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Just Wanna' Share
Elders Daily Meditations
"Laughter - that is something very sacred especially for us Indians." --John (Fire) Lame Deer, ROSEBUD LAKOTA Laughter is mental, laughter is emotional, laughter is physical and laughter is spiritual. Laughter helps us find balance. If we get too angry, laughter will turn that emotion in a balanced direction. If we have a mental picture of someone who is too strong, laughter will help ease the tension. If the body is stressed, laughter will release natural relaxants into our muscles and our nervous system. Laughter often changes our attitude. We need to lighten up and laugh more. "Love is something that you can leave behind you when you die. It's that powerful." --John (Fire) Lame Deer, ROSEBUD LAKOTA The Old Ones say, love is all anyone needs. Love doesn't go away nor can love be divided. Once you commit an act of love, you'll find it continues. Love is like setting up dominos one behind the other. Once you hit the first domino, it will tou
Read All My Blogs Here !!! All On Myspace
Mistic Angel
fubar Bulletin!MAKE STICKY! ♥Emma ~ ... (Stepped away)F, 87Thailandremove friend subject:RIP YANDRA...The True and Real¢¾¢¾ Asian Sweetheart¢¾¢¾ date:2008-02-17 02:12:13
Show Some Respect Toward The Ladies
Little johnny came home from school with a note from his teacher saying that johnny was having trouble telling the difference between boys and girl,and would his mother please sit him down and have a talk with johnny about this. So johnnys mother takes him quietly by the hand upstairs to her bedroom and closes the door."First johnny,I want you to take off my blouse,She said,So johnny unbuttons her blouse and takes it off. "Ok now take off my skirt" now take off my bra,which he does. "And now johnny please take off my panties"johnny finishes removing these too.! His mother then says, ((JOHNNY ,PLEASE DON'T WEAR ANY OF MY CLOTHES TO SCHOOL ANYMORE)) !! What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice? At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students
you know what i think is really stupid...when people get into arguements about other people's personal opinions...its called a personal opinion for a reason...because its their personal opinion...EX. a few friends are standing around and one of them asks "what is your favorite rock group?" one person answers "i love mcr", another answers, "i don't really like rock and roll", and yet another answers "i like heavy metal stuff like slayer". The friend that first asked the question turns to friend number one and says " like mcr? they suck." then they turn to the second and say "how can you not like rock?" then turns to the third person and says "Slayer is not heavy metal. you're a dumbass. Slayer is like 80's grunge or something like that." This of course sparked an arguement. One could argue that Slayer is heavy metal...but the band is also from the 80's...depending on the opinion of the person...either could be considered correct. Also...calling a person stupid for stsing their
Dirty Old Man
When she bobbed her head, sucking on as much as me as was above her hands, my legs trembled and my hips jerked. I placed my hands on her shoulders for balance. "You'd better be careful." I warned her, "Or you're going to need a beer chaser." I felt her try to laugh around my dick and then she released me from her mouth, raised her head and whispered, "Don't make me laugh, I'm about to unhinge my jaw as it is." I reached under her arms, lifted her to her feet, and kissed the shit out of her. She resisted for a moment and then released her double grip on me and kissed me back, my hard shaft, hot between us. She moaned and pressed herself even tighter to me, rubbing her belly back and forth over my manhood. She moaned even louder when I dropped my hands and cupped and caressed her bare ass. A few minutes later, I broke the kiss, swept her up into my arms, and carried her over to the end of the picnic table. When I sat her on the end of the table, she looked at me for a long secon
50 Cent Owns Vitamin Water!! And Pink Focus Rocks
im alone on xmas, 1 year ago today, my ex gf cheated onme last xmas with my brother and best freinds cusin, and came over on newy years and toldme about it, and then a couple years ago, my ex gf cheated on me with my brother 3 times a guy from wallmart and her x bf, , so now i have been single for a year now, and before that i was single for 2 years, im sickof being alone, its not that i cant get a gf, but they wanna use me, and no one ever aproches me and just flat out says i want u, i wish that would happen, also my family disowned me wheniwas 15 my dad droped me off in vermont and told me to have a nice life, and my mom was shot and killed in front of me in california when i was 5 :( so if u wanna make me feel better have any sexy pics, or a cam or just want to get together and think im cute sexy or hot please let me know pce:( if u want to read about me or get to know me plz read all my blogs!!!!:)

You have a sexual IQ of 146 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Led Zeppelin
at home I am on dial up so sometimes it takes me a while to get into this site and to answer....however, if you ever need yahoo id is lzuck43... drop by and visit anytime... hugs and kisses Lisa
Dark Writings From The Dark Queen Herself
Bella walks to the corner store where she noticed an unusual car parked on the cornor Far to nice and expensive for her area. A large man sitting in the front while two others stood next to the rear. Walking inside she was greeted by the owner. “another midnight snack hon ?” “you know it” Her heels click evenly as she walks down the isles Bella reached for a cream pie, with a smirk of delight on her face. While walking back to pay she began to remember him…… His smile and humor, the way he laughed Stuck in almost a blissful trance she stood at the counter for a few minutes “you ok” “oh yeah, sorry bout that” She always let him keep the change no matter how large or small the amount. She began walking out and noticed the car again but the men were gone from the rear, Twas only the driver now…….. She thought nothing of it and began to walk home…… Half a block down was when it happened….. Some one grabbed her from behind….. Splattering her pie all over the ground, She
Womens Tatoos
Pictures I Made For Friends
♥ Kerri Young ♥@ CherryTAP Made for vicky If you want a christmas Picture feel free to ask
Just Being Pagan
Those Eight Little Words: The Golden Rule In the Witches Creed, or the Wiccan Rede, we have all become familiar with those eight little words; …If it harms none, do what you will. ... or "Do what you will, so long as it harms none." These words are not unique, many have heard them before in The Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is the cornerstone of religious understanding. It is the most complete expression of the Oneness of all people, serving as the foundation for peace and universal goodwill on earth. The Golden Rule is expressed almost word for word in every religion. So fundamental is it to all religious thought that the founders and enlighened teachers of every religion have commented on it directly. Jesus referred to the Golden Rule as “the law and the prophets.” Mohammed described it as “ the mobles expression of religion.” Rabbi Hillel stated in the Jewish Talmud that the Golden Rule is “ the whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary.” Vya
Hot Latin Woman
My Struggle
Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disorder that mostly affects people of African ancestry, but also occurs in other ethnic groups, including people who are of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern descent. More than 70,000 Americans have sickle cell anemia. And about 2 million Americans - and one in 12 African Americans - have sickle cell trait (this means they carry one gene for the disease, but do not have the disease itself). Sickle cell anemia occurs when a person inherits two abnormal genes (one from each parent) that cause their red blood cells to change shape. Instead of being flexible and round, these cells are more rigid and curved in the shape of the farm tool known as a sickle - that's where the disease gets its name. The shape is similar to a crescent moon. What Is Sickle Cell Anemia? Sickle cell anemia is a blood disorder that affects hemoglobin (pronounced: hee-muh-glow-bin), a protein found in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout the body. Red blood cells with
All About Me
You have a sexual IQ of 131 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Caught Fishing
This happened years ago, about ten years before me and my wife devorced and I came to be the dirty old man that I am today.... The boat I had back then was a Kingfisher. They were called coffin boats because they were long, narrow, and deep. It was fifteen feet long, about five wide, and almost three feet deep. There was a pedestal seat in the bow with the outboard motor controls and a stick to steer with and another pedestal in the rear. The rest of the boat was open except for the fishing gear and an ice chest. I had carpeted the floor to deaden noise. I was pre-fishing in the middle of the week for a bass tournament, which would be held the next weekend. Caddo Lake is a shallow, cypress lake in Northeastern Texas, with part of it crossing the state line into Louisiana. We were back up in a cypress pocket, off of Jamie's Bayou, it's not an area usually haunted by serious fishermen. A channel had been dredged up along the thick button cypress trees to allow an oil company to float
Tim McGraw Video - Taylor Swift lyricsTaylor Swift Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by
Look At The Real Princessdi
The Pub Late Friday night and the place is crowded and buzzing for all the people who seem to think it is a great place to tie one on. Sitting quietly in the corner is this very sexy young man who has captured my attention for a few weeks now. The view of him sitting alone is just to much for this gal to take so I send a waitress over to see what he is drinking. She returns with word of a bottled beer, so I send a cold one over to the table. Well a smile and a nod and there is a invitation to join you at the table. I walk up with a firm hand shake I introduce myself as the owner of this fine establishment, and inform you that anything you want is yours. Oh really what is it is not something but someone I have interest in, I will do my best to accommodate your wishes, and I feel your hand go up my skirt. Well I guess I see what you are interested in? Am I right? You smile, yeah that is what I am looking for. I sit next to you and immediately let you know of my interest as well
come rate and bid on me i got my truck finally and ill get my lincence soon too yaya
The Fishing Trip
The sound of the aluminum bow striking, cutting, slicing the choppy waves should have been loud in my ears, but the thump of my own heartbeat was drowning out the noise of the boat plowing through the slightly rolling water. The small vessel was making almost 15 knots as we headed off the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. The boat had more speed to give, but only at the cost of a roaring engine, too loud to talk over and bumps that would require a firm grasp of the rails. The salmon beckoned, begging to be caught, but my wife's excitement called us even louder. I looked at Carolyn as she stood there, facing us so she could talk, her back braced against the door to the small cabin as her arm draped against my knee and her hand grasped high on my thigh, to keep her balance in the face of the choppy jouncing ride. Her face was flushed with excitement and a soft smile curved her lips. I looked at her other hand, the one laying in the crotch of our new friend. She saw me look at her
Rebeled Angel
I'm new 2 this site! It's pretty cool so jus holla @ me...
Hello All
Hello there everyone. I am Shaye aka Strawberrie Flava I am a 26 yo single bi female. I am looking for those ales and females that can and will go beyond the usual. I love to do almost anything so to find out what I won't do u have to get to know me. Shaye
Mr.sensation@ Lostcherry
girls are my loved ones because if it wasnt for a girl none of us would be here ( and by that term i mean that they are the ones who gave birth to us )
Things I Think
When I was young My troubled mind was always flung From lucid dreams to self destruction Never new which way to turn Serenity can it be found Faith and all things told When its all too late Is that just fate? We all know what we dont know All think what we dont think Say only for today When we know its every day Lucid again to talk again Dont put yourself in the frame Talk listen just to find the day Make it different today What do you think when you sink Lost again lost in rain To find and to gain To lose is it not the same Life lessons you dont want to learn Wont stop till you do Stars in the sky why dont you try Till the day you die Twist and turn to find and hide Answers to the truth and lies Tales told and storys old Truths and riddles to be solved Here to learn and not to earn One of many, fell I dont know any Watching the sky, still dreaming to fly Clearing my mind just to find Aggression oppression depression To many of lifes hard less
Rinake Her Block Put Here What You Are Thinking...hope That There Will Be Others That Put Somethings Here...huggies Rinake
Am a woman from Belgium...Happely married i'm housewife also we don't have kids...But two lovely dogs...Am 40 years young and very happy persone...Outside am not a beauty but my inside is unbelieveble....That is what my husband always sayd....I love to make friendschip with all can't of people all over the world...It is always nice to have lots of friends and when there are comming from all the world makes it great....I really hope that you will want to know me...Am sure that i want to know you.... Loving greetings Rinake Am not that great looking girl....I find myself also not sexy....But there are man that see a lot of things that i don't can see...What there reason also me be....It comes always from me....Am still looking for new people and to have new friends...Not for a sexdate or to fall in love with...I have already a man in mine life...We did and we never will go to marry...I am the one that not wanne marry either so there will never comes a man in mine life That is going t
1lb ground beef 1 bellpepper chopped 1 can onions and tomaters chopped drained 1 1/4th head lettuce shredded sour cream 1 can refried beans 1 can of mandwich 1 bg of shredded sharp cheese 1 bg of tortilla chips 2 sm can of black sliced olives drained preheat oven 350 in skillet: cook hamburger drain put back in skillet add the mandwich onion, bellpepper, sourcream, refried beans mix well simmer about 10 min, In baking pan: take a baking pan layer the bottom with the tortilla chips and lettuce, add the meat sauce spreak evenly covering lettuce and chips, then cover top with cheese completely cook til the cheese is totally melted and slightly browned. sprinkle the black olives over the top and then add big heaping spoons of sourcream again. I do mine with 6 good heaping spoons on top of the olives kinda for decoration lol 1lb or more hamburger 1/2 bag of shredded hashbrowns 2 large bell peppers chopped 1 can of diced tomoatoes 1/2 onion chopped. worcester
Nude Camping Trip
I was cuddled up tight against Tess's back spoon fashion with my arm around her waist. Bobby was spooned up tightly against my back, her big breasts, and hard nipples moving as she breathed. I'd never been sandwiched between two women before and found it stimulating to say the least. My manhood slowly hardened and moved across the smooth cheek of Tess's butt. She shifted slightly and I was wedged in the warm crack of her ass. Bobby had her hand on my thigh and let it slip over to explore the junction between Tess and me. At the same time, she pressed her hot sex against the cheek of my ass. I moved my hand up to brush my fingers along the side of Tess's breast. Out of the dark, Martha's voice said. "Will you sex fiends be still before I fall off this little mattress." I felt Tess's arm move toward Martha. "Here I'll hold you from falling off." I could feel her arm moving from time to time. "You sure picked a hell of a time to get frisky." I heard Martha mumble softly. "If you
Thank you to everyone that has being giving me 10s and adding me and all that trying to keep up with yalls msgs as best as i can and if you dont hear back from me im sooo sorry...i cant keep up!!!! thank you to all and i am trying to return the favor as best as i can! YALL ROCK!!! Love, Bxtch well im new to lost boyfriend made me join! but its been pretty cool so far and if i havent responded to a lot of people its bc i still dont know what im doing yet...hehe...but thank you to everyone who has been very nice to me since i have joined! have a great day guys!
To My Baby:
I Love U Mikey B!
My Blog
I am happier today than I have been in a really long time! My husband sent me an email on MySpace today and we sent emails back and forth talking about things and we are FINALLY going to get divorced! And whats even better is that he is going to sign away ALL of his rights to our daughter! I am so happy!!! Since almost no one even reads my blogs and even less comment on them I will probably stop blogging all together. I have fallen in to a creative mood. Yay! I just finished a painting today that I had started a while back. I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Its actually not abstract so it is a bit unusual for me, lol. I will put a pic up once I get around to taking one.
My Babbling
HI TO ALL MY FRIENDS, AND I REALLY WANT TO MEET YOU ALL THERE ARE SO MANY SEXY LADIES HERE I MAY GO BLIND BUT I LUV LOST CHERRY ALL THE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN JUST MAKE ME SO HORNY MAYBE I NEED TO POST SOME PICS WHAT DO YOU THINK LEE Hope you all had a great Thansgiving i know i did lots of good food an sum yummy pie, my dad an stepmom is here from Mo. and i'm entertaining them so i'll be in an out most of the weekend luv u all lee A United States Army soldier was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a member of the ACLU. One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes." The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the profess
Best Friends Ever
Two shadows slipping throgh the night, Unaware of the watching eyes. Lovers are they or are they not? That, no one knows... They stop by a spot, And stay there awhile. "As long as this rose is alive and blooming, That is how long our love will be and much more than that..." And with those kind words of love, They disappear through the darkness. Time goes by and the seed grows into the most beautiful of roses. Red as blood, Glowing as fire. With standing the desert heat and the harsh weather. Oh desert rose, I can feel the soft touch of your petals, The warmth it gives. Oh desert rose, I can see the fire of your color, A glimpse of your flames. Oh desert rose, I can hear all the stories that you tell of the desert, Stories of love. But fugacious we are, And so are you. Your once soft petals are beginning to dry, Wilting and taking off once a glamorous robe. Your color is that of amber, Still pretty but unlike before. You quiver and struggle until it is too much
Well today is my bday. So far it is going totaly fucking awesome! I so cant wait till my boy friend can come down and spend bday time with me! That would totaly make my week! I miss him. But I know I will get to see him soon enough! My mom is getting me a Blues Clues cake just like I wanted. She couldnt find any blues clues toys to go along with it. which sux cause I realy wanted some. I get some every year. but none this year. guess i will have to go and find some and buy them for myself. I got a $50 card to wally world so that works! haha Well I will post again soon! Dont forget to go and leave me a birthday comment! love you all! ♥KoRi♥
Somewhere lost in time This heart of mine Lost in a world Sorrow, misery Pain Lost in a world Feelings, heart Broken Grinding, stomping Torture to my heart Pulling, shooting dropping Pain to my heart Tears, blinding Losing you Pain, lost Feelings, gone Torn between two loves Lost in a maze with no way out Try as I might there is no right Try as I may there is no way This feeling I have is tearing me in two Please tell me What should i do Cant fight it no more Want this pain to end I ask my self why you hurt me but then I realize theres no one to blame except me I was the one that broke our vow I was the one lost your trust Im sorry now for all that i have done You have moved on and it hurts me still Ill get over it in time i suppose I have moved on too I love her with all my heart and soul I never want to lose her love Together forever we shall be She is my Angel sent from above She is the light that guides my w
JUST WANTED TO LET EVERYONE KNOW THAT I WAS HOME FROM MY SURGERY AND I AM OKAY...JUST IN ALOT OF PAIN....BUT IT WAS WORTH IT....NO MORE KIDS...LOL i mean look how much he has changed here are his hospital pics...a friend put them into a collage here he is at one month...well a little over here he is at a little over 2 months here he is now
hi this is me, like it or leave it.. lol my first blogy
My Life
my life is great,i have a great hubby who will and does everything he can for me and i love him more then i could ever imagine.i have a beautiful little girl who at times can be a lil brat,but shes the best and i love her to death.and we have another baby on the way in feb. we are so excited and cant wait for this baby to be here with us.its gonna be great watching our kids grow up together.
Just been doing stuff, and just to say I got a great welcome on here cheers guys!
All About Me!!!!1
well...kevin is my name....lost a luver to another man and wanna get a new luv that knows the true meaning of luv and also knows what true luv is all about.
today is my b-day 1 person has told me happy birthday..I was suspose to go to tulsa today but i got stuck babysitting cuz my bro went out. & on top of that i've been crying all morning cuz my bf isnt here & i haven't gotten a letter from him since sept 13.
I've spent my whole life trying to figure out how women think...Why does it always seen like they have me pegged??
Hey Everyone ;)
hey everyone...just wanted to write a couple things about myself ;)....i'm 5'3" about 108 lbs....i'm single :(......i like dancing and swimming and bowling......and anything else that is fun ;)......anything else you want to know you need to ask ;) to you soon....bye bye....;)
30 And Ready To Live
Beautifully Broken -- [adjective]:Fetish oriented 'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at You scored as Phone Sex. "Talk dirty to me" describes your idea of a good time. A sexy voice really sets the tone of a good evening for you. Oral Sex100%Phone Sex100%Cyber Sex94%Orgy94%Normal Sex72%Anal Sex50%Gay Sex45%What kind of SEX do you love? (pics)created with
My Transformation To A Beautiful Contract Slutslave Girl
I am Seeking a Right person who are interested to transform my male Body to a female sex, body, disciplines, acts , style, charms (in all form) and make me a beauty. I understand this will transformation would be incurring financial implications on my master / mistress, but for the return prospects of the finances bourn by them on my transformation and training, i am ready to pleasure, serve, work for you for a contractual period as a cost payback.I am presently working as a Industry -As management personal., Qualified EngineerAnd in future with my mental skills and new looks physical abilities i would be interested to work as a Office management, Dancer, Stripper, May be a, Porno Model/ Actresses, Contract – Slave, Contract Part time slave, part-time Hooker, Contract -Play girl.I am from South Asia, Age 34,height 5'5" weight, 59 Kgs., Fair at body with whitish complexion. Hope I find My Lord.
My Ramblings
I've added voicemail on here. I'm not sure if I set it up right, but please give it a try. Thanks RL Hi LC Allow me to introduce myself, my name's Ryan. I'm from Ottawa, Canada and I'm 31 years old. I was born with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. One of the interesting things about me is that I'm an amateur Stand Up Comedian. Currently, I perform about once or twice a month locally and hope to get more and more shows. I have five tattoos which are a lightning bolt on left bicep, barbwire around left wrist, chain around right wrist, pot leaf below left knee and chinese wording which means unique, which is on my lower right leg. I have a wide range of intrests. Everything from the typical ones such as movies, music, and chatting to sexual ones. I have a saying that I enjoy using. I may be disabled, but I'm also sexabled. Anyways, don't be afraid to ask me stuff or just chat with me. I'm basically just a normal guy. RL I know none of you live near me,
Italian Stile parlo italiano. Sono italiano e vivo in Italia. Ho 29 anni e mi occupo di impianti di riscaldamento e condizionamento. Questo è il mio blog ed ho deciso che scriverò in italiano. Intanto ti saluto. Chiunqhe tu sia. Spero che tu capisca l'italiano almeno quanto io capisco l'inglese. Ciaoooo p.s. not use difficult words...I do not understand your language well.
My Favorite E-mails
  Husband & wife arrive in heaven. Wife says "Here we r together again." Husband says "Fuck that, The deal was till death do us part. Bitch I'm single!"   One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife, "Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in Slim Fast. Maybe it would take a few inches off your butt." His wife was not amused and decided that she simply couldn't let such a comment go unrewarded. The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer. "What the fuck is this?", he asked, as a little dust appeared when he shook them out. He hollered into the bathroom, "Why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?" She replied, "It's not talcum powder; IT'S MIRACLE GROW MOTHER FUCKER!"       A woman was flying down the road yesterday 10 miles over the limit. She passed over a bridge only to find a cop with a radar gun on the other side waiting. The cop pulled her over,walked up to the car & with that classic smirk we all know and l
My Music Genre
Deployment Pain
Ok so i'm back on this bitch. It's been about a year or so and things have changed in my life. I'm now getting divorced deployed for the 4th time and there is no end in sight. I have plenty of time to plot revenge and eat as much pain as I can. The only good thing that's happened lately is my weight lifting. I've reached alot of new goals in the last 7 months. I'll have to post some pics so those who remember me can see what i've done. I'm still bitter... A little more so then before. I have no idea what to do with my life or what direction to take. I'm overly educated for what I do but under motivated to do anything else. I guess i'll just grind out for awhile and see where things take me. Fuck...
Need Friends Help
i am less than 250 from next rank show me some love and help me pass the hump love you all hope for the help
I Am New At This!!!
How do you make your page better? Can you incorporate music? How about backgrounds? Pictures? If anyone knows how to make my page awesome ill be for ever gratfull Thank you all
New Mma Discussion Forum
Please stop by and join my MMA forum. We discuss everything from the UFC all the way down to the smallest promotion. We also have a very nice social club area, and a pro wrestling section. So if you are a fan of Mixed Martail Arts, then stop by and check us out. Once your on the main page, just click the forum link and pick a username and a password and join the fun. Link Hey just wanted to let you great gus and gals know about a new forum ive created dedicated to the world of Mixed Martial Arts. Please stop by and join in on the dicussions. Once there you will find great articles on the UFC, Pride Fighting Championship and many other smaller organasations. Please stop by and sign up, it only takes a second. Here is the link. Ive been really curious as of late and would love to get some of you lovely ladies here on the CT's opinions. Now be as honest as possible. Do you enjoy seei
*********RULES FOR CONTEST BELOW******** Okay here's how this works: 1. I do not enter my own contest it's a conflict of interest and won't do it. 2. Winners are decided by number of ratings, if there is a tie, winners will be re-posted in a tie breaker. I will announce that should it be necessary. 3. I will post the top 3 winners on my my page for 1 week as well as post a bulletin.But the top winner i will pimp out for a week. 4. The contest will begin Saturday sept 30th and will closed Sat Oct. 7th 5. You can pimp your self out have others pimp you out vote and comment for youself as well.
Diary Incerpts To Know Me A Lil More....
I have lost all luster, In this sanctity called life. I forgot what it meant to live, I rememeber only life as strife. I am trying to begin, Begin again anew. After all the pain and torment, The hate you continuously threw. You turned me from someone who felt, To someone who spites too much. You took away my ability to love, You tore my faith in trust. You thrust your hands into my face, As you said it was my fault in the end. You hurt our children and took their souls, You left me to help them begin to mend. How dare you for what you did to us, The pain you put us through. We now know it was not our fault, For you turned into someone we never truely knew Because in the end, after all is said and done, We can only rely on each other. We will never put the blame unto ourselves, Your torcherous hell seems to have brought whats left of us together..... So go on, leave, do what makes you happy, Dont look back to see us smile, We will not miss your tort
Lost Cherry
Not sure if this is for me or not. Will give it until the end of the week. So I've signed up thanks to my friend Cindy. Please allow me time to update my profile as there is loads of useless information I can put up on here. Just chilling and listening to my fav track playlist. I have decided to tell you what is on this playlist. Each track individually. Over the course of time. The first song I want to talk about is Angels and Airwaves "Valkyrie Missile" [Spoken transmissions:] Do you hear me out there I can hear you. I got you I can hear you alright. This is so strange, I want to wish for something new, This is the scariest thing I've ever done in my life, Who do we think we are? We're Angels and Airwaves? Just hold on I got you. I can see the sun coming up on the horizon Everyone, everyone will listen Even if it hurts sometimes If you will come and hear the message Everyone wants to learn to love again Open up and come alive if you will Can you
Type Of Sexxx
Cherry Bomb
LostCherry Images at LostCherry Images at I will love you forever... I am kind of crazy and i live in my own little world. But it's ok they all know me here...
You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more or No less. It's harder than you think. 1. Where is your cell phone?: on my desk 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: uhm.. i'm single 3. Your hair?: in a bun 4. Where is your father? who really cares 6. Your favorite thing to do?: be with ryan 7. Your dream last night?: i dont remember 8. Your favorite drink?: ice cold water 9. Your dream car? already own it 10. The room you're in? the guest room 12. Your fears? heights. snakes. spiders 15. What you're not good at?: too many things 16. Muffins?: double chocolate chip 17. One of your wish list items?: a chocolate milkshake 18. Where did you grow up? Pasadena, California bitches 19. The last thing you did before this survey?: posted a blog 20. What are you wearing? shorts. shirt. panties 23. Your computer?: pisses me off 24. Your life?: is just lovely 25. Your mood? is really indescribable 26. Missing?
My Blog.. My Thoughts!
Sooo.. if you still wanna keep in contact with me.. send me a private message and i'll give you my msn, aim, email addy, or myspace :) this place is just bullshit. I've met some amazing friends on here, but i've also met an amazing guy on here, so I don't really want anything to fuck that up. xoxox When you look into someones eyes, and your breath is taken away...a simple touch from them, sends a shockwave right to your soul defining the very reason for your existence. To lay next to this person and not be able to fall asleep...because subconsciously, you know that you will dream of her, and she is laying right next to you the whole time, but you dread not spending every waking moment admiring her beauty and her charm. Every passionate kiss lasts an eternity. When you are with this person, every day is an adventure or a journey into the unknown...and then true happiness takes place of everything else, life isn't about money, or fast cars, or fancy furniture and a closet full of clot
Panic! At The Disco
Listening to a really cool cd by Panic! At The Disco...My fave song is I Write Sins Not Tragedies... I suggest picking it up as it is really awesome!
My Blog
Hello this is my first post to blog. I still dont what can I post here. can I post my inner naturist or just so so, like most offered blog.
Play a big game today. I think we will win and show Lee Corso he is wrong again just like he was in Texas. :) GO BUCKS!!!!! O-H-I-O
How Sexy Am I?
I find it humorous how many men and women think they the chit but when it comes to other things like cooking, cleaning, having a real job, car or real friends they ain't got shyt. I love to meet new people and enjoy being a flirt, but if you say i'm this or that, positive or negitive, that is your perception of me but it don't make me a better or worst person. I seen the trap of online groups and peers that people thrive off of ratins, compliments and acceptance of their peers. If they didn't get it they would feel rejcted. I enjoy the internet and i pay 60 bux a month for entertainment. If you get stress for trying to be in the 'in' crowd, do yaself a favor and keep you 60 bux a month and delete ya internet account. It's not worth it. What you think? When It Comes To the Act Of Fellatio/Cunnilingus; 1. Do you enjoy giving it to your partner? 2. Why? 3. I’m sure we all enjoy receiving it, but what specifically about it makes it so good? 4. Have yo
Lots Of Pictures.
I have a lot of pictures added to my page. Some humorous, some of bands I support, and a fair number of myself. Take time to look 'em over, comment, and then take the time to get to know me. I'm well worth your time. I'm one of the nicest guys you all will ever meet.
In Memory - A 9/11 Survivors Ramblings
A Nation Changed From nowhere the attack came, Death the skies rained. Our Nations eyes filled with fears, As buildings fell like metal tears. With the clearing of the dust, Rang the phrase, "Revenge is a must". Beneath the ruins lay doom, Praying life below the steel grave will bloom. A rush of despair was born on this day, Yet not letting hopes light fade away. Their hearts are filled with blood and hate, Our Nation now holds their fate. Inner emotions set the tone, It flows through everyone, no one is alone. Sorrow and danger in our prayer is spoken, Our Nations spirit will not be broken. Survivors there are so few, Changing the America we once knew. Their memories shall in our hearts remain, America will not yield to the pain. "ONE" As the soot and dirt and ash rained down, We became one color. As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building, We became one class. As we lit candles of waiting and hope, We became one generation. As th
''my Poem''
''feel my pain''.....''i cut to take the pain away,i cry for the memories to fade,i think of doing it,i write the poems,i make the plan,i feel the rush through my veins,my hands,my feet,my body is numb,i can't feel my body any more,i feel free away from everything,my worries,my fears are gone,my tears are gone,i'm floating down to a place where i'm suppose to be,i look down on them,i can't cry because nothing is there,i allways knew no one cared.....written by:kn1ght'' .....Even though I am thousands of miles away. Your innocent face in my heart prevails every day. It’s so sad that the cruelty of distance keeps us apart. but that’s not something that can keep you away from my heart. Honestly, you captured me since the day we first met. The happiest day of my entire life I will never forget. You are the only one who can leave me speechleess. The one and only that can provide me all this happiness. I like you always but I love you forever. I just wait for the day we hold hands together.
My Art
On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas Rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself This could be Heaven or this could be Hell Then she lit up a candle And she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor I thought I heard them say Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year You can find it here You can find it here Her mind is Tiffany twisted She's got the Mercedes bends She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys That she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard Sweet summer sweat Some dance to remember Some dance to forget So I called up the Captain Please bring me my wine He said We haven't had that spirit here since 1969 And still those voic
Listening To P-i-m-p
im listening to the song P-I-M-P [: do blogs give you cherry points and bux?
Lyrics I Like
I got a little pissed off at work and decided instead of murdering someone I would write a song. Seemed more productive (and less illegal). Now my song is stuck in my head. Hollow Just Stop Don't wanna hear it anymore It's all those things that you say, everyday, go away and never question why I wanna make you bleed I wanna make you hollow I wanna make you scream out in pain everytime you say anything now I wanna make you bleed Just stop I can't take your voice now Bring the negative vibe, now you lie, deep inside, close my eyes and I picture in my mind How I'll make you bleed I wanna make you hollow I wanna make you scream out in pain everytime you say anything now I wanna make you bleed I wanna make you bleed Can't Hear it, can you feel it? Never again Cause I made you bleed Cause I made you hollow And I made you scream out in pain now you'll never say anything more I wanna make you bleed
Welcome on my my page
Prayer and meditation are the means of our daily contact with our Higher Power.  Frankly though, for some survivors, even the mention of the word prayer can trigger painful flashbacks.  Often it was the very people who abused us who taught us how to pray and who espoused "religious values."   These experiences created for us an image of God who looked an awful lot like our abuser.  If we turn to a Higher Power that we believe is abusive in any way, we are still victims.  Rather, we need to find a Higher Power that is on our side and to establish daily conscious contact for our healing and growth.   T. Thomas Surviving with Serenity   By daily turning to our Higher Power in prayer, we gain inner strength and guidance for our lives as well as the courage to reach out to other survivors for help when we are in need. I am starting to do theater again.  For 14 yeas I was the assistant conductor and principal clarinetist for the musicals done with my local theater group in Hammond.  i
Weekend Wishes
For My Friends....
Just wanted to Thank all my friends, family and fans for voting for me in the recent contest held by The Contest Duo. All I can say is.... MY FRIENDS ROCK!!!
Vote For Me
i entered a pretty eyes contest....please vote for me by rating my pic!! the link to the picture is below. [ photo: 219599536 ] please vote for me............this is the prettiest face by rating my pic.... [ photo: 2471441741 ] i started late in this contest...please vote for me... [ photo: 2471441741 ]
Fuck Yafro
a new site has this NO MORE FAKE PROFILES!!! - ES's New ID Verification System!!! Body: It's time to put an end to fake profiles! Click here for instructions on how to verify yourself - its fast and easy! You can now tell who's real by looking for this stamp on verified profiles: EveryonesSpace is changing the way Social Networking is done! This is just the beginning - The ES Revolution is on! Fuck A Yafro the time spent on pics,personal clubs and modding clubs and making friends,close friends with some..never knew how i could love people i've never met..and then theirs the haterz of yafro..still thru it all we stuck together like family..lets not forget the 2 dummies that have the site...good bye yafro and hello myspace and lostcherry jenny~
Funny Videos
This light show is made every year at a real house and is programed to go with a simolcast on the radio to the music. Scared - video powered by Metacafe This is amazing... there are subliminal messages when Jingle Bells is played backwards... click this link to hear. Let me know what you hear. It is spooky!
it's my me the love :D
To My Friends
Hey evryone please go see this girl blow her up with love! Become her friend, fan, AND be sure to GIVE HER A GIFT IT IS HER BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! beautifulstarmandy@ CherryTAP HUGS>>>>>>>>HAPPY BIRTHDAY From Always.....Tanya/TURTLE Turtle@ CherryTAP ~*~Tag ~*~ Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! here they are.. 1.I HELP OTHERS BEFORE MYSELF! 2.I HAVE A LOW SELF ESTEEM!! 3.I HAVE SCARS ON MY BELLY FROM C-SECTION AND GALL BLADDER SURGERY! 4.I LIKE TO TALK I LIKE COMUNICATION!!! 5.I NEVER HAVE ANY TIME FOR MYSELF! 6.I CAN ONLY HOPE FOR ALL THE HAPPY ENDINGS!!! OK HOPEFULLY I DID THIS RIGHT..........I CHOOSE MY 6 PEOPLE ARE....... PUSSYCAT BOO
Your eyes are big-big, And clean white, Like the purity of a cold-cold winter night.   Their color is blue and grey, Like the heat coming down a hot-hot summer day.   Paleolithic verities, In your eyes I see, That the one you are looking for, Sure-sure is not me.   I’m very-very poor,
The Great White Shark Songadd To My Profile | More Videos
Some Of My Favorite Poems That I've Written!
For Her Sweet Brown Eyes All I wanted for her. Was a little life for her. All I ever wanted was just to hear her sing. And now I’m all alone waiting for this nightmare to end. Wondering will she still be my friend? For the song she sings, pain is all it brings. From the moment I saw her. From staring into those sweet brown eyes. I knew I was in love. For her I will not lie. Deep In My Darkness Is Your Light I fall so far without you! In the darkness I will find you And bring you to the light! I have been cursed and cannot see the light deep in my heart, But maybe in time if fate allows forgiveness will come from our hearts As well as the light I have so long wanted to protect you with. But no one is perfect and I Know I’m not, but to me you are and I do not deserve you! It hurts me and the light grows dim And I die more and more inside without anything to fuel The fire that was once in my heart! I’m sorry and I do not ask for forgiveness Hopefully God will gui
Every Parents Nightmare
Every Parents Nightmare Pacing back and forth Another look at the clock Time is flying quickly Where ever can they be Go to the door Look up and down the street Your heart beating faster Where ever can they be Frantic phone calls made To friends and Family Have you seen them today Where ever can they be A knock on the door A policeman standing there Your heart missing beats Where ever can they be Your mind is spinning Words are unclear Accident, Hospital, Serious Whatever can it mean The journey goes so slowly I wish I could travel at speed Why don't they travel faster I need to be there now My little one's lying Tubes and machines everywhere Let me exchange places Let me take their place Things you should have said Things you should have done Its all to late to rectify The things that happened past You kiss your little angel And say your last farewell As slowly to heaven they ascend To leave you wondering why
well october first wow were has the time gone? im just sittin here thinking of all my people that i have come to know and be with,and thinking to myself how lucky i am to have so many great people in my life .and i was also thinking that how great it is to have people like you in my life, you see i am a shy person and to be able to meet people like you it has been fantastic for me i only hope that the people that i have met on here will get the chance to no the real me and be a part of my life. So with that said i just want to say thanks to all the great people that took the time to rite me and gave me a chance ,to listen to my foolish that i may have said and putting up with me !if your wandering if i'm leaving you im not. this is just been on my mind and i had to let all of you know how i feel and how thankful i am to be a part of your life as well, so lets try to keep in touch your good friend john . hey every body hope you have a great weekend and i send all my lov to ya all take
Too Young To Die
Too Young To Die Is that me lying on the ground? Why are people screaming? Is that blood coming from my body? Why doesn't somebody help? Is that sirens I hear? Maybe I'll survive Who is the drunk man? Why are the police talking to him? How could he think he could drive When he can't even stand up I remember it now The headlights coming so slow I couldn't move or cry for help My legs had turned to lead The pain in my legs As I flew through the air My lifeless body bouncing Along the ground I remember the angels Coming to carry me away Tell them Ma, I'm too young To Young to die this way Dave Enmerson
Dearest Father
Dearest Father How I miss you The years may have passed But you're always in my mind Not as you left us But as you used to be Treasured Memories Of a Friend and Father Someone to talk to When times were getting me down How I would love to show you Your precious grandchildren How they are growing up With your Fatherly advice That you passed to me Well my dearest Father It's time to go again You're never forgotten And always in my heart Miss you always, Dear Father Dedicated to My Father
Finding Family
The search continues, but where and how do I do it this time. You see I have an older sister out there somewhere, but she does not know that I exist. I was lucky enough to get from my Birth Mother what my sister birth name was and her date of birth. That is not a lot of information but better than nothing at all. For those of you who are not adopted, searching is not easy. There are hundreds of adoption pages where you can post who you are looking for and hope that maybe they see it. Well, my wish came true. It actually worked. My sister Cherie had no idea that even existed. She knew that she had a half sister and brother. She had hoped that some day they would find out about her and that just maybe they would want to know her. I had those same feeling too. However, as far as siblings from her maternal side, there was only two. Our mother never mentions that she had another sister that was also given up for adoption. Many years later, Cherie thought she would look to see
My 20th Birthday
so Tomrrow is my 20th Birthday && I dont know if im having a Party Yet or Not My Mom wants me Go with her to get her hair cut in the Morning so i dont know whats up Um Its 10:08 Am Im still up Soo Bored & Ugh Yeah My Cat was being Annoying earlier so i stuck her outside im trying to fix my comp in my room but its annoying me So I Gave up on it for now but ill try again later lol i Miss Allie My Boo & Travis Hes Coming Home in 17 days & I Havent Gotten To Talk to Joe He seems to be rather busy Now days at the bar and all lol so yea i dunno Whats up so im just rambling on Oh and allie i Made You A Sign Pic just Have to figure out How to get The picture from my other comp on to This site lol Well Thats about it Leave me sum Birthday luv Tomrrow Peace out Guys Jodie + Allie = BBF
My 20st Birthday
Mothers Special person in your eyes Words of encouragement she speaks Advising not critising A warming smile upon her face Wonderful aromas Teasing your nose Tempting food before your eyes She's been busy in the kitchen A sickly belly A pain in the head A bleeding wound here All that are easily cured with a kiss upon the head Who is this woman? Who possesses all these Powers Superwoman, Wonder Woman Or a mixture of the two But nothing so spectacular Just a plain and simple person Blessed with Gods almighty Gift She will be your advisor Your personnel Nurse as well A thousand other jobs, she will do But none as good as this A best Friend and a Mother Is the job she does the best Dedicated to my Mum, sadly missed and always in my Prayers
hi all well im a very chatty/friendly guy im always wanting to talk with any one i respect but it does not meen just any one any where any time. time is of the esssence in my life normally so when you start chatting with me i would have you on the floor with laughter before you know it. you will be asking paper tissues in seconds not minutes i will think of some thing before you speak and many hours of fun.... my aim is just chatty/friendly. so i hope too see you around. guys/dolls. be seeing you......
Lets Be Friends
I'm here to meet women that likes to have good times is there any one around my area I keep on getting more friends I would like to meet one in person Ok women what is wrong with my profile no one likes me
Sharing A Cabin
A man and a woman, who have never met before, but are both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train. Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly...he in the upper bunk and she in the lower. At 1:00 AM, the man leaned over and gently woke the woman saying, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold." "I have a better idea," she replied. "Just for tonight, let's pretend that we're married." "Wow! That's a great idea!" he exclaimed. "Good," she replied. "Get your own damn blanket!" After a moment of silence, he farted.
i was wondering if anyone is gonna head out to Gwavaween this Saturday? Its gonna be a Blast and me and three of my friends are going as catholic school count that..yes there will be four of us all looken cute!. i will be posting the pics.....:)- my fiiend told me about this site. im bored as hell with my space. so i thought i would try this and see what its like. kinda cool so far. But i wonder how many people actually talk on here or just do it for points? Hope my opinion is wrong. i often wonder what they think about, and why they have to be such liers and players. im so pisst!
Where To Take Women On "dates"
Hi Readers Okay, here goes. First, what's been working for me. The CF attitude is definitely paying off. Bottom line, IT WORKS. Another tip I've found to work for me is to generally play up to a woman's insecurities. DON'T make fun of them, be respectful, but just let them be aware of the fact, tactfully, that you KNOW that they arn't perfect, and given a different set of circumstances, if you so chose, you could be with someone else. The trick I have found that works for me is to ALWAYS KEEP THEM GUESSING. Does he like me, or doesn't he? Where do I stand? How can I win him over? Don't give them your undieing devotion to them right off the bat or they'll KNOW that you're a wussy!!! Okay, so here's my question. Could you tell me how to ask a girl out without "losing your power...?" It seems to me like once you have "put yourself out there", and asked her the question "Will you go out with me?" you have made yourself seem somewhat weak and wussy-like. Is the
Special Poem
YOU TOO ALL THROUGH LIFE WE ARE MOLDED AND EVEN ARRANGED AS WE GROW OLD WE NEED TO BE READY FOR CHANGE I NEVER DID FOR ANOTHER NOT EVEN A MOTHER GUESS I NEVER REALLY HAD TRUE LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER CHANGE HAS BEEN GOOD FOR I AM BOLDER AND WISER SO BE IT NONE OF THE OTHERS I CAN AND WILL ATTEST ONE HAS TO LOVE LIFE AND EVEN LIFE'S ZEST BEFORE ONE CAN LOVE AND LIVE THROUGH LIFE'S TEST ONE HAS TO MEET YOU TOO BEFORE HE CAN REST! ZHEMSWA ANTWAN SORRELLI is it a dream im having waking up next to you, or has reality spewed it's creations into my daydreams of real life and love of the passions of your loveliness and beauty spawned by the creator himself and given to the heavens to mold and given to mankind to gaze upon in awe of the visions of beauty bestowed to all men who need to feel love be loved and in love given by goddesslike vessels to have and hold forever into the eternal pieces of life we call time. dreams of seeing one soul entwined in sweet desire may be the spark but love is the
Life In Machinegun Bullet
Well, this is it. seven months after touching down at Camp Baharia Iraq and living at the entrance to Fallujah I am finally going home. I caused many problems on this trip but thats what I am a mischevous little punk and if you don't lov e me for it then you will hate me. I have been writing a murder mystery novel out here I am a little over 100 pages in, maybe ill post some of it for all you to comment on. no idea what to think about going home to cold temperatures (its 112 right now) and freezing my balls off. I am going to see my son Gabe for the first time at three months and hopefully get locked in the room by my wife...but who knows. Anyways to all you in 1/24 have fun and to the country PEACE BITCHES IM OUT!!!!!!!!!
Im Not Well Today
This is the first time ive seen my computer since friday afternoon.... i have made myself that ill. That i had to spend all day in bed yestreday ... i shouldnt be out of it today either .... But i need to be up for the children ... It sucks being a parent.... cant just curl up and sleep it off.. So i am sittin at the computer feeling like pants if u wanna come over and wish me well please do xxxxxx i dnt feel very well today , please stop by and show how much you care xxxxxxxxxx ,
It is included in his poetry collection bahay-kubo: Mga Tulang Pambata, published by the Philippine Normal College Press in 1967. Tulang Pambata is Tagalog for "Children's Poem."   ANG KAIBIGANG TUNAY Kaibigang tunay ay laging matapat,ang tulong ay laan sa lahat ng oras. Siya ay mabait at saka marangalsa lahat ng saglit ay maaasahan. Sa pangangailangan, siya'y laging handanang ang kaibiga'y hindi mapahiya. Siya'y nakalaan kahit na magtiisupang mapagbigyan, katotong matalik. Kaibigang lubos, kaibigang tapatay kayamanan din ang nakakatulad.     This Tagalog poem is about genuine friendship.     found on ako ay pag-ibig sa iyo magpakailanman! ito ay nangangahulugan na gumawa ng aking mga araw na kumpleto kung ako makita mo! i love you so much, it hurts! Miss ko sa inyo kaya much, kaya kong sigaw ng isang ilog! ako magkulang sa hold ka masyado, wala na hihinto ako mula sa pagkuha ng doon sa lalong madaling i am able! Ako isipin wala mas mahusay kaysa sa hawak
The Cassie Profile
This is where you can ask me anything you want and i will do my best to answer you honestly lol if i cant i will make you giggle at the very least so go on dare ya? C
New Meds For Women
DAMNITOL - Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 8 full hours. EMPTYNESTROGEN - Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness by reminding you of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn't wait till they moved out. ST. MOMMA'S WORT - Plant extract that treats mom's depression by rendering preschoolers unconscious for up to two days. PEPTOBIMBO - Liquid silicone drink for single women. Two full cups swallowed before an evening out increases breast size, decreases intelligence, and prevents conception. DUMBEROL - When taken with Peptobimbo, can cause dangerously low IQ, resulting in enjoyment of country music and pickup trucks. FLIPITOR - Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling road rage and the urge to flip off other drivers. MENICILLIN - Potent anti-boy-otic for older women. Increases resistance to such lethal lines as, "You make me want to be a better person." BUYAGRA - Injectable stimulant taken prior to shop
My Rap For All The Hood Ratz
my song "Hood Ratz" a hood rat could rap better than a ball cap when shes bustin caps in ur ass for tha cash in ur pocket so watch it dodge it block it then go for ur gat and fuck chuck it just dont buckle under my uncle.. my rats love my ass cuz i give them grass when they ask as long as i get a peice of ass for the work i use to make the cash to keep them by my side they no that they have no need to hide as long as they down to ride.. ride a dick suck a bitches clit play with ur tit, naw fuck that shit, bitch all u do is use me and confuse me, so dont acuse me of being like this i told u how i am from the get go so dont trip ho, go blow some guy so that u can have another place to go,and thats fo sho..... i sit back and see u kick back with ur click and all u guys talk about is how much u love to suck dick, but bitch all i see is that u are a lezy, says me... bitch get to steppin all u have done was messin my heart when to u and u ripped it and gave it back to
A Juggalo is someone who lives for themself, meaning they realize that if you care what other people think about you and try hard to be accepted, then you will always be a slave to your own mind. A Juggalo is someone who enjoys life to the fullest they possibly can and stops "to smell the roses"(meaning living your life in the moment). It's not about having all the gear, posters, albums and trivia knowledge. You don't have to know what faygo or a neden is or even have ever heard of psychopatic records in order to be a Juggalo. A Juggalo is an enlightened/reawakened person with a discovered wisdom beyond their years. Yes, there are hound dogs who haven't discoved what the dark carnival is really about and perhaps sadly, never will and just really want to belong somewhere and have a loving family they never had. That is what you find with the fam-MMFL. Sure, there are many posers/'trashy people' around at shows and mini-gatherings, but a real juggalo would show them love anyway in orde
Pimpette@ LostCherry
Hallow's Eve/ A Question...@};-------
~A question to all my freaky freaks and devious dark dwellers, where shall i go this month? Where will i find the most mind bending of haunted houses, the dark thrill of devious enticement. This year like every other i look for the kindred spirits that will take me in and blow my mind... where oh where will that be.... as this is just the beginning of my quest... you know by now... more later lol @};----
Update On Me For Whoever Really Wants To Know
well i have been hard at work on my college courses getting a 98% average for bothfamily is doing great and i start my new job part time in about 15 minutes well ill write more later Have a great Saturday everyone!!

This Is The Real It Or Leave It!
APPLICATION FOR A BOOTY CALL Name___________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ City_______________________________ State_______ Zip________ Phone__________________ Age_______ Height_________ Weight__________ Waist Size___________ Chest/Bra Size__________ Married_________ Single_________ Divorced_______ Are Your Breasts Real? ______ Do You Like Them Sucked? ______ Squeezed? _____ Other? ____________ Explain_________________________________ Can You Stay Out Late? ____ How Late? _______ All Night? _____ Several Days? _______ How Many? _______ Are You Willing To Travel? __________ Do You Like To Be Screwed? __________________ How Often? __________________ Do You Like Oral Sex? ________ Give? ________ Receive? _________ How About "69"? __________________ Do You Like Anal Sex? ________ Do You Prefer: One on One?
Zen Thoughts
ZEN THOUGHTS A day without sunshine is like, night. On the other hand, you have different fingers. I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name. I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Honk if you love peace and quiet. Remember, half the people you know are below average. He who laughs last thinks slowest. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol. Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have. Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your week. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines. Get a new car for your spouse. It'll be a great trade! Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow. Always try to be modest,
Modified to reflect contemporary wisdom: 1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just leave me the hell alone. 2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire. 3. It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it. 4. Sex is like air. It's not important unless you aren't getting any. 5. Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. 6. No one is listening until you fart. 7. Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else. 8. Never test the depth of the water with both feet. 9. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments. 10. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 11. If at first you don't succe
"Never" frown... because even when you are sad, you never know who is falling in love with your smile. > Hmmmmm.... Perhaps "God" wants us to meet a few "wrong" people before meeting the right one, so when we finally meet this person, we will truly know how to be "grateful".
will be updated every week
Old Joke But I Still Like It
A couple has a dog that snores. Annoyed because she can't sleep, the wife goes to the vet to see if he can help. The vet tells the woman to tie a ribbon around the dog's testicles and he will stop snoring. "Yeah right!" she thinks. A few minutes after going to bed, the dog begins snoring as usual. The wife tosses and turns, unable to sleep. Finally, muttering to herself, she goes to the closet and grabs a piece of ribbon and ties it carefully around the dog's testicles. Sure enough, the dog stops snoring. The woman is amazed! Later that night, her husband returns home drunk from being out with his buddies. He climbs into bed, falls asleep, and immediately begins snoring loudly. The woman thinks that maybe the ribbon will work on him too. So she goes to the closet again, grabs a piece of ribbon, and ties it around her husband's testicles. Amazingly, it also works on him! She then sleeps soundly. He wakes in a drunken stupor and stumbles into the bathroom. As he s
Beer Scooter
Saddam Hussein was sitting in his office wondering whom to invade next when his telephone rang. "Hallo, Mr. Hussein!", a heavily accented voice said. "This is Paddy down at the Harp Pub in County Sligo, Ireland. I am ringing to inform you that we are officially declaring war on you!" "Well, Paddy," Saddam replied, "This is indeed important news! How big is your army?" "Right now," said Paddy, after a moment's calculation, "there is myself, my cousin Sean, my next door neighbor Seamus, and the entire dart team from the pub. That makes eight!" Saddam paused. "I must tell you, Paddy, that I have one million men in my army waiting to move on my command." "Begorra!", said Paddy. "I'll have to ring you back!" Sure enough, the next day, Paddy called again. "Mr. Hussein, the war is still on! We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!" "And what equipment would that be, Paddy?" Saddam asked. "Well, we have two combines, a bulldozer, and Murphy's farm tract
A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop and says, "About 2 hours." The guy leaves. A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks, " How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around at the shop full of customers and says, "About 3 hours." The guy leaves. A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop and says, "About an hour and a half." The guy leaves. The barber who is intrigued by this time, looks over at a friend in the shop and says, "Hey, Bill. Follow that guy and see where he goes." A little while later, Bill comes back into the shop, laughing hysterically. The barber asks, "Bill, where did he go when he left here?" Bill looks up, tears in his eyes and says, "Your house."

Stories - Funny!
A young couple, married just a couple of weeks, returned from their honeymoon to face the beginning of their new lives. The next morning, the husband woke up, showered, dressed and made his way to the kitchen where he saw his new wife crying. So the husband inquired, "What's wrong, Honey?" "Well, I came down here this morning to surprise you with a big breakfast, but I can't cook or clean." The husband smiled his biggest smile and said, "There, there sweetie! I don't care that you can't cook and clean. Come on up to the bedroom, and I'll show you what I'd like for breakfast." So, off they went to the bedroom. That afternoon, the husband came home for lunch to find his new wife crying again in the kitchen. "What's wrong now, Sweetie?" "Well, the same thing as this morning. I came in here to make you something for lunch, and I just can't cook." Again the husband smiled and said, "Why don't you come back up to the bedroom and I'll have my lunch there!" So of
RAINBOW !!!!!!!!!! For those of you who don't have kids or are far too young to remember the splendid children's TV programme "Rainbow", this may be a little lost on you...... but it must have been a great episode to watch! Almost too ridiculous to believe... These are taken from original Rainbow scripts and there's no way these could have been done by Accident. Innuendo all the way .... The sketch opens with Zippy peeling a banana..... Zippy: " One skin, two skin, three skin, four " George: " Zippy, where is Bungle?" Zippy: " I think Geoffrey is trying to get him up" We see a view of the door and hear Bungle moaning from behind it. Bungle: " Geoffrey, I can't get it in" Geoffrey: "You managed it last night" Bungle: "I know, lets try it round the Otherway. Ooooooh, I've got it in" Bungle and Geoffrey enter the studio with Bungle carrying a hammer and peg kit Bungle: " Would you stick this on the shelf, George" Ge
Ok so it's now 3:30am in NY.... I just got home from work... OMG it was so borring.. I't be like watching a snail race.... Ther was a total of 8 people that came in tonight.. 6 were durring my shift... most were all in 2 hours out of 6... so for the other 4 hours I was watching the door... So yeah... Worked sucked a big one... The girlz were pissed cuz they were maken no money.. I actually made more then everyone cuz well I get paid by the hour and maybe get a bonus for "solving" a problem.. ;)... But yeah so now it's time to get to sleep so... ttyl..
Star Wars Gangsta Rap
I'm sure nobodys gonna read this..but I need to vent, so this is where its happening =] dont wanna read it? then my guest..and dont. A lot of people think they have me "figured out" but that's so far from the truth. Nobody really knows me..not even my family. Truth is, I dont even know myself anymore. I went from being a happy person, to being a fucked up and confused person. I dont even know why I do half of what I do..but I do it anyways, maybe I'm just rebelling because of all the shit that's happened to me in my life. Everybody can say that they can "relate" to having problems in their life..but everybody also deals with things different. I've been in and out of counceling, I've been in and out of doctors trying to help me..yet, nothing seems to work. Depression meds, just make me sleep, Not dealing with my stress gives me migraines, leading me to take medication, which I've been addicted to, although I did fight the addiction. I've never thought about suicide, However I
And Another One
Whats Good
Welcome Into My World
what is this shit going on in my head Ive been going up and down on this emotional rollercoaster so much that Ive forgoten everything, That all that I thought was love is dead, Just when i think ive found someone i share so much in common with, things turn for the worse, I dont know if Im just being too cautious or if maybe I should let my heart open up One things for sure though If things keep on going like this I feel like my head is jsut gonna burst I just want some sort of sign something to tell me Im on the right path If things will be ok for me to move on In this so called wonderful life So now I sit here thinkin of someone What they're doing now. If Ive crossed their mind if they see me in their dreams Only time will tell i guess and Im left here to suffer Just let me know what I can do For my heart and soul cant take much more and I just might make u my lover. My life , my everything Ive ever dreamt of having but till that day comes ill just sit h
Lonely This Am
THIS IS A TEST TO SEE HOW MANY GOOD FRIENDS YOU HAVE.. YOU MUST SEND IT TO AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug**Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* I Want To Fly by Bob Gallagher The night I met you in words only on a screen I knew I had to have you not only in my dreams! The words that we have shared have caused my heart to ca
Angels Whispered Love
Tears of Blood tears of blood run down my cheeks leaving stains ofcrimson on my face this once elegant face now unrecognizably even to myself I don’t even know whoI am anymore baby without you I’m lost but all I know is that I’m crying tears of blood thinking about how much I cared about you back in the day but that’s all changed because of one little mistake that you can’t forgive now we’ve both moved on with our lives an found sumone new to spend our money an time on... (another older one) Here wer are together by all odds standing soo close it scares me you say were here as just friends leaving me to wonder what was meant by that its all just a dream though your not here with me at all your really soo far from me i lay all alone in my bed soo warm yet soo cold broken like an angel choking on pain & lonelyness feeling like i'm holding on to my last breath so come and save me from this feeling for only you can save me but sumhow i know you'll only leave me to die this s
My One Fear, I Will Finally Tell The Public
Everyone has one thing that they fear more than anything else; and I have kept mine hidden from so many for so long that I have to let it out. Being as I will most likely never meet most any of you, and you have an unbiased opinion of me at this time, I feel safe telling all who read this here. I didn't grow up in an abusive home or anything, my dad was a baptist preacher for a while, but also an alcoholic. We had money, and dad's drinking would lose it all. Didn't have the father son projects most kids did with their dads, other than go get me a beer and get the fuck out of the house, what fun that was. It was because of the lack of a father figure that since a young age I dreamed f being a daddy, to be the father I never really had. My dream didn't become a fear until around the fourth grade when the talk was that the earth was going to blow up in the year 2000. I actually drew up a timeline for when I needed to meet someone, propose, get married, and concieve in order fo
You have found what I have thrown away, Finding what unlocks my heart. You slowly begin opening, what has been closed for such a longtime. You see so much love inside that, You realize that you are unable to return this love. You tell me, that you’re heart is not ready and you hand back the key. Taking it back with a tear and placing it on the shelf. I tell you, it is here and it is yours, When you are ready, I Love You!!! I have no umbrella here to shelter me from the pain. I can't handle another downpour, Still, flooded out from the last wave of storms. Keeping all out and everything in, so high and thick, Nothing can penetrate this fortress like walls I have constructed. Enjoying the security and comforts and detesting the loneliness brought with it. A dark knight armed only with love, encircles my castle like walls, Searching for a weakness to liberate his dark angel from her self imprisonment unleashing his arsenal of heart felt loving words, knocking
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Glen Danzig Gets Knocked Out
This Is Cool !!!
For The Females
Can anybody out there give me some help to get to the next level. I will return the favor. Thanks Hey everybody can i get a level up it would be gratly appreciated. Ill check who viewed my stuff and hit them up in return. thanks I put up some new naughty pics earlier today. Feel free to rate and comment.
Me? you don't know me you assume but you bitches don't have a clue of who I am or for what I stand and yet you still condem you can stick it in your ass fuckin bastards here let me give you a hand you like how that feels? let me shove it in even harder bend over and grab your muthafuckin heels bitch what! You don't want to take the time to get to know me? think I'm a threat to your exsistence damn right I'll slit your throat in an instant then chop you up in little pieces hell bitch you're messin wit the insane demented, and the totally derranged now let me give you some facts bout this escapade I say I don't like conflict but only those who really know me will tell I like to contradict my statements keep my secrets a mystery as I inflict my misery on the unexpected causing all your dicks to be erected while laughing crazily WATCH OUT! I'm behind you beside you perpatrating inside you I'll fuck wit your mind while getting mind fucked too there's mor
Angel's Love......
Crying in the darkness but nobody cares. Sharing this pain with whom no one else shares. Feeling such sadness its as if nothing else even exists. Suddenly out of nowhere this beautiful Goddess appears. Instantly all pain becomes even more painfully clear. Wishing I could wipe away all the pain in her eyes. Taking a finger to her tear drop scar and falling to one knee as I steadily cry, all the torment this poor soul has had to hide. Wanting nothing more than to give her back the cherub she so dearly loves that she lost in her past life. Feeling the blame she never ever deserved come to life. Tearing it from my soul in one fiery strike. Placing it where it duly deserves to reside. Never again will that blame huant her side. Soothingly she touchs all of my pain deep down inside. Vanquishing every tiny little piece that I hide. Doing what I could have never done in all of my life. Instant gratitude and unconditional love I give to my wife. She blesses me with velve
I Like It
Tiger-Eye@ LostCherry
My Websites
Please go check out my new website. Let me know what you think. Access Code is 4243211.
Winter time really does suck. We got about 3 to 4 inches of snow this past weekend and well this snow isn't going away. The roads are an icy mess and people are dumb and don't slow down. I hate winter time in Alaska and unfortunately it will be here until April which really sucks. It is snowing outside. I am so not ready for snow but I guess winter is here. :(
Hatchetman's Blog
Come to my dark carnival and see a twiztid family, a hatchet man and his hatchet girl. Hope that she bares the mark in the future as I do now. Live by the hatchet! Juggalos Will always carry on. This darkness I live in is eating me alive. I wish that you could see what I see, the darkness, bitterness, this pain that everyone says they live through is what I see and live with. The darkness has been my home for the longest time. The pain is what I feed off from. What would you call me? I know myself as many things. But has the darkness taken my life and put me back? Where does the time go when you're alone in the darkness for a long time? All I see is the pain and suffering, still these things are an empty void of hate and emptiness. There's like no place that I fit into. I feel like the darkness is taking me away again. If you were to look through my eyes what would you see? The darkness is a blind void of my own pity only time will tell. I see myself as a new age vampire f
My Poems
A Soldier’s Poem I PAINT THE SKY WITH MY TEARS, A SOLDIER LOST IN IRAQ FOR A YEAR. THE TEARS I CRY ARE FOR LOVED ONES FAR FROM HERE. A SOLDIER OF ONE I CAN NEVER BE, FOR THE STRENGTH OF MY WIFE IS IN ME. FOR NO MAN IS AN ISLAND I’VE COME TO BELIEVE, FOR THE LOVE OF MY WOMAN I ALWAYS CARRY WITH ME! Written by: Jason Sanders (a.k.a.) Wildman Uncontrollable Desire I have a desire that can't be controlled. Every time I look into your eyes I see the fire on your soul. With the fire in your soul, I see the desire in you grow. The sound of your voice soothes me and all my fears soon disappear. I have a burning desire to be with you. I long to be with you, be your everything, and satisfy all your fantasies and needs. My fire for you continues to grow moment by moment, day by day and it’s unbeatable and uncontrollable. It's burning away my soul day by day and moment by moment. Every second that we are apart is a second that I feel like my body is dieing.
Flagnmac And The Tale Twister
9/29/06 FlagnMac And The Tale Twister By P. A. Hickman (All rights reserved/this is copy righted material)(You rip this with out my permission and you are in big TROUBLE - Just ask, most times I will say yes.) *** FlagnMac was not huge for a dragon, but he was not really small either. He was, as dragons go, an average Joe with nothing to make him stand out in the crowd. He had average abilities in all the draconic skills and was fair at Fire Breathing, Ice Shots, Burning the odd village or two, killing elves with his claw shots and scratches (that he like to call his "bling" effect), etc. He truly did not have anything that would make him stand out against the sea of his brethren except for one thing ... His beautiful singing voice. (Installment 1 of "FlagnMac and The Tale Twister- More to come on the next blog) *** 9/30/06 He had a voice that could make a mother cry, a lover swoon and angels weep. When he sang,
What's The Best Sex 4 U
My Shit
this lostcherry thing is nice im on this fuck myspace blattt!
Want Some Ass
I'M A LUCKY GIRL P.S. THIS IS NOT A BLOG HEHE Billy-ray was a preachers son And when his daddy would visit hed come along When they gathered round and started talkin Thats when billy would take me walkin A-through the back yard wed go walkin Then hed look into my eyes Lord knows to my surprise The only one who could ever reach me Was the son of a preacher man The only boy who could ever teach me Was the son of a preacher man Yes he was, he was, mmm, yes he was Being good isnt always easy No matter how hard I try When he started sweet-talkin to me Hed come and tell me everything is all right Hed kiss and tell me everything is all right Can I get away again tonight? The only one who could ever reach me Was the son of a preacher man The only boy who could ever teach me Was the son of a preacher man Yes he was, he was, lord knows he was How well I remember The look that was in his eyes Stealin kisses from me on the sly Takin time to make time Tellin
Just A Little About Read It If You Want To Know This Stuff.
Well I am not really going to say much right now because it seems like no one is really reading my blogs or posting a comments on them so I dont think I am going to to post any more till I get some readers I am still looking for thoses of you that know what I am talking about and for thoese of you that dont just ask me I will tell you. And maybe you just might be what I am looking for. Ok well I did just have a hole page filled with stuff about me and my family and I did not put a subject line so of coruse it did not take it.So now I have to redo it all over but Im not up to doing it all ove tonight so I will have to do it some other nite because I really need to get off here and go to bed I have to work in the morning.Oh everyone messes up every now and then.....
A Poem I Wrote For A Friend Of Mine: 9/29/06
A friend is someone special that cares a great deal for you. A friend is some one you care a great deal for in return. A friend is someone who is always there when you need a helping hand and vice versa. A friend is someone who doesn’t judge you when you do something wrong and in return you are the same. A friend is someone who tells you like it is and will not hold anything back because it offends you, and it goes the other way around. A friend is truthful and loyal always, and sticks by you through thick and thin, and you do the same for them. A friend is someone who is there through trials and tribulations, and fears of all kinds, through good and bad times. A friend is someone like you that means more to me than all the chocolate in the world. A friend is someone you can turn to when you are feeling down and out, and who can turn to you when they are down as well. A friend is someone who laughs with you not at you,and is always willing to make you la
( ) been dumped ( ) been fired ( ) been in a fist fight (x) snuck out of my parent's house (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back ( ) been arrested (not really) ( ) gone on a blind date (x) lied to a friend ( ) had a crush on a teacher ( ) skipped school ( ) slept with a co-worker ( ) seen someone die ( ) been to Canada ( ) been to Mexico ( ) been on a plane ( ) thrown up in a bar ( ) set a part of myself on fire not intentionally (x) eaten sushi ( ) been moshing/crowd surfing at a show (x) love someone or miss someone right now (x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (x) made a snow angel ( ) had a tea party (x) flown a kite (x) built a sand castle (x) try going threw puddles on a bike (x) gone puddle jumping (x) played dress up (x) jumped into a pile of leaves (x) gone sledding (x) cheated while playing a game (x) been lonely (x) fallen asleep at school ( ) used a fake id (x) watched the s
Trouble Some Times - A Poem I Wrote.
The Cross As I sit in Church and look at the Cross. I wonder what it is for? I look down and read my Bible, but the Cross-keeps coming to mind. I look at the Cross-again and I see the Cross-with a man on it. He has a Crown made of thorns and nails in His hands and feet. I see all the suffering and pain that He is going through in His eyes. I wonder why He is nailed up there with a Crown of thorns on His head? He didn't do anything wrong to be up there. I see up there with Him, Angels surrounding Him. I know He must be special. He must be my Savior. But why is my Savior up there with a Crown of thorns on His head and nails in His hands and feet? Then God answers, "It is for your Sins my child. His name is Jesus Christ and He is my Son." Trouble Some Times As I sit alone at night. I start to think about my life. It was not perfect by any means, but it taught me a lot of who I was meant to be. Now I can tell you a lot of things that will make you stop an
i love beautiful,gorgeous women. jus wanted to say thanx to everyone who have left comments or welcomed me to the site.i look forward to meeting lots of new people.
I gotta change this shit around. Friday. At home. Doin Laundry. What am I, 70? I need to hit the bars on the strip. Peace and quiet out here is good, but its also fuckin boring.
"a Special Kind Of Gift"
A Special Kind Of Gift There is a special kind of gift that a parent gives their child. A kiss on the check or a hug at night. Or even a tuck in bed and a story to comfort one with. The presents every birthday and even special holidays. The time spent with a child is the most precious time that one can never doubt. Even when it comes to homework for both to learn what it's about. The time at a park, or a special program at school. But no matter what a child is loved. And that is the most special kind of gift that a parent can give to any child, either young or old.
If the mixes dont work right for whatever reason they can be downloaded from here and played at a later time: New Mix!!!! Download and let me know what you think...!!!! Listing:I Start Counting -- Loose HimGene Love Jezebel -- Desire (U.S. Club Mix)Peter Schilling -- The Different Story (World of Lust and Crime)Book of Love -- Lullaby (Pleasant Dream Mix)C.C.P -- American Soviets 12"Paul Hardcastle -- 19 12"Micro Chip League -- New York New York (Double New York-Mix)Gary Numan -- My Dying Machine (Razormaid)Dead of Alive -- Lover Come Back to Me (Extended Remix)Severed Heads -- All Saints Day (Razormaid)Depeche Mode -- Fools (Bigger) 12"Frankie Goes To Hollywood -- Relax (Ollie J. Mix)Royksopp -- Remind Me (Tom Middleton Cosmos Mix)Astrid Suryanto & Dave Micalizzi -- More & MoreClient -- Price of LoveTurntablerocker -- I heard you were deadGarbage -- Push It (Victor Calderone) 12"Alt
so this is how im am i cant help it its my life i love women i cant help it but if it came between my guitar and a women i would choose my guitar just because some women cheat such is life i guess anyway thought you should know
The Story of Bonnie and Clyde You’ve read the story of Jesse James Of how he lived and died If you’re still in need for something to read Here’s the story of Bonnie and Clyde. Now Bonnie and Clyde are the Barrow gang, I’m sure you all have read how they rob and steal And those who squeal are usually found dying or dead. There’s lots of untruths to those write-ups They’re not so ruthless as that Their nature is raw, they hate all law Stool pigeons, spotters, and rats. They call them cold-blooded killers They say they are heartless and mean But I say this with pride, I once knew Clyde When he was honest and upright and clean. But the laws fooled around and taking him down and locking him up in a cell ‘Till he said to me, "I’ll never be free So I’ll meet a few of them in hell." The road was so dimly lighted There were no highway signs to guide But they made up their minds if all roads were blind They wouldn’t give up ‘till they died. The road gets di
Wedding Anniversary.....
Ed was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really angry. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in less than 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE". The next morning Ed got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window, and sure enough, there was a small box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Very confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Funeral services for Ed have been scheduled for Friday.
I am smarter than 95.44% of the rest of the world.Find out how smart you are. You scored as Average. You are an Average in the sexual arena. In better words: Bland. You are like a robot and follow the norm in moral standards. Count yourself lucky if you have sex at all. Lubricate those joints and get out there and live a little, try new stuff.A Sicko50%Very Kinky50%Average50%A WUSS !!20%How sexual are youcreated with What type of kisser are you? Romantic kisserThis kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.Take The Quiz Now!
Errr. . .
WOW. I generally don’t like people. But this is fucking ridicules! Alright so there is this chick on Myspace going on a hunger strike until Sanjaya Malakar is voted off of American Idol. It’s a TV show, it’s for entertainment. If you don’t like what’s going on don’t fucking watch it. I’m not an American Idol fan myself. I honestly can’t stand the show.. So do you know what I do? I DON’T WATCH IT! Although her stupidity makes me want to vote for Sanjaya as much as I possibly can! She says “We have no problems with Sanjaya personally, he seems like a very personable and charming young man. However, he does NOT belong on American Idol.” Who is she to say this. Now I’m not standing up for him. I have no idea what he’s like or his singing is like and I don’t really give a shit. I’m simply putting her down for being an idiot! “This means I will refuse to eat anything until American Idol voters wise up, and stop voting Sanjya through each week.” pffft. Who cares if you don’t eat!? I hope
My Day!!
today, i stayed home from school. I havent been feeling well, and i am sick. I miss my friends, and i miss all my love. I just wish i didnt have to go into surgury in 3 weeks. plus i have to miss school for a week, then i have to miss school for court, and i really hate all my shittyness pileing up!! *sigh* someone help me please!!
My Blog
this is an interesting site.. since this is my 1st day on here, and its pretty cool. we'll see where it goes
A Soldier Never Cries As he sits alone on the plane, Thinking of his life back home And how he will never be the same. His family and daughter praying that he will come back soon Wishing on the stars and even the moon And a small tear slides from his eyes But he remembers what his daughter told him, ¡°Daddy, a soldier never cries.¡± So he wipes away the tears and knows that he must be strong Instead he starts singing the tune to a very sad song He¡¯s scared to death of the thought that he might die And he¡¯ll have to watch in heaven as his funeral passes by. He steps out of the plane into a lonely place And sees a little boy with a look on his face A look of lost hope Lost dreams and a broken heart He searches for an answer, Where does he start? He takes the little boy¡¯s hand And gives him a piece of bread And they begin to walk in the hot sun and never-ending sand In a dangerous place so far away from love But somehow connected by God w

30 Days Without A Drink...
Well, I went out to two bars lastnight for my friends birthday. Me and my two best friends do the same thing for all three of our birthdays every year. Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and then on to the neighborhood bar to shoot pool, throw darts etc. Well I spent the night drinking Coke and Pepsi. There is something I never thought possible. I have never been to a place that served alcohol and not had a drink. Funny thing is it wasn't even something I had to fight for you know? I just didnt want to drink. Shit, since I've turned twenty-one I havent even been able to go out to dinner or lunch with my mom when shes in town without drinking. Guess I was right, I'm not an alcoholic... just a drunk! Well this fucking blows. I cannot sleep at night, I'm depressed and I'm remembering things I spent lots of Years and money drinking away. I have begun to realize that I drank so much because my reality really sucks. I'm not trying to be overly dramatic by any means it's just I have no fucking clu
Death Of A Friend
Well My friends, I write tonight with a heavy heart. I lost one of my dear friends to a very selfish act. Brent left this world the 26th September by commiting Suicide. Unfortunally due to Military duty I can not be at the at the Service that is being held for him. He left behind a young wife and three wonderful boys, all under the age of twelve. Leaving behind also many friends and family members. It is sad that one would think life so bad that ending it would seem better. I have seen much in my 24 years and not once would I think that my loved ones would be better off without me. It came as a shock to many hearing this news. May the Goddess bless and keep him, although he has done this. May whatever god he worship have mercy on him and welcome him into the afterlife warmly. With a Saddened Heart Dark Angel

hah im fried..yes tomatoes.yep tomatoes.well hmm...idk what day it is but i was kicked out today becous eof that slut named courtni riley i really do want to stab her. well idk maybe i will get kicked out of here for saying that too...well idk im out i guess. xoxo, love ya
So Today I Had A Pretty Weird Day...I Got Up...And Went To The Gym And Did A Body Pump Class Which Felt Amazing After My Nice Warm Shower...Then I Learned How To Make Sushi...I Love Sushi:P And After That I Went Out On A Date For Diner...And I Bought Fuzzy Dice For My Boss For The Staff Christmas Party Tomorrow...I Bought Him The Dice To Go In His Hot Red Hard Top Convertable Lexus!!! I Love That Car :P So Today I Had A Football Game... College Go Mustangs!! And Now I'm Just Waiting To Go Over To My Lovers House And See What He Doing He's Just Out Friday Nights Poker Night lol YAY My Frist Blog
Bit Bout Me
I stole this from someone, who stole it from someone else, who stole it from someone else. [ ] I am shorter than 5'4. [x] I think I'm ugly sometimes. [x] I have many scars. [x] I tan easily. [ ] I wish my hair was a different color. [ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. [x] I have a tattoo. [x] I am self-conscious about my appearance. [ ] have/I've had braces. [ ] wear glasses. [ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100 safe, free of cost, and scar-free. [x] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger. [ ] I have more than 2 piercings. [ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears. [ ] I have freckles. Family/Home Life [x] I've sworn at my parents. [x] I've run away from home. [x] I've been kicked out of the house. [ ] My biological parents are together. [ ] I have a sibling less than one year old. [?] I want to have kids someday. [ ] I've had children. School/Work [ ] I'm in school/university [x] I have a job.
My heart is full of pain caused by things said in vain No hope shines upon me my regret is torturous tearing my heart from corner to corner blood seeping into internal wounds deep Will tomorrow shine as it did when i looked into her eyes? Will I be forgiven,or must i forgive myself first? My mind is shattered,along with my heart why is my world falling apart?
My Hobbie And Life.
How this Maddness started, I had a cheap necklace i was wearing, Black and white beads, i wore the necklace to much, and it broke, i like neclaces like that are different, I started to look around and Much to my Dismay i couldn't find any that were 1. a mans type of necklace. Or they didn't have any. So after looking around for a month or more and not finding what i liked, I walk into this shop and start buying stuff to make a new necklace this was last week, I sat down and started to play around with this, I bought 12 center pieces, and the pics i have up, there the ones i have made so far. I'm doing this as a hobbie, NONE of these are for sell!! I'm not trying to sell them!!!! I'm looking for info, people who won't bs them and be real with them. As far as how they look and ways to inprove on the next ones i make. Thanks.
Find Me
you can reach me directly at 877-447-8427 Ext 8960....reach out and touch me
Lc Things That Set Me Crazy
why do people have pics marked private in their default photo album or public view albums, makes no sense or maybe I should start another grouping under THINGS THAT DON'T SURPRISE ME ANYMORE ABOUT THE LC I just learned you can't vote on your own MUMM (and yes it is MUMM despite the spelling on the 'TOPS' line) what kind of crap is that it's not a scientific poll or official election-it's a opinion expressed by a group of people so what does it matter what the results are it's not going to change the world and if someone bases their decision on the results of the MUMM its their own damn business yea maybe I should take a "chill pill" but I'M REALLY GETTING PISSED OFF TONIGHT first the rating limit on pictures and blogs and now this on top of either the browser or server problems over the last couple days this has just put me over the top W T F why the page change and why that format--does anyone like it--too sparse
All About Me
Loose Cannon
lets chill
Just Everyday Things!!
Happy 21st Birthday to me!! I cant wait to go out to dinner tonight with my friends!! Just leave me some LOVE!!! I'm at work at 1:47 am and not getting off til 4 am. I've been here since 11 am yesterday!! I am soo tired but I dont really have anything to do. We are not busy at all. I just sit here taking phone calls when they come in if they do at all!! I've been sitting here talking on the phone and getting on any website that I can really!! Ehhhh... is it time to go home yet. Mmmm.... just think about the pay check I will have will have next... oh yeah the BIG $$$ are going to be rolling in!! Well, I'm going to go find something else to do right maybe I'll be back!! Here i am still at work at 3:21 in the freaking morning. Dog tired... I wanna go home to my nice comfy bed... who wants to go with me :-D Well today is my first Day on LostCherry.Com and everyone has been so nice to me so far. I'll try to keep updated!!! I hope everything always goes as smoothly as it as t
It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria found in feces. Body waste. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, beer or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling or filtering and/or fermenting. WATER = poop WINE = HEALTH Ergo: It's better to drink wine and talk stupid than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I am doing it as a public service... Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, Wait for t
Beyond Hurt
Well where shall I begin. My family must be really fucked up. I just found out tonight that my dad has had alzheimer's for like 5 yrs now at least. well now let me fast forward some. I went into the Marine Corps in Oct 1999. The following June 2000, my mom threw my dad out for reasons Ill get into if I am asked. Well now let me fast forward to present day. My mom and dad have been seperated for 6+ yrs now. And my dad is finally serving my mom divorce papers so he can marry some chick that looks like the Penguin playd as danny devito in that one batman movie. Well After reviwing the papers my mom noticed something really fucked up. There was something on the papers that asked something like Was there any children that resulted from this marriage? AND MY FATHER SAID NO. its like WTF then How was my older sister an borther myself an younger sister all concived? Well here is what we are thinking. The woman my dad plans on marrying, we think like a a year after they are married she will a
How Well Do You Know Me?
How Well Do You Know Me?
Blog Of Ultimate Pointlessness
So.. I just signed up here because someone told me to and i already have like 20 user comments. weird. but neat. so add me as your friends people. I like having lots of friends. i spend all day cleaning. all day. boo. i hate you cleaning.
This shit is confusing.
More Very Funny Shit - Kids Paintings
That Bud Of Mine
Just My Opinion
Abortion is wrong.. you should really read this.. Month One: Mommy I am only 8 inches long but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby. Month Two Mommy today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here. Month Three You know what Mommy I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. Month Four Mommy my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too. Month Fi
The Messages For Those Who Care..
Yes I have been gone from here for some time now .... i have not even checked out this profile in a long time ....i do appreciate those who have noticed i have been missing .... to those few i thank you and miss you much .... for everyone else who has not even noticed i have been missing .... i understand ..... its not like we are in love ....nor even truely knew each other ... yes i to have moved on .... it is what happened in life .... you see something and you moveon ... either it sticks with you for the rest of your time here or ...... its gone as quickly as it came ....yes alot of things in my life have changed ... some for the better ...some for the worse ..... I am slowly clawing my way back into the road ... and getting myself back on track .... i miss the interactiveness of CT ... and for those thatwish to continue on wiyh me in this place I have made a new profile ..... I am willing to share it with any who ask .... so this is your change ..... ask and you shall get it .... y
Stuck In A Back Brace
Hey I am getting fitted for a new Back Brace this week!
I'm still getting adjusted to this whole lostcherry blogging thing. I mostly blog on Myspace, but that's becoming a total shitter for me. Why? Who knows. Perhaps I need a change. I met a few cool people on here. I wouldn't mind meeting a few more though. (No Hook-Ups though. I love the one I'm with;) ) I guess I'm just sick of dealing with drama circles. You know the ones. The circles where no matter what you do, or who you meet, they end up with the same friends you tried so hard to get away from. That's me right now. I'm not a hard person to get along with. Really, I'm not. Yeah, my standards are a bit high, but it's not like you have to have a 4.0 GPA or an IQ of a Rhodes Scholar to even deal with me. I only want my friends to apply themselves for something better. I'm not gonna turn the other way while a friends is being self-destructive. I know they wouldn't do that to me:) I guess this is the ending of my maturity process. Wish you guys were there for the beginning. You misse
Getting To Know Me Survey Type.
floating up high dazing into the cloudless nights, body moving ever lightly through the sky. small figure, long black hair flowing through the winds, breezing and zooming on top of my broom, i find my placing, deep woods where my wild beasts hunger wildly warewolfs in under my controll. greeting me as i give my sharp green eyes the silent stare and nod, my pets move along with me as i enter my cottage, comming upon my couldron simmering the stench of witches brew, strirring and casting the spell as the night runs along the moonless night. pets sleeping asound with my clattering around my cottage as i gather my herbs and the book of shadows. opening book of shadows, wide grin ever smuggish as i chant out. smoke twirls in shape of a human man, naked as a babe born, i walk around my creation satified with my work. a pat on the butt as the human lushiously moans as i carresse his well fit musles, bewitched monsterous laugh as i lure my human into my sacred beddings, stare stright on has t
No presants no wrieth no lights or tree There is nothing this holiday for my baby and me We don't need all that holiday stuff Just holding and knowing he's here is just enough This christmas seems so close to the last And for mommy two that are past This time I will have no job or home Dante and I will be all alone It doesn't matter about the preasents or tree we don't need it all I am asking for a miracle sending a call I am doing all I can as you can see Pray and wish us luck dante and me A job for me and home for us to live in Then hopefuly my bad luck will be ended Please help this miracle come true Just hope wish and pray thats all you need to do Heres a kiss hug and lots of thanks If you don't help I give you lots of spanks (ouuuch) May a miracle touch each one of you And this holiday may your dreams come true Confused Love you brake my heart as soon as you heal it You steal my breath as soon as you breath Robb me of my sences then leave me feeling to
I wish I could understand why I can't seem to meet a man who wants a committed relationship, which includes fun, laughter, snuggling, affection and all the other stuff that comes with it. I just keep meeting ones that get scared after a few months and push me away. I hear all the time what a great person I am and how sweet I am but its just not enough. As soon as I start caring about someone I get blown away. I am too giving I just know it! Are there really any good trusting men out there or are they all like this? Its all about moving on and thats what I am doing. Its funny when you just break the tie and your doing what was wanted, then out of the blue they contact you. Just stay away...I do not need it in my life. Trying to find a man who wants a real meaningful relationship, one who will share "all" of his life with me, as I will with not an easy task. Some day I just want to forget it and quit trying, other days I have hope.... I am so tired of meeting men who jus
Attraction Powder
Attraction Powder 32 parts Wood Base 16 parts Olbanum 8 parts Sandalwood 4 parts Myrrh 8 parts Cinnamon 4 parts Orris Root Mix all ingredients together. Use oil when searching for a mate. Sprinkle in your shoes to bring luck, anoint green candles and use as Attraction Powder. Always used to incite the passions of the opposite sex. Also brings all forms of good luck. It is especially good for attracting financial gain. Used to attract money, better business, good luck, love, and the better things of life. For love and gambling it is applied to the body and the hands in small amounts. It is sprinkled about a place of business. It is rubbed on charms and added to conjure bags that have a beneficial purpose. ~ Author Unknown ~
I wonder if this is just like myspcae get bac 2 me on that 1!
Chaos Is Coming!
New York
R.i.p. John Coudriet
it was 9-26-06 and one of my best friends John aka fluffy, sun sun, jp. jc, granda i can go on with how many nicknames he had...but anyway he asked this kid for a ride home from skool(he only had his licence for about 2 weeks) and on the street that jonh lived on they decided to go 65 in a 25 and lost control of the car....the car hit the side of a tree and slide down to a stop sign....the car was hit on the side that john was sitting and he died instantly...john was only 16 yrs old and was always a happy person...he never even got to get his licences .... he wrked at a tattoo parlor and was suppost to go get his first tat. this weekend and never made it... september 26 was the worst day of many ppls lives and our lives will never be the same... my love goes out to his family and all his other friend and especially olivia who was the love of his life and she loved his just as much as he loved her (who is also my bestest friend)...soon i wil b getting a tat. in memory of one of the best
Oh So Sick
lastnight i went to the bar even though i have a bad cold haha got drunk and woke up this morning feeling like mass amounts of asshole ahh i dont recamend drinking with the flu
Just trying to have a little bit of fun.. Went to Canada Yesterday.. took a few pics that are not on my yahoo photo albums.. feel free to roll over that way and check out the photos.. The album is called "Victoria Canada" Enjoy Ok, I am here in my barracks at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, which is now known affectionately by me as psns. So I am out here in Bremerton. So I was checking in over at Bangor and when I got to medical, I was informed I am supposed to have a waiver in my record for my collapsed lung and for "retained hardware" in my leg being the metal rod in my femur. So apparently, my doc in Hawaii dicked me over on the paperwork side, so I am on medical hold until I get all that paperwork sent through and written up. They were trying to figure out a way for me to commute to Bangor, a 20 minute ride every morning, but had no way other than making the duty driver come and pick me up every morning and have to take me home. So instead
I'm new at all of this but give me time and I'll figure it all out!!!!!!!!!
Sur3nio Rym3s
Angel Eyes
I Have Somethin' Very Important To Say..
I Have Something Very Important to Say So I am Typing it Now Because it is So Important .... What I am typing now is something that is so important, it is kind of obscene how important it is. Not just to me, but to everyone who reads it. Nay, it is important to THE WORLD, regardless of whom is actually physically exposed to it. If I did not type this (this thing I am typing now) it would be something that was never typed and presented to the world and that would be a travesty. That would be a piece of very important history left unwritten; a first for humankind that never presented itself. A crime, essentially! A crime! What I am writing here is important and interesting and unique. I am discussing something that is entirely unique to me and therefore eye-opening to everyone else. "Gosh, I never thought of it that way!" you will DEFINITELY be saying once you are through reading this. You will exclaim, "It was so important I read that! It has enriched my life for I had neve
Poetry & Prose
I am the wild wind blowing let loose upon the plains over, around mountains rolling sea and land alike My breath exudes and flows through Every whiff an puff finds a course all its own No need to wish for it I know I'll find my way to every open space and from there which to spy There is no place you have been that I cannot follow chances are, thats one i have already been Over sands and waves blowing all trace away of souls long passed but now contained herein So many days ive wandered many trips taken as well stumbled down darkened roads skirted the gates of hell after all that ive done i felt empty inside devoid of self worth severely lacking in pride I Dont want to be Nothing without you I just want to be Something under your shoe I was becoming nothing drifting on winds of remorse for things never done making all things worse needing guidance that you promised me help me find my way to what i know i can be ______
Just A Poem
Your virtue keep me up like I got no curfew some one curse you with good looks and I get a deep arousal from your perfume your love has me swept like a broom I can’t wait to be with you soon so we can make love under the moonlight and wait for the day you be my new wife and start a new life and all it takes is love for this there is no price for you for I would sacrifice my last bill and my defense would be still like im Pittsburgh a big curtain of steel and with all my will and might I would claw and fight to make it right got the RECIPE/open SESAME/your SISTERS SEXING ME d*** her down to she has to get a HISTORECTOMY EQUIPPED WITH WEAPONTRY/keep colored condomems like a CRAYON BOX/pull it off and start to SPRAY ON TOP with the option of her face or ASS CHEEKS/this chick blowing up my phone since LAST WEEK/smokin my d@@@like she STAY ON ROCKS asking if im coming out this WAY OR NOT/i'm wearing the VICTORIA SECRET/hurry up Deville/so i can show you some
Going Back
hello every body just wanted to say thanks for being so great but i got a call today and im heading back to iraq wasnt going till dec but they need us ill be leaving next week sometime you all be good and say a prayer that we all come back safe:) Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let >them know how much they liked their coffees and to request that they send >some of it to the troops there. > > Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their >support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor >anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of >coffee. > > So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should not support >them by buying any of their products! > As a war vet writing to fellow patriots, I feel we should get >this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some >folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground >fighting street-to-s
Some Favorites, Not My Own
Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping ... waiting ... And though unwanted .... unbidden... it will stir ... open it's jaw, and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love ... the clarity of hatred ... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank... Without passion, we'd be truly dead. The Vampiress By Lord Lytton 1803-1873 Found a corpse, with glittering hair, Of a woman whose face, tho' dead, The white death in it had left still fair, Too fair for an earthly bed! So I loosened each fold of her bright curls roll'd From forehead to foot in a rush of red gold, And kissed her lips till her lips were red, And warm and light on her eyelids white I breath'd, and pressed unto mine her breast, T

¢¾rhonda's World¢¾
Hi everyone! I found this site from a friend I had on my Yahoo 360. Yall peeps just "Bear With Me" until I get this all figured out...lmao
Helpe Me
What the FUCK is wrong with some people they cant do shit by them self they got to invite new people to rate my pics a 1 and leave a nasty comment and they dont even fucking know me maybe thats y i blcked u this person was cool but ya he went bad . and ya i do stand up 4 my real friends that i know in person and i dont invite some 1 to rate peoples pics a 1 just cuz shit happend ya this makes my SO FUCKING MAD i no its points but theres no reson 4 it im here to make friends not anamies this is so childish fuck i gave up after it was over but now starting new shit thats fucked up i sware if they do this again im gone i dont need this shit ill stick to myspace where people r not assholes . but if that happens my real friends on here well see me again but all the people that r friends with the people that r on my lest wont be there u guys bight turn on me bc of them and thats not cool so thats mi ranting 4 right now ~I Wont To SEE You Cry~ Thanks to the few that helped me ou
need points anyone help me thanks to all the people who have made me friends you all are woderfull
Well I am glad 2006 is over with it was a very bad year for me, hopefully 2007 is better for me. Good luck with all your New Year Resalutions. By MICHAEL RUBINKAM, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 6 minutes ago NICKEL MINES, Pa. - As the Amish prepared to bury four young victims of a horrific school shooting, they asked to be allowed to do so in private. ADVERTISEMENT National mourning of similar tragedies, such as the massacre at Columbine High School, has been enabled in part by media coverage — something the Amish generally shun and specifically spurned in a statement Wednesday that pleaded for privacy. Instead, the Amish are coping with the slayings by looking inward. They are relying on themselves and their faith, just as they have for centuries, to get them through what one Amish bishop called "our 9/11." The four girls to be buried Thursday are Naomi Rose Ebersole, 7; Marian Fisher, 13; Mary Liz Miller, 8; and her sister Lena Miller, 7. The funeral for a f
My Book
HOWHow were you ever able to love me?Was it all just a lie? How could you lie to me like that?Because you never cared?How could I tell you "loved me"You never showed a sign of loveHow could I cry over you?Because I actually loved youHow could I make you love meCHANGE EVERTHING ABOUT YOURSELFHow can I Live Life With Out You? I Died On the longest night I Died The First time you made me cry I Died When you told me you hate me I DiedWhen I couldn't Have You I Died After you told me I don't Deserve to live I Died When my Make Up wore offI Died When you removed me from my Box I Died When I Was Locked Away I Died And You Will Never Care How Can Someone you are best friends one day start to hate you So much they wish you were dead?Or would not care if you diedHow Can they hate you so much after you helped them out so much with there life?You have done everything in your power to help themAnd Got Nothing BackHow Can You Tell They Were You True Best Friend?You Never CanOr Can You?
Check Oout My Sexy New Friend
so... What else is he going to try and do now? welp, I told you all that I would try and keep you posted. So, here we go AGAIN!! You would think if he really didnt want to deal with me like he says he doesnt then he would just be cival and do what he said he would do. well, before him and I got together I bought a computer off of him. Mind you I have known him for a while and had alot of trust in him. He knew I really wanted/needed a computer so he slod it to me for $30.00 because he got it for free. I had another computer too that I had goten around the same time too but it wasnt very good. It was kinda slow. well, I paid him for it later on because at the time I didnt have the money and he was ok with it. I know $30 isnt a whole lot but I was in a crunch at the time. well, I gave him the money and then we ended up getting together. Kinda funny. But anyways, I ended up moving in with him and brought both computers to his house. We put the
Tha Real Definition Of A Juggalo!!!
"Thy Unveiling" Carnival of Carnage, The Ringmaster, The Riddle Box, The Great Milenko, The Amazing Jeckel Brothers, and The Wraith looks like were all out of time brother! Everybodys out of time! Fuck It, We gots to tell them All secrets will now be told no more hidden messengers this is it yall times up everything be out right here no need for the reverse talking the truth. Now we have been told this carnival shit has touched many lives. People have fuckin` sworn to us they too can feel it inside. What is it that draws you in, this magic that compels you? We`ve been waiting six fuckin` joker cards to finally tell you. This messengers and hints were there, all though most never picked up on them. We snuck em` in subliminally with that wicked shit around them. We mentioned more and more of this on every Joker's Card. The bottom line always the same, you aint have to look hard. We wickedly kick it, inflict it, you get it, get with i
And So I Begin To Write...
OMG! I think i'm allergic to outside! I sneeze everytime i go out there! and my eyes start to water and my nose sarts to itch and then yea! This is to my Lo, and he's a real Lo fo sho, if he needs any help he's just gotta let me know. I'll be there till the end, his ass i will defend, and no this aint pretend. Homies are for life! They know what to do to help get thing right, and they wont stop without a fight! Go spread the love SlingBOB! you know how to do, and show all these mother fuckers what you've been through! With your homies and your crew! Represent the wicked klowns, aint not time to mess around, make them people smile instead of frown! To you! Homies for life! Jugga lugga love! Comment, and spread the jugga lugga love! ASHES 2 ASHES, DUST 2 DUST, IN the clown is what WE TRUST, IN Juggahoe WE BUST, IF YOU KILL A bigit, YOU WIN A PRIZE, IF YOU KILL A Juggalo, YOUR WHOLE FAMILY DIES!! AND REMEMBER black RATS CANT RUN IN DA BRIGHT g
Hey Hey...
The Fight For Justice Continues
WTF is happening with our already screwed up Government. We've got gay child molestor's in Congress. Good ol Florida, screwing us all up all over again. First the Bush election screw up and now this. Love the state, hate the Governmental body there. It all seems a little shady to me. OK, so now we know this child molesting Congressman has been in office since the 90s. It's now coming out that people have known about this weirdo creep for over 3 years, including the FBI, and no one wants to have enough balls to stand up and say "We made a mistake" and step down. Do any of these men have balls? How are they reproducing without them. More importantly, WHY are they reproducing at all. As usual, I'm disgusted with Government. State Government in Indiana is a bunch of crooks and liars. Federal Government is a bunch of crooks, liars AND child molestor's. What the hell is next?
Whats Up
hey everyone i am new here. someone tell me how to work this damn site. site looks pretty cool so far.
Pet Contest
Fun Facts
Your Birth Month is September Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years. You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian. Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love Your gemstone: Sapphire Your flower: Morning Glory Your colors: Brown and deep blue What Does Your Birth Month Mean? A to Z SurveyTake This Survey at Quizopolis.comA - Availableno B - Best FriendNayC - CrushDave
Just Me
Hey every one how are you doing I am doing wonderful!!! I have been getting alot of interesting comments about sex and fucking and I was like what the fuck? I have now decided that I am gonna be game for anything.. Oh and I mean anything, so give me a heads up and lets see what you guys think... Oh come on I know you wanna....
Let Me Repeat Myself...
Just to inform those of you who didn't catch it in my profile, I am BI-SEXUAL. I do prefer men and would love to find the right one, but I am open to a relationship with a female. Sometimes I feel very feminine and others I feel very masculine. This being said, I don't know if I would be the male or female in a lesbian couple. Perhaps those roles would be equally shared. if this is shocking to some of you, just imagine how shocked my mother must have been to find out her 41 year old daughter who has had 4 kids, has had sex with two different women. lol. More later.
Pain Is Love

What The Fuckkkkk?
The Start
He sits in the dark Nothing heard but the passing of cars and the soft droplets of rain on the metal roof of his car as it sits in park On the lonely side of stretch of road Many pass by but no one offers any help still sitting there as hours roll by Seems soo alone on the concrete world the sun was warm Now faded into the west the cold creaps in stealing the warmth that he felt once just a memory now as he thinks in the darkness that now swarms him Ooh just to top it off, as soon as i got done writing that last blog, IT STARTED TO RAIN! how nice uh... only happens to me i guess.. well i better stop bothering you guys... l8rz Well.. its 11:30 here and i got my flat at 5:00, that is 6 and a half hours waiting for a tow truck, still no one showed up... i've called about 5 or 6 towing trucks and not one has showed up yet... ooh i called about 4 or 5 times each too, they just tell me the same thing over and over... you wonder how i am getting this blog to you? lo
New Pics
Hello everyone I just wanted to let ya'll know I have some new pics why dont ya'll go comment them.TTYL
Hello Everyone
i put new pick up today if any one would liek to chat with me here is my yaho sn fireman15333 i hope to get to here from some one soon
A man who went to church with his wife always fell asleep during the sermon. The wife decided to do something about this. One Sunday, she took a long hatpin with her to poke him with every time he would doze off. As the preacher got to a part in the sermon where he shouted out, "And who created all there is in 6six days and rested on the seventh," she poked her husband, who came flying out of the pew and screamed, "Good God almighty!" The minister said, "That's right, that's right," and went on with his sermon. The man sat back down, muttering under his breath and later began to doze off again. When the minister got to, "And who died on the cross to save us from our sins," the wife hit him again, and he jumped up and shouted, "Jesus Christ!" The minister said, "That's right, that's right," and went on with his sermon. The man sat back down and began to watch his wife and when the minister got to, "And what did Eve say to Adam after the birth of their second child?" the wife start
Add This Killa
Cool Rob Zombie American Witch Animation From His Live Show
Dumb Laws
10. It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing 9. A recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed. 8. It is unlawful for a person to consume an alcoholic beverage while operating a motor vehicle upon a public roadway, if the person is observed doing so by a peace officer. 7. The entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned in Texas because it contains a formula for making beer at home. 6. When two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone. 5. It is illegal to drive without windshield wipers. You don't need a windshield, but you must have the wipers. 4. You can be legally married by publically introducing a person as your husband or wife 3 times 3. It is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a h
Bored Bored Bored
wats up with you all me i am good just chillin on cherry tap soken up the cherry love. its so greate. well i just wanted to let all the cherry tap females know that i am single and ready to mingle so if you all find me attractive and would like to see about meeting up some time let me know ok talk to you soon nathan. Get Your Own! | More Flash Toys ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A CHERRY BLAST AND A GIRL FRIEND CAN ANY OF YOU HELP IF SO PLEASE DO.
Hey Everyone
hey everyone im eric everyone calls me nelson im 22 from brunswick and single of course well if any females wanna chat feel free to contact me I enjoy movies,music,video games,poetry and lots of stuff well hope to meet some cool people well have a good weekend
My Friends
i just wanted to said to all the people that are my friends...Im happy to know you all....all my friends that help me with all the things i need help me.....thank-you
Thank You Everyone!
Tomorrow I will be leaving cherryland and removing my profile. (If I can figure out how to do that)I just wanted to say goodbye to all the nice people I have met here. It was interesting! Take care everyone, have a very groovy life and enjoy it while you all are here and let those who are important in your life know it every day!!! Much love to everyone... I am very new to this site and I am not sure what I'm doing here yet. I just wanted to thank everyone for saying "hello" and for the points. I still haven't had time to see what that is all about either! Take it easy everyone and have an awesome weekend!!
The Mircale Theater
If any fo you live around NC or in piegeon forge tennesse you must go see the mircale it is a really good show
Haunted Houses
Roch Clip
Music Video:HOMIES (by Insane Clown Posse)Music Video Code provided by VideoCodeZone.Com kngdub@ LostCherry
Best Male Ass!!!
Who voted for me in my very 1st contest on LC! Without all the support and love I would have never won! You peeps kick ASS! So all of you who voted for me, you will get to rub my ass for as long as you want! Hurry up!.....And that includes spanking, biting, and kissin my ass! thx qt! Hey Everyone!!! Hope your hangover isnt as bad as mine....Well, Letas is much worse, anyway Many many thanks to those of you who have voted!! We are way out in front and will remain that way (unlike the Hawkeyes last night) Keep tellin friends to vote, and please feel free to repost my bulletins! Thank you to everyone! You are all amazing!!!!!!VOTE & COMMENT HERE!! Thanks to all who have voted and commented thus far. Im tied for 1st!!!!! Yay! Feel free to repost my bulletins, could use all the help I can get. Now I must go watch the Iowa Hawkeyes beat the #1 team in the nation! (ABC) So thank you all soooo much! Ill be back later!Comment and vote here!!
Love Poems
When all the songs are over and all the words been said The sun grows dim across the sky and the world prepares for bed I oft can take a moment now to view the sky above and whisper God a simple prayer to thank him for your love - C.S. Bucknam Warning: Before you read this please take note that magick should be taken seriously and not toyed with, and I will only post simple spells, no black magick, I will not be the aide to someone getting hurt!! To help you awaken your inner magick you can cast this easy spell. Start by gathering together the following items: * an empty notebook (you will call this your Magickal Diary) * and a blue pen Then, on the day or evening of the moon (Monday) take a bath or shower first to help cleanse and purify your aura and after you get dressed in some clean comfortable clothes, find a quiet place in your home where you can be undisturbed for at least half an hour and place the notebook and pen onto a table or a flat su
Morgenstern's Sanctuary
Slave Auction   Feb 1st-Feb 8th    500k FuBucks To Be In It   What Are You Willin' To Do for: FuBucks VIP HH And You Have To Do That For 2 Wks-A Month   Tell me in here if you want to be in it. And say which pic you want to be posted. She falls limp in his arms, as though through that kiss she lost a part of her, yet gained a part of his. She looks deeply into his eyes and remembers a past so long ago, of two lovers dancing first,then of passionate love makin', a love makin' so fierce and gentle that she is consumed in him and this moment, nothing and no one else exists. How could this be she wonders?
Lonely On The Farm:-)
Just reactivated my yahoo-messi-account, if someone wants to meet me there, tell me;-)
Fun Stuff 2
You Are 88% Lady No doubt about it, you are a lady with impeccable etiquette You know how to put others at ease, even if their manners aren't the greatest. Are You A Lady? Crissy's synonym -- absurd (... as in cool!) 'What is your synonym?' at Crissy will go to jail for ... Using your dildo as a weapon of mass destruction 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
first blog
Hah...i Had To Try This...
Lost Reality
Searching the endless nights awaiting for the peace Burden that abandons itself on top of my heart It hangs heavy from the stem that supports the life form Breathing in slowly waiting for the breeze to calm Regaining an inner strength from the volcanic abode that you provide The caskets spin in the morgue down town Exorcisms casted, they fall willingly to their deceit Their limbs held high, they sit spewing Corners surround you with walls made of steel Trapped and bewildered pacing the steps of which you took Walking through one door as the sun hits your face Gleaming across the lake you see an exit to the hospitality bestowed Turning back to look one last time.. A wall,so similar to others, from basements held the prisoners of your spell Finding myself in an illusion surrounding the outer basics of this eternity Inside a whirlpool screaming for release from the christened aroma of your smell The ties which bind us heavy as this cross which I forever bear Eternity will
Peace Out :)~
just a quick goodbye, im sure there is some really COOL people here but I have decided that this sight is just not for me. All my KITTIES know where to find me so I will be there waiting :)~ love ya and peace out! Oh yeah and to you CREEPS out there GET A LIFE seriously, dont flaunt what you dont got and PLZ for Gods sake learn to respect a beautiful person and dont assume because your freaken UGLY, FAT and a LOW LIFE that this sight will help you. To all you other peeps HAVE FUN!
A New Blog
Hello , Well I gueuss i dont know were to begin ,Except sometimes we are faced with so many things at once until we feel nunb all over .I have been having real bad headaches just about everyday now for two weeks .They are horrible headaches I cant see when they hit and noise is awful it makes theem hurt worse well I have to thank God that yesterday I did not have a headache for the first time in two weeks he knew i would need to be able to be clear headed .I posted a bulliton about my dog Mini Me On myspace some of you know me from there as well.He got real sick yesterday would not eat kept jerking and flopping and would hollar in severve pain ,he could not stand up at all it was like he was stiff all over .I had no money to take him to the vet well up early this morning he got where he was not stopping hollaring and jerking and I knew it was time to do anything so i ask someone for the money to take him to put him to sleep .I wrapped him so he would not get could and took hi
Fuck This
i ask for a simple thing and u guys cant even do it and i know u guys dont read bulletins but come on u repost everybody elses bulletins ya i know i bitch to much but i need points to well im going to penn state and now there screwin me they say im behind and wont get my raise because of it and i cant do anything about it cause they didnt send my other book how fuckin gay is that and now i have nothin to do im veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bored it took me 2 week to get t level 4 and i had to do it by my self with very little help from my so called friends well thats just sad u guy post bulletins pimpin ur self and i go and help the best i can but no one helps me out ok im done bitchin but thanks for the help to the ones that tried to help
Wanna See My Tats?
Just some of my tats...I'll post pics as I get them... let me know what ya think :)
Hugz & Lovez@ Lostcherry
Make your own custom scroller sign at!
Saturday, December 09, 2006 2:04 PM - The devils Butt buddy.! Good lesson for people About to Wed! Current mood: determined Yea. Some men shouldnt be alowed to breed, Some mothers shouldnt be alowed to Raise Kids All brothers and sisters should not have sex., Some men should actually be Drug behind a truck and then Shot from toes to head.. Some mothers who think they are perfect are not and should STFU and stay out of everyone business , Just because they have no life doesnt give them the right to get all up in others, Some mothers need to stop acting like they are Mrs cleaver and start Relizing that they are stupid imbreed Trash ., who are living in the 40's when it is 2006- 2007 Some mothers can PRETEND they did nothing bad in their past to scar their children ., ( But you will always know you did ) Some men shouldnt drag their wives around pretending to love them, cause one day that woman will Get pissed off bad enough she will hunt you down
Important Annoucement For All The Homies
Come direct those eyesockets over to:, Sometime whenever ya get a chance.. This ain't no fly-by-night community.. The owner of this site is also the same owner of Hatchet Rydaz Car Club and we also have our very own MyJuggaloSpace tent and site area at The Gathering every year.. This site has been up over a year and a half and is still growing strong, With close to 23,000 members... And it's exclusively for the underground/juggalo sect crowd.. We've got all the norms for a profile community such as: Artists Profiles, Pic Galleries/Albums, Customizable Profile, Users can upload videos, Profile/Pic Ratings, Polls, Blogs, Bulletins, User Groups and Cumminities, Search, Even A Radio Station called WFuckOff( which has hosts on talk shows and radio shows from ninjas such as: Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope, Blaze, Boondox and Twiztid, Even our very own chatline and very own IRC Server plus our very own Juggalo Daing Site/Community called Jugga Love(ww
Giving Up!!!
Well, I'm not really sure how to start this blog. I don't want to sound like a whiny wife or a cold hearted bitch but I guess that what I am. I am giving up!!! I am giving up on any chance of ever having a happy marriage. It is just too much pain for me to keep putting myself and my children thru. I have busted my ass for 10yrs now and nothing has changed. I take that as my sign that it never will. I met my husband 10 yrs ago and we hit it off just great. I could have never asked for a better man. We were like the perfect match. We had so many things in common and always agreed on everything. Never a dissagreement or argument over anything. We were always happy and smiling. We never wanted to spend one moment apart from each other. Now I can't say that about us. These days the only time we speak to each other is when we are fighting. Seems like these days we say "Fuck You" to each other more than we say 'I Love You". That doesn't sound like a marriage to me!! He has turne
Tell Me!
1.tell me how it would be if we were togther? 2.would i regret it? many times a day would you kiss me? many times a day would you just want to hold me? 5.would you take me places? 6.would you love me? many times would you call me? 8.would you miss me everytime i left? 9.if i treated you wrong would you tell me? 10.if i told you i loved you would you say it back and mean it? 11.if i showed up at 3 in the morning just to say i missed you, would you like it? 12.if i was the best you've ever had would you tell me? long do you think we'll be together? 14.if we broke up would you still love me if you did?
Ray Ray@ Lostcherry
ray ray@ LostCherry
Never say I love you If you really don’t care Never talk about feelings If they aren’t really there Never hold my hand If you are going to break my heart Never say you are going to If you don’t plan to start Never look into my eyes If all you do is lie Never say hello If you really mean goodbye If you really mean forever Cause forever makes me cry.
Today Under My Desk
Day after day she sits there smiling and we exchange our thoughts... Our desires from 2700 miles away. The internet extends it's hands for us to meet from over mountains rivers and street lights. She waits for my tickets each day as the mailman's foot steps come and go, wearing a path in our imaginations to what can be possible. Will her lips be as sweet as described...? Will our eyes lock as they do over pixel? Finally the day arrives with touchdown from thought to California.... straight through. Each footstep brings our thoughts to a boil as I am stuck on the otherside of her security checkpoint... (much less romantic now due to todays terror restraints). She peaks over heads and shoulder to see her destination. I stand at a distance with the upperhand as she has never seen CA. She truststhat I be there and I am. Waiting to pass through her eyes and make our ears ring w/ excitement. There she is! Never more beautiful, even from my imagination... I was wrong! My hand
About Me!!!!
MY NEPHEW ROBERT HALL IS STATIONED AT CAMP LIBERTY OVER IN IRAQ. THEIR BASE WAS HIT YESTERDAY. HIS MOTHER "SOUTHPAW" NEEDS ALL THE PRAYERS WE CAN GIVE. ROBERT HAS A PAGE ON HERE "PAGAN SOLDIER" PLEASE STOP BY AND LET HIM KNOW WE ARE ALL BEHIND OUR TROOPS!!! GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS, WE ALL WANT THEM HOME SAFE!!!! There is not much to say about me. I am currently seperated from my husband. The greatest thing in life Are My Children,Family and Freinds. My two girls are 13 and 6, they are my pride and joys. I would do anything for them. They make you realize what life is all about, things that we as adults might have forgotten. The truch is they are my world. before I had my first daughter I didn't real know about life, I only knew I loved my first husband and screwed that up, then when Samilee came along, I was still messed up for about 6 months after her birth, man did she make me grew up and fast. I love this little girl and knew I had to change. Which I did. She was a dre
God broke the mold, When he made this one I know She's breathtaking but so much more She walks in the room, your loves closed Making you never want to breathe again Her boyfriend has got so much dough So much ice his neck and wrist froze Is he faithful to her? Hell no But she chose to be with him, shorty Tell me is the money worth your soul Tell me what's the reason that you hold on When you know that dude has a whole wall of 'em just like you And girl you're just way too fine Gotta be treated as one of a kind Girl use your mind Don't be just another dime Because I can't take Seeing you with him 'Cuz I know exactly what you'll be, In his gallery It's just not fair And it's tearing me apart You're just another priceless work of art In his gallery She's so confused She knows she deserves more Someone who will love and adore But his money's hard to ignore She really doesn't know what to do Girl it's just a matter of time Before he finds another m
Family Issues
at 6:30pm tonight my grandfather passed away. everybody, children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren have been in and out of this house for the past 5 days and today...after some had left and others walked outside to smoke a cig....he passed on. so now he is a place where there is no more suffering and where he can once again meet up with my grandma. i love you grandpa...and i will never forget that you love me too. may you rest in piece. its scary how fast it can happen....just this last wednesday he was up and watching walker, texas ranger and joking around with my mom and i....then a few hours of sleep on everybodys part and it all starts going down hill, he isnt speaking at all now, he cant even enjoy a cig. or a shot of brandy. his eyes remain shut but his chest continues to move up and down. he is no longer there but his body hasnt let go yet. and its hard because all i have is family right now, and what few friends i have....i need a shoulder to cry on or just someone who can h
Its Only A Name
What makes you tick? This is a question I have heard suprisingly often recently. It seems as though anyone I talk to asks me that question at some point. Honestly, I am still not quite sure. :) I mean music is probably the one thing that I turn to no matter what mood I am feeling. There is a song out there for every emotion and most can quickly decide how I am feeling by listening to the song that I am playing. It is pretty crazy that my brother can call me up and hear the music in the background (I listen to music ALL the time ... seriously), and say "Hey Mel, What's wrong?" or "Hey, you sound happy." And this type of thing happens to me everyday. I even listen to music all day while I'm sitting at my desk. :) From my own experience, I would say that family makes a lot of people tick. Whether or not it may be a good or bad tick, well, that is their decision. A lot of times, my parents make me angry and well, I guess in some ways they are just supposed to. I mean, I put them t
Death Dealer
Some times as you get older you realize that all the things you did are not what we wanted to be rememberd for ,so we have to make sure we get it right the first time out.If not she comes around and we are not ready for her ,that is when we try to bargan with her and she can't bargan with our souls. Her job is to take and deliver not bargan or make a deal.If she comes for you just go don't fear the reaper she is not sent to punish she is their for the soul only and to deliver you were you need to go ,so do what you will for no one escapes the reaper. How many times can a man die? Or should I say how long can you stay alive when all your blood is gone. To find out you must go to the dark side and fight evil to know that evil is the reason you are here now and forever. Only I can help you escape the dark world are you ready to enter ?.
I Need Ur Opinion
IM HOLDING MY FIRST LC CONTEST SO IF YOU OR ANY ONE YOU KNOW WANTS TO BE IN IT CONTACT ME ON LOSTCHERRY FOR THE BEST BODY PIERCING I'M ACCEPTING PPL NOW AND FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS THX As you should know if you keep track of my pic's that i just got mi eyebrow pierced.. i need ur opinion if i should keep it or get rid of it.. comment me an lemmie know.. thx
The day you came in my life i was scared to let you in at firts i was just scared to let some one love me and love some one but now that i know that your true and your not fake i can let myself love you but i dont know if i love you yet i try to tell my self that i cant love you yet but its like i cant hold it back but i know deep down inside that i cant love you untile i know that this is not all a lie untill then i rather try to get to know you better and see what makes you happy and laugh but till then youll just be my "Baby Boy" but if i cant have you as more then a friend i rather have you just as a friend but four right now i rather just think of you as ............................ well idk what to say here but idk guys are just not something i want to deal with right now i just hate it and cant stand it so bad
as i close my eyes my world changes, you are there with me in my mind i see you in my heart i feel you, i can touch you touch your body feel your breath against my neck, i can feel your lips on my body i can feel everything. i am taking a way from the world i am taken to a new plane were we are as one were we are in each others arms then then i wake and i look around and you are not there my heart sinks and but its ok cozz i will be with you again soon when night falls went to bed feeling shit,tossing and turn cant sleep,open my eyes from time to time with nothing but doom and gloom. woke up this morning sleepy and glum with nothing to look forward to in the day to come,body feels strange all twisted and numb, but no rest for me work has to be done,and life moves on,cant wait for night so maybe i can dream and not be alone
Am I Being Spied On?
4 times today,I tried to leave a comment,an this place wouldn't let me.4 times today I tried to send an IM.The site closed the IM box out on me.What the Fucks going on, here.I toned down my comments on Rate a Photo,others can leave sexual comments but I'm not allowed.The Moderators on this site,need to leave me the Fuck alone.11 Days alcohol Free today.another meeting accomplished. My patience an Tolerance of Insobordanation,is not at a Control Point in my Life yet.I could relapse at any given point.I'm trying my Damnest to better myself,find Happiness again an move on in my life.I might never Love again or find a new gal to love,But meeting new people online is a start for me.Some of u-all like my comments others don' each there own.I'd rather Rate just Friends an Familly + Fans.But the Moderaters here seem to think I'm a Perv,which I'm not.I'm Lonely I miss my ex + my Stepdaughter.An I'm trying my Damnest to over come this Flaw.An online friends are helping me with this.Peace + L
Sorry I haven't been on lately people! I have obviously taken on more than I can handle with school this semester and I can't seem to find the time to get online anymore. So dont think I'm not being social or whatev! I'm just really bogged down at the moment. Sux for me! I'm sure others know what I'm talking about. Anyways, sorry for not posting any comments or chatting with anybody. I keep telling myself I only have just two more months of this. And next semester you better believe that I will not kill myself trying to get ahead. Laterz people!
Purple_hayes..all In Your Brain..
So far we are doing ok, but we could be better. Next up is Dallas..that will be a toughie, but I have faith in my boys! lol..GO BEARS!! I finally got my damn high-speed back! I am loving it too! It sucks trying to surf LC with Dial-up. Not anymore! LOL.. My Bears went against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers today in Chi-town..and it was not an easy game for either team. Going into OT and almost becoming a tie game the Bears pulled off a victory with Robbie Gould making a 28 yrd field goal. Woo-hoo! 12-2 yeah baby!! Bring on the jets!
Blog Name Goes Here
Bloggity Blog Blog. Pop Chickens Til They Pop Me Son.
i really am bored right now
...take it anymore! My heart hurts. I cant keep crying over this. Thinking about things...past, present and even the future. Why I am, I have no idea. It's really crazy that I have time to think and have thoughts running through my head. Ha! Anyhoo, I'm getting sick of my college classes. One week left until mid-terms and shit am I ever scared with what I have. I have to keep a C average in order to keep my aid and my loans. God, this is harder then I thought. All I say is at least it is giving me something to do instead of sitting at home doing nothing all day. I'm am trying this new workout plan I have. It was working for the first few days and then I didnt do it no more. LoL I am gonna get back on it tho. I am gonna work out more and all that good stuff so maybe I will have more confindence in myself. I know what people tell me but I need to believe it. *maybe it will happen* I better stop now so I can go to work. Hahaha! I hate work also! Not the best thing...war
How many of us are really free? Do we even know what it means to be free? Do we just believe we are free because that is what we are led to believe? I would have to say, that we have been brain washed. We just believe what we are told and follow the rules that society has set forth for us. Does anyone know the point of life? Sure this day and age we are told that we need to go to school and learn a lot of stuff so we can get a job that pays a lot of money. Why do we need this job, well because society sees success as having a huge house, nice car, and tons of things that we don't even need. So, what do we do. We end up spending 45 years of our life working, in order to get all these things and be accepted. So, our lifes are really already planned out for us. Sure we can choose what job we want, but we still have to go to bed at a certain time and wake up at a certain time. We have somewhere we HAVE to be. Is that free. NO, I don't think so. I would like to go to bed when I g
A few minutes before the services started, the townspeople were sitting in >their pews and talking. >Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church! >Everyone started screaming and running for the front >entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil >incarnate. >Soon the church was empty except for one elderly >gentleman who sat calmly in his pew without moving, >seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate >enemy was in his presence. >So Satan walked up to the man and said, "Do you know who I am?" >The man replied, "Yep, sure do." >"Aren't you afraid of me?" Satan asked. >"Nope, sure ain't," said the man. >"Don't you realize I can kill you with one word?" asked Satan. >"Don't doubt it for a minute," returned the old man, in an even tone. >"Did you know that I can cause you profound, horrifying, AGONY for all >eternity?" persisted Satan. >"Yep," was the calm reply. >"And you're still not afraid?" asked Satan. >"Nope," said th
Who I Am
Hello Lost Cherry
Hey everybody! Just got hooked up @ lost cherry.. Any advice would be nice.....not sure how to work this place. Peace Not a really talkative bunch huh
Cherry Lips
Genuine Small Ads From Across The Pond
Animated Face Contest! Give Kim Your Vote!
Silence And Self-appreciation
This one is for the son to a liberty that has never existed This is dedicated to the visionary behind eyelids that have never been lifted To the young boy numb to the fact that all around him time and space has shifted And in his, what once was, insignificant existence in this specific time and place punctuality and boastful shows of sharpened linguistics are persistent In this instance you are one with his words, don't be an ignorent pessimist you know he's lyrically gifted And in one of his moments of body and soul conjoined there is a blissful moment of absolute truth......... In your silence and his self appreciation and if you were'nt listening and hanging on to each and every word at that time, then I'm sorry you just missed it Carlos Figueroa (remeber kids plageurism will get your ass beat!!)
Army Life
So we were sent out to the feild this past week. how fun. it had rained the night before we had to go out there so we ended having to set up camp in a mud pit. everything I own ended up with a thick layer of mud on it. I was so wet, I was soaked to the bone and the only thing that helped me get through it was I kept telling my self "At least it's warm out I could always be soaked and cold." Famouse last words, huh? half way through nature decided to throw us a curve ball and dumped a foot and a half of snow on us. YAY! now I'm soaked and cold! my buddy, Wade who is the new guy in the batter summed it up the best, he told me "It's as if hell has literaly frozen over and we are stuck there" P.S. I added a few pics from that trip, but at the end of the week I was to busey to take any good ones, so none of the snow, but I'm going to try to get some of the pics other soldiers got out there Well today sucked, PT took fucking for ever and didn't get over untill fucking 8:30, and I had a
Random Toughts
Sleep on the couch last night. Out of the norm for me. I went to bed in a white tank top and some boxer shorts. I dooze off watching The Breakfast Club. I felt a brief kiss on my forhead. And felt fingers softly brush my face. His finger tips lightly brush my neck and exposed cleavage. A slight sigh escapes my lips. I can't help but open my eyes and see this amazing man above me. I smile and ask him to come cuddle with me. He removes his shirt and lays behind me on the couch. His arm wraps around me and rests just beneath my breasts. With his other hand he strokes my hair. I can feel his breath on my shoulder and neck. It feels so good. I bring his hand to my lips and kiss the tips of his fingers. I turn my head alittle to meet his lips. Oh how his tongue danced with mine. It sends shivers up my spine. I turn my body towards him and my tank top slips down alittle and my nipple is almost exposed. As he kisses me again, his hand reaches down to cup my breast and tease my nipp
I'm sitting here not knowing what I want to say, yet the need to say anything at all is so overwhelming that I feel I may read this at the end and I'll have just rambled on having not really said anything at all. Some might argue that that is indeed the whole purpose of a blog...which I guess is fair enough. So I'm not long home from New York where I spent two whole weeks with some of the most amazing people. I actually met a friend who I met on CT over a year ago. It was an instant connection y'know and has been ever since really. Meeting one another only confirmed what she and I both knew; and that's that we're the best of friends and are likely to be till the end of time. Through her I met some wonderful people, who all made me feel so at home and welcome. Her family actually made me feel like one of the clan and the kids needless to say were fantastic. Having forged relationships with her kids on the phone it was nice to be able to become closer to them, seeing them smile at my
Man it has been awhile since I blogged. Not much is going on. I tend to think that people dont really read these things. Fred should be home from Boston tonight. Then Tuesday he leaves for Texas. HES tech or something like that. Well got to go for now! Just sitting here watching Wife Swap. I dont think that I could do that. It would be interesting though. I wonder if they get paid for it? Makes you think. It seems like they pick the exact opposite. I wonder what the pposite of our family would be. We are into everything and are very open minded. I do Taro, hubby does Runes. We blieve in a higher power. Kind of Budisht. But we let our kids go to the local church to learn about God. We leave what they believe what they want but at the same time We dont share what we believe. They are too young right now. I have been called preppy by my sister who says she is a redneck. I think I am half and half. I only have 12 more days till hubby comes home. I talked with him this morning. His misse
The Maytag: When a girl is on top, just as you're about to shoot, have her spin around in circles on your cock like a washing machine. Submitted by kalai Matching Drapes [n] Reference to whether or not a woman's pubic hair color matches the hair on her head. Used in a sentence: "Wow what a hot looking redhead, but I wonder do the curtains match the drapes?". The Menthol: The act of getting head from a woman who just moments earlier ate a numerous amounts of cough drops, thus insuring a pleasureable, tingly feeling on your cock. The Mellon Dive: Headbutting a woman's big fat tities. Always lots of fun. A Moe Green Special: When you shoot jizz into a girls eye. Comes from the killing of Moe Green in Godfather, who was shot in the eye. by Tom The Monkey Punch: When you're getting a girl from behind, you blow your load all over her back. When she leans up to balance the load from spilling onto her bed, you punch her in the back of the head...Sent by: Jim G. Monkey Wren
hey everyone. just wanted to let you know that i'm back. I was having trouble with my internet, but i'm here again. lol hope to talk to you people soon. Hi Everyone. i'm just sitting here being bored. Gotta go to work soon. anyone from Pa. hit me up. i'd love to talk. bye
Hey Ppl
Your results:You are Supergirl Supergirl 90% Green Lantern 85% Wonder Woman 80% Superman 70% Robin 70% The Flash 70% Spider-Man 55% Catwoman 50% Hulk 40% Batman 25% Iron Man 25% Lean, muscular and feminine. Honest and a defender of the innocent. Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz... Please steal a moment to fill this out with your opinions (and we all know what those smell like) in a comment sluts 1. Who the hell are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me or have i ever bit your nipple? 5. Would you suck my toes? (theyre very clean) 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. What was your first impression? 9. Have I ever licked you? 10. What reminds you of me? 11. If you could give me anything what would it be? 12. Would you give me your last beer? 13. When's the last time you saw me? 14. Ever wanted to tell me something but coul
Me And Me
Frankeh[innocent]@ LostCherry
Getting Old
SOOO - last night i was sittin around in my pokie dotted jammie pants, all settled in to watch Greys Anatomy kinda pouting 'cause there was a concert starting in an hour that i was gonna miss. the phone rings and it's my best friend/favorite hooker dez. her date backed out on her and she now has an extra ticket allll for me WEEEEE! so i get dressed, do hair and makeup in lightning speed time. i've missed out on every big show for the past two years, so needless to say i was all bouncy and happy. then we get there. yick. i'm not a 'scene' person by ANY means - but i used to be able to tolerate most of the people in it ok. the vibe of this show was just NO. nope. nuh uh. so as i'm walking outta the show, two fights later and covered in beer.... i realize. wow, i'm just too old for this shit. on the OTHER hand... I got to see the Reverend Horton Heat and the Horrorpops last night and you didn't!!! NEENER NEENER!!
Subject: Hope it wiggles for you! Ain't it the Truth!!! A woman goes to the doctor for her yearly physical. The nurse starts with certain basic items. "How much do you weigh?" she asks. "115," she says. The nurse puts her on the scale. It turns out her weight is 140. The nurse asks, "Your height?" "5 foot 8," she says. The nurse checks and sees that she only measures 5' 5". She then takes her blood pressure And tells the woman it is very high. "Of course it's high!" she screams, "When I came in here I was tall and slender! Now I'm short and fat!" Flour and Water How come when you mix water and flour together you get glue?.. and then you add eggs and sugar... and you get cake? Where did the glue go ? NEED AN ANSWER? You know darned well where it went! That's what makes the cake Stick to your BUTT Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the
A Dirty Whore And Stupid Man
Now I see that behind my back for about a month Tabu You dirty slut has been fucking my Wil, Well suppose to be my Wil, In my bad. some people should be worrying about their family and kids and the man they have at home instead of whore'N around and fuckin everyone elses man. You both lie and between you two i cant get a straight story. He said he only fucked you cause he was drunk and you wouldnt give him pills unless he did. By the looks of your picks i want to believe that but then again men will be men. By the way, thanks for all those lovely comments on my page, To bad on those same days you were fucking my boyfriend.
if you would like to see my private pic just send a message hopefully with your yahoo addy if you have it. take care john
Yesterday marked 15 years of marriage and today marks 42 years old nest month marks 18 years of service most of which are active duty time. I go home next week to see my family and take a two week break. Been gone since last Sep. (05) I wanted to thank all of you that have visited with me, sent me a thank you and showed me some wonderful pictures personal or not I have enjoyed them all. I will be back, it will take aabouit a month travel and break. Please keep your eyes open and I will send a big howdy when I return. Again thanks to ALL fo you tha took the time to stop by. By the way feel free to leave "ANY" kind of a birthday gift you'd like... Love ya all and definitely looking forward to being back in the good ol' USA.
Pimp Daddy
It was many years ago when I began to understand; everything that happens is linked with the sacrifice of something else; it is a pattern by which we all live. Sometimes when a person is ill, it helps to let the illness pass to something else, said my grandmother. When I am tired and think I can't go on I hear my father say, "See yourself at your destination. Expand your mind to seeing yourself there." to be continued original Ariadne
Funny Videos
Funny Videos ha ha. made you look
Find more videos like this on
My Life So Far
Low Tolerance
The really sad thing about stuoid people is they are to clueless to the level of stupidity they are really on....
Back To You...
I've been doing this a lot... Because of this... Because of him... Tee hee...
If you have between 0 and 100,000 points until you've reached the next level, or you have a friend that is almost there and needs a bit of help in the right direction. Then send a shout or Private Message to .luscious epidemic.™ right now! Stash/Pics/Profile rates and comments, anything to help a fellow fubarian! .luscious epidemic.™ ***NOTE*** I do not guarantee that anyone will level up, however I will comment and rate every photo that earns points. I rate all stash, and if there are not too many stash I will also comment on every stash item as well to help even more. If anyone wants help with points that has more than 100,000 there will be a fee of Fu$100,000, but I am willing to negotiate if you aren't willing to give up fubux if you're for the "almighty spotlight." -- I feel that if you are that far away and need help, you need to spend more time helping yourself and others earning the points like a lot of us other honest folks on here. Just a personal opinion, my very o
Yippie, We're back online!!! I missed everyone. Talk to you soon. This is just to let everyone know that I won't be online for a while. We're having our internet service changed and I'm not sure how long it will be. So, after Monday 11/13/06, I won't be on. Talk to everyone soon. I'll miss the comments and good thoughts, they help make my days brighter. If anyone's missed me, I've been a bit under the weather for a while. Thank God it's nothing too serious, but it looks like I'm still not gonna have much time on my hands. September 22, 2007, We're expecting #8!!! (he had 4, I had 1, 2 together, now 3) A classic tale of "Your's, Mine, and Our's". Wish us luck.... Big Al, you're still my big daddy!
Being new to all this lost cherry stuff is kinda weird. I like it but I am not getting all the views and friends that i have gotten in other places. Not to mention my friends havent even heard of lost cherry or are just not interested at all. Oh well.. I will check in from time to time to look everyone up.. Laters.
Devi8wizard's Lc Contests
Sorry all I missed a few things. Entries accepted up to Oct 6th. Voting from Oct 7th to the 28th. The galaries will stay private until the 6th and after the 28th so I can set them up then count the votes. So enter enter enter... lol Hey all you Lost Cherry Ink Lovers it's time to show your INK. That's right if you're inked and think you've got the Sexiest or Hottest one then let's find out what everyone else thinks. So here's how it works... Going to have 2 catagories, 1 for the gals and 1 for the guys. The gals will be the Sexiest Tattoo on Lost Cherry. The guys will be the Hottest Tattoo on Lost Cherry. With the winner in each group to be announced on October 31st, 2006. Yeah Ink and Halloween what better match can you have? Please repost this so it gets around to as many as possible. Entering: Anyone wanting to enter should e-mail me letting me know what Tattoo they want to enter and give me permission to rip the pic to my contest folder. Also include a
Various Poetry And Writing
A Different Christmas poem The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep. In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream. The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear. Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow. My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, And I crept to the door just to see who was near. Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight. A soldier, I
Who I Am Today!
Listening to the rain gently tap the ground I sit here crying. I can honestly say that no one understands me or has wanted to understand me or get to know me. Maybe I am the fool that looks into the souls of others and listens and wants to get to know them, but the same will never be returned to me. Maybe I am the fool to want what others have because of my lonely exsistence. Seeing them laugh and be heard by another and be able to share their hopes and dreams while I stand in my darkened shadows loosing faith in all I see. The tears are heavy now and the pain my heart has absorbed feels like bursting from its elaborate cocoon and reeking havoc, but as usual I hold it in. I have some questions for you... do you know my hopes and dreams? Do you know my pains? Do you know who I really am? Or is it just the surface that you seek? Because if you are that shallow from my house I ban thee! I'm tired shit real tired! I need help leveling up and I don't underst
What Does Love Mean?
Slow down for three minutes to read this. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think: "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8 "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4 "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5 "Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6 "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4 "Love is when m
This Is My World Your Just Here For The Ride So If You Don't Like Me Bite Me!!!
After the weekend I am gonna put stuff on my profile. A very good friend of mine is coming up from Tennessee this weekend so I am gonna be spending most the weekend with him and we are gonna go dancing and drinking... should be a fun time I am gonna add some stuf until I get tired tonight so please bear with me thank you. Just figured i would get my very first blog on here out of the way lol I am running on no sleep getting ready to play some euchre well i am out of here for now
Cum Read My Stuff!!
Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after the night at a business function. He forces himself to open his eyes and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose! Jack sits down and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. Jack looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror and notices a note on the table: "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping - Love you!" He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Jack asks, "Son, what happened last night?" "Well, you came home after 3 am , drunk and out of your mind. You broke the coffee table, puked in the hallway and got that black eye when you ran into t
Thoughts And Stuff
Some people dont know what they have until its too late. HA! That'll teach them to be blind. One can only hope they dont find themselves wishing they had ever let a great thing slip out of their many do. Some even turn bitter form it...others...feel sorry for themselves. The smart ones learn and never make that mistake again. The brave admit their stupidity and go out on a limb to try and get it back. Something to be admired...bravery. Even be admired and cherished...a person who appreciates their friends and lets them know in no uncertain terms what they mean to them on a regular basis. Even just to reaffirm the friendship once in a while can make foundations stronger and unyielding. It costs nothing to do...doesnt need much effort and it makes the recipient glad to have met and given themselves to such a great friend. It only makes things better. Some people just dont get it do they? You cant expect a flower to grow and be pretty without water and sunshin
R U ????
roses ARE red, nuts ARE brown, skirts ARE up, pants ARE down, body 2 body, skin 2 skin, motor's runnin,lets begin. send to 10 people and see if u get it back that means someone wants to GET NAUGHTY WITH YOU. if i don't get this back i guess ur not my friend. if u have a lot of luv 4 someone.....copy and send to ur whole friend list and in 5 mins ur true love will call or im you. da naughty train - if u get it ur cute...u get it twice ur a hottie...u get it 3 times ur sexy...4 times ur REAL HOTTIE.........xoxoxoxox You are 81% Bisexual You are very bisexual. The choice between guys and girls is often agonizing for you because you really don’t have a preference. But you always double up your chances every night for getting laid. Take this quiz at KNOW THAT I'V SHOWED MY LOVE Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCK THEM! This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course. 2- You can fuck t
About A Woman
I shave my legs, I sit down to pee, And I can justify any shopping spree. Don't go to a barber, But a beauty salon, I can het a massage without a hard-on. I can balance the checkbook, I can pump my own gas, Can talk to my friends About the size of my ass. My beauty's a masterpiece, and yes, it takes long. At least I can admit. to others when I'm wrong. I don't drive in circles, at any cost. And I don't have a problem, admitting I'm lost. I never forget, an important date. You just gotta deal with it, I'm usually late. I don't watch movies with lots of gore. Don't need instant replay, to remember the score. I won't lose my hair, I don't get jock itch. And just cause I'm assertive, Don't call me a bitch. Don't say to your friends, Oh yeah, I can get her. In your dreams,my dear, I can do better! Flowers are o'kay, But jewelry's best. Look at me you idiot... Not at my chest??? I don't have a problem, With expressing my feelings.
Vote For Me.... Pllleeaaseee
Lil Mama
Trying To Remain Strong
Today I go and pick up my exhusbands remains... didn't think it would bother me...yet im sitting here stalling. Not sure if its the anger or the memories that pop in to my head bad and good. I will be dropping him off at another funeral home here and they will be bring everything to the church tomorrow.I have talked to some old friends in this last week...some yelling that im not doing more,,, some thinking my daughter has no rights to her father...most believe that I am doing the right thing. My daughter went in to a shell then anger when we went to talk to the priest about the verses,He told her that she was doing the right thing, that later in years she will be happy that she did this for her dad, even if he wasn't there for her. After Talking with the main detective this week, I believe this was Dave's wish to leave this world. I believe that if his girlfriend was really concerned, she would of had him committed (as i did in 2000)after an attempt in 2005...instead of allowing
Friends &family
hi im aimee im am still alittle new to this i enjoy meeting new friends it doesnt matter male or female i really dont see why people on lc bitch and complain about their nude photos i guess there are some people leaving vulgar comments and scaring them away well all im saying is if you dont like being violated then you shouldnt have put certain pics on the site cause some guys or girls become friends with you just so they can view your adult pics well im not like that what you put in your pics is your business&privacy and nobody has the right to say any different thanks for being my friend take care.........Aimee boon@ LostCherry
My Thoughts
I think I'll start writing blogs. I have never done this before. Don't expect anything to deep here. I can be deep if I need too but prefer keeping things on the lighter side. See I already stopped thinking. Cya soon and thanks for reading, assuming you did read this.
Survey/ Quiz/ Info On Me...
Since it won't let me put this on my page: Heath Ledge... Claire Dane... Julia Stile... Bruce Willi... Steven Tyle... Jared
Have A Great Day
Today is a very special lady's birthday and my sis....SexySissy...please go by and show her lots of love, spankings or whatever you can....She's had a tough time and needs some cheering up.....Thanks to all.. Hugs M'Lady Tina lady Tina Just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who stopped and showed my baby White knight love and good wished on his Birthday Yesterday!....You all made him feel special........Love, Hugs and lots of Kisses to all of you.....M'Lady Tina CT has been messing up this morning, so I am gonna send out my morning comment (I Hope) This Way...Love you all, you know who you are. Get more @ Please let me know that you saw it! Love and lots of Hugs....M'Lady Tina
Celtic's Corner !
Hi my friends I am saying Goodbye..... Fubar is not the same friendly, fun place for me that it was when it was Lost Cherry and even Cherry Tap. It seems to me that it has gone 'money oriented' I have been keeping an eye on my profile when i have been coming back and forth and i am finding that it is always the same small group of people who are visiting me. It seems others don't care - if i'm not all over their page then they aren't going to bother coming onto mine.There is also soooo much drama going on - life is hard enough without all this! I can't be doing with this mentality anymore, so i have decided that it is time for me to leave and this time i won't be coming back. I have made some wonderful friends and have other ways to keep in touch with them. But if you would like to keep in touch with me, send me a PM with your contact details - msn and/or email. You will also find me at I have been told that i can't delete my account as my level is 25
I carry your heart with me (I carry it inmy heart) I am never without it (anywhereI go you go,my dear; and whatever is doneby only me is your doing, my darling)I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)  I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is youHere is the deepest secret nobody knows(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apartI carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)   E. E. Cummings     I won't approach your love cup If its coffee's bitter or plain I won't hold your cup and drink it Unless it is extra sweet I refuse greed in feelings Adore excess I hope your expression of affections is like a cascade I hate neutrality Don't accept being frugal in caring But admit the principle of extravagance
Hello to everyone, Just wanted to say hello to everyone and feel free to give a shout or leave a message i will get back you. Blessed Be Timber
Ramblings Of An Angel
"Journal daily....embed the emotions into the parchment and ink so that it becomes a testimony rather than baggage." I saw that on someone's web site and I really liked it and it makes a lot of sense. So I thought about it a bit and decided that I really should try and adhere to that ... or at least update this journal since its been awhile. Since I never know where to start I'm just going to pick a place and start so this will end up the usual jumbled assortment of my thoughts. Have a little faith...that is so hard sometimes ...especially when I've been conditioned to believe that the sky is constantly falling on me...and usually it is. I did come across a song and some of the lyrics were those wow lyrics... Oh but dont bowl me over Just wait a minute well it kinda fell apart, things get so Crazy, crazy Crazy..theres a word I know a lot about : crazy: Adjective Inflected forms: crazier, craziest 1. Affected with madness; insane. 2. Informal Departing from proportion
For A Laugh
You have a sexual IQ of 157 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
First off this is how it started. someone ran by and jacked my backpack here were contents of what was in my bag Kirks Ipod mini Aharons sick ass digital camera Aharons remote flash My new fishing pole and takle Aharons 256MB XD Meremy card My XD memery cards 512 MB 128MB 32MB My Lunch and snacks for the day a Knife and tools all my wax and shoe laces for the trip and some other random shit I bought with me Im SOOOOOOOOOOO BUMMMMMMED Right now! you have no idea nothing could cheer me up I think I want to go home =( Later in the day I decided to goto Macba for one last sesh with Kirk and Warren before they go back to CA. So me and Ryan are skating this barrier down a drop having a fucking great time then these Moroccan�s start playing soccer in front of us Ryan does a big spin front board down the barrier and he slips out and it rolls by them but did not hit them at all then when Ryan gets back to where I was he said I think these guys are gona try to start s
Lying Cheating Bastard = )
how can it be that he loves me he goes to other girls he plans to get rid of me pain hurt sorrow when you think about it it makes you want to scream how can one person do this much damage to someone else hate anger revenge? makes you want to hurt him bad hurt him like he did you take out his heart so he feels like you but it wouldn't be right in the end numbness blank nothing you get to the point where you don't care love is an choice not a factor to get away, start over cause nothing is real nothing is real right now all i got is me he took it all away it's just pain right now and when this wears off the numbness will stay protecting me from everything he's done to me letting go that's where this has to go let him have them I know I wasn't good enough but it was him he showed no emotion showed no feeling showed nothing at all no love no time he did nothing and blamed it all on me Your putting upon me More than I can take
Alice Cooper
Your cruel device your blood like ice one look could kill my pain, your thrill I wanna love you, but I better not touch (don't touch) I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop I wanna kiss you, but I want it too much I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison. You're poison running through my veins, you're poison,I don't wanna break these chains. Your mouth so hot your web, I'm caught your skin, so wet black lace, on sweat I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (and pins) I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name Don't wanna touch you, but you're under my skin (deep in) I wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poison. You're poison running through my veins,you're poison, I don't wanna break these chains. Poison... One look could kill my pain, your thrill I wanna love you, but I better not touch (don't touch) I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to
Heck Ya
so I am really close to getting my EMT license can't fucking wait, but anyways just got out of a relationship and fucking I am ready to be single and just party
Please Don't
Please don't wake me I'm really not asleep I've just gone inside my head, to try and find some peace I don't know why I come here, but I know it keeps me warm Hiding from my fears, holding back the tears Just trying to keep my head above the storm Please don't ask me how I feel I can't hear you anywayCause I'm in here dreaming and I'm oh so far away I keep looking for something that's getting very hard to find Hiding from my fears, holding back the tears And struggling with these questions in my mind Why can't I figure out just which path to choose? Why do I always feel like I'm just about to lose? My life's a mystery and there is no master plan I'm just trying' to keep the boy inside the man A lifetime's worth of growing up doesn't change that little kid Who didn't know the road ahead or would have cared even if he did But now that I am older, the memories begin to fade Hiding from my fears, holding back the tears Just falling through life day after day Please don't wake me I'm really
i hate when people take teh time to message or comment u but nvr answer back when u write its annoyin as hell if ur going to comment me talk to me also dont just comment me to get ur cherry points up it pisses me off
Quizes Lol
You scored as motobike. motobike100%car88%cars or motobikescreated with You scored as pie. dammit, you are nuts! you have no clue about any form of social conduct! i enjoy your insanity!pie70%Darth Vader70%THORAXE THE DESTROYER70%Toph65%YODA50%quiz of evil!created with You scored as lana. Lana and luna are twins. lana wears her dark brown hair short and never pays attentionlana
Thanks All !! Hello Out There !! I AM Having Trouble With Photobucket, So I Will Be Online Later And Leave All You Wonderful Visitors A THANK YOU !! Was Sooooooooo Kind Of You All To Stop By !! I Will have To Learn The New Systems Too Here.... If You Want To See A Really Nice Page ( So I Have Been Told) You Can Get More Of And Idea Of What I Am Like Go To>>> I Wil Try To Build My Page Like That One Much Love And Light To You All That Have Welcomed Me !! I Feel Blessed With Your Interest !!
well i dont really know to much about this so i am just writing what comes to mind and i am starting to get the hang of typing again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Using your mouth Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth. Take this quiz at You have a sexual IQ of 142 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
.. Let Me Tell You - Song Written By Me ..
~Let Me Tell You~ Let me tell you how I feel Let me show all the things you cannot heal It's time for me to let go ... I'm dying Ohhhh and you're flying Their is only one who can show me Show me the true meaning of love And you're not him Ohhhhh He shows me unconditional love He shows me that he cares He fights for me matter what No matter who's there He shows me I'm the only one The only one he loves But ohhh alone I cry Because ... This is only a dream Let me tell you about all the times you weren't there Let me tell you about the times that I felt scared I'm getting closer and closer ... let me share Ohhh all the pain that you're fixing to bare Ohhhhh He shows me unconditional love He shows me that he cares He fights for me matter what No matter who's there He shows me I'm the only one The only one he loves But ohhh alone I cry Because ... This is only a dream Let me tell you about all the things you promised me Let me tell you about the o
Bdsm Stories
MASTER "I have thought about what you are offering and I am willing to submit to you as my master." The words crossed her lips with a surety and understanding above her 18 years. She would commit to her master wholly and completely, whatever that involved. A smile crossed his lips with the knowledge of this. He would control her, dominate her, watch her submit and surrender to this lifestyle. His anticipation of this left him almost breathless with desire. "I will call you. You may never contact me. The instructions I give are complete and must be obeyed to the letter. Failure to comply will lead to punishment. Punishment is my choice and delivery of punishment will happen over a period of time decided by me. Public humiliation will not form part of this relationship. The pain will be torture and delightful." His words caused her fear and trepidation. These became immediate aphrodisiacs. She felt the crotch of her panties become soaked. She heard her breath ragged in h
My Birthday Today Sept 29
FAKE FRiENDS: Never ask for food. REAl FRiENDS: are the reason you have no food. FAKE FRiENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs REAl FRiENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM FAKE FRiENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. REAl FRiENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we fucked up ... but that shit was fun!" FAKE FRiENDS: never seen you cry. REAl FRiENDS: cry with you FAKE FRiENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. REAl FRiENDS: keep your shit so long they forget its yours. FAKE FRiENDS: know a few things about you. REAl FRiENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you. FAKE FRiENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. REAl FRiENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. FAKE FRiENDS: Would knock on your front door. REAl FRiENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!" FAKE FRiENDS: Are for awhile. REAl FRiENDS: Are for life. FAKE FRiENDS: Will take your drink
Sex And Dirty Sex!
Lame Lines
When A Guy Makes A Girl Jealous
Got this from my cousin..just a little smile sent your way. THE MOST DUMBEST THINGS GUYS SAY TO GET HER ATTENTION: 50 lame pickup lines 1. The word of the day is "legs." Let's go back to my place and spread the word. 2. That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning. 3. I want to melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 4. I like every bone in your body especially mine. 5. How about you sit on my lap and we'll see what pops up? 6. Will you be my love buffet so I can lay you out on a table and take anything I want? 7. Why don't you sit on my face and let me eat my way to your heart? 8. Baby I'm like milk, I'll do your body good. 9. Is that a mirror in your pants because I can see myself in them. 10. Hey baby lets play army I'll lay down you can blow me up. 11. If your left is thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas can I visit you in-between the holidays 12. If I told you that you had a nice body, would you h
Duct Tape Lifes Joyous Wonder!
Erm Some Random Thing Cause Im New And Bored
Daily When I Think About It Stuff
THis is the best place to meet the greatest people. I wish each and all of you the very happiest of Holdiay seasons what ever you Celebrate. So many diverse cultures all come pouring out of One Huge TAP. To the Soldiers that Are Out there for Us and away from their Families ,,,,I wish you the saftey of all the angels Possible and that your lil angels will know how much you love them. Harley joke The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson, died and went to heaven. At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur, "Since you've been such a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want in Heaven." Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, "I want to hang out with God." St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room and introduced him to God. God recognized Arthur and commented, "Okay, so you were the one who invented the Harley Davidson motorcycle?" Arthur said, "Yep, that's me." Are All Of Ya!!!
Stephen Foster Beautiful Dreamer Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me, Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee; Sounds of the rude world heard in the day, Lull'd by the moonlight have all pass'd away! Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song, List while I woo thee with soft melody; Gone are the cares of life's busy throng. Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me! Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me! Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea, Mermaids are chaunting the wild lorelie; Over the streamlet vapors are borne, Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn. Beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart, E'en as the morn on the streamlet and sea; Then will all clouds of sorrow depart, Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me! PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE..... "Love is not something that will happen overnight, nor is it something that will never happen. Love takes kindness, but mostly it takes patience". This is something that took the lose of everything for me to see...but it is so true
Musings Of A Very Confused Girl...
Are you the submissive type? Do you live to serve? Do you get pleasure from being told what to do, be it humiliating and/or painful? Then you opened the right bulletin! Mistress Momma Meagan is looking for new pets! The rules are simple, but MUST be followed if you are to be considered as a pet. Which, of course, should be a great honor for any of you sniveling maggots! 1.) You MUST send your Mistress a personalized salute vowing your loyalty to her, which will be displayed in a special folder entitled "MMM's Official Pets." CLICK HERE TO SEND YOUR SALUTE 2.) Once you have sent your salute you MUST rate/fan/add all the other pets in the pic folder. Why? Because your Mistress said so, scumbag! Once Mistress has confirmed that you have done this, you will receive a gift from Mistress herself welcoming you to the group. CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL OF YOUR MISTRESS'S PETS 3.) When your Mistress tells you to do something, you MUST do it. This may include weekly/month
A Jew, a Catholic and a Mormon were having drinks at the bar following an interfaith meeting. The Jew, bragging on his virility, said, "I have four sons. One more and I'll have a basketball team." The Catholic, waived off this accomplishment, stating, "That's nothing, boy. I have 10 sons, one more and I'll have a football team." To which the Mormon replied, "You guys ain't got a clue. I have 17 wives. One more and I'll have a golf course." NAUGHTY But Cute Q: What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A: A cherry float. Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? A: 1 US leader Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A: Beat it - we're closed. Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties? A: To find a tight seal. Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? A: It's a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. Q: What's the speed limit of sex? A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around. Q:
The Prophet
...You delight in laying down laws, Yet you delight more in breaking them. Like children playing by the ocean who build sand-towers with constancy and then destroy them with laughter. ...But while you build your sand-towers the ocean brings more sand to the shore, And when you destroy them the ocean laughs with you. ...Verily the ocean laughs always with the innocent. But you who walk facing the sun, what images drawn on the earth can hold you? You who travel with the wind, what weather-vane shall direct your course? What man's law shall bind you if you break your yoke but upon no man's prison door? What laws shall you fear if you dance but stumble against no man's iron chains? And who is he that shall bring you to judgement if you tear off your garment yet leave it in no man's path? People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing? Kahlil Gibran
Music Video:LOVE LIKE WINTER (by A.F.I.)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
I: We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! Our dried voices, when We wisper together Are quiet and meaningless As wind in dry grass Or rats' feet over broken glass In our fry cellar Shape without form, shade without colour, Paralysed force, Gesture without motion; Those who have crossed With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost Violent souls, but only As the hollow men The stuffed men. II: Eyes I dare not meet in dreams In death's dream kingdom These do not appear: There, the eyese are Sunlight on a broken column There, is a tree swinging And voices are On the wind's singing More distant and more solemn Than a fading star. Let me be no nearer In death's dream kingdom Let me also wear Such deliberate disguises Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves In a field Behaving as the wind behaves No nearer -- Not that final me
A Dream
DREAM In a dream, Seeing things, That I don't wanna see... Haunted by a memory, Hanging on - it won't let go of me... It's dead and gone, I've moved on, But I still imagine, What might've been... Listen for the words I long to hear, Waiting for that face to reappear, Feel those arms holding me, Feel the love as we breathe, Overwhelmed with regret, I guess I can't forget... But I know better now, I'm better off any how... Things aren't always what they seem, It was all just a dream.
Just Something To Think About
you never know what you have intill you lose it you never know what you have intill lose it just think about all familys that are losing there kids over seas just remember that we all play a part in kids lives how we watch them grow from baby to audt and something bad happens we all should stick togother so we can make better place for or kids to growup in
I Am Having Fun
I need all my minions to check my blogs out and commment and rate em Peace Man I am having some sorta fun but yet no one seems to care that I am in great need of friends on here so help me out people that read this ya still new here but word of advice if your gonna rate the profile at least hook me up with a comment while your there will you please
THIS STUPID GAME LIE IS A GAME I WANT IT TO END, I HATE THIS GAME WHY MUST I DEFEND? HATE ME IF YOU MUST YOU, I WILL NEVER TRUST, GIVE ME A KNIFE I WILL TAKE MY LIFE AND LOSE THIS GAME, IF YOU DONT, THATS FINE ITS NOT YOURS ITS MINE, YOU SHOULDNT CRY BECAUSE EVERYONE WILL DIE, I DONT KNOW HOW BUT IM ENDING MINE NOW! My Love Is Forever True! I gaze at your pictures as I go to sleep, I can hear your voice It sounds so sweet, I cannot contain my feelings for you My heart is set free It belongs to you. Your eyes, your heart, your touch Katy you mean so much. If I could just have one wish It would be to be with you, Because I know that in my heart My love is forever true. This is how I feel for you I've known it all along, You are my one true love My world.. My heart.. My soul! yes, im bored
Dog The Bounty Hunter
First off i just want to say that what i post here is MY Oppinion and has not been endorsed by so dont blame them for MY OPPINION!!!!!!!!!! as you know dog the bounty hunter was arrested and is waiting trial for " commiting a crime in mexico" the crime is that" he and his son arested a serial rapiest that was in mexico, here is the thing that pisses me the fuck off first Dog and his son was arrested on US soil for the crime, and is waiting to be tried IN MEXICO, FUCK THAT.. he got OUT OF The country and is in the USA right! what about ALLL THE ILLEGAL WETBACKS FROM MEXICO in our motherfucking county? WHY arnt the mexican police over here colecting ther people breaking the law????? WHAT right dose the mexicain police have to arrest a person in our COUNTRY but we cant go get one of OUR crimnals in there country... How fucked up is that? hell IF mexico likes the idea of serial rapiest in there country i have a solution... load every fucking
Sexiest Undies Contest
Coitus Interruptous
I have a new co worker that is experiencing his first baby. He comes in eacbh day bleary eyed and tired from lack of real sleep. He asked me how long before the baby sleeps through the night, I had to be honest and tell him my son was 7 before he slept all night without waking me up. He was flabbergasted but I reassured him that it was a fluke and his kid would probably be sleeping all night real soon. It reminded me of when my son was about 4 years old and I had been up repeatedly for the past few nights going into his room and telling him to be quiet as we were trying to get some sleep! Gently reassured him and lulled him back to sleep. One saturday night my ex-wife and I were getting a little frisky and were making a little too much noise when all of a sudden the bedroom door swings open and standing there in the hallway light with his hands on his hips glared my son yelling, "Ya'll hold it down in here I'm trying to get some sleep!' Spins on his heels and slams the do
Hey, hey all my sexy fellow cherries! My list is growing more & more everday...woohoo! But, there are alot of you that I never talk to, get comments from, or even a quick shoutout. So.....if you are one of those people, please let me know that you are very much alive &! The ones I dont hear from, I am gonna take off my list after a short time....I hate to do it, but truthfully, whats the use to just collect friends...who really aren't friends?!?!? I hope I hear from each & everyone of you soon, & relax all my peeps...I know everyone doesn't get on here every single day, so I am gonna wait a few days to give everyone a come on, show the love!!! XOXOXO
My Random Thoughts
well that was easy... glad i had second guessed myself iwth that guy... turns out he was playing me.. no harm no foul.. and moving on... i seriously don't like school right now.. crunch time sucks... i also hate having to make choices. if anyone can help me with determining if my feelings for someone are real.. id seriously appreciate it!
Thoughts And Opinions.
Love is the most painful emotion anyone can ever feel. It can be amazing while being very dissapointing. I made up my screen name, because I've recently experienced its rath. Love is pain because every good memory makes the loss harder and every bad event or word hurt so much more. It is jealousy because whenever you aren't in love all you see are people who are and when you are in love those who aren't secretly despies you. Most of all it is absolute bliss because every word, thought, emotion, event, memory, and seemingly unoticed every day act is hightened with intesity. Love can get a person through anything if it is strong enough. Hence the name: Love is Pain, Jealousy, and Absolute Bliss. They say, "If you love someone let them go and if they return to you it is ment to be." I can't say that this is a true statment or false but I can say that I hope it to be true. They also say that, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." I couldn't begin to a
    This is the link you would use to sing up to promote me and of course any girl you like. I work in fetishes on the adult end. That is the sexual attraction to non sexual things. Such as hair color, clothes and other things that someone might find a turn on. I also do role play. You earn 10 - 20% of every thing generated by your efforts. The advantage of being able to promote one person you have contact with is you can get to know more so you wont have to guess, I also have no problem with you pretending to be me and making promises as long as you alert me before the person logs in my room. Also as long as you stay with in my allowed rules. If you need a copy of what I am allowed and not allowed to do just ask.  I don't have the time to do promotions and shows too.  The company does pay, I did my own promotions now for 9 months and Never had any trouble with them not sending the money or not logging the accounts.  The 10 - 20% does not come directly from m
Going Insane
I dont know what do do with myself. I'm single, and have NOTHING TO DO!! I work 2 jobs and I'm new to the area. I was living in California with my ex boyfriend. He turned out to be a LOSER so I came home. I'm tired of dating guys who are losers. I need to find me a really nice guy that is a hard worker, but loves to spend time with his girl. I'm going to go now!
My Life
Its All About Sex!
As if there were anydoubts! LOL table border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='600'> You scored as Super Horny. You are extremly horny. A little too much for your own good. Don't let it take control of you, try to keep those hormones in check ;) Please rate and comment and tell me what quiz this is when you do!Very horny81%Super Horny81%Normal Horny63%A little horny38%Not horny0%How horny are you? (with pics)created with Might have to stop taking these - might reveal more about me than ppl should know! LOL You scored as A Slave To BDSM. Admit it, you like being tied up and being told you've been very naughty. You like teasing your partner and making them squirm, and not letting them be able to do anything about it. Some people think what you do is sick and disgusting, but you know it's all in good fun.A Slave To BDSM85%Sex God78%A Romantic
Black tank top with "wicked" written in bold white letters across my chest,jean skirt riding up my fish net covered legs ,and black knee high boots to add a bit more to the main point of the custume.I was a hooker for halloweeny and it was GREAT! Went to a bar,listen to everythiung from lord of god to a live band. Why does halloween have to end? When people asked what I was post to be, I just answered... what? oh.. its halloween? lol. Ashes I'm sitting bored in a library, just skipping my 8 a.m. art class ,because of my anti-socialism making me refuse to join in "group" study. I'm like that lone wolf you see in the winter mountains, makes you curious to wonder why I stalk alone ,but then at the same time notice that it's the way I am and will always be.. well.. around people I don't know. I don't know why I'm like this around some people. At work, I'm the most annoying friendly person in the world ,course I'm a cashier so that's what I'm post to do. Anyway, maybe I'll grow out of th
Single Parents Prayer
This poem was a gift from my niece. Lord, grant me time enough to do the chores,join the games, help with lessons,and say the night prayers and stillhave a few minutes left over for me... Energy enough to be the breadmaker and breadwinner, knee patcher and peace-maker, ball player and bill juggler... Hands enough to wipe away the tears to reach out when I'm needed to hugand to hold, to tickle and touch... Heart enough to share and to care,to listen and to understand, and tomake a loving home for my family.
Sorry I'm really bad at the whole friends stuff.I try to ten everyones profile and pics but never seem to keep in contact with anyone!Typical guy wants ya, gets ya then in a flash he forgets about ya!At least I know my short comings.And if I haven't stopped by lately.Forgive me I'm a guy.I would say I'll stop in soon but that would probably be a lie(HEHE)and we don't wanna add that to the list of things I am!peace out Happy Halloween everyone hope you get the shit scared out ya!Have a safe evening! Sunday I was bored so asked the wife if she would mind takeing a few pics of me!I really liked one and made it my new primary pic.all the face shots of me ,are of me with mustash&chin hairs!I shaved and damit I looked good!well after posting it I was flooded with guys comeing on my page.I guess they saw the long hair and got all excited and had to check me out!Don't be hateing cause I'm beautiful!Don't want you damn men anyways !So it came down to either change my pic to an older one or chan

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