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deathpoet's blog: "Daily Rant"

created on 11/06/2007  |  http://fubar.com/daily-rant/b150866

As i sit here in my very quiet kitchen, i'm considering what are the issues that face all us in this country... but more than that i wonder about the twisting of these issues and how hard both sides have dug to make it all so confusing...

GM and government ownership... Yup the US govt. now holds a huge stake in the once mighty GM (so does canada) and there has been no shortage of republican/conservative out cry of "SOCIALISM!!!!!" yet the workers only own 15% and that's the key to a socialism, worker self owned/managed... Neither side addresses the real good and bad of this... good workers do now own 15% and the government will eventually be bought out of its shares, one can only assume when things are better... One therefore has to assume the government would make a profit and this should bode well for us the people.  The down side... for now, this is expensive and it is us the people who are paying.  Had we not done this though, job loss and income loss would have been devastating and felt by everyone...

HealthCare: Does anyone know what president FIRST proposed universal health care?  ANSWER:  RICHARD M. NIXON!!!  hardly a liberal, in no way a socialist... eneough said.   those against universal health care should try going without it.

The WAR: i think the draw down is an equitable end to a war that was illegal at best. and was the beginning of our worst financial woes as we tried to fight a war, for the first time in history without tax increases and sacrafices at home... the spending killed us..., let's remember the cost line of the war was removed from the budget by W.

my status... hmmm... nobody seems to notice or care... you're all poopy-heads...


For those of you who stuck by me during my very emotional out pouring this weekend I truly appreciate you.

But there is a great deal of humor in the situation that doesn't escape me either.  I've ben on FUBAR about 2 yrs now, and i joined specifically because of emotions.  I grew up with a father who was something of a stoic.  Not to say he didn't love us but his brand of maleness was to be rather closed off, in reality we were fucking Vulcans.  His particular brand of stoicism seemed to have stuck better on me than on my two male siblings, but i do deal with the public more than they do and my opinion of the average person may be a bit low.

I started my work life writing and performing standup in the Albany NY area, then teaching/socialwork with troubled youth and now i'm in sales... Ithink i've learned to be phony, swallow emotions, and be phony from my work experience... and i really began to withdraw from people.

2 yrs ago i was living like a hermit and seeing a counselor who suggested a social networking site.  My son got me on myspace, which i hated and from there i got invited to FUBAR.  When i got here i was so shy and clumsy at even making friends.  The few friends I made mostly deleted and i was about to do the same when the current group of crazies made friends with me and brought me out of my shell.

The point of this blog is that the counselor's little excercise worked... i don't feel like a Mr. Spok anymore... at least on FUBAR.  I do want to spread this into the real world... without explosions like the one I just had.  So i'm just saying thanx...!


In light of yesterday,  i'm going to purge myself of some family and many friends, i'm just not very trusting anymore.  Sorry folks that knife blade went in deep and twirled like spaghetti.   It's this or delete/  So, for some of you... goodbye.

I must admit as a youth I was a huge baseball fan.  Baseball, to me, will always be the great equalizer of childhood sports.  There's a place for each childtype.  From the large power athlete.  The rangey lanky kid.  The pudgey kid and everything in between.  But, that's kids...

Professional athletics is a Multi-Million dollar business and so the question of chemical enhancement and its use has arisen.   Before we attempt to denounce it consider this.  Michelangelo was a drunk.  Bob Dylan, very obvious as well as bands like Dave Matthews.  Hell what's Viagra if not a performance enhancing drug?   And, while wives still might not pay their husbands millions for using it, how many men who need Viagra wouldn't want to reward its makers millions?

The point is. we accept performance enhancement in all the asthetics around us, everyday.  What is sports, if not physical asthetics?

So, do you want to pay to see bunts or home runs?

Just asking...



Alot is being said now about the Obama administration's leftist leanings and the country slipping towards socialism.  As an actual socialist and a member of DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) be assured there is nothing further from the truth.   Socialism is very different than a capitalist state and it is a system which is run by and elevates one thing... LABOR.   State owned and state controlled businesses and banks are not part of the a socialist movement unless the government was made over and controlled by laborers, I'm not simplly speaking about party affliation.

GM being bought out by the government and run by the government is state enforced Capitalism, not socialism.  The fact is GM and many other indutries have and continue to receive a great degree of corporate welfare... this is nothing new.  The main difference in this situation was that government not onlt supplied funds and loopholes, this time the government wanted a say in the decision making.  I would hope all of us who pay into this system realize that's not the worst thing.

Fact is there have been few attempts to install a socialist system because of the complexities and interdependancies that such a system would require, again not state owned; but, worker owned economy.  This is very hard to even conceive of because we live in a system so radically different.  Ask a Christain to describe heaven or tell a blind person what the color blue is... not an easy task because there are no reference points.

There is no need to fear socialists as the right wing talk show hosts demonize us.   Yes, socialism would rely more heavily on taxes; but, socialist pride themselves on fiscal responsiblity and transparent uses of money... therefore pet projects and corporate welfare would be eliminated.

I don't want to belabour this point for too long in any one entry.  I touch on it again from time to time and I will try to post to this blog daily.



Not really a rant but an update.

Went to the orthepedic Dr. yesterday and I don't have any tears in my shoulder.  Bone spurs and inflamation, but no tears. This means no need to go on disability!!!!  Which is great because being a commissioned sales person gets little disability.  The bad news is, eventually, after rehab is done, i'll be on fubar a lot less...

I'll still be on but not as much.  As with anything though, there's an upside... I'll be able to afford blings and such for my friends...!!!!


Wow, I haven't posted on this one in a while.  This is really a rant, it's more of a life observation.

Today, while I was at the pain management Dr. they sent me for an MRI.  When i got to the imaging area, they told me to empty my pockets and as i did that's when I began to observe.  

It wasn't so much what was in my pockets but what wasn't.  I remember as a small child, if you asked me to empty out my pockets any number of random things would be in my pockets but there'd be 1 guarenteed item, Bazooka Bubble gum.  Sometimes coins, maybe worms, caps for my toy gun, a note, rocks, boy kinda stuff.   But no matter what else, even in my church clothes, Bazooka Bubble gum was a mainstay.  As an older child the mainstay became a pocket knife and base ball cards.  As a teen trying to look "COOL" it was cigarettes and matches, the pack was empty until i was 16.  In my 20's it became a wallet and a roach clip or two, and i always had a pen or two with me as I always carried a notebook which contained my musings.   When fatherhood took a stonger hold it was keys, a wallet and a laminated card that had every conceivable number I might need to call for my children.  I had to carry a thick ring of keys for work(supervisor at a children's detention center).  When I became the high powered sales manager, over the top, type A guy, I carried no wallet,.  I had a money clip (show off), an expensive pen, cell phone, glued to me, and a paper 'sleeve' with id and CC cards.  Now I've scaled myself back.  When I emptied my pockets today, it was rather nice, an older well worn wallet (was my dad's, he's now passed), and my car keys.  I loved the reminiscing internally and then wondered 'what will I carry next?'.

Now that the caucusses in Iowa are past, we my friends are in the beginning of what is sure to be the Shitstorm of '08. New Hampshire, one of the most conservative states in the union plays host today of thefirst primary. The fear? While true aficianados of american politics no longer place much faith in the substance of the caucusses, Huckabee's win there means republican hopefuls must give a greater ear to, and therfore voice to, ultra-right wing christians. Prior to Huckabee's surge, Romney and McCain were battling it out for the party's more centrist voters but their losses means both now will have to pander to the far right to regain their positions as front runners. Huckabee will most certainly fade from the front long before the party's nominating convention; but, his victory in Iowa will make an indellible mark upon the overall election. The longer Huckabee hangs on, the more power the dogmatic christian 'taliban' will have in determining the repuplican platform for the general election. As if this weren't scary enough, the democrats are in total disarray. I'm not a Barak basher. I just don't believe he can win. I don't lack faith in him, just us. Hillary is now vacillating between Attila the huness and sentimental talk show host guest. Who else is running? Oh that's right Edwards. Johnny boy proved to be a stumpcecutioner in '04 but; can't seem to generate much excitement this time round. This leaves the door openb for yet another republican victory (probably McCain) and a candidate beholden to religious extremists. McCain's scary. Freindly fascism is still fascism. He's no freind to civil rights, don't be expecting him to roll back the patriot act any time soon and he's more vocally hawkish than most about Iraq. So folks before it becomes a capital crime, blaze a doob, pour some tequilla, and hang on to your ass. 2008 is upon us. A successor to Herr georgie must be chosen and his american 'taliban' ain't going down without a fight!

A Real Solution

What you are about toread may seem rather strange or absurd to you, but I offer this not as humor or pure satire I offer this as a real and viable solution to this war and any other military action that america may ever find itself embroiled with in nthe future so before you reject the idea off handedly, please take a day or two to actually injest it mentally and I believe it will make total sense and please leave me feedback positive or otherwise. Over the recent holiday I hoped to take a mental break from all things political but given the fact that my family and friends know I am strongly opinionated I was given no reprieve. Now bear in mind my family is not narrowly defined politically as we were all raised to gather information and form our own opinions and I tend to be friends with similar people. So while we may not agree, in fact we often clash, our opinions are well thought out and are defended, for the most part, quite intelligently. My younger brother raised the question of the draft. Being a fairly staunch Democrat, his concern is that the republicans will dump the '08 election into the dems laps, leaving Iraq as their problem and many believe that a draft may be inevitable. This would then make the dems look like bigger hawks than bush because the draft itself is such a firebrand issue. My solution is similar but different. First off F the draft but yet embrace it. Here's the plan in its entirety. EVERYONE ages 15-60 is responsible for 6 yrs mandatory military service. Yes both male and female sick, lame, retarded, rich, poor, married, parents, single parents, doesn't matter; no deferrals, no national guarding it. No nothing. 6yrs active, not at home, you're abroad, your ass is in danger service. How do we solve the current problm? Easy. EVERYONE in this country between the ages of 40 and 45 yrs. old, pack your bags you're going to basic training and then you're going to Iraq! Hey we're the ones who brought bush back for round 2 so let's support it. After them, the 55-60 yr olds, that ought to change the gray panthers minds about whether this war is a good idea or not and a lot of congress members and senator might rethink things if they were suddenly being shipped out. And then, before we start taking the real youngsters let's ship the 26-35 yr olds. These are the really agressive corporate want to climb the ladder types who love to wave the flag and cheer on the deaths of the slightly younger, typically much more economicly disadvantaged soldiers who are currently fighting a war they were far too cowardly to volunteer for. How this helps? Think about it. How willing would you be to support a war you had to fight whether you wanted to or not? I believe most military conflict would be avoided because everyone would either know the horrors of combat first hand or would be facing it if it were to happen.

Boxed Cake Rebelion

Prior to the days of mass marketing, a cake was a truly special dessert/treat saved only for the weekends or special occasions. The reason for this is because making a cake from scratch is no easy process. It is time and labor intensive and can easily be ruined by a number of simple mistakes. Well in the 1950's along came the box cake. It made cake making easy enough for anyone to do any day of the week, and now, you can make a cake after work and still have time to serve it for dessert. In sociological terms this was the beginning of the detstuction of American society. This marks the beginning of the "expertizing" phase that has turned us into drones. Have prblems with your kids - go to a counselor, need an oil change - go to jiffy lube, need an opinion - watch the news. Big brother, and I don't necessarily mean the government persay, but the corporate controlled government/culture, has eroded away nearly every facet of our lives that we once controlled ourselves. They do it in the name of goodwill, don't whack your kid, that's abuse. They do it in the name of speed. Save time - hell most time saving services cost more money and just what will you do with this extra time? Go Spend More Money!!!!!!!! The last and preahps the most insiduos "expertising" is the prepackaging of rebellion that the corporate world has presented to our youth and we have fed it to them since their childhood. The selling out of the 60's counter-culture to the corporate-culture left the late boomers and the early x-ers cold. We turned to music like punk rock, and the sex pistols, the pogues ans the ramoans replaced the 60's hipppie/psychodelic music. But punk was ugly and raw and its message was anger and lashing out. Having no means to advertise to us the corporate world left us alone, instaed it went after our ypunger siblings and now it has gone after our children and we are the blame. Anarchy symbols now grace the cover of note books, terms like commercial punk grace the air waves and it's all become meaningless drivel. How can a band call itself 'rage against the machine' and yet charge you corporate prices for their cds/dvds/videos, they may as well be Barney, they deliver the same message. This is not a white/black or rich/poor issue. Early rap was all political now it's all corporate sponsered drama as real as a soap opera. Face it, the only way to resist is to stop buying. Stop believing in the myths they market. I'm not saying not to enjoy music or games. What I'm saying is Wake up!!!! You're not a rebel cause your pre-screened t-shirt says so, you're not ghetto if you make 30,000 a year. If your trying to climb the corporate ladder and drive a very expensive car your not underground, even if you'rer hat is sideways. Grow up, wake up, resist. DP
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