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Blah! Venting And Bitching Time!
sometimes i feel blah and bad cause of my fibromyalgia. i just want to be left alone at times or lay down and just meditate to get rid of the pain. but my boyfriend does not seem to get it. he gets mad at me cause of the fact that i hurt and all. i have had 5 doctors say i have fibromyalgia plus lower back spinal injury. i can walk but stay in constant pain and i refuse pain meds cause i do not want to be an addict to them. the doctors say i can not work. he knew all this before we got together so why in the hell can't he understand that. i stay in constant pain from my waist do because of the disk in my lower back pinching my nerves kinda feels like when ur leg goes to sleep and then it getts those needle sharp pin pricks only mine is all the time all the way from my toes to middle of my back. only way to fix it is for me to have back surgery and run the risk of being put in a wheel chair for the rest of my life. i say as long as i can tolerate the pain and walk hell no they not cutti
Blah Blah Blah
I'm tired of the single life, but the one person I'm slightly interested in is the type one moment boom she seems interested the next nope, and I don't need to deal with that bullshit right now. blah, in general I'm just tired of the single life.
So try as I might to be rational about things, i really fail in all attempts. I'm feeling somewhat overwhelmed, but am desperately attempting to cling to whatever sane part of me still lies dormant within. C'mon sanity, where are you? Well as we all know, I am a married woman. Yeah, I'm not afraid to let everyone in this world know that I AM TAKEN and I have no interests in love affairs or any of that sort. I go on these silly sites for giggles, and have never been fake trying to impress people. My husband also is on this site, which I really have no qualms with, however, he doesn't see it fit to let the world know (even as a common curtesy to ME his WIFE) that he is married. Oh I know, the idea that he's sleeping with me in the same bed at night should satiate my concerns but it doesn't. It doesn't at all. I have rationalized that it's okay time and time again that maybe he still has this hidden incomprehensible feeling to pretend to appear he's available but not re
blah why are men so predictable, sheesh . I met a guy on here, from around where i live.. and he did the same fucken thing , that they all do.. I hanged with him one night and all of a sudden he don't talk to me anymore.. we didn't do anything but watch a couple movies, I guess I might have scared him off.. but it still hurts to be ignored and like nothing is wrong when they can fucken tell a girl what is up.. sheesh.. I liked to told then lied too, and told instead of ignored.. it's my conclusion that all guys are only after one thing.. none of them are out there for love.. my babys daddy cheated on me , then I left him, but it still hurts even though I left him.. now I get hurt again.. wtf is that shit.. I'm about to give up seriously.. not worth getting hurt, specially when I have my daughter to worry about..
Blah Blah Blah
Feelin like ive been run over and backed over .. im gonna go get some rest and try and kick this damn cold ive got brewing .. in case i dont come on tonite i hope you all have a Great evening .. and ill come by tomorrow and show you all some luv'.. Id blow smooches but i dont wanna get ya'll sick too lol *Distant Hugs* Wen
Right now I cant believe some of the thoughts that are running through my brain. YIKES, once again I am over thinking. For some reason I keep asking myself if this is the right thing, me being in Germany. During the week I have no actual real human action besides Fubar and Camfrog, oh yeah can't forget the calls to the states. Right now I am feeling extremely lonely with him being gone as well as feeling extremely helpless when it comes to doing much around here. I am just hoping my thoughts are because I am lonely and I need something more fulfilling to pass my time with. I love that man with all my heart and when I told him tonight that we dont say I love you as much as we did when I was in the states, it makes my mind tend to wonder off. He explained to me at that time that he has alot of thinkings going on and sometimes he forgets. God I hope and pray that is correct, cuz it would totally crush me if not. This is the first time in my life that I have totally let all my guards down
1. So how are you? horny 2. If you woke up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you would do? finger my pussy! lol 3. Have you ever crawled through a window? yessssss 4. Where is your dad? home? 5. Morning or night person? Night 6. What was the last movie you watched? uhh dunno? 7. Favorite number? 69 8. Any cool scars? no 9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first? their vaginas 10. What do you do when no one is watching? masturbate 11. Ever been in love? no 12. How's life going for you? EH 13. What is your curfew? none 14. Do you talk a lot? no 15. Do you pick ur nose? all the time! 16. What's your worst personality flaw? none lol :P 17. Would you marry for money? ok 18. Could you live without a computer? FUCK NO! 19. If you could live in any past time period, when would it be? 1940's or 1960's-70's 20. Do you drink enough water? never lol 21. Do you wear shoes in your h
The day started out nice with rain and thunderstorms....which I find calming, peaceful and beautiful. Does that make me strange? I have to do a ton of things today and now all I want to do (after the ex being hateful via voicemail this morning) I am in somewhat of a BLAH mood....getting headache, etc. I went to see if anyone was hiring nearby (not in my profession but pissy butt jobs where I will only be able to make less than 1/3 what I was) but no real luck. Next week I will have to do something. Something else on my mind. You know how when you meet someone and they are all nice and what, WHY do they always turn out to be mean and ugly? Why are they never whom they said they were? Makes me not to want to EVER try again. Who wants a single mom with 3 young kids? No one. And there is NO ONE in this crappy town. Well, I better stop here. I'm just bitter right now at the ex and truly hurt. BUT will prevail.
To please the masses I did a voice intro for my voice comment box. So if you wanna hear this idiot talk go have a listen.
Well well well.... Here I am once again sitting at home bored shitless My roommate is always off and running with her boyfriend works too damn much.I saw him yesterday after my haircut for like 5 minutes otherwise...I havent seen him since Saturday and won't see him till Sunday.Everyon else is too busy to hang out.So once again i sit here at home alone and bored. i'm on the sobering up lone now, but I drank. I know, ur not supposed to drink alone cuz it makes you an alchy or whatev, but I did. I had about 10 beer, a bottle of wine, and a shot of tequila. I started drinking at like 4. Ooops. I am sick of being alone and bored with nothing to do...grrr. Off to yahoo games to find something to do.
Blah Blah Blah
thats how i feel today,lol its rainin again,, and its cold outside, my mom told me the other day shes comin for a visit,, well she got here last night,, what she didnt tell me was that my brother n his family came n my brothers father too,, my other brother that lives up here doesnt know yet that their father came up, its a surprise,lol,, im so glad we put a trailer out back for my mom or everybody would be here in my house drivin me crazy,lol my sister will be out later to visit, i hope shes ina good mood,, if not ill be hiding at home, i dont wanna have to cave in her face in front of my mom,, i hate feeling that way but shes just so nasty all the time it pisses me off,, my niece Brianna came over this mornin n shes just too cute,lol,, she discovered the kittens n said she wished they were nice so she could pick them up {{they hiss if you get too close lol }} so,, yea, its gonna be a busy weekend,, but my chocolate cake tastes really really good so im happy,, now if the sty in my
Blah Blah Blah
Hey all who read this im sitting here at a friends house bored off my ass haha, I need something to do. I had a pretty rough last week. On sept 6th which was my birthday i got hauled into Jail and had to spend 7 days there it was my first time ever locked up so it sucked ass. Someone talk to me im hella bored haha bye for now
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
I'm kinda new here, back on the site again and see all these jokers with "rate me add me fan me and I'll return favor". What's up with that shit? If I'm going around rating or adding people I don't need someone to tell me this when I'm well aware of the options here. Like adult children pullin that crap. Where're the adult diapers at?
Blah Blah Blah Blah Bullshit No Need To Read
Seriously what's the point anymore. Anyone I ever cared about hurt me. Any person I felt like I loved, hurt me. Why do I keep putting myself out there for the pain of rejection. I lived in a solitary world of myself for about a year. I was happy. No one was there to bother me, or poke at me, or anything along those lines. I move back out to Beckley. To get closer to school and what not. I start hanging out more with a friend and boom one moment she seems interested next nope. So I said fuck it nothing ventured nothing gained. Boom rejection. It's not like I'm the perfect guy. But still I get tossed around like a potato during a game of hot potato. I seriously think my hermit ways will be better for me. Yea I don't have people to go to, I deal with my anger and frustration alone. I'm not social. In fact very anti-social. Considerably, almost insane seeming, but I was happy. I was happy living in my own little world where no one could get to me. Hell they couldn't get to me because I wou
oh well.. my life is pretty suckie right now.. but not much i can do about it.. seems I can not get out of this depression I am in.. no matter what I do and how hard I try.. I just seemed to get sucked deeper and deeper into it... all my friends try to help, and I do so appreciate that.. but it seems nothing well get me out of it.. when i seem to finally be coming out of it.. bam something else puts me even farther in.. people who have no respect for me make it worse.. especially when I do everything I can for them.. I guess I am just gonna have to become the bitch again... well it will be good for me but bad for everyone else.. I guess its time I worry about me for once and less of everyone else... I guess thats all for now.. thanks for reading...
Not sure why, just feel kind of blah today. Started last evening and has carried over. I think I have just had a really long week and am heading into the weekend feeling really run down. But the weekend will bring me no rest since David has 2 soccer games and something Sunday he wants me to go to. I'm just not looking forward to 500 miles of driving this weekend. :( But the good thing is its time with him. I suppose I can wait until Monday to sleep at my desk lol.
Blah Blah Blah
You are in my world, my life As simple as it may be, I want you near, hand in hand To walk love's journey with me. I cannot not offer you treasures untold Or your days always bright, But I give to you all I am And cherish you day and night. You are wonderful, strong, Everything I have ever wished for, You are here beside me And each day I love you more. Our love is growing Not one single day do I regret, Our love has flourished and bloomed And it started the day we met.
Kristian && I are at a wierd point right now....we're together but we're not if it makes any sense. We want to be together but we lost our footing && we're having trouble getting it back right now. Maybe we'll figure it out maybe not....either way I care about him.
Blah Blah Blah...smokie Smokie!!
sittin here watching it fuckin pour down rain...and smoking by are in school and my man is at work....blah blah blah....getting pretty fucking stoned though....anyone wanna join me bitches!!!
Blahzay Down Day......
Woke up VERY sick this morning. Got up, tried to move around and ended up back in bed. Do not know what it was. Hope body is not trying to shut down because of me not eating properly. Common Law daughter called and said she had been really ill lately and apologized for not calling.. Called the insurance company, have an interview tomorrow afternoon. The casino has only a 12midnight to 8am shift for a cashier. Will see what the insurance company says as it is closer and would save on gas. Son is in for a long night. Halo3 is being released at midnight and he has to work that AND open up tomorrow morning at 10am. He is not looking forward to the crowds at midnight. There was no one there when I dropped him off. Last April when boyfriend died, my daughter and her guyfriend came down and we went by the Chick-fil-A(next door to where son is working) and it had people camping outside of it for the grand opening the next day!?!?! Checked my tires and put air in them..y
Blah Blah
Well this is my first blog pretty much ever and I hope no one spends too much time reading it cause I warn you I have nothing interesting to say. I really just wanted to try and post a blog and see how it worked. I promise i will have some more witty comments to includeon future installments.
I really,really should have gone to bed earlier last night.We were up watching Family Guy and America's Top Model we had recorded on the DVR.I am addicted to the DVR.We have a regular box in our bedroom and sometimes I try to pause it thinking I am watching tv in the living room.The remotes are the same,just not the same function.I guess we have to do something like get one for the bedroom too.Anyway...I am really tired.I will more than likely stay home all day and clean,get some stuff done around the house I have been putting off.It's too early to think of anything else right now.Getting up at 530 every morning sucks!
So my laptop crashed yesterday and I lost all my bookmarks of where I am in your pics. and stash (you know who you are if you're reading this) BUMMERS!
Are there any men left out there that actually have hearts.....damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....WTF!!!!!
Cum play in the sheets with the hottest dj's on fubar or anywhere. Come Find out how silky the sheets are with Dj Karma!
Blah Fuck Blah
ok so here i sit in downtown waiting for nate to get off work ... so bored... just wish i actually had a good paying job so we can get internet .... so heres whats going on ..... my job at spirit halloween is fucking me over big time!!! The bitch of a boss finally put me on for more days...( only 4 this coming week) ..still only getting paid 7.25 an hour when everyone else is getting 7.35 me and my friend candi are the only ones... plus... found out that my boss hates me with a passion... (dont know what i did to her pregnat ass) but yet.... everything else seems to be looking up for me .. im still alive.. im eating somewat healthy... and cut back on smokes... but... for the weed thats still a consant!!!!!!!!!!! Well i must be going.. till next time stay up down and all around MCL V
Wildin Out Radio *Blitzed Out* Click The Picture Below To Enter The Best Lounge On Fubar !! Great Tunes And Sexy People!!!!
Blah & Blah!
I'm really damn sick. If you have texted, called ,im'd , shouted or otherwise tried to contact me in the last few days & i did not respond its not cuz I dont love you! I left my computer on & fell asleep. Really damn annoyed I missed out on the night out (DAWN lol call me next time) due to working at that hellhole last weekend. no worries though.. no more working so YAY! go me.. On the home front for those who give a crap :) my house is trashed , im cranky, but its actually going ok so far. I wont hold my breath but you know lol. The boys coach called.. they start practice at 7 am on saturday and 630 am on sunday. which means getting up by 6 & 530 respectively.. thats freaking early lol!!! we're excited. yes i said we (apparently im one of those moms who is way too damn involved with their kids)*GASP* A parent who knows whats going on with their kids pretty much 24-7 .. its becoming a rarity isnt it?? and how said is it that it has become so?
Blah. Not Feeling Great For A Few Reasons
So it's 9:40pm on sunday night. normally, I'm still going strong. However, the new job requires me to be up at 5am, and at work by 6:30am. lame. Tonight I just don't feel good. I dunno why, just feel kinda' sick. And bored. And tired. My wife decided to go to the club we used to go to a lot. I can't go, apparently, because I need to get to work. So... I'm stuck here, left to take a shower and try to go to sleep while she's out drinking and hanging out with people. And yeah. So... Who knows what mood I'll be in tomorrow, wtf ever, really... So I'm most likely gone for the night. Maybe I'll kill off the bottle of Cuervo first. Who knows.
I miss my friend.. I miss my cuddle partner.. I miss the one who told me everythign would be ok. I miss hearing his voice. I miss arguing with him. I miss his smell. I miss his touch. *sighs* He knows who he is
Blah @ Love
Hey ppls! Well sorry i haven't been around.. Been working my ass off and came down with some type of Illness! Seams to be the Flu but different! Ive been stuck on the couch for 2 days because i feel like my body got hit by a train... Anyways! Just wanted to update everyone on my boring life! I work 3-11PM today and work 2 -12 hour shifts this weekend! Fun Fun... Not sure when ill be back to play on the computer. Hugs to all my friends! Don't forget to leave me LOVE! -Jen
well here it goes im bored nothing to do but sit here and type away, id like to know what u think about me and plz leave me a comment on what u think chat to me get to know me and be friends with me and see what i am all about lol, i know im such a weirdo lol NOT, ud like to think so lol, but no, what can i say just blah blah blah,lol this is what one does when there is nothing to do lol just sit here and take to ya all, and see who has something to say lol well all u boyz and girlz come leave a comment and let me chat to u lol, yes i must be really bored to do this but i talk to all who talk to me luvs to ya all P.S. say what ya want and ill get back to ya when i can
I managed to save Monty Python and the Holy Grail & The Ninth Gate from the 2 for $11 bin at Wal-Mart. Sheisty bastards. Played Guitar Hero 2 for like 5 hours off and on yesterday. Hung out with some friends last night. I had fun and that's all that matters. And tonight I get to watch/video tape some other friends boxing! Woohoo! Bring on the beer and violence!
im feeling so insomniatic... it sucks cuz i wont sleep for days and when i do sleep it will he for an intire day... i dont know what to do
Blah Deleting Friends Sucks
Hey all, As some have noticed i did start deleting friends without salutes, but it's a tedious process, so i'm only doing a few hundred a day it seems. Those of you without them, please hurry and get them up if you're hoping not to be deleted... those accidentally deleted, please send new requests and put in them whatever the heck i've asked you to (it may happen more than once this week, but i'm trying to be careful, i swear).... yes, a select few without salutes are being kept, but these are people i've been talking to for weeks. showing up in my shoutbox today isn't gonna make up for a month of silence. get over it. anyhow, love ya'll, i'm goin to take a nap Sin
So I'm reading this book called, "He's just not that into you" and can I just say that it is hilarious..... hilariously funny but oddly true at the same time... It states simple facts about relationships that just shouldn't be relationships..... Such as.... if you meet a guy and exchange numbers... don't call him.... if he really wanted you enough, he would call..... Sad reality.... he would call if he wanted you enough..... I have to get past the point of thinking that no one wants me to the point of letting someone chase me..... not giving in so easy all the time.... why do I have to be like that? Not sure....
I hate how boring my life has become. I get up at 7:00 am every day pick up my nephew for school by 8:40 am, be at my first job by 9:00 am, work till 2:00 pm, go to my second job and be there by 4:30 pm, and work till 11:00 pm. Leave there and be home around 11:45 pm in bed by 12:00 am and start the day all over again. I do this Monday through Thursday every week. Blah how boring is that! I need some recreation and fun time!!!
if they slam the door one more time...ima slam their head. swear to christ. ok not really...but i'll envision it...and it'll make me feel all warm inside...til i can enhance my calm john spartan. *nod* apparently i gotta take a trip down to cottonhood in order to procure crap Munchkin needs for some project thing. joy oh joy. but then again...i do enjoy a good road trip...even if its a short one. i still hurt. and it rocks. rinse and repeat tomorrow. Munchkin's completely intrigued with baby food. dun ask me why. its a new tactic we're trying cuz Monkey is anti-food we break out the baby food. and she'll eat it. Munchkin is all..'thats so cool it comes with a lid. thats so cool it doesnt taste crappy.' i think 'thats so cool' is her new expression. better than 'fuck you' or 'eat shit' ha. i feel...the need for dessert... and...since i have some thai sweet rice... dun dun dun kthnxbi
Life's Little Annoynces - things that drive a sane person nuts ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * You have to try on a pair of sunglasses with that stupid little plastic thing in the middle of them. * The person behind you in the supermarket runs his cart into the back of your ankle. * The elevator stops on every floor and nobody gets on. * There's always a car riding your tail when you're slowing down to find an address. * You open a can of soup and the lid falls in. * It's bad enough that you step in dog poop, but you don't realize it till you walk across your living room rug. * The tiny red string on the Band-Aid wrapper never works for you. * There's a dog in the neighborhood that barks at everything. * You can never put anything back in a box the way it came. * Three hours and three meetings after lunch you look in the mirror and discover a piece of parsley stuck to your front tooth.
Blah Blah
So it has been exactly a wk since my dad passed away I'm still having mixed emotions ... I know these will eventually go away ..right now my main one is missing him so ...his voice..touch .. and just him in general.. I can't explain all my feelings I guess I never will either but I think it is a good start to been able to write a little of how I feel maybe will help in the healing process.. I was asked by him before he passed what I wanted for my Birthday which is Oct 30 I now know what I want ... I want him back with me ... I know that can't happen but it is what I want .. nothing else just him ... this may seem selfess ..I know he is in a better place in no pain and with no suffering .. I should be happy and rejoice over that but the pain of losing him is still just to much ..okay I'll let myself get to emotional ..I need to stop for now
Blah Blah Blah.
I'm totally out of things to say. This site sucks now. A lot of people have been emailing me telling me this, and I totally agree. What can I say? There's only so many times a webmaster can talk about masturbating before it just gets old. Wait, I take that back. I got one: The other day I was masturbating and my balls fell off I made them into devilled eggs. That one wasn't so bad. Survey says.. That blew. Dammit. Okay, on to more feeble joke attempts to try and prove myself as "still funny." - I thought of a new name for Tori Amos - Toremy Anus Terrible. - I went to a pawn shop to buy chess pieces. How ironic is that? That one might take a while. Fuck it. - Alcohol is an acquired taste, but I'm not in a choir. Jeez man. - I don't do anything half-assed. Unless it's a girl with one butt cheek. Ugh. Awful awful awful. I've definitely lost it. Or, lost whatever I may have found. Maybe I just need a break from writing.
I guess I'm just having one of those days. Woke up this morning, alone, listening to the rain fall and wondering what the day would bring. Almost wishing I had to work today just so I'd have something to do other than chores around the house and thinking about...well, lots of things. Trying to get things ready for the weekend even though the plans you have are not exactly the ones you'd hoped for...Anyways...Like I said, I guess it's just one of those days!
Okay so men suck. I know that is a very general statement, but it is so true. Either they are married, gay, taken, players, or "friends"! Don't get me wrong the guy I am seeing is a great guy, but.....he is in love with his ex. Yes he was honest and told me this, but it's still a jagged little pill. Then of course there are the guys that you kind of date...see where things go and they don't really go anywhere, he changes, you change, you part as friends and then as time passes and poof...gone. And of course there is always "the one that got away". *sigh* If only all the "if onlys" could happen then well....then we would wonder the "if onlys' about someone else. So I guess it is just better to keep the chin up and know someday it will get better and if it doesn't then perhaps being alone is the best option. After all how can you love someone else if you don't love yourself first.
kinda bored tonight ... not much to do ... the chat rooms are kinda boring i just yelled at some lil ass girl for being stupid maybe i shoul djust go to bed lol nite
Another day, another end. I like someone, and I think they know it. Not sure. He's a helluva sweet guy, and I wish that I could see him. I need to find a way to make 81 dollars to go up there to see him, but seeing as I have no money, ID and the only way to get an ID is with money, I have no way to do it. And the only way to get a job is if you have an ID. I'm so confused!
Blah Try No 2
Testing Testing Testing Have a great day
Blah Blah Blah
The Second Chances love story is rooted in nostalgia. Whether you're longing for the ex you haven't seen in a year, or are reminiscing about the crush you never connected with 10 years ago, this kind of searching is indicative of more than dissatisfaction with your current romantic relationships. Whether you do it consciously or not, most people who migrate towards the Second Chances love story either want to revise a past decision, confront someone you couldn't at the time, or revert back to a specific point in time. Do you ever wish you could return to a different period in your life? This story is repeated more times than you could imagine. Take the film "Peggy Sue Got Married," for instance. In it, a housewife faints at her high school reunion and wakes up in her senior year at high school with the chance to change her destiny. The root of your story too, may arise from these feelings, that you need to reconnect with a time in your life when love was a larger focus of your
Do you ever wish things were different? That is how I feel....Somedays I wished I never gotten a comp....Why is it that ppl expect you to have a damn pic on every freaking website that u go on? I am sorry...If I wanted to share my pic then that is my freaking choice....I know what & who I am.... That is all that matters.........I wished I would go back in time & change all that, telll ppl if they want to see what I look like, they can spend money, go on vcation & visit me if they are that damn interested....Do I sound bitchy? yeah but that is how I feel...SO THIS IS FOR ANY1 WHO WANTS TO KNOW WHAT I LOOK LIKE, SCREW YOU ALL
just venting ... hubby has to go outta town today till wed or maybe thurs ... and even though i know he has to go cuz he's gettin a part to fix our vehicle .. i hate being alone at night, it just being me and kids, we will all miss him ... so i'll prolly be on here lots more this week ... ooo on a better note he'll be bringing back another pc so we both can be on at the same time YAY ... lol well that's all for now ...
Blah 2
ok well guess hubby isnt gonna go outta town .. which in a way i dont mind ... see ( blah) but now we're stuck w/out the part for our car ... his ride broke down about 1/2 hr after they left .. now there's no way to get down home and get the part.. i swear at times if we didnt have bad luck we'd have no luck at all .... lol UPDATE well father in law came and got hubby , we're hoping he can get the part and be back home by wed or thurs .. if not it'll be friday ... here's to hoping the kids behave lol ... *searches for calgon*
So, it transpires that the good folks here at the place where I work out are on the warpath about folks being on teh internets when they should be working... so looks like kins might have to go into hiding or lose his job, if it ain't too late already. Now how do you like them apples?
ok well after 4 12 hr shifts with the flu and about 5 different types of OTC meds i think im gonna break down and go to the on site health clinic at work in the morning. no open appointments before then :( so if i dont reply to comments or emails today bear with me im trying to lay down but it only stuffs me up worse. Ive already tried tea with honey and lemon, chicken soup, and even vodka lol all it did was make me loopy.....with a hacking cough.8-p please rate my blog!i miss being it the top 50 lol
thought for this a.m. is..... BLAH! blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah fucking blah! so if your reading this BLAH!!!!!!
Blah Blah
You know, I was having this conversation with some friends of mine. The matter of marriage came up. Some of my friends have been married but are no longer, some are presently married with kids/without kids, some of my friends swear NEVER to marry ( I used to be one of them ), and some of my friends are undecided. Now, my friends vary in religious beliefs. Some are Christian, some are Jewish, some are Wiccan, some are, well, let us just say...none of the above. We were catching up due to the fact that we all work alot and never truly have time to see one another for more than a few minutes here and there ( passing at the grocery, in restaurants, and for some, they live out of town/out of state ). I had told them of how I had reunited with someone from my past. Someone who I cared about deeply, loved immensely. I told them of how we have the same interests, the same tastes, the same likes, some of the same dislikes. I also told them of our plans to marry in one year if all goes well. Imm
Ok now I must somehow learn to be positive or at least appear positive when my hunni is home. Yesterday was hard as heck on me, every little thing I would break down crying over. I know three months aint that long but yet, in my mind it feels like forever. This 3 months that I have been here in Germany I havent gotten to see him much, just on the weekends because of his work. I knew that and I understand that. I just wish we could have had alot more time together, I want to put into this relationship was he has done for me, but sadly at this time all I have to give him is my heart, and he already has that completely. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished these past 6 months. My Angel really is my life! I never thought that I could love like this, and it feels good to really truly be in love like this. I hate the pain though that comes with it, the pain of being away from him, the pain that I will have from not feeling his touch on the weekends, the pain of not looking i
Anyone who has known me for awhile knows that when I blog its to get things off my mind. Writing is like therapy to me. and those who know me know I miss my son terribly when he is not with me. So tonight is just a night where I feel sad. This should have been my weekend with David, but he had some things to do with church and wasn't going ot be home. I always try to work those things into the schedule. So its been way too long since he has been here. The good thing though is he is coming Wednesday and hopefully staying until Tuesday. I know I need to just keep my mind on that. Tonight I feel alone. I feel like that will never change. I feel unimportant... like if I was gone no one would ever notice. And I feel like no one is out there that really cares. yes I know there are people that do... Sorry for being a downer tonight.
im so tired of pretending the littlest things dont bother me...but oh well one day maybe
Blah Blah Blah
In my mind I draw your face as I close my eyes, Fearing the time without it will stall my heart. Hours pass as minutes with you by my side, And seconds seem like years when we’re apart. The softness of your lips and warmth of your eyes, Fill my heart so I feel I will surely explode. And when I serve the time away from you, I feel barren and empty, as if I would erode.
Blah Blah Blah...
I'm so bored right now it's insane! I'm really happy that Nea got the spotlight! It's nice to see someone from AfterHours in there! :) I'm watching Family Guy right now, there's a marathon on tonight and I have the feeling that I'll be home all night watching it. Ugh, my ex got out of jail today and I'm sooooooo not happy about it. He's gonna stalk me again. Gross. I was going to go over to my friend's today to talk to her but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Well, I'm done rambling for now I don't wanna spill all my drama business all over fubar anyways! LOL!
alright i came home lastnight around 11 pm and my landlord was here getting high no big deal but i came into my house and found out my kitchen had no electricity, and it had been that way for 16 hours. i was concerned cause it seemed like a short in a wire. but i go tell him he comes over checks it but ends up taking to long and was gonna say we can deal with it tomorrow but with it being a short in the wire i dont want to take a chance of a fire hazard and at that point i called my dad and told him hey dad there is a short in my wire here somewhere and i need an idea on fixing it. well my landlord got rude and told me just hang up the phone which is my phone mind you. and told me my dad has a life. while that may be true my dad has always told me i am the most important thing in his life so doesnt that constitute me pretty much being his life?? but yet he has a life that is too good to help me fuck that. i told my landlord to just shut the fuck up for a second while i was on the phone
Get More at yeah yeah i know i have no business in a sexiest woman contest but come help me out guys lmao love u all i need comments and rates lol please n thank u...btw if u think im sexy click the pic n help me out lol Get More at ok if all my friends would leave at least one comment a day that would be so awesome
Hmm..still trying to figure this out so if i dont hit you back with a message right away ..ill figure it out and get to you sometime..thanks for all the commys and add's...ttyl peace
I feel like shit and I am sad a bit. I cant sleep and I wanna crawl in a hole and die tonight. I might just go crawl in the tub for a bit. I deleted alot of my pics, since rating is impossible for you people to do on here. I might start getting rid of friends. If you wanna call yourself that. Anyways, I'm hungry, tired and icky...have a great Sunday..I promise I wont! Me
I hate this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still sick as hell and hurting, which sucks cause I want to draw really bad. Today was good and bad. I got to spend time with my daughter and it was bad because she doesn't really know me because 2-3 weeks inbetween visits is a long time for a toddler. My ex is finally seeing how this is ripping my heart out and when she has to leave I lose it. She has said that if I get a place closer she will leave her with me for alone time, which she denied me up until now. I think she is wanting that because of her not having time alone, but I'll take it. I Syzr sipped a little earlier and had to pass out. Woke back up hurting and am overhydrating to try and flush my system ...again.
Blah, well. Holiday's... happiness...Life's good,life sucks. Happy,sad,mad,glad. Life is life so live it.
so im taking on a bit emotionally, i am extremly not happy that nicole is coming to visit us for xmas, i can't stand her. so im just gonna tell her to fuck off. for those who dont know wtf im taking about nicole (11ys) is my boyfriend ian,'s daughter who is a huge bitch. she has done so much hurt i cant explain it all here. the good side is justin is coming. i love that lil guy. hes 7 this dec 23rd. tomorrow my friends dog gets put down. so im feeling and absorbing her grief as best i can. xmas. i hate xmas. thank god its not up to me or i would have it outlawed.
Good morning and Happy Hump . Stop by my page and say hello or say whatever you want. Want to rant and vent? Go for it. Hope to hear from you all!!
Blah Blah Blah
So.. I am busy all morning and that is when people want to talk.. now that I am bored nobody loves me anymore... WTF is up with that? Where is everyone???
yeah sooo.... im sittin here on my bed..... feeling really down and very lonely..... waiting for my love to call or text or come online.... i just really wish i knew what was going she coming up to see me or isnt she..... i feel like crying.... blah
I wish I knew what I did in my past life to receive such cruel and unusual punishment. These children are going to be the death of me I swear it :P
we'll i hate xmas. it brings out the worst feelings in me. the loneliness. i hate feeling so alone. im not really alone. i have my hubby and stepdaughter. but i dont have any friends here in BC yet. so its a bit rough. this year im bringing in "strays" there is a senior citz that lives in ians parents building, her family has forgotten her. she has alzhimers. if i thought i was lonely i cant even imagine... so im bringing her to our house for xmas. we dont really know her, but ians parents do and shes friendly. she will forget us by the next morning, but i know i won't. i hope she feels loved even if she doesn't remember it. i know im feeling the xmas blues, but i can't stand by and see someone else going through it too. if i had the $ i would invite more than 1 person. i think i need to go find some volunteer project.
Guess I'm going to have to borrow my mates camera huh? Need to do me a saulte else I'm stuck at level 10.. any suggestions are welcome - you know..poses n stuff.. obviously nothing NSFW.. come on.. help me out
Blah *cough* Blah * Sneeze* Blah...
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!! now with that out, to the 50 some odd friend reqs I just approved I'm sorry some of you were pending for days :( I have good reason , as you would have been able to tell by my blog I recently deleted :P *laughs* I'm having one helluva week/month/year. I'll try to get around to you guys but since I'm couch hopping technically for the moment and using a friends computer from teh 70's most peoples profiles insta lock up this laptop so me returning mad love is on hold for the moment. I'm truly sorry about this but I hope you guys know I do whole heartedly appreciate the love you all have left for me and the add reqs.. I can use the shout box hit me up if I'm not multitasking or otherwise doing something more meaningful in some way (more meaningful than the FU say it aint so!!) haha I will answer my box. *peers down* and to it too! muahahah. And to my other friends I swear I'm not ignoring you I just dont have a ft pc anymore at
Blah Blah Blah...
Been a while since I've written something. Life has me very busy these days and it's all I can do to keep up these days. This morning my daughter and I were in the car and she was doing her about to cry thing and was mad at me bc of something her dad and his twat did and I fianlly just asked her why she was taking it out on me. At that moment it dawned on me that the question wasn't really meant for her but for quite a few people in my life. I am at my rope with people these days and am about to have to cut some loose. I have had all I can take. I realize that I am busy and that I don't get to be there for a lot of things and I take a lot of shit from people about this. I am the one who everyone blames and for a long time I took the blame, but then this morning in the middle of my daughter's melt down it dawne on me that I am not the bad guy here and that it's not all my fault. I am tired of people taking shit out on me that wasn;t my fault to begin with. I take a LOT of stuff from wor
I have a case of the blahs.. someone come entertain me for a while...
Blah Blah Blah
blah blah blah blah blah, am so bored, blah blah blah. what ever can i do, holidays suk and blah blah blah, dont blah blah blah blah. was thinking of geting drunk anyone up for it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i is broke so someone has to pay lol
Blah Blah
And I'm sick of my sickness Don't touch me, you'll get this. I'm useless, lazy, perverted, and you hate me. You can't save me, You can't change me, Well I'm waiting for my wakeup call, And everything, everything's my fault. -Save me - Unwritten Law im soooo bored. im fixing to go shoppin with my friend so untill then im just checking everyone out on good ole fubar. so lately alot of things have changed..ive lost a friend,realized who my real friends are,desided not to take shit from anyone anymore,and that i cant always be nice to everyone i know. its funny how a few lies from one person and make you see all of this. in a way im glad it happened but then again i wonder if it was a mistake. i guess ill see how it turns outr later on down the road.
Blah Blah Blah....
alright...i guess im back to this again... Current mood: discontent pulse starts to slow....ur like "finally" i know.... u've been waiting for it since ur very first breath... here it is just one inhale's almost over, this quest... laying here besieged by cockyness and low self esteem... i didnt think it was possible either, but ur a shirt minus the seams... a fuckin anomoly, wrapped in a riddle, surrounded by a puzzle... like the greatest speech never heard cuz they were wearing a muzzle... infinite possibilities, but life doesnt live in tranquility.... however it does end there, with final thoughts on deaf ears... gone are empty useless thoughts, broken promises, and fears... all thats left is hindsight and a lack of knowledge of what's to come.. be continued.....
So after some tough considerations... i have decided that by the end of the month i will be moving back to indianapolis... I made an offer on a house... I am going back to finish my degree in psychology, raise my kids, and generally try to move on with my life. For those of you who i hadnt told.. i was battling cancer for the past year.. and well with a go from the good ole docs i am off and running again. I cant waste anymore time sitting around waiting for the world to fall into my lap.... or a man to make me happy... Wish me luck its going to be a long road... but no worries this time i checked the tires ;) Dont get me wrong while i was here in jacksonville i did meet a few of awesome people... and well like 4 out of 10,000 aint bad right!?! But i hope you all keep in touch... cause i will miss the hell out of you. So thanks to jack for getting me out of the house for the first time in over three years... and thanks to muh nate for always being there when i called, and for the longe
Blah Blah New Year Blah Blah
Yep.. its getting to be about that time.. No resolutions for me, I always ALWAYS break them. Goin to my grandma's house for black eyed peas and cornbread tomorrow. So yeah basically if youre reading this, Happy new year!
01-12-08 (blah's)
Sending you the warmest greetings With a dash of color & brightness! Although there's a select few who receive my greets or read my blog, That are lucky geographically speaking; Not to be in the midst of the winter weather. Although I wouldn't say those of US who endue the winter Is already at "cabin fever" pitch of the season: (for me that comes around March) But a good portion of the winter weather region - (say that fast 5 times) Probably are in the "blahs" stages of what seems like the never ending dreary weather accompanied by The gray skies and those nasty viruses. After the holidaZe, It seems that after you get things settled, putting things away ... And trying to get things back to "normal" - Is when the "BLAH's" start to sink in! You look at the calendar and start to think back on when you start seeing signs of "hope" (weather changing for the better) I know when I reflect back (to WHEN to expect good weather) I
You know, there are points in your life when you begin to question everything. For me this is one of those points. I try to be a nice person and treat people the way I would want to be treated. Somehow though, it always comes around to bite me in the ass. Maybe I'm too nice. Maybe that's one aspect of my life that I need to change. Maybe I need to be a little more of a "bitch" and be all about me. Sounds good in theory, but realistically, I could never do it. My mind has been racing with thoughts the whole night and I haven't slept well in a week.I have tossed and turned, constantly thinking, "If I wouldn't have done this, this wouldn't have happened" or "If I would have done this, this wouldn't have happened." I began to question every little thing about me. I'm trying to look at all of the things running through my head in a positive light. Hoping that it will be just one more thing added to my life to make me a stronger person. The more I think about everything, t
Blah Blah
You said you thought of me today. It was nice to know I had somehow found my way into your thoughts. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you; Never a sun has set that I haven’t longed for you. You miss me, you said. I have learned to live with missing you. It’s not so hard. All I have to do is live: Close my mind, Breathe, And walk and talk, But, never feel . . . In other words, I miss you, too. I make it through with the hope That only time stands between us, And each day will bring you closer. But, I grow impatient. Why can’t it be tomorrow? What is this strange enchantment that is cast upon our fate? Never really together, Yet, we’ve never really said goodbye. I just loiter in your memory, And you linger in my heart, While each passing day reminds me That our lives are miles apart. Don’t you see? You are my hopes, my thoughts, my dreams. But, it was nice to hear you say You thought of me today.
To those that it matters to: I am really struggling today. The shots that I got Wednesday, Thurday and Friday have really made me very sick, along with a couple of other issues I'm having, like an allergic reaction to the cast. Anyway, I am going to lay down and if you need me, feel free to call me. Hugs to the ones of you that I still like. lol Mary
I will be who I want to be, when I want to be it! Dont like it!!! Tough Shit!!! Just thought id share
i wish i can turn back time where everything was good in life! and not so fucked up:( my family fighting and shit and being hurt in the pass!i wish it would all go away!
Blah Blah Super Tuesday Is Over And A Horse Race Invite
Good Morning, in today’s news…well there is not much due to Super Tuesday garbage all over the net…for those that care what delegate won what or whom is now leading…well heck I can’t tell and really do not give a flying hoot…However…perhaps I take that back flying hoots are hard to come by, wait I said I don’t give so that means I get to keep it if I had it in the first place…holey smokes I am thoroughly confused now… Oh talking about Thoroughly, the thoroughbreds are now tuning up for the run for the roses. Wooohooo!!! I love this time of year. Although I am not a tremendous handicapper I do love to play the game. The game I am referring to is the national contest put of by Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby association. The field of triple crown nominees are 438 entrants. So that means a ton of different contenders for this years rose blanket. Last night I plunked down and got on the site that holds the contest (it’s totally free and for those who do wish to bet they can but do n
Blah Blah Blah
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. As real as I try to be on the internet, I'm a very shy person in reality (this may come as a surprise but doubtful). 2. I rarely get cold and have in fact worn shorts on a daily basis for the past year and a half. 3.Sometimes while playing video games or watching football I get really angry and punch myself in the head (not smart I know). 4. I still pick my nose. For one, gross I know, it's just a boredom thing. 5.I'm a lazy bastard, plain and simple. 6.Love animals, someday hope to be a veterinary nurse. 7.I'm half Cypriot, not that I look it, but my mum is a greek cypriot so I am. Have a lot of family fr
Blah I Feel Like Poo Poo Butt!!!!
i am super sick and it super sux!!!! sorree if im not online for the next week bc all i have been doing is hiding under a blanket on my couch or in my bed!!!!
Blah Fu-king Blah
Ok lets see.. I just thought i would write well to write.. Im stressed the hell out and dont know what to do.. Im at the point right now where im about ready to say fuck everything and just run the hell away from it all. I've learned that i cant please everyone and at this point i really dont care who i please.. Theres only a hand full of people that knows all the stress im going through at the moment and to yall thank you for being there for me.. I love yall.. I dont like to bitch or cause drama cause thats not the person i am.. But i cant take all the drama being brought to me right now. Im always willing to help people and shit but damm i can only do so much..SO the way i see it is either ya love me or hate me but at this point i really dont give a flying f**K..Well im out loves yall **kisses**
Ok, so I have had to sit at home for a few days now instead of working and I have been thinking again. I am having another Lupus flare up and it always makes me think of who would be with me. So far the sad news is no one. I have tried to hide it when I'm in pain and can usually get away with doing that, but it makes the one I'm with mad. It gets old saying how much I'm in pain and I know that no one can help me when I am. I have many medical issues and its hard enough at times for me to handle let alone anyone that wants to be with me. I mean who wants to be with someone that is always in pain and gets worse from time to time. Shit I alone can be a lot to handle outside of my medical issues. But I have learned to live life to the fullest because I may not live as long as other people. I mean who would want to get with someone with an early expiration date?
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. Je parle francais.. voulez vous couche avec moi? lol i can speak french with random stupid phrases that are absoultely useless.. yes i am french in heritage if you only knew my last name you would understand. 2. a wierd habit i have is when i'm bored i randomly take semi naughty pics on my web cam. 3. I am a mother to a handsome lil boy. 4. I learned to speak out of my home state california when i was little and got thrown into speach class because they said i talk funny.. thanks to the state of illinois for that experience. 5. despite what you may think about me from my pictures on here I am a very shy person in life. It takes awhile for me to break out of my shell with people but when i do look out lol.. i'm a little crazy and tend to lean on the smartass side after that. 6.
Blah Blah Blah
"MOSCOW (AFP) - The Russian prima ballerina Natalia Bessmertnova, a leading star of the Bolshoi Theatre for three decades, has died aged 66 after a long illness, the company said on Tuesday." I found this extremely ironic, since her last name means "immortal"...
I feel like i'm in a daze, a fog. Kinda like i'm just floating through the day. Kinda like i'm having a dream. Nothing seems real anymore. I guess in a way that is good. I keep hoping that i wake up soon. I asked my hubby bout why exactly he didn't try harder to stay in my area of town, he got upset and told me that i should be glad that he is working trying to make things better even if that means that we have to make sacrifices. I felt horrible. it isn't that i don't appreciate what he is doing, i do. but sometimes i just feel like i am trapped with no where to go. I have no car, i'm not working so i rarely have any money, I don't have a cell phone that i could get on and talk to people of my choosing, in short, i'm stuck. Pretty much the only way i can get out of the house is if Spirit picks me up with my kids, or if my mom takes me somewhere, or if my hubby comes over and takes me somewhere. I want to be able to pack my kids up and go to the store, or the park or anywhere else i fe
You are 55% fuckable! Take this quiz at
I know this much I need to get out of this severe funkI am in. I have been sick for over the past month with either the flu or a very severe cold . I can handle the cold just fine , but the flu is a whole different matter.
Blah Blah Blah Boredom
decided to do a survey 1. How long have you been breathing? since i was born so...19 long years 2. When was the last time you saw the fifth person on your top? oooohhh idk 3. Have you cried today at all? I almost started crying this morning but i didn't 4. Who are you talking to right now? a few of the guys 5. Do you actually believe in perfection? no...perfection is something no one can reach 6. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? sunny but i love my thunderstorms 8. Have you been to New York? nope thru it 9. What do you think about before you go to bed? LIFE in general 10. Take any medication? yup my medicine for my sinus infection & broncitus 11. When was the last time you did laundry? uhh idk my sisters and mom do it 13. Do you fight with your parents all the time? not all the time.. 14. Just went out with a girl/guy because you were desperate and they asked you out? no i went out with him cuz i think it'd be fun 15. Last vo
ya so as usual the last guy i mentioned i was dating turned out to be some bi polar psycho lol what else is new. I think i need to re-evaluate my screening process on who i go out with lol. anywho, got the chance to meet and spend some quality time with someoene i met off of here believe it or not, so i am just gonna see how it goes. who knows, but my mom likes him so he cant be all that bad ;) hes one of the sweetest men ive met in a while.
Why is the one thing i want i cant have.. I don't usually want a whole lot. but someone how the one thing i want i manage to upset him everytime i talk to him.. that sucks ass
Blah Blah
I can't wait to go back to the gym tomorrow , it's the only way i can relax and keep myself calm , instead of whiny like i am most of the time cause im bored or just plain lonely cause i never leave the damn house to begin with. I need to get out and make some friends in the worst type of way.
Ok so I'm currently going through a divorce, which is fine and dandy I couldn't be happier, except for the fact that he is being a total ass. We've been seperated for almost a year now and he has not once seen his kids, didn't send them a christmas card, no birthday cards, and doesn't call to even ask how they are doing I mean that's alright with me if he doesn't want to be apart of their life's it's his loss not their's. The part that pisses me off is he claimed all three of them on his taxes and didn't send me a dime of the money.. He is such a selfish ass and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying to get ahold of IRS and fill out this form but it'll take too long and he's going to end up getting the extra rebate thing in May and still I won't see a dime of it. His kids are needing clothes and my middle child has special needs and I'm running out of resources(I have to find different ways to entertain him all the time). And then the other day his dad calls me and tells me that m
Nothing is worse than being sick and sitting next to the asshole at the library that insists on going thru every piece of microfilm that was ever stashed. If he runs one more I'll kill him.
Some People thinks its funny to run a load of laundry in the washer while i have to take a freakin shower. fuckin assholes.
ok well i never really blog but fuck moods shitty today i got sucky ass fuckin work....AND im aggrivated....any ideas on how not to kill somebody??? EDITED PART....And My coffee Has Milk And Sugar In UGHHHHH WTF?!
I dont understand. ..As always thats me. .. .I try to much on everything even relationships I need to learn how to take a chill pill. ..I'm always worrying about everything. ..I dont know why but I do. .Maybe thats just me. ..Im confused I dont know where im headed. .and its scary. .. never knowing where you want to be in life. . i want to go back to school. .But. ..Then again I dont.. I know an education is improtant in life. ..But after school. . i dont know where im going . ..I mean i have all this hate inside and i never talk about my feels at all. ..everyone always ask's me whats wrong . .I reply with nothing I'm fine. .or to much is wrong. ..and they are like well explain and i try to talk but i cant. .I want to talk so bad but I feel like no one really cares. ..I feel like im traped in a corner with no way out and the floor in falling out from under me. .I am going no where fast. . and I know it. . I know you guys dont give 2 shits. ..but this is a way for me to vent and let thi
I am getting sick and tired of being single. Right when I think I met someone that actually is different! Caring! and someone I really thought was right for me, and liked me back like he said, and ment it...I WAS WRONG! ONCE AGAIN! I am so sick of liars...why cant guys just be honest and faithful for fuck sake grrrrrrr
yes more and more people get paired off and where am i ?
Blah Blah Blah And More Damn Blah
Thanks for all the emails and message from those of you who care. As always they mean a lot. Snapple is doing much better. Her anal gland was abscessed and she had to have some minor surgery but she is slowly getting back to her normal wild self. She goes back next week for her check up and we'll see if she has to have the glands removed or not. I think she will be fine for now. Just a word of advice...if you have dogs, and are not familiar with the anal glands (I certainly was clueless about them), please do some research on them so that you can be sure your pet doesn't go through what Snapple did, because she was a VERY sick baby girl. As for me....well I went Wednesday back to the ear, nose and throat specialist and had my cat scan done. This was done to see exactly what all how to be done to my sinus canals and ears to stop all of the infections. Without going into detail (I just prefer not to at this time), the cat scan did not show good results and they cannot perform any type
Blah Blah Blah
I wanted to write a blog cause i wanted to write about some things that are on my mind and then i thought i better not cause i would probably write about to many personal things and then i would be sorry later.. I guess i need a journal so i can write about all the crap that goes on in my head. I am just hoping that life gets better all i ever wanted was some happiness. I am not a hard person to get along with and just tired of negative people they are hard to bring up and hard to get along with. I once heard a story in youth group that if you take the positive upbeat person and they are on a chair and then the negative person is on the floor, who do you think has the advantage of pulling the other one to their level. The person on the floor of course. Well just thinking is all not suppose to make sense cause my thought are to personal to put all out there. Better yet maybe i should do a mummmm... NOT!!!! can't believe the stuff people put on those. Nite!
This day seems to be dragging on forever! Probably because I am so tired. I'm just glad I have tomorrow and Monday off. Nice loooong weekend. Now if I can just win the lottery ..... :P
Blah, Blah, Blah..and Oh Happy Easter
Like I posted Blah, Blah, Blah...basically how I feel right now, but soon as I crack open this double deuce of Miller Lite and rant or blabber whatever you want to call it...should feel better:) Jones'n right now bad!! so figured check this blog thing out...really never been much of a blogger and some of my friends in my friends list have known me about 7 yrs and well, can't hide much from them. They'd know when I am bullshit'n or when I'm not. That and they know my hidin' spots or like some actually know where I live!! Have to say this tho...Mystigal is one of me we had some crazy laughs at the sex toy party she forced me to have! Innocent me! ( shit, she's really going to give me shit for that one!) Then you got between her and I..could tell you some scary shit while us being drunk...Hey Jo..remember the oops field?? ( I know she's going to read this!) and Jessica your mom and I were perfect angels when we went out together hon.. Then you got Michigan Wi
well today was very boring, i did not all day long. i did get my nails done though.
u no what to do
everyone talks about the light and the dark, good and evil... BLAH BLAH BLAH but why does everyone seem to think that just beacuse it's dark it's evil and the light is good? We all have both in us and we need to understand the balance it takes to contol it. Or better yet just accept it for what it is, life with all the ups and downs.
I am not having a good day.. Well part of it sucked.. the rest of it was just regular.. I failed my fucking chemistry test and im so damn mad i could just scream. I dont know what happened. Fucking stupid cunt ass bitch punk cunt nugget mole-gram conversions... Which i got right last night when i was studying but today it looked to goddam foreign I was lost......... I R Sad and tired... i think i needs a nap. ugh.
I don't get fubar.. I suspect that 90% of the things uttered in a lounge goes right over my head. But then again, I'm not the demographic fubar is aimed towards. I suppose if your a slang slinging youngster...heh...than it's the place for you. Talk about feeling way out of's like the cyber version of HS. I mean, I know i have some issues ( the understatement of the year folks) one of them being obsessiveness. I soooo want to delete the account but like a blackhole or vortex i can't escape.... Not that I care what people say on fu...or what qutesy messages get left ... it's the whole possessiveness thing... I have the hardest time letting things go... Now don't get me wrong...I've met alot of nice people here...some of which I like alot (alot)... but I know deep down's just words on a screen. A flashing cursor.. Nothing will ever come of the words exchanged on fubar... I curse the day I subscribed to fubar...really. ---------------
I have no idea why but today was just one of those "blah" days. I didn't sleep well, I couldn't take a nap during the day and I was looking at job stuff until my eyes hurt. Fuck it... its bed time. 25 days until my last test...
well itz 5:14 n i'm waiting on my hunny to get off of work, atm i'm creating a vampire freaks account :D my name is gonna be Broken_Swan_Neck if ne ones interested :D well can't wait till i get my dads tax returns i need money for some hot new clothes well g2g peace
Ok, random rubbish time I guess.....what on earth make a fubar woman tick!!!!! minute they are all over you like a rash then the distant as anyone can get and it just seems that anytime you show any sort of feelings towards them........OMG......RUN for the hills.........yeah I guess I am just a little peeved right now and a little confused as well...but hey I am just a man...what do I know...maybe all I want is just one to show me a lil stability, understanding and genuine good old fashioned caring when I show me feelings...ok thats todays joke over yes I know...this is fu-land a land where guys can be jerks towards women to see just how many they can either get off with sexually or play them into the ground and where women can be well....just what they want......hey yeah, I am over here..a long ways away from most if not all of you..... but I am real...I am genuine but most af all I AM ME.......BLAH
Blah :[
I'm not really sure what is wrong with me today. I was woken up this morning with decent sex, was in a good mood and all of a sudden I wanna cry and throw up all at the same time. I have the strong urge to cut myself but I'm trying to steer away from that. It's been a few weeks since I did that. Writing helps me so I'm hoping this will ease the urge to cut. I'm crying as I type so maybe I can avoid it. Time will tell.
Blah :[ Update
So my mood still sucks ass but I didn't cut myself so thats a plus. I hate when i feel like this. :[
so i am bored and i havent done a blog yet so i decided to do one....this one isnt reallt about anything its just that i wanted to make one so here it is....i dont know what to say....well lets see what happened today?? well my sister found out that she is having a baby girl...i'm excited about that....and my other sister is freaking about her pregnancy....and i only have 25 days left of school...that is exciting...and i'm kinda bored still......i love my bestest friends hollie and ashley....they make me well that is all i have to say for now....its kinda boring but its what i was just thinkin about so yea there it is....
Blah Mother Fucker
Im out of time, trying to leave this all behind, i walk away from everything ive loved and lost, but my feelings numb and i cant rise above, so i fall to my knees and pray............... show me the way that i can make it back home, to where i feel so loved, give me a reason, for thing exhile, and why must i run and hide to breath...... only once, did i feel this way, only once did i wish id said, that i loved, but i didnt, and we went our seperate ways so please........ show me the way i can make it back home, to were i feelt so loved, but now its all gone, I know the reason you feelt so hurt and alone, and i still love you, just let me go home, cause i need you........... i walked away....... lead astray...... miss everything........ that we were... now its gone way........ show me the way back home, to where i left you alone, to were where you should have feelt loved, show me the answere, to what i want to hear, but it is what i might fear
ok, my first blog....i am bi polar....and i am having a hell of a time with it. i have been out of medicine for months now....i get really grouchy and irritable at any little marriage is suffering because of it....i dont know what to do...i dont have a car to go to the doctor...i dont like asking for help from just totally kids probably think i am th worst mom in the whole world........
I am bored and need to level up please help and you can own me for a month but you have to contact me for details.
I need help leveling up whoever can send out 5 bulletins each day for 3 days then rate and comment everything on my profile will get to own me for a month or I own them however you wana do it if you are interested let me know send me a message......
Blah Blah
Yes, yes, so it's Mothers Day and I am sitting here all alone, pouting cause I don't have a mother anymore, ok yes I am feeling sorry for myself that I didn't appreciate the time when I had her. So I guess, I am just going to stay in my Pjs, binge out and keep my house dark all day... UGH this is so not me..... Have a great day
Blah Day
OK.. so today it's rainin and I'm stuck in side... who ever thought that throwing mud in apartments court yard wasn't allowed... :( Oh well I'll think of something better to do.. I'm sure!!
I been so down lately. Stressed and feeling crappy. Me weight isn't moving. I hate myself and my body... Just when I felt so crappy I was told by a friend.."Have you been told you are beaitiful yet today" I havn't and its feels great to hear it..Being told you are hot and sexy is wounderful too but its just something about hearing you are beautiful..Well he made my day thank know who you are... Hugs Not sure what to do about these 10 lbs. I feel liek I don't have the will power anymore. I lost 140 lbs but this 10 sucks. I wish I wouldn't ahve screwed up and gained these 10 but I go so depressed I turned to food..Made me feel worse and I just kept messing up. I still havn't made my May weigh in :(..Which means I may loose my Weight Watchers lifetime..... Well I know you are all tired of hearing me bitch.. I just need to vent... Have a good weekend...XOXO
Well, I barely survived a month without internet.See the previous blog why. Ive basically been vegging outdoors and attemtping to tan.damn me and my paleness. Ill be back eventually. Hope youre all doing well.
Blah! : /
I'm thinking about taking a break from fubar. I just wanna let people know in case I'm not around for a bit, just in case someone might possibly miss me :s I have some things going on, and some things have happened here that have bummed me out .. so I'm not sure what I'm doing :/ If I do take a break I'll probably log on to use my 11's and check mail N stuff, if it ends up being a longer break, then I'll consider canceling my VIP .. to all the people that have been there for me and care about me big Munky *hugzNstuff*
Blah, Blah, Blah
..........Whiskey and Rant Time................. In this ever changing society a life of vice is often lamented but rarely pursued. This new century has given bloom to what germinated in the 80's and 90's. Pop culture, media hype, and the notion that someone somewhere in a position to make decisions for us, might actually know what is good for us. Who would think that those suit wearing, camera smiling politico's, if taken for the values of their actions would rank highest on the FBI's most wanted list and our own governing branches, Judicial, Legislative, and Executive would be the top 3 organizations on any gang unit. Yet, these people are supposed to tell us what is good for us and how we should depict ourselves. Wait, I'm sorry, I lied, I forgot, those guys have as much pull on society as a limp wristed cerebral palsy patient jerking off. No, Capitol Hill simply has a vast money hole in its pocket and a military might intimidates yet scares no one. When it comes to herding sheep,
Well this bout blows mega chunks!!! You go away for a while and everyone forgets who you are!! thanks guys!! I guess I can just start over what the fuck anyway right!!??!! I'm coming back with a bigger and better tude than before...LMAO. Anyway...peace
Blah Blah
So.....yeehaw...I don't know what NSFW writing knows... I finally got a new computer...finally...gah..the one we had was ancient..I swear..slower than..yea..slow. The only problem..all my pics are on that computer...and it takes hours to do anything on that computer....gah...literally takes 2 hours to start up...seriously..stupid computer. Anywho..this one is mega fast..and I've been playing all my sims 2 games like..24/7. i'm ready for sims3 to come I'm a nerd..sue me. Also been playing mario kart on the wii and wii fit. Woot. first blog..and quite boring...yea..but..hey it works. Still don't have this site figured out at all but whatever..I'll adjust eventually haha. Still miss orfay..but at least I have friends from that site that are on this one. Yesterday I had a family reunion..and of course there were old bags looking at me like I was just..horrible b/c I have my lip pierced and was wearing a low cut dress...I can't help it if I got mega bewb
Well this is my first blog not sure whatt to sayy .... i am super bored thats why i doin this and waiting for my lovly lady to get on so0o hurryyy up MisS KiTty ... geez women i tell ya :P well if you are readin this im geussin your bored. ... so0o GO DO SOMETHING :D have a wonderful day
Blah I Need Ideas
Let's see here in 3 weeks i have gotten only 200K points, haha pathetic i know so i am asking for ideas on how to get more traffic on page.. i have my rating folders and the same 4 or 5 people rate them and thats pretty much where most of my points come froem but since we only get 1200 for a rating folder and i have 7 of thats 8,400 points once one person rates all 7, since i have 5 MAX rating thats 42K poinst a week.. since i need 2.4 million points .. yea that much.. to level need ideas to get more traffic to my page... Or a magician to make 2 million points disappear FUBUCKSYUP im nearly fubroke, (will leave rating folders open til i am completely broke since that's my only points) haha need ideas on how to get em?... i see people doing these tags games where people pay 500-1000 fubucks to buy their friends a tag i saw "friendship rose", mother day tag.. i saw a few do these things work and are they hard to do? Click HereTo Donate Hmm though since people ask me to do
Blah Blah Blah
I am tired of mediocrity. Passing dull, boring faces every day, meeting mundane oafs preoccupied with their little daily routines. Middle aged moms pursuing fading youth with fake nails and bleached hair, carting their annoying little offspring to a soccer practice/Hello Kitty workshop/bday party; 20 somethings talking about purses, latest parties, hookups, and store discounts;40 year old men and their average wives arguing about petty stuff. People that value their measly possessions over anything spiritual, that believe they are planets that everyone one should be a satellite for. The fact is, they are nothing but mere burntout dwarves that turned into black holes, sucking up everything they see and releasing their negative energy. I hate mediocre people.
welll i didn't know this place had blogs awsome lol i love to write in blogs poems will fill it by the end of the night lol i am in a depressed mood though and so they may not be happy unless i am pasting them from other blogs i already worte in other places so i thought i would write my frist one but oh god i could rambole forever on here and i really don't want to for my own sake.
=( Blah
I think I need a long break from all this online shit. Because of bullshit drama, I actually got blocked from someone I considered a friend (and know in real life) This site used to be fun, now I am being pulled into bullshit all around. I like who I want to like. I don't dislike someone because another don't like them or visa versa! I have done my own thing on this site for so long and now its coming down to this. Grrrr..... this saddens me a lot. I shouldn't let it but it is.
wtf am i supose to do if im haven trouble sleepen from thinken way to much and u have to much on ur ming to even pay attention to wuts going on in ur life. is there something i can do to help?
soooooooooo yea some of you i told personally (if you were one of those that means you are a VIP in my fulife) some of you probly saw in the bar tab, that i changed my status to "in a relationship" yea yea, i know, i know.....i was the poster child for staying single. oh well when you met someone special stuff changes. well part of the reason i'm writting this blog is to let everyone know that nothing is changing. i'm still the same ol' anarchy! another reason i'm writing this is cause i had a few people delete me off myspace when i changed my status. if you wanna delete me cause i have a boyfriend now so be it. i don't need a bunch of fake friends.
having a down day... talking to a guy friend.. and for some reason all he is talking about are these girls he hangs out with size 6 jean with a DD and C cup size... why must people talk about things like that to me? I am gonna go throw up now.. why do i even write blogs? people don't read them lol......
Blah Blah Blah And All That Jaz
I AM UP for AUCTION again so do that damn thing... Mistress QUEEN Nassy V4mpir3@ fubar
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 15 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 10 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to let them know that they've been tagged, and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I now work-out 5 days a week to lose my "extra baggage" 2. I have zero drama in my life. And will always avoid those tring to bring me drama 3. I don't like children (outside of family) and will never have them. 4. I love to travel and will one day see the world. 5. I forget to call people back (alot) 6. I love sports / Most crime shows / animals / Music 7. Duh, I sing alot of Karaoke 8. I typically don't have a problem with saying whats on my mind, and I'm usually very polite about it (mainly becuase people hate that). 9. I'm very good at debates. 10. I have about 7 GREAT friends that I really care about, and I'm happy with that (I wo
Blah of today (sunday the 6th) I will be going to chillicothe, ohio for some additional training for work... basically they put us in a hotel for a week where i am going to be SUPER ASS BORED!! soooooo ya'll are going to have to entertain me cause i will have nothing to do in the damn hotel for a week!! that is all have a nice day :}
I really needed to burn off some stress today, so I figured the running would do it. It certainly gave me a lot of time to think. I had a shitty day at work yesterday...and because someone wants me gone so bad...they pulled something that backfired on them, and got 2 OTHER girls fired in the process. NOT ONLY THAT, but one higher up employees found out she was going to get investigated, she walked out. So now I have to contemplate whether I want to stay at the current job, or get a new one. I don't want to work with mean people...What they did was seriously cruel...I proved them all wrong with the accusation, I feel good about that, but now so many other people are being questioned, and I'm sure more people are going to get fired...And unfortunately, the ones who are going to get fired, are the hardworking ones. My boss seriously adores me, so it hurt him to have to bring the accusation to me in the first place. When he found out that he was wrong, and the person who had accused me wa
i feel like hell. so here's a random video to enjoy:
So, its been a shitty week or so, sick of getting dogged by women who say one thing and do another. Fuck I just might give up on the idea of this shit all together and just become a jaded fuck who only plays music and works out.
Blah Blah Blah.. You're A Dirty Whore
Ok, now that I have your attention I just wanted to update all my peeps in the land of fu.. on the goings on in my life. First of all.. at the end of May i met someone. He is .. amazing.. We actually work together and have known each other since March, but nothing happened until then. Its good.. he makes me happy so far.. and time will tell eh? Secondly, I got a new job. At the same place but it takes more time and less time.. if that makes sense. More thinking time, less time 'at the office'. I love it. The fat raise helps too. And lastly.. On Wednesday the 25th of June I had to leave work early for illness. I went right to the doctor and blah blah I had/have kidney stones. THEY SUCKKKKKKKKK SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad! ZOMG.. it was awful times 400. So that Friday I went in for surgery. Recovery was fantastic and I loved not being in pain. THEN This past Monday I had a problem with the stint they put inside my kidney, so I had emergency surgery for that. Yea that sucked even wors
Ugh, I swear today is just one of those days. The minute I woke up I was instantly crabby, and everyone has just been on my last nerve today. I know it will affect how I am with clients so I tried to see if I could leave early, but stuck here til 6.. grrr I so just want to go home, crawl back in bed and pretend today never started yet. Anyone else ever have those days? I'm usually pretty happy go lucky, but today.. Meh.
i sincerely hate being in an empty house, of course i haven't been in one for years, but seriously, every little noise wakes me up. i am so tired it's not even right. :(
Who really believes in true love? Ahhh I used to but now hell I don't even know. Everyone keeps telling me to stop looking and he will find me, but how can someone find me if I have pretty much given up? I am so tired of being hurt over and over again. I really don't think my beat up heart can take another one. Who knows there might be that One person out there who will make me feel love again, but as of right now I don't think there is. I have a feeling if I want to find "Mr. Right" I should just pack my shit up and move all over the world. He has to be out there somewhere. Haha who am I kidding. Ahhhh ok I am going to shut up now, just getting all depressed and shit.
When you think you know someone, how well do you really? I've been stepped on and crushed to many times in my life and you'd think I'd learn my lesson or atleast know the signs of what's to come but do I see them? Nope, some say it's because I'm kind hearted and a wishful thinker, that may be true, but I'm really getting sick and tired of it. I've since decided to go about my life as a hermit would, just keep to myself and block everyone else out. I've also decided to not speak to anyone until spoken to, I don't have any friends in life but I do have some really awesome acquaintances that will hopefully someday turn into true friends.
Blah Blah Blah
In the next few days i'll start adding pictures. I'm still not a point whore, and don't expect anyone to rate them. I'm sure most of you a sick and tired of me deleting them. As some of you know, i go through mood swings. If you wanna be Cubby's friend, you have to take the good, with the bad right? I won't apologize for being me, but i will say sorry for those that miss me, and my comments when i'm gone. My back has been very bad the last few weeks, so i won't be great at leaving comments yet. But you know me. :P
This week is not going to be a good week, I can feel it already. My head still hurts from getting hit in it by a few hundred pounds of machine on Saturday and people have been generally irritating me lately. I might be going "off the grid" for a little while soon, I'm really just not feeling like myself lately. If I want to talk to you I'll make myself available but other than that, I really think a break is a good call. This isn't because of any one person, just a bad week piled on top of a bad weekend with some stupid people sprinkled in. I should be back in a little while, probably just a couple of days. I just need a little while to get myself centered and back on the path I want to be on, I know that I am not where I want to be.
get the fuck out of me!!!!!! wtf why do i feel this way... fucking stuopid patheic worthless fucking emoptions cause nthing but trouble and heartache!!! why oh why god cant i be some cold heartless buith who cares about nothing but my next lay? why!!!!!????? why do i have to have feelings? why do i have to have trust and faith and a believe in a love that will never exist? why do i have to be too fucking chicken shit to drink my sorrows away and why am i too fucking scared to do drugs??!!! druggies might have the same problems i do but guess what? they are tooo fuckinghigh to give a shit but oh no not me i am straight edge!!! wooptie fuckin doo!!! im straight edge so i can feel every fucking knife twisting and turning inside of me makeing me scream on the fucking inside til i cry on the outside and for what? because im too chicken shit to take a stand... to scared to say this is what i want.. to fucking scared to walk away because i honestly feel its my last chance wtf is wrong wit
im am sick ok sitting at home, and not being able to do any thing fun. i have yeet to go tubbung this this year if it not one thing that coems up it is another.
Blah Blah
Lets c here woke up, played around, went to hydaway for 5 mins with the crew, then they left after i got there. was it me? happens alot gettin used to it, i'm practically a ghost this week. then took a nap, still no show in hydaway, played around a little, then jld, no one in there interesting. played some more, watch gargoyles, gawd i miss that show. watchin some VM on itunes, then gonna get some sleep. missin someone terribly, u know who u r.
Blah Blah Blah
*WARNING: THE FOLLOWING IS A RANT* People, stop whining. Seriously. Stop whining, stop bitching, stop talking about shit you're not going to do. All day I deal with people who whine and cry about what they do for a living. If you don't like your job, quit. If you're not happy where you're at in life... take all the energy you put into bitching and do something else. Everyone needs to stop talking about things they're never going to do. If you're going to travel, travel. If you're going back to school, pick up a book. Stop running your mouths and remaining in the same place, day after day and week after week. Simply put, if you say you're going to do something... do it. Put up or shut up. Shit or get off the damn pot and shut the fuck up. "Be the change that you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi Otherwise... you're one of these...
Blah Blah
sooooooooooo wow so much is going on in here this has been one crazy has year let me tell u lets see i got married on valentines day then a few months later i had to have surgery cause i had cervical cancer but i got threw that thanks to my sis sheri dont know what im gonna do with her gone shes my lifeline.then theres my wonderful regular problems and stress with family stress with my husband then this week my mom went to the hospital she lost like half her blood has more heart problems and something with her tyroid so im worried about her and my sister left and went on the run my moms house is all trashed......umm my husband who i love more then anything in the world...i jsut feel so off with him liek were not connected anymore and it sacres me cause he says there nothing wrong and i feel like im not number one to hi like he takes me for granted and it hurts and i dont know what to do cause he gets mad if i bring it up and says im bitching well yeah im gonna fuck let me get shit off
Ughhhhhhh it's 8:51 am and I'm writing a blog.....The reasoning behind this blog is because I haven't been around lately, and not sure how much longer i will be around (fubar that is)......A few weeks ago, while at work, our accounts payable/recievable lady came and seen me. It turns out my ex wife has decided to call FRO (family responsibility office) for back pay on child support.......I never paid for child support because she never wanted any.....stupid me for not getting that in writing.....Well in recent events i have started dating someone, which brought out the jealousy bone in my ex.......even though we have been seperated now for over two fucking years....Anyways, because she called FRO, they are now taking 50% of my pay cheque every 2 weeks. I don't make a lot of money for what i do for a living, I'm a cook at a restaurant...therefore by taking 50% off, it literally leaves me with around $600 to live off every month.....Therefore i will be shutting down my internet, and home
In these moments, I feel given in to insecurity. As though the past mocks and lets the future die. In these moments I am without the warmth of her company. Lost in the doubt of her return. In these moments I am gone. Away from comfort conditioned into isolation. In this shame I await for the pain of this new memory. In this shame I am left in my own resolve waiting for her answer. In my shame I stand. I am right I always am. In my own damn self pity I will keep company with every wing of every angel I have given flight from every kiss I gave her. And I will lay her, unmoving in a bed of these wings. Simplistic irony. Or my own stubbornness to realize I am always right.
Blah. =[
Sibi's birthday is tomorrow. She's going to be 5. This is getting out of hand. First Luvy 'teened' on me. Then Bebo turned 3. Now Sibi. *sighs* What's next?!
Blah I'm In A Mood
i just wanted to say that i hate shitty parents, that don't wanna take the time to parent, and want the easy way out. most fuggin behavior is learned! parenting is not fuggin easy! i've seen too many kids that are medicated from adhd just cause the parents don't wanna deal with it.. my son is adhd and i refuse to medicate him. i would rather deal with him being hyper, then him not being a kid at all. i have a friend who medicates her son for adhd, and i honestly have never seen the damn kid smile. he sits in his room like a fuggin blob all day and does nothing. it's sad!!! TAKE CARE OF YOUR FOOKIN KIDS and kudos to the parents who actually give a fuck, and don't look for an easy way out of everything!
Blah Wedding
Well I'm supposed to get married in the near future, I cant really set a date because he is always out of town working. But I wanna know is it strange that I don't want a wedding??? I mean I never have been one of those girls that has had their wedding planned since childhood, not that there is anything wrong with that, I just have never been that way. Going to the courthouse and then having a big "reception" is fine with me. Im simple like that lmao. But HE wants a freakin wedding, so we'll see what happens
Yay. First Blog Entry about Nothingg. :D
Blah Blah Blah!!!!!
I have been on this site for two days. And I am really starting to get the hang of it. Expect for that I am not able to put a background on but thats all cool. I must say all of the comments, shouts, and private messeges I have gotten have been really respectful and I really do like that. For if you are respectful then I will be too and you'll get more out of me. Thats all for now. I'll try to do another blog sometime. ~Hugs n Kisses~
When you get burnned by someone so badly it hurts for a long are still left with scars that show to the world. Then people judge you for those scars and kind of make fun of you for still having them. Wishing somone would come along and work their magic on you and make those scars disappear. Hoping someone will see past the ugly scars and love you anyways. Be patient with you when you can not face the mirror. Hold you when you hate yourself so much you are destructive to yourself and everyone around you. It takes a wonderful human being to be able to do those things for someone who has been scarred beyond repair. To accept the image before them and not try to change what they already know. It is not easy trying to be perfect in mind and soul. It is impossible to live up to everyone's standards of being normal, sane, and unselfish. No one truly understands the dept of anothers pain unless they can crawl inside that persons heart and feel the pain for themself. Only then can yo
Do you ever get fed up with the same old shit different day? I don't know why but today I seem to have the blues. I'm missing my friends and I don't know this may sound weird I've kinda dropped out of sight for awhile. I know awhile back I wrote a blog about leaving the fu. Honestly I don't think I'm going to because I have made some real friends on this site and I would hate to not be a member when one of them djs for the first time or needs help with some rates or needs some spare fubux because they are going for the spotlite. The spotlite and that crap isn't important to me nor is leveling I'd much rather see my friends who deserve to be there get it. I am missing my fam big time. I had a great time with my lounges on this site and a great time with alot of you. I miss so many of my friends that have come and gone in the past/present and I can't help but wonder what are they doing now? How's life been treating them? I can't name a few or one or ten even that come to mind
Blah Blah Blah
Words don't mean shit. Remember that. -REL
im freaking bored and i just now remembered i had this account... ... thats kinda
ok here is the dealthere is a point in time where you just stop caring, at this point i dont care weather i live or die at least i know i would be alone as i was through my life im tired of having fake ass people in my life (this doesnt mean you krystal) tired of people thinking they know me and acting like they care about me, tired of feeling alone just all around tired, hate the stress im under, to those that know me i love you all and to those that done straight up fuck you all i dont care if you wanna get to know me or not dont care if you dont wanna know me but whatever it all boils down to im tired of my bullshit life with no 1 to walk with but myself
People fucking suck...Blah I hate you all
Get To Know Me* . . Basic . . *NameBelinda BirthdateJuly 1stBirthplaceVaCurrent LocationVaEye ColorBlue or Green Hair ColorBrown HeightShortWeightCurvy* . . WhatZodiac SignCancer son EthnicityImma pretty little white girl Body Typeawesome :)Favorite Foodseafood Favorite Drinkcoke Favorite Animalme puppy Best Physical FeatureBoobs ~_^FearsDark* . . Have you ever . . *DrankSure SmokedSureShopliftedNope Skinny DippedYeppHad SexYeppBeen DumpedYeppHad A Boyfriend/GirlfriendYepp* . . Looking In For A Guy/Girl. . *Fav Eye ColorGreen or grayFav Hair ColorDarkShort or Long HairLongLooks or PersonalityPersonalityLove or MoneyLuvHot or CuteHotMuscular or Really SkinnyShrugTake the Get To Know Me surveyCreate your own survey
Blah Blah...ahhh Shutup!!
Harsh words & violent blows..: Hidden secrets nobody knows Eyes are open, hands are fisted Deep inside I'm warped & twisted So many tricks & so many lies Too many whens & too many whys Nobody's special, nobody's gifted I'm just me, warped & twisted Sleeping awake & choking on a dream Listening loudly to a silent scream Call my mind, the number's unlisted Lost in someone so warped & twisted On my knees, alive but dead Look at the invisible blood I've bled I'm not gone, my mind has drifted Don't expect much, I'm warped & twisted Burnt out, wasted, empty, & hollow Today's just yesterday's tomorrow -------------------------------------- Swinging back and forth,..: Emotion to emotion ... Never once stopping, Nor slowing the motion. No reason, No answer, No justification. The creation of a sterile imagination. Just passing through time As time passes me… Me
A few mornings a week I stop at the Holiday gas station and get a ham, egg and cheese croissant and a bag of cinnamon bears. Holiday changed the recipe on the cinnamon bears and they don't taste the same. My day is ruined =(
Still alive.Still no internet.Same as always it seems. next week Ill be getting a cellphone so I can at least stay in semi-contact with people. Im just gonna keep rotting away at work and doing my music and fractals. Miss you guys and gals. Scrawny.
So. Normally I am the guy that people come to with their problems and their BS. That is just the kind of person I am. I listen, and more so, I really listen and if I can I will advise. It is my nature. Usually people just feel comfortable just letting it all out to me. Here recently things have been quite different. It has just been too much. So much so that the day my friend invited me to this Fubar realm, I broke down for the second time in 4 days. I mean he had to log me off, cause I just had to split. Everything I had been just holding off, everything that I had been keeping under the surface just f'ing came out. Almost in public at that! That is saying alot if you accually knew who I am. I have lived for so long under the rule of calm, cool, collected, and calculated for so long that even the out burst scared me. Like, for example, this blog is not in my character. If I were to blog it usually wouldn't be this personal nor informative on my state of being. I'm the one who
Sometimes i just have to wonder why, even with the issues i have had in the past, I still open up and take people at face value? I am willing to put myself out there, make myself vulnerable, and risk any pain because i believe that thats part of being alive. I dont feel that hiding half of my myself is really living, and i existed in my shell for far to long. I am ready to start living, for good or ill. So climb on board if you want to, or stay on the shore...
Blah Blah Blah
bub blah blah, bub blah. blah.
Blah To Contradictions
I hate contradictions. And YES I know we ALL have them. I'm well aware that at times we all feel it might be okay for us to do something but wrong for others to do it. Lately I keep looking at a contradiction that a friend is doing and it just frustrates me. It's just a bit frustrating when you're kind of put on restrictions and almost ignored for fear of the trouble it could cause. Yet that same person goes and posts pics and stuff that technically in anyone's eyes could cause trouble for them. But yet...that's okay. It's okay for other people interacting with them to say whatever and do whatever but it's wrong for me. I know there are additional things to the whole situation that put me in this slightly different spot from others. BUT the fact is it's still like're worried about trouble and drama but yet you're posting those pics and doing those things involving others?? But I guess in an odd way...I can't be too upset by it because it's allowed me to become
So here's the thing...I am sick of ppl assuming that I am a mind reader...cuz I'm not. Half the time I dont know whats going on in mine, much less yours. If you have a damn problem, talk to me...or leave me alone.
ok its frickin freezin now. im so not ready for winter and its pretty obvious its here. oh well guess i'll try and make the best of it. im countin down the days til my b-day. its not til jan, but im excited. its gonna be awesome i love havin my bday right after christmas. christmas is my favorite time of year. even tho i don't get a lot of gifts anymore, thats ok. i love watchin my neice and nephew opening their presents and seeing their excitment. thats what matters to me. i can't wait to have kids of my own. i wanna be a mom so bad. but now isnt' the right time. i know it'll happen when the time is right. so in the mean time i'll have fun with my sisters kids and my friends who are expecting right now. lol i know i'll be a great mom. i've been around kids all my life so i have plenty of experience. lol anyway gotta go do laundry and clean. boo lol ttfn ~Lisa =o)
Blah Blahhhhhghity Blah Blah Blah
I'm bored. I'm annoyed today too. I don't know why. I don't know why I'm writing this.. but BLAHGITY BLAHG BLAGHHHHHHHH. tee hee he hee and what not. I'm in a weird mood an on no sleep practically don't mind me. BTW I love you all but quit buying me.. don't make this site the new official myspace. K thanks.
Blah. Men.
My ex husband got laid off from work. I agreed that I'd give him a break on part of the child support because he's not making as much, but told him he had to take our daughter more often to make up for the loss in daycare. Well, I was talking to him today and found out he's blowing like 2 hundred a week in gas money driving to and from his gf's house and in liquor. He has yet to help with taking our daughter as well. He seems to think I have no right to get angry with him. I can afford to pay mine and the kids bills on what I make, but it makes things really tight. I don't think its fair that I have to tell my son that we can't go see Bolt this weekend because daddy hasn't paid his child support because he has a new drinking problem. Maybe I'm way off base, but it isn't fair to the kids. They don't need to be indulged and lavished with gifts, but sheesh....I'd like to be able to do something fun with the kids. I shouldn't have to be so scared of my finances....
Blah Fkkity Fkk Fkk
Okay, so here it is... Two days before Thanksgiving. While I try my damndest to be thankful of everything I DO have... I still can not help but to think of what I don't have, and the crap that has been happening. So, I'm just going to get it out of my system, and hope it works. So, Friday, I get laid off my job. A permanent layoff. So, I have a new baby in the house and no job. That's just great, eh? And, right before the holidays?? How freaking nice is that? I got a decent severance package, but what do I do about Christmas? Use all the last money I'll get from my job to give the kids a Christmas? I mean, I do qualify for unemployment, but as many people know, it only goes so far. So, either I give the kids a nice Christmas, or save the money for things we really need. With the economy the way it is, who knows how long it'll be before I find another job. And, when I do, I'll be starting all over again from the bottom. This SOOOO sucks. Another thing, I found out
I am so tired of this... watching you wither away is killing me.. Why won't he listen to the damn docs and pull the plug? I know you would want to kill him for this shit and I do not blame you.. I am so sorry I am failing you.. but you married him so he outweighs any decisions I know you would prefer.. I love you and just want peace for you... Blah FUCK i hate this shit.. you no longer here while all these fucking morons still get to populate the fucking planet.. Ugh...
Blah Blah Effin Blah Lol
Did you & your most recent ex have an amazing relationship? it was ok, wish it was better Do you know a kid named David? years ago, i knew 2...... right now one is a marine the other, is a rent a cop Have you ever kissed someone with braces? yeah and my weiner paid the price *cowers in fear* Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say? that would depend on the ex, some are welcome, others get roundhouse kicked in the head. Is anything wrong with your eyes? yeah, too much porn, its a guy thing...... Do you have a best friend? 2 best friends, 3 or 4 in the next tier, then everyone else How many pillows do you sleep with? 5 Has anyone ever sang to you? happy birthday count? lol Would you ever get back with your ex if they asked?.. no, im over all my exes What are you drinking right now? MOUNTAIN DEW....... OF COURSE :D What color shirt are you wearing? grey hoodie Do you like cuddling? always Missing someone? every chance i get
Blah Blah Blah
I don't feel great..... I don't know if I am coming down with something or if this freezing weather is just getting to me.... It's a whopping 21 degrees here, and although I am inside and the heat is on, I swear I can feel it in my bones. (Does this mean I am getting old?) So if I dont answer or you dont see me logged on thats why...
I don't know why this is askew...I started to fix it but got bored with dealing with it: Thanks to "collared" Ana for this one [ONE ]Who was your last text to? I don't have text nor do chatting online. [TWO]Where was your defau​lt pic taken?​​​ TRF bitches! [​​​THREE​]Have you ever lost a close friend? Nope. I generally know where they go. They tend to be hard to misplace. [FOUR]​​ What is your current mood Debatable. [​​​FIVE]What's your brother's name? I have a sister. She doesn't like me to tell people her name. She likes privacy. [SIX​ ] What's your favor​ite color​?​​​ purple - black is my favorite hue. [SEVEN​]Where​ do you wish you were right now? In a home vs this shithole. [EIGHT​]..​​​ Have you ever been in troub​le with the cops?..​​​ I plead the fifth. [NINE]
Blah Blah Blah
Animal you feel represents you or feel connected to? Lion What weather do you feel you are? Storm Choose one living & one deceased person you would like to spend 24 hours with, can be anyone. living...Kerry King gone....Dimebag If you could go anywhere in the world expenses a non issue where would you go? (choose more than one if you like) The moon!!!! Who do you admire most? Babies. They can shit where ever they want! What is something(s) that bring you peace? Music. It soothes the savage beast. That and Poi Favorite tree & or flower? Columbine What is a gift you have always remembered getting that meant a great deal? (doesn't matter how long ago) My 10th birthday I had a scavenger hunt type thing leading up to my first .22 in the cherry tree in the back yard. Then a few minutes later we got a phone call from the hospital about my brand new niece I got for my birthday :D A song lyric that holds meaning to you or song? (more than one is fine) I
Blah Blah
Je suis un navire vide, casse, et perdu. Avec un coeur qui pas et ne permettra pas l`amour dedans ou dehors. Vide, fonce, et froid est tout ce qui est la. (dont ask)
i don't understand how a guy can call himself a dad when he's NEVER around. i mean really is it too much to ask that you take care of your kids? cuz my sister sure as hell didn't climb on top of her self to get pregnant. do you have any idea how much these kids love you? and you seriously don't deserve their love. i have to bite my tongue when they ask about you and want me to tell them why their daddy hasn't come to pick his son up from school today or why he hasn't come to see him or his sister. sadly they'll know too soon what a real asshole you are until then you can bet your ass they'll be taken care of. because they're my niece and nephew, so they're my life. i love them as if they were my own kids. so don't worry you can continue to play your precious video games, and sleep all fuckin day. but you bet ur ass your kids will always have a place to sleep, food on the table, and clothes on their back. because i'll go broker than broke than to see those kids suffer. oh
If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d roll out of bed in the mornin And throw on what I wanted and go drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I’d kick with who I wanted And I'd never get confonted for it Cause they stick up for me. [Chorus] If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I’d be a better man. I’d listen to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted Cause he’s taken you for granted And everything you had got destroyed [ Find more Lyrics at ] If I were a boy I would turn off my phone Tell everyone it's broken So they think that I was sleeping alone I’d put myself first And make the rules as I go Cause I know that she’d be faithful Waitin’ for me to come home [Chorus] It’s a little too late for you to come back Say it's just a mistake Think I’d forgive you like that If you thought I would wait for you You thought wrong
fubar ....
Place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not Gone on a blind date Skipped school X Watched someone die X Been to Canada X Been to Mexico Been to Florida Been on a plane X Been lost X Been on the opposite side of the country X Been to Washington, DC (Through it lol) Swam in the ocean X Cried yourself to sleep X Played cops and robbers X Recently colored with crayons X Sang Karaoke X Paid for a meal with coins only? X Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? X Made prank phone calls X Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose X Caught a snowflake on your tongue X Danced in the rain X Written a letter to Santa Claus X Been kissed under the mistletoe Watched the sunrise with someone you care about X Blown bubbles X Gone ice-skating Been skinny dipping outdoors Gone to the movies X Got a speeding ticket(s) 1. Any nicknames? Nell, Nellie, Ru, Ba-na-na, n more 2. Favo
I have to go back to Georgia tomorrow. I was looking forward to not having to work this stupid wrestling thing so I could stay at home a little longer. I had lunch plans with my god mother on Friday. Now I'll have to cancel them. I may email my boss and see if I can double up on the next event so I can skip out of this one. There's 4 people working the first shift and 5 people working the second shift. I'm the 5th one working the second shift, so it seems excessive. Blah. I guess I should just suck it up and go back. And because of this obvious fu-inflation, it seems I need about 10 million more fuBucks for spotlight. But I don't need it until March 31st. I think I'll be okay. If not then I'll just pout. :( Crap. I have a ton of laundry I need to do.
Blah Thoughts
I hate it here we never get no snow and it kills my sinus living here I cant wait to move away :)
Trying to think of something good to do for my first blog, I think I will just rant. Lately I have been drinking coffee, I got this sweet coffee maker for Christmas, I can make Latte's all that crap. What I had hoped I would get was a Zune such is life though right, and I should buy me one of those anyway, that's one of those things that you would probably have better luck doing yourself than having someone try and pick it out for you. So anyway ya my coffee habits lately have been crazy 4 to 6 a day, and for me that's a lot of coffee, I did get this Sumatran coffee though it's soooooo good "mellow", it is roasted locally and supplies my favorite cafe yadda yadda you get the point I think. So the coffee is fantastic, I should not drink as much but w/e it has been like 2 degrees here all week so hot chocolate, coffee whatever works. So ya that was what was on my mind, and my sinking into this chair as well, Much love if you actually read this. l8s Soapy
All the words that you have spoken, all the lies that you have told, all the secrets you kept hidden, playing your game is getting old.. I wanted to believe you word for word, everything you have ever said, you made me think I was beautiful, now knowing it was all just in my head.. I was just a damn pawn to you, in a game you try and play so well, for all your lies and meaningless words, I hope you rot in hell.. ps. save me a seat.. lol ;)
its thursday im bored wtf my yahoo im wont log in idky ???????????????????????????
Blah Blah Blah :p
According to your ex, are you pretty? >Probably not. How have you felt today? >groggy When was the last time you talke​d to your numbe​r 1 on top frien​ds? >never, fools never asked me for my # Have you ever cried​ and not known​ what for? >no What are you weari​ng?​ >froggy tye-dye & plaid boxers Do you like your name?​ >yup Are you happy​ at the momen​t?​ >as happy as any nut on the nut farm could be What were you doing​ at 10:​00pm last night? >trying to talk some sense into my half brother Last perso​n who drove​ you somew​here?​ >my ex drove me to the crazy house Are you a morni​ng perso​n or a night​ perso​n?​ >both Are you a forgi​ving perso​n?​ >too forgiving, one of my worst weakness If you could​ move anywh​ere right​ now, would​ you?
.. Watching the news. Just see another motorcyclist is dead. Driving stupid and running from cops, he went over the overpass and crashed and fell off the bridge. Dead. My reaction,.. i don't give a fuck at all. Most of the people on street bikes, not talking Harleys,.. these guys drive like total assholes. You can be doing 80 on the highway, and they zoom by you as if you are doing 25 mph. Last week I am coming home from work. Emergency crew and police all over the highway. To no surprise, another bike accident. I slowly drive by to see someone pressing their fists against the guys chest who is laying in the road, his bike totaled a few hundred feet ahead. My reaction: Tough shit asshole. I care more about the dead raccoon on the side of the road before I do these motorcyclists assholes that drive as such. Should I feel bad?
Wedding bells are ringing and you've been invited!! ~dJ aMeLiA And Fu Schnickens Cooridally invite you to join them today (6/24/08) as they become husband and wife. Please join them for the wedding at 11:30 am PST (2:30PM EST) in the Exotic Resort as they tie the knot. Be sure to also stop by and congratulate them and send them wishes of happiness and love. Please join the couple during this happy time. Click either photo to enter the lounge and be there as the wedding takes place.
Valentines day suck. Cupid should die. Granted for the past 5yrs i didnt mind him, but this year he deserves a bad flu or something. Ok who wants to buy me a drink?
It's Valentine's Day and I'm sick. I don't feel like going to a hotel tonight so I'm just going to stay home and stay in bed. Thank God I have a laptop. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day! ♥
Putting words to thoughts My mind is crossed Mangled and tangled Im lost...
im feeling unsexy. that is all
Blah Blah Blah
blah blah blah, yes, I"m attention whoring I dont wanna go to work, MWAAA!
Just a quick FYI, I have had an adult album on this site forever, all it basically had pictures of were piercings and then some gifs that fubar had marked nsfw (they werent of me). I am so sick of people asking to see the folder that I just said screw it and deleted it. The folder has been locked to only me forever, and occasionally I would let people see it. But blah, I am so much more the nsfw.
1]How tall are you barefoot? about 6' 2] Have you ever smoked heroin? Nope. 3] Do you own a gun? Nope. 4] Rehab? Its for quitters 5] Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?nah...they cant be any worse than mine 6] What do you think of your friends? Wat? 7] What's your favorite Christmas song? i have 2...the peace carol and when the river meets the sea both by john denver and the muppets...laugh i dont care 8] What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee 9] Do you do push-ups? Oddly, my fat ass can, yes 10] Have you ever done ecstasy? nope 11] Are you vegetarian? only if its being eaten out of a cows stomach 12] Do you like painkillers? depends 13] What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? my rugged good looks and boyish charm...ha ha no i dunno ask them why they like me 14] Do you own a knife? my dads pocket knife 15] Do you have A.D.D. nah i dont thi...oh look butterflies 16] Date Of Birth? ma
im sick of this fucking popularity contest sorry im not pretty enough sorry i dont show enough skin sorry i dont wear a size 0,2,or 4 im sorry i dont spend every waking moment on here and that i dont have 23048 friends and fans yes, im picky about who i add and try to talk to all of them sorry i dont spend the money to buy you stupid bling, i have better things to spend my hard earned money on
Blah Blah Blah
morning, i have gas =] and this song is stuck in my head
Blah Blah Blah
I hate it when I see someone really damn hot when picking the ghey secret admirer thingy, but it doesnt show their name. So if they are not the ones who picked you, you lose them forever! Arh! ;p
Everyday I sit and think about all the good things in my life. I often wonder how these things have come about. I do not speak of material things, but, rather, fulfilling things. The things that make a smile creep across your face or laughter to emminate from your heart. The things that only can only make YOU happy. You find these things often have a way of coming into your life unexpectedly. You find that as time goes on you don't know how you have traveled this far in life without them. These things have a way of hurting your feelings and second guessing yourself. These things have you feeling like you don't matter and don't really care about you. These are the things that make you happy, because without them, you wouldn't be you. You wouldn't exist in this predictable form that has everyone running scared. Without these things, you would be lost. Sometimes, I find myself wanting to get rid of these things. I think to myself that I wouldn't feel so bad and wouldn't be cr
People have no moral fiber or ethics these days and honestly it sickens me more and more every day. The same thing day in day out good people get treated like shit and have their fun spoiled by idiots who get away with anything and left do as they wish. The only ones who seem to get ahead are people with more money then brains, whores, assholes and asskissin 2 faced trash. Ive had my fill of it. The truth will come out the wicked shall be punished.
Im getting in one of those moods where I dont want to be bothered by anyone anymore. I know Im not the happiest guy by far, but am by no means one thats always down and depressed. But there's just been alot goin on lately and its startin to get to me. I think I am starting to get depressed. I havent been eating as much as I normally do, and I leave my place (let alone my room) rarely. Is it just a phase everyone goes through? I mean, Im kinda feeling like I just dont care anymore... about anything. I have no excitment about things anymore that would normally excite me. Doing things or seeing people, I just dont care. Is it just because of every wrong thing thats going on in my life, or should I worry?
There is a mask over me, Sheltering cuts you cannot see, Deeper, longer, harder I press, Echoing the pain I cannot express, With my friends, I smile to please, My secret loneliness is my disease, Slowly suffocating every breath, Inching closer and closer to my death.
what a shitty month... you get stuck in the hospital... you try to get blood poisoning and succeed people who you thought care about ya delete you only because ya havent been on fubar because omg imagine that... your in the hospital... aint that just amazing?
Blah Blah Blah
sorry. ====== RULE 1: You opened this; you GOTTA take it RULE 2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks! LAST PERSON YOU.... [1] Who was the last person you texted? my coach [2] You were in the car with? kids i had to take home [3] Went to the mall with? my mom [4] Person you talked on the phone with? my sister [5] You messaged/​commented on Fubar? clue T/F Only answer with True or False Q:Kissed some one on your top friends? False Q: Been searched By Cops? True Q: Been suspended from school? False Q: Sat on a roof top? True Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? True Q: Broken a bone? True Q: Have shaved your head? False Q: Played a prank on someone? True Q: Had/have a gym membership? False Q: Shot a gun? False Q: Donated Blood? False WOULD YOU RATHER: [1] Eat or drink? Eat!!! [2] Be serious or be
Blah And Such
Am bored, so just typing. Getting a PS3 next week . Gonna be paying 'bout £40 a month for it, more expensive, but didn't want to spend one lump sum on it. Clearing out all my PS2 games to get some PS3 ones, took in 26 games yesterday to an exchange shop and got £26 for them all, but need to offload some more. Played some football today, now won't be able to walk for the next two days. Took a kick to the calf, leg has pretty much seized up. One more week of work, then two weeks off *celebrates*. And apparently Michelle Obama might be there Thursday, though no one knows for sure. And that pretty much sums everything up, for now at least.
Blah My Huge Tits
how come I can't post youtube links in the blogs now? wtf do those two fags think they are doing? Fuck, homos...
I hate, no matter how far away you go. No matter how hard you try to mask things. Old feelings and thoughts creep out of the darkness and suffocate you. The worst part is when people start trying to blame themselves for how you feel or act like you don't appreciate them trying to cheer you up. Its not even like that! When I get like this I just want to crawl into a dark hole and stay there.
well hell i dont have anything to say
In these moments, I feel given in to insecurity. As though the past mocks and lets the future die. In these moments I am without the warmth of her company. Lost in the doubt of her return. In these moments I am gone. Away from comfort conditioned into isolation. In this shame I await for the pain of this new memory. In this shame I am left in my own resolve waiting for her answer. In my shame I stand. I am right I always am. In my own damn self pity I will keep company with every wing of every angel I have given flight from every kiss I gave her. And I will lay her, unmoving in a bed of these wings. Simplistic irony. Or my own stubbornness to realize I am always right.
I dont even know where to begin. Most of you know the situation. & most of you know how stupid i am. So, im just gonna do a lil venting.   Ughh. Im losing my fucking mind. Why do i keep running back to him? Im hurting someone that i reallyyyy care about. Someone that deserves so much better. He's the sweetest person in the world. I feel like a fool. I can only help myself b/c its obvious that i dont fucking listen. I wanna get out of this! I wanna stop feeling this way. So this is what im saying to EVERYONE. Its over. Everything is over. All the lies. All the hurting. All the pain. All the drama. All the bullshit. Its over. IM ENDING IT NOW. I shouldve ended it a long time ago. Im making myself unavailable to everyone. So dont ask. I need to set aside my love life so i can find myself. Im in a turning point in my life, n it's obviously not good. So it might be best if you all just take a step back. I dont wanna hurt anyone else, and i dont wanna be hurt again. I feel like the bitch
Blah, Blah Blah"
i am jack of all trades, master of none.. i can do anything , and am always interested doing many things if my time allows me.. i am a bankrupt housewife and a very busy mother of two, i always believe in change, in discovering new things, and trying anything, and most  of all i am never of afraid of risking"and failing, and losing. i'll go for anything not just for the sake of doing it, but wether i lose or i win, i failed or succeed, at least i tried".. and i learned, and i experienced things and for whatever the results  is, i still and will always consider that it is always worth it."  i am hardworking, dedicated, compulsive at times....", and aggressive most of the time with some sense of innocence".. i am good in evaluating, most of my friends come to me to analyze thier problems, coz i give sensible yet witty advices, i dont judge people,", but i keep my own beliefs, i let no one influence me with thier opinions, yet  i respect and listen , to what they say". i argue alot s
Blah... An Addition To Last Entry
Here is a little background. I met My Love 9 years ago. He has blown the doors open on My heart and My world. In this past 9 years I have grown and changed and become the woman I am now. I have perfect strangers telling Me that I am one hell of a woman. He even sais that I am amazing, but I do not fit his little dream of the future. He sais He loves Me and wants to spend the rest of his life with Me, but with Me his dream will never come true. It does not matter that I have gone places and done things I never even considered. It does not matter that I have sat a hot red head on his face, or tied up a cute lil hard body and said " Here My Love, have a good time"... Iam so lost .. He is everything I have ever wanted in love and life... I finaly find a man that can handle Me... and I cannot handle him ......
Blah Blah Blah.. Read If U Want
 Holy spring, 4:20 was great I am meeting lots of very cool people on here lately and started Dj'in for a lounge of really cool people, who knows I might be around here longer than I anticipated. The coffee situation is getting better I have cut back a lill bit but am at the point now where if I don't have it I am no good to anyone, bad attitude all that good stuff. New issues ... trying to quit smoking ciggarettes, they are raising the price again but for health reasons I should quit, I wanna hang out a bit longer, the only thing I really dont like about the whole ciggarette thing is that the gov. is jacking the price on them cause they are bad for you ... I am looking forward to seeing what happens when they do the same thing to fast food, candy, cell phones, television, porn ... well I guess everyone likes porn regardless, lol can you imagine those crazy f00kers who do that crazy shit in that crazy cesspool that is Ny city (ya no love for anything east of the city sorry :( ) the sma
*blah Day*
Once again, I've become numb to the feeling of emotion.  Never again will I feel what I felt for him.  The day he left this world, he took my heart and soul.  I think that was my one true chance for happiness. It has now become a black hole tangled and intertwined with pain and guilt.  Had I ever told him exactly how I felt, maybe he wouldn't have taken his life that day. He was the only person to make me feel like myself again. He was my best friend... I stopped by his grave on the way home from school... and all I could do was fall to my knees and cry.  I miss him so much. :( Life just isn't the same without him.  No more stumbling trips up the stairs to class while he's tickling me... no more late night phone calls just to let me know he was thinking of me... no more anything.  Had he not been with her... he would have seen the truth... that I couldn't live without him... but I had to let him make his own decisions... and I had to put my hapiness aside for his sake.  This my frien
a piercing scream breaks the silence! there are no signs of a struggle, no signs of violence he looks around bewildered and confused was it a trick of the imagination? some sort of mental ruse? he stops and ponders, then ups, and wanders, searching for the source. where did it come from? a cry uttered with such force. he sits on the groud and tries to clear his mind. a silent meditation looking for an answer from inside. in his trance-like state he sees his own desires, laid out before him on the landscape of his soul. in his mind he stands alone, he sees a path ahead, should he stand and should he walk, or should he heed the dread? in his mind he makes a decision, he will stand and explore this vision. he rises on legs of lead, his footsteps sap his strength, he starts to walk along the path of undecided length. as he walks he passes things he has seen before, people he has met, places he has been, all appear like he has opened an invisible door. he walks past the terror
In these moments, I feel given in to insecurity. As though the past mocks and lets the future die. In these moments I am without the warmth of her company. Lost in the doubt of her return. In these moments I am gone. Away from comfort conditioned into isolation. In this shame I await for the pain of this new memory. In this shame I am left in my own resolve waiting for her answer. In my shame I stand. I am right I always am. In my own damn self pity I will keep company with every wing of every angel I have given flight from every kiss I gave her. And I will lay her, unmoving in a bed of these wings. Simplistic irony. Or my own stubbornness to realize I am always right.
Blah...bored...10 Things About Me
I dont drink hard liquor I have a phobia of worms Most people dont like me I had a hit placed on me by mafia 13 yrs ago I have a terrible sweet tooth I like fish jerky I am fluent in 2 languages, understand 4 I almost fell off the 9th floor balcony when I was a baby I am the least materialistic person you know that doesn't live under the bridge I am really bitter      
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Im in a really pissy mood i need cheering up! Someone cheer me up damn it
I'm having one of those days where if everyone around me doesn't stop breathing soon I may just scream until my friggin' head explodes.  Every little noise is like nails on a chalkboard. I can't handle this stay at home gig, I just can't. Lord knows what it'll make me do. I'll end up splashed across the new channels....Who knows...     addendum:   why do douche bags with whom you've talked to for 5 minutes assume you're going to run out, find a babysitter and go hump his brains out?
so, I have court at 1 30 (its 11 25 now)   should I sleep for an hour? before I have to go?   Ive been up since 4 30pm  yesterday
The Blahs!
Kids: - stop asking for shit, like VIPs, blasts, HH, bling, etc etc.  It makes you look like whores.  Seriously it really does, and it's annoying when every status change seems to be someone begging for shit.  If someone wants to give you something, they will without seemingly being guilt tripped into it.  If this makes you cranky, then just delete me, because it really does make ya look whorish. - people who have nothing better to do than be snarky in mumms do so because they don't have the intelligence to do anything else.  They are never as smart as they think they are, and just make themselves look like assholes in the process.  Again, if you don't like this delete me, because fuck you. :) - it irritates the living fuck out of me if people wnat their pics rated, yet have nothing but fucking morphs, animations and shit that ISN'T THEM.  Also, people who have like ONE PIC and do lil changes like changing colour as well as MS Paint effects, stop it.  It doesn't look like you have a
Blah Blah Blah
Get yourself together now because it's hit timeYour known as the hit makersBreaker breakers, party makersThey'll make your back crack, your liver quiverFor all you cats, who never put more dips in your hipsMore cut in your strut, more glide in your strideIf you don't dig that you gotta hold your soulIf you don't dig this mess, you came to the wrong addressBecause singing might be loud and clearAyo, the music made em jump backFuck that, how y'all gonna contrast somethin fat, without lettin Jiggles touch thatGun whack, read his lipsYou're not serious, I got few evils and no superiors (so here he is)A seasoned veteran, an ego reckonI turn it up another notch to keep the people guessinY'all ain't fuckin with the ox so put your feeble sessionDouble teamin for the evening, so you heed the lessonsSo noHere we goLookin at me like they know meOnly bout as far as they drunk ass can throw meDo it, somebody's bound to catch it, no breakageNever that, we keep it basic like breakfastSo taste it, the
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah! John
I need to snap the hell out of this funk. I still can't concentrate on much of anything and that part is driving me insane. Tomorrow I have the appointment for the transitional place, I just hope I am not a blubbering mess there and actually make sense of my answers cuz I am not making any sense to myself right now. The connection I am on today sucks bad, but I can actually shrug that off since my attention span is so shitty.  Just kind of in the mood to shut everyone out, cuz in my mind I don't feel like anyone really understands everything I am going through. It just keeps adding up and getting worse when I didn't think it could get anyworse.
In these moments, I feel given in to insecurity. As though the past mocks and lets the future die. In these moments I am without the warmth of her company. Lost in the doubt of her return. In these moments I am gone. Away from comfort conditioned into isolation. In this shame I await for the pain of this new memory. In this shame I am left in my own resolve waiting for her answer. In my shame I stand. I am right I always am. In my own damn self pity I will keep company with every wing of every angel I have given flight from every kiss I gave her. And I will lay her, unmoving in a bed of these wings. Simplistic irony. Or my own stubbornness to realize I am always right. 06-17-08
The other day I was told something and even though I should be used to it, I'm not. Being born into the army life and being married to it for roughly 2.5 years you would think that eventually it gets easier over time. Well it doesnt. This upcoming year will be no different as far as trying to get through it ALONE. I was hoping that Jason wouldnt deploy until after August because that would be our "1 year anniversary" if we were still together. Well the Army basically told me to "kiss their butt". Not only is Jason the best man I have ever known and been with but I have come to realize he is also my best friend. We have been through a lot and we have both been there for the other person. Some of my friends and Jason's friends know some of the things going on. I have gotten so far with him by my side. We have had our "issues" just like anyone else but who doesnt. Jason and I are not together but he holds a very special place in my heart and I thank him for everything he has done for me.
how long can a man be pushed before he looses complete control? how long can u be pushed til sanity has been streached till it has broke,and insanity shows its evil head? how much can 1 person take before they begin to forget who they truely r?with the complicity of the human brain no one can tell a persons true breaking point,but when it happens everyone wants to point fingers at the people who snap instead of accepting the monster that socity has created,u dont agree with this concept,fuck you
How do you know, when to say when? When to give up? When to give in? I am a fighter, and I wont let anything stop me from standing up for my beliefs or my loved ones... BUT...   there are times when I just want to give up...   BLAH!!
Blah Blah Roflmao
1. Life is sexually transmitted. 2. Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights made an airplane. 3. It's not the pace of life that concerns me, it's the sudden stop at the end. 4. The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard. 5. It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere. 6. Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun. 7. The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you're in the bathroom. 8. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees. 9. Never knock on Death's door; ring the doorbell and run (he hates that). 10. When you're finally holding all the cards, why does everyone else decide to play chess? 11. If you're living on the edge, make sure you wear your seat belt. 12. The mind is like a parachute; it works much better when it's open. 13. There are two kinds of pedestrians... the quick and the dead. 14. An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys. 15.
Blah weekend is all over. Back to jail I go and slave away making money for nasty bills and such. I haven't ate much at all today...I feel hungry but not hungry... Since I woke up I had a muffin, coffee, a few small rice cakes and some dried fruits and coffee again. Last night, I cooked up some shrimp fried rice and eggrolls...spent a lot of time cooking it all and I barely ate it. On monday at work, one of my coworkers had asked me if I lost weight...I told her I lost some but nothing too major. She's also trying to lose weight and she has. She's doing better than I am, but at least Im still losing weight slowly...I still haven't gone to the gyms in a while. My appatite has just been so different. Rich brought home subway yesterday and I just picked at it. I'm not starving myself on purpose...I just don't eat as much as I used to I guess...I dunno..just odd... Anyways... Went to the grocery store to do food shopping for the weekend....gotta love how kids just stare at me. Som
Blah Blahhhhh Blahhhhhhhhh
I wish I could be ,all you want and need , instead of being such a burden , then maybe you wouldn't full so much contempt for me.   you are constantly telling me that you want and love me but then you end up telling me you hate me .   make up your mind before we run out of time AND NOW ......A HAIKU    bubbles are to her heaving bossomsass that can make the Earth shakeand ass has hidden wonders that tit can not compete
Who was the last male you talked to?my justin friend ;)Who is someone that can always make you laugh?justin... he says the strangest things....What were you doing at 10am this morning?wishing I was in bedWhat were you doing an hour ago?see above lolDo you plan on moving within the next year?yesAre you wearing anything on your feet?that almost sounds dirty.... but yes lolWhat are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?being meDo you remember your dreams?sometimesWhere did your last hug take place?at McDonalds lolHave you been to a baby shower?yesWhat cell phone company do you use?t-mobileWhat color is your hair brush?blueDo you watch the Super Bowl?hell yeahWhat about World Cup?ummm noDo you sleep with a teddy bear?I lost him :(What is the last movie you watched?Haven't watched a movie in forever :( who wants to go see one this weekend? LOLWhat movie do you think everyone should watch?Second Hand Lions lolWhat is your middle name?thats MY secret thank you!Do you have your future ch
Guess I should be all "woo-HOO" it's my weekend here... Strangely enough, I'm pretty mellon-collie (or however you spell it) I've got a few friends expecting me at the bar tonight, yet I almost wanna just stay at home. I DO need to catch up on sleep, but I think there's something bigger here... ...I think I just want to sleep away my life lately. Only waking up for work. Kinda why I'm not on FU as much lately, not only am I neglecting my RL social life, but my FU-life as well. So for those I love on here, understand I'm not ignoring any of ya... ...just been tired, that's all. MUAHZ kids!!!  
ß æåëàþ ÷òî âû ïîíÿëî êàê ÷åãî âû äåëàåòå ïîâðåæäåíèÿ ÿ è äåëàåò ìíîé ÷ûâñòâî íåâàæíî. ß äåéñòâèòåëüíî èíòåðåñóþ åñëè âû çàáîòèòå î ìíå èëè êàê ðàç ñåêñå.
Blah Blah What Ya Wanna Know
Okay a friend challenge me to write a two page blog, about emanon, sooo since my average blog is 4-6 pages, and being no stranger to writing 10+ page blogs... i figured instead of just writing i will ask what do you want to know and will answer that, depending what you ask i may not answer depending on certain things.. but shall try to answer em in all hm two pages..damn her... why not 4 or 5 ...., the blog is now 6 pages..and i havent even answered the questions below lmao   Master Yugihow did you get into the blood fetish Moethow do you feel about relationships, one on one, do you believe in that, are you able to be with one person? I know we talked about your sexual addiction, will that prevent you from ever being with just one person? SpinozaDo you intend on being a Master for the remaining of your life?If so, why is that? Sweet KandyDo you eat peanut butter on pancakes?What are you views on the death penalty?Should child molestors be castorized? (Sp chk plz)If the entire wor
The onle thing running through my mind right now, is GO FIGURE!!   No explantion  needed...thats all
You're everything I thought you never wereAnd nothing like I thought you could have beenBut still, you live inside of me, so tell me how is that?You're the only one I wish I could forgetThe only one I love to not forgiveAnd though you break my heart, you're the only oneAnd though there are times when I hate you'Cause I can't eraseThe times that you hurt me and put tears on my faceAnd even now, while I hate you, it pains me to sayI know I'll be there at the end of the dayI don't wanna be without you, babeI don't want a broken heartDon't wanna take a breath without you, babeI don't wanna play that partI know that I love you, but let me just sayI don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no noI don't want a broken heartI don't wanna play the broken-hearted girlNo, no, no broken-hearted girlThere's something that I feel I need to sayBut up til' now I've always been afraid that you would never come aroundAnd still I wanna put this outYou say you've got the most respect for me But, sometimes I
Hubby is at work, so no car for me.   Should I   a) call my mom and go out with her at the expense of potentially gettin into yet another confrontation because she drives me insane?   b) lay on the dusty floor and pretend to be dead   Goin out with friends is not an option, since I dont have any friends    
Today was was just feeling like blah..blah a la... Had to work with someone that I dislike today and it wasnt' that one bitch... some dude that started to give me a attitude when I was semi training him on day. I was only suppose to shadow him, to make sure he was doing his training right...he basically got the job fine when he was being trained the day before and I was just around him as a shadow. I wasn't able to shadow him all the time though because I was needed in other places. So I had told him if he had any questions, just pull me away from the other place and I would help him. Few hour later, he told me that I was a real bad trainer and narked on my manager. Uhh hello, I'm only suppose to shadow you and help you when you needed never asked for my help with anything. So how can I be a bad trainer when he didn't ask for help, I was busy working in other places and I was only suppose to shadow him? He also thinks he's one of those "Oh I know all an
Blah!!! Ugh!!!
My mind so full of question, the world so unable to answer. Life lessons. Love lessons. Why can't they come with a manual? Would make life so much easier. I mean really, to have the answers for every possible situation you come across would make for a much easier place. But yet again this will not happen.  We will not have a manual for life and love. We must learn all lessons on our own. Suffer thorugh every broken heart. Every confused mind. Every lost soul. Shattered dreams and broken promises. Empty words and Lost lies. For most can get thorugh them with no issues. For a rare few other methods of dealing coping come into play. Some write, others slice the flesh of themselves. Just to see the blood flow freely, only to sit there and wish they could be so free. To have a free mind, heart and soul. One that is not burdened with the hurt the pain. To be just free, as the blood one sheds would be like heaven for them.
Mkay I did what I did and she did what she did sick of rehashing it if you hate me for it remove me from your list if you feel you may do something like she did remove me from your list either way I am over it if you have trusted me with stays between us..this was a bit different  
I don't think i will ever understand men!!! at least the ones i tend to fall for. Which more often than not are the ones who like to play games.  What will be the next excuse!? And of course I am the idiot that lets it slide! Well NO MORE!!! You get ONE CHANCE and that's it! I will not be a rug to be walked all over any more!!    now... where did I put that new pack of batteries....
Yup, that about sums it up, a big ole blah! Haven't been on much lately, I've been crazy busy this summer, a lot going on, some good, some bad, but it's definitely all kinds of busy.   I'm in desperate need of some down time.  Maybe I'll take a hookey day - but one with no kids!   Roll around in bed all day, accomplish nothing, play on the computer and watch TV.  Somehow I doubt it would make me feel better, but it's nice thought. I've always had reactive hypoglycemia, but for some reason it's going completely nuts lately, the things I've always done to manage it don't seem to be working anymore.  Doc is checking it out, they took like a gallon of blood from me saturday to run tests - we'll see what they say, probably nothing definitive, just because, well, just because it's me. Still unpacking boxes from the move in July, I swear sometimes I feel like I"ll never get everything done, I just dont' have the energy lately, and when I do, working on the house is kinda the last thing on
Blah Blah
Had my endoscopy yesterday doc found 2 "curious spots" that he biopsied...after asking me annoying questions He asked this "so they are pretty sure you have true lupus?" as opposed to fucking wha? The fake kind? and yeah after 5 years of testing positive for it I am pretty sure that is what I have then he asked "so you have had definite joint involvement" again wtf and when he asked which organs were involved..and I said my Central nervous system and kidneys..he says. well that is really only one organ   I wanted tostab the mother fucker he is lucky he gave me the Versed quickly *end rant*     PS where is drill I need to abuse someone  
Blah..9/11 Thoughts...
This was made NSFW since I seen fu delete that 9-11 mumm, which I saw no real reason to delete it, no cursing, nothing downing any group of people, but what ever that is why I marked it so they would have no reason to be show any type of asinine behavior and mark it.Okay so since today is September 11th, I am expecting a shit load of mumm, blogs, pictures and statuses about the terrorist attack.Well in the first 9-11 mumm I saw I said … “to be honest I am all for never forgetting but after eight years it is time to move on, people died, peoples always die, as a people Americans are typically sentimental about such matters, the first year anniversary was understandable, after that it was a waste of time”For this I was called Un-American, Un-American why, because I feel after nearly a decade it is long over due to move on, yes I understand that bleeding hearts are very sentimental about death and when it happens, they believe that not celebrating it is the same as forg
Blah Blah Blah
Ever have one of those days where you just want human touch?  Nothing sexual but just someone to cuddle with.  I feel that way today. Which is rather odd for me.  Maybe I have been single to long, I don't know.
Blah Blah Blah
every goes "oh yeah" i understand you are bi-polar and all the rest of it. but you go and do something "mad" like telling them you hear voices and hallucinate and they run a mile and call you a crazy bastard. can't fucking win.
this site is stupid. My other profile lost her privvies yet again, for posting a NSFW
This is the fine assortment of men to pick from on the secret admirer game....  
I barely got any sleep last night...I just kept tossing and turning. When 3am came around, I gave up and got myself ready for work. I have a smoke and notice that the car is missing so I texted Rich to see if he taken the car. He said he did and he would be back home soon. Been almost a hour now and I will be pissed if he's not here soon, otherwise I will have to walk to work, which is about 45 minutes away and I work in a hour. He must of had to take back the car he borrowed from his coworker...and I thought he said he would have that car for a while? Dumbass...and he said he was suppose to help find me a car since he fucked with mine...He can't even afford his own damn car payment all the time.. I didn't do toooo much this weekend. Did a bunch of exciting. My friend's birthday was on Tuesday so I hung out with her for a bit.   Bah...I don't wanna go to work....Wish I had a sleeping pill so I can go back to sleep.
I feel so bad. Last night I went out with my cousin's wife. We went to an interview/answer thing and met Sam Trammell. If any one wants to know who he is, he plays the shapeshifter on True Blood or you can just google him. After that we went and got something to eat. It was nice being able to get out of the house and have fun. I hardly do that now. That's not why I feel bad though. I feel bad because I made a promise to someone. I didn't get to actuallyl do that promise. When I got home the weather was apparently bad. It wasn't raining, just windy. My internet was down. I tried everything to get online and nothing worked. I tried sending texts all night. I didn't get an answer. One of two things happened. 1. They are really mad so they didn't answer my texts. 2. The weather was somehow messing up my phone and they never got the texts.   Either way I still feel like shit because I broke a promise.   [edit] This is in the wrong blog section and I'm not fixing it. =/
Really not sure how often I will be around here since they are taking the social networking sites of the labs pc's. But if you want to keep in touch, private message me and I will give you my # to either call or text.....
my bestest friend was engaged a whle ago to a guy who had a drinking prob. She told him that its either alcohol or her, and he picked the former . So she gave him the ring back and broke off the engagement.   Well, several months later, she found out that he got married a while ago to some fat chick that he barely knew. A total rebound marriage. Now she is pissed off...   I told her that he wasnt her anymore, so why should she care, but still
His smile stops me in my tracks his eyes light up at every chance he holds me close to keep me safe he maybe hopes that one day i'll be his and we can fly upword tord the sky as love consumes us both within and time passes on untill the end
Blah Its 2010
so happy 2010 and good riddence to the old shit! I have me a little mental list of improvements i will make in my life... like the chic that i see everytime i get home from offshore, is obviously not interested in me, she likes drama and childish men. one of the things id like to accomplish is finding a different job, Im becoming complacent with this one and its time for a change. mostly its the scedule, ive been on 28 and 14 for 4 years now..and been single for most of that time, cuz im not a hard core party machine it seems! I have a few personal issues to improve on and some minor material things I am making goals for, but over all...even tho 2009 seemed pretty bad because in 2008 I had better finances, but in 2009, even though i had less in the bank, it was partially because of getting my goals i had for 2009...besides a few grand in cc debt...   what about you? big changes or small changes?
People are such idiots.... or.. maybe I am the idiot... I dunno.. and I dun care tbh... I just get sick of people at times.. Why can`t people learn.. Why do they gotta say stuff that makes U mad.. or hurt..... It hurts more then U know.... Especially if Ur like me... the most selfconsious person out there..... I take everything that people say personal.. and I analyze it over and over and OVER.....
Blah Blah Blah
I dunno anymore I feel like it is just the same shit different day!!  I am the one that is always os busy that I hardley have time to get online and see my wonder why I don't have that many.  The internet anymore is just becoming a hassle....I thinkI would be a lot happier if there was no computer in the household at all.  That can't happen though the husband needs his time on the computer, every day when he comes home.  Is it his release?  Does he not want to be here?  I dunno but he likes being on here and if that is what he wants than that shall be what he gets.  I am thinking strongly about deleting all my accounts on everything and just keeping my e mail.  That is how some of my faimly is able to keep up with me.   I just don't know what to think or feel anymore.  I am lost and would like to find my way back but I need a helping hand.
I'm not in the best of spots in my life right now, and I'm kind of slowly just backing away from everybody and everything. My stress level is way too high, the pain I've had to endure this last week has taken a lot out of me, and the mental stress of what's to come, or could come, is driving me insane... I just wish for once I could go into the doctors office, have them find just a normal problem with me, and fix it. But that's never the case. Every time I go see them it's always something rare, out of the ordinary, and not so simple to fix. I'm sure half the reason I'm so effing emotional lately is because my sugars are getting pretty under control for the most part. I've taken my diabetic medication every day since the new year, and I've been eating 1/3-1/2 of the calorie intake I used to eat, and it's healthy food so....but the drops have been insane. I was cooking for the boys Monday night and my migraine was through the roof and I started feeling very dizzy like I was gonna pass
I d/c'd my own IV today. I lost 11 pounds in the last 2 weeks...yay for bein i need new pants i take back anything remotely non cunty i may have ever said about johns whore yeah she deserves the bad and then some. That girl has more pychological issues that a fucking ward of mental patients. but as they say Karma is a bitch...she told me she would chase me off here...I suppose she should know that better people than her have tried yet here I am. My daughters Bday is on 3-6...because i have been so sick and am really not doin a ton better...I am not really wanting to commit to a party...Adam bought 2 tickets for her to Disney on Ice...her dad will be on his mid tour leave and be here the 8th....I am going to give him the tickets to take her...and we wll have cake and gifts for her here..I hope that is ok for her. i have learned I have some very good friends here. I thank those of you who are. no less that 200 of my pics have been removed from the queue  from some asshol
so i watched this movie the other night now this song is stuck in my head       link:
Im in a down mood today.. too much waiting and not enough money making it to my mailbox grrr   so i log into facebook and find that theres another message from someone with more dead girl drama... Im wondering even why i have a facebook.. think im gonna take my name off it and just not have people from my childhood possibly find me... 90% of the people on there are from here anyways...   im hungry and dont want to eat anything i have in the fridge, which is getting low and everytime i look in there i want to call the unemployment people and cuss out who ever answers   my playlist is cool, do you like 80s  metal?   i have seen so many people bitching back and forth everywhere on this site.  have people gotten angry this year, or have i just not noticed this as much before?   its hard to breathe sometimes   I am trying really hard to keep my mind set as it usually is, positive, but my patience is wearing thin. you may witness me telling people off, and if i do just remind me
  (This bulliten requires flash, please scroll down) 4pm - 12am ESTFriday 4/2/2010Click Here to Enter Euphoria (repost of original by ' Pimp In Distress at EUPHORIA RL FU BF to AWESOME' on '2010-04-01 23:54:47')  
So BLAH is pretty much whats sums up this update. Let's see..... my rent is caught up for now, I'm sure it'll get back behind but oh well fuck it; I'm still topsy turvy about that brother living with me situation; who knew Fly Boys would be this awesome!?!?!?!?!? And look how long I waited to discover how awesome military dicks can be!! LOL Things with my kids are far more beautiful than I thought they would be a year ago. Things are sssoooooooo much better now that I'm divorced. And people tried to say I married him for my situation with my kids. Shit all he did was fuck up my shit with my kids worse than it was before him. Not to mention he let his baby momma ruin my kids toys cause she was so jealous that I had 2 and she was only forced to have 1 and she hated that. So she destroys my kids shit, and thats ok with him cause she's better than me. She never cheated on him. WTFE dude And life post 2nd divorce?? FREAKING FANTASTIC My FlyBoy is awesome wonderful and amazing and so much li
found out yesterday a friend of mine growing up died...ive known he was sick but we never thought this would happen....he had a staph infection that spread to his kidneys and he went septic and there was nothing they could do   thats why ive been pretty distant with people lately and im sorry i will be back as soon as i can
I'm really starting to hate this place. It's not really the place, but how people act while they're here. I think I'm the same way on here than I am offline. Some people don't believe me: I don't really care. I am extremely blunt, to the point, honest offline with friends, acquaintences and people I don't even know. I've been this way for a long time and I don't plan on changing it just because I log into a website. I don't expect everyone to get along, but I hope for some kind of maturity. We all make fun of, joke or whatever--which is fine, but there's a line that gets crossed A LOT. I am fucking sick of it. I'm not having fun anymore. I'm thinking of taking a fu-break soon, I'm not sure when. I'm only logging in now because Philemon bought me this VIP and I don't want to be rude and not use it. I probably won't even tell anyone when I'm on my fu-break (I never do), but those that have my number will text and ask where the fuck I am, I'm sure. This isn't some platform to bash anyone
Ever just wanna crawl through your computer and strangle certain people until they turn purple and their eyes bulge out like a cartoon character?
welp im outtie for a few days after back around saturday     miss me while im gone
Yeah, I know, the Subject heading is a bit boring, but that is mainly because I am feeling bored!...Blah!...   For the past month and a half I have been back home, in Northern MI, and to be honest, coming home served its purpose, had been three years since I had been back, but I am so over it! I flew back to get away for a week or so, but it turned into over a Month. My family has been on me about getting my teeth fixed since the accident, but work always seemed more important, besides, beautiful dental work is not a qualification when you're a wrecker driver... steriotypically, those in our profession usually have worse looking teeth than my own. However, it had been a year since the accident, and I actually got tired of hearing about it.   So I went to the U of M in Ann Arbor (A2), and have had my initial visit for X Rays and evaluation. Now I am waiting on planning for the dental implants and the reconstruction of my upper gums. OMGawd!, I am bored though!, I have plenty to kee
Blah Blah
I went into an animal shelter today.  To see if I want to get another cat since mine died not to long ago.  I saw lots of adorable cats, just none that struck my fancy.  There was this one kitten that loved my daughter.  It would follow her around like crazy.  And although that was cute, I wanted to pick out a cat for me.  Not my kids.  My son is more into dogs it seems.  And wanted to be around them more.  So once the yard is fixed, it seems we are going to have a lot of animals.  Lol.  But it was also painful to see those cats.  It's another reminder that I lost my beloved cat. Ok, I've said enough for now.  Laters.
Things have been going well lately been getting alot of time in with my family which I love with my whole heart, yet I am still so bored and lonely I love them all but they have no idea what I am going thru nor do I want them to know. Still I want to be close to them an alone at the same time I feel so insane I hate that i feel this way I just wanna stop thinkin for while but no matter what I do my mind is always runnin takin me places I don't wanna go . I just don't know what to do or say or how to feel better alone. I just wish things were so much easier but they never get easier or clearer grrr.
its hot and its muggy plus its raining but hey im heading to the pirates/reds game in an hour or so   nothing like watching a crappy team get blown out by someone way better right?   so where the hell is everyone and why arent you naked?
I got the flu shot yesterday and my body hurts.... someone take my mind off of it plz!   Thats all!
Blah Blah
Sometimes when you think things are going exactly as they should, something happens and changes everything. You have to readjust your thinking, look back and wonder, did I do something wrong? Take a step back and evaluate the situation and figure out if this is really what you want. Making the right move is not always critical, but in some instances the wrong move can have a dramatic effect on those around you. I try to do what I feel is best for me and if others think that's wrong, ohwell in the end it is my life and it is what I make it to be. You can either support what I do, do nothing at all, or go away, either way I will move on.
cold as winter strong as stone, she faced the darkness all alone, a silver goddess a reflection a mirage a recollection, no return no turning back the past is gone the future black, serpents gather in there nest as she stands above the rest, shadows hunt she hunts the shadows, as she looks down upon a shattered youth a shattered mirror shows a shattered truth.
Blah...lets Try This Again
Yeah silly me deleted the last one. I got distracted and didn't say everything I wanted too.   I've always thought I was a good person, I try really hard not to be someone I'm not. I did that for a while, being someone I'm not and it made me sick. I mean really sick, anxiety attacks and depression and I decided that I would never be someone I'm not. What this blog is about is a growing trend on this site that is once again making me sick! Users!! “What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things.”   This is one of those things that makes me really angry.  You see I've done something for someone and they've blinged me, even when I told them not too they did. This is not me using them. When asked to help someone level or asking for help to level, that's not using that's helping a friend out.  What I'm talking about is the people who use others just to get the good bling and the points that come with it
Blah Blah
Same shit different day. i write cause i can. nothing new with me. the same pain in drama. i speak the truth and it gets twisted im tired of feeling like the bad person. i wont lie to kick it so why do you? i feel like poppin off and cant stop it. im mad at my self for letting you in and stomping on my emotions. why do i let you do that. am i crazy or do i love you. i cant believe this shit man i let you in and now you have to go? you got wat you wanted dont think imma let you back in. who am i lying to i know you wiggle your way in. so why bother? 
people seem to be getting dumber and dumber... You know, I mean we have all this amazing technology and yet computers have turned into basically four figure spank machines. The internet was supposed to set us free, democratize us, but all it's really given us is stupid cat videos and 24 hour a day access to midget porn. People... they don't write anymore, they blog. Instead of talking, they text, no punctuation, no grammar.. LOL this and LMFAO that. You know, it just seems to me it's just a bunch of stupid people pseudo-communicating with a bunch of other stupid people at a proto-language that resembles more what cavemen used to speak than the King's English...Yet Im part of the problem, I mean im out there blogging with the best of um.. Hence my self-loathing...
First Blog; March 16, 2011 Dear Fubar, I hate you, you're flawed. The way you make me ache for rates, comments, friends, fans, and drinks is appaling. Yet, I love the way you introduce me to new people, especially cute military men ;)    I feel a little bit pretty these days, because of all the attention. But at the same time kinda like a hoe because of all the "dirty old men" that are into. Good thing I'm intpo dirty old men...   Well ttyl Morgono
thanks Sam for your offer but imma get out on my own some where he wont bother me all hes done is wanted to get money get money im like dude slow the fuck down b4 u burn urself out for good. well anyways we get home i take a bath and hes like i forgot the food in the car go get it im cold i said fuck you i just got outta the tub go get it urself im not gettin sick worse needless to say the food is still out in the car and hes on the couch covered up im still wet so im not goin to go get it
Blah!!! Blah!! Blah!!!
So i've been feeling like crap all week.. just in a choke the shit out of someone mood for no apparent reason.. temper is short... patience is shorter.. I think I'm just getting burned out on all this shit.. I need a break from reality....oh well...maybe I'll be in a better mood after the holiday.. but right now.. don't think so!
Blah Blah
I am sure those of you that are friends have noticed the unhappy face status alot lately.... just a brief explanation....I have been dealing with alot of depression and anxietly lately. We moved a few weeks ago into a different apartment and its still not feeling like home for some reason.... I miss my old neighbors..... When I wake up during the week, I head over to the old neighbors for coffee and hang out there till I have other appointments or until the boyfriend gets off work, I know it sounds weird, its weird to me as well. They put me on another anxiety med, one that I dont like to be on, suppose to be on it 3x's a day but I basically take it at bedtime cuz it makes me tired. Another issue I am dealing with is my legs are hurting me big time lately....not just my knees but I have been waking up with my hips hurting as well and hip shit runs in my family, my grandfather had his replaced twice, my mom had her's done, same as my uncle and that shit scares me! I guess the only thing
Blah Blah Blah Boring Stuff ;)
Hey friends :) I'm back. I was MIA for a while as I had Life to deal with and not much time to do all the stuff I like. Life has calmed down and I'm back in the swing of things. You may notice my fam is smaller...Who cares right? well I am just fixing up crap and updating. Hope all is well with everyone and thanks for those who didn't forget me in the short 3 months I was gone...but I guess 3 months is 3 yrs in fu. :) xoxo
Blah B.s Blah
People need to read profiles. I mean we take the time to fill it in so please take the time to read them. It would really stop a lot of bullshit and blocking people. I am here to have fun. I am not here to cam or meet you. I am here for me. Take it or leave it your choice. If something happens along the way then fine, it will happen. I will not be fucking pressured into anything. Once you pressure me I will back off and will be done. This only causes drama and makes people mad or it does me. RECAP on my rules as far as being here. (Read the PROFILE) it is self explanatory and if I forgot anything I will add to it. Show me respect on what I ask for or we will not talk anymore. So there it is all in a nutshell. I hate the feeling of being smothered and it isn't really you, it is probably my own shit I go through. If you don't like then you don't have to deal with it, you can move along. One more thing. I have had people get mad cause I don't respond to them in there timelt
I'm going to TRY to make today a good day....but it's not starting off the best. In a bit of a stess filled funk today...snapped at the kid.. the wife...and co-workers could be next. It just seems like everyone is STUPID today.. smh! Oh well, guess I better get my ass to work. Hopefully I won't have to choke the shit out of someone!
Blah Blah Blah
I have observed A LOT of different things since I joined this site. A lot of drama, a lot of shit talking and a lot of bruised and battered egos. But I see a lot of bitching more than anything else. "WAH WAH WAH" People change, constantly. That's just human nature. This place and what people do here will NEVER change though. Its the way its set up to function. When all you can do is bitch about who's begging for bling, who is showing their naughty bits to get it and who is spending money on everyone else but you...why are YOU here? DELETE ALREADY. Spare us all your boo-hooing, please. Its tiring. Nothing will change here, ever. No matter who deletes, there will be a new one the next day. End of story. So please, for all of us that enjoy this site still, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Feeling so blah today...lost...broken...don't know what way to turn. Without you my life doesnt make sense like it used to. I pray for a miracle every day that you will love me like you used to. Just when I think I am empty of tears they keep rolling. I tried to move on it just isn't working out. You have captured my thoughts and my heart so if you don't want them please return them , I will need them someday.  I hate feeling like I am in this dark lonely place...I hope someday to return.
Blahh !!
En su habitaciónCuando el tiempo se detieneO se mueve a tu voluntad¿Dejarás que la mañana llegue pronto¿O me dejes tiradoEn tu oscuridad favoritaSu favorito a media luzTu conciencia favoritaTu esclavo favorito En su habitaciónDonde las almas desaparecenSólo que existe aquí¿Usted me lleva a su sillónO me dejes tiradoTu inocencia favoritaSu premio favoritoTu sonrisa favoritaTu esclavo favorito Yo estoy colgando en tus palabrasVivir en la respiraciónSentir con la piel¿Voy a estar aquí siemp
Blahhhh How I Have Been Feeling For Weeks
So i been sick on and off for months been going to the ER for them to tell me the same thing for months ...    They say i have acute sinusitis but they cant seem to find the right meds to treat it...   so as of 11/24/13 i now have fluid in my ears nice ahhhh   they have me on some other meds and ear drops which atm are just leaking back out of my ears    i have been on 2 diff meds in the last 72 hours    last nite from it all my bp was 183/96 which could have caused me a heart attack    im lucky i didnt    then the Er give me pain meds in the arm which did NOTHING expect make my arm hurt    i swear these drs are dumb as fuck....
You know, I wish I had bookmarked a particular MuMM. This girl was talking about how she never gets friend requests unless she's running ability bling. I told her she was doing Fubar wrong then because she shouldn't need ability bling.   I was gone over the weekend and came back to over 60 requests. No ability bling running.   I'd kind of like to tell her I was right :)
Blair Vs Cameron (uk Politics)
Who are you gonna vote for? Does it matter? Thanks to Time Trumpet.
Blaine Larson
This video just hit a raw nerve I suppose, so thought that I should share it. It does make you sit and think.
Blair Set To Quit On May 9 22 Apr 2007 Tony Blair Will Leave Downing Street
Blair Set to Quit On May 9 22 Apr 2007 Tony Blair will leave Downing Street before a decision is taken on charges in the cash for honours affair. The Prime Minister was yesterday said to be preparing to stand down on May 9. That will trigger a seven-week leadership election process in the Labour Party and a new PM - probably Gordon Brown - will move into 10 Downing Street at the end of June.
Blaine Larsen - How Do You Get That Lonely
Blaine_Larsen-How_Do_You_Get_That_Lonely.html' target='_blank'>Blaine LarsenHow Do You Get That Lonely
Blair Witch Parody By The Muppets
Blair Witch 2
Blaik@ fubar
Blair Escort
Join the World's Largest SEX and SWINGER Personals Community. Join for FREE. Search results for escort service in Blair, Oklahoma on Escort Service.Dapeem. com. Blair Escort Pilot Car Service at 4501 Laurel Ave, Sioux City, Iowa 7122747694. Information, map, driving directions, and more. Directory of Blair Escort Services in NE yellow pages. Find Escort Services in Blair maps with reviews, websites, phone numbers, addresses, and business ... Blair Escort Sioux City IA on, featuring Blair Escort Sioux City IA in web web search.
Blair Weed Project
  "IM A STUPID GURL: welcome to drama central IM A STUPID GURL: where someone wants to humilate you" Kbernachizrtrn74 3:25 AM: Marys more important Chris:
Blair Weed Project 2
Jayzaprlck69: hi my name is prick .....wanna fuck? Jayzaprlck69 : lollllllllllllll IM A STUPID GURL: MMMMMMM IM A STUPID GURL: YES YES IM A STUPID GURL: AFTER WHAT SARAH SAID IM A STUPID GURL : YOU KNOW IT PRICK Jayzaprlck69:lol Jayzaprlck69: hahaha IM A STUPID GURL: WELL AND TO PISS KAT OFF OF COURSE IM A STUPID GURL: HAHA Jayzaprlck69: lollllllllllll Aw0L 74: Heidi has a penis too, it's made out of stainless steel StucKonStupiD19: lol XPatrickxPx791: lol scott StucKonStupiD19: i wanna use it on u scott StucKonStupiD19: lol Aw0L 74: fuck that heidi StucKonStupiD19: woowoo StucKonStupiD19: make ya scream XPatrickxPx791: a steel penis im sure that'll hurt XPatrickxPx791: lol StucKonStupiD19: shorty ill use it on ur midget ass if u dont watch it XPatrickxPx791: LOL Aw0L 74: when heidi tries to have sex in freezing temps it sticks XPatrickxPx791: ROFL scott April Princess434: YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ANAL! IM A STUPID GURL: petey needs to suck chriss dick and be lame toghter Devilsmaiden03:
Blake Shelton- Austin
Blake Shelton- Don't Make Me Lyrics
Girl, when I look at you you look through me like i'm not even there. Trying not to give up to be strong but i'm afraid to say i'm scared. I can't find the place your heart is hiding. I'm no quitter but i'm tired of fighting. Baby i love you don't wanna lose you don't make me let you go. Took such a long time for me to find you don't make me let you go. Baby, i'm begging please and i'm down here on my knees. I don't wanna have to set you free. Don't make me. What if when i'm long gone it dawns on you you just might want me back. Let me make myself clear if I leave here its done, i'm gone. Thats that. You carry my love around like it's a heavy burden. I'm about to take it back. Are you sure its worth it? Baby i love you don't wanna lose you don't make me let you go. Took such a long time for me to find you don't make me let you go. Baby, i'm begging please and i'm down here on my knees. I don't wanna have to set you free. Don't make me. Ba
~ Blake Shelton - Austin ~ Great Song And Video
Blake And Jordin And Hillary And Rudy
Okay, now that the actual singing is over, it's time for the serious part of the Idol game, which is impassioned speculation on who's going to win. The first part of that equation, the singing, has some relationship to the second part, the winning. Just not necessarily a lot. The voting demographic for Idol is a lot different than the voting demographic for, say, Presidential or school board elections. For starters, the average Idol voter is probably 60 years younger. But it's likely they're quite alike in one critical area: how they decide whom they're going to vote for. The way that works with a lot of voters in politics -- I'd say "most voters," but why be cynical? -- is that they decide very early who they're going to support and they spend the rest of the campaign finding reasons to tell themselves they were right. If their candidate says something good, or something they like, it's a bonus. If their candidates says something stupid, does something stupid or says something wi
Blake And Jordin And Hillary And Rudy
Okay, now that the actual singing is over, it's time for the serious part of the Idol game, which is impassioned speculation on who's going to win. The first part of that equation, the singing, has some relationship to the second part, the winning. Just not necessarily a lot. The voting demographic for Idol is a lot different than the voting demographic for, say, Presidential or school board elections. For starters, the average Idol voter is probably 60 years younger. But it's likely they're quite alike in one critical area: how they decide whom they're going to vote for. The way that works with a lot of voters in politics -- I'd say "most voters," but why be cynical? -- is that they decide very early who they're going to support and they spend the rest of the campaign finding reasons to tell themselves they were right. If their candidate says something good, or something they like, it's a bonus. If their candidates says something stupid, does something stupid or says something wi
Blake Lewis Vs Jordin Sparks - Does Anyone Even Care?
Does anyone actually care who wins American Idol 2007? I know I sure don't. 2007 has to be the most disappointing series to date. Neither of our two finalists have stood out as other Idol winners have done over the last 6 years. Firstly, Blake Lewis has made it due to his trademark beatboxing. The novelty of this wore off somewhere a few weeks ago where every single song had to be beat boxed in when it clearly didn't work. Seriously, what was he thinking. The boy can sing, yes, but he's pretty ordinary. Now for everybody's sweetheart, the seventeen year old Jordin Sparks. I am so tired of being told how old she is. Are they secretly trying to convince me that being so young justifies her struggling voice? Hardcore fans, mock me if you must, but she has struggled to be pitch perfect every single week of this competition. I don't even find her that attractive so I'm lost as to why people love her so much. Perhaps someone wants to say 2007 has been so crap no thanks to VoteForT
Blake Shelton- No Body But Me
Don't waste your time looking over your shoulder Those loves from the past ain't getting no closer When I look in my future you're all I can see (So Honey) Don't go loving on nobody but me. Chorus: Nobody but me gonna love you like you ought to be loved on Nobody but me gonna cry if you up and leave You can do what you want to, But I'm asking pretty please (Honey) Don't go loving on nobody but me. I took my time to tell you how I feel Just because I took so long don't mean that it isn't real [ Find more Lyrics at ] I ain't got no diamond, but I'm down on my knees (honey) Don't go loving on nobody but me. Chorus: Nobody but me gonna love you like you ought to be loved on Nobody but me gonna cry if you up and leave You can do what you want to, But I'm asking pretty please (Honey) Don't go loving on nobody but me. Chorus: Nobody but me gonna love you like you ought to be loved on Nobody but me gonna cry if you up and leave You can do w
Blake Harper Gay
Join the World's Largest SEX and SWINGER Personals Community. Join for FREE. Blake Harper Gay porn film star collection of Hardcore sex DVDs
Blake Lewis - You Give Love A Bad Name(bon Jovi)
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
Blake Lively And Leonardo Dicaprio Call It Quits
Oh, Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio. We hardly knew ye. The mutually blond lovebirds have called it quits after nearly sixth months together, with details scarce, but reps for both actors insisted to outlets including Us Weekly that the pair "remain friends." Just no longer the friends-with-benefits variety. Lively is back to work on the CW's "Gossip Girl" after a filming a feature in Los Angeles this summer.juicy couture DiCaprio remains busy, currently shooting Baz Luhrman's 3D "Great Gatsby" update in Australia and chilling at the top of the year's highest-paid actors list. After picking up tabloid steam starting in June, DiCaprio and Lively enjoyed quality yacht time at the Cannes Film Festival, followed by street shopping in Monte Carlo. DiCaprio bounced to Lively on the heels of another "off" with his on-and-off model love Bar Refaeli. Blake previously dated her "Gossip Girl" costar Penn Badgley. The total loss of Ozone in the Arctic was over double the typical
You were never there Didn't really care about me The men came first I came last So I pushed you away Washed my hands of you I deserved better And that's exactly what I got Now you miss me Want me to forgive you But that won't happen You blew it forever ago You dare blame me When you're the parent You'll never change your ways Because you're afraid to take the blame
Just because you've been wronged is no reason to do the wrong thing. In fact it is all the more reason to do the right thing. Just because there's someone to blame for your troubles does not mean that you can end your troubles by hurting that other person. No matter who is to blame for your problems, you are responsible for them. Revenge may be entirely justified, but it will rarely solve the problem. Just as time does not proceed backwards, you cannot right a wrong by committing another wrong. Though punishment is often an appropriate and positive step, it cannot undo what has already been done. The energy you put into blaming others for your problems takes away from the energy you have available to effectively address those problems. Don't let the desire to assign blame detract you from making things right. You cannot move backwards, so put your energy into moving forward.
Blame... Thank You Dick!!!
Let's see if I understand how the world works lately. If a man cuts his finger off while slicing salami at work, he blames the restaurant. If you smoke three packs a day for 40 years and die of lung cancer, Your family blames the tobacco company. If your neighbor crashes into a tree while driving home drunk, he blames the bartender. If your grandchildren are brats without manners, You blame television. If your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer. And if a crazed person breaks into the cockpit and tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet, and the passengers kill him instead, the mother of the crazed deceased blames the airline. I must have lived too long to understand the world as it is anymore. So, if I die while my old, wrinkled ass is parked in front of this computer, I want all of you to blame Bill Gates
Blame Sirens shrieking, bells are ringing, People screaming, children bleeding, Someone thinks their life’s too hard, Now there’s violence in the schoolyard. Teachers teach without a clue, Because no one knows what to do, Bomb threat on the bathroom wall, Now there are guns in the hall. Terror and chaos in the schools, Now only the violence rules. Blame the game and blame the guns, Blame the victim who tells and runs, Blame the clothes and blame the press, Blame the teachers for this mess. Blame the father for the son, Blame the rain and blame the sun. Blae the mother who works too hard, Blame the kids in the yard. Blame the present, blame the past, Blame the minds whose molds we cast. Look inside yourself and see, Who’s left to blame, just you and me. When love’s left out of society, Then violence and hate are all we see
Blames Others For His Problems
Blames Others For His Feelings
Blame Love
Credit goes to lyla mary ? Everyone knows that love makes you do crazy things, but did you know that love can be used as an excuse for ALMOST EVERYTHING IN LIFE? Let me teach you how you can use love as an answer for everything; good or bad. Love is the only reason people do things and love is the only thing people stay away from things. Love is what people hide from and love is what everyone is looking for. Some thing went wrong? Just say, I did it for love! I love you, because of love. I hate you, because of love. I dont want you, because of love. I dont want to see you, because of love. I dont want to hear from you, because of love. I dont want to think of you, because of love. I dont want to be near you, because of love. Love is the ONLY reason! Love is the only reason I did this. Love is the only reason I wanted to do this. Love is the only reason you did that. Love will be the only reason you will every do anything. Let me tell yo
1-50... Blame Marie!
1. How old will you be in 14 months? 32 2. Do you think you'll be married by then? I don't do marriage. 3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months? T-top weather! 4. Who was the last person you called? I think Wendy. 5. Who was the last person to call you? Wendy 6. Do you prefer to call or text? Depends on how long the message is. 7. Do you have any pets? 2 cats, an american alligator, a gerbil, some fish, and a tarantula that we take care of. 8. What were you doing at 12am last night? Dislocating my hip and spraining my wrist in a wild, hot sack session! 9. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Were never married. 10. When is the last time you saw your mom? when I was 13 or 14. 11. What happened at 11:00am.? I was just waking up. 12. How many states have you lived in? 3 13. How many cities/towns have you lived in? Tons 14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare feet! 15. Are you a social person? y
Blame Me
i have a real problem with people people who think they are better then me to each his own i do agree im evil because im not like you aways a reason to blame me i did nothing to you i hurt you in no way you like to say that you hate me because i dont see things your way different beliefs you hold against me not trying to understand you dont care to comprehend the day will soon come we will all be the same judgement for you judgement for me who will be held the highest at fault those who hated and thought they werent wrong i hope that then your happy with all that you sought when your turn comes at the front of the line stand there and hold your head high tell your lord how you are faultless feel free to blame me
Blame "anything"
Here's the point. So many will not take ownership for there position in life. They act and claim that other influences (people job family school...etc) hold them back. If you only had this or that then all would be fine. Reality is that we are accountable for where we are in life. Take control of your life, be accountable. Even if your not where you want to be , decide to change it, belive in it, feel it and you will soon find it is yours. "Life is what you make it!" "If you belive something is going to happen good or bad ...generally your going to prove yourself right!! "
Blame The Right Ppl
if you want to bitch and grip about shit talk to your politicians leave the soliders alone.... they have a job just like you do (they go where they are told and do what they are told), its they're sacrifice and suffering that gives you the right to bitch to your politicians, and they're right to tell you to fuck off
Blame Your Fate Part 1
The tears flow down from my eyes An endless waterfall of pain and fear Last chance to hold the element of love Dropped from my hands that were reaching out A person that meant so much to me To greet me in the morning Her smile so bright as the sun. Clouds that are dark now gloom my life She has disappeared from my cascading sight In my heart she holds within memories That will never go away Too hard for me to walk one step All I want and could need more than ever. Her kindness that she was willing to let me have Now it feels like a curse on the actions I took The only person I can blame is myself Grief for someone that isn't dead physically But in a way I don't believe my dreams will come true Speak the phrase that what I was told over and over Don't worry on many things when many things have yet to come. Part of me wants to forget about the one Who helped me smile My mind wants to move on but I refuse to coexist I was too slow and not strong to make that c
Blame It On The Pillows
Oops. I'm supposed to be at work right now. In Oklahoma. I'm convinced that my pillows sabatoged me. The turned off my alarm or covered my ears so I wouldn't hear it. My boss called me 15 minutes after I was supposed to be at the office. She still wanted me to come in and drive down there. In a company car at least. Only problem would be I wouldn't be awake enough to drive there. It would take me an hour from the time I got out of bed to get to the office. So I'd be an hour behind everyone else, at least. I feel stupid though. I really should have just gone but the chances of me getting lost are pretty high up there. I still get turned around in Springfield and I'm there pretty much on a daily basis. I would have had mapquest directions (note, I fucking HATE mapquest) but I'd be alone and that wouldn't be good. With my luck I'd end up in Arkansas. *shudder* So I probably just lost a few brownie points with Cindy but I'm ok with it. From what I can tell she isn't a vindictive ty
Blame Your Fate Part 2
I lost someone that lived and grew in my heart Cannot let myself say to the hell with her We are just loving friends and nothing more Many people have told me that life is unfair Another phrase that I consider bullshit It was made by you from the choices you picked To feel like the worst piece of trash Lower myself deeper to the ends of pain Do I regret everything that took place with her Any remorse that I want to break free? The amount that I have clogs up my veins So much pain all around me as my life slips away Get it together or punch myself in the face Hold what you have and never let go But again my thoughts think of her and what I am No more sadness and the crying must end. Must stop calling myself lame again... I have been through hell and I have been through worse Just the feelings in me wont go away So as my final statement to the ones who feel bad If life has your own hands choking your throat... Do anything possible to not give up hope.
Blaming The Dog
A guy goes to pick up his date for the evening. She's not ready yet, so he has to sit in the living room with her parents. He has a bad case of gas and really needs to relieve some pressure. Then, the family dog jumps up on the couch next to him. He decides that he can let a little fart out and if anyone notices they will think that the dog did it. He farts, and the woman yells, "Spot, get down from there." The guy thinks, "Great, they think the dog did it." He releases another fart, and the woman again yells for the dog to get down. This goes on for a couple more farts. Finally the woman yells, "Dammit Spot, get down before he shits on you."
Blaming The Dog
A guy goes to pick up his date for the evening. She's not ready yet, so he has to sit in the living room with her parents. He has a bad case of gas and really needs to relieve some pressure. Then, the family dog jumps up on the couch next to him. He decides that he can let a little fart out and if anyone notices they will think that the dog did it. He farts, and the woman yells, "Spot, get down from there." The guy thinks, "Great, they think the dog did it." He releases another fart, and the woman again yells for the dog to get down. This goes on for a couple more farts. Finally the woman yells, "Dammit Spot, get down before he shits on you."
Bla Men
Sick of them lol
The Blame
im not the one 2 blame u r the one who played the game there is not shame for the hate you have tried to place put in on you cuz that where it will stay angila stearns
Blame For The Faults Of Others- Poem From My Friend
Blame for the Faults of Others, How Can I write about your Beauty when your claws of angry are Scratching my eye's out, How Can I wipe the Tears from my Eye's when your Spit lands upon my face Like Venom, How Can I say I love you when your shadow Haunts Me as my Lie's once did, My HeartAches to see you Hate me with Every fault of Every Man woman or Child, I Drown In my Own Tears as I laid On your Bed of crush Glass and Eggs Shells, I Hide From your Thoughts From Words Spoken From Others, The War I am in is Not Mine nor Yours but Nonsense created By the Ones that spoken , If I Can not See your angry Beauty that Haunts My Every Waken Moment, Then Spit in my eyes and claws my face listen to Spoken Words From others, Let Me Drink from your Angry cup of Venom Blame me for the Faults of Others, How do you fall in Love when you Blame me For all the Others. CPR2007 James Landry.
Blame It On The Mistletoe
Blame it on the Mistletoe by WickedOne © "Could you hand me that blanket?" she says as she takes off Nick's shoes. "Yeah, sure," he answers getting the blanket from the cedar chest. "Thanks," she says taking it from him and spreading it over her boyfriend, pulling it up to his chest. She gets up to leave and he catches her hand, mumbling, "Where'r ya goin?" She leans down and kisses him softly, "I'm going to walk Rob out and clean up a little, I'll be right back." "Mmmm.. s'ok," he mumbles settling back into the bed. Closing the door behind them she walks down the hall with Rob. "He's crashed out pretty hard, huh?" he says. "Yes, its been a long day for him. Add all the drinks we were all having and it really hit him." she answers, "Thanks for helping me get him to bed." "No problem," he shrugs, "So does this mean I get to put you to bed now?" he asks with a grin. "I think it'll take a little more work to put me to sleep." she answers. "O
Blame It On The Rain
Blame It on the Rain by Sensual_Caveman © It was a hot summer Sunday in NY City. The kind of day where the outside air feels like a heated oven when you open the door and catch the blast of heat and steam in your face. The sky had been clear all morning, with a bright sun to bake skin a nice shade of red. Around two in the afternoon though a welcomed cloud cover began to roll in. I was walking down 60th street towards 5th avenue from Madison and praying that the rain would come and drop the mercury below 100 degrees. I had my umbrella in hand and in my mind I used it to dare Mother Nature to unleash her worst. Flood, torrential downpours, and a tsunamis would all be more welcome than this heat right now. Then I felt the first drops on my head, and that's when I saw her. A young woman was a good deal down the block from me heading towards me. She was almost angelic in her beauty. She could not have been more than 20, very tall, and looked even taller because of her thin body.
Blamed To Shame P.s Not My Work Thout It Was Wurth Shareing
Save me from my own damnation Lead me to a revelation I'm ending all of conversations, you complicate my life I had enough of situations, that never turn out right Blame it on my heart, put the blame on me Blame it on my life, only i can set me free Save me from my own confusion Lead me to a revolution I'm giving up on confrontation, i had enough of fighting I'm giving up on hesitation, i'm flying to the light I'm giving up on situations, that complicate my life I'm giving up on hesitation, i'm following the light
Blamed To Shame
Blamed to Shame By DJ Shimmer I blame myself for everything. Deep down, I knew the truth. I'm not worth anything, to anyone. And it's clear I was worthless, to you. I went and believed everything that you told me. I blame myself for believing you. I swore I'd never fall in love. You made that hard, because I still love you. I'm strong, so I know I will move on. But I doubt I'll ever trust again. I'm done with all this useless bullshit. I always lose, when I think I'll win. I don't know how I could have been fooled again. I'm gullible, yes....But this is wrong. How could you say that you still love me? When all I've been doing, is hanging on. I blame myself for being a fool. Fool me once, it's shame on you. I blame myself, for falling in love. You foolish girl, you should be ashamed to be you.
Blame It On The Primal Brain Of Homo Politicus
Re: Gov Spitzer..... Hmmmm whatchya think??? Evolutionary psychologists are academics who study the brain in the context of human evolution -- which is to say, the brain as an organ shaped and formed in the millennia before a little thing called polite civilization was invented. The underlying assumption here is that modern man is a just a polished-up and presentable version of the brutes that we humanoids were for eons. The essential urges and motivations are the same as ever. Don't let the tie and jacket fool you. Evolutionary psychologists seem like the perfect people to debrief in this situation because, unlike just about everyone else, they seem thoroughly unshocked. "There's nothing mystifying about any of this," says Todd Shackelford, an evolutionary psychologist and professor at Florida Atlantic University. Shackelford walks through the basics of the evolutionary psychology catechism: For millennia, the whole point of males' often-risky efforts to achieve power,
Blame Me
I'm always gonna be one life behind That's why I'm all alone What's it gonna take to make you see That we are falling apart I wonder can we throw away the past So we can stop the screaming match I'm not gonna break down anymore I've found my way to the door I can see through both of us It's an issue over trust It's killing me it's killing me To watch you leave me I've tried to talk about what's really wrong I see that look of discontent The volume starts to rise and then it's on That's why I have to go Dealing with the pain is all that's left Because we can not get along You wanna put the blame on me again I think that we have reached the end I can see through both of us It's an issue over trust It's killing me it's killing me To watch you leave me I can see through both of us It's an issue over trust You keep blaming me blaming me for what you do to me. It's your turn to watch me leave you It's your turn to watch me leave you It's your
Blame It On Iced Earth
Not as easy as you might think. Now copy or forward, change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Send it to all your friends including the person that sent it to you: 1. Where is your cell phone? beside me 2. Where is your significant other? his house 3. Your hair? needs touched up...but it's auburn 4. Your mother? watching american idol i'm sure 5. Your father? same as my mother 6. Your favorite thing? my son 7. Your dream last night? don't remember 8. Your dream/goal? to raise a successful young man 9. Room you're in? bedroom 10. Your fear? bridges 11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? anywhere but here 12. Where were you last night? sleepover :) 13. What you're not? fake 14. Muffins? blueberry cheesecake 15. Wish list items??? harley 16. Where you grew up? mississippi 17. The last thing you did? worked 18. What you are wearing? pj's 19. Your TV? on american idol 20. Your pet? dixie and little bit 21. Your co
Blame The Lord
First the Lord made man in the Garden of Eden. Then he said to himself, "There's something he's needing' ." After casting about for a suitable pearl, He kept messing around and created a girl. Two beautiful legs, so long and so slender, Round, slim, and firm, and ever so tender. Two lovely hips to increase his desire, And rounded and firm to bring out the fire. Two lovely breasts, so full and so proud, Commanding his eyes, as he whispers aloud. Two lovely arms, just aching to bless you, And two loving hands, to soothe and caress you. Soft, cascading hair hung down over her shoulder, And two dreamy eyes, just to make him grow bolder. 'Twas made for a man, just to make his heart sing. Then he added a mouth. Ruined the whole f*cking thing.
Blame Part 1 (unedited)
Find my feelings found you out it's to late you ripped them out. Made me suffer felt the pain how is it that I get blamed? You took from me all I had the love I felt hurt so bad. I can't pretend that it's ok my souls aflame it burned away. The screams are silent but filled with hate I guess that this is our fate. Find these feelings found you out it's to late they've been ripped out. I'll not suffer all this pain it's your turn now to feel the blame. All your use it fades away my worlds consumed by endless grey. All this hate lets me see red your blood spills out and you are dead. Your pain mounts up it's feeling worse I feel as though I'm fucking cursed. Yet you can't see the reason why even in your own demise. I'm tired of all the shit demeaning words and getting hit. You mock me saying we need to split well fuck it then this is it. Tear you open with my mind still I can't see you inside. I see why the love has died it was like you never tried. Found the feelings pushe
Blame Daddy Rockmeharder...haha
Instructions......(I was tagged by Daddy Rocks Hard™ ) Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I was addicted to slot machines and that fancy feature labeled MAX BET. 2. My children are my center and my purpose. 3. I cry almost everyday, especially if I watch the news. 4. I am awkward in any social setting. 5. I spray perfume on myself after my shower even if I am not going anywhere..because i like how it smells. 6. I enjoy washing dishes and cleaning the house, though I fight doing housework bitterly. 7. I am terrified of the dark, outside. 8. I tend to procrastinate on anything that might make a difference in my life. 9. I no longer remember how
Blame It On The Rain...
Do you ever feel like you don't belong anywhere? That everyone tells you one thing...yet never act on it? Sometimes i just feel so unwanted. Un-needed. Out of sight/out of mind. It's a strange being in a crowded room and feeling so alone. I know part of this feeling today comes from it being day 3 of gloom outside. The dreary weather always fucks with my moods. But another part is definitely my need to be owned...and my complete LACK of ownership! Seeing others happily taken/owned/controlled...collared. And knowing I don't have that. I feel like a stray... begging for scraps. I blame it on the rain.
Blame Seamus
Questions --- (1) Is there someone on ur top friends u would like to have sex with? I think so, I don't remember who's in there anymore (2) Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? Whenever (3) Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? yeah :/ Only once from drinking though (4) Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? you mean people pay for that kinda thing? 8-p (5) Shower or bath while having sex? shower... baths wash away the lubrication and make friction :/ (6) Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? *gigglesn0rtz* Agressive (7) Do you love someone in your friends list? Of course (8) Love or Money? Yes, please (9) Credit cards or cash? Cash, I don't like debt (10) Have you ever wanted a best friend? Yep (11) Camping or a 5 star hotel? Depends (12) Where is the weirdest place you have had sex? bank of the Huron River (13) Would you shave your entire body (including you
Blame Philemon/who Knows
46 ODD Things about Me Less odd, more just random 1) Favorite objects in your room? Pen Collection 2) Have you ever drank tequila? nope 3) Do you own guns?? Nope 4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic?...... Hedgehog (don't have 'em here) 5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No generally 6) What do you think of hot dogs? alright one every few months. 7) Favorite song? changes week to week 8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water 9) Can you do push ups? maybe 1 or 2 10) Can you do a chin up? If i'm lucky 11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? only have two things, wouldn't say either was a favourite. 12) Do you like bleu cheese? nope 13) Ever been in a car wreck? nope 14) What's one trait that you hate about yourself? Low self esteem 15) What is your biggest fear? being alone for the rest of my life. 16) Middle name? Adam? 17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? Bored, bored
You know its funny how things hit you all of a sudden One second your sitting there talking and the next BLAM. Well this really isn’t one of those times. Over the past many months, I’ve been trying to work my way over and through a few a rough spot’s Which hasn’t really been a lot of fun. Oh I’ve had a few good laughs along the way, but for the most part, this whole trying to figure out what has been bugging me, working it out and moving on with it Bullsh*t can kiss my A$$ I know what’s been bugging me . Most important I need to open up more. Be more free with what I’m thinking. And stop worrying what someone else might think if I say what it is I’m really thinking. I’M TIRED OF ALWAYS BEING THE NICE GUY! LMAO The rest will work itself out. I had a very long wild conversation with a friend last night. As we talked I began to relax and open up. I learned a few things from that conversation about me, And more. I felt free.I don’t always have to say the right things. I don
Blame It On Who?
Blame Idaho ♥
"Forever" In the brightest hour of my darkest day I realized what is wrong with me Can't get over you. can't get through to you It's been a helter-skelter romance from the start Take these memories that are Haunting me Of a paper man cut into shreds by his own pair of scissors He'll never forgive her...he'll never forgive her... Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever Sitting by a fire on a lonely night Hanging over from another good time With another girl... little dirty girl You should listen to this story of a life You're my heroine-in this moment I'm lonely fulfilling my darkest dreams All these drugs all these women I'm never forgiven... this broken heart of mine Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever, Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever One last kiss, before I go Dry your tears, it is time to let you go One last kiss (
Blame Craven
for making me giggle at the System of a lego video in a mumm
Blame It
Blame it on the goose Got you feeling loose Blame it on petron Got you in the zone.....
Blameful Love
Blameful Love   God is Love, So why do some say that Love hates us?? Is it because of the impatientness of God's work within out lives? It it because we only want what we think is best for out lives? Is it because we fear Love?? Is it not just the fear of love, but the fear to be in love again,without the one we love hurting us again. Why, Why, Why, do we think love hates us when it may have been possible that love was never ever show to be hated. It was our mistakes of having Lust and Love in our hands, which gives us the rightful or wrongful us of our plans....   Felicia Carol Shepard
Isnt it funny how I get the blame? They get the credit and I get the shame But I guess thats my life The dull side of the knife Others listen, some console But none can refill my empty soul A temporary hole slowly turning Becoming an emptiness constantly burning From upside down to inside out A lifelong rollercoaster of doubt A slow ride thats never-ending With a backbone thats forever bending.
Blame (longest Song I Have Ever Written.)
Find my feelings found you out it's to late you ripped them out. Made me suffer felt the pain how is it that I get blamed? You took from me all I had the love I felt hurt so bad. I can't pretend that it's okay my soul's aflame it burned away. The screams are silent but filled with hate I guess that this is our fate. Find these feelings found you out it's to late they've been ripped out. I'll not suffer all this pain it's your turn now to feel the blame. All your use it fades away my worlds consumed by endless grey. All this hate lets me see red your blood spills out and you are dead. Your pain mounts up it's feeling worse I feel like I am fucking cursed. Yet you can't see the reason why even in your own demise. I'm tired of all the shit demeaning words and getting hit. You mock me saying we need to split well fuck it then this is it. Tear you open with my mind still I can't see you inside. I see why the love has died it was like you never tried. Found the feelings pushed them out it'
Blame ~devilgirl~
RULE 1: You opened this; you GOTTA take itRULE 2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!LAST PERSON YOU....[1] Who was the last person you texted?Emily :][2] You were in the car with?roomate[3] Went to the mall with? Winston[4] Person you talked on the phone with?Emily[5] You messaged/​commented on Fubar?Mel T/F Only answer with True or FalseQ:Kissed some one on your top friends?trueQ: Been searched By Cops?trueQ: Been suspended from school?trueQ: Sat on a roof top?trueQ: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?trueQ: Broken a bone?trueQ: Have shaved your head?falseQ: Played a prank on someone?trueQ: Had/have a gym membership?trueQ: Shot a gun?trueQ: Donated Blood?falseWOULD YOU RATHER:[1] Eat or drink?eat[2] Be serious or be funny?funny[3] Go to the beach or mountains?beach[4] Die in a fire or die getting shot?ShotANSWER TRUTHFULLY:[1] Sun or moon?moon[2] Winter or fall?fall[3] Left or right?left[4] Black and white or colored?W
Blame Van...
  Come on, fill it out for me. Please!     Copy, paste, answer. you know the drill           1. I know who are you, tell me who you want to be. 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Have I ever gone too far? 5. What do you think of me? 6. If I spanked you would you laugh, cry, or just hope that I do it again? 7. Am I a good friend? 8. Do you love me? 9. Do you have a crush on me? 10. Would you kiss me? 11. Would you hug me? 12. Am I your type? 13. Do you think I am smart? 14. Do you wish I was cooler? 15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I? 16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 17. Am I loveable? 18. If you could would you kidnap me and what would you do with me? 19. Describe me in one word. 20. What was your first impression? 21. Was it right? lol??? 22. If you could give me anything what would it be? 23. How well do you know me? 24. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 25. Do you think I could kill someone? 26. Have we ever had sex
Blame It On Boo
What is it that you absolutely need sexually?A man that likes to take charge..but has no problems letting me take charge every once in awhile. What is something you have always wanted to try? It's a secret ;) What is something you have never done in bed before?Probably a lot.What time of day do you like to have sex?Who cares? When I want it..I want it.What do you absolutely need to see to turn you on?His smile and the look in his eyes when he looks at me.How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?Depends on how well he kissesIf someone was in the next room while you had sex would it make you nervous or excited?If they are in the next room, it doesn't bother me.Would it bother you if your bf/gf got naked at a beach or river?No.Have you ever faked an orgasm?lol, yes What Part of your body are you self-conscious about?Every part of itDo you have any sexual regrets?A fewIf a lover cheated on you would you take them back?Probably notHow Important is sex in your life?Hone
Blame Boo And Naked Rocker
(If you are reading this, you should repost it. I'm curious what others will say! ....At the very least, leave me a comment letting me know you saw it!)==================================================================================================What is it that you absolutely need sexually?Someone who's not afraid to explore and talk about what they want. What is something you have always wanted to try?More bondage What is something you have never done in bed before?Probably alot. Some I won't try because it doesn't turn me on What time of day do you like to have sex?Anytime. But really love the middle of the night slow wake up sex What do you absolutely need to see to turn you on?their eyesHow long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?feels like forever. Love love love kissing. Can even get off that way if it's done rightIf someone was in the next room while you had sex would it make you nervous or excited?Doesn't bother me. Would just try to be quiet. And I mean
Blame It On Stacie
You think I'd actually do the sex survey that everyone is tossing about?   PFFFFT!!!!   If you wanna know something...friggen Ask me :p
Blame It On Misfit
Ok, so Misfit has been pointing out something, and therefore I'm changing it, which will change almost everything.   No more white lies from me.  From now on I'm going to be 100% TRUTHFUL. No more sugar-coating the truth, no more begging for boobs I don't wish to see, no more compliments just to make others feel better about themselves. From here on in, it's 100% honesty.   So, if you don't want the HONEST TRUTH, don't ask me anything because I am pulling out all the stops
Blame Me
You know very well that you failed me and that you forgot about your promise.  You know for sure that you deceived me, even when no one can love you as I do.  I have many reasons to despise you, but I wish you well.  Please tell who ever asks you that I never loved you, tell them I cheated and that I was the worst.  Blame me, and with my pain cover your back.
Blame Me
You know very well that you failed me and that you forgot about your promise.  You know for sure that you deceived me, even when no one can love you as I do.  I have many reasons to despise you, but I wish you well.  Please tell who ever asks you that I never loved you, tell them I cheated and that I was the worst.  Blame me, and with my pain cover your back.
The Blame
All the pain, all the the hurt that i see them going through! Its hard to breath when all i feel is soo empty and hollow.. Just please pain go away and leave me here to rot all alone in this forsaken place.. People i have hurt,, how could ii!! All the times i have pushed the good people away! No more smile.. All now that exist in these eyes is hollownness that does not care for life. Lock me in a cage of hell so i cannot see the light again! For i do not deserve it!! Blame me for all the pain!!! Why do i feel so lost now!! was i once filled with hope!! The blame will add on to theses million scars!!! i scream for the pain to just kill me!! i cant take all this regret and blame!! just goo!! i yell.. I have fallen now!! please goooo!!!!!! The blame eats at me like a animal hungry for blood!!1 no smile now now that lives a lost boy that may never find the light again and die with all the hurt and pain and blame of the fallen now. so goo i yell and forget me! but the
Blame Gallo
I was bar-tab stalking and something Gallo said in his reminded me of this joke: A man was loloking for the perfect gift for his wife for Christmas. He wound up in a pet store and saw a parrot with a sign: "Parrot - $150.00 Sings Xmas Carols!" This seemed almost perfect, so he asked about the parrot. The store owner said, "His name is Chet. and yes, he sings Christmas songs. Watch!" He pulled out a lighter, lit it and held it under the parrot's left foot. The parrot moved his foot and started squawking - then began to sing, "Jingle Bells". "That's amazing!" said the man. "Wait!" said the store owner. He relit the lighter and held it under the parrot's right foot. Same reaction, except the song was "Deck the Halls". "I'll take him!" said the man. He got the bird home, and, because it would be hard to hide, he gave it to his wife. She was thrilled! Then he demonstrated the bird's unique trick, and she was doubly excited! She got curious, though, and hel's d it between the birdlegs.
Blame Bush!
A few friends asked Me to blog cause they were bored. Just download Firefox 3.6 and it is just like the old one, except for Me a bit faster and the way the new tabs open up is the same as on flock, where it doesn’t just open at the end, it opens right next to the current open tab… which takes some getting use to.Okay first things first, don’t know how long I will be on, for the first time of the year I lost My glasses…since I usually lose My glasses about four or five times a year I should be used to it.. yea now I see why on birthdays and holidays My damn eye doctor send Me those cards, I keep his ass in business.And other point of this blog, was in mumm about Haiti, which seems to have replace the shitload of Obama Mumms, well a guy in there said "Blame Obama", so I asked is everything Obama fault to you? He replied when people stops blaming Bush for everything, then I will stop blaming Obama. So I asked him to name Me just one person who said it was bush fa
Blame And...forgiveness
  Shakespeare had it right. In ways both big and small, the failure to forgive kills love and murders beauty. An unforgiving attitude makes life far less loving and beautiful than it could be. Move from blame to forgiveness, and here’s how: It is much more satisfying to experience your feelings than to blame them on somebody else. You can move through your feelings–even bad ones–to real connection with yourself and others. And because of this you can learn to: 1. become a good friend and a Kind Father (or mother) to myself; 2. give myself encouragement and support, instead of habitual criticism; 3. pay attention to my feelings and identify what it is that I’m feeling; 4. experience my feelings fully, mourning fully; 5. share my heart experience with others and experience the connection of listening to their experience. Learning to do this will help you become more forgiving. You don’t have to get angry and blame others to escape your feelings–b

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