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If you've got an opinion based on a firsthand situation that you think I may also experience, by all means, feel free to share your thoughts with me. I'll listen objectively and appreciate your advice.

If you've got a secondhand opinion based on facts that have never impacted you directly, keep it the fuck to yourself. Caring about another person that went through bullshit is one thing, but passing along their opinion as your own is a bunch of poop.

That is all. Carry on.



Peeves, not pervs. Although, there are plenty of pervs going around. Present company *waves at otherwise empty room* not excluded.

Pet peeves, to be exact. Wikipedia defines them as a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to him or her, to a greater degree than others may find it. I don't know what my deal is lately, but my formerly limited list of shortsighted chagrins has expanded enough for me to.. well, enough for me to start writing about them.

I can be almost as assuredly annoyed as I can be easily amused. In one breath, I'll laugh at a dog hanging out a car window with its ears flapping in the wind, and, in the next, you might hear me scream obscenities at the driver in front of me that probably couldn't use a turn signal if his life depended on it. On a freeway full of multi-ton combinations of steel and flammable liquids operating at high velocities, you'd think it would depend on it, right?

Things that I used to find bothersome, like someone leaving the plastic ring on the gallon of milk or not putting the cap back on the toothpaste, seem so inferior these days. It could be due to the fact that I now happen to buy milk without that ridiculous ring and toothpaste with a flip-shut cap. Or maybe I just don't give a shit about things like that anymore; I'm not sure.

What's been bothersome to me as of late, you ask?!?! Okay, so you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway. I have the aforementioned list, and you'll either relate or you won't.

Things that irk this lady!

  1. Calling me "hon" in text. First of all, I realize that it's just "honey" shortened up but, phonetically, I can't wrap my head around how fucking STUPID it sounds when my brain tries to grasp what you're saying to me. Second, while I don't mind "hun" due to its easier read, "honey", "hunnie", or any other variation of the word is not permitted when referring to yours truly. Just don't.
  2. Making me repeat myself. I enunciate when I speak and, chances are, if it's work-related, I sent whatever question or answer I had to you in an email for your reference. REFER TO IT.
  3. Inviting me to do something with you, but never getting back to me with details. This becomes substantially worse when you act like I didn't try hard enough to be at your services, spewing seemingly manipulative blather in my general direction when I finally contact you out of the sheer goodness of my heart. I shouldn't have to track you down and field your excuses for not telling me what's going or why it isn't. It was your idea, you jackwagon.
  4. Same as above when asking me to do a favor for you. Don't expect my help if you're not going to tell me what the fuck it is that you want.
  5. Leaving me a message on one social networking site about an entirely different site altogether. I don't care if it's about something you did or if it's in response to something I specifically said elsewhere, but telling me about it at another web address makes me think kind of ill of you. Even if I personally offer a link between networks doesn't mean I need your help advertising. Plus, some of my social networking sites have ZERO affiliation with others, and just because I'm not active on one when you have something to say doesn't mean I won't eventually get around to reading your dumbassery on the site to which it applies.
  6. Asking me questions that you already know the answer to. You're wasting my time.
  7. Asking me stupid questions in general. THERE ARE STUPID QUESTIONS.
  8. Making me repeat myself. *facepalm*
  9. Giving me information that I not only already have, but information that you most likely gave me yourself. When it's not requested, it gives the impression that you think I'm dumb or incompetent or both, and I'm neither. It also makes you look like a giant Douchenozzle 5000. I don't care if you're the newer model; you suckkkkk.

So concludes my list. I tried to round it off to a nice even 10, but I couldn't think of anything else that I really felt like bitching about right now. =P

What irks you? Yes, I'm asking.

I'm not a doctor

but I took a look anyway. At myself. Yeah.

When I was in Vegas (yeah, that blog never happened, but I assure you that you are not missing anything), I had a bad cough. Congestion was congregating right on my voicebox and making me sound like I was sucking twenty too many helium balloons, but thankfully, a medical assistant at the account that I was starting up scored me some sample of Avelox (basic antibiotic thinger) and, in addition to dosing up on Emergen-C, I kicked whatever was ailing me...

...only to come back home to be surrounded by even sicker people. I've been a good girl, drinking water and taking my vitamins, but my job let yet another cough catch up to me. Lots of OT this week and presumably not enough rest, and this afternoon I began to get that weird lung pain, like when you want to cough, but can't. I tried Mucinex earlier in the day, but without any real phlegmage built up, it did zero good. A couple hours later, I felt like I was inhaling inside out pin cushions. Not pleasant. Not pleasant at all!


Tonight, I took a couple Tylenol #3's to help dull the chest pain. Then, a lightbulb burst above my head when I remembered that I had a whole bottle of promethazine syrup that was prescribed to me after my tonsils were taken out last year.. and from working in primary care clinics doing drug testing and reading loads of med lists, I knew it was often given with codeine to patients for coughs and such. I took a couple spoonfuls an hour or so after swallowing the pills.. and now, I. Feel. Awesome. But, alas, it's time for sleep.

Tune in next time for more unadventures; same sleep time, same sleep channel. To the sleepcave! <3

Wax on, wax off.

Stolen from Jasmine via Ick.

1. First thing you wash in the shower?
My face, if my hair doesn't need to be washed. So, usually my hair.

2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
I have a gray zip-up one I wear a lot, but I wouldn't call it my favorite. I haven't felt that clothing connection in a while.

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
No, and clearly not anyone else since it's been almost a year since I've kissed anyone.

4.Do you plan outfits?
I wear scrubs for work and comfy clothes for play. They don't really take any planning.

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Meh. I have today off of work, so that part of life is pretty good.

6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red?
The ring on the drumset I have for Band Hero. Anyone want to buy a drumset for Band Hero?

7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
Aim. Amex. Acronyms and abbreviations FTW.

8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
It was weird and the details are gone, but a blast from the past crashed my subconcious. ps. Who are you?

9. Did you meet anybody new today?
Not unless Jehovah's Witness knocks on my door. I consider politely listening for thirty seconds before offering an excuse for them to get off my doorstep an introduction, don't you?

10. What are you craving right now?
A greasy burger, which is odd. I tend to crave chicken more than beef.

11. Do you floss?
Yes. Not as much as I should, but enough that my gums aren't major bleeders.

12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
Eggwohs. Happy endings.

13. When was the last time you talked on aim?
I haven't the slightest idea.

14. Are you emotional?
I spend most of the time being predominantly numb, but every so often, there's a thaw.

15. Would you dance to the taco song?
The llamas and hamsters and kitty cats ate the taco song, whatever that is.

16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
I can honestly say I don't recall ever taking the time to count that far.

17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
It's odd to mentally dissect how I've eaten ice cream. Assuming it's on a cone, I suppose there is licking. I'd rather enjoy my ice cream in a bowl, though. There IS a spoon.

18. Do you like your hair?
It's desperately in need of a trim, but indeed I do. It has taken for-ev-er to get this long.

19. Do you like yourself?
I like many of my qualities, but I'm not exactly comfortable in my own skin 100% of the time.

20. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Last year at a Comicon, there were a few there.

21. Do you like cottage cheese?
Yes! Om nom nom nom.

22. What are you listening to right now?
One of the latest episodes of Outsourced is on.

23. How many countries have you visited?
Does Canada even count?

24. Are your parents strict?
Strict rules, crappy enforcements.

25. Would you go sky diving?
Maybe. It would have to be tandem because I already have a fear of falling, occasionally from even normal heights whilst walking.

26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
If he's buying.

27. Would you throw potatoes at him?
I'd much rather eat potatoes.

28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in?
There is some change in the bottom of my purse.

29. Have you ever been in a castle?
Not an authentic one, but I did work at a renaissance festival for more than four seasons. And by four, I mean five.

30. Do you rent movies often?
Not lately, and not from a store.

31. Who sits behind you in your math class?

32. Have you made a prank phone call?
I called 911 when I was super young. The sheriff called back and my grandma scolded me.

33. Do you own a gun?
That's a negative, ghostrider.

34. Can you count backwards from 74?
I am rainwoman.

35. Who are you going to be with tonight?
Me, myself, and I. Threesome!

36. Brown or white eggs?

37. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
I bought my copy of Fear & Loathing from there.

38. Ever been on a train?
Yes, an antique train at an old mining town. No Amtrak or anything.

39. Ever been in love?
There are many degrees of love, some of which I can confidently say I've been in.

40. Do you have a cell-phone?
One for work (iPhone) and one for me (pieceofshitPhone).

41. Are you too forgiving?
I either can't let go of something or I give in too easily. There is no gray area.

42. Do you use chap stick?
I'm a recovering addict.

43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
The person that owns that title just had a baby and I need to call her. Thanks, survey fairy.

44. Can you use chop sticks?
I use chopsticks to show people how badly I use chopsticks.

45. Ever have cream puffs?
Sure, but I don't go out of my way for them.

46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
Once or three times upon a.. time.

47. What was the last question you asked?
The last thing I actually worded Jeopardy answer style was when I texted my sister to see if she was for sure awake last night when she said she was coming to pick me up at the airport.

48. What was the last CD you bought?
My car has electrical problems so, since the radio constantly acts up, it's been awhile and I don't remember. But, my next one will probably be Cage the Elephant.

49. Boys or girls?
Women are beautiful, but I like men. From a distance.

50. What is your bus number for school?
The bus was too short to paint on a number on.

51. Is your hair curly?
It has a slight wave, and the wispy stuff curls up when it's really humid.

52. Last time you cried?
About an hour ago. Before that, about a week ago. Before that, I have no idea.

53. Ever walked into a wall?
Yar. I walk into things I don't even recall walking into, yet oh hello, bruise.

54. Do looks matter?
Attraction matters. It can be to looks or personality, or any combination of the two.

55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?
I've never even stepped foot in a Pac Sun.

56. Have you ever slapped someone?
Yes! Word to the wise: Don't poor beer down the back of my pants.

57. Favorite time of the year?
Fall. Real fall, where leaves change color.

58. Favorite color?
Blue, but it's not a staple in my life. I like other colors, too.

59. Are you sarcastic?

60. Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet.

61. The last person you held hands with?
It would have to have been one of my nieces.

62. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Sometimes, but then whatever is on incorpartes itself into my dreams.

63. Where was your default picture taken at?
My living room couch.

64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
I loathe an innumerable amount, and I don't even need to know their names.

65. Do you like your life right now?
Life isn't perfect, but this one is mine.

66. How often do you talk on the phone?
Ew. Sometimes it's nice, but if someone outside of work thinks I'm always going to be willing to talk every time my phone rings, they are sadly mistaken.

67. What is your favorite animal?
Magical leoplurodons.

68. What was the most recent thing you bought?
A Las Vegas magnet.

69. Do you have good vision?
I used to have 20/20, but now driving at night can be a bitch.

70. Can you hula hoop?
I wouldn't even attempt it these days.

71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
I said I never would, but I did once.

72. Do you have a job?

73. Can you handle the truth?
Sometimes it sucks, but I prefer honesty over lies.

74. What are you wearing?
Stretchy pants and a t-shirt, which happens to be what I fell asleep in last night. What? It's my day off.

75. Have you ever crawled through a window?
If you haven't gotten into a car Dukestyle, you haven't lived.

Bastard out of Carolina.

[Disclaimer: If you don't stalk my other blog, which is probably the case 'cause only a few people do, then you're reading this two days late.]

I figured since this is my last night in Vegas, I might as well blog about the week I spent in North Carolina right before my current company trip. Better late than never, right? Besides, I haven’t written much in the past month since my time has been occupied by work and Lost, so what would some amandababble hurt.

Itinerary, January 23rd: Wake up at the buttcrack of still night, finish last minute pre-travel needs, drive to airport, park car, check in at Continental, discover I’m dressed too perfectly to get frisked by security, arrive painfully early at terminal yet inhale a fast food breakfast, hurry up and wait, board flight, read, get off flight, lather-rinse-repeat last three steps, get rental car, drive to Greenville, hotel, sleep, breathe.

I hate connecting flights with a passion but, with a book within my grasp, I can get through nearly anything. I spent most of the initial flight sitting next to a woman that was reading the Bible on her Nook. She was a nice lady, but I guess she was hard up for scripture because she seemed to power through the old testament. I sat by the window and stuck to my cheesy drama novel, getting away with not saying much aside from boring pleasantries.

You’d think planes would be fairly dust-free. Ever sneeze so hard, you farted?

I hoped that lady was really into Genesis.

The descent into Houston was UH-mazing. The plane glided right into a cloud bank and it felt like we were surrounded by cotton candy. Not pink, mind you, but white like that mystery-flavored Airhead bar you get when you buy that pack of six. I bet the clouds tasted like awesome, even though, if I could have stuck my hand out the window for a handful, the walls of white would have wisped away from my fingertips like when you reach for something in a dream that isn’t really there.

And then, land. Of course, the gate that’s usually available is in a different terminal, and clear on the other side of the airport, than your connecting flight. Hauling ass, lugging luggage, grumbling under your breath at morons walking at the speed of reverse: This can’t just be my experience when having to change planes. It’s really hard for me to keep my mouth shut in situations like that and not call people sheep or bah at them in their native tongue.

Thankfully, the layover time alotted was perfect. Boarding began shortly after I arrived at the gate located in the far, far away land somehow still locating within Houston. Just as I was about to step into the plane whilst waiting in a line full of more wooly wonders, the captain cuts in. I couldn’t possibly have gotten irritated because holy shit that man was hot. I would have my safety in his hands any time.. and by safety..

Yeah. More reading, only this time with one hand over my left ear and my middle finger blazing at the fairly large yet extremely loud southern man in the row across from mine that didn’t have anything interesting to say. He never noticed my subtle gesture and continued to spew forth juvenile and seemingly one-sided conversation with the dude seated in front of me that never answered with more than a syllable or a grunt. Southern man only shut up when the flight attendant, aka Apple Juice Nazi, came through with beverages. It wasn’t a full flight and the plane was already ridiculously small, but bitch didn’t want to let go of the remains of that can of sweet nectar until she finished asking the rest of the passengers what they wanted to drink. In the end, I got my damn juice, but I had already jedimindkicked the shit out of her.

Charlotte! I upgraded my rental car to a fullsize vehicle because I’m tall and fat like that. First stop, convenience store to stock up on caffeinated goodies for the four hour drive ahead of me. Some people didn’t understand why I didn’t fly to a place closer to Greenville and, well, it would have been ANOTHER connecting flight to Raleigh-Durham and STILL been an hour and a half drive. Fuck that noise. I played radio roulette and bounced from one staticky station to another, singing my guts out (not really, ew) each time I found a song I could decipher, and still arrived at my hotel before I would have, had I taken that third plane.

I checked in at Courtyard Marriott and collapsed on the bed as soon as I saw it. The next week was basically a breeze; I worked, giggled (mostly on the inside) at people’s accents, pissed off my GPS voice lady, etc. The best part about my stay was when two awesome people, that I hadn’t before met face to face, met me at an Applebee’s for some food stuffs, conversation, and hugs. Matt & Jess, you both rule and I can’t wait to see you guys again. <3

I opted for more sleep the one afternoon I could have made it to the coast for an ocean view. It was worth it, seeing as how the next night, I had to pretty much skip slumber and head back to Charlotte. There were as many deer on the shoulder as there were stalled cars, but the absence of sun seemed to clear out the static in order for the music to keep my mind engaged.

The flights home were a blur. Before I knew it, this sleepy bastard was out of NC and home in bed, passed out on a Saturday afternoon before old ladies ate their dinners, and still sleeping while they went to late morning mass the next day. The weekend was wasted, but duty called on Monday.

Heh, I said “duty”.

So ended my week away, and it was good. Two days of work quickly followed and somehow I was on a plane to Vegas, but that, my friends, is a different story. I must bid thee farewell because all these mentions and memories of sleep make me want.. yup, more sleep. Tune in Thursday or probably another day for more travel nonsense. I can’t be arsed to stick to a schedule, you know. Until the next time… POOF!

ps. I didn’t disappear in a cloud of smoke. You’d think hotel rooms would be fairly dust-free.


Even though I'm bawling right now, part of me still wants to find out if I can send a package of bacon instead of flowers...


I fucking love you.

I know you know that.

Save me a spot. I'll see you again one day.


And thennn...

I'll be in Greenville, NC next week. I'll say it again, North Carolina, not South Carolina, 'cause no matter how much I type it, people seem to keep assuming I still mean the latter. NORTH CAROLINA.

And then, I'll be working at a psych ward doing the same thing I do here in Arizona. For those of you that never paid attention in the past, I work for a toxicology lab and do the first step of drug testing for patients taking prescribed controlled substances. The only difference in NC is that I'll be working at a substance abuse account; the work is the same, but the patients are slightly crazier.

And then, I'll be making as much of my stay a vacation as I possibly can. Hopefully, this includes meeting some cool peoples, like Park (too dark park) and Matt and Jessica (CAM, may his account RIP, and barricade).

And then, I'll watch at least one sunset on the Atlantic coast.

And thennn, I'll come home and it will all be back to boring normal.

And thennnnnnn.. NO AND THEN!

bee tee dubbleyew


and so are you. Probably.


I woke up pissed off, which, like I already explained in a message when someone gave me virtual chocolate (thank you), is a step up from the weirdness I was experiencing last night.. but it's still not pleasant.

Btw, no, I'm not PMSing. Fuck off. Anyone that hides behind that blanket is ridiculous. I'm actually more of a needy take-care-of-me-look-how-cute-I-am-when-I'm-vulnerable kind of person when it comes to that. Like I need an excuse to be a bitch.

Although, I do wish I had an excuse today, because at least then I would know why I feel like I could rip out an innocent bystander's jugular with my bare hands. Sometimes I'm just angry. Sometimes it just feels like my blood is actually boiling. Sometimes it just really fucking sucks.

Maybe it's because I'm angry with myself.
Maybe I'm stressed out over my living situation/job/financial inabilities.
Maybe I'm not getting decent sleep because indecent dreams plague me.
Maybe I am too involuntarily depraved to be so voluntarily deprived.
Maybe I should let myself have a little faith once in a while.
Maybe it's Saturday.

Maybe I'm fucking nuts.

Maybe I'm human.

I'm going to take an insanely hot shower and, once my skin is red and blotchy and has started to detox, I'm going to clean my apartment. Get some positive energy flowing. Burn some candles that smell nice. Listen to some good music. Open the blinds.

Okay, screw that last part. Hermits like their caves.

I don't like me like this.
I don't expect you to like me like this either.

Thanks for being nice when you didn't have to be. ♥

I'm glad for the people I've decided to surround myself with that decided to stick around?
Yes. I think I'll start with that.


Hi, I'm a paragraph. I am composed [gigglesnort] of words that create a group of related sentences. Without html, I still look like a paragraph.

Hi, I'm a second paragraph. Thanks to that nice little <br> thing inserted (twice, in these entries) in between the first paragraph and I, you can tell I'm number two. Love the double <br> entry. It defines paragraphs like me. Without it, I'd still be part of the first.

Yay, youtube embeds for all!

giant ghey hearts for all tooooo ♥

This box is awwwwwkwaaaard.

There's your youtube video. Big babies.
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