaching Math In 1978 A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80. Did he make a profit? 4. Teaching Math In 1988 A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 & his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20. 5. Teaching Math In 1998 A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish & inconsiderate & cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our wood- lands. He does this so he can make a profit of $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class participation after answering
Sam's Shit
This is approximately how I feel right now.
Own Me
Hi all i'm up for bid just click the pic below to place your bid ty
I See You
Hey sweetie, I was wondering if you could do me one little favor I'm Currently In A Sexiest Eye Contest And The favor is if you could click the pic above and it will direct you to where you would have to go, once there could you rate my eyes. The contest ends on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at midnight Eastern timezone, so hurry up before its to late
More About Me
If you've looked at my pics and see I don't smile alot, there's a good reason why. For the past few years I've litterally been thru hell and back. In '06, I lost everything I'd worked so hard for so many years for, and had to end up moving in with mom and dad. A few months after that, mom died. Then a year later, my sister gets murdered. This year I lost my dad and no will was left, so I'm going thru a legal mess here. I don't let it consume me, but most of the time I just seem to go thru the motions to just get thru the day. Hopefully better days lie ahead, but I know it's gonna take a long time, so please try to understand that I'm not cold, it's that I'm pretty much emotionally numb. I also lost a brother to suicide in 2001, but I'm dealing better with it now. So understandably there's quite a few days where I'm more withdrawn than others. Their birthdays (brother's March 11, mom August 5, sister's November 23 and dad's November 24) and the days of their deaths (brother's October 26
I Curse At&t!
So there I am, listening to the Sox game in the 11th inning on Saturday night. The score is tied and Timlin is sent to the mound by Tito. I'm not happy about this AT ALL. Timlin is just a wee bit younger than me and I have no trust in him that he can actually get three outs in this crucial game. If my memory serves me correctly... Timlin walks the first batter. $#*(#$(%#)$%#$% is my response. Timlin gives up a single to the next batter. $#(*&#$(W#&$(*&#$)(#*$)(#*$)(@#&$)(#*$)(&%*^*(#)$(@*#$* is my response. AND THEN... All is silent. No mlb internet radio. What's going on? I try to reboot my computer. Still nothing. I look over to my modem. No lights are on. I reboot my modem. Still no lights. I FREAK OUT! I call AT&T and desperately try to get them to fix the problem. They tell me that the problem is my computer. Huh? No lights on the modem but it's MY COMPUTER????? YOU LIE AT&T! Meanwhile, it looks like I will not have home int
-------------~*~*~*~*~------------- Come Join Us for the First Ever LIVE AUCTION -------------~*~*~*~*~------------- WHERE: The Playground alt=""> -------------~*~*~*~*~------------- WHEN: SUNDAY OCTOBER 26th 7PM EST -------------~*~*~*~*~------------- WHAT: These fine staff members are up for grabs Click each Pic for more details