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i have no idea how my dream last night started. all i know is that James Dean and Elvis Presly were sitting next to each other in lawn chairs, both in the same sailor outfit, fighting over who's dick was bigger. i told them i would decide. they both whipped out their giant floppy donkey weiners and James Dean won the prize. go James!
I have a lot of you out there that just live for comment bombing, well as of this sec. none of it is happening to my pic, wassup with that, come on my friends, boost my ego a little bit here plzzzzz. I know that I ain't the sexiest guy out there, lets overlood that and showme some love by COMMENTING THE HECK OUT OF MY PIC... You will be amply rewarded by my devotion as a friend, like you don't already have that now, right. But really it would be awesome to finally say I won something.
Care64@ Cherrytap
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
This Seriously Made My Day
are you a man? well i guess looking at the woman you have in turkey i can see why you would think every other woman would look like a man NOT! hold up erkan i just need to scratch my balls:)) freak aww he thought i was funny... and guess coming from turkey that makes him some kind of sit down comedian
Updates On My Tara
she did well today until now and it seems her breathing is becoming short and she seems to be gasping at times:( not long now till my lil girl leaves me i suspect
Morph Contest Link Updated
=== 'MORBID PRINCESS~LADY ONYX OF THE UNDERWORLD LDCF~ "WIFE OF GR8GUYOO"' spewed forth the following at '2007-03-31 18:21:25'.. > > >
Sunday April 1st 2007
High Times
1.Rock out to the same song for hours 2.Watch cartoons 3.Eat a box of capt'n crunch 4.Use things you find around the house to make pipes and bongs 5.Start a band 6.Make up a comic book staring you and your stoner friends 7.Try to count to 100000 8.Rock out to the Led Zeppelin box set in a smokey room 9.Make funny faces 10.Eat 10 PB&J's and have some milk (If you like this and you would like to see your ideas on the list just let me know)
Looking And Wondering
so yeah im just sitting here and talkin to some friends in AIM and everything else that i do and im just wondering if there are ne good teenagers on here that i can talk with i mean adults are not....not cool becasue they are i just wanna talk to some teenagers and i dont know where ne are and i cant find them haha so i want some teenagers boys or girls i really dont care to IM me do anything to get a ahold of me and then just talk to me i mean what do you have to lost and im really bored right im down with church but i hav to go back there in a few hours to help set up with some table and chairs for the dinner tonight so im going to be there for a while yeah i guess im done for now ttyl everyone
~juiciest Lips Contest!!~
Stupid People
Hello To My Friends
its been a long time since i been back but i been dealin with some health problems. i managed to make it thru heart attack but looks like they gonna put me back in hospital again to explore a lil bit and see why i havent recoved my energy and why im still having chest pains. i hope all my friends have been doin well and hope you all have a great summer.
Wooooo Hoooooooo Happy Days
Im jumping up and down and doing cartwheels about now! Tomorrow I leave to go pick up my lil boy! Lil man is coming to stay with me for a whole week!! My mind is spinning with ideas of fun stuff we can do while hes here! Hes only 5 so if anyone has any special ideas on stuff that you like to do with your kids, let me know. Im always looking for new fun ideas. Hes a lil ball of fire, so we are going to have to keep really busy! Hope my old bones can keep up with him!! YAAAYYYYYYYYY
House Of Dreams
/" border="0">
How Does One Handle The Bdsm Lifestyle Discreetly From Family And Friends Who Would Not Approve?
I was sitting here thinking about this. I wonder how O/other people keep their BDSM lifestyle seperate from their lives with their family, friends and workplace? I know for me it is often a struggle as a work in an ultra-conservative office and have the happy Christian family. It would be nice to be able to be who W/we are and not have to hide. But society can hardly handle homosexuals and gawd knows that they can't handle U/us... too bad. I'd love to hear your opinions!!!
Another Day
Nothing big, nothing new. Same o same, or same shit different day. Waiting on a call, the one I'm always looking forward to, the one that makes my day. Does this make me lame? Probably. Ugh, typical crushes. -sigh- Listening to Jack off Jill because I can, if you don't like it, bite me! My cat sleeping in my arms, she is to clingy lol, if she was human, she'd be a stalker. My hedgehog is ill, and i don't have the money to take him to the vet...I'm worried. -sigh- (just another sigh for the day). Work is starting to get to me, we lack people and well...the place doesn't seem to be doing anything about it and that my friend is what is getting to me. I'm signing off, but don't think you've heard the last of me. I'm a writer, therefore I'll be back lol.
Cutest Kids Contest
my kids are entered in the cutestkids contest please come vote and rate them i will show the love in return have a great one gothbitch821 just click on the pics above to get to the pics thanks again
Done, At Last!
Okay, so my profile is finally finished... I think. Tell me what you think, people! Now, bear in mind, I haven't had all that much time to dedicate to tweaking this profile, so it's a little rusty, but I think it looks acceptable. Opinions, please? Thanks, Julie
The Insanity.
I find myself in a world of confusion. Basic common sense is not a valued commodity anymore. People do and say things that make no sense or fall into a constant sick cycle of contradictory statements in which they have no explanation on why they do it (even when the contradictions are placed in view for their complete observation). And people say I have issues. ~Angel~
My First Blog
Greetings, this is my first posting here on this site. I am also on Myspace under passeknight. I wonder as I post this who all will read it, if any. On the other, I have posted some really bad poetry and some ideas and such, but only have a limited number of viewings. About 150 so far. So anyway, this posting is a little dark, a bit down. So if you are not into that, please excuse me and have a great day. If you would know, then feel free to read on. I have lived 37 years and in that time I have done more in my life, than many of those far older than I. I have tried to be a good example for people, always trying to keep my spirit up and helping those who have had difficulties. Now I find myself in a situation where I have few to turn to, little resources, and quite a few difficulties. They say that which doesnt kill you makes you stronger. I guess I will either be a very strong fellow when this is done or I will be the one who is done. I asked some friends of mine that I have known
I Will Miss
Hey all my friends...i am moving to a i will not have the net of my own for awhile....i will try and get it back asap...I will miss all of you...and would love to see the comments and love from u missing me....for those of you i have gotten close to my phone number will be the same... Hope to talk to you all again soon
I am still looking for people to join my There are not many rules.... This will NOT be a comment bombing contest, so you don't have to worry about trying to beg for bombs. It will be based on number of votes (ranks). If someone gives you an eight, don't worry, it works in you're favor. They are just giving you another vote. Also, no nsfw, this is a Sweetest SMILE contest, not a hot BODY contest. LOL Guys and Girls can join. Janelle@ CherryTAP
Fair Game
Deaths Present
Walk in the world of the unforgiven. Pull back upon your life. Stop. Hold. Wait. Find what wasnt given. Continue. Move on. Search and review. Lost. Scared. Dark. Youve just lost which was never given.
Why Women Shouldnt Flirt
One good reason not to flirt A couple were invited to a swanky family masked fancy dress Halloween party. The wife got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He, being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed and there was no need for his good time to be spoiled by her not going. So he took his costume and away he went. The wife, after sleeping soundly for about an hour, woke without pain and as it was still early, decided go to the party. As her husband didn't know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. So she joined the party and soon spotted her husband in his costume, cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with every nice "chick" he could and copping a little feel here and a little kiss there. His wife went up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left his new partner hi
ok am new all to this stuff so if i am slow to answer or respond just have patients
What To Do
So it's interesting. I always thought I had a good relationship until today. Come to find out, while I was sleeping with my wife, she slept with a co-worker while I was at work. Granted I work graveyards, but it hit home that my marriage may have been an illusion. I'm not going to throw away my marriage because of this but trying to figure out how to cope with it is eluding my mind. I thought about me going out and doing the same to her but of course that isn't going to make things better. That could make things work and I have too much to lose. I know in my heart that I wanna get past it but it seems like it's going to be somewhat difficult. I told her how I really felt about it and how it hurt me but I wasn't going to give up on us over this one incident. Of course, she attempted to try to cheer me up by saying it was actually horrible but that doesn't change the fact that she slept with him while I was at work. I guess if anyone has any advice that they want to share, I
Redneck From %^&&
Just a little about me. I am a redneck from Idaho who drives truck for a living. I have two true loves of my life. One is 15 years old and the other is 8 years old. Their names are Jamie and Harri. I like to do almost anything doutdoors. My all time favorite past time other than the one that can not be mentioned here is to hunt. I am willing to try just about anything once, twice if I like it. I guess that is pretty much all that needs to be said for now. Will add just about anyone as friend so feel free to write. Dave
Country Girl Stuck In The City
Like I have said before, I may be only one person in this world but I want to be the world to one person. Thats says it all
If I Die Before You Wake
If I Die Before You Wake This soldier video is new and different. It is moving and heartwarming. Enjoy and pass it on to everyone you know! The singer needs a recording contract when he comes home!
Thank You
thank you all the warm know who u r.i look forward to hearing from more of not a super big computer person,but, im would be nice to find someone to help me get familiar with this site & how to use it better ,sooner.Thank U all again
Crazy lil Bitch..@ CherryTAP
My Girlfriend Ginelle Amuri
the girl of my love i love so she the most beautiful girl i have with the loveliest voice she has a body like a goddess i am glad we found each other soon i want me and her to be steady i hope she say yes
I'll Always Love You
to the ones I will always love ..I will give my heaart and soul for you.. my life to protect you.. I pray that God will always watch over you
The Workings Of
not much to say other than that after the last two days if i got hit by a car all i could say would be at least i can rest in this hospital bed for a spell. its been rough, real rough. with only one real person lookign out for me it makes it ok. not great but it makes it ok, livable,withstandable and at moments more than pleasent. with all the hell ive been dragged, pushed and thrown through ive still got hope and a smile and goddamnit a smile makes me feel so rich and so free. Thanks for reading -Collin (Stang Lover)
This Says It All
THIS SAYS IT ALL: Time passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Children grow up. Jobs come and go. Love waxes and wanes. Men don't do what they're supposed to do. Hearts break. Parents die. Colleagues forget favors. Careers end. BUT... Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girl friend is never farther away than >needing her can reach. When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you... or come in and carry you out. Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life! The world wouldn't be the same
T-bone Steak, Yellow Roses And Friendship
Here's to T-bone steaks, yellow roses and friendship. READ THIS!!!! and then reread it. Especially the last part... I walked into the grocery store not particularly interested in buying groceries. I wasn't hungry. The pain of losing my husband of 7 years was still too raw. And this grocery store held so many sweet memories. He often came with me and almost every time he'd pretend to go off and look for something special. I knew what he was up to I'd always spot him walking down the aisle with the three yellow roses in his hands. He knew I loved yellow roses. With a heart filled with grief, I only wanted to buy my few items and leave, but even grocery shopping was different since he had passed on. Shopping for one took time, a little more thought than it had for two. Standing by the meat, I searched for the perfect small steak and remembered how he had loved his steak. Suddenly a woman came beside me. She was blonde, slim and lovely
Time Passes
Time passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Children grow up. Jobs come and go. Love waxes and wanes. Men don't do what they're supposed to do. Hearts break. Parents die. Colleagues forget favors. Careers end. BUT... Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach. When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you... or come in and carry you out. Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life! The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I. When we began this
Redneck Man's Pickup Lines
1) Did you fart? cuz you blew me away. 2) Are yer parents retarded? cuz ya sure are special. 3) My Love fer you is like diarrhea I can't hold it in. 4) Do you have a library card? cuz I'd like to sign you out. 5) Is there a mirror in yer pants? cuz I can see myself in em. 6) If you in I were Squirrels, I'd store my nuts inyer hole. 7) You might not be the best lookin girl here, but beauty's only a light switch away. 8) Man - "Fat Penguin!" Woman - "WHAT?" Man - "I just wanted to say something that would break the ice." 9) I know I'm not no Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make yer bed-rock. 10) I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went inta this cheap motel room. 11) Yer eyes are as blue as window cleaner. 12) If yer gunna regret this in the mornin, we kin sleep til afternoon. and.... the best for last! 13) Yer face reminds me of a wrench, every time I think of it my nuts tighten up.
A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter. "Don't forget your Sisters," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you may have, you are still going to need Sisters. Remember to go places with them now and then do things with them. "Remember that 'Sisters' means ALL the women... your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your other women relatives too. "You'll need other women. Women always do." What a funny piece of advice! the young woman thought. Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a married woman, for goodness sake! A
My First Contest!!!! Please Show Me Some Love.
I am in my first contest and need all my friends and family to help..thank you so much. Just click on my pic and bomb away.
Help Me Win A Blast!!1
My sister losta dear friend Well I am sitting here crying. My dear friend Matt (nick name Dice) passed away. god that sounds like it was old age or something. he died... He was in his early 30's and he died! He had a stroke. What is this world about? His wife was pregnant. It was his first baby. Of all the things Dice wanted to be being a dad was his dream. And it is tearing my heart to shreds... just thinking of the poor baby growing up not ever knowing the father that his dad woulda been. I mean there are dead beat dads out there still roaming the earth... My sons father being one of them But not Dice... He would have been there... for his baby... and now he is gone. WE HAVE A PAGE ON FACEBOOK FOR HIM HIS MOTHER WROTE Linda Sobczak wrote 3 hours ago Matthew is my beloved son, to all who knew him and love him as much as I do, I thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us. You have touch my heart with your kindness. Life can never be the same without him in
Why Tell Lies If You Are Just Jealous....
Well, lets start of by saying that lies get you nowhere.. they just build upon one another... Well My brothers wife decided to start a rumor about my wife. thinking that no one is going to notice, especially us.. She was going around saying that my wife asked her Ex-boyfriend to pay for my sons Birthday party two weekends ago. Well long story short we got wind of it and started calling around to see where it started... and she denied all of it, now that is just wrong for her to do that shit. I never go around starting rumors about her.. But like i said what goes around comes around... Now she is feeling it and saying that my wife called her and screamed at her over the phone... I don't know where this came out from, but my wife and I don't know her number. I kow my wife would never cuss someone out over the phone, she would ask the person face to face.. This just pisses me off to no end... I can only say that she was asking for it and got what she dished out.. THis is my fi
Why Do Women Cry...?
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will." Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" "All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?" God said: "When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without man Mn asked god …..why u have given
I can honestly say that I hate writing. I can never think of anything to say. Anyway hope everyone is doing well take care.
Things To Think About And Reflect...
"20 TRUTHS TO REMEMBER" 1) Faith is the ability not to panic 2) If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray - don't worry 3) As a child of God, prayer is like calling home every day 4) Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape 5) When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still, - so He can untangle the knot 6) Do the math. Count your blessings 7) God wants spiritual fruit. Not religious nuts 8) Dear God: I have a problem - It's ME! 9) Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted 10) Laugh every day; It's like inner jogging 11) The most important things in your home are the people 12) Growing old is inevitable - Growing up is optional 13) There is no key to happiness. The door is always open 14) A grudge is a heavy thing to carry 15) He who dies with the most toys, is still dead! 16) We do not remember days - but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy your precious
I have no Idea what the fuck im doing on cherry tap. I have no idea how to work this site? I just know to add and rate! Any advdice?
What The Hell
Alright, so talk to me people. I'm bored outta my tree, and with my great luck my internet connection is gonna shit the bed soon. So talk to me while I;m still here.
When I was in 11th grade my English teacher asked us to right an symbolic essay, and if we chose to we could share it with the class. I do not remember exactly how I began the essay or anything of that nature. But I do remember that I wrote it about the scars I have. So now I am going to attempt to re-write that essay for you and your enjoyment. This essay is not in anyway gory, it is about how my scars represent me. I was born in May of 1984 with a condition called Cerebral Palsy. I am unable to walk due to the fact that I have severly tight muscles in my lower extremeties. The muscles just have too much tone in them which makes them weak and therefore makes it very difficult for me to stand. Also, as a result of the Cerebral Palsy as I was growing as a child my pelvic bones would pop out of socket and grow straight instead of in socket as they should. Because of this my hips had to be surgically put back into place. This has been done a total of 3 times. Once on both a
Still Here And Still Loved And Still Fighting
Im a strong minded person.. with love from everyone around me that truly knows me ....I will not be knocked down i will not be pushed around ... i was taught better than that from my family and close friends of my family or friends that are older than me and from a great man in my life, and he is a great man because with everything that i have gone through he backs me 100 % and tells me each day that he loves me nad that will make it through whatever we need to make it through ....Im a strong willing person and im a fighter with everything that i do and i will not be knocked down with anything that comes in my way... because my heart is to damm big for all the drama and the haters to even try to cross mine or his road.....Im closein this blog now i just wanted to make my point to everyone that knows me on here and that knows whats going on talk to you all later Mandie
Bunny Poo
Well just discovered this delightful site last night and learing my way round by poking and prodding and clicking on this and that .... hmmm sounds like a true newbie typing there. Been a "net" cruiser smooozer since 1998, actually was a channel operator of a room called HotLiXXX on the Sexnet.... lol would be a BLAST from the past anyone recognizes any of that, back in the good old mIRC chat days. Going thru some deep and traumatic life woe's as do we all when we start growing old (officially). Really determined to party harder play safe more and continue to love love laugh and savour the day. I work nights often all 7 of them, I have a full time job as a security officer and a part time job at a Gournmet internet Cafe`. I do not have a PC at home so make the most of internet this and that and those other things time at work and bless the boss man for allow us that prevlidge or these darn 12 hour stints would really drag and mmm suck too. I have had the same address all of my life, bo
Mchell Sucks!
ok, I had to create another blog since I seem to be bitching about work. Now on to the tale from First off we so freaking busy tonight that we got our asses handed to us!!! Since it was a Sunday our GM decided to screw us always and not schedule enough people, so of course we get a bus. I was in DT as always, but still tried to help out our front counter and grill people. Yes, I know I try to damn Anyways, I had a guy come through and order like 30 bucks worth of food, including 30 nuggets. Now if anyone has ever worked at Micky D's you know that it takes 3 and a half minutes to make nuggets, and you only get 25 to a bag. Needless to say we had to make some so I had to ask the guy to pull forward. He did, but was an ass about it. Excuse me, if you don't want to be parked then come inside..or better in such a big order!!! That is possible you know!!! Ok, anyways, we take his food out to him, and he comes back inside. Evidently he decided
I Ain't Right!
It's been awhile since I logged onto this site. I don't want to get into the boring details of why I haven't logged on in months. Suffice it to say that a technical problem with my Yahoo ID (Gotta love Yahoo, huh?) combined with a ton of developments in my real life, caused me to not have much time, or ability, to access this account. So, to the three people who noticed I wasn't here, I have returned! LOL Some things are risky to discuss when you are still at a stage where people barely know you. It is way too easy, in our society, to give somebody a perception of you that isn't quite accurate, but which ends up sticking anyway. My next statement or two will fall into this category. Hopefully nobody runs away too fast because of what I am about to say! I spent my night, tonight, watching Wrestlemania on PPV. Damn. It's like I could hear dozens of little, imaginary cyber doors, all quietly closing as I said that! The Wrestlemania thing warrants discussion for two reasons
Girls, Photography And Honesty
I last night I went to the Ivy with a friend and we met these two hot blonde girls wearing Dolce Gabbana from head to toe. While I went to the restroom my friend told the girls that I was a world renowed photographer looking for new models to shoot. Oldest trick in the book. But because, I’m such a nice person. These girls believed it. We then went to have a bar to have more drinks I found out what my friend did out after I had spent the night at Cassi’s place. We were all drunk. Now what? I don’t like pretending to be something I’m not. I’m very honest and don’t have the “Player” mentality like my friend has. It seems like everyone was using everyone. Except for me as I wasn’t using anyone as I did not know. I was perturbed when I found out. My friend says he was doing me a favor for helping him out before. Should I even say anything? Then again the girls didn’t ask. Don’t ask don’t tell. I need to figure this one out by Wednesday as I’m seeing Cassie a
Bei Multiply
Why Parents Have Gray Hair
>>A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed >>nicely made up and everything neat and tidy. >> >>Then he saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. It >>was addressed, "Dad". With the worst premonition, he opened the >>envelope and read the letter with trembling hands: >> >>Dear Dad, >> >>It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to >>elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with >>you and Mom. >> >>I've been finding real passion with Joan and she is so nice. I knew >>you would not approve of her because of all her piercings, tattoos, >>her tight motorcycle clothes and because she is so much older than >>I am but it's not only the passion, Dad, she's pregnant. >> >>Joan says that we are going to be very happy. She owns a trailer in >>the woods and has a stack of firewood, enough for the whole winter. >>We share a dream of having many more children. >> >>Joan has opened my eyes
Angels In Waiting By Tammy Cochran
Angels In Waiting VideoAngels In Waiting lyrics - Tammy Cochran lyrics Tammy Cochran Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
Read Sex Test
tazman82277's sexual nickname: "One-Eyed Wonder Worm" Take this quiz at
Sign Guestbook Plz
First Blog 20070402
Upstate NY is dead in the water with jobs, anyone know where in the country there are jobs? IT / computer/ testing are the jobs I'm looking for.
Its All About Me....i Think I've Heard That Before Somewhere
Someone once said: What goes around comes around. Work like you don't need the money. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening. Love like you've never been hurt. Live like it's heaven on earth! I have been called a B*t*h many times, but I call it being misunderstood. LOL, for real! I am just looking for my place in this world and want to surround myself with good ppl while I am searching. I have no patients to be around fake and phoney ppl; they are my biggest pet pev. Also, I am a single mom, and love just watching my son grow and to try to teach him to be a good man. Hanging out with my crazy friends is awsome; they are awsome, and finding trouble before it finds me, that is not called causing trouble, is it? B*T*HDOM When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a B*t*h. When I stand up for those I love, they call me a B*t*h. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way, they call me a B*t*h. Being a B*t*h means I won't c
What Element Are You?
Your Element Is Air You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly. Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful. You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! What's Your Element?
Canadian Bad Ass: Fan Me Rate Me Add Me@ Cherrytap
Hello ladies C.J here from the 604 (Vancouver, B.C.) hope u all had a great weekend and have a fantasic day please drop by and place some words on my page and some help & ideas to pimp out my page would be great and some songs hugs and smiles C.J
Sick And Tired!!!!!!!!!!!
Mi Amor...
My ex wife is my love of my life. Has anyone seen her. Please talk since to her. Her name is Daurice. How do I find her profile?
Just thought I would wright something.
Life Keeps Moving On
Finally I have put the past behind me. Or at least I hope so. Last night I cried myself to sleep and now I want it to be the last time. He left and still hasn't called so all I can think is that he won't. I love him but it is time to move on. I am starting my schooling again and getting my divorce soon. I am finally moveing on. Thank you Ken for showing me how strong I truly am.
Good Frieds
Thoughts And Poetry
~Wishes~ Look up in the night and find the brightest star, star light star bright I wonder who you are? Can you really love me , is it really real? will it be my passion or my heart your out to steal? Kisses in the dark ,the darkness over whelms me questions in the light, so bright its hard to see. my bodies ridin high, on the love your out to give. will you give then take it back ? through this one will I live? I think my wish is this ...and its coming from my heart, for the one I love to love me, without rippin me apart. can't help but wonder now. a promise is a lie? a dream is left to dream and girls are "made" to cry? You make your wish and close your eyes , does that mean it will come true ? will you spend your whole life wishin , while life is passin you.? I hold on tight into the night wishin he wont go. but daylight comes on way to fast for me to ever know and I cant get inside him he wont let me see, I hold on tight to the night but no ones
Hey Everyone
If all you ladys in Sebastian and VeroBeach FL come to a hess in Sebastian Just remmeber the guy in there named Donald is taken and has a little girl and a baby on the way so please stay away.
Sexiest Man On Cherry Tap Contest!!
As I was killing time last night looking through profiles and rating pictures I noticed something that disturbed me. On a page of a 19yr old lady where several grotesque comments by old men, some fat hairy and naked. Come on people. Would you really walk up to a lady on the street and make those kind of comments? Would you do it to someone that is probably younger than your grandaughter? Mind you I understand that some people are seeking encouragement and enjoy to hear how badly you want to do sexual things to them. But to me there is a line even on here and what I saw was gross. By the way if you are reading this and see a comment I may have left for you that gives you the willies like I had yesterday please let me know. I am not here to be a creep. That is all just had to get it off my chest. Predators are predators online or not.
My Girl
Hey hey everyone wuts up? I just wanted everyone to know tht I have a girlfriend now yays! So yeah I am only here for friends but hey thts cool. She goes to my college but we only have one class together ...damn She is here on Cherry Tap.
A Poem I Wrote....
To wake up next to you every morning would be pure bliss, to feel your hand all over my body and your warm sensual kiss. To be able to see you smile and look into your eyes every day, would be like the sun shining brightly and chasing all the clouds away. To be there when you've had a hard day at work, to be able to sooth your body and take away all the hurt. To explore eachothers bodies, and travel to realms never known, instead of picking up the phone and hearing the dial tone. To be with you every day. winter, spring, and fall, to do more then just daydream while looking at your picturs on the wall. This is only the beginning of what I want for me and you, can you make these things a reality or will they never come true?
One Of My Real Family Members
Hey, all my CT family and friends ...Please welcome my real little sister who has joined us on CT!!! bomb the heck out of her...LOL Her name is softly and she is on my family list...Thank you, all in advance....
Out Ot Town
I will be out of town from this wednesday through the rest of the week if you come by my profile send me some luv so I know u cam by
add me. rate me. fan me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............i bet me sister i would level up before..............
Rip Eric Medlen 1973-2007
i want to dedicate this moment to the people who love drag racing and who all knew Eric Medlen yes i know im a week or two behind due to i was at his funeral, Rest in Peace Eric 1973-2007, Eric was a youthful young driver the first movement to John Force Racings developments towards the movement forward the "next generation" id like to let every one know how dangerous the sport of drag racing is and theres nothing that can be done about it. Until someone steps up and takes it up a notch..hopefully...thanks for reading this and hopefully your day will be one like ours as we continue on to move towards a new race but without one who cares for it.
To My Daughter Angela
It is comming up to five years (April 17th) since Angela was murdered. It has been hell, personally dealing with the pain, rage, grief and longing that was forced on me. But I found two poems that I want to share and send up to my daughter with loving thoughts and continued longing. No farewell words were spoken, no time to say good-bye, you were gone before we knew it, and only god knows why. THE BROKEN CHAIN We little knew that morning that god was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.~ It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone; for part of us went with you, the day god called you home.~ You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide; and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.~ Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same; but as god calls us one by one, the chain will link again. R.I.P Angela Joyce Aho 1981-2002
A Bird Who Wants To Fly
Religion is based on a person's need to believe in something. Whether that is nature and the goddesses or God as a three-in-one, everyone needs to feel like they belong. What I learned in Salem today was that maybe there is more to me than what I believe there is. Tab and her mom, Joyce, have really opened my eyes to Paganism. Although they both participate in different aspects of it, they both belong. Today was the first time, that I have ever been ashamed to be a Christian. When we were at the Salem Cemetery, there was a group being given a tour. The tour guide said that Christians accused people of being witches and hung them just for the fun of it. After that, I went over to Abigail Williams' grave, rubbed her name, and said "I'm sorry." She was one of many who were accused of witchcraft because Christian's found it to be a joke. Earlier that day, Joyce, had told me about a ritual that she had performed a while back. The ritual involved burning something of significant
Let's See
i have a few new pics.... so lets see who looks and who doesnt.... yah so what .. i sound like half of cherry tap... pretending not to beg... but thats what it really is isnt it....
If you gonna rate my pics a 1 then dont bother rating it i would never rate anyone like that unless they did mine like that. aint no reason to be haters.
Just A Poem
you done me good yeah baby, you done me well. beautiful lie, that perfection isnt worth my time. tease me, leave me, diseave me, mistreat me, your love is nothing but sleezy. tie me down, or beat me to the ground the choice is on you. what else do i got to lose? no, im not a perfect girl and your not some little boy and to tell you the truth im not your fucking toy. so go on amuse me, carve your smile deep into my veins couldnt put me through anymore pain this.. i'll fade to black. -allyson bocchinfuso you steal this shit i'll hunt you down cunt.
A Mothers Love, Endless!!!
A MOTHERS LOVE, ENDLESS Well the new year is here and our families have gone home to go back to work and some are back to keeping our country free once again. My oldest was home for 2 weeks. He left yesterday and "man I sure hated to see him go" but I know that he needs to get back. He is in the Navy and he had to go to school to learn how to work on the helicopters. While he was here I got him a tatoo just like the one my youngest has in memorie of there opa. I wanted him to go back to Norfolk with it on him he, is so proud of his opa and I am so proud of him and I know that my father is proud of him as well. I was informed by my son that if he gets the chance, he wants to go to Bahran to work on helicopters. I know what he really wants to do is go infintary Army/Navy. I hope that is a thought in his head. He does not need to go, we have had enough of our young men and women killed in action and we don't need any more. I am not just saying that because I don't want him t
Tell Me Something Sweet
hey ~ here bored in fl...needing someone with a sence of humor to hit me up!!!
Hot Or Not
Blah Blah Blah
so what i am insane but i can't do any thing about it accept destroy myself which is really redundant because you can't kill something that's already dead .... so why do i keep making the wrong choices keep putting myself in the wrong places again and again hmmm so i am either really stupid are i have lost my freaking mind either way i guess it doesn't really matter i will just keep going until the end with blinders on maybe i won't even see the wall before i hit it :)
Pantheon I
PANTHEON I`s second album, "The Wanderer an His Shadow", out now through Candlelight Records!
Hotel Room Part 1 And 2
I received an e-mail from you, it read a key will be waiting for you at the front desk. Be there promptly at 4pm. Do not respond to this note! Remember 3 things. do as you are told. your code words. and that you are mine reading those last words.. made me wet... I deleted the note grabbed my overnight bag.. and left. the road through Knoxville, Chattanooga... and finally to Atlanta.. was all a blur... i remember stopping for gas...but my mind was on the night ahead not the road..or... traffic. 3:50pm I found the hotel... there is a parking place right in front, a tighter fit than i would normally take, but,. maybe its an omen... this is fortunate, because i have to pee in the worst way. i grabbed my bag and headed for the reception desk. the man at the desk asks me my name. i give both yours and mine. he winks as he handed me an envelope. room 452 just a key and room number... i half expected a note... shrugging it off.. and suddenly re
New To This Site..but Luv It
remember what it was like to be new and start to know people!!! thats where im to get to know you drop me a line or two thanks
In fitful amnestic slumber consciousness infiltrates. Halogen beams pierce new vision hearkened into the world. Icy cold grips causing howls of resentment. Anguish of peace lost never to be gained. Shunned from acceptance, apathy clenches the soul. To be forgotten by time with crimson ichor, streaming from azure orbs. Never submitting to conformity of mass, walking the brambled path never to be wanted. Mocking laughter peals through the acrid and stunted mindscape. Flashes of fury split the sky, with a torrent of loss pouring from the war torn horizon. Salvation at the end of leather, cowardice trickles down the spine, the love that was never missing warming the night. Drifting in the sea of bones mulling towards the end. Soul of the heart sundered by the superficial trappings of the damned. Again alone, angst and depression huddling together seeking death that will not come. Doomed to be forever alone? Time stands still.
Death's Masquerade.
in death's masquerade. lord death he knows no pain. a bloody obsession. with a love he'll never gain. death dreams. his oblivion in sleep. death wakes. this loveless soul he keeps. he watches over mortal souls. he envies their love and hurt. for all eternity he will be... just a lonely spirit. he watches a mortal. with beautiful perception. and in a fortnight. gained a malaised affliction. apathetic death was now overun. by a feeling he was never to feel. death was created for balance. never to be real. and death wept. for the pain was unbound. for they could never be. in sorrow death drowned.
One For The Guys!
1. Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella. 2. It is OK for a man to cry ONLY under the following circumstances: (a) When a heroic dog dies to save its master. (b) The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning her blouse.> (c) After wrecking your boss's car. (d) When she is using her teeth. 3. Any Man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his buddies. 4. Unless he murdered someone in your family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours. 5. If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever unless you actually marry her. 6. Moaning about the brand of free beer in a buddy's fridge is forbidden. However complain at will if the temperature is unsuitable. 7. No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering your buddy's birthday is strictly optional. At that point, you must celebrate at a strip bar of the birthday boy's choi
lyrics - Rascal Flatts Lyrics
This blog is exactly what it says Disney Wishes! Last September I applied to the Walt Disney College Intern Program, and up until now hadn't heard a word, acctually I had forgotten I even applied, but Friday I recieved a call from the program recruiting office stating that I had been selected to participate and that my entrance interview would be 4/3/07 at 9:30 a.m. ... This is such a foot in the door for me, not only will I be working at the greatest place in the world while I'm attending the internship program, but I will also be attending leadership, career growth, management, and personal growth classes with my professors being only the best, it will also give me the opportunity to network with the leaders of a fortune 500 company!!! Never in my life did I ever think I would have this kind of expierence open to me!!! I am soooooooo excited but terrified at the same time, so Im asking all of you all of my friends to do whatever you feel most comfortable doing, say a prayer, or find
What It Do
what up. first time up on here so i just wanted to say a few things. im bekah 26 single mom of 2. i love to have fun and kickit wit sum cool ass ppl. i cant stand when ppl are fake as hell and make shit up just to have sumthin to say. if u cant find anyting to talk bout. shut ur fuckin mouth and listen. im very outspoken and i cuss like no other but thats just me. im lookin for sum down ass ppl who can always keep shit real no matter what, who like to party but also knows how to serious at times. i dont fuck wit immature ppl cuz i aint got the fuckin time deal wit drama or bullshit. so anyways there a whole lot more to me but u just have to hit me up and halla at me if u wanna know. peace out
The sadness takes me. I wear this smile like a mask. The emptiness behind it A blackness without end I am nothing
Gerald Levert - One Million Times
blinking text
I stand at the end of the bar, in a deep gaze of the wall. Drifting away not sure when i might fall. Just hoping to hold something, hoping for the one. and then you slide into my arms. You stand under me till I come too. As I look down at, your just staring at me. For how long? I will never know. But i don't care cause your there. Your arms wraped around me tight. I can't stop staring into your gorgeous eyes. You smile only hoping to bring one to me. I still can't stop thinking though. Your gorgeous eyes. Your rightous smile. Your gentle touch. I think im going to melt.If only you knew what stired in my head. Its more then just any of that. Its your laugh. Your smile. The way you treat me. All you do is just stare at me.As you gaze at me I can't help it. I want it. No i need it now. So i have to take the chance. In my mind no ones around. The room is empty, the whole fucking town. But everyones watching. Everyones staring. Cause they know whats coming. Yet are you oblivious. A man can
If I
If I If I didn't live tomorrow would u care. If you cared would I have known you cared? Or did you not care enough to let me know you cared. So I died alone when I shouldn't have. If I called you did you ever call me? Did you try to stay in touch? How busy is too busy. If you knew how I felt would you change? But it doesn't matter how I feel when you're what matters. You said it was all in my head. You said I disappeared. You said I exaggerated. But all you did was not believe. Did you try to make a difference? Should I have smoked and had a cell phone for you to care.
Playa Hater... No More!!!
Well wouldn't ya know I was talking to someone that was treating me right and was there for me always... then along came this new person and I decided to let the good guy go... what a fuck up I made... seems that I was being played but ya know what? Ya gotta live, learn, love and laugh... just my thoughts!!! muah... to all my real TRUE friends I LOVE YOU!!! Jennifer
For A Friend...
I have a friend that seems to loss thier way alot. This person is very close to me and I wish I could help them find thier way in life, but it seems I fall short and I know that they need to find the way on thier own to begin with. I talk to them often and tonight...he has slid way backwards and it lost in the thoughts of his own mind. I hope that he finds his way back, for he is a great person but tends to try to hard to figure everything out. I often am tempted to walk away because he hurts and with that it hurts me. Tonight he added drinking to this pain and I hurt for him so badly. I keep telling him to stop thinking about what might have been or he will keep thinking that because life will pass him by and he will always be thinking what might have been. I love my friend alot and I care...but to watch him destroy himself, it kills me and he is so lost. I am not talking about the drinking part but the fact that he will not let himself feel anything at all for those aro
This is my favorite girl julie... add her and leave her love all over
Me And My Finace
Hey all you girls out there who thinks my man is sexy I just wanted to let you know he is my fiance and I am so happy so back off he is mine
I Am A Christan
GOD WANTED ME TO TELL YOU Everything that is going wrong in your life today shall be well with you this year. No matter how much your enemies try this year, "they will not" succeed. You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year For the remaining months of this year (2007), all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance. Today God has confirmed the end of your sufferings sorrows and pains because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down. I knocked at heaven's door this morning, God asked me... My child! What can I do for you? And I said, "Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message"... God smiled and answered... Request granted. If you believe this message, send it to seven persons and the one who sent it to you. By doing this you have succeeded in praying for eight people today.
She Sits And Thinks
She Sits at the computer thinking about how life use to be so simple and the fights use to be rare and over stupid little things. She sits and thinks about how she use to watch the sun set at night. She sits and thinks about how she use to sit and watch the sun rise in the morning. She sits and thinks about how life was so enjoyable and how life use to be so grand. She sits and thinks about how life use to be so simple and have a lot less worries. She sits and thinks about why she is thinking about all these things. While she is Thinkings about all the Beautiful scenery that she use to enjoy she wonders how did life get so complicated? She sits and thinks about all the People that have come in and out of her life and wonders what each one's purpose was in her life. She sits and thinks about all that she's gone through and how far she has come. All the while wondering where she is going, and where will she end up. Is it possible for her
Today's Cherry Spotlight Bidding & Happy Hour
When I first joined a few months ago the Today's Cherry Spotlight bid was being won for 400,000 Cherry bucks and sometimes up to 500,000. It has gotten to be such a bidding war now that it has been over a million Cherry bucks, which makes it so far out of reach for most others on here. I have an idea that will bring it back down and make it more available for others. DO NOT bid over 300,000 bucks for it. If everyone that is going to bid on it does that for a few days, a few weeks, then it will bring it back down to where other people may get a chance to bid on it. Also if we were to BULLETIN and BLOG and petition for the happy hour to be lowered to 25 or 30 dollars, alot more people could afford to do it and alot more people would do it and CT would make more money from the increased sponsors. Please repost it for me, this bulletin, if you don't mind.
Know It Was Meant To Be
She cries but no one hears here. She cries but no one sees the tears. She has many secrets that only she knows about. She may have some she don't know about yet. She screams and no one hears here. She is nice to all that deserve it. She takes revenge on those that don't. She lives in a peaceful world during the day. But as night falls she remembers just how dark her world is. She never likes to stay in one place to long. She is always on the prowl. She is always looking and lurking. She always holds here enemies closer than here friends. She wonders if friends are really real. She often wonders what family is for. So it seems they only want one thing when they come around. Many people don't understand her, for the simple fact they don't take the time to get to know her. She walks on the outside looking in. Wondering or not if she wants to join in. She holds her dreams close to her heart. She is of
Have You Ever Just Sat And Thought.....
Have you ever just sat and thought about the people you hate? Sometimes the people that we hate are the people we end up getting close to. Sometimes they can be our best friend Sometimes we don't see eye to eye But who does We are all special in our own unique way But sometimes if we look at the people we hate or dislike We just might find out that there not that different at all Sometimes the people that we hate or dislike turn out to be just like us and when we look at them we see the things that we have to change about us and sometimes we see things in them that we have already change Sometimes there may be nothing there at all But I am sure if we took the time to sit and look and think about it We would find something. I have become friends with some of the people I have hated or disliked and in some ways they have helped me grow and in others ways I have helped them grow But either way it boils do
Friday March 23rd - 5PM DOORS" target="_blank">Q's Grill & Sports Bar 111 South Center Street Thomaston, GA 30286 (706) 647-2736 AGES 18+ [$12 ADV | $15 DOS | + $3 UNDER 21]" target="_blank"> _________________________ Saturday, March 24th - 10PM DOORS" target="_blank">SoHo Bar & Grill 5751 Milgen Rd Columbus, GA 31907 (706) 568-3316 21+ $20 at the Door _________________________ Thursday, March 29th - 8PM DOORS" target="_blank">Malone's 315 West River St. Savannah, GA 31401 (912) 238-8813 21+ $12 ADV | $15 DOS Tickets at Malone's _________________________ Apr 19 2007 - Ziggy's - Winston-Salem, NC Apr 20 2007 - Front Street Music Hall - Wilmington, NC Apr 25 2007 - Headliners - Columbia, SC Apr 26 2007 - Handlebar - Greenville, SC Apr 27 2007 - Whiskey - River Macon, GA Apr 28 2007 - Amos So
She Was Only 5
She was only five This is what happened When she was alive... Her dad was a drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in an attic Her only friend was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one's around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents unlock the door Some more and more pain She'll have to endure A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why would she be In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear And softly cries She loves her parents But they want her to die She sits in the corner Quiet but thinking, "Please God, why is My life always sinking? " Such a bad life For a sad little kid She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high And the poor child was beaten As hours went by Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrusted the blade Right in her chest, "You deserve to die You worthless pest!" T
What It Do
Why is this site addicting? I havent fucked with myspace in 2 weeks now! Hahaha. The peeps on here are chill as can be. And those fuckin cherrypoints- you can never have enough. Hit me up fuckers. I'm around in the early AM-send me a shout
Oh ! How My Heart Cries
You were a beautiful girl, you had the world going for you, you were smart, sweet, innocent, and you knew how to carry yourself. Hell, you even gave me advise a time or two. You have had your bad days, and you have had your good days. And through it all I have loved you and never stopped loving you. I have been there for you and still am here for you. There's day's I sit and wonder where you are and how oh how I wish I knew where you were. I got a letter the other day and it tore my heart to pieces. You just became a mom, you had a job and you were going to school and you had been clean for so long I was proud of you. And you came a really long way. Then You made a shockinly unexpected turn and lost everything. I know you loved her, I know you cared for her and you still do I know Because a mother's love is an everlasting love. We can't help but wonder how our children are doing and where there at. Oh, how I wish I knew where you were at. You let the drug dieseas come back in
A Poem I Wrote
I have drugs down my throat, and cuts on my wrists, The is so dark, in the corner I sit. All my friends are gone, as I cry a black tear, I soon start to wonder, why I am here. Is it for the torture? or all the pain? I can't find the answer, to keep my sane. I'm lost forever, in my scary life, It can't get any worse, since I play my life like 2 dice. I walk into my kitchen, I see the silver knife, The shiny blade stabs through me, And it ends my life.
Funny But An Odd Joke
Little Johnny comes home one day and says, "Mom! Little Mark next door has a penis like a peanut!" "What do you mean, Johnny? Is it shaped like a peanut?" "No," says Johnny. "It's salty."
Rainy Day
Hello everyone thank you for making me feel welcome here especially my sis guilty and Goof in Texas. This place ROCKS MY SOCKS:)
So Long England
Well for many of my friends on here you know that I currently live in England. But in 3 months time I will pack up my house and will be leaving the UK forever. We are States bound. We have lived in England for 4 years. I have had tons of fun and made many great lasting friendships but I am so ready to get back to the States. In the 4 years that I have been here I haven't been home once and so I'm a little homesick. I know some of you who are friends of mine may have wondered why I haven't been on here in so long...alot of it has to do with trying to get organized before the big move. Sorry if I have neglected anyone. I hope that all is well with everyone. Well I need to close this I have more sorting to do. Take care.
Easter Stories
THIS IS WORTH EVERY MINUTE IT TAKES TO READ IT. TRUST ME!! Happy Easter! Edith Burns was a wonderful Christian who lived in San Antonio, Texas She was the patient of a doctor by the name of Will Phillips. Dr. Phillips was a gentle doctor who saw patients as people. His favorite patient was Edith Burns One morning he went to his office with a heavy heart and it was because of Edith Burns When he walked into that waiting room, there sat Edith with her big black Bible in her lap earnestly talking to a young mother sitting beside her. Edith Burns had a habit of introducing herself in this way: "Hello, my name is Edith Burns. Do you believe in Easter?" Then she would explain the meaning of Easter, and many times people would be saved. Dr. Phillips walked into that office and there he saw the head nurse, Beverly. Beverly had first met Edith when she was taking her blood pressure. Edith began by saying,"My name is Edith Burns. Do you believe in Easter?"

Its been a 1 1/2 years since my mom died infront of me.
Biker's Alphabet
I came home from work one bright, sunny day, And looked out the window, saw the rugrats at play. I glanced at the table, upon which a book, Lay open. I grabbed it and gave it a look. The bright colored pictures, my son had, you could tell, Looked at it, and wondered, in his way, what the hell, Are all these strange symbols and letters about? This is not like the magazines my old man leaves out. I looked at it closely and it went down the list. "A is for apples", the other letters like this. I started to thinking about the best chuckle yet. It's time to write down The Biker's Alphabet. A is for Assholes, you dodge on the street. B is for Bitches, they're looking so sweet. C is for Chrome, the Biker's sunshine of life. D is for Dancers, your M/C bro's wife. E is for Evo, the new special breed. F is for Fatboy, built low for great speed. G is for Glide, Wide, Electra and Dyna. H is for Harley, that hot steel vagina. I is for Iso, the pegs for your scoot. J is fo
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past ~ stop planning the future ~ stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel ~ stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel ~Sometimes we just have to go with…… “Whatever happens – happens”
Yeah,I'm a stripper.I get paid to shake my ass and get drunk and I'm damn good to.I support my family do this.So,anyone that has a problem with this GET OVER IT!!If you had the money you would pay me to shake my ass for you too> LATER
What is it with people giving me a low rating? Don't rate me if its not a 10. I don't go to others' pages and do that.
I'm Trying For A Week Blast In A Giveaway
i need 12000 comments to win a week blast who can help me? here is the link..
Just Curious
Recently I have two photos ripped without permission. Appearantely Cherrytap does not want you know who did it. Atleast it is not being displayed on my profile. How many others think photos should not be able to be ripped without your permission and authorization. I also think if you go to someone's profile to rate them below a 10 your ID should also be displayed that way you can no longer hide your identity and the fact you are a mean person. I personally do not feel i derserve a 10 everyone stops by and neither does anyone else but we do because we are nice!!!!!! Chris
A Slave For Her Lover
A Slave for Her Lover ( part 1) Current mood: In Love A Slave for Her Lover Part one He walked into her life unexpectantly and stole her heart . She hadn't been looking for a man but here he was all dressed up and hitting on her . She told herself that she would not fall for him but what the hell a few nights of using him for sex wouldn't hurt . As the night went on they danced and he kept buying her drinks and she was feeling very tipsey . He made the suggestion that they go back to his place and continue the party there . They left and since she was in no condition to drive they decided that she would ride with him and come back tomorrow to get her car . He pulled into his driveway about 30 minutes later and pulled her close to him and kissed her . The kiss turned very passionate fast, with light biting of her lips and neck . He opens his glove box and extracts a blindfold and places it over her eyes and she gasps in surprise . He gets out of the car and goes arou
I'm trying ou this CherryTap thing for the amounts of email invites I've been given by so many friends. So here's my profile. Love it or Hate it. Im a 25 yr old college grad who stays home with her 3 beautiful babies. I have a boyfriend that has been there for me through thick and thin and I wouldn't trade him or the world!
Seeing Is Beleiving
Seeing it all is so very true things that come and things that go. I have a strong mind nad a stond faith that no matter what happens all good things come to those who wait ....I know ill will get mine and i have faith that i will have my rights and my mind spoken freely and for all to see that im one female not to be messed with when it comes to my family and loved ones I want to thank My boyfriend, Chrissy, Misty, Zakk, my cousin chrissy, my mom and the rest famly that stands behind me with everything that is going on The stars are my eyes and the love is the moon that circles our love...With thought and care all comes to faith that two people loveing each other through the thick and the thin and upholding everyone and everything that come in our path. We fight back with all we have we make it shown that we dont give a dammm with love and a bond like no other we know that we love each other.... Thank u Hun for being there for me through out the yrs and beyond i love u more ea
I consider myself very lucky to have such a wonderful family. To me, family is one of the most precious things anyone can have. When things are rough and I need a shoulder to cry on, all I have to do is pick up the phone. My family is so close. There was once a time in my life that I felt completely alone. After a while, my family began to grow. Today, I am very proud of the family I have. Several sisters, nieces, nephews, etc..... The list goes on and on. It's people like these that make me happy to be alive. My children are my blessings. I wish everyone on earth could have a family like mine. To all the families out there that are like mine, absolutely wonderful in every way, you are all making someone's life a little better, someone's day a little sweeter and someone's future a little brighter. Stop and think about your family..tell them how great they are, and how lucky you are to have them. Someday, you might not get the chance to say everything you want to. So, pick up a phone or
new pics
Jaz 3 Words
Some of the most significant messages people deliver to one another Often come in just three words. When spoken or conveyed, those Statements have the power to forge new friendships, deepen old ones And restore relationships that have cooled. The following three word phrases can enrich every relationship: I'LL BE THERE - Being there for another person is the greatest gift We can give. When we are truly present for other people, important Things happen to them and to us. We are renewed in love and Friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. 'Being There is at the very, very core of civility. I MISS YOU - Perhaps more marriages could be salvaged and Strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other, "I Miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, Needed, desired and loved. I RESPECT YOU - Respect is another way of showing love. Respect Conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. It is a Powerful way to af
Massage Oils check it out
Digital Blonde
on a boardwalk close by, there was a beautiful blonde woman cogitating about her ideal man. She was reviewing the digital pics she had taken along the beach with her arms propped up against the wooden railing on the fishing side of the boardwalk. A tall, unassuming sort of man was jogging out towards the fishing side of the boardwalk, admiring the beauty of the sunny day, the gulls flying about, the scent of fish bait and captured fish as the fishing poles standing in formation waited for more. The American flag on his T-shirt broadcast his love for America. An unexpected seagull swooped out of nowhere and harrassed the blonde woman's golden locks, and without thinking the woman swatted at the mean gull. Her digital camera launched itself from her grip and was headed for a tumble on the unforgiving pier. The patriotic jogger was always keenly aware of his surroundings when jogging. Every little bird that was in flight, or person milling about was recorded in his mind's eye. Ju
Graphics And Morph Pics
i see a lot of really good graphic pics and moph pics on here and would love for anyone that would be willing to make me some to do so :-) Muahhh much love hoovergirl
Shit happens when you sail naked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very new to cherry tap and can't quite get the hang of will take me awhile to orient myself to this layout...have been a myspace brat for a long time and just got talked into cherry please be patient and kind and if I don't respond its not because I don't want to, I just haven't figured it out yet...lmao....Anyway I'll tell you something about myself....I am a female who plays a five string bass in a band named duba. You can learn more about us by going to I love to play and enjoy going to open jams and enjoy singing. It was only natural for me to pick up a bass and be able to sing and play at the same time....I'm not fancy but I can cut some bass rifs every now and then. I'm told that I'm a natural vocalist and have perfect pitch on every note I sing. I'm not musically trained, just picked up and started one day. I am married to the lead guitarist in the band and although enjoy compliments and such, please remember I am married and I do take
I'm Sorry....
i'm sorry that i wasted all those years of your time I'm sorry that I've hurt most everyone that i hold dear. Im sorry that people have ended up hating me. I thought i was alienated before i called everyone cunts but i guess i wasnt. i was just hurt cause so much has changed. Every single one of my friends that ive known for like forever ive grown apart from. i barely speak at all anymore. most of the time i lounge around in bed till its time to fall asleep? do i need to say im sorry, do i need to beg for forgiveness? well probably not i dont really deserve the forgiveness. with the easter holiday coming up it makes me think what could have been and wonder what if i chose the other path? would i still have friends that didnt mind saying a word or two instead of having no friends just ex-friends lashing out at me for stuff ive said over the last few months. sure i said some cruel things but im only human, it just seemed pretty damn funny to me that after i got back from my trip to meet
My Birthday!!!
Hey all my 20th Birthday is coming up on Saturday. I'm not too excited but a little. Also my 2nd Wedding Anniversary is coming up on the 10th of April...Yay!
Some Guys On Ct!!
Hello Ladies! I've been on here for almost 6 months now and on Myspace for over 2 1/2 yrs. Between the two, I have about 400+ friends. I keep in pretty close contact with everyone on my list and only add those that do have some type of interest in being a friend of mine. I have a ton of bands on there, whom I may have dealt with, in my television days. I am very picky about who I add nowadays... In speaking with some of you beautiful ladies, I keep hearing a re-occuring theme. And that is that most of the guys on here are pigs and treat some of you disrespectfully...I find that very hard to swallow. I guess my mom raised me right. Being a gentlemen makes it hard for me to treat anyone like that. Its just human nature for me. I hear some of these guys stalk you and bug the crap out of you till you decide to either block or report them. I wish I could tell you why guys act like this. Its black hole mystery to me too. I cant believe how impatient some of these dickheads are. If the
Fem, Amputees And Shemale
Birgit 28 f interesteto talk with female, withamputees, wheelchairladys and shemale. These are my turn ons
Things I Hate
I am having some issues trying to upload pics to my photo albums from websites. Anyone able to help me? Any and all help is appreciated!
Hot Or Cool
My result for Are You Hot or Cool? (For Girls) is You are HOTYou are simmering, pal! People can feel your sultriness even after you have left the scene. Being hot includes being a crowd-puller, and you have loads of charisma to do that. You are surely popular because you are HOT! Keep it that way, friend.Are You Hot or Cool? (For Girls) created by QuizCat.Com - Quizzes, Surveys, Tests, Trivias
Passion Parties
If you would like to attend or host a girls only passion party contact me!!!! check out my website
So life has been really crazy here lately. Well, more like the last year or so. Last year I left the man that I had been with for the better part of two years. Honestly it was the best thing for me. Because if I hadn't I would either be dead, still out there twacked off my ass, or in trouble with the law. Yeah I matured a lot while in that relationship, but by the time I got out of it, I was nothing. (I mean that litterally) He had beat me, talked to me like I was the lowest piece of shit in the world. But today, with the help of a few select people that helpped me up, I am not that person anymore. I am no longer one who sits back and lets someone treat them like shit, and walk all over them...No I have the courage, and everything else to stand up for myself once more. The one person that has helped me the most is now the love of my life. I will go back to that later... You see when I left the asshole I wasn't really looking for a relationship. I hung out with a friend of mine, after i
How Can You Forget An Angel?
Most of you on here do not know me, nor will you ever really get to know me. Most of you will not even read this, you will just click on the link, rate it to get your stupid points, and go back to what you were doing. That's ok tho, this is not for you, it is for me. For those of you that read on, this is a little slice of my fucked up life. Today was one of the worst days I have ever had, and it makes me very sad. Today I realized... was actually reminded... that for the last 6 days, I have been so selfish, that I forgot my Angel. A couple of months ago, I made one of, if not the biggest mistakes of my life, by not telling a good friend how I truly felt about her. I feel that I let her down, and she ended up getting hurt very badly by another guy. She has told me many times that I am not to blame for her getting hurt, but I just don't see it that way. I am slowly pulling myself out of the fog of guilt that I feel for letting her get hurt, but for the last month or so, I have
Wanna Remix?
I have SO much more respect for her now. This shit is great! Let's try this again....
If I Could Go Back
I love my son to the fullest and i would never trade him for the world,but i just wish it wasnt with the crazy woman the i made the mistake of gettin with.Whenever she hears ive moved on with my life which has been oh about 7 years now she starts trippin!!I dont believe in ever puttin my hands on a woman but if i ever did she would get the VIP pass.She cant hurt me any other way and i refuse to argue in front of jaylan,so i just ignore it and bounce out.Ok now that ive had my Dr PHIL time im all to the good.
The Dante's Inferno Test Has Banished You To The Seventh Level Of Hell!here Is How You Matched Up Against All The Levels:levelscorepurgatory (repe
You have a sexual IQ of 157 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
My First Blog
[URL=''][IMG]'.'[/IMG][/URL] Layout Graphics Comment Image Source Cute Images Hot New Graphics Codes [URL=''][IMG]'.'[/IMG][/URL]
Answers To Questions We May Have Asked...
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
Well here is my first blog. A short and sweet one at that! It is so funny how people on Pal put forth effort to be concerned on your wearabouts! When in turn, laughing under thier breath, stab you in the back! To anyone who claims to be concerned and copy and pastes whispers are assholes and a waste of my time! Claiming that nothing is going on with someone that you are talking about is bullshit! Just realize that you are the next victim! Being told who you can talk to or be associated with! Talk to them on the phone and see that they are not who they say they are. Being told that you should be ashamed with yourself when you have no idea what that means. Making you feel bad for something that really has no meaning is a power trip! This person has a power trip that makes one feel they have to say sorry to them for thier cowardness of blowing you off!! This person has done this to many on pal and just moves down the line. Gets what they want and makes you feel ashamed for what
Curiosity Killed The ....
Do hot girls ever really go for the geek? Seriously, the hotties here on CT usually have pictures of guys with muscled muscles and lots of other babes trying to get thier attention. It seems to me that a real beauty would want to find a guy who is more than a walking testicle. Hormones are nice, but they dont pay the bills, they dont come home at night, and they dont keep it in their pants when the other hotties are around. So do hot chicks really ever go for the nice guy? Cmon, I want testimony form you hot chicks (you know who you are). I want to hear from the guys/geeks who landed the hottie, and how you did it. I want to know why, so I can hang myself from it later...
Sex Quiz
You have a sexual IQ of 146 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
A guy goes to see his Doctor, because he's been a little too, well endowed, shall we say. In fact. It's 25 inches long. Can't get any woman to have sex with him. No men either, one would think. Anyway, the Doctor says there is nothing that he can do medically, but sends him to see a witch that he thinks may be able to help. Witch takes a look at the problem (YIKES!) and tells him to go to a particular pond, deep in the forest, and talk to a frog that lives there. "Ask the frog to marry you and each time the frog says no, you'll be 5 inches shorter." Worth a try he thinks, and off he dashes into the forest, as anyone in this sort of joke would. Finds the pond and sees the frog on the other side, sitting on a log. "Will you marry me?" he calls to the frog. Frog looks at him, disinterested at best, and calls back, "No." Guy looks down, and sure enough, he's 5 inches shorter. Hey, this is great, he thinks-- let's try this again. "Will you marry me?" he asked the
Hey one and all if you want to talk lets talk looking to meet new people any time
~*~ I Can See Your Pain ~*~
I still see your face in my dreams It hurts and it doesn't help at all I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems I want you to catch me when I fall I still remember the first time we met There was something so different about you Your friendship was something I wanted to get That smile when you said hi to me was so new Out of no where you called me on the phone I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever You were so new, so crazy and unknown I just knew that our friendship would never sever Two years and we are barely holding it together What happened to the way this all used to be I never wanted you out of my like ever I sat there for a long time pretending not to see We decided to go out and make it all all right It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't We couldn't even really stand each others sight It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't I miss you and everything you were to me Ten years from now we will look back on it
Another Joke
A blonde calls her friend up and says "Hey my neighbor has a penis like a peanut" the friend says "you mean it's small?" blonde says "No, it's salty"
Whats Your Letter
According to studies, the first letter of your first name reveals your sexual identity ... What do you think? Repost this with the letter of your first name. -A- You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested inaction. You mean business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and can't be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure,and subtly enticing. You are an up front person. When it comes to sex, its action that counts not obscure hints.Your mate's physical attractiveness is important to you. You find the chase and challenge of the "hunt" invigorating. You are passionate and sexual as well as being much more adventurous than you appear; however, you do not go around advertising these qualities. Your physical needs are your primary concern. -B- You give off vibes of lazy sensuality. You enjoy being romanced, wined, and dined. You are very ha ppy to receive gifts as an ___expression of the affection of your lo
"After The Love Has Gone" Earth Wind n Fire Lyrics Here we are, we're perfect strangers After all this time there's no more you and I But don't look for blame We've come so far to different places And now try to live a lie would be a crime It's better this way And we may not have tomorrow But there's always yesterday After the love has gone Only fools carry on We've been hurting for so long And we both know that it's wrong After the love has gone Then we just don't belong We both know that it's wrong After the love has gone It's clear this far, nothing to say now We sang alone and tried so hard to play the game It all ends the same Just words no more to fill these spaces When love is gone it's only wrong to try again I know it's a shame That we may not have tomorrow But there's always yesterday After the love has gone Only fools carry on We've been hurting for so long And we both know that it's wrong After the love has gone Then we just don't
Just a sitting here chatting in my shout box as i can't sleep ... So seeing i couldn' decided to just diddle daddle in here but my comp doesn't seeem to want to cooperate it lagging and stopping me maybe its trying to tell me to go to bed lol oh well, so I guess maybe i best go lol gotta reboot now anyway cause of update lol
My Tickle Test Results
The Destiny you match most closely is Advisor At your core, you're meant to be an Advisor. You are 83% in line with the Advisor role. This indicates that you are a quiet and reserved person who loves to help others achieve their potential through interpersonal connections. Others value you for your wisdom, integrity, and sound advice, as well as your genuine concern for people's welfare. You are a thoughtful person, trust your gut feeling about things, and have extremely acute intuition. You are somewhat of a poet in your way of thinking, finding beauty and meaning in simple things. Because of your sensitivity and soft-spoken ways, you may experience mood swings and the inability to get out of bad situations from time to time. Just be aware of that and you will get stuck in fewer unsatisfying ruts. As an Advisor, you are in good company with Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, and Mother Theresa. Just as their destinies have a deep effect on their life paths, your destiny
Fuck You Tom...
Ou man.. I haven't posted a fking blog in months, or whatever, it hangs on me for 1/2 hour and nothing, aa.. I post a bulletin and because maybe, because... I'm cussing out Myspace and bagging on them and mentioning another site in my bulleting of CherryTap.Com for the more mature audience and that it took me 3 days to figure how to browse the freaking site.. (thanks Jill for the invite) what do I get.. MySpace send me a message that my account is 'Phised" yea my ass and forces me to change password, no longer post blog, bulleting whatever! Fuck you Tom.. and by the way.. I just took your MOM off my TOP 8.. so there.. and deleted your ass.. Your grandma can make her cross out of my skis...
I so cannot stand people who start shit to cause drama and be center of attention. All I have to say to you people who live off drama..... grow the hell up and get a life already!!!!! PS.... LEAVE YOUR BULLSHIT AT THE DOOR! KARAM......WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!
I A,m Wasted. Sat Near Nicole Richie
So I just got in from a fantastic dinner with Brittany and friends at Mr Chow's in Beverly Hills. I drank so much and ate very little. I wanna chat but as usual nobody is on CT. The Paparrazzi were all over outside. Got to sit near Nicole Richie. Going back tomorrow and we have the rock star table this time. :) will bring my camera
Something Strange
WARNING!!! The following words, in the order they are set may cause you think in a way you have never done before which, in turn, may lead your brain to start leaking out of your ears. Do not read this if you are easily confused. Before the beginning. Before (Not the beginning) Before the beginning was nothing and inside this lack of anything was nothing where didn’t dwell the less than slight nothing. During this lack of time nothing never came forward and couldn’t say anything to nothing. This translated into English would be, “I’m bored.” Nothing didn’t reply, “So am I, let’s do something” Ironically meaning just that. This was the non-happening-pre-beginning before the beginning began and thus the universe happened, or more aptly, began to happen and then carried on for some time. “What just happened?” Didn’t say nothing. “I don’t know, something I think.” Didn’t reply nothing. “Do we belong here?” Nothing would have asked had noth
In The News
Visit cB_sTuD's website Zimbabwe’s opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai called on Monday on South African President Thabo Mbeki to move rapidly to defuse the escalating political crisis across his northern border. “It is critical that President Mbeki act quickly and decisively to halt the suffering of millions of Zimbabweans,” Tsvangirai told journalists. “There is no time to waste,” Tsvangirai added during a visit to Johannesburg, South Africa, for medical treatment. The Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) decision to appoint President Thabo Mbeki as mediator in Zimbabwe was both lauded and ridiculed on Friday. “The Inkatha Freedom Party welcomes SADC’s decision to call on President Thabo Mbeki to lead efforts to promote discussions between rival political parties in Zimbabwe,” IFP spokesperson Ben Skosana said in a statement.The party had recently called for an honest broker, such as Mbeki, to organise all relevant factions in Zimbabwe to star
About Me
hey whats up everyone ive been workin on my stash puttin some comedy and music videos in there if you have a min and want to check them out and rate them ill return the favor
Baptized By Fire....with Funny Money!!!!
You're An Extreme Redneck When.....
1. You let your 14-year-old daughter smoke at the dinner table in front of her kids. 2. The Blue Book value of your truck goes up and down depending on how much gas is in it. 3. You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws. 4. You think a woman who is "out of your league" bowls on a different night. 5. You wonder how service stations keep their rest-rooms so clean. 6. Someone in your family died right after saying, "Hey, guys, watch this." 7. You think Dom Perignon is a Mafia leader. 8. Your wife's hairdo was once ruined by a ceiling fan. 9. Your junior prom offered day care. 10. You think the last words of the "Star-spangled Banner" are "Gentlemen, start your engines." 11. You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels. 12. The Halloween pumpkin on your porch has more teeth than your spouse. 13. Yo
Need Someone
A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the 4 pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy. "Mister," he said, "I want to buy 'one of your puppies." "Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "These puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money." The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look! ?" "Sure," said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle. "Here, Dolly!" he called. Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence
Grandma's Boyfriend
A 5-year-old boy went to visit his grandmother one day. Playing with his toys in her bedroom while grandma was dusting, He looked up and said,"Grandma, how come you don't have a Boyfriend now that Grandpa went to heaven?" Grandma replied,"Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The religious programs make me feel good and the comedies make me laugh. I'm happy with my TV as my boyfriend." Grandma turned on the TV, and the reception was terrible. She started adjusting the knobs, trying to get the picture in focus. Frustrated, she started hitting the backside of the TV hoping to fix the problem. The little boy heard the doorbell ring, so he hurried to open the door. There stood Grandma's minister. The minister said, "Hello, son, is your Grandma home?" The little boy replied, "Yep , she's in the bedroom bangin' her boyfriend." The minister fainted.
Why We Ride
There is cold, and there is cold on a motorcycle. Cold on a motorcycle is like being beaten with cold hammers while being kicked with cold boots, a bone bruising cold. The wind's big hands squeeze the heat out of my body and whisk it away; caught in a cold October rain, the drops don't even feel like water. They feel like shards of bone fallen from the skies of Hell to pock my face. I expect to arrive with my cheeks and forehead streaked with blood, but that's just an illusion, just the misery of nerves not designed for highway speeds. Despite this, it's hard to give up my motorcycle in the fall and I rush to get it on the road again in the spring; lapses of sanity like this are common among motorcyclists. When you let a motorcycle into your life you're changed forever. The letters "MC" are stamped on your driver's license right next to your sex and height as if "motorcycle" was just another of your physical characteristics, or maybe a mental condition. But when warm we
Guess our national leaders didn't expect this, hmm? On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness. The following is a portion of the transcript: "Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, a
Someone Torched Our House
someone lit our house on fire on sat. I know this is a long shot but if anyone out there knows who did this please PLEASE let me know or contact the police department at 814-781-1315
i used to think i was all alone in this world never thought there was other people out there like me. i have had some pretty shitty things happen to me in life that a shrink says caused all this depression on me. when i was just 8 i was molested for three yrs by someone i looked up to i had to live in the same house with her and try to keep my mouth sealed shut never letting anyone know after all it was my burden to carry right? im 30 yrs old now and i still cant stand to be in the same room with her i have tried forgiving her and i know now that she was/is sick and could not help it. a part of me forgives but i will never forget. when i was 14 i met my soul mate. he raped me on oct 11 1991 and i conceived larissa out of this again i hated him but i loved him. i forgave him and let him back into our lives i thought he changed and when i had my son (not by him) he called him daddy. i then got pregnant with lacey (yes his) he stayed around for 5 more yrs and left saying he needed a
imposible is nothing ..............
Sexy Milfs
I just wanted to say if you haven't already then you need to check this sexy mommy out.Kiwistarr!! She is an amazing woman and she took almost all the pics on this site but one i think. She is to die for. Show her some love!
Hey Everyone I was just letting you know that im moving into my own apartment and im totally excited! So I wont be on the computer as much tell I get my own computer! Anyways I might shut this account done! And If I do im on so you could add me there because im keeping that account know matter what! Its Talk to you all later! xoxo
well im bored someone talk to me rate me add me fan me just do somethiong to me lol im in need for something lol its freezing outside and this sucks major ass it was 74 yesterday and now its 31 today wtf i hate ohio!!!!!!!!!
It's Only Rock & Roll
Hi all you cherries out there. Just wanted to wish y'all a happy Easter! I'm working on my first Solo CD after 15 (!) years and it's much fun but my first love is my little Rock & Roll Band called WE R COMIN'! Recently we've released our new album "HOME MADE SPECIAL". It's more like a journey through the last 40 years of Rock than a typical Rock & Roll Record. If you like you may listen to it at also I'd appreciate if you visit our Blog at Have a Rockin' & Rollin' good time and don't forget to smile! Phil P.S. If you like, meet me on my myspace site ( too !
Olivia's Blogs
Two Truths & a Lie? Ok Guy's and Gal's don't be shy nor bashfull..once ur on this page you have to ask the 3 questions... Here's the deal: I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Really. I'll answer anything. I may opt to e-mail answers to particularly sensitive questions, however. Then I want you to go to your blog, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything. Here's the twist: Of the three questions you ask, I will answer two of them absolutely truthfully. As for the other question -- I'll lie like a goat. (Well, not a truthful goat, obviously. The untrustworthy type of goat.) I will not reveal which two answers are truthful and which one is the lie.
Breast Cancer Awareness!!
Favor to ask, it only takes a minute.... > > Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast > Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their > site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a > day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to > their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in > the middle). > > This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate > sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammograms > in exchange for advertising. > > Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know. > > > /> > > > AGAIN, PLEASE TELL 10 FRIENDS TO TELL 10 TODAY >>
No Toilet Paper
Two women friends had gone for a girl's night out. Both were very faithful and loving wives. However, they had gotten over-enthusiastic on the Bacardi Breezers. Incredibly drunk, and walking home, they needed to pee, so they stopped in the cemetery. One of them had nothing to wipe with, so she thought she would take off her panties and use them. Her friend, however was wearing a rather expensive pair of panties and did not want to ruin them. She was lucky enough to squat down next to a grave that had a wreath with a ribbon on it, so she proceeded to wipe with that. After the girls did their business, they proceeded to go home. The next day one of the women's husbands was concerned that his normally sweet and innocent wife was still in bed -- hung over, so he phoned the other husband and said, "These girl nights have got to stop! I'm starting to suspect the worst. My wife came home with no panties!!" "That's nothing" said the other husband, "Mine came back with a card
This is my first blog here at Cherrytap. It'll be brief. I just joined. I'm a meat Popsicle, don't worry, I just need to get on at home and upload a pic or 10. Don't worry, I'm no bot. Anyway- drop me a line. I'm bored.
Gone For Awhile
Sorry To Inform You All But I Wont Be Online For Awhile :( I Got Shut Off TOday For Bullshit Reasons We Wont Talk About And I Jus Dont Have No Other Way To Get Back On Right Now So Until I Can Get Back On Ill Be Thinking Of Ya's n Missing Ya's Do The Same Please Cuz Im Gonna Be Really Upset For Awhile Not Being Able To Get Online. Take Care Love Yas ~Stacy~
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Same S@i* Diffrent Day
I sit around bored out of my mind but thats nothing new. I guess I should be used to it by now but im not.SO HELP ME OUT PPL KEEP IT LIVE IN HERE FOR ME!!
hey all what's goin on? i'm new to CT if you hadn't noticed if u give me a 10 to get me started i'll so give u a 10 after i can rate u thx bye!, Jake
Having Fun!!!!
I enjoy having a few beers at the campsite. fishing,cooking,playing crds and being around lots or friends.
Chosen Paths There’s a road that winds around mountains not seen by all Embankments to where you could and many did fall Misunderstood by the town folk for being quiet and withdrawn Guard dogs and spiked iron fences surround your lawn They see a glimpse of you on occasion behind the weeping willow No one knows why you sleep on a tear soaked pillow You would have died, set yourself free but a survivor lived inside So many paths filled with dry creeks and thorny vines so you hide You find some peace at night when shadows become your friend poetry and song you keep in your soul accepting it's not the end You find beauty in isolated wonders and deserted places Never having to share the pain that’s worn by many faces By Sheila
Welfare Check - Here Is An Idea
Like a lot of folks in this country, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit. In order to get that paycheck, I, like most other employees, am required to pass a random urine test, which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check...because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit on their ass. Could you imagine how much money the government would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? Pass this on if you agree.
Quiz About Me
(¯`._.•°¤*THE BASIC¤×´¤··]·._.´¯)WAT IS YO NAME??Shannon WAT IS YO NICKNAME??ShannrieHOW OLD R U??35WHEN IS YO B-DAY??3 - 17WAT IS YO SIGN??Picies HOW TALL R U??5' 10''RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED??Right WHERE IS U FROM??Galveston WHERE DO U STAY NOW??At home WATS YO RACE??White FAV ANIMAL??I don't have a favorite FAV THING 2 DO??Don't have just 1 FAV NUMBER??88FAV FOOD??CHOCOLATEFAV COLOR??Blue (¯`._.•°¤*LOVE¤×´¤··]·._.´¯)DO U HAVE AN BF??Not at the moment , but workin at it DO U LUV HIM??No but I like him alot WHERE DID YALL MEET??Don't remember it's been a whileWHERE IS HE FROM?? Here WAT IS HIS FAV COLOR??Not sure yet but I'll ask now WAT IS YALL FAV SONG??Don't have one yet WAT KIND OF CAR DO HE DRIVE??Not sure HOW DID YALL KNO YALL WAZ MEANT 4 EACH OTHA??I don't know if we are IS HE IN SCHOOL??NoHOW OLD IS HE??30's WAT IS THE SWEETEST THANG HE DONE??Listen to me DO YALL HAVE NICKNAMES FOR EACH OTHA??Not that I recall IF SO WAT DO U CALL HIM??By his name WA
Taken!!!! I'm taken by a very sweet guy named jimmy squires who loves me and whats to take care of me and is there for me to talk to me to comfort when im sad or sick to hold me to love me 4ever we stick together no matter what we are there 4 each other we share the good times and the bad times we promise to love each other 4ever and be together 4ever we are so in love our love is endless it has no end i can't wait tell we get married and have a wonderful family together:) he means everything to me i love him with all my heart and soul THIS IS WHAT TRUE LOVE LOOKS LIKE US TOGETHER 4EVER our love keeps growing and growing every day never stops for anything at all this is what real true love looks like not fake love but real ever lasting love peace out u all god Bless
I just copied and pasted this from my other blog... here is a link to the story As most you you have probably heard the events that happened over the night where my husband works has left us all saddened. At 9:30 last night Deputy Tony Diaz ( my husbands beat partner) responded to a DUI call. after a short chase the call ultimately ended with the suspect shooting Deputy Diaz in the shoulder. Deputy Diaz Died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. If your thinking HOW could he have died from a shot to the shoulder. It severed his artery. Coroner said he wouldnt have made no matter what. he bled out. My husband spent his night on post in the pariemeter of the incident. We just found out this afternoon. My husband stood ALL night just 15 feet from where this POS person was hiding. Right now John is doing alot of what ifs. feeling like its his fault for not going to dunnigan with Diaz and choosing to go to knights Landing ins
Cigarettes And Razor Blades
Is it wrong to like pain? I have always kind of liked it. Not pain like when I found out my wife was married to another man or when I cut half of my foot off with a lawnmower. I am talking about the stinging pain that one experiences when they have a superficial injury. The pain on the skin, not deep within. I have always been into piercings, but now I have ventured into the mystical realm of tattoos. I know what you are thinking, how many does he have. Well I only have one. It is awesome though. It is a bear's head and paw tearing through the left side of my chest. I don't know if I will ever get another one, but it is real possibility. It felt like he (Dan-O at West Coast Tattoo) alternated between burning me with a cigarette and cutting me with a razor blade, and oddly enough I enjoyed the experience. I have always been a blood donor and the last few times I donated platelets. It is a lot like giving blood, except they hook you up to a machine that takes your blood ou
New And Tired
hey.. I don't know much about this website, but so far it seems like fun... is this like another myspace? lol anyways, i use to live in indiana, but i know longer have a family so i am living with my boyfriend Mike and his family in a whole different state... I am now in IL and I love it... anyways, I don't really know what to put up here, if anyone ever wants to talk... feel free take care Stephanie
It's Over
On the rails Hearing the train barreling down Closing my eyes Only hearing the sound Memories flashing before me Then the fatal sound Life keeps pushing me to the floor All the mistakes i've made Making me hate myself even more This is it Close my eyes one last time It's all over,i made it worse It's all over from here now The things i've done breaking me It's all over for me now The pressure on my chest pushes harder No second chances ths time around It's all over and i did it this time This feeling is killing me I stood tall for so long Fought so hard to hold on But in the end i wasn't that strong I slipped and let it all go It's all over And this time it's my fault It's all over,i made it worse It's all over from here now The things i've done breaking me It's all over for me now The sound barreling down I open my eyes Lights blinding me so I close them again And lean back letting go It's all over,i made it worse It's all over from he
Business Opportunities, Models Wanted In Tampa Bay
Ladies, Do you consider yourself both independant and adventurous? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to star in your very own adult website? Would you like to make an assload of money working only a couple hours a week? Well, the Shady Bastards want you! We a currently looking for fresh faces to introduce into the adult industry. We only have a few guidelines. You must: -be at least 18 years of age -have two valid forms of I.D. -have a few hours free each week for photo and video shoots -a sexy assortment of clothing -live in the Tampa Bay area (some acceptions can be made) Shady Productions have been creating adult websites for over 8 years, and have developed several extensive affiliate programs. Through our pre-existing affiliates, your website will be immediately marketed through multiple outlets. Keep in mind we are looking for models for adult websites, so there will be nudity involved. Anything and everything beyond nudity is completely
Results Of Personality Test...interesting Read!
The Giver As an ENFJ, you're primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your personal value system. Your secondary mode is internal, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. ENFJs are people-focused individuals. They live in the world of people possibilities. More so than any other type, they have excellent people skills. They understand and care about people, and have a special talent for bringing out the best in others. ENFJ's main interest in life is giving love, support, and a good time to other people. They are focused on understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. They make things happen for people, and get their best personal satisfaction from this. Because ENFJ's people skills are so extraordinary, they have the ability to make people do exactly what they want them to do. They get under people's skins and get the reactions that they are seeking. ENFJ's motive
Kimy.... This is for you... I want everyone to know how proud I am of what you are doing with your life. For those of you who dont know her.. Her name is Kim... she is my baby sister... not by dna but by all the ways that matter....and many of you may think .. how stupid.. but i dont... we have known each other for 2 yrs.... she has become a very important part of my life... i wouldnt know what to do with out her.... well the reason i am proud of her is because she applied to a special program and got in... and if you know her you know what that is... she makes me proud of her in so many ways... i have seen her grow not only as my sister and friend.... but as a mom and a daughter and a student and ... well i am hoping as a ... well im not sure what to call that.. but as a girlfriend... her love life has not always been the best and the easiest to deal with ... but .. i have seen that part of her grow too... she has matured so much that well again im proud of her.... anyway.. this
My Thoughts
this is a poem i wrote along time ago tell me what u think i know we've both been wrong and i know we've both been true i can see the lust in your eyes and i pray u see it to i carry your love around with me the whole day through i love to feel your arms around me each and every day they make me feel warm they make me feel safe and i pray i never have to wake without a smile upon my face
Custom Powder Coating In Okc..
Whomever said im accident prone was ever so right. The last 4 days have been nothing but shit, n all leading to me spending 4 hours in the ER yesterday. what a load of fun that was. What happened u may ask....???? Im gonna tell ya if ud just wait a a min lol... I was working and carrying something heavy n just wasnt payin attention, go figure, when i walked into a set of shelves so hard that i ended up with 2 stress fractures in my arm, & and awesome bruise from my elbow all the way down to the middle of my arm. My mom would be soo proud of me lol. Only good thing bout it is that now i get to slack at work for awhile. WOOHOO!!! lol. too bad i didnt get the good drugs for the pain, oh well. So thats the latest drama from me.... ~Jen~
The Hump Day Jumpoff In Nyc
this is whats up , good food,great drinks,great music,open vodka bar from 10 to 11 pm , Id is a must , its going down hit me up come check out the dude.
New Challenge
That was ironic to be called Freshmeat by this thing. It's a fresh start for me - it's been a challenging few months and I'm looking forward to moving to Texas meeting new friends, being closer to my sister and her HUGE family (she has 5 kids!) and starting a new life for my little one and I. Maybe you'll be a part of it! Smiles to all. We are going shopping! Sandy
The Most Important Body Part
The Most Important Body Part ============================= My mother used to ask me: "What is the most important part of the body?" Through the years I would take a guess at what I thought was the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ears, Mommy." She said, "No Many people are deaf. But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon." Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first attempt, I had contemplated the correct answer. So this time I told her, "Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes. She looked at me and told me, "You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind." Stumped again, I continued my quest for knowledge. Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was, "No, but you are getting smarter every year, my child." Then when my grandpa pa
To All The Kids Who Survived The 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's & 70's
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes. Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking. As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, booster seats, seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank koolade made with sugar
Myspace Repeat
im noticing the age of people on here starting to decrease. hopefully this does not become another myspace. its usually hard to tell with the dudes, but its not very hard to spot a 15 or 16 year old claiming to be 19 or older.well hopefully it doesnt get that way, cause cherry tap is a pretty cool place..and i have no problem with the younger generation, i was a teen once and i have three kids of my own but there needs to be a place where adults can congregate in a strictly adult environment. feel free to disagree or comment..i hope im not the only one seeing the age decrease.
Hey everyone! sorry if I don't answer back or add you, I don't think that I'll come on very often. I'm just the busy type. Thank you all though. donna
Tonight At The Scooter Bar 2 Wyldone Gives Out Free Blow Jobs!!!!
Ze Life Of Moi!
August 23, 2006 Well this is the day I start my diary, me and my family have just moved into our new home, its pretty much in the middle of nowhere our closest neighbor lives about 5 miles away from us, just empty fields of quiet. This day has been going pretty well for the most part, everyone is getting settled in really easily, my two sons have their own rooms and me and my wife have the "master bedroom". I am beginning to think the boy's rooms are much larger than ours, but I won't argue, I am just happy we have gotten here with ease and are settled in. August 24, 2006 It has been quite hot today, the kids were complaining about a noise they heard coming from the basement, by instinct I grabbed the flashlight, and went down to check it out. I couldn't find anything that could have been making a noise like they described. There was a clot of hair hanging from the ceiling, but I think it may have belonged to a creature of some sort that may have lived down there and died al
Fear. Such a small word with a incredibly huge stigma attached. Fear can debilitate one to the point of self destruction, or it can also be a beings greatest motivator. I mean without fear, where would we be? We could be locked away inside ourselves, afraid to try, that is what fear is. But those who chose to overcome this feeling, came through enormous battles and achieved more than what they ever dreamed. Same here. If I held bound to my fears, I could honestly say my life would be very boring. I would of never gone to New Orleans and I most certainly would of died in Katrina. But my fear is what got me through, yes fear is what got me to wade through the nasty waters to find my salvation. Fear of death. I do not fear death, not in the least not when it's time. But in my world, it's not time yet. I have so much left to do, many more fears to overcome and my biggest one yet. Relinquishing control is a hard one, but it is one I am ready to make. Being the self sufficient female I am,
Quit Bitchin
All these people with their rants and raves about others being rude or wasting their time or whatever. Please shut the fuck up. It's a website or god sakes. If you don't like something or someone...block them, delete them, or whatever it takes for you to "QUIT BITCHIN". All these "I don't like drama people", you start all the fuckin drama. It's like not caring for stuff on TV or the radio. If you don't like it, change the fuckin channel. If you don't like shit on here, do something about it or shut up. Now, with that being said...HAVE A NICE DAY, I'm out.
True Friendship
True Friendship" (With none of that Sissy Crap!!!!) Are you tired of those sissy "friendship" poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card- just the stone cold truth of our friendship. 1 When you are sad -- I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you that way. 2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you. 3. When you smile -- I will know you finally got laid. 4. When you are scared -- I will rag on you about it every chance I get. 5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining. 6. When you are confused -- I will use little words. 7. When you are sick -- Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want to catch whatever you have. 8. Whe
Wheres There Shirts?
why are most of the women half clothed?lol
April04 Red
Nothin Much
Hey i just thought i'd write something on here...more people need to comment on my pics...hmmm...well not much is going on tonight...comment me people!!! lata!! :)
what can i sayi like talking,they made free night and weekends for a reason . i guess i can say i have skills,people skills,i'm over flowing with good spirit i love my lifestyle wouldn't change it.physical training is part of my daily routine. my job keeps me looking's a large world out therefor me to see.i enjoy learning new things. our government does asgreat job regulating firearme.illrgal drug use is well controlled in the us i enjoy a great adrenaline rush,the more exotic,the more enticing As a Bible student and teacher I have experienced the necessary work involved in searching the Scriptures for the competent preparation of a Bible study, Sunday school lesson, or a sermon. There are volumes of books available as study tools (and the Christian community is indebted to the various authors' perseverance
I sit around always seems like im stuck in the same fucking race over and over again. DOnt get me wrong I am always at the front its just like I cant stop running.THats my life though and I wouldnt change shit about it! It fuckin suXxX sometimes But oh fucking well.THAT JUST MAKES ME THAT MUCH STRONGER!!! "SEE WHO GIVES A FUCK"
My Writing
With the upcoming anniversary of the death of a dear loved one, I figured this would be a good way to help cope. Let me know your thoughts. Now you've gone and killed yourself. All we ask is "Why?" Why did you do this to us? All we do is cry. We shall make no more memories of you, But reminice on the ones made in the past. No joy or laughter heard now, Seems like forever we will mourn. Why you took your life that day, All we ask is "Why?" We love you dearly, And miss you so. Why were you so stupid? I guess we'll never know. In loving memory of Richard Charles Frazier February 14,1944 - April 10,1998
hello all i just wanted to let u all know that i see most of u guys pming me or whatever but i just got on this site havent firgure out how to work it at all but im learning . so if i dotn repond or anything that just cause im not learning that part yet
Movin Be Offline For Bout A Week Or So.
Just wanted to let yall know ill be offline till prolly next weekend. Im in the process of moving and only have till saturday to be out of my apt. I found a beautiful house in the country that is a true blessin for me n my kids. But my landlady here is tryin to make me pay rent unless im out by this weekend. guess it dosent matter im the only one been payin rent for over a yr now. but oh well she can keep her trash!! ill let yall know when im back online, take care and dont forget me, hugs n loves Debbie aka IceBaby
well i entered the king and queen contest thing. it would be cool to win. ive never entered one of these so i figured hell why not try it. lol anywayz wish me luck guys!!
Okay I have myspace and thanks (or no thanks I haven't decided yet) to a certain unnamed person I decided to get on here and see what it is all about. For now that is all I am going to write because it is time for bed and sleep.
i have nothing to do i need something to do
Bb King
B B King The Thrill Is Gone
Blarg Blarg
Bring Me To Life
lyrics - Evanescence Lyrics
Hello All!!! Yes Im A N00bsack!
hello everyone. yes this is my offical first blog here on cherry tap. i am a myspace pro....but new to here. i found this place cuz my favorite girl pointed me here. so here i am! please play nice!!!
My Guest Book.
I just added a guest book on my profile. Please add your pic and a few words. Thanks for stopping by and signing my guest book. I'll get back with you as soon as possible.

* Initiations, Consummations And Activations *
********************************************************************************************* * Initiations, Consummations and Activations * ********************************************************************************************* When working with the Guardian Alliance they go through things called Initiations, Consummations and Activations. An Initiation is when, lets say you are a 3D being, and you start to pull the Keylon Codes of D4 into the dimensions that you already have. (See: Frequency Accretion) A Consummation would be when you pull in all of the frequencies band Keylon Codes of D4 . An Activation would be when they are taken from storage in your junk (inactive) DNA and Keylon Codes and plugged them into your neurological structure where it will start to manifest through the hologram of your life. The whole process of dimensional ascension is a process of Initiations, Consummations and Activations of higher and higher levels of Keylon Code
Kewl Stuff
Do you know the difference between Firefighters & Angels??? Angels wont crawl into hell to save you!!!
I've Learned My Lesson
Well I need to admit that I foolishly joined a contest for the best cleavage. I knew I wouldn't win, but I thought it might give me a lil ego boost to hear people's comments on mt pic. I should have known better. I was prepared for the other people to be comment bombed and get my ass kicked. I however was not prepared for people to be mean. As soon as the contest started someone marked my pic and another girl's pic as NSFW. Which means that the only way we would get comments if they added the person who was holding the contest as a friend. So I guess I have seen the petty side of cherry tap. Just had to get this off my chest so to speak.
This Is Dedicated To All Mother's
Often consumed by wonder of what's right and what's wrong. What's black or grey or maybe even white. Who are you?and why are you here? Where did you come from? Oh yeah. I know you. Your my old familiar friend. How have you been? Fuck that! Didn't you fuck me over? Really? That wasn't because of you? Don't lie fucker! Ok let's go! Hey wait a minute this isn't the way!fuck yes it is. I know exactly where we are headed. Damn! How did I get here again? Why do I always end up here? Shut who am I kiddin I know why! Fucking mirrors!!!
Starting Up A Poker League On Yahoo
I have been watching poker and think that it is the sexiest game im fascinated by trying to read your oppenents mind so im going to setup my own league and anyone that has the webcam wich costs 20 dollars at the least for a cheap one is welcome to not talking about strip poker either ugh get your mind out of your ass....
If Ya Got Nothing Nice To Say, Then Say Nothing At All..!!
Well, this has been on my mind for some time now, ever since someone rated my sis's photo AND her profile a 1.....yes....I said ONE!! How effing rude/mean/rotten and down right ignorant is that? I've also gotten rated as low as a 2, and it doesn't make ya feel real good when you come on your CT page and you see that! I already KNOW I'm not the most attractive person, so I don't need someone to come on my page and basically "tell me" that I'm freaking ugly! I've always gone by the motto~~> "If you don't have anything nice to say, then just don't say anything at all"!! Sis and I are strong enuff types of people that we can over-look the "ignorance" of those that get their rocks off by doing that to us! I'm not saying that it doesn't hurt our feelings, cuz it damn sure does, but WE can move on.....But what these "ignorant A-holes" don't understand, is that there are people that come on here, perhaps that are lonely, looking for friendship, needing an uplift, or whatever,
Woo Hoo!!!!
hi everyone! i actually went thru with the gastric bypass op....the most hellish 3 days in the hospital i've ever had! lol it's interesting how a girl that used to be able to put food away like a man can now only drink an ounce of liquid at a time i haven't eaten in a week! it's very liberating though and i actually am starting to feel healthier already...hmm
Ghetto Class
Mikes Thoughts And Ramblings
so today is april 5th, and what do I Get for a gift in my life... oh yeah... a foot and a half of freaking snow... I wanna know what the fuck kinda sick joke that is. I mean come one its APRIL no need for a foot plus of the white shit, where is the balmy summer tradewinds that should be blowing in. This is more frustrating than watching the special olympics in slow motion for gods sake... I hate Maine springs!!!
Things For The Males
Rules to live by... ----- 1. If a woman wants you, nothing can keep her away. If she doesn't want you, nothing can make her stay! 2. Stop making excuses for a woman and her behavior. 3. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. 4. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. 5. Slower is better. 6. Never live your life for a woman before you find what makes you truly happy. 7. If a relationship ends because the woman was not treating you as you deserve then heck no you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. 8. Don't settle. 9. If you feel like she is stringing you along, then she probably is. 10. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. 11. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. 12. Avoid women who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different men. She didn't m
Racism In America
For hundreds, if not thousands of years, racism was fueled by one simple thing: ignorance. This ignorance was justified by a cocktail of ingredients, ranging from misconstrued religion to psychotically immoral science (Darwinism and eugenics). The philosophy behind the racism of yesteryear shared a common root: it was always based on a lack of intelligence. This, it seems, should have been solved by the spread of modern education. If the problem was ignorance, effective schooling was the antidote, right? This sounds correct, and it partially is. But that assumption ignores the fact that racism is ingrained into the human psyche, and if repressed in one form, it will simply reappear with a more hidden structure. The new, concealed form of racism that is rampant today is known as neo-racism. The prevalence of education subsequently eliminated ignorance and misunderstanding in most racial matters. But the spread of education also caused the ascent of another justification for racism, a
Worst Examples Of Cellphone Use You Have Ever Witnessed!!
courtesy SF Chronicle - Diane Munsinger West Sacramento It was just a few days ago, in a hospital waiting room. There were signs all over stating not to use cell phones inside the hospital as it would cause problems with medical devices, such as pacemakers, etc. Eight out of 10 people in the waiting room were talking on their cell phones. Mikael Wagner San Francisco I witnessed a man at the next table to me at a well-known San Francisco restaurant break up with his apparent girlfriend, yelling obscenities that I can't even mention. He hung up on her as his date was returning from the bathroom. Esther Honda, San Francisco I had to tell the guy in the row in front of me that his phone display was shining right in my eyes during the live performance of "After the War" at the Geary Theater last week. Sure, it wasn't the most gripping show I've seen, but messaging during live theater? Matthew Ward, Turlock Whenever I work drive-thru, customers continually carry
I Want This Guy
I'm the guy who will text you every single morning and tell you good morning and every single night to tell you sweet dreams. I'm the guy who will text you and tell you "i love you and you make me smile" just because. I'm the guy who will blindfold you and take you to the beach, let you run your toes through the sand and then make you guess where we are. I'm the guy who will show up at your games (or competitions or meets) without you knowing just to surprise you. I'm the guy who will hold you when you're crying and wipe away your tears. I'm the guy who won't pressure you to do things you dont want to. I'm the guy who still thinks you're beautiful with no makeup on, wearing sweats and a big t-shirt. I'm the guy who kisses you on the forehead. I'm the guy who doesn't kiss and tell. I'm the guy who won't lie to you about where he's going or where he's been or who he's been with. I'm the guy who'll randomly tickle you just to hear you giggle. I'm the guy who actually listens to you when y
4 The Ladies
1. Your Full Name: 2. Age: 3. Single or Taken: 4. Favorite Movie: 5. Favorite Song: 6. Favorite Band/Artist: 7. Dirty or Clean: 8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: 9. What am I to you: 10. Do we know each other outside of facebook? 11. Whats your philosophy on life? 12. Would you have my back in a fight? 13. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? 14. What is your favorite memory of us? 15. Would you make love with me?? 16. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: 17. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 18. Can we get together and make a cake? 19. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? 20. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? 21. Do you think I'm a good person? 22. Would you drive across country with me? 23. Do you think I'm attractive? 24. If you could change anything about me, would you? 25. What do you wear to sleep? 26. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? 27. Would you go on a date with me if i asked
Sign My Guestbook Please!!
Can you all Please sign my guestbook!! Thank you!!
Free All The Thugz!
I'm so excited and nervous I feel like throwing up!(sorry TMI)Well I have'nt had a job in almost 2 yrs and I had a telephone interview on Tuesday,then they had me fill out an assessment via intrnet,just got the call today that I passed the assessment(good thing spelling was'nt on it lol)and now I go into LA on Monday to corpporate for an interveiw.I have to dress very professionally I was told(this is going to be difficult)Going to have to shop for some new clothes,seeing all my jobs in the last 13-14 yrs I've worn uniforms to,so I don't have much of a selection in my closet,oh well nothing that can't be taken care of right???Well wish me luck,I'm going to need it.
Drinkin With A Redneck Girl
A Mexican, an Iraqi, and a redneck girl are in the same bar. When the Mexican finishes his beer, he throws his glass in the air, pulls out his pistol, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, "In Mexico our glasses are so cheap we don't need to drink with the Same one twice". The Iraqi, obviously impressed by this, drinks his beer, throws his glass into the air, pulls out his AK-47, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, "In Iraq we have so much sand to make glasses that we don't need to drink with the same one twice either." The redneck girl, cool as a cucumber, picks up her beer, downs it in one draft, throws the glass into the air, whips out her 45, and shoots the Mexican and the Iraqi. Catching her glass, setting it on the bar, and calling for a refill, she says, "In America we have so many illegal Mexicans and Arabs that we don't have to drink with the same ones twice." God Bless America
The Marriage Proposal
Jim decided to propose to Lisa, but prior to her acceptance Lisa had to confess to her man about her childhood illness. She informed Jim that she suffered a disease that left her at maturity with the breasts of a twelve year old child. He stated that it was OK because he loved her soooo much. However, Jim felt this was also the time for him to open up and admit that he also had a deformity too. Jim looked Lisa in the eyes and said...."I too have a problem. My penis is the same size as a newborn infant and I hope you could deal with that once we are married." She said, "Yes I will marry you and learn to live with your infant size penis." Lisa and Jim got married and they could not wait for the Honeymoon. Jim whisked Lisa off to their hotel suite and they started touching, teasing, holding one another... As Lisa put her hands in Jim's pants, she began to scream and ran out of the room! Jim ran after her to find out what was wrong. She said, "You told me your penis was t
Southern Preacher
An old southern country preacher had a teenage son, and it was getting time the boy should give some thought to choosing a profession. Like many young men, the boy didn't really know what he wanted to do, and he didn't seem too concerned about it. One day, while the boy was away at school, his father decided to try an experiment. He went into the boy's room and placed on his study table four objects: a Bible, a silver dollar, a bottle of whisky and a Playboy magazine. "I'll just hide behind the door," the old preacher said to himself, "when he comes home from school this afternoon, I'll see which object he picks up. If it's the Bible, he's going to be a preacher like me, and what a blessing that would be! If he picks up the dollar, he's going to be a businessman, and that would be okay, too. But if he picks up the bottle, he's going to be a no-good drunkard, and, Lord, what a shame that would be. And worst of all, if he picks up that magazine he's gonna be a skirt-chasin' bum."
Thursday 5 April 2007
Find Me !!
Really Surprised
so i just wanted to say that i am really surprised by all the good comments on my pics.. i really appreciate them , and they really make me BLUSH
1 Day Blast
Bloods Offensive?
wtf? since when is blood offensive? i realize its not for everyone but i for one am much more offended by all the religious shit on alot of ppls pages.. if my pics with tits and ass dont get NSFW'd then why do all the ones with the shit i love get tagged by some idiot that prolly wants a razor so bad they can taste it? i find it offensive that some asshole is running amok with an itchy trigger finger and an eye for my profile.. i am what i am and ill continue to be.. mark all the pics you want ill keep finding more and posting them..
Safe Home
I`ll drink you the fuck away, an everyday annoyance on the existance of life. Chest stabbing depression numbed by the cool freezer sitting liquid. I`m tired of playing fucking games! You`re such a fucking piece of shit! *wipes eyes* I fucking hate you! I didn`t ask for this life! I didn`t ask for you to fucking rape me and bring a child into this world! *wipes eyes* I`m pushing you out! You don`t want to sign the papers but you won`t fucking pay! I`ll fucking make you pay! You`ll never see her again! I don`t care what you say about the future! Her last name will be changed! I`m getting married and she`ll have his last name. He`s going to adopt her! *wipes eyes* Over and over again, I see what you did play through my head, its like a horror flick that will never end! I FUCKING HATE YOU! I`LL DRINK YOU AWAY! YOU ARE THE PAIN THAT ALWAYS STAYS! I used to want to kill myself because of you! I have the greatest thing in the world to worry about though, brought into this world out of hate sh
A U.S. Marine squad was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an Iraqi terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was an American Marine in a similar state. The Marine was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the squad leader asked the injured Marine what had happened. The Marine reported, "I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent. We saw each other and both took cover in the ditches along the road. "I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein is a miserable, lowlife scumbag, and he yelled back that Ted Kennedy is a good-for-nothing, fat, left wing liberal Democrat drunk." "So I said that Osama Bin Laden dresses and acts like a frigid, mean-spirited lesbian! He retaliated by yelling, oh yeah? Well, so does Hillary Clinton!" "And, there we were, in the middle of the road, shaking hands, when a truck hit us." -- Long Live Foamy the Squi
Girl On Girl Sex
I think girl an girl sex is hot I can wait until my friend coms to me and says take me. So if I have and takers let me know
The Greatest Irony Of Love
The Greatest Irony of Love Loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right and finding out you love someone right after that person walks out of your life... And sometimes, you think you're already over a person, but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again... For some, they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much they love that person... in my opinion, some are afraid to see the one they love being held by someone else... Most relationships tend to fail not because the absence of love. Love is always present. It's just that one was being loved too much and the other was being loved too little... As we all know that the heart is the center of the body but it beats on the left. maybe that's the reason why the heart is not always right... Most often we fall in love with th
MySpace Graphic Codes MySpace Graphic Codes I am just wanting to wish all my Family and Friends a happy Easter Weekend..May you and your family's have safe travels' this weekend, whatever you have planned..Hope the Easter bunny leaves you lots of things...may your kids get lots of they get allllll wired love you all.... Nathan MySpace Graphic Codes
Re: New Feature - Free Cherry Bucks ! (repost)
=== 'PhatCat' spewed forth the following at '2007-04-05 15:06:19'.. > > NOW YOU OPENED USE YOUR ..FAKE..YES NOT REAL !...CHERRY BUCKS TO REPOST.... > > > > > Freed sailors land in London > Thu Apr 5, 2007 2:14PM BST > > LONDON (Reuters) - The 15 British military personnel freed by Iran after a two-week diplomatic stand-off arrived back in England on Thursday to cheers and to questions about the incident and its implications. > > As flight BA6634 from Tehran touched down at Heathrow at 12:02 p.m., the group burst into applause. > > "These guys have been through a lot. They are just relaxing and having a good flight. They are just winding down," said one British diplomat accompanying the sailors, who declined to give any media access to them during the journey. > > The group disembarked and posed for pictures before transferring to two waiting military helicopters to be flown to a base at Chivenor in Devon for a private meeting with their families and debriefing.
Lookin For Love
Hot man lookin for that special lady to fullfill his heart, can be very romanic for that girl. But I just cant find that some one, would like her to be slim.
Marks World
feel free to put your pic up on my me some love!!
Crushed And Confused.....
ok for a few of yall you have heard this many times but its still botherin me...ok i was with brandon for almost 9 months and i truely loved him but i found out he cheated on me so i ended it and i thot i was over him so i gave derrick a chance and we really hit it off hes as i thot was gonna be the one guy that was different then all the others but i was wrong and i fell fast for him and i loved him but he lied to me and that hurts just as much as brandon cheatin on me but i still love the both of them and then theres this guy at my school that i never thot myself to like he used to be the geeky lil nerd kid in my class that i cheated off of jus os i can pass but over the years we became friends and hes changed ALOT hes still the really really smart guy at school but now hes clear over 6'4 or so and is muscular and he plays basketball and runs track and is at almost every single softball game weve had that was close enuff to drive too but im not sure on if he likes me but my friends s
Joshua@ Cherrytap
Something I Wrote. Don't Have To Read If You Don't Want To.
He raised his eyes and stared out at Paris' dazzling landscape. On his right, across the Seine, the illuminated Eiffel Tower. Straight ahead, the Arc de Triumphe. And to the left, high atop the sloping rise of Montmarte, the graceful arabesque stone glowing white like a resplendent sanctuary. Here at the easternmost tip of the Denon Wing, the north-south thoroguhfare of Place du Carrousel ran almost flush with the building, with only a narrow walkway separating it from the Louvre's outer wall. Peace at last. Peace could be mine... His thoughts prodded as he inched just a little closer to the edge of the window sill. A single step and it'd be over with. No more pain, nor hurt, nor lies. France had been a place she had enjoyed, a place she found solace in years ago. Now, she was gone just like everyone else he had come to trust and call friend. The truth had been found out and it was only a matter of time before those He had sent would find him. There's nothing left for me in this
For All Of You Who Think You Know Her??
throw my life away, like the world does to us everyday, pain is black brutal and sorrow save you'r tears fight for tomarrow, and everlasting hope a current of anger has grown, for only this can make it go away for all of this is my pain i've left you out and brought back in a whole that eats deep under my skin can not be seen by those who dwell on silence live in fear of this life thats been givin to me for what so i can be another stepping stone ripped from ones own self i have nothing left just this one you test to prove nothing for only if there were something a new brighter day darkened by all our mistakes take back for just one day why where we brought here waht can we do can we honestly say life is a treasure that should be cherrished, or is it a crushing blow of reality that we were never meant not meant to be not meant to see our own hostility pave the way for the next generation save us for this pain has rissen escalading new hights brought down by our peers, a new hope of
To all my friends; I am so Joyously Happy. Yet another day of Bliss, things are going my way, life is great. Is it not wonderful. I hope you are all at least as happy as I. Love & Light, Daniel
Forgive My Distraction
Well this'll probably be one of the toughest things I ever post here. I know I promised some of you that I would post pics & a story about my recent adventure, but I hope you'll understand why I haven't done so yet when you hear what I have to say here. I'll be brief. A few days after I got home, and had just gotten back into a routine of work etc, I got a call from my friend Jon here in Camden that our friend Mike had been killed in a snowmobiling accident the day I left for Arizona. At first I didn't really have any overwhelming reaction; "No shit! Wow, that really sucks!" Now understand that I haven't really known Mike for all that long, but as the days have crept by this week, I started to realize how deeply this hurt. Mike was one of those people who always had a smile on his face (a rarity I think these days) and you just knew that he always had your back. He didn't have any enemies, which was confirmed by the fact that the only local venue large enough for his memorial was th
Well Hell!
You know I must be Bipolar or something like that. I feel like I've been kicked and kicked and don't want to take shit anymore. You see I was flying high there for a while. A random guy hit on me. This is something that does not usually happen to me. I didn't and I guess still don't take anything at face value when it comes to the male gender. I let myself get into the place where I was thinking ok, maybe I do want to date or something. But all of the sudden I feel like I've crashed. Like I don't care and will never date anyone again. Like I'll never have another first kiss or a guy who knows just the right spot on my neck to kiss. The feeling of butterfly's. I'm just there, here. Just floating and I hate it. I can tell everyone is tired of me talking about it. Like they just want to say shut up if you want something so badly go out there and get it. Which is the same shit I tell others. If you want something so badly go out there and get it at least know what you want. I can give othe
If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you follow I shall crumble to the ground like dust and my soul will wither and blow away in the storm of time. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run... for if you come towards me I will weep tears of oceans and flood the lost souls of all time. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you catch me I will have to face you and come undone and the seams that hold me together will be tattered pieces of my heart. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow,please let me run...for if you touch me I will remember all the pain and make me realize that I have not forgiven you at all.... So please just let me runaway.... *Perhaps the pain of the past can hurt you in the sands of tomorrow...and can make a clear day pass with storms of the soul* ((And not a day goes by that I dont think of you.......damn you))
The Man Of The House
This man came in the house & threw his pants to his wife & said : "PUT THESE ON" ! His wife looked at him & said : you know I can't wear these & the husband said : "WELL I GUESS YOU KNOW WHO WEAR THE PANTS IN THE HOUSE" ! That wasn't nothing because his wife took her pants off & threw them to him & replied : "PUT THESE ON" ! The husband said : Honey, you can't get into your pants & the wife replied : "YOU NEVER WILL EITHER IF YOU DON'T CHANGE YOUR F**KING ATTITUDE" !
The Empty Egg
Jeremy was born with a twisted body and a slow mind. At the age of 12, he was still in second grade, seemingly unable to learn. His teacher, Doris Miller, often became exasperated with him. He would squirm in his seat, drool, and make grunting noises. At other times, he spoke clearly and distinctly, as if a spot of light had penetrated the darkness of his brain. Most of the time, however, Jeremy just irritated his teacher. One day she called his parents and asked them to come in for a consultation. As the Forresters entered the empty classroom, Doris said to them, "Jeremy really belongs in a special school. It isn't fair to him to be with younger children who don't have learning problems. Why, there is a five year gap between his age and that of the other students." Mrs. Forrester cried softly into a tissue, while her husband spoke. "Miss Miller," he said, "there is no school of that kind nearby. It would be a terrible shock for Jeremy if we had to take him out of this school.
I Don't Know What To Call This.
I stare into the void called reality, thinking of her. Many other women run through my mind, but she stands out. I don't know why. Feelings of anxiety and depression come over me, because I never know what to do. To tell her or not. Sometimes I like to sit, hold it in, and let the feelings gnaw at my empty stomach. Sometimes I would rather surprise her with a passionate kiss. Three and a half months I've known her, but for the last few weeks, I've wanted to embrace her for walking into my life. But I couldn't tell her how I feel. The words would sound awkward coming out of my mouth. I'm not exactly a very smooth talker. I'm a klutz and a screw-up. Actually, I'm not a klutz, but it felt good to write it down. However, I do have my good moments. Like it says in my profile, I'm an awkward soul. How can anybody like an awkward soul?
Deer Camp
The guys were all at deer camp. They had to bunk two to a room. No one wanted to room with Daryl because he snored so badly. They decided it wasn't fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time, so they voted to take turns. The first guy slept with Daryl and comes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. They said, "Man, what happened to you?" He said, "Daryl snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night." The next night it was a different guy's turn. In the morning, same thing--hair all standing up, eyes all blood-shot. They said, "Man, what happened to you? You look awful!" He said, "Man, that Daryl shakes the roof. I watched him all night." The third night was Frank's turn. Frank was a big burly ex-football player; a man's man. The next morning he came to breakfast bright eyed and bushy tailed. "Good morning," he said. They couldn't believe it! They said, "Man, what happened?" He said, "We
**the Most Romantic Thing I Have Ever Seen On Second Life**
ok i have a friend whos husband just deployed weds. mornin,well seeings how i wanted to do somethin nice i had her come over for dinner tonight,well i made my famous SLOW BAKED BBQ RIBS.. and i can say this these turned out so good that i was really amazed i didnt try n make myself eat more,i got quite a few compliments from my roommate and my friend.. other than that work is work,and i cant wait till i find a better job,in that case i will make more money,i would love to do nothing but audio installs all day long,but ill have to rebuild my tool collection and supplies first,thanks to my homegirl angel gettin the word out for me on base im getting a few more jobs on base,i just need to get the time away from my current job to be able to make the day up there for nothing but installs and repairs.. and even with my pricing being as low as it is compared to any other shop,i know once i get more on my feet with it,i will be able to make alot more,i just have to be patient and take
Poppin The Cherry I'm totally new to this cherry tap thing, what a huge difference from myspace..hahahaha...Guess I had to lose my cherry sometime..although I thought that time 16 years ago was enough!
Passionate Or Compassionate?
You Are 65% Passionate, 35% Compassionate You are very passionate, especially when it comes to love. In fact, it's sometimes difficult for you to tell between love and lust. You jump in head first, and figure things out later... usually when it's all over! Is Your Love Style Passionate or Compassionate?
Show My Bro Some Love
My Brother Russ Is New Here To The Tap, His Name Is Russ, He Is 36 YRS Old , Single , No Kids , A Marine , And Works In Cocoa , Florida Now At Motion Potion
Dadys Poem
Don't read without tissues because it will make you cry if you have a heart.. Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow. Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home. Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone. But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home. But the little girl went to school eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees; a dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet. Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats One by one the teacher called a student from the class. To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed. At last the teache
To All My Family And Friends

There is at least one person on your Cherry TAP list that wants to fuck the hell out of you. So lets play the Fuck or Pass! game. The rules are simple... if you want to fuck the person who posts this, send them a message saying "Yep, I'd Fuck you." SCARED? lol this sH!T's funny YOU HAVE TO RE-POST THIS!! and see who replies. There is at least one person on your Cherry Tap list that wants to do u so!!! Repost this as "Fuck or Pass" Don't be a bitch and not re-post it
Hello Everyone
Hope to make some friends here. I am a friendly lady who loves to chat.
Friday 6 April 2007
Metallica & Glass
Happy Easter!!
Just wishing every1 a Happy Easter.
Down With All The Changes
Hmmmmm I wonder, Baby J how would you and Social Concepts like it if we, the people of Cherry Tap took a stand by not helping fund Cherry Tap anymore. What if we canceled our VIC What if we stopped buying blast and happy hours What if we stopped recruiting new members for you We have rights as paying consumers of this site and why are our rights being ignored? 90 % of people who write you for answers or have something to say are ignored. Why is that? Why change what was a wonderful and great thing? Why take away our adult privileges when this "Claims" to be an adult site? Why have a rule that you have to be 18 and older to join if the site is going to become child safe? I would love for some answers from someone. I also am going to write Social Concepts who if you look at the bottom of the Cherry Tap log in page is who sponsors Cherry Tap. If you notice also when you go to pay pal now to get a blast or pay for a service of Cherry Tap it goes to Social Concepts. I hav
What's In Red's Head?
I Am In A Beautiful Eyes Contest.... Here is the link to the contest photo - all my friends, fans and family, please leave a comment or two.... or 20! LOL Thanks a million! Hugs and Kisses, Robyn
Happy Easter to all my friends and family.
I Brought Sexie Back Aka Jaybaby's Girl
I'm happy to say that I love I have met some great people one person in particular (JayBaby) much luv to everyone out there. Especially to Jay may peace be with you as you cross the seas. Know that my heart is here always and will never leave. Hurry Back!! One Luv, Real luv, always and forever
About Me..,
Hello, My name is Mikey from NE Philadelphia. Born in Nashville, Tennessee. I'm 30 years old now and I'm half IRISH~n~half CZ.SOLVAKIAN yup. I'm single, born deaf, and have no children. I got 12 tattoos since 2000, need 2 or 4 more left for both my arms and my back. Anyway, I'm working forklift operator with Pierce Phelps Inc. in 9 months now. For these ladies here, they have boyfriends in myspace the reason is I don't give a damn they looked at me or not. I'm looking for a single lady who came here for playing, fun, love, laughs, and enjoys. :) My brother Ron and I, hang out sometime in Bars soomewhere in clubs and pools, games, and movies. For all my friends, you have my welcome here and bless you in my heart. I got a nice car 1994 chevrolet beretta with a dark blue. ;) Well, I'm going to workout in FIVE days a week, need my body stronger and style muscles. Will see... in few months, I may be next new thing... BIG DOG! Billy the Kid Strapped on my holster low across my hips Tw
Music Related
I would have posted this yesterday as a tribute to Layne Staley.. As yesterday marked 5 years since his passing.. However I just joined this site only this morning.. So, with this being said,here it is... .......RIP LAYNE STALEY....... .......YOUR WINGS ARE NO LONGER DENIED.......
You Cant Handle This!
MySpace Tweaks, MySpace Layouts, MySpace Images and more!
Es Mi Tentacion
sorry...just messing around on here and listening to some Rey Ruiz...a little salsa music to get me moving....shake it
Keep Kids Safe
When you visit this site you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as the small icon of a house and red, blue, green, dots surrounding your entire neighborhood. When you click on these dots a picture of a person will appear with an address and the description of the crime he or she had committed. The best thing is that you can show your children pictures and see how close these people live to your home or school. This site was developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted. Another tool to help us keep our kids safe. Amazing how well this is done. Know your neighbors and send on for the safety of your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and others. Happy Easter. Steve
"Catholic - which I was until I reached the age of reason." - George Carlin (It also applies to me.) "Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these 10 things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever, 'til the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money!" - George Carlin
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel I focus on the pain the only thing that's real the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting try to kill it all away but I remember everything what have I become? my sweetest friend everyone I know goes away in the end you could have it all my empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt I wear my crown of shit on my liar's chair full of broken thoughts I cannot repair beneath the stain of time the feeling disappears you are someone else I am still right here what have I become? my sweetest friend everyone I know goes away in the end you could have it all my empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt if I could start again a million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way
I am 30yrs old and have 2 sons. I live in Maryland - work hard and love my man and his gals. Nothing else new.
Silent Tears
The day is done, The time is here, For the light to disapper, And it is, with a sigh, That i turn to you, And say goodbye, For in the night, I feel you cry. Silent tears so soft and slow, In your heart is where they flow. I feel you weep, I feel you surrender, To those fears you won't remember. So close your eyes, Let your sprit soar, And in your heart, Fear no more. I will guide you through the pain, So that you may dream again. As with spring, comes new rain, So the dawn shall break again.
Most of my life I wasnt over weight and sense I broke my leg and had to have surgery to put it back together I have gained so much weight and I just and cant seem to lose but maybe a few pounds here and there and then I just cant lose anymore. I know getting older makes it alot harder to lose but what can I do should I get the lap band surgery or just keeping working on it myself?
Cherrytap Rules
Amazing Pages I Found On Cherrytap
I truly love all my cherries pages but today i had some time to actually go through this man's page and was just in awe at all the talent his family has and just all the stashes he shares.. if u have some time today or tomorrow go check out this man's page what a talented family..hugs all Metroseksual@ CherryTAP
Sex Quiz
You have a sexual IQ of 123 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Well looks like I won't be hunting for the GOLDEN EGG coz I'll be the one to hide it... I'm not going to make this hard on you guys...I'm just going to place it in between the coconut trees.. how hard can that be...I want this Easter hunt to be guys...go out and find that GOLDEN EGG...whoever gets to it first...bring that GOLDEN EGG to meeh and retrieve your prize...(PRIZE will knock you off your feet) GOOOOOOOD LUCK!!!
Me Myself And I
wats up ppl,heres some pics.
New Contest I'm Holding
I am wanting to host a Favorite Tattoo contest. I want to start it on Sunday, April 8th, and run it through the following Sunday, April 15th. If you or anybody you know has a kick ass tattoo. Send me a PM with a link to the tat pic you want to use. There will be a first, second and third place winner. Winners are chosen by # of comments if there should be a tie, then ratings will be added to the score. Self comment bombing will be allowed, and as always please be courtious to others, any one who is caught being unfriendly to another contestant will be disqualified from the contest. Thanks everybody I hope to have a wonderful contest!!
Jenn's Blog
Just thought I would create a blog on here. Never had one before so I thought I wold try it out. Now to figure out what to write about. :)
Sea Of Red
Sea of Red Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together. After we boarded our flight, I turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in First Class (across from me), and inquired if he was heading home. "No," he responded. "Heading out?" I asked. "No. I'm escorting a soldier home." "Going to pick him up?" "No. He is with me right now. He was killed in Iraq , I'm taking him home to his family," he replied. The realization of what he had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the gut. It was an honor for him. He told me that, although he didn't know the soldier, he had delivered the news of his passing to the soldier's family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. I turned back to him, extended my hand, and said, Thank you. Thank you for doing what you do so my family and I can do what we do. Upon landing in Chicago the pilo
Where Am I?
ok, I came on here because a friend told me about it..and now..I am lost...this place is awesome, but its gonna take me awhile to get the hang of all for now!! jenn
Contest Please Help!!!!
hiya all im in a contest and need all the help i can get....gimmee a hand...please!!!!!!!! Im in a contest, come give me lots of comments...
All you motherfuckin men are SCUM!! All you do is want pussy, you can never tend to a girls needs! ALL ASS HOLES! :)
Not A Good Day For Me
omg what else can go wrong today first i get up my computer didnt want to start i had to fight for 30minutes to get it on them i went to do my comment bombing and it keept telling me i reached the level for the day for my rank which is a bunch of bullcrap.... then my hubby called me he got pulled while in texas and found out his licenses was susspened over a $18 fine so now hes stuck in texas until we get it all straight. he was suppose to be haome tomorrow but now wont be until saturday night or monday morning. so my kids and i get to spend easter by ourselfes... then dinner plans get messed up on my inlaws and i... then i almost got into a accident cause people around here dont know how to drive.. then my friend was suppose to come over and check out my computer but he was not able to cause his day got messed up as well... sorry guys i just had to vent and get it off my chest but hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for me
Thankful Contest Is Over + Other Stuff
Wow am I Thankfull that Morph Contest is over.Very Grueling Affair.Lost a few good friends threw misunderstandings,met possible new friends.Ran into 2 friends from my Netfriendships days,they are now friends with me now,Roger + Dhana.If all my friends had a Sweet Heart, like Maniacal Bliss,Honey,Lizzy,Shyla + Friends,SimplyComplicated,These Lady's mention'd here went way beyond what I ever exspected,These Lady's mention here should get a Plaque for the 1,000 + Vote Team.There were 63 Friends in all that Voted for me well.I'm very Greatfull for that Unity.If all 174 friends could have got involved,I mighta took 2nd.I should have proberly went with Xeromancer's that I'm useing now instead of Maddness Morph that was my First.Glad it's over__________________________ Sundays I Fish,but other days that I'm not around it's internet issues,the comp I use is atleast to old.Originally came with windows 2000,now it has XP no burner,no longer an usb port for cam pic's,or my Maniacal Bliss Salut
Venting Zone
well this is my first blog so i wont vent in this one, but i can tell you the next one i wil, have something to vent about.
Night Rose Writings
Well all, hello everyone! I'm Tempest Rose, and am proud to call myself a writer. So..ten to one I'll be posting my stories on here for all of you to read. I'm currently working on my first book, Notte Rosa, and hope to be done with it soon. Well..I suppose that's all for me right now. I'll post the Prologue of Notte Rosa soon, I promise ~Tempest~
New Videos Coming Soon
So I guess it's time for me to catch you up on what's been going on since The New Neighbors. I took a bit of time off these past few months while I tried to decide whether or not to continue doing scenes. I had gotten very frustrated after some of the stuff that went down on our last feature. But I finally did decide and my decision was to sign with an agency, something I have never done before, and see what's going on out there in pornland. This was my first official week back performing and I shot two MILF scenes. The first one was directed by Roy Karch called MILFs in Heat. It will be distributed, I believe, by Adam & Eve. The guy in the scene with me was Jenner. We shot at a house once owned by The Captain and Tenille (you'll have to be a bit older to remember this band). The house is absolutely amazing with a view of the entire San Fernando Valley and Simi Valley. I shot a scene this morning for Rob Spallone's Spoiled MILFs shot by my old friend Richard Montfort, someone I
For My Heros
hey im trying to get my page together and i would like to add some people to it... as u should kno my page is dedicated to the soldiers and ppl helping to kepp this world going around.. if u feel u fit that category write me some how and tell me its ok to get ur link and i will add u to my page... thank u
Some Erotic Things
Soft sleep..feeling myself rise. your mouth..i awaken to your tongue..licking my nipples. they rise and harden..tighten as you suck and bite gently. feel your hardness, your warmth in the morning. your fingers seeking my wet pussy..knowing i am still full of cum from the night before. god..can i ever have enough of you, or you me? i don't i moan when i feel your lips then your teeth biting my shoulder. moving up to the curve in my neck you suck..marking me as yours. feeling your fingers pinch and twist my nipples as you trace your tongue up to my ear. your mouth on me.. by Warmspirit
hey everybody i am new to this so yea so just be nice to me ok!
...i Guess, I'm A Hero (true Story).
I don't even know how to begin this. Latley, I've been feeling really down thinking about my life and how it has little or no positive direction. Yes, I can admit I've been feeling depressed thinking about my life and what my future may hold if any. Well, that's beside the point. Today at work, one of the Special Ed kids started yelling, cussing, and kicking a dog next door which has neen labeled as "the Haunted House" ever since I was a student there. Well, one of the Pit-Bulls next door didn't take too kindly to this kid. I'll call him "Marty". The Dog bit Marty's foot and yanked his leg through the bottom of the fence. As he dog was Gnawing on his foot and pulling him in, the bottom of the chain linked fence was cutting into "Marty's leg. Soon after, there was a "call 911" over the radio. My job, as the school's campus aide required me me investigate what was going on, since everything that was called over the radio was not clear due to the yelling, screaming, crying a
if you loose the little things in your life that you dont know you have until the are gone, then the big things in life are nothing. think of not being able to eat supper at the table, go for walks, or even go to the store with your love been took right from you, its the little things that mean alot
What Man / Woman Would U Pick N Why?
Ladies/Gentlemen, Which would you choose??? And why!!! 1. The man/woman that owns his own business, but will be in the same town for years to come. He's very sweet and will take care of you, but he's boring. 2. The man/woman that is young, energetic, willing to try new things.. But has not yet established a career. He's gonna make it big soon, but tends to be self absorbed and needy. 3. The man/woman that has a 12 more years to retire, will travel the world in the meantime for work with you by his side, but is a liar and you can't trust him. 4. The man/woman that has very little to offer you, but loves you unconditionally. You would have to struggle and there's no telling what would happen in the future. PRPrincess
Sex On The Job??
Sex on the Job Or With Some One You Work With !!!! This is a spin-off of the Corrections Officer thread where a few folks talked about Inmates having sex with the Prision Guards. ??? So the question is ??? 1) Have you ever had sex while on the job either on or off the clock? Or Have you ever had sex with some one you worked with at the same time phase ? ( while both of you are still presently work for the same company, office etc.) 2) How was the work relationship afterwords, did having sex with that person you worked with change for a better or worst? 3) Did any of your other co-wokers find out about it and how did they response to you and treated you from there on? 4) Did management find out you had sex with another co-worker and what did they have to say (or) how were you treated from that point on, did you get repramanded for you actions or lost you job? ***If not would you have sex on the job or with so
Very First Blog
My daughter is in town, Im so excited! We have both been sharing the computer and taking turns on Here CT.Actully we we are now timing it.We are laughing It its so funny, about who can stay on the shorest time.... I just wanted to share this. Oh my daughter is "FIRE" on my family, fan. Please go check her out she is really cute. OK goto go!!! Angeleyes4u~
My Journal
motherslove9497@ CherryTAP Make your Comments HEARD using
Sex Quiz
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? 2. Do they know it? 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend’s list? 4. Do you like making love or having hott sex? 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? 6. What is your favorite position? 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? 8. Give or receive oral? 9. Kinky or sneaky? 10. Loud or quiet? 11. Ruff of soft? 12. Foreplay or not? 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? 14. Spank or be spanked? 15. Condoms or not? 16. Masturbate or not? 17. Role-playing or not? 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this? send this back to me?
I'm This Guy
I'm the guy who will text you every single morning and tell you good morning and every single night to tell you sweet dreams. I'M THE GUY WHO DOESNT MESS WITH OTHER GIRLS CUZ I KNOW I HAVE YOU!! I'm the guy who will text you and tell you "i love you and you make me smile" just because. I'm the guy who will blindfold you and take you to the beach, let you run your toes through the sand and then make you guess where we are. I'm the guy who will show up at your games (or competitions or meets) without you knowing just to surprise you. I'm the guy who will hold you when you're crying and wipe away your tears. I'm the guy who won't pressure you to do things you dont want to. I'm the guy who still thinks you're beautiful with no makeup on, wearing sweats and a big t-shirt. I'm the guy who kisses you on the forehead. I'm the guy who doesn't kiss and tell. I'm the guy who won't lie to you about where he's going or where he's been or who he's been with. I'm the
Watch Out For This Person , A Hater!
This person goes around and just rates people 1 on their main photo! Be Careful of her! Get people like her off this site! Why do we go around and send cherry love to have people like this here! makes no sense
Sucat/guad Joe
hello all of your losers out there on this rediculous and probably rip off site. My name is Sucat Joe and I will be leaving this place as soon as my \'cherry\' is popped. and i don\'t care if it is now, tomorrow or in a week... this site is strange and i do not want to have to spend money on buying more cherries... cherries are for kids and i am an old and ugly olde the way Sucat is in PI and i look forward to getting over there and away from all the dirt bags who live in Calif.......... and you were expecting me to post some nice lovey dovey stuff here???? Not... i think that in a past life i was a punk... stay real and keep plugging away... someday you will be able to retire and by the time you do you will be either broke or half dead.... take it from old Guad/Sucat Joe
This Just Might Piss You Off!
/////////////////////////// Publisher ==> TheCEOGuy /////////////////////////// --- 2007 WAKE UP CALL! --- Are you a LOSER. Yes or NO? It's a real question. It's a serious question. It's a hard question for most. It's one that actually pisses you off, I bet! ........ Check your temperature. If you get pissed when someone asks you that question... WELL...YOU JUST ANSWERED IT! Losers respond to that question emotionally and immediately go on the DEFENSIVE trying to prove that they are NOT FAILURES. Oooooh! That's another word. Failure! Which can actually be a real world slang definition for LOSER. Check your temperature again. You pissed yet? ( --- smile --- ) Dictionary Definition ------ LOSER -------- 1. The opposite of winner. REAL WORLD DEFINITION ------- LOSER ------- 1. The opposite of winner. 2. An unpopular person. 3. A TALKER. Not a DOER. 4. A "wanna-bee". 5. Someone who alway
Hi everyone, I am new to Cherry Tap, so I might need some time to get used to it. I am married, with children, live in PA, and am bi. I love being with women. I am not on here looking for any men. I am too busy with my life to add more bullshit, so please keep the drama outta here. Thanks, *kisses* Diana
I met Chris on here....just wanted to let you all know I am off the market. We got married last night in a very short but sweet ceremony. Thank you Baby Jesus!
My World
i have kitties :-)
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Make your Comments HEARD using
My Very 1st Contest!
This is my very 1st contest and the way it is going it will be my last. I just entered cuz I thought it would be fun, but with the response that Im getting it isnt really. I was hoping that I would have gotten a bigger response with the amount of people that I talk to everyday. I do appreciate all the luv that I get and my friends know who they are. If u happen to stop by my page plz show sum luv and sign my guestbook. Have a good day all!
Sexual Iq
You have a sexual IQ of 146 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty, and well preserved body, But rather... to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ~ "WOW! What A Ride!"
Another Day In The Sandbox
Well I'm down to about three more months. I've experienced a lot in my two tours over here. Maybe more than I would have ever wanted. I think I've had enough adventure for one lifetime. I've spent the past nine months escorting convoys to all corners of Iraq. I've spent countless hours in the gun turret of an up-armored humvee. Most of the time it has been pretty uneventful. It has been time I use to reflect on my life and the choices I've made. I wonder what it will be like to finally be home, and if it will be easy to adjust back to normal life after being away from home for the better part of two years. Only time will tell I guess. Though it has been uneventful most of the time, the times when shit did hit the fan will live with me forever. I've been lucky to spend so many months in this country and not have a scratch on me. It's going to be crucial that I stay on top of my game these next few months. One thing that stays on a soldier's mind more than anything i
Thank You To Princess Evie
Thanks to Princess Evie for all the stash ratings. She helped me to level up .
Jack Lawrence
You know it alwasy seems to happen when I eat a Donut.. I had this beautiful Apple Fritter in my hand, and had just taken the first bite.... I was on my way to the Van Nuys Municipal Court to deal with a Fix It Ticket for Tinted Windows that turned into a court case.... I was enjoying my drive with the sunroof open and the warm California Sunshine on my shoulders... time for a second bite of my Fritter when I pass a small fender bender car accident at the corner of Kestner and Kittridge. I look to see if everyone is okay, but I notice something strange... I see this White-Grey-White-Grey blurr... I stop and look closer and it's two guys on the ground fighting... well since right there at a High School I figure its just some High School Kids fighting and not that big of a deal.... I honk my horn to get their attention and then I see this silver flash.... it was an aluminum baseball bat, and the guy on top was wailing on the guy on the bottom... he was going for head-shots... I
Alrighty Then
Okay so I'm here now. I'm so used to myspace so Cherry Tap seems to have so much more to it than myspace does. So far I haven't found any of my friends on here except my Natebugg. You are all I need though fella. Hope to meet some new friends!! Well that's about it for now.
Not An Addict
As I look down at the silver blade My memmories begin to fade Thoughts start to cross my mind My misty eyes are going blind Will anyone remember who I was My mind is slipping into a state of fuzz I start to remember all the times I had the good and expecially the bad My time is drawing near All of the sudden my heart flows with fear I pick up the knife All I can think about is taking my life Blood flows form my wrists like a river My body begins to quiver I realize this is for the best I am now happy in eternal rest
Hey So This Is Cherry Tap
hey so this is cherrytap, pritty cool, i can see why my g/f likes it so much, so many people to talk to and stuff... awsome site.
I'm happiest when most away I can bear my soul from its home of clay On a windy night when the moon is bright And the eye can wander thru worlds of light When I am not and none beside Nor earth nor sea nor cloudless sky But only spirit wandering wide Thru infinite immensity. Untitled By Emily Bronte
Easier Way To Delete Friends
why is it that CT can't update the friends deleting option? seems they can make changes to everything else, even the things that don't need to be changed. I was in the middle of cleaning my list but it got so tiring having to delete everyone and confirm them ONE AT A TIME!!! I know it's not that hard to update and make it so you can delete more than one per page at a time....... Stop changing what's fine and work on the things that need work!!!! As for the ones who will say... well the site is free so either go join the VIC or stop complaining. Well if you haven't noticed CT does make money off the average person who doesn't want to join the VIC..... CT has sponsors and they get more money from the sponsors for the more memembers the site has. That's why they keep coming up on your page asking you to invite more and more people. I have well over 20 people that have joined under my name (plus the ones they jipped me out of the points for) so I think I have earned them enough mo
Is there anything FUN to do on the coast of CT?
nobody seems to understand i know we have been broke up for over a year but i spent alot of my life with him and i just find out he is already getting remarried i don't understand did i mean nothing i know it is stupid to feel this way and everyone gets mad at me and tells me not to be upset but why shouldn't i be i guess i am just not feeling to good about anything anymore i want to but it is hard please someone out there tell me they understand what i am going though so i know i am not alone in this sorry i know i am babling
Comment On My Pics Plz Ladies
Just as it says, how about showing some love on those pics I posted for you ladies. Tell me what you think, otherwise Im taking them down.
I Love Sex
You have a sexual IQ of 133 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Erotic Stories
i write erotic stories and fantasies...let me write yours...send me your fantasy and your email!
Saturday 7 April 2007
James Brown@ Cherrytap
I KNOW WHO I AM I am God's child (John 1:12) I am Christ's friend (John 15:15) I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17) I am bought with a price (1 Cor. 6:19-20) I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1) I am a personal witness of Christ (Acts 1:8) I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt. 5:13-14) I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27) I am free forever from condemnation (Rom. 8: 1-2) I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil.3:20) I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31-34) I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor.5:17-21) I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph 2:18) I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6) I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom.8:35-39) I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor.1:21-22) I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8: 28) I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16) I may approach God with freedom and confidence
MY cuzin Bito May he reat in peace and even if his body aint here he will live on forever!!! love always and forever!!!
Happy Easter To All My Ct Friends
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Yv.xxoxx
Agloco I started Mylot for a few days witm my Agloco Downlinie Builder -UltimateRep . I come there to find a new friends and business expiriens. Just what have i see? I started ern too.As I login everyday, I notice that its members is growing fast. I know that now mylot has gain its popularity for posibility to find new friends, business contacts and too for money. early, you can earn there! Mylot has over 80.000 members from around the world. I guest it's because people find mylot as online community where you can get fun and make extra money at the same time. It is easy to earn money there, if you know how. Join my myLot Network! If you are a member of mylot now and want to increase your earning, here's some tip: Quality post is money. I don't know for sure how mylot determine to measure quality of each post. It is impossible to do it manually, so there's mu
Just A Little Update About Me :)
Hey Friends :) i havent talked to the most of you lately, because im really, really busy. I will get back at all your messages when i have the time, promise :) I just came back from MIA. I had a blast there. Exxxotica was awesome. I finally met my Number One Idol/Hero/Inspiration Jenna Jameson there and she was super kind and signed all my stuff.. anyways i will keep this short... Right now im working almost 15h every day.. and to be honest i have no idea how i do this.. haha.. as the most of you might now im working on my own cosmetic line and right now i put all my energy and all my power into this project.. my website will be released in a few weeks, (, stay tuned) oh so excited for that :) i finally found the right ppl to work with. i have awesome ppl behind me, people who share my visions and ppl who are ready to give 100 per cent for me. I love em. (Alex Paul you will probably never ever read this, but you are my fucking hero. Thank you for EVERYTHIN
Easter Thoughts
I have a friend who does not color Easter eggs. I think because she does not condone the Christian implication. I on the other hand feel weird if I don't color eggs. It is something we did when I was a child, and, yes it did at that time have Christian overtones. We went to church (Sunrise and regular) and sang "Halleluiah" at the top of our lungs. I had a child. She and I have awesome memories of coloring eggs and easter even w/out the whole church "thing." It is her favorite holiday. Stolen from the pagan rituals easter symbolizes birth, harmony and renewal. Peace everyone!!
OK so I do this not entirely with anger and thru firey red eyes but also with the mind set of understanding that some people suffer from ignorance. A few weeks ago a very good friend of mine, who happens to be the assistant manager of AEROPOSTALE, told me that her store was looking for a new head of purchasing and merchandising and told me to apply. So I did. I had my interview and it went well, infact the manager Allison and I were joking by the end of it, good sign right?????? WRONG, today I received the phone call from Allison and it didn't go the way I was expecting, instead of being told I had the job and I needed to come in and fill out my tax papers, I was told the position had been filled. I kept my cool in an never ending quest to better my interview skills I asked why I had been over-looked for the position. What she said to me thru me for a loop and hurt, she said to me that "I didn't meet the physical outward appearance that AERO wanted for their store"... In other words sh
What I Miss
Of all the things I have lost in the past 10 months, I really miss my mind the most...LOL
Apples And Wine
Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes take the apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. The apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree. Now Men...Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with. Share this with all the good apples you know!
Agree Or Disagree? let me know what you think
Fireman Cry
firefighters tears The alarm rang, as it had so many times before. He was the first of the fireman up and out, Awakened from his bed at the station By the clanging of the bell. Engine 3 pulled out of the bay, Dispatch paged another station. And all the firemen aboard the truck Were tensed with anticipation "It's gonna be a nice 'un, boys," He said as he donned his gear. And the young bucks smiled at him As they drew ever near. They turned onto his own street And he could see the fire's work He hoped their mother woke his kids To see their dad at work. His heart sank as he saw the home That he so dearly loved Going up in Smoke and flames As he donned his gloves. Agressively he hit the fire And searched the rooms above. And with a flare of personal vengeance He saved what remained of his home. As he left the world of flaming hell He saw his little girl He ran quickly to her side and said "Honey, Daddy's here." He would never forget what next she said As he held her clos
Sacred Rose
The person who did this was Jack Benny.... You have to read this it is absolutely beautiful...... Each year he sent her roses, And the note would always say, I love you even more this year, Than last year on this day. My love for you will always grow, With every passing year." She knew this was the last time That the roses would appear. She thought, he ordered roses In advance before this day. Her loving husband did not know, That he would pass away. He always liked to do things early, Way before the time. Then, if he got too busy, Everything would work out fine. She trimmed the stems and Placed them in a very special vase. Then, sat the vase beside The portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours, In her husband's favorite chair. While staring at his picture, And the roses sitting there. A year went by, and it was To live without her mate. With loneliness and soli
I Love You
One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of Their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there Isn't anymore. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you." So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage ... And old cars .. And children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what. Life is important, like people we know who are special. And so, We keep them close!
Hey Everyone I Could Use Some Support...thank You
Hello, I am new on here and would like to meet some people. I really don't know my way around so if it is possible would some of you please help me. Thank you, Sean Y.
Biggest Looser!
YAY! Current mood: happy So we've been doing this weight loss thing at work, who can loose the most by July first. We weighed in two weeks ago. I started out at 215. and when I started weight watchers today I was down to 212... I've lost three pounds in two weeks. YAY! :) Ok all done.!
I Dont Down Rate!!!!
i am fucking pissed. i got rated a 1 from an 11. the sad part is i know who it was. she says i rated her a 1 from an 11. there has only been one person on my profile that has vic status. i took a couple pics to prove that i rated her an 11 from a 10 and here there are: there that should prove that i didnt down rate her and dont intend to. i am just not like that damn it.
since i just finished school i thought it would be a good idea to get a job doing something i went to school for. so i had 2 interviews with AT&T the past week and i had to go for a physical and drug test the other day..(good thing i was prepared) so its looking like i got the job. it pays handsomely and what im excited about is i might get to relocate to chicago. my ultimate goal is to get out west but out of state is a nice start. me and my girl just broke up too, so i'll really be able to save money and get my life completly situated before i do something dumb like have kids or get married before its the right time.
Tasty Thoughts
Man... You know what be trippin' me out? When you are browsing CherryTap and you look at the little thumbnail and see someone who looks soo fine... When you go to their page and see the big picture they ugly as all get out.
I've experienced this wonderful explosion more than once & hope'n to experience it again. Can someone help?
Sexy Bitch
I'm not as caddy as I sound, But I am a bitch. High maintnance as hell and sexy too boot. only a real man can taim me. but sorry boys I found my man,dark brown hair and peircing green eyes my man is the only man that can taim me.we have a perfect little boy named leelee, after his Daddy. I was just 18 when I had my son. some people like to give women crap about having children young but to them i have to say, at least I can do things like play with my son like he wants me to. so to all the people that have a problem with young parents, screw you. my name is Jessie I am currently 21 years old,I have blonde hair blue eyes and I am about 150 lbs 5"4 and most my junk is in my trunk but thats what a baby does to the body. my hobbies are smoking down in my free time and I also play guitar and sing I have so much talent it is coming out my ears well thats about all for now get to know me I'll go easy on ya. XOXOXO
Hoppy Easter
Well it is time for the bunnies to deliver us all cream filled eggs, Peeps, chocolate bunnies and tons and tons of jelly beans. Okay do you eat he ears first or the feet first on those chocolate bunnies?( It is ok I won't tell) I get to finish the house tonight so i can have a family day today.Anybody wanna clean my bathroom? No cooking for me today it will be a strictly brunch thang at a restaurant with the folks and I get to dress up. Gotta love that. Ooh, Seven Spanish angels by Ray Charles is on right now. It is an awesome love song.
April 7th 2006
1yr ago today I lost my best friend to an enemy sniper on a rooftop in Khandari Iraq. He was a father of 3 who never was able to see his third child tyler born only 2 weeks earlier during our deployment. His presence in my squad was the driving force that kept us moving through the hard times that iraq presents us with. He has been greatly missed. Rest in Peace Rick Milhouse
Help My Best Friend!
Bad Azz
Jade's Cell
The footsteps rang out on the stone floor as they approached the heavy door of her dungeon cell. The feel of her binds around her ankles and wrists cut sharply into her tender skin. Each step closer her heart pounded faster and louder, surely her Master could hear her fear. Not once had he spoken nor looked at her as they made their way down to the place she dreaded so greatly. Maybe if she begged or pleaded then he would relent and forgive her, but she knew this time she had pushed his love just too far. Looking up she saw it, the cold, dark cell. He stopped and took out his key. The sound of his keys clashing together broke the silence. Still he did not dare to look into her pleading eyes. She knew that this hurt him almost as much as her self. The door creaked as her Master Darius threw it open. Then he turned to her, his face full of sorrow but they both knew this time she needed to learn a cold harsh lesson. "Inside now" he commanded, and with that the tears welled up in h
A Taste For Jade
I'm standing at the registration desk of the hotel we agreed upon, a small bag in my hand. I didn't pack much, as you requested. I don't think I'll need much else, this weekend, do you? The woman returns with my credit card and hands me a slip of paper. "You have a message, ma'am." I open the paper and read: " are your instructions: Leave a key to your room in an envelope with my name on it at the Front Desk. Get to your room. Shower quickly. Lay naked on the bed, legs spread WIDE, and wait for me. Do nothing else. Hurry." My stomach flips as I read your note. What have I gotten myself into? As I crumble the paper, mindlessly searching for a trashcan, I realize that my entire body is flushed, warm, tingling. It begins. I quickly take the elevator up to my room, drop my small bag on the floor and hop into the shower, remembering your words. I'm so aroused already that I'm tempted to linger a bit, but I don't want you to catch me in here (God only knows what you wo
Can I Enlighten You
It was a drizzly and windy night outside. As we dined, I marveled at how the evening was progressing. The conversation in person had been altogether different from what I had imagined and even more different from our online and phone chats. He was indeed witty in a subtle way and had managed to speak to me not in a condescending manner, but as I imagined intelligent woman. Our table was in a secluded corner of the restaurant overlooking the river. Boats slowly passed ... trying to find their marinas as the storm lashed at them. Thru the windows, their lights looked musical as the rain ran down the glass, making them seem to undulate along the river. As the lightning flashed, I looked at his eyes and saw a gentleness and kindness that had first drawn me to him. Seated next to him...he had been very insistent that we sit next to, not facing....I felt a canny comfort emanating from him as more lightning flashed. Seeing me look at him, he leaned over and whispered in my
To Lickittysplitmc
If i look into your profile ( people in the service ) and i click on fan ... it is nothing but a respect thing .... My son is in the service too ... I don't want or intend to affend anyone ! As far as other matters are concerned , if i talk with you , it really doesn't mean that " oh god , i want you " .. unless i tell you other wise . If you're homeless , out of work , looking for a 1 night stand , i'm the wrong person to seek out ! I have enough problems of my own without adding onto them . I'm not looking to see someone's personal parts ( i do know what one looks like ) i don't need a reminder . I love men ( no offense ladies ) ... i'm just here to find online friends and it would really be GREAT if i found the man of my dreams ... but .. is he really out there ? I don't know but i'll update you and let you know if i find him , ok ...
Picture yourself near a stream in the White Mountains. Birds are softly chirping in the cool, crisp mountain air. Nothing can bother you here. No one knows this secret place. YOU are in total seclusion from that place called the world. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of SERENITY. The water is clear. You can easily see the face of the person you are holding under water. There now, feel better?
hope all of my friends on here have a wonderful Easter and have a great day