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60 Things Not To Say To A Naked Man
60 Things Not to Say to a Naked Guy 1. I've smoked fatter joints than that. 2. Ahh, it's cute. 3. Who circumcised you? 4. Why don't we just cuddle? 5. You know they have surgery to fix that. 6. It's more fun to look at. 7. Make it dance. 8. You know, there's a tower in Italy like that. 9. Can I paint a smiley face on that? 10. It looks like a night crawler. 11. Wow, and your feet are so big. 12. My last boyfriend was 4'' bigger. 13. It's ok, we'll work around it. 14. Is this a mild or a spicy Slim Jim? 15. Eww, there's an inch worm on your thigh. 16. Will it squeak if I squeeze it? 17. Oh no, a flash headache. 18. (giggle and point) 19. Can I be honest with you? 20. My 8-year-old brother has one like that. 21. Let me go get my tweezers. 22. How sweet, you brought incense. 23. This explains your car. 24. You must be a growing boy. 25. Maybe if we water it, it'll grow. 26. Thanks, I needed a toothpick. 27. Are you one of those pygmies?
ok i know i said to a few i was writing a blog about something well going to the store and i will bb to finish it...sorry was on the phone and got booted so i have to re-do it.... bb soon and i hope it des not change the way u think of me when u read my next blog.... thank u..... me....
Lookin For Mis Right
i been wit alot of people my whole live but some times i feel as one special girl will do. but some time i feel as im too young to settle down. but maybe if that right person came in my live i wouldnt have to settle down but more injoy life knowin that theres no worriers cause i got tha person i love.
Ohio Friends
FRIENDS: Will stand guard while u take a piss. OHIO FRIENDS: Will shine a spotlight on you while your drunk ass is taking a piss in the bushes. --------------------------------------------------------- FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs. OHIO FRIENDS: Call your parents drunk as hell and tell them about the guy/gurl you tried to pick up ------------------------------------------------------------------- FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. OHIO FRIENDS: Will be sitting next to you saying, Damn...that shit was fun " ------------------------------------------------------ FRIENDS: Cry with you. OHIO FRIENDS: laugh at you --------------------------------------------------------- FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. OHIO FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. --------------------------------------------------------- FRIENDS: Will try and talk to the bouncer when you get tossed o
Homie@ fubar
In Defense Of...
Many times we women sit and wonder if there are any "good guys" left.. ok.. so the guys wonder that about the women too..but I see it more so on the women's point.. I think what happens and this is my own opinion is that.. we get mistreated so much (often times by our own fault) and we set ourselves up for that... If we think guys are going to be assholes.. they are going to be.. If we think guys are going to run around.. they probably will.. We find what we seek .. we seek those "no good, cheatin dogs" because its what we expect.. Unfortunately.. If you clump them all into a group you will never find that ONE that is honest, caring.. hardworking.. dedicated and loyal.. all you will see is the one that will run out on you, treat you like crap and disrespect every aspect of your relationship.. Men and women disrespect each other because that is what is expected.. men expect women to be bitches.. so we are.. women expect men to be untrustworthy and cheat.. so they
Dj Moaner
why is it that girls always just go by the looks? isnt there just one decent girl that doesnt anymore. i only know of one so far. wont someone show me differently?
I Dont Know Who Is Doing This
Ok guys I just go a message from the contest host and she informed me that someone bombing for me is saying things to the other contestants im not sure what they said or whos doing it but please stop because i will get disqualified and i dont want that to happen after all this hard agian thanks for the help but leave the other girls alone we are fine!
My B-day
I'm having a birthday party for me however I am using this event as a fund raiser for the Wildlife Way Station. Please watch the video below to see more about us and donate to our cause.
What Could Be Worse Then Being A Soldier
When a soldier comes home, he finds it listen to his son whine about being bored. keep a straight face when people complain about be tolerant of people who complain about the hassle of getting ready for work. be understanding when a co-worker complains about a bad night's sleep. be silent when people pray to God for a new car. control his panic when his wife tells him he needs to drive slower. ¡¦to be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of be grateful that he fights for the freedom of speech.
How Kinky
You scored as Very Kinky, You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky80% Average50% A Sicko10% A WUSS !!0% How sexual are youcreated with
The subject says it all
Come Help My Friend Kittycat
Come help my friend out in her first contest. She has enter her cute son in a contest for the cutiest kid. So come help me rock her page and she is always there for others now she needs the help. Thanks Bitchy Babygirl here is the link
Something I Left On The Fridge
I’am always seeing the things and people that are two inches away from my face. What I would like to be able to do is to see the things that are important , significant, blazing stars, life long influences. All to often those things and people get taken for granted, recede into the background. I feel so deeply loved by You. And I love You so much back! All through my life you have been there to spoil me to treasure me ,and as I’ve gotten older you’ve become my friend someone I can talk to & confide in. My mom always reminds me that there are people who are just completely ,basically good. And that you are one of them It feels so good every time I see you . Like the feeling you get when you are coasting to a stop after your favorite roller coaster ride.
Use Your Strengths!!!
One day, an angel was roaming in the forest. It was a very beautiful day. The angel saw trees touching the sky, and leaves were swinging with cool breeze. Flowers were smiling, painted with beautiful colors, and the birds were singing. Angel was very pleased to see the beauty that God had created; it was a magical feeling. After walking a little further, the angel saw a rose plant. The rose plant was crying. The angel felt very sad. The angel asked the rose plant, "Why are you crying, my child?" The rose plant replied, "God doesn't love me as much as he loves other plants." And the angel said, "What makes you think that, my beautiful?" Rose plant then said, "God gave me a thorn." The angel said, "Awwww, God didn't give you a thorn, you were born with the thorn. God blessed you with a beautiful flower with beautiful carved petals. God blessed you with a sweet fragrance. You are remembered as a symbol of love. God blessed your beauty to live with the thorn." Live your
Keep Him And His Family In Your Thoughts And Prayers
My very close friend COUNT SMOKULA is going through a very hard time at the moment. His father has been diagnosed with cancer and as you can imagine it's a turbulent time for Count and his family. Please stop by and show him that there are real people out there who care! **COUNT SMOKULA** GROW ROOM Owner 4 Life ->;)**@ fubar He is one of the best guys i know! Always ready to help even if he doesn't know the person! It pains me to see him and his family going through this. I know all the love he receives from everyone will be appreciated and brighten his days a little. So please have a heart, stop by leave a comment! While you're there add him as a friend you won't regret it! Show him that there is more to this site than points and rank! THANK YOU
Behold The Witch
Free Comments & Graphics Codes
8 Winter Tips for Healthy Living A better diet, a little more exercise -- healthy living is easy if you take it one tip at a time. by Wendy C. Fries WebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Jonathan L. Gelfand, MD Holidays, stress, post-holidays, even more stress -- who has time for taking care of ourselves? You do! Resolve to follow these eight diet, exercise, and lifestyle tips, and you can be good to yourself this winter -- and all year long. Enjoy the Benefits of Yogurt It's creamy smooth, packed with flavor -- and just may be the wonder food you've been craving. Research suggests that that humble carton of yogurt may: Help prevent osteoporosis Reduce your risk of high blood pressure Aid gastrointestinal conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and constipation Prevent vaginal infections Ready to take home a few cartons of yummy yogurt? When buying think low-fat, make sure the yogurt contains active cultures and vitamin D, and keep tabs on sugar content. Help Holi
Fusista And Fubrothers
Hey all FuSistas and FuBrothas!!!!!! For your personalized tag, I need the following: 1: Four of Your Favorite Photos of YOU!!! 2: Your favorite color AND YOU MUST EMAIL ME THE PHOTOS ....USE SUBJECT FUSIS OR FUBRO Thanks all! Holly
Strange State Driving Laws
Alabama Apparently ‘Bama is an acronym for Blunt All Motorist Adventures, for officials there have inexplicably made it illegal to drive while blindfolded. Alaska Contrary to public opinion roof racks are not specifically designed for skis, snowboards and cocker spaniels. Or at least not in Alaska, where authorities have found it necessary to declare it illegal to tether a dog to the roof of a car. Arkansas Think twice while in Arkansas if you harbor an unflagging passion for cold cut sandwiches and honking your car horn. Arkansas authorities have deemed it illegal to blare a car horn where ice cold beverages or sandwiches are served after 9 p.m. California No matter how luxuriously comfortable that divided highway may look, it is illegal in Eureka, California, to use a road as a bed. In order to save money on having to crop dust their streets, officials in Chico, California, have made it illegal to plant rutabagas in roadways. Officials in Glendale,
Christie's Blog Log - Online Karma Test Click Here! Christie, Your Karmic Alignment is: Zen Intuition! Score: 14 You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don't use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don't do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!
Slow down for three minutes to read....It's so worth it. What does Love mean? A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think : ____ "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8 _____ "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4 _____ "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5 _____ "Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6 ___ "Love is what makes you smile wh
Something To Think About
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be; your roommate, your neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger who, when you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you and at the time they seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never have realized your potential, strength, will power of heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of the soul. Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, l
Yep Your Bad
To all them men who have their priorities straight your the men whom i wanna congratulate we need more men out there like you keep doing what you do and im hoping you will teach others too but for all those ones who talk nothing but dreams your gonna find yourself by yourself if you know what i mean im sure you once had one of them good girls by your side but you decided to lose them all for your pride one day you will understand what you have done but by then that perfect girl has already moved on and you could have lived them dreams you talked about too but now she lives her life with nothing but doubt for you you could have arrived on time and stuck to your word but you chose to dissapoint her and act all absurb for every tear my friends watched roll down my face you should have been there to catch them, but that wasnt the case my friends shouldnt be the ones watching me in pain as im quietly crying giving you that "last chance" aga
You do not have to salute, it is optional, but you will not level up past 10 but if you want to salute, then you have to abide by the guidelines that are laid out for all community members. It is your choice :) Sas:) === 'XtraCrispy' spewed forth the following at '2007-11-27 16:34:31'.. > > sheesh! > > XtraCrispy is my character. I am on myspace, broadcaster, and stickam. I am the masked madman of camland. > > Showing my face would defeat the purpose. > > References: > > > > > === 'Saspanda' spewed forth the following at '2007-11-27 16:27:05'.. > > > > the other part you are missing as well as fubar > > > > is Your FACE must be CLEARLY Seen with nothing covering it at all, while your holding the handwritten sign. > > > > That is what candid photo means..... A salute is to show the REAL YOU> > > > > > > > > === 'XtraCrispy' spew
Martial Law In A Nutshell--15 Questions
Martial Law in a Nutshell--15 Questions By Mary Maxwell, Ph.D. Online Journal Contributing Writer Nov 9, 2005, 00:21 1. Q: Is it likely that martial law is imminent in the U.S.? A: Yes. The way has been partially cleared for it legally by the Homeland Security Act, that 'grandfathered in' the whole of a secret 1979 executive order dealing with emergency rule. One legal hurdle to martial law still remains, namely, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which explicitly forbids soldiers to participate in domestic law enforcement. However, Congress could easily annul the Posse Comitatus Act, and is being pressured by the attorney general and the Pentagon to do just that. 2. Q: What is martial law? A: In popular usage, martial law means that some or all civil liberties are suspended. For example, there could be a curfew, which would prevent people from exercising their normal liberty to walk around after 9 p.m. Legally,
Happy Holidays
i just wanted to wish every one on here a happy holiday season
A Wonderful Day In The Nabior Hood
The house finally past inspection on the heating and only took 4 times to get it right. I think that it's mad shell on there now we are about a month behind so no moving in for x-mas. The contractors talking about maybe the end of next month.
Snowball Fight
Turn up the volume - DON'T hit Santa - He will yell at you - Move mouse so that the target shows right on the people, click and to throw your snowball.....enjoy - Remember -Don't hit Santa
here recently like within the last 3 months i have been diagnosed with testicular cancer am now going through chemo therapy and to make things worse i started losing hair todayif anyone else has dealt with this situation i would love to hear how u deal with it
Lunarlupin K.o.p.e. Co.owner Of Guardians Of Hell
LunarLupin K.O.P.E. Tiggs! insatiable one! CO.OWNER of G.O.H.@ fubar
What A Crock...
You know what really sucks? When you tell someone the honest truth and they then insult the hell out of you and accuse you of being something you aren't, because THEY can't handle the truth. Well get your facts straight first, dear. You have no clue what's going on in my home and you have no idea why or why not I've not acted on anything I found as of yet. I have three kids to consider here and despite my personal feelings, I will not hurt them during this time of year. Their father has been quite capable of that in the past. I'm not doing it to them again! It doesn't make me weak or pathetic as you put it. SO FUCK YOU. You have no clue what the hell the situation is okay? Instead of finding out, you attacked me. Well fine. And my profile looks "hinky" because I was in a goddamn hurry to make one up. I surely didn't give two shits about how it looked okay? So to put it out there straight for whoever thinks they want to examine this and hold judgement, I found this place because my supp
Have A Nice Read!!!!!!
This Will B A Eatting Yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Neureicher, Fuckwit Tw@t Head
All About You.
Best Legs Contest
Ok ladies I am going to have a beat legs on FUBAR contest send me your best leg pic with or with out clothes on lol and the winnwe will recieve a one month VIP. Contest starts today and ends on 2/1/08
Born In A Blaze Of Glory
Born In A Blaze Of Glory Not everybody can say they were born in a blaze of glory, Well I can say I was sort of. But to understand matters more you have to go back a week earlier. It was a normal Friday morning, Dad was off to work December was always a busy time when your a postman. My 2 older brothers to be where off to school. Mum was busy cleaning looking forward to the birth of her forth child in about 3 weeks time, although she was worried about her dad. Since the death of his precious granddaughter a year earlier all he did was sit and stare in the fire, he had taken it badly, Maureen was the apple of his eye. After getting nagged at by mum, he did what most men on Tyneside did, off he went to the toilet to read his paper. Inside toilets were unheard of in the industrial North East, they were reserved for the rich. It was fast approaching dinner time, so mum hurried to make a meal for dad coming in from work and the boys returning for dinner from school. There was no sign o
Get All Your Travel Deals Here!!!
Get ALL Your Travel Deals Here!!! WorldWide Travel & Tours - Where Dreams Come True At WorldWide Travel & Tours, we offer a large variety of travel deals from Flights, Cars, Hotels, Cruises, Vacations, Group Packages and more. I have compiled a list of the services my company offers at competitive prices. To start taking advantage of our travel deals visit my website at where you can compare and save on all of your travel needs. The website is easy to navigate. You can browse through all the tabs available and find what you need. It’s very easy to book your travels from online. You can either choose to book your own travels or any of our services yourself by simply logging onto the website or you can contact me at the Contact Information provided on the left side of the Home Page. To receive weekly travel information on all our deals and steals just enter your name and email address in the box located at the bottom left of the websit
My Poetry
MMM....ya whole life u desire that one..that one that can make u smile from ear to ear, that one that can make you feel brand love , new hopes , new desires...that one that can make u feel that you are the only one around.. U can picture his face...but it is a blurr can feel his can smell him....his voice whispers in ya ear...i am here baby...for you and for me...and the new love that your heart desires....never will i hurt you, nor will i betray you...i will never make you cry tears of pain...only joy....keep dreaming of me and i will appear when you are at your darkest moments...i will be that light , that light that will make every thing all right...and you will be with me....and i will be with you....and never again will you hurt for anything....never will you feel alone nor will you want or desire another thing....except for our love that will grow and go on till the end of love , my dream, my mystery man.... mmm...your big brown
Wat I Feel
Wat I feel is u and u know its true that's y the sky is blue I'm always gonna call u boo u can call me pooh u tell otha girls 2 move wat I feel iz me everytime I want 2 scream all i can do is dream and then want sum ice cream girls u know wat I mean I want 2 feel like a queen u look at me and say damn I would neva let u drown u like goin 2 town wat i feel is a king u look at me and say ding I look at u and say bling I don't want a fling wat I feel is money I don't need it honey I don't need a bunny u can be funny wat I feel is crunk don't always be drunk please be a slam dunk I know u like 2 fuck but just don't be a duck u could have a truck wat I feel is real u r my meal so I don't deal and u don't kill I don't drill This is how I feel wat i feel is real
February is . . . . National Blah Buster Month, National Embroidery Month, National Grapefruit Month, National Snack Food Month, National Weddings Month, Responsible Pet Owner Month, Return Carts to the Supermarket Month, Creative Romance Month, International Twit Award Month, Canned Food Month -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holidays are listed in chronological order. At the bottom are explanations and tips on how to celebrate certain holidays or sites you can link to containing more information on certain holidays. Remember this site is dedicated to bizarre American holidays, so naturally the links are of that nature. Also, you can link to the home page, previous month, or next month. February 1 is . . . . . Serpent Day February 2 is . . . . . Purification Day February 3 is . . . . . Cordova Ice Worm Day February 4 is . . . . . Cr
You Knw When Your A Raver When
YOU KNOW YOUR A RAVER WHEN ? The total amount of sleep you get on weekends is the sum of how many times you've blinked since Friday night. ? You grin like a dumbass whenever you see a comercial for "E News" ? You navigate your way around the city by using 24h petrol-stations as landmarks. ? You can't pass a warehouse, big open field, barn, airplane hanger, phone booth, etc without getting that far off look in your eye and saying "Wow, what a great place for a rave!" ? You're willing to spend $30 on a ticket for an event you might not even get into, $50 for something that might be asprin, but you're not willing to part with $2 for a bottle of water. ? You have sleeping patterns that would kill normal human beings. ? Almost every letter of the alphabet has a different meaning to you. ? You forget about your dream of becoming a Doctor and start to wonder what it would be like to be a cartoon character... ? You are dead against drinking alcohol, but will snort ho
Results Of The Paternity Test.
I called the courthouse today to find out whats been going on with the results of the paternity test for me and my daughter....i was instructed to call the department of revenue, i was then told by the representitive that my wife ashleigh did not show up with the baby for the test, she also did not show for the 2nd appointment that was made....the case has been dismissed......after hearing all this i really do believe the child is not mine....My ex didnt want everyone to know the truth....i can now go forward with a clear conscience.
Whats New Wit The Fam
Well today is C-Money's Birthday is today. If you don't know who that is. He is My oldest son. And let me tell I could not be happier. A Man could not ask for a better son than Money... More News to come later...
Ladies What Makes You Go Crazy For Your Guy?
Sexy Music To Make Love To?
I need YOUR help to make a sexy CD filled with various love making rhythm. Please list one or MORE songs you and your lover like to bump too:-) Okay I will start... ~"Naked" by Marques Housten (spelling wrong)
Solution To The G Spot Question?
From correspondents in Paris February 21, 2008 09:30am Article from: Agence France-Presse Font size: + - Send this article: Print Email AFTER more than half a century of debate and bedroom exploration, a row about the location of the fabled G spot may be settled at last, the British weekly New Scientist says. The G spot, named after a German gynaecologist called Ernst Graefenberg who first mooted its existence in 1950, is said to be a highly sensitive area in the vagina that, when stimulated, gives a woman a powerful orgasm. But where the G spot is located has been clouded by evidence that is subjective or downright contradictory, and some experts have even concluded that it does not exist. The answer, according to Italian researcher Emmanuele Jannini, is that, yes, the G spot does exist, but only among those women who are lucky enough to possess it, New Scientist reports. Jannini, of the University of L'Aquila, used ultrasound to scan a key vaginal area among
Hello Join To My Link Three Days Free Trial
copy paste it on your tab
~men Are Like...~
**************Men Are Like...******************* ... Blenders. You need one, but you're not quite sure why. ... Chocolate Bars. Sweet, smooth, and they usually head right for your hips. ... Coffee. The best ones are rich, warm, and can keep you up all night long. ... Commercials. You can't believe a word they say. ... Computers. Hard to figure out and never have enough memory. ... Coolers. Load them with beer and you can take them anywhere. ... Copiers. You need them for reproduction, but that's about it. ... Curling Irons. They're always hot, and they're always in your hair. ... Government Bonds. They take way too long to mature. ... Horoscopes. They always tell you what to do and are usually wrong. ... Lava Lamps. Fun to look at, but not all that bright. ... Mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion. ... Parking Spots. The good ones are already taken and the ones that are left are either handicapped or extre
Contest!!!!! Please Help
Please rate and comment on picture!!! Thanks
Wrestlemania Poll
I need everyones opinion and votes here... who do u think will win this year at Wrestlemania? Undertaker vs Edge Batista vs Umaga Floyd Mayweather vs Big Show Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels HHH vs Randy Orton vs Cena please respond
First Time On Here
well i just recently joined this website and i must say it moves at a fast pace thats for sure which is a good thing because myspace gets kind of boring lol well anyways i want to say thank you to my friend boo for showing me this website and to the people that have already made me a friend thanks to all
Hey everyone out there haven't been around since last year but I'm back to stay and can't wait to show some new pics off. See ya soon
Baby Boo!
Ok this lovely woman in the link below is feeling up set right now and she feels that since she put her NSFW pics to private that none of her friends wants to show her love at all. So just to prove her wrong on this. I'm asking my friends/fans and family members to go and rate all her stuff and show her the love that she deserves on here. Show her it is worth to stay on here and for her not to leave this site, cause she will be deeply missed by many of her close friends on here!!!! ßåßy ߺº Member : Fubar's Ultimate Bad Girls Club@ fubar
i am in need of someone helping me pay my cell bill for this month only can someone help me
Who Wants To Own Me !!!!!
go to this link to start your bids!!! much love to all!
I want to live my next life backwards! You start out dead and get that out of the way right off the bat. Then, you wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day. When you are kicked out of the home for being too healthy, you spend several years enjoying your retirement and collecting benefit checks. When you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years or so, getting younger every day until pretty soon you're too young to work. So then, you go to high school: play sports , date, drink, and party. As you get even younger, you become a kid again. You go to elementary school, play, and have no responsibilities. In a few years, you become a baby and everyone runs themselves ragged keeping you happy. You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, spa-like conditions: central heating, room service on tap.
center> want to hang out with good people make new friends, why at the same time help other people if so contact one of us........ !!!_-AUSSIE-_!!!@ fubar Woodza.Help! Bail Me Out Of Jail Or Own Me Plz.Either One@ fubar ♥~§ÁRÁ~ ♥ *Áµ$$îè'$ Wîƒè*~♥@ fubar H ¤ l t . L ³ ƒ † ¥ - fu-owned by Lucie in the Sky@ fubar Dj JOEDOG Owner Of TDP RL/BF FUHUBBY To BlueDaisy69 ~Crew Member of THE ~SILENT~BOMBERS@ fubar ~Cherokee~~THE ~SILENT~BOMBERS~~**@ fubar ◊ DJ TIFFI~THE~SILENT~BOMBERS~ ◊@ fubar Luna@ fubar Beach_Baby69~Crew Member of THE SILENT BOMBERS~@ fubar poz@ fubar
Lapdogs - Funnies
John was a salesman's delight when it came to any kind of unusual gimmick. His wife Marsha had long ago given up trying to get him to change. One day, John came home with another one of his unusual purchases. It was a robot that John claimed was actually a lie detector. It was just about 5:30 that afternoon when Tommy, their 11 year old son returned home from school. Tommy was over 2 hours late. "Where have you been? Why are you over 2 hours late getting home?", they asked. "Several of us went to the library to work on an extra credit project" said Tommy. The Robot then walked around the table and slapped Tommy, knocking him completely out of his chair. "Son, this robot is a lie detector, now tell us where you went after school." "We went to Bobby's house and watched a movie." "What did you watch?" asked Marsha. 'The Ten Commandments." answered Tommy. The Robot went around to Tommy and once again slapped him, knock
Kermit's Response To 2 Girls, One Cup
Life In General
why do people have to be so mean i just don't get it my best friend is very sick and her boyfriend does not seem to care he calls her all kinds of bad names and accuses her of cheating on him because she does not want to phone bone him she had a heart test yesterday and last night he told her that he does not think she is as sick as she tells him i don't get it at all how can someone say they love you then treat you like that how can they lay in bed with you in there arms then go out on the road and treat you like a whore i guess there is still alot about love that i just don't get adn if that is how it is then i don't want it at all
Why You Shouldn't Judge...
Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one. Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for? Candidate A. Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B. He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every ev ening. Candidate C He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife. Which of these candidates would be our choice? Decide first... no peeking, then s
Midnight Riders
Using the Midnight Oil as Lube by LateNiteFantasy© I wanted to be the first to fuck midnight, Just screw the hell out of the witching hour I wanted to use the moon for a condom and devour All her blinking eyes, tie her up with a lovers bight. But woe, is me, you got there first, Raging lesbian in black combat boots, Flannel shirt and ill-dyed roots, You used night’s sex to quench your thirst. Alas, sloppy seconds, you suck and I durst Slip casually into this union of night and day You have truly ruined my dreams. Bitch. But I’ll be the first to cry, “Do thy worst! Have at thee, Day, I’ll slay you this way: On your head, a voodoo curse! Jock itch.” I’ll shake my voodoo stick with all my might And dance an arcane dance of power I’ll chant and gesture, grin and glower Until you scratch and fill with fright. And when you’ve fallen to the deadly itch, I’ll watch you writhe and moan and twitch. Night Rider by LateNiteFantasy© she
Basic Me
so ive been trying to figure this whole site out and addin things to it but basic my i think rocks ass lol jk but everyone get at me let me know what ya think and what i can do to make it better and ill pretty much fix it lol thanks for the advice
Lord & His Lady
Greatest Couples Morph ever Created,Finest in The Unerverse. Lord & his Lady Forever Love: Finest Wedding Morph: Morphs Created By m'Lady Witoka.Love of my Life..
Bassist Or Guitar.
Just wanted to know the opinion of people in a band or if you had a band who would you prefer the guitarist or the bassist.
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you possess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter. You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you. You inspire each person to be idealistic and passionate, and you make each moment memorable. Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life. By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover. Your abilities to make dreams come true is strong. So strong that you are often the love of many people's lives. Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours. No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
Do It On A Harley
All you have to do to join our ride is.... First Rate My Harley Folder. There are only 50 pics. Here is the link..... After you have rated my Harley pics then Rate, Fan and then Add all the "Bikers"!! In your friend request put "Joining The Ride" or something along those lines. If someone is already on your friends list check to see if you can Re-Rate them then leave them a comment saying you are "Doin it on a Harley" **ALSO** When you get friend requests from people joining after you..... DO NOT JUST accept the request!!! PLEASE go back and Fan and Rate them as well!! That is the whole point of joining the train afterall!! So when you have done all that send me a message and let me know!!! ****NO SHOUTS PLEASE**** When I receive your e-mail that you are done I will add you to the list and make your "Harley" tag. There will be a folder in my pics with everyones tag in it.
That Certain Someone..
Sometimes the most unexpected things are the greatest things! I mean really he was so unexpected i was at the hardest part of my life and yet there he was! He was there when he shouldnt of been.. He wasnt the one who needed to be there! the person who should have been there wasnt! I love him so much.. what do i do now? Where, who do i turn to now? Everyday when i wake up he is the first person i want to talk to! It is so hard somedays to even get out of bed knowing that im going to be alone all day and miserable and even worse that i cant talk to him... I cant hear his voice!! I have a voice mail i just listen to over and over again.. Some of the things it says hurt so bad to hear but if thats the only way i can hear his voice.. Well i guess its worth it!! He is the only one who can make the hurting stop and he doesnt even care! It wouldnt hurt so bad if he would just say someday maybe.. But no i just keep hearing NEVER again!!! It hurts soo bad some of the things he says tear my heart
Drinking Nights
so I had my buddy over last night to do some drinking and first things first he doesn't drink near as much as I do I told him to go at his own pace and to not keep try to keep with me well half a pint of yager and a beer later he has thrown up all over the place my futon floor and metallica hat were covered after I clean this mess up I finally get threw his head that you dont drink to compete but to enjoy your self well the mess is clean and my metallica is still drying out after I washed it but I dont think I am ever drinking with him again
Captive (asir)
The Captive (Asir) I want you, yet I know that never can I embrace you to my heart's content. you are that clear and bright sky. I, in this corner of the cage, am a captive bird. from behind the cold and dark bars directing toward you my rueful look of astonishment, I am thinking that a hand might come and I might suddenly spread my wings in your direction. I am thinking that in a moment of neglect I might fly from this silent prison, laugh in the eyes of the man who is my jailer and beside you begin life anew. I am thinking these things, yet I know that I can not, dare not leave this prison. even if the jailer would wish it, no breath or breeze remains for my flight. from behind the bars, every bright morning the look of a child smile in my face; when I begin a song of joy, his lips come toward me with a kiss. O sky, if I want one day to fly from this silent prison, what shall I say to the weeping child's eyes: forget about me, for I am captive bird
There Is A God
Ok this is a long story but a good one... Got some time will have chills running up your back!!!! So anyway my friend came to Town w/her husband and we decided to get Cabin...up at Elkhorn Hotsprings...check out the Beautiful Scenery and BS....Swim and have some fun. So the Boys Decided to go up the Mountain for a Ride while we stayed behind and went swimming. We got done Swimming and Started talking about Music...I Love Music...So anyways...I told her I Love the Song the Rose and I wanted it to be played at my Funeral..Yeah lol I know..but you gotta talk about she said that her Husband Would Like the Bagpipes played at his funeral the song "AMAZING GRACE"...I love that song. So we went into the Cabin and stoked up the fire...went outside on the patio and it started to snow lightly...all of a Sudden out of no where the BAGPIPES starting playing and guess what Fricken song they where got it "AMAZING GRACE" Omg...I got tears in my eyes turned aroun
Halloween Happy Hours!
Happy Halloween Fu Friends/Fam!!! Tommorow 10/31 My Amazing Owner/Ownee will be having Not One But Two Happy Hours!!!!From 6am Futime-8am Futime It will be Non Stop Happy Hours from Darkdragoon!!!After you get Done all the treats on his page....I am having a Happy Hour @ 8a.m Fu Time!!! We will both be Giving Out Random bling For new Friends!Fans!Profile Raters! And ppl that Rate Tons and Tons of our pics/stash!!! This is My amazing Owner/Ownee David!!! DarkDragoon86 Owned by Confidence Owner of Enter The Dark.... Lounge and Confidence & Q
A Little About Me
hi there y'all ok first of i am a dutchman living and working here in the states yea i am a foregner but i am bussy with becoming a US citizen lol its not easy to become american lol i drive a big rig for 1 of the bigger companies out of indianapolis indy i have been driving now for give or take 18 year but only here in the states 3 years 15 year in europe i have been working in the best restaurants and cruise ships around the world in between yea i am a man of many professions lol i was married for 13 years here in the states but that didn't work out bummer i am like you see in my pictures a tall one slender funn openminded eeck i wrote that lol so when you want to know more lets talk ben
Join Us
Come Party With Us In Dark Desires With DJ OMG WTF
imma a freak i like 2 do all da above in my sex life i lick ur pussy like a ice cream and make u so wet and hot u be blowing up like an volcano im freaky wit da sex i give i fuck hard and do wat u want me 2 do i will please u in the long run hit me up please do i want u 2
In A Give Away
Sexual Personality
Daring, confident, animalistic You like to have a lot of sex and try a lot of things. You are very kinky and have a lot of confidence in yourself. You like to explore all aspects of sexuality because it is something that interests you a lot. Take this quiz at
Just Thinkin'
I've just had one of them days that totally SUCK!!! My baby had to go back to work and thus begins another freakin' week of not seeing her. Friday ain't too far away, but it feels like forever!! I know...I know....puppy love you say. Just wish it was so it wouldn't hurt so damn much!! It's just lonely with out her. I got my roommates to keep me company. Much love to my Emsie!!! She keeps me pert near! Hit me up sometime if y'all wanna chat.....Loves, Liby Lou

True Story
"some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of strength, but there are times in life when it takes much more strength to just let go." borrowed from simply fabulous
A Blog.
is the number of Fubucks I have lol. I just felt like writing a random blog entry. I had nothing interesting to write.
Believe in urself - in the power u have to control ur own life, day by day. Believe in the strength that u have deep inside, and the faith will help show u the way. Believe in tomorrow and what it will bring, let a hopeful heart carry u through. For things will work out if u trust and believe - there's no limit to what u can do
Pumpkin Event Player Killing! Pally Skillz
IM SICK and tired of all the games i am not lookin for a man im lookin for fun$$$$$ ok so dont come at me with that wierd stuff thank you ...... you can contact me at
Use Me
Gonna Hurt Ms
Its Been Too Long
So I'm not gonna lie, I completely forgot about this site, which is kinda crazy cuz for a short while I though it was a pretty fun site. I wonder if i can get back into it. Time will tell....that it will.
Where Has All The Good Skating Gone?
Back in the day me and the boys could tear up parking lots, blast through indoor malls, and shred an endless amount of empty pools.
Between Two Hearts
Wishing things were different Another place another time Souls connected across oceans Two hearts forever entwined Tears would have smiled brightly Leaving covetous pain behind Life appreciate it's worthiness When only love fills our minds Spirits flying through the night Traveling hot desert sands Sending all my love to you Hold it gently in your hands Sky would crack just to bless This love that we hold inside Heart would travel distances Undoing tears that we have cried
Whats Wrong With This Pic??
General Patton
Goodbye Cruel World Lol
To my friends- There is just so much going on these days that, the time I spend here could be used for good, not perviness lol. I just want to say I love all of you guys. Even though I actually only talked to about 10 of you on a regular basis. I will still have my Yahoo messenger account that I will check from time to time. For those of you that don't have it it's
Rate And Comment Contest
I just wanted to say thank you to all my friends and familyf or rating and commenting on my pictures, all my gifts and profile comments!
Earn $1,000 In 30 Mins.
Hey sexy friends! if you know some1 interestedin making $1,000 to perform in a 30 min private video that no one else will see but the 2 people that are in the video,please let me know by replying to this post I repeat this is a private video so don't think you'll be a star over night because no companies will ever see you for my pleasure only
Lost In Here
need help,,,lost
Ask Away
who wants to get drunk
Build Muscles
Build Muscle Fast For a lot of people, being able to look good seems to be the primary item on their list. Especially when it comes to people who thrive in the world of professional sports, modelling, muscle building seems to be a very important goal to accomplish. However, being able to do this and see results is not really that easy. Being able to get a nice set of muscle packs and that lean body is not something that comes in a quick period of time. It also involves a lot of motivation and set of exercise routines done in a period of time on the part of anyone who would want to achieve this. A lot of people seem to have preconceived notions and make mistakes along the way, with them searching for that ultimate guide in the end.
Inside The Twisted World Of A Forgotten Princess
Dear Mother,Once I ran to youTo wipe away my tearsAnd to Silence my fears.Dear Mother, Once I ran to youDear Mother,Now i run from youFrom the painFrom the tears that pour like the rainDear Mother,Now I run from youDear Mother,What has gone wrong?Nothing seems to be strongDear Mother,When does the yelling calm?Your not the woman i use to knowYour not my momDear Mother,When does the yelling calm?Dear Mother,Once I ran to youNow I run from youDear Mother.
Elgin Horrors
Welcome To Brilliance Preschool & Academy
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danielle baby
Me In A Nutshell! (god I Hate Ptsd!)
We chase misprinted liesWe face the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fightThis battle all aloneNo one to cry toNo place to call homeOooh...oooh...Oooh...oooh...My gift of self is rapedMy privacy is rakedAnd yet I findAnd yet I findRepeating in my headIf I cant be my ownId feel better deadOooh...oooh...Oooh...oooh...
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Survey Questions
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. How many times would you like to cum? 19. Do you like foreplay? 20. What is foreplay to you? 21. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
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I'm not real big on the fubar site. Sort of new to this kind of thing. BUT If you are into dirt trails, camping, off road motorcycles, and fun in the woods, or just love to ride on two wheels, please feel free to chack out:
It's Alright
My Fu Blog
LESBIAN GROUP freind each other/fan/like rate/share drinks ECT.lets help each other gain points ect. sign up here.leave e-mail so people could find yu. Thank yu for yur timex0x0 :)
My Review Websites
Check out my collection of product review websites: raspberry ketone reviews best window air conditioner best blender best tent
What if i told u that death does exists what would u tell rself? I know death exists i have since death time nd time again.
Check this out is the perfect penny auction business where quality entertainment and discount shopping merge perfectly into a state of the art auction this is the ultimate experience in shopping and great savings. We procure and sell the finest automobiles, motorcycles, jewelry, watches, vacation packages, and many other highly desirable items. Sign up enter this code AF766P to get 5 free bids.
Airman Streets
Alrighty everybody. I have recently joined the USAF, and once i ship out this blogg will contain the exploits of my military career. However i can currently tell you what little i currently know. My basic will be in San Antonio for 2 months, and right after basic i will ship to my tech school. My tech school is in Monteray Cali, i will be there for a year while i am in linguistics school, i will be taught a foriegn language ( i have not been told which one yet) and after constant tests if i pass Linguistics School i will be a native level speaker in whatever foreign language they teach me. That is all i currently know, but as soon as i recieve more pertainent information i will let you all know. :)
China Gap Year Experience
Research shows that a lot more Americans prefer taking their gap year prior to beginning their newbie from the university, as an alternative to taking it after university, before you take up grad school, or perhaps unemployed. And there is a justified reason to accomplish this. Here are a few of those: Handling a complete year off before you begin their Bachelor’s degree allows students to sneak removed from the burnout all those many effort in High school graduation. This is also true to get the best school graduates who result from elite schools the ones students who had been geared towards excelling and having in to a top university. They do know pressure that awaits them inside big university additionally they believe an excellent gap year may help refresh their marbles that is coming up next. Some gap year programs provide them with leverage in their chosen regions of study. Teaching opportunities in China, volunteer organization learning India, historical excursion in
I Work And Sleep
i work a lot, then i sleep. so if im not here to chat or play, and you expect me to, im very sorry, it cant always happen like that. it means nothing except im busy doing real things. the same thing goes for phone calls, i cannot always answer the phone, i might be elbow deep in breading chicken or i might have real company. this is a diversion for me, not my life. i come here to play, so play nice. i have no reason to lie to anyone. i dont have a webcam, i dont have any naughty pictures so if you're looking for that, move along. ive seen dicks, i dont need to see yours, you have nothing to prove to me. cyber sex and phone sex do not make sense to me, ooh baby baby baby, yes yes're still alone when its over. big deal. really? what did i have? i had another rope pulling me in yet another direction. i am spread thin as it it and i come here to relax, find new friends, chat a little about bullshit and the days events...i certainly didnt expect to be held to being available wh
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There was an empty crayon box lying on the counter and I quickly measured it and realized it was almost exactly a 3x4, so I trimmed out the face and added it in as it own Nike Jerseys China"card" For deep stains, you may need a dentist's help The analyst blamed higher prices and unseasonably warm weather for the poor sales, based on numerous channel checks it may be a blessing in disguise My frens thanked u she really luv it can easily location the pony hair this go against up used all through an easy infant upper which involves this a couple and toddler black color accelerates the confidential air which address contact information the few of relations to recover the spirit of 200204 a period Karzai sees as a 'golden age' in the relationship," wrote Eikenberry wholesale nfl jerseys in a July 16 cable obtained by WikiLeaks and published by The New York Times Like a free drink 'Short' is a vague and relative term, but in this context, unless you are instructed otherwise, it m
Locating That Perfect Wedding Limo Service Toronto
Raise your level of awareness regarding Toronto wedding limo service and how to locate the best option for your needs. Article Body: The trend of hiring Toronto wedding limo services is fast catching on, and this reflects how an increasing number of couples prefer riding in a wedding limo Toronto on the special day. Gone are the days when wedding limos were considered only for the rich and famous. Today, just about any couple can hire wedding limo services and feel and look special. There are a number of service providers that can help one to make the wedding an exclusive affair. Just type in wedding limo service in your favourite search engine, and you will come across a large number of sites unfolding ahead of you. However, in order to make the right choices and avoid any disappointments on the last day, one should keep certain pointers in mind before choosing a Limo. The first step, of course, would be to zero in on some good names for wedding limo service Toronto and do some m
Night Rider
My Voice Not sure if this will work but let's see
Laser Stylo
Cela ne nous d
Fur Baby Contest
Sunshine's Thoughtz
It's been such a long time that I've been able to smile a real smile.My wonderful son will be coming home tomorrow.Karen came by for a few mins tonight. Was glad to see her.Tried to warn her about all hardships that lay ahead.Sara is one of a kind...I mean that in many ways.With all her problems you can't help but love her & yet it makes one wonder how a six yr old could be so negative.Kimmi is doing so great in school/She's one of the four best bulldogs of the month.Bless her heart she's giving up a night with her teacher to ge out with her best friend to Chucky's Cheese in Greensboro tomorrow night.......For those of you that ask(What am I looking for on this site?)My answer is simple friends.Not into the games that I've seen played with hearts or minds.Those of you that have ask if I am seeing anyone.The answer is NO.Those that ask if I am in love with anyone .The answer is YES but still not seeing even that person. With working ,college,raising the kids I don't really care to find
Me In The Future
If You Were Born in 2893... Your Name Would Be: Aoi Hana And You Would Be: Telepathic If You Were Born in 2893
My Life
I spent my entire life with horses. They are such amazing creatures. The first horse I ever rode in a show was Nova, a dark bay Quater Horse mare. It was when I was almost two years old. My mom led us around the ring. THe first horse show I ever entered was at King Oak Farms. I entered four classes. I got fourth place in Intermidate Equtation. Then I got first place Intermidate Pleasure. Fifth place in Intermidate Walk, Trot, Canter. Finally I got first place in Intermidate Cross-rail Jumping. In my second show I placed fifth in Intermidate Equtation, second in Intermediate Pleasure, and third in Intermediate Over Fences.Then my most recent show I placed seventh in dressage. My favorite horse, Zandi, has been sold and I nolonger know where he is or anything. He was and still is my favorite horse but I know I shall never seem him again. I love him so much though.
Awesome Animation...
A Webmasters Life
Well where to begin. i wake up to the sound of my son crying after i get him settled down from waking up (hes 9 months old)he got his bottle and hes happy. so i go to my desk and check the server to see how many people TRIED to hack it. wow none imagine that (three hardware fire walls and tons of other goodies to keep my clients safe). Then i get dressed and get my son ready to take to daycare then i dropp him off and go talk to clients and prospects to make sure they are happy and that they are getting what they want. then i go home and make the changes they requested. and then i work on tons of redtape paper work and all kinds of stuff and thats about it
Darkangelfire's Dugeon
UUUUggggggggggggg being a woman SUCKS.
Your Halloween True Self Is
YOUR HALLOWEEN TRUE SELF IS: "FREDA THE FRENCH MAID" You are the sexiest maid ever! Take this quiz at

Tag From Heather....
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I rub my earlob when I am cooking up a lie 2. If I drink a lot (alc - about the amount of 1.5 L smirnoff) my eyes turn yellow and glow 3. My DVDs are in MY kind of listing, anyone messes with it gets a beating... It's MY logic, don't question it! 4. Shoes off AT THE DOOR!... you get a slipper if you wish... socks more like it... 5. Only touch my blades if you want to die without asking me first and hearing for sure I said yes you can touch ..... 6. Don't ask me where I know things.. I KNOW! and thats that.... 1. Syd 2. Xaph 3. Ember 4. Nem 5.Skarlett 6.Bella
what is your alltime favourate song and why???
Ramblings Of A Madman
NEXTS 1. Next person you'll kiss: Hmmm... :) 2. Next movie you want to see: None 3. Next person you want to go out with: ? 5. Next time you're going out: Good question 6. Next place you'll take vacation: Hopefully NM 7. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out: Put my clothes in the dryer haha 8. Next thing you are going to eat: No idea 9. Next time you plan to be drunk: I never plan to be drunk, it just happens 10. Next thing you are going to do outside: Have a smoke 11. Next person you'd like to see fill this out: Shrug -------------------------------------------------------- LASTS: 1. Last kiss: Hmm 2. Last person you hugged: Mom 3. Last person you spoke to: Cassie 4. Last alcoholic beverage: Guinness 6. Last movie: Van Helsing 7. Last person you thought of: :) 8. Last school you went to: WyoTech 9. Last person you said I love you to: Mom...don't even go there people 10. Last run in with the Law: Umm, a few weeks back, speeding no le
Poems And Songs
I just can`t understand the ways Of all the men and their mistakes, You give them all your heart And then they rip it all away... You told me how much you loved me, And how our love was meant to be. And I believed in you, I thought that you would set me free... Chorus You should`ve just told me the truth, That I wasn`t the girl for you... Still I didn`t have a clue, My heart depended on You... Whoah Although I’ll say `I hate you` now, Though I’ll shout and curse you out... I`ll always have love for you, Because I am a girl. Been told a man will leave you cold, Get sick of you and bored... I know that it`s no lie, I gave my all still I just cry. Never again will I be fooled, To give my all when nothing`s true... I won`t be played again, But I will fall in love again... Chorus You should`ve just told me the truth, That I wasn`t the girl for you... Still I didn`t have a clue, My heart depended on You... Whoah Although
Computers Stories And Jokes
There's a lesson to be learned from typing the wrong e-mail address: A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years before. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minneapolis and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife to fly down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel, and unlike years ago, there was a computer in the room. He decided to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her e-mail address, and without noticing his error, sent the e-mail. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory after suffering a heart attack. The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. After readi
Pit Bull Problem??
c'mon people. enough with the stupidity and neglect already. Ban stupid people not dogs!!! worth the watch... please
Does Age Matter In Dating
should age matter i am 17yrs older then my man, and he has asked me to marry, should age matter does age matter, my friend said he would date 18 and up, me im in my 40s and started thinking does it matter, are the rules diffrent for men and women. please let me know
Condoms And Kids
Kids & Condoms A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year-old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, "What are these, Dad?" To which the man matter-of-factly replies, "Those are called condoms, son. Men use them to have safe sex." "Oh I see.", replied the boy pensively. "Yes, I've heard of that in health class at school." He looks over the display and picks up a package of 3 and ask, "Why are there 3 in this package?" The dad replies, "Those are for high-school boys. One for Friday, one for Saturday and one for Sunday." "Cool!" says the boy. He notices a 6-pack and asks "Then who are these for?" "Those are for college men", the dad answers, "TWO for Friday, TWO for Saturday and TWO for Sunday." "WOW!" exclaimed the boy;" Then who uses THESE?" he asks, picking up a 12-pack. With a sigh, the dad replied, "Those are for married men, One for January, one for February, one for March..." ******PLZ RATE MY OTHER BLOGS THANK U********
This is a lesson from that doughnut eating funny man Homer Simpson and the lesson is. If somethings hard to do it aint worth doing
Words Women Use
This was sent to my mom (year of the dragon) by her friend Reapers Revenge! It is absolutely hilarious...and deserves a read!! I know that I think this way! words Women Use: 1.) FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut the f*** up. 2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five Minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. 3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. 4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Do It and DIE! 5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of noth
My First Time
This my first time on here and just wanted to say this site looks awesome and hope to have a lot of fun. EVERYBODY REMEMBER THIS ONE.
Crosby Stills Nash And Young
(1)Southern Man(2)Carry On(3)Teach Your Children(4)Ohio(5)The Needle and The Damage Done
The reality being that before christ every year we had to travel to the nearest priest and give to him our best works of the year as a sacrofice for our sins. Our best cow, biggest bud, biggest paycheck from work, whatever. If you still had to do that every year what would you want for christmas? Ya. Youd want it back wouldnt you. So in a way when we celebrate christmas not only do we give presents to eachother but christ celebrates with us giving us (through santa) our greatest wish even when we have nothing we have given to him. Merry christmas every one.
New Pic
how do you like my new pic
Hootie And The Blowfish
Fuck Me Hard
im so hard wiating for a blonde so come and give me some loving
North Carolina Tarheel Basketball
11/29/06 vs. Ohio State Chapel Hill, N.C. NC:98 /OS:89 12/02/06 vs. Kentucky Chapel Hill, N.C. NC:75/KY:63 12/09/06 vs. High Point Chapel Hill, N.C. NC:94/HPU:69 12/16/06 vs. UNC Asheville Chapel Hill, N.C. NC:93/UNCA:62 12/19/06 vs. Florida Atlantic Chapel Hill, N.C. NC:105/FL:52 12/22/06 at Saint Louis St. Louis, Mo. NC:69/ST:48 12/28/06 vs. Rutgers Chapel Hill, N.C. 7:00 p.m. ET 12/31/06 vs. Dayton Chapel Hill, N.C. 3:00 p.m. ET 01/03/07 vs. Penn Chapel Hill, N.C. 8:00 p.m. ET 01/07/07 vs. Florida State Chapel Hill, N.C. 7:00 p.m. ET 01/10/07 vs. Virginia Chapel Hill, N.C. 9:00 p.m. ET 01/13/07 at Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va. 3:30 p.m. ET 01/17/07 at Clemson Clemson, S.C. 7:00 p.m. ET 01/20/07 vs. Georgia Tech Chapel Hill, N.C. 9:00 p.m. ET 01/24/07 at Wake Forest Winston-Salem, N.C. 7:00 p.m. ET 01/27/07 at Arizona Tucson, Ariz. 1:00 p.m. ET 01/31/07 vs. Miami Chapel Hill, N.C. 7:00 p.m. ET 02/03/07 at NC State Raleigh, N.C. 3:
People are right to think you have no one cause no one stays no one really likes you no one really wants you no one really needs you but i will trell you what people do do they tear you up they forget you they ignore you they walk converse with you anymore now that they have a new fancy we are all just people that people that call them selves friends with keep on the in and bide their time by "Enduring" us until they find somin new and i have become so fuck fed up with people saying i would always be the friend or that they would never just stop talkin to me or that they would call me back no matter what you know? fuck this shit ain't no one worth all this I am tired i have written poems stoies i have writtin hakus and skits i have written play all about people being hurt but working it all out and you know what? that is bullshit fantasy ignorance to the highest degree i hate that we have a world of movies to say we are perfect and everything ends good when it all sucks and it don't...
New Years
I'm back!! I got back earlier but have been busy unpacking and stuff. Btw, I put my 2 week notice in @ BLC and my last day will be Jan.12.07. I will now start the nanny job sooner, on Jan.16.07. Yay!! Anyways, back to my...fabulouse..hehehehehehe..weekend!! I had fun. I love camping. We went to El Centro. Fun place, right? I guess so....if you don't visit SUPERSTITION MOUNTAIN!! ahh! :oP Dec.31.2006 was the WORST day of the year! omg! So much shit happened!! For the privacy of my friends I will not give out names ;oP. First my 7yo cousin went with us, because he got a dirtbike for Christmas. Well, he fell off his bike and split his chin. I was on a hike with my girls when that happened, but it didn't look like he needed stitches or anything. Then SOMEONE gives my 7yo cousin a bebe gun! >:(. Who the hell gives a child a gun...argh. I was passed out in the tent and all I heard was my Uncle yelling at my cousin and than at the person who gave it to him..why..because my cousin
Here Comes The 14th
Ok Guys & Gals, Please Repost want as much input as we can get. The next season of 24 is upon us. Luv to see each week how many of us can figure out who will die. And we'll try to keep score. Also bonus if you can predict who the new bad guy is. I know we have alot of support here for our military. There are still bad guys out there and we all need to feel like we are kicking some ass. Please Repost "LETS DO THIS"
There Is Always A *first* ..hmmm
First things are always weird so here is my weird First.. :) A little about *ME* What you see .. is what you get.. I love makeing new friends and making the most of my time I spend online.. which by the way is most of my time. lol... I am a very honest person. If you are Sexy .. male or female.. I will tell you so .. That doesn't mean I am *bi* or want to jump your bones.. That just means plain and simple your *HOT*... I love to chat with ppl and see what makes you >> *YOU*.. I like ppl of all different shapes .. sizes .. and colors .. even if your *purple* im sure we will have something in common... CherryTap is awesome for making new friends.. I have been online in one way or another for YEARSSSSSS and have met alot of really kewl ppl . I love Harleys and partying and waking up with the feeling of >> ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goddddddddd what the hell did i do!!!!!!!!but knowing that whatever it was .. I had a blast !!!!... I am not looking for *LOVE* or even a fricke
Oh My!
Well whats up guys? Nothing much here... trying to figure this shit out... im getting there slowly but surely. Life has been absolutly crazy lately. Trying to settle down and just can't seem to do it. Well today is just another shitty day, trying to get by, and live on. I found the guy that lights up my world everyday, and we are awesomely in love and i like it. It took a long time but i think i finally found mr. right... i have already found mr. stupid, mr. abusive, mr. drug attict, and mr. wrong and threw them out... mr. right, well im keeping him. he is the nicest, most down to earth, reality seeing, kind of person, and that is who i have been looking for... and for all you haters out there with mine or his name in your mouth.. fuck off... you don't bother us u just amaze me by how dumb you actually are.
Thursday 11 January 2007
I am really dragging ass right now. Went to bed at 11:30pm last night, and was up at 2:15am for a death call. Here it is 10:00 am still haven't been to bed. Won't get a chance until after 3:00pm today. Had a death call yesterday too. So the next few days are busy. but I am getting ahead of myself. I have pretty much been working 7 days a week. Either my phone job, or something with the funeral home. But I needed to. Well earlier this week I made my last child support payment. So that is one headache out of the way. (still have many more). I noticed that even though I cut back the number of hours I was working the phones per day. I was still getting short with customers. So I came up with a good plan. Work 3 days, and take a day off. That would give me either a total day off, or to do maintance at the funeral home. Seemed like a good plan, (at the time) Well had a death call yesterday, but it was a Life Legacy call (great program) but the family stil
I Have No Idea
I do not know what to write here. so now im gonna stop
What Am I Doin Wrong
Its been 5 days and no crushes or gifts i must be doin something wrong just let me know and i'll fix it
The Oral Caress
Soul Mate By Robert W. Birch ©2001 We met but once as though by chance, we didn't date, or did we dance. We looked into each other's eyes without deception or disguise. A silent message passed between your hungry heart was plainly seen. You saw desire I could not hide, you looked at me and saw inside. How could a glance have said so much, and cause a chill without a touch? What was that chemistry that night, that promised what we felt was right? What satisfaction we'd have missed, If we had not reached out and kissed. I do not know if it was you, or was it I who said, "Let's do." But on that night our souls were bare as surely as our bodies there. Our bodies moved in harmony, I couldn't tell the you from me. And locked in passion as we were, my sense of time began to blur. I must have known you from before, how else could you have reached my core? In life perhaps before this one what had we shared? What had we done? Wit
Back To My Old College Radio Days
Does anyone else remember this shit? Dinosaur Jr. - Feel the Pain Drivin' N' Cryin' - Fly Me Courageous Eels - Novacaine for the soul Gravity Kills - Guilty Kula Shaker - Tattva Lush - Ladykillers Pixies - Where Is My Mind
You Have A Sexual Iq Of 146
Your Pornstar Name is:XXX Yonge Take this quiz at You have a sexual IQ of 146 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
The Truth And Nothing But The Truth So Help Me God!!!!
Well as we all know that people are very complicated animals. We are always trying to tell someone what they need to do but we don't follow are own information as well as when people go through a break up. The first thing they want to know is when are you going to get u someone else. Now you have those that actually have smarts about themselves but it's only for certain situations and certain topics. Not much help when you think about it. Then, there are the people that are like myself. We are well-rounded people and we give great advice we never tell you what you u should do but give u descent guidance for urself to make the choice we are always around and we always ahave your back and we might turn the cheeck if you do something bad against us. But it takes us a minute to get over it as well as we vibe off of people and we know sorta kinda when a person isnt' wrapped to tight so where do you fall in? What do you categorize urself as? I really want to know
i am really bored someone needs to like talk to me!!!!!!!!!!
La Gata 48
- Iris's Sexy Acronym - Iis for...IrresistibleRis for...RacyIis for...InvitingSis for...Steamy The Sexy Acronym Generator at
My First Blog
OK, where do I start? Uh my first blog here.I have to say this website is laid out kinda wierd, but i'm starting to catch onto some things.I don't really have anything spectacular to say right now, as i'm pretty drained, and should be hitting the hay soon.If anyone has questions, or crap.leave me some messages.My friend refered me and here I am so... she's a cool chick add her if you'd like as well she's reggiegirl.That is all I have to say. peace i'm out
Why She Hates Me
This Poem was written Originally for an assignment in my Creative Writing class that i took last year in high school. God i miss high school =(......but then again College is fucking awesome =P **WHY SHE HATES ME** I tried to sleep Poetry off... like a bad nights drunk. but she held... like a bladder on a long road trip. or a barrel of monkies chain which is odd, only because Poetry and I, have had "issues" since day one. It's no secret that she hates me... But she, she is my cheating spouse. and I, her ever blissful play-toy when i cant think of the right words to tell her... she beats me with thrown writers blocks, And she, she dances over my mind like a black and white dance floor. and I, unable to erase her memory like an etch-a-sketch nightmare, grab that much tighter. We do all the things a good couple should... we sit and talk over alcohol, we stand and lament over politics, we lay for days on the bed that words made, we kiss... But she,
What She Did To Me
I won’t compromise with your lies Procrastinate that it be alright I don’t want to instigate I just want it to be alright But I can live this way I can’t live this life We don’t share the same hart We only share the tears we cry It makes me want to throw up It makes me want to say good bye Every where I go I see your face Every thing I do reminds me of you Why won’t this pain you left me with Just go away with you Cause im still in love with you Why am I so confused Why am I still in love with you
Check Out My New Pics
Got some new pics w/ my new phone, goin to make some more this weekend.. so make sure u stop by and hit me up
Typez Of Pussy ...lmao
LAZY PUSSY- this is when there is no movement on the woman's part except trying to stop full thrust of the dick into the pussy. She says faster; faster but still is not putting any effort into the action at hand. THE WENDY'S WINDOW PUSSY- This is the girl you pick up around 12:30 am, when everyone is sleeping and she knows that you are coming so she is waiting by the door. You don't have to beep the horn or call her from the car because she knows the deal. She usually is not the best looking girl. You are never seen with this girl in public places and you hate that she mentions your name to her friends. There is no reason to ask how your day was because it is too late for conversation. It is all agreed upon before she even gets in the car. Nine out of ten times, there is no talk of relationship, because that might spoil the mood. THE CONQUERED PUSSY- This is the girl who teased you for about two or three years and finally you do get your chance and you please the pussy in a way i
Well i am back on the market people... the love of my life not only broke up with me.. but she stomped all over my heart and did a little dance on it... with my roomate.. yea.. talk about pain.. I have done nothing but cry for the past 24 hours.. until now.. I am at Recee's house but Recee is not here so I am chillen with Thomas.. he is working on getting me drunk.. ll good luck dear. God I miss Jessie so much. I feel as though my heart has been put through a paper shredder... * tear *
The one thing that you ask from somone is not to lie to you... Why do they still feel the need to do so????Why lie??? Is being honest with someone so hard??? I dont think it should be hard to be honest with someone even if it hurts.. Is it easy just to lie??? Why do all the mind games and all the lies?? doesnt that hurt more then telling the truth the lies and try to keep the lies all together isnt just easy just to tell the person whats going on ??? why do people make the choice to lie??? If you are just asking for one thing from that person and that one thing is not to lie why cant they just do it.. that one thing you want from them. You can accept them for who they are and all the mistake they made . Why cant they just respect the most important thing that you ask of them... And if im being honest with you why cant it be returned..thats the one thing i cant forgive is lies and being lied too .. i cant and will not take that likey .. Is it a power thing ???? to h
One Day At A Time
Well life is peachy. I am taking things one day at a time for now. I am getting some counseling and have had a few epiphanies (read: light bulb illuminating!) as a result. Don't know where all of it will settle when all is said and done but....just one day at a time for now.
Broken Wings
Well, I've recently discovered that my entire life has been a lie. Where I came from is a lie, who I came from is a lie, who I am is a lie. I thought I was something that I am not. I thought I was someone that I am not. I thought had a certain life, but it's all gone now... I've always heard that the truth hurts. I didn't know it could hurt this much. I feel like my life and everything I've ever known has been taken away from me. The solid ground beneath my feet, that stupid lie, was knocked out from under me and I've fallen onto the hard, cold ground, the truth. Only, it feels like I'm still falling and I'm not sure there's a way back up... Yeah, for future reference, I'm not always that depressing. I've been in a weird mood lately and needed to get it out. Well, even with all the overwhelming events and information this past few weeks, I've managed to survive. The other night I finally stood up for myself. Most people would not be able to call me a quiet, submissive
Sunday April 1st 2007
Wow I Got My Cherry Back:)
well well cherry for visiting me i have met some cool ass peeps and also some real assholes but i guess i can come in here every now and then and change my blog....anyways thanx for the new cherry i needed who wants to pop it:-O........Kat:-P wow i nnever thought i would get this close to getting back my cherry......anywayz i am new here so ya'll be
Saturday 7 April 2007
I Love My Brittany!!!!
Time and suffering... Time means everything and nothing It takes so much yet gives so little And therefore gives more grief than joy For the best times are with the ones we love and the worst times are when they're away When they're here we feel complete and whole When they're gone we're lost and hopeless Everytime they come back we feel 10 times better yet with time comes with yet another absence then the feeling we had becomes 10 times worse and then comes the overwhelming questions of... "am I going to make it just one more day?" "am I going to survive the onslaught of missing you?" and then... "WHEN IS THIS PAIN GOING TO END???" "ARE YOU GOING TO BE AWAY FOREVER???" and finally it hits us with the biggest question "Do I really love you enough to stand this pain just one more day?" and that answer you ask... is "YES!!!" I will suffer as much pain as it takes until the next time you are with me. And when that time comes it will be greater
today is not my day nothing is going right..... i need to have some good conversations
To Deidre....r.i.p.
to the world it may seem as though you are just a memory. and during the day when the sun is out, i act as though you are. as though we have memories, but we will also have a chance to make are just at work or visiting friends in madison. but when the sun sets and everyones in bed, and its just me, i find myself thinking of you. and there is nothing i can do to make it go away. i bury myself in un-realities like movies and conversations on the internet. movies dont work well anymore, but if im talking to someone, as long as im fooling them, i can fool myself. but i cant lie to the dark silence which is the night... such as now. these are the times when i break down thinking of you. these are the times that i realize its true, i wont see you again, our memories are just that and we wont make anymore. but dont worry my friend I hold your motto dear "no regrets" day to day im living, its night to night that i fret and fail this. maybe its because the night is where w
Chells Thoughts
Fooloing The World
Yesterday gone, today almost over, tomorrow will never come. My sorrow so deep I cant let myself feel it. I want to love, too soon to fast I fall. Always to be hurt, never to be healed. I need to be loved, my loneliness my only friend. Not knowing what tomorrow brings, to scared to find out. Only wanting, needing and crying. So alone.... So Scared. Cursing the darkness, Praying for light. Wanting more than I will ever have, Love never in my reach. Only a dream, never a reality. Fooled so many times, left with pain and heartache. Always wanting more. Tomorrow only brings more pain, more wanting, more needing. Sorrow getting deeper. Never wanting to feel, shutting out the pain. Pretending to be happy. Pretending to be OK. Fooling the world.
My Birthday
I want to say thank you to everyone who commented on my birthday
It Takes A Dream
It takes a dream to see what one has and want to take it away from someone all becasue its something that u want... well here is a hint for all to see dont take something that is not your's. go out and find something that does belong to you and dream with it because its not fair for something so sweet, careing loveing and meaningful to be taken from someone that probly has just as much care and love for the same thing... All dreams are possiable and all dreams can happen with a little faith and hope that u trust in your self and others around you. I took the chance to dream of one love, I was told to take a chance and see were it took me and when i took the chance and loved who i am with i have never been so happy since that day that i seen that we both loved each other with all that we have. It was a so simple to open my eyes and see that all that i ever wanted was right in front of me and that i was ready to be loved and wanted to love. I thank him each and every day for being
When We Make Love
I Light a candle, build a fire, chill the wine, for just awhile, my every thought, is of only you, I know it's hell that, we been through, all the time, we spent apart, all the aching, deep in our hearts, it will all feel, like just a dream, when your finally, here in my arms, all the hurt, will fade away, and everything, will be ok, When We Make Love...
Something So Real *poem*
You said you cared Your kiss felt so real Never before had I felt something so real Until the day I met you The way you held me, I felt I would melt. Every word you spoke, Made my heart race. Your breath so angelic Always made me sigh. Every gaze into your eyes, Made my world come to a stop. All Fears lifted, Every thought so blissfull, Thinking in the back of my heart, This is the one. True Love could be here. Knowing in my heart, It wasn't true, Nothing as good as this could be true. You said you'd never hurt me, That you cared too much. You said I was your one and only. Looking into my eyes, holding my hands, each promise you sealed with a kiss. Should I have ever listened? I believed your words, How could a lie come from lips so sweet? Wishing I had never fallen for you. Hoping I leave all this pain behind. Each tear shed strikes me deep within, Hitting a place deep inside A place I never knew existed Fire from within lashing out unto innocent
The Shit
914304@ CherryTAP
Drunk And Rowdy
I'm just sittting here listening to some new music, drinking a few brews and wondering what everybody's doing
Come to me Come to me in early morn when dawn's palest blue Heals the awakening day Juest as gentle kisses announce out stir from sleep Come to me in bright midday when work and bustle replace night's calm with routine din Just as spririted talk priclains out civiv selves Come to me at eventide when dusks gray twilight gathers light and dark togather just as loves warn transcendence joins our hearts entwined. Im new here to this site and like it alot. I think I may become a junkie. Theres so much info on just one page its so neat. I was on myspace for ages and a friend led me here so thanks and I hope to meet alot of cool people.
Wtf Over?
Why is it when you think every thing is perfect life jumps up and bites you in the ass? And why do people lie about sleeping around especially when your not married what's it matter who you are sleeping with and if your spouse or g/f or b/f are ok with it really why make such a fuss about hiding it
im new at this site so i want to thank everyone who has commented,rated,added me as a frind and who has sent me messages.and to all of yall who has wriiten me in my shoutbox(still trying to figure that out)thanks so much hugs & kisses love all sabrina
Im Shuttin Down
im shuttin down this profile cuz i never get a chance to go on it if u wanna hit me up...hit me up on myspace
well.... I decided that all the people that fan me or fans that show up in my Shoutbox today are gonna get shit faced... any questions?
Most people can get my respect easily enough, Keeping it is harder. People who don't get my respect are those who for what ever reason feel the need to keep people hanging , thinking there's still something there while they go out and do whatever and whoever they want and think its alright. Then if it was the other was around then they would flip out. Other people Are the ones who don't live up to their responsibilities or expect everyone to do everything for them. I could go on and on but I won't.
Teenage Drinking & Driving
It is SOOO emotionally draining to go to a funeral home visitation of a 16 yr old and to leave there and have to go to the next funeral home for another visitation of a 15 yr old. I sooooooo don't want to let my son out of my sight! :( And yes I realize thats impossible. Just the way I feel after this evening.
9 out of 10 men this applies to.... and i can think of my nine right off the top of my head. wanna know if your one of the 9 or if your the one exception just ask. Insensitive: How do you cool your lips After a summer's kiss How do you rid the sweat After the body bliss How do you turn your eyes From the romantic glare How do you block the sound of a voice You'd know anywhere Oh I really should have known By the time you drove me home By the vagueness in your eyes Your casual good-byes By the chill in your embrace The expression on your face That told me you might have some advice to give On how to be insensitive How do you numb your skin After the warmest touch How do you slow your blood After the body rush How do you free your soul After you've found a friend How do you teach your heart it's a crime To fall in love again Oh you probably won't remember me It's probably ancient history I'm
Kinda I Want To Nine Inch Nails
Louisiana Spicy Food
Just Some Thoughts From My Brain
Kentucky Women --roflmao
Kentucky Women For those of you girls not from Kentucky--take note. Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties. The first man had married a woman from Georgia and had told her that she was going to do dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple days, but on the third day he came home to a clean house and dishes washed and put away. The second man had married a woman from Tenneessee. He had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done and there was a huge dinner on the table. The third man had married a girl from Kentucky. He told her that her duties were to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything,
We Lost A Fellow Fubar Member
On Sunday July 22, 2007 i lost my ct hubby and best friend By june_playmate at 2007-07-25 Wayne i miss your punk ass kisses your my angel now
Random Quiz
You are The Hierophant Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching. All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel. The Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
Thank You!
To all my friends, Thank you to everyone that sent me well wishes! I am home from the hospital now. I was rushed in to emergency Wednesday morning with 104 fever and 178 heart rate, very scary, I honestly thought I was going to die. To keep the details to a minimum, I am home after 2 very long days in the hospital. I just wanted to send a quick thank you and to let you all know how much I appreciate your well wishes! I will get back to everyone within the next week as I start to get my strength back! Special thanks to my hubby, Bad VooDoo, for being a great hubby and daddy! Thanx for the luv, Mely
My Thoughts And Naughty Ideas
How do you decide who to marry ? You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. -- Alan, age 10 No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. -- Kristen, age 10 What is the right age to get married ? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. -- Camille, age 10 How can a stranger tell if two people are married ? You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. -- Derrick, age 8 What do you think your mom and dad have in common? Both don't want any more kids. -- Lori, age e 8 What do most people do on a date? Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. -- Lynnette
I didnt realize so many of my friends were in that contest I will try and help all.
Felt This Way
by Jo 2/07 A touch that lingers on your skin. Shiver of electricity from the expectation of someone coming. Explosions of heartbeats at the thought of them. Smiling uncontrollably with scandalous thoughts running through your mind. Wonder, passion, and intrigue. Knowing that just the thought of being in the same place could make you happy. A kiss that makes you close your eyes and breathe in just a little deeper. Wanting that same kiss over and over. Calling it back, tracing the pattern, and having felt that way. Have you felt this way? The way you feel when falling into someone's arms just feels comfortable. Not in the fantasy way of this is what I always dreamed it would be but...that wow I could stay here for a long time feel. This is really good, like being all snuggled up inside a warm blanket...on a cold rainy day and just staying there. At peace, at ease, have you felt this way? A look in another person's eyes that says yes, I think I could like this. That fee
Does Anybody Meet Like This 4 Real?
I Will Not
I will NOT answer the following: anything already in my profile, anything in all caps, anything regarding how "kinky" i am. if it's in the fucking profile, read the fucking profile. if it's in all caps, figure out where the fucking caps lock key is. if you can't tell how kinky i am by the pictures, explaining it is not going to fucking help. guys, start using the head ON TOP of your SHOULDERs, not the one at WAIST LEVEL. if you send a shout and i don't respond, figure out if one of these reasons is why. i come here to post pictures, not discuss my sex life. i come here to make REAL friends, not assholes that just want to see my fucking pussy. i don't come here to get you off, if you need help with that, find a fucking hooker. are we clear??? ~Sin
My Bedtime Prayer
Amongst these bottles of pills I take I pray the lord I do not wake To keep my soul and let me free From these day to day chains that seem to bind me My heart is shattered My brain is fried My cheeks, they burn From all the tears I've cried My strength has been broken And I am weak On the wings of a dove Eternal Peace I seek So hold me God, in your arms so tight Help me begin my final flight And those who survive me Let them understand There was nothing they could do I am in safe hands So take my life And lead the way Please Lord.... Don't let me live another day! ***copyrighted 2002 Written by BinnieBluEyes
Daddys Little Girl
yet again i see that nothing can seeem to go the way it should old nightmears seem to come to life even without me having to pay attention to it you know what i mean come you go and that is how things go i said it once tonight already i must have a sign on my fucking head that says " use and abuse" cuse it seems that everytime i turn around people are asking for for help or to fix something or to be a shoulder to cry on and the one time in my life that i lose all pride and i ask for help cuse shit has just gotten too much somedays i get shit on yeah i get some help but the costs of the help are gonna rip me apart , you want my money fine it all goes to bills what is left you can fucking have you want my shit like my dvds and my computer and my phone and my cable tv and my internet and all the other shit you use from me fine take it least i can do for you helping me ,,,, what i do ask that if you say you're gonna do something then you better damn well do it you know what i mea
I Wish I Had
Take Some Time and actually Read this this is a GUY TALKING... IT'S 7TH GRADE... I stared at the girl next to me...She was my so called "best friend"... I stared at her... Long, silky hair... And I wished she was mine... But she didn't notice me like that... I knew it... After class she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before... And I handed them to her... She said "thanks"... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know that I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why... IT'S JUNIOR YEAR... My phone rang... On the other end it was her... She was in tears... Mumbling on and on about how her love had broken her heart... She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone... So I did... As I sat next to her on the sofa... I stared at her soft e yes... Wishing she was mine... After 2 hours... A Drew Barrymore movie... And 3 bags of
Back At Home
CUTE-O-METER (Come on God help me out with this lol) Post this and watch the answers you get sent back to you in your messages!!! If you don't repost your a scaredy-cat and you will have relationship problems for 5 years. So post it now. -2= Nasty -1= Ugly 0= Not Ugly 1= Almost Okay 2= Okay 3= Average 4= Cute 5= Really Cute 6= Beautiful/Handsome 7= Gorgeous 8= Sexy 9= Incredibly Sexy 10= Breath Taking 11= Me you bed noww 12= Come Fuck the shit out of me ...Which one do you think I am? Tell me in a message. Then, repost this as: "Cute-O-Meter
r u really in love with ur crush???maybeyou sorta do but dont. Its realy ur choiceSex/Intimacy Quizzes
Johnnie Bea Cool
Waz up Everyone,Today I Made My First Blog.Now some of you might know me as DA BLOCK BOY,Because of my REP and The News,but Im really a ROCK N ROLL RAP STAR.What Im mean by that is I play the ELECTRIC GUITAR AND RAP at the same time,Ring a Bell "KID ROCK".HAHAHA
Thank You To My Friend....
Have you ever let another person’s actions determine who you are? I did this without even realizing it! I have been married for quite a few years and the man I married is not the man I am married to today. All people change over time and married people either grow in the same direction or different directions over time. I think this is what happened to us. Neither of us are bad people we just aren’t compatible anymore. We have different priorities and outlooks on life. He sees things very differently than I do. I am not saying he is completely wrong and I am completely right, but knowing the details of our marriage I can tell you a divorce is inevitable. I was always a quiet shy person. I never spoke out of turn and I was pretty naive. After 18 years with this man I am none of these things anymore. I have turned into a controlling bitch (for lack of a better term). I have been forced by circumstances to be this way. While I am glad I am no longer too shy to stand up for mys
You Are Lovely........
You are Lovely MyPrecious Your hair is like the finest of black orient silks you skin as fair rose petels blooming your lips have a taste as of fine red wine your kiss is intoxicating your touch as the touch of a goddess to behold your beauty bring fire to mine eyes a flame in my heart burning desire to my soul
Time To Move And Thanks
Today is my last day at a place we have been at for the last ten yrs. I have been very busy lately and wanted to say a big thanks to those who have been faithful to keep rating me.So far I have made time to return all rates and then some to others(even to some who never did say ty or acknowledge it).But after today my power will be shut off for the move to my new place.Hopefully the electrician I hired will have all on the same day so we can stay back in our place. I want to also say thanks for the support for those who took time to support me when I needed a friend to share my situation with(hugs to you).Be here a bit this morning but a very busy day since I am behind and last day to get all done and tied up before they move my place.I couldn't sleep so yeah why not take time for a few friends a bit before I start more work.Sorry for missing bombing the contest (Blazing Bombers a few times) but I can't wait till this is all over. Cya all my sweet friends soon tyvm hugs and love to all
Online Status Legend
Since my pc crashed a few months ago and I had to rebuild a new rig. My online notifications do not save for later uses like before and I do miss some of my old ones. The only one the hangs on is "PC failures suck!" LOL...great! So as I go along and add new ones. I'll add them in here for quick reference for all of us. If you go .." does that mean?" You may want to go here and it may be revealed. Unless its a fresh one. Then I will add it shortly ;-) Inside My Bottle = Home and online. Hit me up to call me out of it. Sealed Inside Bottle = Home and online. Please do not disturb. Swirlin and Smokin = Home and online. Smoking and up for BSing ;-) In My Rainforest = Home and online, but outside enjoying my patio or working on my plants. Will be back shortly. Magische Dromen = German for magical dreams. Sleeping. Cat Furniture = At my desk, but Suzail is sitting on me. May not type. If do its all catscratch. Adrift in Moonlight = Sleeping happily. Seul Som
Lip Lovers Contest Ends!
Thank you everyone for making this contest SUCH a SUCCESS! You guys are the greatest! Here are your WINNERS! Congrats to you all! Mwah! 1st Place Winner of the Happy Hour. Scsweetie Rating: 10.18 (190) Comments:72242 Total: 73192 2nd Place Winner of the 30 Day Blast RogerLee Rating: 10.16 (104) Comments:67724 Total: 68244 3rd Place Winner of the 1 Mo. Vip or 7 day Blast AdDicKtIve SinS Rating: 10.1 (123) Comments:41310 Total:41925 4th Place Winner of the 3 day Blast Master Rebel Rating: 10.45 (20) Comments:37598 Total: 37698 WOW !!! WOW !!! WOW !!! WOW !!! Its about all i can think of right now.. Just WOW! I never dreamed I would honestly win this contest! I KNOW alot of you put in bunches of comments for me, maxing out everyday. That is hours and HOURS of dedication to a friend.. It got nerve racking at times, BUT WE DID IT!! I will never forget everything all of you have done for me... NOW.. I hav
Please Vote For Me!!!!
The Way I Am
THE WAY I AM This song is for anyone f--k it. Just shut up and listen I sit back with this pack of Zig Zags and this bag of this weed it gives me the s--t needed to be the most meanest MC on this Earth and since birth I've been cursed with this curse to just curse and just blurt this berserk and bizarre s--t that works And it sells and it helps in itself to relieve all this tension dispensin’ these sentences Gettin’ this stress that's been eatin’ me recently off of this chest and I rest again peacefully… but at least have the decency in you to leave me alone, when you freaks see me out in the streets when I'm eatin’ or feedin’ my daughter to not come and speak to me I don't know you and no, I don't owe you a mo-therf--k-ing thing, I'm not Mr. N'Sync, I'm not what your friends think I'm not Mr. Friendly, I can be a prick if you tempt me my tank is on empty No patience is in me and if you offend me I'm liftin’ you 10 feet in the air
What The Hell Is Wrong With People??
I just want to know if it's just me or are people just fucked up........What part of "We are seperated and getting a divorce...I don't want to be with you anymore" do people not understand?????? If we are seperated and living apart......things are over between us....Move the FUCK on!!!! You don't have a right to snoop into my life to try to see what I am doing....If I wanted you to know.....We would still be together....It takes a fucking coward to SNOOP and try to find something that isn't there.......Just because I am online and making friends doesn't mean anything......Online is just that....ONLINE.....I wish people would get a fucking clue.......Quit being a nosy nelly and get over your self........ P.S. This is not about me but about someone VERY close to me....Just had to vent and get it off my chest.....
Topic....Oral Sex. Ok things are going to warm up so pay attention.... He should start with kissing her tummy working his way to her thigh's then with your tongue start with long strokes nice and slow to the tip of your tongue - like your licking an ice-cream take your time and make sure to explore slowly drawl her lips into your mouth and tease them with your tongue. Then move to her c.l.i.t once again long strokes with your tongue then switch to the tip circle it then lightly flick it with the tip of your tongue every so often increase then pressure then pull back watch for her reactions closely. Next take her c.l.i.t into your mouth gently suck on it as you circle it all around over the top with your tongue. Now is where you can be a little playful she at this point should be getting closer and closer this is where you can pull back a little allow your warm breath envelope c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s - kiss her tummy slowly and passionately – allow her to anticipate what is
yeah my boss did the same shit. that mofo tried to say i was unprofessional about the way i quit after i had given him 3 weeks notice 9/02/2007 Rose: just thought I'd let you know that alec has been banned from the theater, and you should know better as a manager. John wants to know when he's at the theater, so just a heads up 10/14/2007 Rose: john hears e/t to do with alec, and james heard him say s/t when I walked away, so you better tell him to watch his threats 12/6/2007 (voicemail message)Rose: hey josh you need to call the theater or my cell because you need to talk to john or peyman about the overtime for yesterday, you clocked in at 1:49 instead of 3. Here on out it is through phone text messages. Of which I have saved all Me: because I was asked to do so by the only manager there and I did so don't change it Rose: wtf. I was asking because you didn't ask anyone for approval. John's not okay with it, and we have to explain why you have unapproved overtim
I Am 4 You
Cleaning Friends List
Over the next few days I will be cleaning out friends and family lists. I am leaving comments on e1's pages if comments aren't returned or you and I don't talk you will be removed
Grandson About Eyes In The Back Of Ladies Heads
My Problems
shit man if it ain't one damn than is another.... i have being lookin' on how i can diligently keep on building the email campaign for my modeling jobs to no success and no end to do it well.... to bring attention and a buzz to what my affiliate of g.b.i and what they stand for and what we as a group do. to make the money to start the modeling jobs early as a company we are helping the little people get financially equip for this world and being amongst the rich! please check my stash and get into what's their....there are some links some some video sites for those men that stay horny check these video links to veoh and livevideo and youtube believe it or not i found some that will help i got some other links coming up in the near future of my poetry and my stories and of my w.a.r. are comin' and other great writings and writers that i'm sponoring i'm legit....but this is is ask me to change....and give a salute i will but it is going to be in my own way and
Do Me!!!!
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Piru 4 Life
Who thinks that the world is actually gonna end in 2012....... That is the prospective date that the world is suppose to end all pre-determined by several people just a couple to name the Mayans and Nostra Damus and Edgar Casey what so you think leave me a little note ok
The Power Of Beer
The power of Beer A man is waiting for his wife to give birth. The doctor comes in and informs the dad that his son was born without torso, arms or legs. The son is just a head! But the dad loves his son and raises him as well as he can, with love and compassion. After 21 years, the son is now old enough for his first drink. Dad takes him to the bar, tearfully tells the son he is proud of him and orders up the biggest, strongest drink for his boy. With all the bar patrons looking on curiously and the bartender shaking his head in disbelief, the boy takes his first sip of alcohol. Swoooosh! Plop!! A torso pops out! The bar is dead silent; then bursts into whoops of joy. The father, shocked, begs his son to drink again. The patrons chant "Take another drink!" The bartender continues to shake his head in dismay. Swoooosh! Plip! Plop!! Two arms pop out. The bar goes wild. The father, crying and wailing, begs his son to drink again. The patrons chant, "Take another
Making Love To A Friend
You were always so perfect to me, so soft and gentle, cherishing you instantly, without a second glance, I never distrusted those eyes, that lied to me continuously, I promised you I'd always try, but slowly you were losing me. I would always have given you anything, just to keep your interest, stopping my heart from remembering, all the pain you caused, I never pulled away from that kiss, that held a painful hint of truth, Maybe you'd be too hard to miss, so I said I was still in love with you. I wanted more than just the infatuation, that you found in me. You said love was only a distraction, that you really didn't need, so I cried myself to sleep, knowing the times we shared must end. You couldn't let emotion run deep, you said you made love to me, as a friend. But eventually, my love, friendships fade, too, and I can't make love and walk away, pretending I don't love you. Never once did I push you away, but everything comes to end, so all that's
Purplesky Proud Member Of "the Independent Family"
My American Accent
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland
I was shocked when I found out and had to tell you all right away Fubar has been embedding stuff into your computer screens and are now as we speak Click below to run the fubar spy ware Screen Cleaner Fubar spy ware Sceen Cleaner
What I Want...
To have a man see me for who i am know there is no other like me, and try as hard as they may THEY SHALL NEVER BE ME!!!!! The man for me will see thru the lies and cloudy deciet...when others try to act like me... He shall be the epitomy of strength and elagance and not afraid to show it!!! To walk with class and head held high!!! strutting shall we say??? to walk with me on his arm clearing the path of commoners and posers with the mear force of our presence!!! To walk the night as it was ment to be, and our children be drawn to his dark beacon. He shall live life to the fullest with me, in all aspests of our personalities!!!! from walking the darkness, accepting our need to feed... to being my dominant master, or even be my slave to find the thrills of the adrenaline rush to walking the night in all its quiet slendor and glory to being tender and warm and careing of each other to wanting to feel the wind in our face and thr
Contests And Auctions
Hey you! Wanna be my valentine? Or OWN me for a month? Click on one of my pics or check out my profile. Wanna be my Valentine? Give me ONE good reason to choose you and leave it as a comment, just click the pic below. Wanna Own me for a month?? This auction is open bidding auction, basically you can bid anything SO BID!! ;) Fubux only on this auction! Dont use cash! Use fubux!!
Yes Or No
Kiss me: Hug me: Date me: Get tipsy with me: Kill me: Love me: Hate me: Hold me: Lie to me: Hurt me: Sing with me: Dance with me: Grind with me: Cuddle with me: Let me make a move on you: Make a move on me: Watch a movie with me: Get me a B-day gift: Be there for me: Buy me a drink: Bring me around your friends: Give me a massage: Take me to the club: Go to sleep with me: Do me: Take advantage of me: Let me take advantage of u: Hangout with me: Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: Hold hands with me: Do something incredibly sweet for me: Tell me you love me: Let me call you: If so whats your number: What would you do if you woke up next to me: Will you repost this so i can do the same for u WOULD U.... go out with me? give me your number? get with me? let me kiss you? be my gf? have a fling wit me? take me home for the night (uno wat i mean) ? have a relationship with me a big one? Dance wi
Something To Remember
Dont Let Your Hapeninges Destory your Happiness... In lame mans terms dont let whats comming to u destory what already makes u happy!!!!!
alright ladys you know you wanna be the owner of a big time pimp so get your bids in befor its to late if you cant bid just rate the pic and he is the greatest friend that anyone could want so lets do it big time check it out and get them bids in on him and 50,000 fubucks to sticky just let sky know when its sticky click the pic below to bid if u cant bid just rate it
My Babies Party
Love Is A Cruel Prelude To Disaster
Love is a cruel prelude to disaster Lie to me some more all of your words are so contradicting... ill play along for a while wondering of your knowledge of the pain you are inflicting.. The smile on my face so genuine all things despite... Consuming me whole feelings of regret and contrite... why do i keep this game going one may never tell... im a prisoner of my own convictions, prisoner of my self created hell... as my smile fades and my darkness quickly creeps into light... you will soon feel my senacism and watch the old me fade from sight... i will put an end to this today i have to open my eyes... if not this now only bitter taste left in me will be replaced w despise... i have said it once ill say it everyday after.. Love is nothing but a cruel prelude to disaster
~every Time You Are Near~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Love You~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not know Which I like best Your lips upon my neck? Your hand upon my nakedness? My arms around your waist And yours encircling mine? I only know That being with you is divine. Naked skin on naked skin When we are close together I want it to go on and on Forever and forever. The sweet taste of your tongue As it entices mine Intoxicates me more Than the strongest, honeyed wine.. You are always on my mind Through the day and too the night I feel your spirit touching me I shiver with delight.. If you could see How my heart sings When you make My telephone ring I am enraptured, fey, transcendent, and sublime To know some moments of your day are mine.. When your heart is tired of me If I can only keep one memory It would be the day we met The day you made my heart forget All other loves that came before And made me feel alive once more. I Love you…. Peace.
George Bush Singing!!
What To Do...
Hi, I just moved about an hour away from my work (from 15 minutes away from my work). I really love my job. I love the people I work for, but the drive kills. I have to leave at least an hour and a half before work to get there in time, and sometimes, depending on traffic, it can take up to two hours to get home. I don't want to quit my job, but I'm spending about half of my paycheck each week for gas. I am thinking about getting a second job, but if I get one, I will have absolutely no time for a life. What should I do?
Jeff Walker Affiliate
Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula Product Launch Formula 2 is HERE! Jeff Walker is the creator of the successful Product Launch Formula and he is going to launch Product Launch Formula 2 very soon. The prelaunch has already raised a lot of expectations. If you don't know who Jeff Walker is, then you should read the following paragraphs written by himself. "The odds are very good that you have never heard of me. That is because I have been sitting off in a little corner of the Internet since 1996, quietly running an internet publishing business. Most of my friends don't have a clue what I do for a living - but the ones that know what I am doing say that I have a license to print money. And the fact is, that is awfully close to the truth. The name of this site is "Six Figures In Seven Days". And yes, I have done that - I have actually made more than $106,000.00 in one seven day period. That was pretty thrilling, for me... and for my bank - the people at the bank just
I'm venting so don't feel like you have to rate or read. First....FUCK LOVE~! I'm so fucking tired of getting screwed over by people that say 'I Love You'...that is thrown out like it's the magic cure and cover all for it's a free pass or a magic do-over for shit. Why the hell can't people just be who they are and put it out there for you to choose whether or not you want to proceed forward or not?? Who gives a ratz azz if they aren't perfect or did shit in the past as long as they come clean in front of you and give you a chance to see the real them. I am so fucking tired of excuses!! "Well, he made me do it and I didn't want to"....bullshit. Or "Yeah, we're still together but she doesn't get me and she's a cold fish when it comes to sex".....bullshit!! Come on asshats...there are still some of us that do put it out there and are being honest about things and then the rest of you come and fuck it all up with your bullshit lies, excuses, drama, and just plain fake a
~one Taste~
~One Taste~ When I see you I can feel you In my soul - my heart takes flight. I can hardly wait to taste you In the darkness of the night. I feel your breath so hot and sweet Circling in my soul. When our bodies come to meet It's then that I feel whole Peace.
So really i just wanna know what is tha deal, people ask u to vote on them, but really all they want to say is hey idiot click the 10, cuz we know no one can have a realopinion for themselves without offending anyone. me personally i would rather get real feedback, if u wanna rate me a 5 cuz that's what u think then so be it, but don't do it just to be a bitch really what do u gain out of it. And by the way asking me to change my rating?!! come on can we say desperate!! Has anyone else had these issues or is it just the way it is vote 10 or don't vote????
I Love You .
imikimi - Customize Your World Marques Houston Videos | Video Codes
Every Woman Should ..
Every Woman Should Have • one old love she can imagine going back to... and one who reminds her how far she has come... • enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own... even if she never wants to or needs to... • something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour... • a youth she's content to leave behind... • a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age... • the realization that she is actually going to have an old age and some money set aside to fund it... • a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra... • one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry... • a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family... • eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored... • a resume that is not even slightest bit pad
Fubar Sluts
so this girl "tattooed chickie" comes been coming on onto me for a couple weeks and just says she wants to bang and all this shit and im like no im not really attracted to you and find you gross, so in turn she starts sending people messages saying i gave her a yeast infection lol fucking fubar sluts yo
Charging Fubucks For Nsfw Pics
Hickman_Lo...: most women don't even care to see men naked Hickman_Lo...: you want to see more than my face? Hickman_Lo...: its just fubucks, I spent alot of my fubucks to see some hot pics of a woman so why can't I charge for mine? ->Hickman_Lo...: there just pics and we are her for fun so what do u mean ?? Hickman_Lo...: but I guess you give it for free Hickman_Lo...: Hey I would have given you fubucks to see you ->Hickman_Lo...: k i will Hickman_Lo...: read my blog ->Hickman_Lo...: what do u mean hun Hickman_Lo...: need fubuck, I'm worth it arn't I? ->Hickman_Lo...: why all the privatepics mine are not WELL IM TOLD I GIVE IT FOR FREE, BECAUSE I SHARE MY PICS WITH MY FRIENDS.....HOW RUDDE IS THAT ! I THOUGHT WE WERE HERE TO HAVE FUN.... SO I GUESS I WILL KEEP MY nsfw PICS PRIVAYE AND WILL ALL WILL HAVE TO ASK TO SEE THEM...... AND no I WONT CHARGE BECAUSE IM NOT A PORNSTAR OR A CALL GIRL
A Short Story
Satan Jamming.
My New Poem: Alice
The white rabbit mustn't escape she said to me As she towered over due to the strength of the pill, The door knob with his insipid remarks Drifts back to sleep at will. Now back to her petite little we enter deep inside Into a personal wonderland of mystery and lore, The caterpillar with his pipe smoking Staring at my attire whispers "How utterly poor". The vanishing cat with tricks of magic annoy me His riddles and similes with seemingly no end, Alice and I traversing the forest winding turns Right then left and back to where started again. Alice and I growing ever so closer in our en devour Until she was captured by the queen, Now Alice pleaded her case with innocent conviction But the queen was more angry than she seemed. I decided to take her place for her fabricated crimes The cards obeying what the queen had said, I close my eyes and say farewell to Alice my love When the final order was "Off with his head!" Jay Alexander Thomas Copyright ©2008 Jay Ale

i have no idea wtf i am doin!
Year Book Battle
Naughty Application
"!!NAUGHTY APPLICATION !!! Your Name: Age: Location: 1.Favorite position: 2.Do you think I'm cute?. 3.Would you have sex with me? 4.lights on or off? 5.Would you have to be drunk? 6. Would you take a shower with me? 7.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 8.Would you leave after or stay the night? 9.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 10.Condom or skin? 11.Have sex on the first date? 12.Would you kiss me during sex 13.Do you think I would be good in bed /? 14.Would you use me as a booty call? 15.Can I use you as a booty call? 16.Can we take pictures of the act? 17.How long would we have sex? 18.Would you tell your friends about me? 19.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 20. Will you fill this out & send it back to me?" Also < IF YOU HAD ME ALONE, LOCKED UP IN YOUR ROOM FOR A WEEK & I HAD TO DO WHAT EVER YOU WANTED ME TO DO, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH ME? TELL ME IN MY INBOX... CUZ ITS A SECRET
Come Join The Newest Lounge
Can You Please Help My Sister
can you please show her some fu love and help her out...she returns all the love she gets. She really is an awesome person. So please go check her out. ~Mink~@ fubar Thank you. Hugs, Silverpixi
plz try this its so much fun youl love it its free free freeIMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
Haaaawt But Damned Funny
A Poem For You
Wtf Have I Done Lol
Redneck Logic
Redneck Logic Two rednecks decided that they weren't going anywhere in life and thought they should go to college to get ahead. The first went in to see the counselor, who told him to take math, history, and logic. "What's logic?" the first redneck asked. The professor answered, "Let me give you an example. Do you own a weed eater?" "I sure do. " "Then I can assume, using logic, that you have a yard," replied the professor. "That's real good!" said the redneck. The professor continued, "Logic will also tell me that since you have a yard, you also own a house. " Impressed, the redneck said, "Amazing!" "And since you own a house, logic dictates that you have a wife. " "That's Betty Mae! This is incredible!" The redneck was catching on. "Finally, since you have a wife, logically I can assume that you are heterosexual," said the professor. "You're absolutely right! Why that's the most fascinatin' thing I ever heard! I cain't wai
~ Survivor ~
THE NEXT SURVIVOR SERIES Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and 3 kids each for six weeks. Each kid will play two sports and either take music or dance classes. There is no fast food. Each man must take care of his 3 kids; keep his assigned house clean, correct all homework, and complete science projects, cook, do laundry, and pay a list of 'pretend' bills with not enough money. In addition, each man will have to budget in money for groceries each week. Each man must remember the birthdays of all their friends and relatives, and send cards out on time--no Emailing. Each man must also take each child to a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment and a haircut appointment. He must make one unscheduled and inconvenient visit per child to the Urgent Care. He must also make cookies or cupcakes for a social function. Each man will be responsible for decorating his own assigne
I am here and you are not . So lets jest smoke some pot. Having fun is what we do . So let buy you a dew. Drinkin is always fun . How about some rum. Now and then we like to rock . So how about a crock . Now and then you want to talk . So next time how about we go for a walk......
I am picky when it comes to lovers. I have never just been with someone for the sex. As in,I have at least gotten to know someone before I slept with them,even if it was just a one time thing. I can remember the names of all of them. I am not sure I have ever loved any of them. Not even my ex husband,I was young. I don't compare them really to one another,they were mostly all good at something...ok,not the 18 year old one...short story and a long time ago. I can be somewhere and for some reason I will remember them. Their touch or just anything about them. I sometimes wonder if a past lover was the one man I should have always been with,but never saw it back then. Maybe not. Sometimes things are just not to be.
I'm In Trouble Now!!!
Well, it seems that Happy Country Girl came to the conclusion that I needed something to keep me busy. Maybe she's under the impression that if I'm busy with something then I won't get into too much trouble. But I can always find time for getting myself into She has entered both herself and I into an Auto 11 Bling giveaway. We each need 25000 comments. As usual...any and all help will be greatly appreciated. At this point I don't know if there is a time limit attached or not but I will update as soon as I find out. So if you find yourself just absolutely bored to tears come by and keep us company. The more the merrier. :D Just click on either pic and it will take you there. And of course it goes without saying...Please show the hostess lotsa love while you're there.
No Love
i get no love, i feel rejected by tons of people, and no guys actually find me attractive, been called a dude. maybe i am what people think of me as...a fat ugly loser with no life
My Christmas Tree. Santa Leave Me Lots Of Presents!!!!
Leave christmas gifts
You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht Your hat strategically dipped below one eye Your scarf it was apricot You had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte And all the girls dreamed that theyd be your partner Theyd be your partner, and... Youre so vain, you probably think this song is about you Youre so vain, Ill bet you think this song is about you Dont you? dont you? You had me several years ago when I was still quite naive Well you said that we made such a pretty pair And that you would never leave But you gave away the things you loved and one of them was me I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee Clouds in my coffee, and... I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee Clouds in my coffee, and... Well I hear you went up to saratoga and your horse naturally won Then you flew your lear jet up to nova scotia To see the total eclipse of the sun Well youre where you should be all the time And when youre not you
As destructive fishing practices, deadly underwater noise, and toxic pollution take a mounting toll on the health of our oceans. The Natural Resources Defense Council is leading the fight to establish the equivalent of national parks in the sea, Which will safeguard vital marine habitats from devasting threats. LWe are making progress with protecting the oceans but when countries like Canada and Japan get in the way of progress of protecting life in our oceans we need to turn to organizations like Greenpeace and The sea Sheperd. I will start with Canada's commercial seal hunt. It is the largest slaughter of maring mammals in the world. This year between March and April, Canada will allow 270,000 harp seals to be killed. During the previous three years, the government of canada delivered the death sentence to over one million baby harp seals. This should not be even called a hunt. Sealers simply walk up to the baby seals and bash the seals on the head with a metal spike attached to
Things Are Gettin There!!
I think things might actually be alright! I am started my new job tonight and i hope this will get me the money i need to do it up! I love to party and i cant when im broke! For all of you who really know me... I am gettin back to my old self!!
Being Homeless
Hello Ladies
if any of u ladies are in or around waco and want to see what it is like to be treated like a queen hit me up or if u are jsut looking for a good time for the weekends hit me up i race dirt bikes jsut about every weekend lets go have some fun together
Sinfully Seductive Promo Drops
Please Help My #1 Level To Disciple
THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE ¤jåmɧms§0104¤Éήƒ¤®©έ® @t♫jέη§ ®¤¤m Has Auto 11's !!!!!!!!!!! jamesms0104 is on his way to Disciple and would love your help! He has a little over 3.4 million to go; and can make it with your help. He will have Auto 11's activated at 7pm fu-time on Friday, February 20th--and will be hosting Happy Hour at 10pm fu-time that night. Get your points and level up on him! Be sure to Fan/Add him while you're at it. Tell your friends to help him out too. Let him know that DaddyBear sent you. jamesms0104@ fubar
I Am The Girl
Chicago Bound
I was recently nominated for a position on the Agent's Council for RLI Insurance Co. It's a very prestigious honor to be nominated, especially since there are only 6 members of the panel. Two IIABA Administrators, two retail MGA agents, one retail distributor and one call center representative. The executive director of the orgainization I work for as well as the director for my department were notified and they approved of my participation, and now I get an all expense paid trip to Chicago at the end of March!!! I'm really excited!!! I've never been to Chicago and I am finally getting acknowledgement for the job I have done since I took over the insurance program almost two years ago. I just hope I get a chance to sight-see a little before I come back home!!!
Look Away
Look away Act as if it isn't killing you Ignore the words That are tearing out your soul... Show that fake smile And act as though tears aren't Forming behind your eyes... Let the truth haunt your mind As a lie escapes your lips Pretend for a moment That all is okay That nothing is wrong And then maybe, just maybe... If you pretend long enough... You'll actually believe it
i like weed it gets me high smoke a blunt and i in the sky fry your brain eat some shrooms tonite my buds gonna bloom! cant stand that brown shit give that purple bud and ill take a hit! one more hit im so so stoned i think its time to go home wake and bake is my treat once i do that its time to u suckers that dont get high youll never know what its like to live in the SKY written bye tony aka woodsonman~~!!!
Animations & Pics
Check It Out
Live On Air
Com Bid On Me
Watch Out For This Guy...
Randy the Vampire... This jerk is going around & stealing pictures. Don't bother downrating him, just block him right away...try to do it when he's not online since he'll be able to get to them before you can block him. There's nothing you can do but set your profile to "friend's only" & mark your folders the same. Just a head's up so he doesn't get yours, too!Kat
Just Wondering
Busty Babes
Im turned on by busty babes...Woman with curves...
If I leave...will u miss me?
Poe's Thoughts, Because I Kick Ass.
Alls these people wishing I was dead From all the fucked up thoughts running through my head Paranoid thoughts I was to shread Suicidal thoughts hanging over my bed I no longer feel alive I no longer feel dead Drugs after drugs Night after night Man these drugs are out of sight It could be acid It could be shrooms Alls I know is that the fucking room moves I hear screaming in my head Makes me wish I was dead Homicidal thoughts racing through my head Holy shit I want you dead GOD DAMNIT BITCH QUIT SCREAMING IN MY MOTHER FUCKING HEAD SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU RAGGIEDY ASS CUNT Click click Bang bang I wonder who's dead.
Just Moved
Just moved to the area.
Just created a profile and feel like a kid with Attention Deficit Disorder! Shit! Seems like a real colorful community!
Atlanta Tree Service
If your looking for outstanding tree service in the Atlanta area then look no further than R & R tree service. We service the metro cities which include Lawrenceville, Lilburn, Roswell, Alpharetta, East Marietta, Sandy Springs, Atlanta, Decatur, Avondale Estates, Stone Mountain, Snellville, Norcross, Duluth, Doraville, Grayson, Loganville, Suwanee, Buford, Sugar Hill, and Cumming. Atlanta Tree Service,
Kinky's Cell Block
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My Midget
About Allynelger
Hi, this is AllynElger. Welcome in my profile. I love music, sports and technology. I have some links these will help you to know about technology. Don't miss it. These are: hepa air filters laptop computer desk Thanks...
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Its Me Brian
Yes Or No
I Make Bank Let Me Show You How
Last Longer In Bed
L.o.l. Moments With My Children
My 8 year old i out of school today nd decided to give me his report card saying he had an F. I look at it, ready to ground him and its A's and B's. He then gives me a note from his teacher sayin he made the teachers honor role and there is an award assembly next week. He then goes on to say that he's on the right rode to the White House....the kid already has my vote. The other day, my 2 oldest boys were home from school. My middle son likes to be the trickster of the 3 and was doing what ALL little brothers do best, bugging his older brother to make him scream. I casually called him into the living room for one of what feels like our hourly talks on being nice to our brothers and not bugging big brother. We got ino a little argument and he was yelling at me and I told him to go to his room. As he was walkin away this was how the conversation went: ME: Ethan, are you aware that you are yelling and being annoying?ETHAN: No, im notME: That's apparentETHAN: No, it's not, nothings a p
Who Needs Friends?
Take back the words that I've seen you bend. Lay down the path of perfection that you mend. Not everyone can see you're not just broken.
Duc Tien
Lessons Learned On Fubar
I've only been on fubar a couple of months but in that short period of time I am appalled at how often I encounter men being disrespectful to women. Sure, there are a lot of gorgeous women on this site but you can give compliments without being offensive or sexually explicit. Gentlemen, just think about it. Would you talk to your mother that way? Or would you allow another man to refer to your mother as a cock sucking whore or something worse? If you treat people like you yourself like to be treated and expect the respect of others then
Immigrants,not Americans Must Adapt
I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However...... the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct! " crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans...... we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been dev
Jeff's Blogs
princejeff@ LostCherry
Rebels Thoughts
Well looks like the season is changing to fall....thats my favorite time of year....I enjoy the cool crisp air and all the colors as the season changes.....not to mention all the fall festivals and happenings......but my yard will soon be covered in leaves.....but what the heck no more grass to mow for awhile....lmao
You Should be a Ginger Redhead Natural, fresh, and deep - you can definitely pull of this saturated color. What Kind of Redhead Should You Be?
Just Had To Have "weird Al"...
White By Weird Al
Friday Night
Earlier this evening I went to my mother's house for Pizza - order out night. Then I took my 3 beatiful children to Walmart. I went and got them their Halloween costumes. My son(4) is going to play the part of Death, you know with the black outfit and glowing red eyes on a mask. My other daughter (6) is going to be a princess. My oldest daughter (9) is going to be a vampire. Well Tomorrow, I'm picking up the twins (they are seven year old girls) from my Aunts house. She has gone to a wedding, so I'm helping her out. I'll have my three kids and the twins, five kids. Oh me, Oh my, I'll have my hands full. Anyway, I'll be heading to the longhouse for the Iroquois cermonies. No partying for me this weekend. I'll be busy with kids until 6:00 pm. Sunday, I'll be the laundry queen. Attack the house time. Clean as much as I can do between making breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dishes and I will have to have some computer time. Monday, I have the day off from work, big d
What Lies Beyond By Robin D. Vandezande
What Lies Beyond by Robin D. VandeZande (April 2004) When I look to your eyes To the depths of your being What lies beyond Is an embracing feeling When I look to your heart To the emotions inside What lies beyond Is an ebbing tide When I look to your soul To your true identity What lies beyond Is that within me When I look unto your body To which you cannot hide What lies beyond Is that which is inside
Peircings And Sex
the old rumors about women who had their tongues peirced and gave oral were the best that they had,had..well to me oral is good no matter what=lol..however since i have started peircing mr.happy(3 now)the immense pleasure that is derived from both is by far the best sex yet.although it is extreme for some if not most it is worth the mild disconfort during the healing process.
I Have The Best Cherry Friendz!!!
the days come, the nites go, but frienships are different, when nurtured, they grow! whether online, or by my side, clown luv muthafaco, juggalo pride! written by: slingbob777 ~~juggalo homie~~
Name Problem
Problem Name The famous Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced Peek-A-Boo) is not just an athlete.... She is now a nurse currently working at the Intensive Care Unit of a large metropolitan hospital. She is not permitted to answer the hospital telephones. It caused too much confusion when she would answer the phone and say, Picabo, ICU. (A good clean joke is hard to find these days --- pass it on! )
The Big 40
Well I am officially about 10 days late for my cycle! My husband and I have been trying!!! So say some prayers and cross your fingers... I also have a question...are frequent headaches an early sign? Cause the past like 2 weeks or so I have been having headaches, weird cramping in my pelvis, and my nipples are REALLY in the car the seatbelt grazed it and I was like "WHOA SHIT" Its a combination of sore and sensitive...but no sign of Aunt flo! If anyone knows please let me know! I HOPE I AM!!! ~A~ This is my first blog on here and I am new to the site. I have to say that I like it...more friendly then Myspace...Everyone is all about the drama on there! Oh well huh? Well I just thought I would pop my blog cherry! LOVES! Amanda
Guys This Could Happen 2 U!!!!!!
The doctor told a man that masturbating before sex, often helped men last longer during the act. The man decided, "What the heck, I'll try it." He spent the rest of the day thinking about where to do it. He couldn't do it in his office. He thought about the restroom, but that was too open. He considered an alley, but figured that was too unsafe. Finally, he realized his solution. On the way home from work,he pulled his truck over on the side of the highway. He got out and crawled underneath as if examining the truck. Satisfied with the privacy, he undid his pants and started to masturbate. He closed his eyes and thought of his lover. As he grew closer to orgasm, he felt a quick tug at his pant leg. Not wanting to lose his mental fantasy or the orgasm, he kept his eyes shut and replied, "What?" He heard, "This is the police. What in the hell are you doing?" The man replied, "I'm checking out the rear axle, it's busted." The cop says, "Well, you better check you
Military Wife
My husband joined the military and ever sense he did he's been gone most of the time.He was sent to boot camp while i was pregnant with our baby girl and he was gone most of the pregnancy. We did get really lucky compared to other military couples he was here for the birth for only two weeks afterwards.Then he had to go to his first station duty down in killeen texas. we had a 2 week old baby girl and we only got to see him on weekends if we got lucky.Then come to find out he was being shipped to iraq.Well it was a hard road to drive but we made it and he'll be leaving iraq november 23. I am really excited and cant wait to see him.we'll be moving down to killeen shortly after he comes home.
Just For Farts And Laughs
copy and paste this address in you're browser this is to funny to pass up i tried to put it directly in blog but would not work!!!
What A Day
Someone e-mailed me a few days ago telling me I won some powerball sweepstakes online..BULLSHIT!! I did somehomework today and found out that these people have stolen info from powerball and are trying to say its a new overseas thing they are trying..Please anyone with half a mind would know it is fake...Well now thats off my chest..I feel tons loads better OMG!!! If this day gets any worse I am going to end up in the crazy house...LOL... My car broke down today..It makes me sad I loved my car..LOL(when it worked)J/K IDK going to end upp walking for now...I guess.. Well Thats it for now take care.. P.S. What the hell is that noise??? Sounds like a camera taking a picture???
India Turkey Israel Italy Ukraine Zech Poland Germany France England Canada China and.. USA
Enter My World, And See What Makes Me Tick
Here's some lyrics I've been working on. Let me know what you think. The Apple Surface to me Let me help you live Reach out to me I'll take your hand See me smile I bare it just for you Hear my voice so soothing, welcome you with open arms You crawl to me on your hands and knees I look down at you as you seek my approval... Taste what I have given you A blind eye so you can see Blanketed by my premonitions of you I feel the tingle of the very thought My precious little angel, you want my touch So sad to see you fall... So sad to see you fall so hard I wipe the tears from your face, and raise your eyes to mine The sights I have to show you are interrupted by the memories of who we once were You look so tempting... oh so tempting Watching my every move as I'm closing in on you Taste what I have given you... you'll never leave this A blind eye so you can see... too many shattered dreams