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Emanon Eranatos's blog: "RANDOM STUFF!!"

created on 10/18/2006  |  http://fubar.com/random-stuff/b15189  |  2 followers

Notice: I do not expect most people who happen to come across this to actually read this all, it was originally written for Deviant Art; but I figured I would post this here. I know it is a touchy subject so ... so if you cannot take harsh truths and differing opinion then just go back to myspace and whine with the rest of the babies. If you are pro-life and wish to comment, I welcome it. But please do not comment asking Me somethig that I have already addressed in the writing.

Abortion; such a word that when it is even said in mixed company can provoke such revolting responses, such a simple yet complex word and act that calls into question the very meaning of a person. A word that just the mentioning of it calls into questions the very make up of a society, provokes debate on religion, upbringing, faith, beliefs, gender, politics, background, economics, and every other variable within a society that one may hold dear to themselves, or others.

Such a word that shall be discussed and dissected in this piece of writing, I am going to discuss my views on abortion, woman’s rights, why I am pro-choice, my views on strict pro-lifers, as well as some statistical data and other things that I find are key links between abortion and faith.

First and foremost abortion, for many people, this issue comes not at the correlation between morality in relation to abortion, but rather at what point does life begin. For the pro-lifers they believe that at the point of conception that constitutes life and thus it must be protected. For my personal beliefs on the matter, I, like many pro-choice people believe that “life” begins at the point when the fetus can survive outside of the body on its own.

I understand their argument, their value of the human life, but such things are worth more than any life, such things as these rights came at the cost of many lives. Mothers, wives, daughters, girlfriends, friends, it is rather easy in this day and age to see the equality of women in our society, but these things we should not forget have only been in place for a few decades. Before this, and thousands of years in many civilizations, the women, was, and in some parts of the world, still is considered a second class citizen. She has no choices, she has no say in her life, and she only has the words in which her imprisonment within a male dominated society allows of her. Before she is married any and everything she thinks of doing, needed the fathers permission, after she is married, any and everything she thought of doing needed the husband’s permission.

Surely there were women who went against this male dominated society, women who thought, who were, not less than their male counterparts simply because of their gender, but rather equal to their male counterparts, not because of their gender, but simply because of their value. In any society, the most valuable thing, is the women, life begins with the women, without women your society shan’t last one generation. Yet to be the life bearers within society, the focal point, the most important persons within these societies and then to be thought of as less than equal simply because of your gender, would be most detrimental to ones thoughts of themselves; or more importantly ones value in themselves.

Let us not forgot about the many centuries of the oppression of women in this, and pretty much every country around the word at some point, and maybe its current history, subjugates women as no more than simple baby making factories to carry on their blood line, if you will. These places generally hold no more value in the women than this. Sadly many women who have been brought up this way believes that is how it should be, that they should not strive for more, yet simply be happy in being a daughter… a wife… and then a mother. While I would not hold these positions with little value, yet I would wish for them to strive for more than just these things.

Do not think simply because we [People who are pro-choice] do not agree with you, that we are ignorant of your views. Being pro-choice, does not mean we are anti-life, nor does it mean we are pro-life, we do not take a stance on the issue of life but rather understand, that someone’s personal choice, a life changing and albeit a very life altering act, on their mental, emotional and even physical health should be not be intervened by us or any one. That ones life altering decisions should be made by them without the belittlement or the degradation of their being for simply wanting the choice on whether or not to have a child. If they decide to have a child great, if they do not, then they shall not be chastised for it.

I often hear pro-life people calling women who have had an abortion, murderers, and the religious fanatics say they are going to hell, and things of this nature. As well as calling them selfish for having a an abortion and saying they did it just for themselves without any thought on the issue, I often wonder, do these people who are so proud to be pro-life and makes these statements, have they ever, and I mean ever had an abortion, or knew someone who had. Because personally I have known many women who have had an abortion, and not a one of them were so ignorant as to say, okay I am going to have an abortion and nothing will change etc.

All of them, thought long and hard before making their decisions. Some of them thought for weeks on the issue. Some had a battle with their own religion or faith that is against the very act they are considering. So to say these women who have abortions are ignorant and do it without thought is lunacy.

Women of all walks of lives have had abortions, Black, White, wealthy, poor, educated, uneducated, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Spiritualist, and Atheist; young, old and spread across every other socio, political and economic backgrounds. These women have hard enough times with their decisions without the constant belittlement of their choices and them as a people.

Many people who are pro-life attempt to demonize those who are pro-choice saying that we are pro-abortion and want people to abort their fetuses. I am pretty sure that no one who is pro-choice is pro abortion, we are for women being able to have the right to choose what she does with her body, and we also believe the government should not have any say in the matter when something is such a personal issue.

Touching back on the previous mentioned. No one is pro abortion, no one, not a single pro-choice and definitely not pro-lifer has said they are pro-abortion, because to be pro abortion is to want for the demise of all fetuses, not just pick and choose will this one make it, will this one not.

Pro-lifers love to preach the importance of life and want this to be 100% illegal, this would do nothing but cause more death, the fact of the matter is before abortion was deemed legal, the number of women who died trying to get abortions in back allies and other places outside of hospitals were at such an alarming high number. On top of this, suicide rates also went up, they were higher because of woman who did not want to have the baby, yet did not know where to go.

Those who pride themselves on being pro-life pride themselves on the wanting to take the rights away from women, a gender who have been the ‘inferior’ species in male dominated societies for thousand of years, now they have the rights to do what they wish to, to their body with the need to seek the permission of their male counterparts as they have had to do in the past. If you want the government to start regulating what is morally right or wrong more than it already does, then you might as well get ready for a fascist government who will dictate every part of your life. Once you give them the right to dictate and regulate reproduction, everything else goes down hill from there.

I also cannot stand hypocrisy. Some people who are pro life say it is okay if they are raped, incest and certain other situations, so a child born from rape holds less value in your eyes? Either you are for something or against it. There can be no middle ground on this issue. Either you are for a women’s right to choose what happens to her body under all circumstances, or you believe she should have no choice in the goings on of her own body.

I often hear that in a consensual sex act, should we punish the child for the acts of the parent, if you take this stance then there of course arises a question in times of rape, incest, that should you punish a child for the acts of the father? It is very easy to say well I am against abortion, great, no one is for abortion. Even pro-choice people are not “for abortion” we are for a women having the rights to choose for herself whether she wishes to have the baby or not, pass that we do not believe it is our, or anyone’s right to dictate what another may do to their own bodies. I, we and us [pro-choice people] have an issue when that mantra of “I am pro-life not pro-abortion”, when that mantra, as simple as it is becomes one of hypocrisy then I, we and us [pro-choice people] do take an issue with it.

Unlike you, we are not telling what to believe, yet we would wish for you to be consistent in your beliefs, if you say you are against abortion, then, be against it; I can at least respect that. Yet when you say, I am against abortion … unless this happens. Then that is not standing firm on your position. I can understand your position or exception to the threat to the mothers life, but anything else pass that, that would not threaten the life of the mother, yet would ensure the survival of the fetus, yet you are for the termination of it? So please spare me the hypocrisy in your arguments. Either you are against something firmly, or you believe as I do that the choice should not be up to us, in fact we should have no say on the personal lives of millions of women around the world, and the 800K-1M women in the US alone each year.

Also when it comes to propaganda for their cause, when you see pro-life flyers they always say this is how your baby looks when it is aborted and have a picture of a fetus aborted in the third trimester. When in fact 82% of abortions happen within the first trimester [0-12 weeks] 17.2% of abortions are done between the 12th and 20th week. Only .08% of abortions in the United States are done between week 21 and the third trimester. My only issue with this type of false propaganda is that they take about 5% of cases that get very late term abortions and try and generalize it with the other 95% who does it in accordance with the law.

Though use of visuals have been used many times, for many causes throughout history to try and get a point across, if they want to truly get their message across, I personally think it would be better carried out with the use of truth and not with false statistics and denigration of truth and facts that even their own statistic show isn’t true.

Also when those who are pro-life speak of pro-choice and its links to morality they of course never touch back on places to prove their words. I shall simply discuss the U.S. v China, with China’s one child policy. Okay China’s population is 5x that of the United States, with their one child policy many wives there have about two abortions per year [much more than the  U.S.] you would think if the pro-life abortion = lack of morality, then you would expect more crime. Yet they have less than a tenth of our crime rate, yet have as I mentioned 5x our population. I can name several other places that do not have policies on abortion, have more people than us and have less crime rate.

But in reference to this; and in the realm of theoretical and what ifs, let us look at the position of what society we would have if abortion were made illegal. You also hear pro-life people speak of if abortions were outlawed people will have less abortions, yet this of course is untrue. Even in our own countries history and other countries, when abortions are illegal, you have a direct link, of increased cases of suicides of pregnant woman, depression, child/new born homicide rates, and other things that can be directly linked back to the outlawing of a woman’s right to choose what is done to her body.  So you see even if the pro-lifers got what they want, it would only prove to be a negative reaction, history has already proven it would not be a positive reaction for neither the fetus… the baby… or the woman.

When we speak of abortion and pro-choice; many pro-lifers speak of the fetus having the “right” to a choice. While in an ideal world, we will be able to tell what a fetus and does not want, yet with modern wonders and scientific things we cannot. Touching on this you cannot have it both ways, either the fetus has more rights than the mother, or the mother has more rights than the child. You cannot split the two, so either you force a mother to have her child once she is pregnant to protect the rights of a fetus, or you respect that the woman has the right whether or not she chooses to have the child and make the decision her self.

No person; and definitely no government should make any laws dictating the reproduction of its citizens. Once you allow governmental control of our right to reproduce every other freedom is basically secondary this, the only law that would prove even worst is the government dictating our very lives, yet after the dictation of reproduction, it would prove simple from this to take the civil liberties from its citizens.

For the more extreme pro-lifers I have heard they not only think any woman who has an abortion should be charged with murder, but that any one who has a baby should be made infertile and forced to be sterilized for having what is a now a legal procedure.

I also hear about killing potential children and that being wrong, the law says a fetus is not considered a baby until it can survive outside of the womb by itself self, before this a fetus can be equated to what is known as a parasite. Something that survives off the body of its host, which in this case would be the woman; it obtains its nutrients, proteins, oxygen and what ever else it needs from the host.

Touching on faith for a moment, while I am an Atheist, I do respect the rights to other to believe in whatever they choose. Most pro-lifers admittedly are against abortion because they believe their god, is against the, what they believe is the senseless murdering of fetuses. They also believe for this reason that the law should outlaw it. While I can respect the religious beliefs in another, even if I personally have no use for it, I would just like to say remember this nation was founded to escape the religious tyranny, to allow your personal faiths to dictate the lives of another just because of what you personally believe would simply create here, the exact type of religiously run country that we escaped from.

Mentioning the landmark case of Roe v Wade, which not only made abortion legal, it gave the women, rather than the state governments and federal governments to dictate the laws governing whether or not a woman can have an abortion at all. This case, while was, and is still very controversial was a major step in the right direction of women’s rights in America. Whether or not you agree with this case, I would think many females would much prefer to make the choice on what to do with their bodies, rather than the government telling them what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

To continue on with politics for one moment, in particularly the hypocrisy in the republican party, particularly the conservative branch. These are people who are very pro life, who are very by their own admission “anti-choice” and completely against the people having abortion. On the hypocrisy front is that, these are the people who claim to want less and less government control on what we do… yet on the same token also wants the government to outlaw abortions and any who perform them should be charged with murder and the mother should be charged as well.

Now to touch on a few of their arguments, they [many pro-life people] say that abortion is just another form of birth control and that they should have taken better steps to prevent them from getting pregnant:

First, even the best condoms on the markets, spermicides, birth control pills, etc are only 99% effective, so even if people use these things that means of every hundred of people using protection, 1% of them will get pregnant, and yet since we already know that many people do not even use contraceptives.  54% of women who have abortions admit to having used some type of contraceptive, either the pill, female condom, or their partner having used a condom. 46% admittedly have not used any contraceptive at all.

Second; using abortion as a form of birth control, I shall mention unbiased statistics. 60% of women who have abortions already have one or more kids. 21% of women who have abortions have previously had one abortion. Less than 15% of women who have abortions admit to having two or more abortions before then. Half of women who get abortions are between 13-24 years of age, generally they are not ready for, or are unable to support a child.

What type of sadistic individual would force a woman to carry a child to term? Doing this, as it has happen in the past would just make her go into deep depression and have a very high possibility of depression and suicidal tendencies, how is the death of them both because of your sadistic treatment of forced laws of making her carry this fetus for nine months. I will touch back on your choices given to her… after the baby comes to term later in this post… oh great, now you give her a choice on the matter.

Pro-lifers always say they are not against women. Yet when you want your personal beliefs on what should be a personal subject, to dictate the lives of another, of this group only women are or rather would be effected by this law. Then yes you are against women, you want your morality to become the law, understand that justice does not and should never be used to judge ones morality, it should be used for its intentions in the upholding of the legality.

But I am not a close minded man when it comes to these things. I understand that the law is like any society, it is constantly evolving, constantly changing on what society considers normal, or what society wants for its inhabitants, and that is usually equality, not based on one gender, not based on ones sexual orientation, not based on ones race, religion, background, equality shall always be strived for.

If you truly care about the child, then sometimes in these situations, abortion may be better. I would much rather one child be aborted, than that same child to be abused through out their entire life because the mother did not want them to begin with. There are cases of mothers actually killing their infants after birth because it was the result of a rape, is that more inhuman in your eyes?

Adoption really; many pro lifers speak of the mother having the baby and then putting it up for adoption. So, does the feelings of the mother matter less than the child? Many of these women go into deep depressive states, and in some cases have psychotic breaks, as well as harm themselves and in some cases kill themselves as the result of their depression.

But if we must speak of reality for a moment, and talking about the kids; if you want to speak statistics, there are millions of children in the foster care system in the US alone, and unless adopted the state/country is responsible for these kids until they age out of the system, which is not until the age of 21. So if a child is taken from the mother at 1, that means for the next 20 years tax payers are paying for these kids. In a system that is already overburdened with far too many kids and not enough money to take care of these kids. That is billions of dollars a year we spend on these kids, cannot afford to build new facilities that can house these kids, not enough case agents to check up on the kids properly to make sure they are being taken care of properly, that is if they are even lucky enough to be placed in a foster home or with a family.

Now let us speak of a reality if abortion were illegal. In the US alone there are on average 800,000 – 1,000,000 abortions performed per year, let us say that half of these kids are given up for adoption, that is 500,000 new kids put in a system that cannot handle this load this frequently, and these kids must be taken care of for 21 years. So for 21 years for EACH child the tax payers have to pay more and more, on top of a guaranteed 500,000 MORE KIDS being added to the system each year.

According to records on average it cost $40,000 per year per child in the foster care system, so that would be $40,000 x 500,000 per year added to a system that cannot support the work load, that does not have the money to support the kids it already has, yet the pro-lifers want it to handle more, as well as not enough case workers to make sure these new kids are safe when they are placed in a home. Which means these kids may be abused, physically and sexually, as many of the kids in foster care are.

So if you wish to be pro life and speak of the importance of the children, why not also show some of that same care for the kids that are already born. For each mother that is “forced” to have her baby and put it up for adoption, that is a kid who is already born, who gets even less support than they already do now. So if you wish to add 500K kids per year to a system that is already working under budget to support the kids it already has, and still take the stance of caring about the kids, maybe you need to evaluate your own choices. Should we take from those who are already born just to save those who will be in an even worst position as it ages in the foster care system?

Stopping it before it starts?
We always hear of the end result of what happens if it is made illegal and what happens if it kept legal;

Now if it remains legal, the pros of this of course is that the women still have the right to choose what happens to her body without the fear of being charged with a crime. The cons of this of course are abortions, it should be said that no one who is pro-life is pro abortion. We would also want that the number of abortions be less, yet we believe even more that people should dictate what is done to their own body.

On the other hand if it is made illegal, there are no real pros that I can really think of, the cons of cost would be the government having more control over people, increased cases of women committing suicide, increased cases of women becoming depressed, increased cases of kids being killed, increased cases of child abuse for unwanted kids. The overburdening of a system such as the child care system that is already overburdened enough with the previously mentioned reasons.

But is there truly a way to cut down abortion to even a fraction of what it is now? To increase productivity for teens, to cut down the amount of sex kids are having, to increase the age the average woman/girl has sexual intercourse of any type. To not only cut down abortion but also cut down the number of sexually transmitted diseases amongst teens who are not only the group with the highest new reported cases of sexually transmitted diseases but are also the group with whom the highest numbers of new abortions are contributed to these age groups.

What one thing, that is very simple, easy to put to use instantly as well as can be taught using the tools, or rather the people that we already have to get it all done?

The simple thing that would help with all of this is sex education in high schools. Schools where they have sex education have less reported cases of pregnancies, have less reported cases of sexually transmitted diseases, have more cases of kids who are having sex using contraceptives, who have a higher average age of kids/teens engaging in sexually activities.

In many high schools this can be taught by biology teachers who already know the human body, as well as already have studied the human reproductive system in college, as well as can easily discuss how to protect you from getting sexually transmitted diseases. Usually sex education, if the schools have it at all, are usually a credit requirement as apart of the health class. The problem with this is, in order to get sexual education in schools. This generally needs the parents or legal guardian’s permission. Many parents who say they do not want it in schools generally gives the same reasons, that talking about sex would just make the kids go have sex, that it may coincide with their faith, that they do not want their kids learning these type of things at 13-16, and many other things.

If parents actually knew the statistics of the on the only positive things that comes from sexual education. It should also be cleared up by what I mean by sexual education, if you go on school statistics and look at public schools, it says 60% of public secondary schools in America have sex education. If you look at what the course entails it is only the basic of teaching about the sexual reproduction organs, and things like that. Of that sixty percent 80 percent have this basic sex education, the rest have what I deem “real sex education” which discusses not only about sex, but also discusses protection, common sexually transmitted diseased, both incurable and curable ones.

Humor break…. Why do High Schools give you condoms with the pamphlet?… but staples the condom to the pamphlet by stapling right through the middle of the condom?

These are my opinions and reasons that I am pro-choice, I know many will disagree, and I know some may agree, but my opinion and reasons are Mines and Mines alone and does not represent anyone else other than me.

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Atheistic Rant

I am bored, so when I am bored I generally go on myspace Atheist groups [since fubar do not have forums and things like that] and was talking about politics with a few fellow Atheist, and a few “secular Christian” meaning they believe in god and Jesus Christ yet have no use for churches and things of that nature.

Well the forum itself was rather slow so a fellow Atheist and one Christian and I started talking through private messages, well anyway when speaking of public schools I just decided to blog…so from here on out is just what I decided to blog for here to get responses from, Atheist or Theist [during My last belief blog, seemed most of the people I spoke to daily were Atheist so I am sure it will be mostly them weighing in.

Well let us start with schools, thanks to the landmark case mentioned below, school prayer and bible reading/preaching was outlawed in public schools as it violated our constitutional rights of separation of church and state.

Edward shempp, a Unitarian Universalist, was quite bothered that the school his daughter Donna went to made her read pieces of the bible as apart of their education. He then filed suit saying this violated the practice of his faith, and thus was unconstitutional for a public school to do so, in this the followed land mark case ensued.

Shempp was unsuccessful in his case. Because the law of that time, (24 Pa. Stat. 15-1516, as amended, Pub. Law 1928) said that schools were required to read from the bible each day at the opening of school, without comments or interruptions. What followed was Murray v Curlett which was combined with Shempp’s case and went onto the Supreme Court for appeal.

What made Murray’s case stand out was that he was the son of a well known Atheist, Madalyn Murray-O’hair (April 13, 1919 – September 29, 1995), who was the founder of the American Atheist organization which promotes the upholding of the separation of church and state as mandated by the constitution. As well as whose group has been in defense of the civil liberties of Atheist since it was opened in 1963.

In the landmark case Abington Township School District v. Schempp (consolidated to Murray v. Curlett) The United states supreme court in a 8-1 favor that bible readings in public schools in the United States is unconstitutional and thus doing this is of course going against the constitution of the United States of America.

Thus bible reading, school prayers, and things of this nature were then outlawed from public schools, Article six of the U.S constitution states “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States”. Therefore public schools being a public trust, religion, particularly Christianity could not force their beliefs on the public whom were of a mixed religious background, and Atheist.

Touching on a quote from an ex-U.S. President George H.W. Bush, in a sort of impromptu interview when he was campaigning for presidency, the following took place outside of O’Hare Airport, on August 27, 1987. The Reporter is Robert I. Sherman who was the reporter for the American Atheist Organization.

When George Bush was campaigning for the presidency, as incumbent vice-president, one of his stops was in Chicago, Illinois, on August 27, 1987. At O'Hare Airport he held a formal outdoor news conference. There Robert I. Sherman, a reporter for the American Atheist news journal, fully accredited by the state of Illinois and by invitation a participating member of the press corps covering the national candidates, had the following exchange with then-Vice-President Bush.

Sherman: What will you do to win the votes of the Americans who are atheists?

Bush: I guess I'm pretty weak in the atheist community. Faith in God is important to me.

Sherman: Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are atheists?

Bush: No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.

Sherman (somewhat taken aback): Do you support as a sound constitutional principle the separation of state and church?

Bush: Yes, I support the separation of church and state. I'm just not very high on atheists.

But between this exchange of words, I more so want to quote just one thing he said.
Quote from George H.W. Bush
“I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.”

So Atheist can live, fight and die for the nation they love, but unless they accept your god they are not patriots.

While I know the intelligence of George H.W. Bush is limited, surely the guy knows that the ORIGINAL pledge of Allegiance did not even mention god, we were “one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Under god was not even added until 1954, and it was not until 1957 when “IN GOD WE TRUST” was put on the United States currency before that it was just U.S. Currency.

On October 29, 1988, Mr. Sherman had a confrontation with Ed Murnane, cochairman of the Bush-Quayle '88 Illinois campaign. This concerned a lawsuit Mr. Sherman had filed to stop the Community Consolidated School District 21 (Chicago, Illinois, suburb) from forcing his first-grade atheist son to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States "one nation under God" (Bush's phrase). The following conversation took place.

Sherman: American Atheists filed the Pledge of Allegiance lawsuit yesterday. Does the Bush campaign have an official response to this filing?

Murnane: It's bullshit.

Sherman: What is bullshit?

Murnane: Everything that American Atheists does, Rob, is bullshit.

Sherman: Thank you for telling me what the official position of the Bush campaign is on this issue.

Murnane: You're welcome    

This issue I personally had with this is if the shoes had been on the other foot and it was a Democrat in lieu basically calling the constitutions mandate, of separation of church and state bullshit, he would have been attacked on the front of every paper and his campaign would have been over. The issue with the constitution is that it is not followed and as such continuous civil rights are continuously violated.

"On December 23, 1990, in Chicago, Illinois Mr. Robert Sherman met with Ed Derwinski, the secretary of the Department of Veteran's Affairs, to discuss exclusion of American Atheists from veteran's groups which have been chartered by the United States Congress. Mr. Derwinski said he would do "absolutely nothing" about the discrimination. On January 3, Mr. Sherman crossed paths with Ed Derwinski again at the Illinois inaugurations. He asked Mr. Derwinski, at that time, what American Atheists could do to have the Bush administration take an interest in the problem of discrimination against American Atheist veterans. Mr. Derwinski's response was

“What you should do for me is what you should do for everybody: Believe in God. Get off our backs”:"

Public officials who say you must follow our god or your rights will not be respected should be kicked out of office for violation of United States Constitution, which states no one shall be persecuted because of their religious beliefs, or lack there and no one shall have their rights taken away because of the formerly mentioned.

Okay I suppose I can move on to the exact point of this blog post,

What I am wondering is why after nearly 5 decades [50 years] of separation of church and state do we still allow this “accepted violation” to still take place in this country.

I shall touch back on the Bush statement, “on nation under god” that is not the ORIGINAL text of the pledge of allegiance which states “one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” this TRULY includes all citizens, it does not separate by race, religion, or any of the other “issues” that generally are used to separate people in this country.

In the adding of “under god” this is in violation to the constitution, which prohibits religious text, and beliefs to influence state/country text. And since the supreme court already upheld that reciting religious text in public buildings is in violation of the constitutional rights of Atheist, Agnostic, spiritualist and millions of Americans who do not follow dogmatic religions. So My question is why after 50 years we have still not place the pledge of allegiance back to its original text which truly incorporated ALL Americans, not just the religious ones.

On this same line, discussing the money, “in god we trust” was placed on our money in 1957, and it has been nearly 6 decades since this and we still have not put the money back to its original state before this was placed on the money. Which is, yet again, in violation of the constitution of the United States of America; which states that there should be a separation of church and state. In putting or even mentioning “god” in an official capacity on things such as the pledge of allegiance, currency which are for the public use, and are “created” by the government is in direct violation of the constitutional rights of millions of Americans.

While I know, or suspect there are some religious people who will read this, and by religious I am referring to main stream faiths who follows the “one god dogma”, and will have no issue with the whole “one nation under god” or the “in god we trust” on the currency. I am more so speaking to the Atheist, Agnostics, and people of faiths that do not subscribe to the one god dogmatic belief.

I suppose I am asking, after nearly six decades since the supreme court has held it is unconstitutional for religious beliefs be basically shoved on the public, be it in public schools, public business, and things of this nature, why has it taken them so long to put back both the pledge of allegiance, as well as the currency back in its original state, so that it truly represents all Americans, not just the ones in which prescribe to their belief. Shall also remind those that claim to love the constitution that exclusivity for religious, or lack there of groups of people is  a direct violation of the First Amendment, freedom of religion.

Cannot be free of religion, if in the very fabrics of the oath of allegiance and the currency now have your religion shoved down the throats of the people.

I am sure by now it is no secret that I am an Atheist, I am not Anti-religion, believe in whatever you want, I do not really care. Yet I do not want your beliefs constantly shoved in My face at every corner I turn.

Atheistic Randomness

I am bored, so here is a random blog of random things

Twilight fans, yea, WTF is wrong with you? Sparkly vampires and this appeals to you why? Oh hey look My vampire does not eat human, he never sleeps, he fucking sparkles in the sun light like a little fairy...

Okay hm, I am seriously considering typing this out on "Sticker paper" and then pasting it on My front door.

Seems someone was bothered by the Free Palestine pic I have in My album because they rated it a one yeserday...and rated the Islamic satire pic an 11, Oh people the freedom of Palestine does not equate to a hatred of Jews, if you think that, you are just a fucking moron.

Ever wonder what creates terrorist? .. I don't know... how about being oppressed since birth? .. that is just a thought...

This picture, is just cause of what Spinoza and I were speaking of in his picture. I read a poll a while ago that said 53% of religious people under the age of 30 have NEVER read their own religious text, in that same poll, the number dropped drastically to like 26% of people 30+. If you have never read your own religious text, and have the stones to call another lost for not believing in your mindless dogma, you're a moron. Now if you have read your text, and although admit that not all of it makes sense, and still chooses to believe great, yet when another refuses to say "well, this does not make any sense at all, but I would rather believe and be right than to not believe and be wrong" and you belittle them for that. You are not faithful, you have faith because you are afraid of being wrong.

How dare those Atheist believe that this entire galaxy was not just some created just for them. The arrogance of those pricks to think that this earth and all of its creatures were not just some creation for us to dominate without reason, to decimate without control and to desolate when it no longers serves a profitable purpose to us. How dare those Atheist use logic and reasoning when looking for the value in something, rather than just believing what they have been told from a man written book full of fallacies! The NERVE of those Atheist to see this planet and the galaxy as a beautiful accident, rather than those ALL KNOWING religious people who think this place was created just for them to do with as they please.

Spinoza sent this photo to Me, I am assuming he found it on a religious site. Let us evaluate, one, what moron would even put tax evasion and arson on the same lines with rape and pedophilia? Two most people who commit crimes are not Atheist, in fact non-biased studies have shown that the more Atheistic percentage in a society the less crime there is. Sorry religious dim wits but you make up for the majority of each of the things you name, there is not one crime you can say that Atheist do more than religious… better luck next century, since the number of Atheist are increasing each year.

At the no morality, there is not one study, and trust Me the religious have tried, that says that faith means you are more moral. Morality and a sense of right and wrong comes from life choices, what one has been through, what one sees, there is not definitive study that shows acceptance of a higher being is automatically linked to being morally superior.

I am thinking of your mother!

Okay I met this new girl like a week or so ago, I was just telling raven about it and thought I would blog about it.

Well she wants to move in with Me after a fucking week of seeing her, I understand her living situation isn’t the best but… it has only been a week and I am unsure if I want to take that step after so soon.

She said she loves Me too, and that she wants to spend the rest of our lives together.

But there are several problems, where she lives is not the best, she is always out in the cold because she is homeless, she says she is clean, even though she has like six fever blisters around her mouth and boils on her arm.

I also know she is a hooker and will sleep with anything on two feet, but is this a reason not to let her move in?

Last time she was over she was here, she walked out with My TV, when I asked what happen she said…she needed a fix then called Me a punk bitch, but when she was sober she said she was sorry… but should I still let her move in ?

Well I do not know to be quite honest, here is My lovely woman!!! Should I let her move in with Me? I snapped a quick pic of her earlier as she was writing Me a love letter.

And now, the next installment of the Ascending Aborted Atheist

Today's Vote...?

Since I am bored and still writing My version of the Declaration of Independence, and Spinoza is bored and is too much of a sissy to post a blog I said I would.

So I am waiting for the vote on health care later on, maybe around 2 or 3 I will turn to a liberal news station on one T.V. and a conservative one on the other T.V. [I have two T.V.'s in My office] I enjoy watching how they cover the exact same thing in different ways, if it is a liberal pushing it the conservatives love to talk about the freedoms of America being taken, and if it is a conservative pushing it, the liberals love bitching about how they want a say... I just find them both funny since I am neither.

So figured I would blog and ask what do you, whoever happens to view this blog other than Spinoza... think of the health care bill?

I mean it was mentioned months ago, they have the bill online on nonpartisan sites. I trust these more than liberal and conservative sites who post the bill cause they only post part of it that will allow them to get their supporters behind it or against it...

Keep your partisan crap!

Republicans are against abortion until their daughters need one, Democrats are for abortion until their daughter wants one.  ~Grace McGarvie

Key amendments to the bill some want, stricter abortion regulations.. hm oh yea we need the government in our lives regulating personal decisions

Do you want the health care reform bill to pass? Not pass?

Random thing I did not know, until I saw the Mayor of San Francisco Mayor on the Bill Maher show, he says his city has had universal health care for a while, and it has brought cost down. I find it funny that people think it would raise cost, in a competitive market prices go down not up.

I saw this on a site

HOW dare that Obama!!! How dare he want you to live a long, healthier life!! How dare he wants us to be like every other industrialized nation that provides universal health care to their citizens!! What a bad bad man that big evil Obama is. *sarcasm for the retarded*

I want it to pass because as you can see in the photo below I have a bad skin condition and have no insurance so could not see a doctor about it

*yes I do have insurance but ..I still want it to pass*

As usual with My blogs, I do not expect it to stay on topic very long so.... am sure it will divert to something else within a hour.

This and that II

Took this blog from yesterday and am writing the story under each

I am bored, spinoza told Me to blog

I am still bored, but spinoza did not tell Me to post this one... :P

So what should I blog about... a blog asking what to blog about..

I am blogging about each thing in this blog from the previous blog for the sake of blogging..

The cum shot face?

Oh I would have to ask the women ..the ones who can get Me to cum that is.. what My face look like... though the room with mirrors I have seen My own cum shot face lmao

My enjoyment of women in gas mask, leather, rubber, latex?

Oh yes, I find there is nothing more fetish pleasing for Me then to see a woman in a gas mask, with latex, rubber, leather and other styles of fetish attires that I find pleasing

...kids that need to smoke weed....or get off the crank

Yes I am for making weed legal :P

My random religious conversation with this Christian couple a week or so ago

Yes they did, such a wretched group of people who wanted a sense of being divine...and made themselves into the damned

Whistles... true

Question everything!

Fascism or Socialism...no thanks

choiceless choices between two wrongs?

My wanting your blood!

Yes, I have a blood fetish, and if you are a non smoker, non/not a heavy drinker, in shape, eat healthy then I may entertain the tasting of your blood..I am quite picky who I will drink from!! ..and goes through many screening for diseases

We hold these truths to be self evident.,. that science says all men are not created equal.

*am still writing My version of the declaration of independence*

Bitch show Me the nudes!

Yes, you women should make Me more NSFW salutes!!

Scaring reporters?

Please kill partisan news reporters...because they only support half the news


Lmao, if you don't know...then you don't know

Best movie ever?

YES!! V for vendetta the best movie ever, teaches people to stand up and revolt if they feel they are being oppressed

My love of photography!

Nikons... My personal favorites for photography.. though Canons are okay too, just not My primary choice

My future ex?

This is what happens when you take a masochistic slut, deprive her of her sleep and sanity...then releases her on the world

No more kids? .. that could be a good thing

Yes, seven billion people on this planet... stop having kids!!


Oh yes, I support Darwinian Evolution not that intelligent design or creationist crap


If your belief cannot stand up to a bit of scrutiny then what good is it?


Yes, I am an Atheist, any questions?

My progeny?

I do not want or plan on ever having any kids

Dreaming of reality?

... When I was having sex with a fuck bud before a nun caught us


Okay random topic hm

According to a certain conservative mummer, he believes there was not ONE terrorist act under George Bush Presidency

... World Trade Center attack [two if you count each building as a separate attack]
...Pentagon attack
...Athrax scare?
...Shoe bomber

.....Um...so what do you call thse?

Okay I am done

Or am I?

This and that

I am bored, spinoza told Me to blog

So what should I blog about... a blog asking what to blog about...

The cum shot face?

My enjoyment of women in gas mask, leather, rubber, latex?

...kids that need to smoke weed....or get off the crank

My random religious conversation with this Christian couple a week or so ago

Whistles... true

Fascism or Socialism...no thanks

My wanting your blood!

We hold these truths to be self evident.,. that science says all men are not created equal.

Bitch show Me the nudes!

Scaring reporters?


Best movie ever?

My love of photography!

My future ex?

No more kids? .. that could be a good thing




My progeny?

Dreaming of reality?


Okay I am done

The pokemon Version of debating a christian... and what can happen when you anger a muslim lmao

The Gay Debaters... lmao

Okay Raven [user/353944] after seeing Freedom is Conservative and I debate that we have been having in his mumms over days decided to do this photo.. damn how do I also end up in this position [shut the fuck up spinoza.. I know you would say something about positions]

So she did this photo of Me and F.I.C… damn it 

Yes she has issues....

Okay I am bored …so here goes…

I am watching V for Vendetta ...for the second time today.
The squirrel outside My window seems to have had babies since I see em poking head out nest.
Boast nearly crashed into side of walkway earlier
I seen this hot chick in a gas mask dancing at a place I walked by yesterday…was quite tempted to go in…

Haven’t a clue what else to say haha

[random things may be added to this blog as I see fit-anything UNDER this has been added]

What Raven just said on her pic she uploaded..

Wicked Raven said:
I am sure they do. They call and say:
Freedom "no hard feels sweet cheeks. it's your stubbornness that turns me on."
Emanon "You know I don't take any of it personal. We can have different opinions. I am just glad to have someone who will debate me night and day."
Freedom "I love you"
Emanon "You know I do not believe in such trivial human emotions, but I am quite fond of you as well"
Freedom "Let's have phone sex!"


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