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Dave Franell
Dave Lyle
Dave Hatfield
Dave Shulak
Dave Miller
Dave Swanson
Dave Huntsman
Dave Peck
Thanks everyone for your time, efforts and help
Dave Goddeeris
Dave Beatty
Dave Unkle
Dave Holden
Dave Hey
Dave Smith
Dave Morro
Dave Long
Dave Hudson
Dave Jones
Dave Motter
Dave Stosik
Dave Mcgrath
Dave Fike
Dave Harmon
Dave Labroad
Dave Horst
Dave Williams
Dave Davis
Dave Wilkinson
Dave Riley
Dave Weise
Dave Wolfswinkel
Dave Widlicka
Dave Sohn
Dave Wagner
Dave Sime
Dave Ziegenhagen
Dave Laru
Dave Rahn
Dave Henderson
Dave Barkovsky
Dave Spence
Dave Torrez
Dave Grand
Dave Burns.
Dave Long
Dave Kraemer
Dave Harness
Dave Wain
Dave Lawrence
I'm 24, I work full time at a Bike Shop, I ride bicycles for exercise and fun, I live in a moderately sized city with a good buddy of mine, I love to goof off, I try to make light of whatever situation I am in, I am sarcastic, a smartass, and have been told I have a very dry sense of humor. I am up for just about anything, and love trying new things. I am much more comfortable at home, or at a park than I am at a bar, and I enjoy the simple things in life. I don't drink or smoke, just never really felt the want to do so. BMX, Women, having fun, relaxing, swimming, music, fixing things, learning new things, animals, family, friends, hanging out, movies, books and so on. Basically anything that can captivate my attention I am down for.
Dave Lee
Dave Adams
Hi Everyone my name is Dave, I am new here and here to make some friends I have made a few but hoping to make more I am an easy going guy and looking for a sweet beautiful loving lady I have a lovely lady in mind and I am hoping we can get together again sometime ..I never realized what I lost and I would do anything to get her back even if we never do I will always be one of her best friends and I will always care about her..she's a beautiful lady inside and out....and I will always wish her the best...and I am hoping to meet a lady like her...if me and her never go's anywhere beyond friends again that's s ladies don't be afraid to write I won't bite...luv to u all
Dave Hamilton
Dave Lorntz
Dave Mike
Dave Ross
Life's short, once you are born your days are fleeting grab a hold of the good that comes your way and hold tight. The only thing you can bring beyond the grave is the love of your family and friends. I'm older then I really am at times, I've done a lot in 28 years. Now just taking life easy, and avoiding drama. I try to keep it simple. A bit introverted but quick to want to get out and have a good time with a little push. I love to laugh, loudly, at no control of my own though. I'm an open book ask me anything. Family, Good friends, Music, Disneyland, Beach, Hiking, Fishing
Dave Bennett
Dave Jones
Dave Stellhorn
Dave Huffman
Dave Howard
Dave Huff
Dave Brown
Dave Spence
Dave Deilkes
Dave Jaeggle
Dave Farling
Dave Bino
like drinkin, smoking,genral merryment,movies,hide and seek sushi,makin fires(safe 1s me no do arson)the zoo erm tripping at the zoo nd stuff dnt realy like workin but gota do it for the merryment a carpet cleaner very fulfiling nd exiting job bt there you to party lv live music comedy nd i fuckin h8 that dtuff they call POP fuckin music it physically hurts me inside maybe its my only weakness ha space interests me and the sea,the unexplained,conspiracy theories like 9,11 nd 7,7 nd kennedy nd the moon nd the illuminati nd the free masons,erm bugs are cwl too exept spiders arrrrrhhhh i really scared of em like do they really need 8 legs nd loads of eyes c'mon.human behavior is interesting awell,scary but interesting
Dave Fischer
Dave P
Dave Grand
Dave Mill
Dave Matthews
Dave Bonney
Dave Goss
Dave Luccioni
USMC Face Combo Image & Usmc Pictures
Dave Sledzieski
Dave Riehle
Dave Wallace
Dave Weenhder
Dave Robinson
Dave Cole
I am a down to earth man who is not afraid to take a chance with Life.. i enjoy laughing and having a good me,a good time may include any range of things from going to a kickin club to typing at all hours of the night... i enjoy my friends company and love to travel kicking back with a glass of absinthe or some home mixed drinks,with chill friends and nice people and nice conversations!!!
Dave Krouse
Dave Morgan
Dave Ferreira
Life is about ass.. you're either covering it, laughing it off, kicking it, kissing it, busting it, or trying to get a piece of it.
Dave Hall
Dave Meccariello
Dave Mitchell
Dave Reger
Dave Harrison
Dave Middendorf
Dave Waite
Dave Ransom
i am here looking for some fun!! if interested either i m mer on yahoo or message me and we can talk and see what happens!!
Dave Thomas
Dave James
Dave Doggett
Dave Scottow
Dave Weimar
Dave Watson
Dave Meyer
Dave Martinez
Dave S.
Dave Yocum
Dave Gailey
Dave Santana
Dave Graw
Dave Robo
am 5foot 10 i have blue eyes i own aaa transport but i all so work on the doors on a club when am not bizy i have been single 4 3years after being with my x 12 years and be4 u ask no i never did nothing wrong she ran off with her brothers m8 from the army 1 i dont lie and dont like people who do 2 i dont cheat only have eyes 4 the girl am with at the time 3 i hate me that hit and tell his girl what to do / NO MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO HIT OR TOUCH ANY GIRL/WOMAN NO MATTER WHAT SHE HAS DONE this is true ... to love is nothing to be loved is something but to love and be loved is everything my msn is aaa dot transport at hotmail dot co dot uk long drive at night going on walks liven life 2 the full life is 2 short 2 mess about my msn going off big time mc vicar
Dave Tisdale
My name is Dave. I'm engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world to me, Nichole. I have a daughter as well with her. She was born 11/11/10. Her name is Braelyn. I play the guitar, and I sing a bit. I'm hoping to join or form a band in the future. If music doesn't work out for me, then I am going into comedy. Simple as that. Ha-ha. I am a pretty cool guy. Don't have many friends in real life and I really don't have much of a life. Tried to have one, but it never works out for me. And what friends I DO have in real life, I never see, or they never want to see me. But it's all good. Family is all I really need. I have a really awesome dad. He is basically one of the most influential people in my life right now and he is really the closest thing I have to a best friend. If you want to know anything else about me, please come chat with me and get to know me. You might find out some interesting stuff about me. Playing my guitar, Savanna Dane Cook, Alejandro Manzano (from my fa
Dave Knape
24 year old lad from Belfast in Ireland. Pretty new to the fubar scene despite being a member for months and months. Never really used to use it before but if I can meet some cool new people and have a laugh then that is cool. I play sports, football, rugby, cricket, athletics, rowing and working out. Also, I write songs, love music, love watching movies, chilling with friends and having a laugh. Oh and I used to be a pizza/pasta chef when I lived in England and my previous job involved being a rugby coach and teaching foreign students how to speak/write in English Hit me up if ya fancy a chat
Dave Furness
Dave Corvin
Dave Stewart
Dave Wu
Dave Goldberg
Dave Curry
Dave Baio
Dave Snitkin
Dave Keelty
Dave Buchanan
Dave Rahn
Dave Mclaughlin
Dave Mac
Dave Grasser
Dave Hupe
Dave Rowan
Dave Mcnulty
Dave Demoss Sr
Dave Sonn
Dave Weiner
Dave Devroux
Dave Seither
Dave Welch
Dave Hunt
Dave Dellos
Dave Cunningham
Dave Riffle
Dave Mitchell
I am here looking to actually meet people not just to chat online! Looking for people to go play some pool with, get drunk or whatever else sounds good at the time! I am easy going I drive truck mainly between Idaho and Arizona So if you ever want to go on a trip with me let me know! Playing pool, bowling, going out to the bar, riding 4-wheelers,
Dave Temple
Dave Rogers
Dave Callis
Dave Leavy
Dave Farley
Dave Sambursky
Dave Frey
I am on here to have some fun and pass some time. I do not get to spend a lot of time here but do try to stop by for a few minutes when i can. I try to return rates and likes but try to rate only 11s. I am do not type fast so I avoid the chat rooms. Thanks for visiting. I like the outdoors. I spend a lot of my free time paddling a canoe, kayak or raft. I like photography, but hate being on the other side of a camera.
Not much to tell really. Just a down to earth guy trying to take life one day at a time. I just decided to pack up and move to Florida from Mass. If ya want to know anything else just ask!!! My interests: Pretty much anything outdoors. I do like cars since I have been working in the automotive industry for about 10 years. Classic and Newer Models. Huge Boston Sports fan. Sox, Pats, Celtics. Lastly, some may think I'm a bit strange i love MMORPGs. (massive multiplayer online role playing games). Yeah i play video games!!!! Not hardcore but it passes the time some days. Never been much of a TV watcher would rather read a magazine or a good book.
Dave Kersey
Dave Mortell
Dave Wilcox
Dave Shelton
Dave Orrick
Dave Gregor
Dave Bier
Dave Curtis Robertson Junior
Dave Burnet
Dave Kubik
Dave Sims
Dave Flynn
Dave Ramp
Dave Cooper
Dave English
grind,out cold pretty much any comedi or action flic iam a fan of
Dave Newman
Dave Rugen
Dave Borgman
Dave Rowles
Dave Willis
Dave Gardner
Dave Hodges
Dave Beck
Dave Burns
Dave Wolf
Dave Pick
Dave Derr
Divorced (Yes single) 3 kids two in college (yes broke all the time) My kids are my life, work is a paycheck. Both take up most of my time. My kids live a few hundred miles away, but try and keep up with whats going on in there lives. I am an easy going person, a bit laid back, except at work. Don't like games, tell it like it is. But dont take me to seriously I enjoy playing with peoples minds in a funny way, once i get to know them. My life has had its up and downs, but have learned that with a little work and faith most things come around. Can't take life seriously all the time, unless you want to go totally crazy. Take a chance, do something you never thought you would do, make life a good memory. You are never gone if there still talking about you. Enjoy anything outdoors. Backpacking, hiking, camping along the river. Stress relief from work is a few hours on my motorcycle. No destination just a direction. Enjoy talking with people, meeting new people.
Dave Graham
Dave Sheen
Dave Stewart
43 year old bus driver and father of 4. Grandfather of 2 with 1 on the way. Married to the hottest woman on the planet. Looking for new friendships and adventures. All things Hawaiian. Stephen King, MSNBC Channel. I know Im boreing. Jim Jamieson, Mark Keali'i Hoomalu, Kaumakaewa Kanakaole, thats about it. All comedies, any Stephen King movie, Super Troopers, anything with Jay and Silent Bob stuff like that.
Dave O'connell
Dave Walker
I love films with Will Farrell in my favourite films of Will Farrell's are Anchorman and Step Brothers. I feel really sorry for people that watch these films with me as i end up quoteing the whole film to them as it goes on which is abit lame i no but i love these films.
Dave Edwards
Dave Castillo
Dave Shannon
Dave Look
Dave Danny
Dave Royer
Dave Knapp
Dave Hill
Dave Lot
Dave Woodya
Dave Spitzmesser
I like amateur (ham) radio, my call sign is KJ4CVO. I have a pilot's license but don't fly any more, too expensive these days. I play the piano and used to play the bagpipes. I like just about all music. I love to travel and have been around the world a couple of times but, there are many more countries to see, especially in Europe. I am a Realtor in southeastern Virginia. You can click on this link to go to the Amateur Radio Relay League.
Dave Rath
Dave Kahaulelio
Dave Weiler
Dave Bergschneider
Dave Haviland
Dave Kerlin
Dave Thompson
Dave Buchanan
Dave Johnson
Dave Abbott
I'm probably a bit insane, though not in the way "lollookatmeimsorandom" kind of way, thankfully. I can be pretty strange without needing to put on an act and yet I do enjoy having an actually conversation with people. If I could meet someone on here that can help me have a conversation and yet weird me out a little at the same time then that would be just grand. I may have a little dick but I can make a mean lasagne.
Dave Phillips
Dave Young
Daves Farm
Dave Edwards
Dave's Not Here Man
Just a Polar Bear in the sun.
Younger on the inside than on the outside. A southern gentleman with a tarnished halo. Women that say, "Yes!"
Davey Samarrippas
Dave Simon
Dave Ronnie
Dave Catlett Jr.
This is brand new for me, so I'm learning!
Dave Thomas
/ seals/siggy_06/navyseals.jpg?o=1" target="_blank">" target=_blank> Ive done my time , now its time to enjoy what i busted my tail off for.
Dave Finfrock
Dave Miller
Dave Hampton
Dave Jones
Dave Sappenfield
Dave Perry
Dave Williams
Dave Smith
im very much in to riding my Harley,and going on long rides,and im not in to any type of drama,so if you like drama just don!t bother me and move on,But if your drama free hit me up we can see what happens,
Dave Graber
Dave Vanpelt
Dave T.
I am a Pilot, love what i am doing. Enjoy all kinds of sports, the beach, and having fun meeting new people. Love to Travel. Sports, Movies, Beach, Flying,.... My Parents for putting up with me and leading me in the right direction. Well...... that would be a long list..... Love movies To cut it short...... Comedy and Sci-Fi
Dave Fern
I'm a Straight Divorced (over 6 yrs now) Sephardic Messianic Jewish male. 5'10" aprox 185lbs. Dk Br Hair and Br Eyes I drove a truck cross country for 26+ years, and don't care to drive anymore (unless I need to). This is the same reason I don't own a vehicle . I like moonlit walks on the beach, nature walks, camping, hiking in the woods with that special someone, an ocean breeze, the scent of night jasmine, honeysuckle, the scent of the ocean at night. I also write poetry (not published). You wanna know more, Then Just Ask ! HEY if you have a really good recent picture, and it's hanging on the wall, at your local Post Office, KEEP SEARCHING ! Oh yea, I forgot to tell ya, you need to have a sense of humor too. Sex is a big part of any relationship. If the sexual chemistry isn't there, then the relationship will ALWAYS fall apart, no matter how hard you try keeping it together. If your into any kind of pain, then your not for me.
Dave Shepherd
Dave Chamberlain
Dave Evans
Dave K
Dave Cline
Dave Bigby
Dave Vradenburg
Dave Moore
Daveion Minor
Dave Defries
Daveion Minor
Dave Shemory
I'm 38 year's old.I love to hang out with my two kids and my english mastiff named Dozer. I love to ride my 2004 Dyna Superglide Harley-Davidson.I'm a welder in a steel shop. I build part's for bridge's' i like to be outside in the sunshine relaxing or just hangin out. I love to go mudding in my pick-up truck
Dave Akers
Dave Cook
Dave Mclaren
Dave Haden
Dave Watkins
Dave Manuel
Dave Smith
Dave Stanley
Sci-Fi, SCA, History, RPGs
Dave Haslam
Dave Darnell
Dave Newman
Dave Bauer
Dave Burrows
Dave Asubonteng
Dave Hollis
Dave Mac
Fun loving artist seeking erotic friends... Outdoors , animals, art, eroticism ,
Dave Fox
Dave Horwood
Dave Quin
I'm 42,but feel much older at times,likes to meet new people hoping to make new friends more than anything so chat with me... Too much to list really if ya wanna know me talk with me.......i'm open to conversations.
Dave Russell
Dave Newell
Dave Englund
Dave Kolanji
Dave Rawson
Dave K T
My Real name is David but most of ma friends call me K.T or Creative with no reason LOL ,I am a boy of 19yrs old single never married with no kids but i do hope my age is not a problem as you read this,remember its the Love that counts the Most.. I have a black hair, blue eye, 6 ft tall, 128 lbs,has a chocolate skin.I am a caring and honest guy seeking for a woman to share the rest of my life with,I want a friend, a confident, a lover, and a partner in crime! I'm looking for a woman that would like to be my best friend and also be my Hero. I do not care if you are Black, White, or Yellow it's inside that matters. So if you think you can handle this, then hit me up so we can chat and share pictures on this my Yahoo! Messenger ID ) i dont have the best pictures on here which i do know of LOL but i do have a webcam on my Computer which i can view to you whenever you request for it ... Thank You ..
Dave Bailey
Dave Heinitz
Dave Mike
Dave Billie
Dave Fisher
Dave Green
Dave Payne
Dave A
Dave Okocha
Dave Stepp
Have no idea what this place is about... I'm a guitar player for a few bands from Southeast Mo to St. Louis. I work hard and play harder. I think I need to learn more about fubar so I know what the hell to put here!! Interests....Music, and everyone's favorite..SEX! I do deer hunt and bass fish too though.
Dave Schmidt
Dave Gratz
Dave Erdman
Dave Mayu
Dave Bunio
Dave Carwile
Dave Harding
Dave Barker
I'm just an albatross... Video Games, Writing, Camping, Being Weird
Dave A
Dave Stevens
Dave Thomas
Dave Channell
Daven Reyes
Dave Tonole
Dave Borzoni
Dave Stewart
Dave Parker
Dave Karpol
Dave Singh
Dave Johnson
Dave Hall
Dave Welch
Dave Halvorsen
My name is Dave and I am 43. If you are looking for drama, please keep walking!! I am here to meet new people, hopefully some great friends. I am not looking for a hook up, but if something develops, it will be meant to be. I am a private person, but will answer any question you have. I am very open about my life, and very blunt. Feel free to drop by and hit me up!!
Dave Mcmillan
Dave Vance
Dave Lynes
Dave Wise
Dave Hilborn
Dave Spearman
Davestar Novick
Dave Carpenter
Dave Ampofo
Dave Byrd
Daven Sparrow
Dave James
Dave Mullen
Basically down-to-earth,easy-going guy that likes to enjoy life and have fun. I'm on here just to meet different people and make new friends. Don't ask for much but will help anybody if I can at all. Peace and thanks to everyone that has helped me!!! I like playing writing and playing music as I have for over 30 yrs. I like to party with friends,joke,laugh,cut-up and generally have a good time. Like to explore,hike,fish,camp, and anything outdoors.
Dave Cooper
Dave Ironvulture
Here ONLY for friends, Accept me as I am or please move on. ←Welcome→ →Active← Fan Me?! Say Hello! Details: I'm here for: Friends and Networking Relationship Status: In a Relationship Sexual orientation: Straight Height: 6' 2" Weight: 310 (Fluffy N' Cuddly) Ethnicity: Oneida (Iroquois) and German Religion: Spiritual but not Religious (Don't need a building/denomination to believe in God) Smoker: No Drinker: Rarely Education: In College Occupation: Student -- About Me -- I'm of the Oneida Tribe (Iroquois). I'm of the Wolf Clan. I am proud of my Native roots but living off the Rez, I don't know enough about them to be a traditional "Indian", more of an Indian wannabe hehehe. I hope to learn the dying Oneida language and more about my ancestral roots in the near future.****If you know who the artist is for this pic (ShamanPaw) let me know, I've seen other pictures from this set too**** -- What I love: -- - God(Yo
Dave Smith
Dave Rich
Dave Mcfarland
Dave S
Dave Edwards
Dave Rosenberg
Dave Panarello
Dave Dunn
Dave Mueller
Dave Mccoy
Dave Branscomb
Dave Darb
Dave Hyte
Dave Downs
Dave Mcaninch
Dave Blackburn
Dave Pike
Dave Creech
Dave Young
Dave Cruz
Dave Epperson
Dave Dias
Dave Jackson
Dave Rodger
Dave Hallitt
Dave Trombley
Dave Phillips
about me. i am a great good hearted and good looking guy. i am a redneck. i like rock music and country. listen to alan cox. 100.7 wmms. i am single looking. smart and funny. i do have a job and do have a car. love to have fun love to give fun. romantic. im not into drugs. looking for friendship, and more. take it slow but not to slow. im good in the sack but i not looking for a one nightstand. looking for some one real. if u like what u read and want to no more just ask me
Dave Button

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