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Johnnydevil's blog: "Real Fu-Kin Life."

created on 02/18/2007  |  http://fubar.com/real-fu-kin-life/b56627  |  396 followers

Dat Ass


...sometimes you just have to appreciate the little things that bring the lolz.

Hope you all are well and enjoying my "Fubar Lesson" blasts!

More content soon...


- JD

Well, they got their Achievements!

After a quick look at the "Most Liked" yesterday boards I found 40 males and 64 females that broke the 125,000 like plateau. That's about the amount that patricipated in Likefest. So congrats to all of those that got the 200 AP yesterday. From what I understand they will be updating the people so they can get their Achivements and that little like bling trophy thing at some point today based off that leaderboard so, yay.

Now, the aftermath ensues.

I saw a few statuses already today by some of the people in Likefest stating they are having issues with now "ex" family members. That might continue it might not, I guess to each their own but I am sure it will on some level. Probably not publicly because well (you know) - but I'm sure some people on some level will be upset. Those things will work themselves over time.

Not really that surprised about that - like I said in the previous post.

So we shall see how this unfolds. I see people celebrating talking about how this was like the "old days." This kind of made me raise an eyebrow at first but then I thought about it and was like "wait - this IS like the old days to THEM."

I got it now, makes perfect sense.

I think that some of these new "family add for the day" friends will become like, their permanent family members. I mean, you know from a game point of view it makes sense, right ? (see previous post)

On a human level...meh.

You all will figure that out I am sure.

What's next? Well there's this:



And, since the like numbers were so staggering yesterday maybe they will have like 200,00, 250,000, 300,000, 500,000 likes in a day Acheivements too.

Sure why not.

Anyway I felt the need to post a reply after what I said the other day about it. Congrats to the organizers and winners...you actually pulled it off...

And to the rest of us 99.999999+%

I guess we just go about our first work day of 2019...

trying to live our best lives.


- JD

Hello everyone.

Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Eve and have a very Merry Christmas this week (although having Christmas Eve on a Monday is absolutely foul, but that's another story.)

I originally had a fake bust for Christmas because that's sort of a tradition. But I kinda didn't really have much motivation to do it this year. Maybe I'll do it for New Year's...that might be fun.

And I am sure within the next 24 hours or so everyone will be eagerly waiting for the Fubar Christmas Tree to drop off its' special gifts to each and every one of you. It's actually the one day of the year where quite a few people log in for a certain amount of time and that's always interesting. I remember one year I was on one of my sabbaticals and I actually logged in to get my gift and wound up getting sucked back in for about another two years..so anything can happen.

Ahh, the good old days.

I usually have some Christmas message about how things are going around here and to remember what's really important during the holidays season. Usually. After having gone through what I have gone through this year here, and what people have allowed to happen (and continue to accept thinking that there is nothing wrong with or choosing to be willingly ignorant about, mind you.) I kind of felt that would be redundant. That or just miss the mark completely.

So this year, I guess my Christmas message is just do what makes you happy.

Spend time with, enjoy and support those who are worth your time, energy and effort. The cream will always rise to the top or so they say.

Speaking of some hot cocoa would be really good about now wouldn't it?

And in your travels, should the situation arise, try to make someone else's holiday a little brighter in some way, however small it may be.

Random acts of kindness, or reminding someone that you truly do care, either here or in the real world - can mean everything to someone who potentially could be struggling through any one of a myriad of issues during the holidays - but it's something that can change their life forever in some way, shape or form.

Merry Christmas Fubar.

Thank you for reading.

- JD

Hey kids. Hope all is well and you are warming up for the pending holidays coming up (literally also because it's cold AF.)

I want to touch on something here that irks not only me but quite a few of you out there.

This thing about begging for bling to console someone or yourself.

This has been going on for years. But this year, it's exceptionally bad.This is something that used to (and still should) repulse most people. And if you've been here a while you know this. Usually these kind of actions are found on lower-level and  lower-profile member pages. But this year, the proliferation of it is rampant. It's spread through just about every level, color, rank, whatever the case may be. 

Here's some common ones:

1. (Enter name and amount of bling or credit pack) to make me feel better. Someone died , my cat is sick, someone's been diagnosed with an illness, etc.

2. Go bling my (enter # in family) because THEY had any of the situations above.

3. Go bling my (enter # in family) because they are having a terrible holiday season, a bad year, or whatever other crazy situation they are invovled in.

Let me ask you people this:

What. In. The. Actual. Fuck.

I don't know when this really started but it needs to stop. These kind of theatrical attention-needy individuals use this "send me bling to show you care" need to be called out for what they are:Attention whores and status seekers that use a tragedy be it their own or someone else's to bring attention to their page.

If these folks really gave any kind of a damn about the person they claim to be "bling begging" for, they wouldn't be bling begging AT ALL. If that person is or has gone through something SO dramatic that they feel the need to publicly mourn then my friends BLING should be the LAST thing they are worried about. All this really is about is saying "oh look these many people care about me or this person because look at all the bling I got."That's legit what it really is about. Nothing more, nothing less.A real friend or family (we use that term loosely around here) would give NO FUCKS about bling. They would be there as a friend, family member or whatever kind of genuine role they are playing in that person's life.

They are really hanging out on Fu posting statuses about begging for bling from people to justify how much they "care?"

Please tell me this is a joke.

But sadly, it's not a joke. It's serious.

And it's seriously disgusting and pathetic.

And for those who post these kind of statuses for themselves. Please, stop. You make yourself look desperate.Real friends would be there for you with a chat, a call or whatever method you all use to communicate. How about trying to be better people instead of feeding the narcissitic beasts that are out there trying to essentially profit of something like that?

You'll sort out your real friends really fast and if you see these kinds of people doing these things - you will see them for the frauds they really are.

Don't encourage it, don't participate in it and if you see it call it out for what it is - bullshit.

Thank you for reading.


- JD 

Hi everyone. All ready for the big turkey day? I know I am ready. Because it just wouldn't be a holiday if I didn't have something to say right...

First and more important than probably anything else...


This is a real thing people. The CDC advised to literally not purchase or eat ANY kind of romaine lettuce...no one has died but have you ever remembered a time when ALL of a pretty common food was ever recalled or advised not to consume in this matter? I can't. There's probably more to the story than they tell us...so just don't do it. The link is below:


But anyway I'll just get to what you're all looking for here.

You all see or have heard about the crazy going on. I haven't really done or said much on here as of late. Before I write or do big things I have to have a set of time to disconnect from the crazy so I can look at what I am talking about in a much more clear and rational manner. Emotional and immediate reactions can get people in trouble and leave themselves open to making problems for themselves if they don't pause for a second before they speak.

Words and screenshots sure can haunt you for a long, long time if you're not careful. As we have seen many times. But to summarize, things are pretty much speaking for themselves now aren't they? It goes something like this:

And that's very true. In any aspect of life be it on the internet or in the real world. So when you see the cackling from the rooftops you might want to think about dialing back your blind support for something, someone, any one or any thing and take pause for a minute and think about the "why" instead of the "what." And keep that quote above fresh in your minds as you do. It's also pretty funny to me over the years when I have seen people talking about being a victim.

This is a logic that I cannot subscribe to.

There was a time on here, many, many years ago that literally I was the single most hated person on this website. Most of , actually probably all now, don't remember that time, but it indeed true. The funny part about that is though is that I am still here and they are not. I remember people saying I was washed up in 2007. Now, here, there's literally no one that is alone in any capacity.

For better or worse that is the truth.

What you find out though ,is that it's better to start any kind of road to recovery with a small set of truly good people and loyal friends and build on that. Once more and more people see truth for themselves based on how you act, the better off your experience becomes and the more people will say "wait a minute...didn't this person just say...but I saw this proof and..." For some, that reaction is quick. For some, it takes many years and for some, it just never happens.

You can't make everyone happy in your real life or your internet life so the quote below most definitely applies in this instance:

I mean, woe is me is nice for some to hear and every NPC will say "oh it will be ok. those people are just haters or jealous" Feeding people that do those things and giving them more incentive to do it when in reality they are way in over their heads and simply cannot explain away or justify the "why" or how they got into that position in the first place. They just focus on the "what" is attacking them. Let me tell you my friends that logic gets really stale really fast and has about a one to two week shelf life before people tire of it.

How you are treated and how people talk to you and respect you should dictate everything about how you treat them. Once again, that applies to not only here but Facebook, work, family, real life , friends. If people use you for what they need in that moment and then discard you then you pretty much have figured out what they are all about. It's up to you to determine and it's up to you how you wish to be treated at any given time. Don't give someone that power over you - ever. Don't be a NPC (Google it - Non Playable Character) and jump on some sympathy bandwagon for anyone without knowing both sides of any story.

I've given many people to explain their sides to their stories over the years. Most of the time they come clean and then you can work toward a comprimise. There are some legitimate crazies out here whoever who just use that opportunity to tell more lies, manipulate more truths and self victimize. If you don't hold those people accountable and stay true to your own core beliefs and principles regarding your stance, that kind of crazy will go right back to what they were doing right before they messaged you thinking they got away with it.

Don't let people get away with that kind of behavior.

It hurts all of us in the long run. And playing "he/she said this so it's ok to say this" tit for tat 4th grade childish nonsense doesn't fly in an adult world, let alone an adult website. People will see that for what it is. And if they choose to remain ignorant then that is their close minded choice.

When you see those people then at least you know what they are about. I mean after all:

Personally if I said or did something awful to someone on a status or a picture comment I will screenshot it and upload it my damn self.

There's plenty of that floating around in my pictures and videos and blogs. You know why? Because I know the truth. I stand by what I say and don't talk out of my ass and sure as all hell don't play victim. And trust me, I'm not jealous of anyone or anything that could ever be on here because I've already had and done everything that will ever be around here so there's that.

You do you.

I put these truths out there for people to see just like I have been now going on 12 years. This isn't new news. A lot of people have got woke and changed things about how they approach their time on here and people they have gotten involved with based on what I not only have said - but what I have proven. That is probably the single thing I am proud of the most here to be honest. Not any level, rank or color. That all can be gone in an instant.

Changing someone's life is forever.

If you don't agree with that or think it's okay then cut and block me. "Not anyone's business" doesn't fly either when there are in some instances dozens of people getting robbed, effected, have their self worth and esteem destroyed, lied to, manipulated for bling or their relationship ruined because of what I like to call " a general menace to the site." That's something I've taken upon myself to do - for better or worse.

At least I know where you stand if you cut and block me. I promise not to really get mad about it whenever it is I actually finally notice it (lol.)

But if you open your mouth publicly, then you leave yourself open to whatever wrath may find your way and for someone to call you out. If you want to be Fu popular then the spotlight is on you. If you want to just have fun, kill time and not get involved then that is the Fubar life you lead. Everyone has their own reasons for logging in here. I've said that also for 12 years. And it still rings true today.

Here, you always get back what you put out there, just like a boomerang.

So I know this is long, and probably subverted your expectations about what you think was going to happen here. I'm kind of not sorry about all of it.

What I kind of need you all to do is stop looking at day to day petty unproven things combined with he said she said nonsense and look at the bigger picture - not only online but in real life - and think about the "why" these things happen moreso than the "what" is happening right now.

And when you do, the picture will become crystal clear.

You will then find your own personal truth about things and that my friends, you will find yourself most thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for reading.


- JD

P.S. Late edit. I am closing the chapter on the circus you have all seen. I've said all I need to say. It speaks for itself. I've wasted enough time, energy and effort on it already. You make your own choices.

Hi kids.

As we know REAL online bullying is a serious issue. Even though I have stated previously that regarding adults it's not actually called bullying at all, for some reason or another I cannot seem to get that through to anyone here. So we'll use "bullying" to make it simple.

If you, or someone you know, has been the victim of online bullying around here, we are looking for your input. Especially if you are female. Especially if you have been body shamed , demeaned, your close friends, "fu hubby" or actual real boyfriend has been approached or hit on relentlessly and you feel you have been disrespected. All the dirt. All of it. In particular if any of these things have happened to you by someone that is perceived to be of a "higher profile" around here.

Reardless if that is actually true or not, that issue is for another day.

But in order to expose these people or, person, for what they really are, we need your help. We need you to provide testimonals or actual screenshotted proof of what is being done or has been done to you. That way, we can address it in the proper form and not only expose those for what they truly are behind the scenes - and not the victims THEY pretend to be.I am telling you now odds are this won't happen on here due to the need to be TOS compliant. But we have other social media platforms such as Instagram, my Youtube channel and Twitter to take this kind of person to task.

I will also tell you that I am currently working on one myself that spans nearly 12 years on this site. 

If you wish to remain anonymous that is completely fine. You've probably been through enough as it is.

On a side note, people love to say that I am an online "bully." This makes me laugh as over the span of over 12 years I have done nothing but blow out the deserving. The fakes, the scammers, the cheaters, the liars, the players and anyone else that is deemed a "general menace" to the Fu population. This is just what I do. I've been doing it for a bit now. I don't just go around picking on people for no reason. There's ALWAYS a reason despite the high amount of bullshit you may have heard about me  - all I ever ask you to do is form your own opinions and conclusions and I am, and always have been, confident you will see the truth. Some people just take longer than others. Oh, and I usually have some rather good supporting proof to back it up.

If you don't feel comfortable coming to me with this information, that's fine. My wifey will be more than happy to take anything you have. That or just get it to either of us somehow. 

We believe that everyone has the right to enjoy the site and the people they meet here without the fear of being run over by those who view not only this website, but the internet in general as the only place in their lives where they feel they can get attention. And do it by terrorizing others.

With fall upon us and the kids back in school and the weather turning colder my friends some of the more nefarious people of this kind will return - some have already. With your contributions we can, once and for all - call out these people for what they really are.

Thank you for reading.

- JD 

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